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Approved For Release 2006/08/08_C~A-,Sp 7R0132 0040010-4 AGE GOPY DO NOT CIRCULATE 7 CENTRAL INTELLIGENCE AGENCY CLASSIFICATION SECR.. TICONTPOL - U:. S, OFFICIALS OMJY SECURITY INFORMATION INFORMATION REPORT REPORT NO. CD NO. COUNTRY Hungary SUBJECT Shipbuilding and Repair Yards DATE OF 5X1INFO. 5XIPLACE ACQUIRED THIS DOCUMENT CONTAINS INFORMATION AFFECTING THE NATIONAL DEFENSE OF THE UNITED STATES, WITHIN THE MEANING OF TITLE 18, SECTIONS 793 AND 794 OF THE U.S. CODE, AS AMENDED. ITS TRANSMISSION OR REVE- LATION OF ITS CONTENTS TO OR RECEIPT BY AN UNAUTHORISED PERSON IS PROHIBITED BY LAW.THE REPRODUCTION OF THIS FORM IS PROHIBITED. 1.. The Obuda Shipyard, DATE DISTR. 1 August 1952 NO. OF PAGES NO. OF ENCLS. (LISTED BELOW) SUPPLEMENT TO REPORT NO, THIS IS UNEVALUATED INFORMATION a. Location and ownership: This shipyard, described as the second largest .tu Hungary, is situated at Budapest - 6buda in the southern part of the T'ajOgyari*szi:get (in the Shipyard. Island). It is under Soviet direction and works exclusively according to Soviet plans and blue prints. The yard has been modernized and employs 2,300 workers. b Craft under construction.: 1) Shallow-draft river tug with 600 HP, compound steam engines. For the USSR. Building rate: 2 craft every 4 months.. 4 2) River and sea-going ships. Diesel engines. A loading capacity of 800 tons.. Building rate: 3 ships per year, but when the new assembly shed is completed, the rate will be doubled. 3) Barges for rivers and coastal waters designed. for a variety of freight. Loading capacity which was previously 1,000 tons is now 6-800 tons. Building rate: one barge every six weeks. The Russians use these craft partly for the Danube and partly for their own inland waterways . 2. The Ganz Sbi33.p ar, d , a. Location and ownership: The yard is situated at Meder Utca 9, on the ii'.pest->Gu_lf,. Budapest XIII, and there is anothe:#~ plant belonging to it about 1 kma. to the southeast at Teve utca 12. Both are owned by the :iu:ggarian National State Enterprise, The shipyard is the largest in l ngary apd has been developed considerably since 1950. Over 4,000 workers are employed. CLASSIFICATION SE0'nT/C0NTTftoL - U.S. 0H'ICIAIIS ONLY I STATE X NAVY ARMY ]; AIR NSRB FBI Approved For Release 2006/08/08 : CIA-RDP82-00457RO13200040010-4 Approved For Release 2006/08/08 : CIA-RDP82-00457RO13200040010-4 SECRET/CONTROL - U. S. OFFICIALS ONLY b. Craft under construction 1) River and sea-going craft fitted with 800 HP '"Ganz-Jendrasik" engines. Loading capacity is 1 ylOO tons. ;Building rate one ship every 2-3 months,. although there is capacity, if necessary,, for two ships to be built simmiltaneously. 3) Floating cranes: These, cranes are mounted on tracks and have a lifting capacity of up to 100 tons. The latter were constructed for bridge-building and repair work on the Danube Other movable era-nee have a. lifting capacity of 3-10 tons Special orders for bridge components. Components for twe bridges on the Raa River are at present under construction. 4) Ships' boilers 5) Metal scaffolding. 6) Gear-wheel housings:. c. Destination of products. All sea-going craft are delivered to the USSR and 98% of its other production as well. The latter is r*garded as reparations. The Meszha:r.'t Shig Repair Yard. It is situated opposite the Ganz Shipyard, on Nepsziget, People's Island, Budapest X1:::I: The USSR. has a 52% share in the enterprise, the remainder is Hungarian state--owned. 65% of its capacity is concerned with ship repairs and the rest with the construction of armed motor patrol` boats. Work is said to be carried out in conjunction with the Ganz Shipyard, The repair y-ard,which has about 250 employees, is equipped with one floating repair shop and another is under construction. Repairs can be undertaken on any type or craft and three ships can be handled simultaneously. There are special arrangements for raising sunken ships. This yard is still called Meszbart U'a jfmmhely. other. Shipyards. The following small yards are known% as Balatoni Hajbzasi Aiiami. Vallalat, the Balaton Shipping National Concern, at Balatonfilred on Lake Balaton. Kiefer National Shipyard Co., with one yard at Visegrad and another at Baja, an Pandur Island. Si6pusztaihaj8 Telep. Situated in Si6fok where the Sib River runs into Lake Balaton.. SECRET/CONTROL - U.S. WFICIALS ONLY. Approved For Release 2006/08/08 : CIA-RDP82-00457RO13200040010-4