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Approved For Release 2006/09/25 : CIA-RDP72B00464100600010004-5 1.0 PURPOSE STAT OCT 816$ ACCEPTANCE TEST! INSPECTION PROCEDURES SYSTEM "C" STAT Successful completion of the tests in this procedure will provide the basis for acceptance of System C by the customer. The performance of System C as a system, and compatibility between System C and the customer furnished teletypewriter equipment will be demonstrated. The transmit and operational configuration of System C will be shown. 2.0 REFERENCE INFORMATION The drawings, manuals and other documentation listed in the following paragraphs should be available during performance of these tests. 2.1 Drawings a. Schematic, Audio Control Panel b. Schematic, Connector Panel, System C c. Power Wiring, System C d. Outline Drawing, Equipment Cabinet e. Outline Drawing, Auxiliary Transit Case 2.2 Manuals a. 718U-4 hf Transceiver b. 490B-4 hf Antenna coupler c. 514A-4 hf Control Head d. System C System Manual e. DRC40-60A dc Power Supply f. 1 kHz Oscillator g. RA6217A hf Receiver h. FSK Demodulator Model 1200 i. Frequency Shift Tone Keyer, Type 211 j. Dual Frequency Shift Tone Keyer Shelf, Type 244 k. Power Supply, Type 251 REVISION 4.ronown 014- 56 40- 300 STAT Approved For Release 2006/09/25 : CIA-RDP72B00464R900600010004-5 2.3 Other Documentation a. "Design Plan, Transportable Communications Terminals" b. ON'AIR Test Plan (See 5.3). c. Teletypewriter equipment information as required. GFE GFE 3.0 EQUIPMENT REQUIRED 3.1 Test Equipment Item Description Quantity a. VOM, Triplett 630 or equivalent 1 b. VTVM, *HP 400D 1 c. Transformer, HP1105A 3 d. Frequency Counter, HP5245L 1 e. 28vdc Power Supply KEPCO. RS60-5M 1 f. Hf Dummy Load, 50 ohm,lkw, BIRD 694 1 g. Rf Wattmeter, BIRD 43 1 h. Hf Insert lor rf Wattmeter, BIRD 500H 1 i. Rf Signal Generator, HP606B (for hf) 1 j. Rf Attenuator, 120db, HP355D 1 k. Test leads, connectors, cable, As required resistors *HP = Hewlett Packard 3.2 GFE Equipment Required a. Teletypewriter Equipment b. CW Key c. Headsets 4.0 INITIAL CONDITIONS 4.1 Environmental 4.1.1 OFF-AIR Tests: Normal laboratory ambient 4.1.2 ON-AIR Tests: Normal laboratory ambient, and existing outside ambient. 4.2 Power: Normal building 208vac, 60Hz 4.3 Equipment a. All System C equipment installed and/or packaged for transit in Equipment Cabinet and/or Auxiliary Transit Case. REVISION -Sp ??-? - I II:7 111" Ate STAT STAT NO. 000-4152-000 - ? - A5. A NI I IIIA OF 1 R 074.56 40.300 Approved For Re 5.0 TEST PROCEDURE ease 2006/09/25 : CIA-RDP726004E STAT 49(0y:1600010004-5 Switch and control positions, cable and equipment connections should remain as stated until procedure directs a change. 5.1 Set-Up 5.1.1 Remove front and rear covers of Equipment Cabinet. Examine Equipment Cabinet for location, accessibility, appearance, secureness of equipment. 5.1.2 Remove cover from Auxiliary Transit Case. Examine location, accessibility, appearance, secureness of equip- ment and cables. 5.1.3 Check building primary ac voltage. 5.2 OFF-AIR Tests 5.2.1 Audio Control Panel Test REVISION Connect the equipment as shown in Figure 6-1. DO NOT connect the AC power cable or turn the external 28vdc power supply on initially. Select OSC1(S-2.), OFF (S-1), both SPKR GAIN maximum CCW (lowest volume) on the Audio Control Panel. Make certain that CB-1 and CB-2 on the connector panel are OFF. Connect the external 28vdc power supply (KEPCO KS60-5M) to TB-2 on the Audio Control Panel (ACP) as shown. Turn on the supply and adjust to 28vdc. Switch Si on the ACP to CW and depress the CW Key. Read the VTVM and the frequency counter. Release the CW Key, read the VTVM and the frequency counter. Select OSC2 at S2, depress the CW Key and read the VTVM and the frequency counter. Release the CW Key, read the VTVM and the frequency counter. Remove the VTVM from J8. With a patch cord connect J8 to J19. Depress CW Key, check for tone in Speaker #1. NO. 000-4152-000 Aeprovpd For Rtleav 20g610925 : &IA-14UP fitill4b40gpirtif?10004-5 3 OF 18 074- 56 40 - 300 STAT Approved For Release 2006/09/25 : CIA-RDP72B00464F000600010-004- Check operation of Speaker #1 circuit by varying SPKR GAIN control. Adjust for comfortable level. Connect headset to J-25 headset jack, check for speaker muting. Check operation of headset circuit by varying SPKR GAIN control. Release CW Key, check for tone in headset. Remove the patch cord from J19 and connect to 320. Depress CW Key, check for tone in Speaker #2. Check operation of Speaker #2 circuit by vary- ing SPKR GAIN control. Adjust for comfortable level. Connect headset to 3-26 headset jack, check for speaker muting. Check operation of headset circuit by varying SPKR GAIN control. Release CW Key, check for tone in headset. Remove the headset and patch cord. Patch in a VOM, set to 10X1000 to J13 on the ACP. Read the VOM. Select switch S1 to FSK. Read the VOM. Select switch Si to OFF. Read the VOM. Remove VOM patch from 313. Connect a jumper on the terminal boards of the ACP from TB2-2 to TB1-10A. READY light should be lighted. Remove jumper. Connect a jumper from TB2-2 to TB1-10B. FAULT light should be lighted. Remove jumper. Disconnect coupler control cable at the antenna coupler end. Jumper pin C to D. READY light should light. Remove jumper. At the coupler end of the cable jumper pins J to D. FAULT light should light. Remove jumper. Reconnect coupler control cable. NO, 000-4152-000 REVISION ARprovffld Fer !Neese I IT. s ? f? I IrA . A I 0 111:10 IIIA OF 18 074- 56 40 - 300 Approved For Release 2006/09/25 : CIA-RDP72B00464=0600010004-5 REVISION STAT Remove the external 28v power supply. Remove the 718U-4 equipments from the radio shelf. Make the following switch selections at the Connector Panel of the Equipment Cabinet: CB1 - OFF CB2 - OFF Si - OFF Connect the ac primary power. Select Si to ON. Check the secondary voltage of T-1 at TB-2 pins 1 and 3. Remove the contact keying strap on the Northern 244 FSK Keyer Shelf. Turn power S-1 to ON. Select the following conditions on the Model 1200 demodulators: Power: ON All other controls to "Home-Base" or Red Position Switch the Sorensen DCR40-60A power supply ON. Adjust the output voltage to 28 * lvdc. Switch CB-2 ON. Check voltage at the ACP TB2-1(+) and TB2-2(-) with VOM on 60 vdc scale. Switch CB1 to ON. Check voltage at equipment shelf connector J3-17(+) and J3-13(-) with VOM on 60vdc scale. Switch CB1 to OFF. Patch the VTVM and the frequency counter into J2 on the ACP. Read the VTVM. Read the frequency counter. ("Space" output) On the 244 Keyer Shelf at terminal board E-1 jumper terminal 1 to terminal 3. Read the VTVM. Read the frequency counter. ("Mark" output) Remove the VTVM and frequency counter from J2. With a patch cord connect J2 to J15. DS2 (MARK INDICATOR) on Demodulator No. 1 should light. Remove the jumper on E-1. DS2 should extinguish and DS1 (SPACE INDICATOR) should light. Remove patch cord from J2 to J15. Patch the VTVM and frequency counter in J6 on the ACP. Read the VTVM. Read the frequency counter. (Space output). NO. 000-4152-000 ArtprovAd Fer Reteast20q/09425 : 61A-IVP73130V64lic Nfpgcii OF 18 074-5840-300 --------Approved-Fer-Releerse NO. 2006/09/25 : CIA-RDP72B00464R000C00010004-5 STAT On the 244 Keyer Shelf, terminal board E-1, jumper terminals 4 to 6. Read the VTVM. Read the frequency counter. (Mark output.) Remove the VTVM and frequency counter from J6. With a patch cord, connect J6 to J18. DS2 (MARK INDICATOR) on Demodulator No. 2 should light. Remove the jumper on E-1. DS2 should extinguish and DS1 (SPACE INDICATOR) should light. Remove patch cord from J6 to JUL Select AGC-LG and DET-B.F.O. MODE-SSB-1.5 on the RA6217A hf receiver. (See chapter 3, section 12 of the RA6217A Instruction Manual.) Tune to 12.000 MHz. Patch VTVM across a 600 ohm resistor into J3 on the ACP. Connect the rf oscillator (HP606B) and frequency counter to the antenna end of rf cable which is connected to J3 on the ? Connector Panel. (See Fig. 6-1.) Adjust rf oscillator (HP60611) to 12.002975 MHz (receiver frequency plus fsk "mark" frequency) at 50 uv. Read the VTVM. Remove the VTVM from J3. DS2 (MARK INDICATOR) on Demodulator No. 1 should light. Patch VTVM into J3. Adjust rf oscillator to 12.002125 MHz (receiver frequency plus fsk "space" frequency at 50 uv. Read the VTVM. Remove the VTVM from J3. DS1 (SPACE INDICATOR) on Demodulator No. 1 should light. ?2.1;43 Remove the test equipment from the receive coax cable. Terminate the cable with the 75 ohm termination. 5.2.2 HF Tests Disconnect all test equipment. Turn OFF the RA6217A. MAKE CERTAIN CB-1 IS OFF. Reinstall 718U-4 equipment. Dis- connect the hf antenna lead from the front of the 490T-2 coupler. Connect the hf dummy load coax center conductor to the front of the 490T-2 coupler, connect the shield (pig tail) to one of the mounting screws ground rf output. Switch CB-1 to ON. On the 514A-4 control unit select USB and 18.0 MHz. Check that the 718U-4 equipment tunes and that the READY light on the ACU operates properly. (No light while radio is tuning. READY light ON after tune complete.) Also, note that both FAULT lights are not lighted. N0: 000-4152-000 REVISIO oveg For?eIse20065b9/2g : c&-RiSp7261000140606cieyltigfiTS 6 OF 18 074- 66 40-300 Approved For Relea se 2006/09/25 : CIA-RDP726004 REVISION STAT 6414610600010004-5 Patch the CW Key into 39. Press the CW Key and read the forward power at the rf wattmeter. Read the hf dummy load wattmeter. Release the CW Key. Select a frequency of MHz at the 514A-4. Repeat Select a frequency of 29.0000 MHz at the 514A-4. Repeat ? Select a frequency of 12.0000 MHz at the 514A-4. Repeat Select OFF at the 514A-4. Repeat Select USB at the 514A-4. (Radio should retune - note READY light operation). Remove CW Key from J9. Patch 38 to 314 and J3 to 319. Connect the rf attenuator, with full attenuation inserted, in the receive coax cable as shown in Figure 6-2. Route the terminated receive coax near the dummy load. Turn ON and adjust the RA6217A hf receiver to 12.0000 MHz. Patch the CW Key into J21 on the ACU patch panel and select CW on Si. Depress the CW Key, adjust external rf attenuator, SPKR GAIN control, the receiver rf gain, af gain, and rf attenuator, and the receiver coax loca- tion for an acceptable CW tone in Speaker No. 1. Release CW Key and Select Si on the ACU to OFF. Remove the CW Key from 321 and connect to 39. Depress the CW Key and again check for an acceptable CW tone in Speaker No. 1. Release the CW Key and remove it from the patch field. Remove the patch cord from 318 to J14. Select FSK on Si. Check for FSK "Space" tone in Speaker No. 1. Select Si to OFF. Connect a jumper at the Connector Panel TB-3 terminal 1 to terminal 2. Select Si to FSK. Check NO. 000-4152-000 Atprovivd1-orRteas620t6/1fft-ZO:6,1A-TADP7.11309(464t0M9.10004-5 7 OF 18 074- 5640- 300 Approved For Release 2006/09/25 : CIA-RDP726004 MR9.0600010004-5 for the FSK "Mark" tone in Speaker No. 1. Return S2 to OFF. Remove jumper on TB-3 and the patch cord from J3 to J19. Turn off the FSK tone keyers. Restore the contact keying strap removed in Connect the GFE full duplex teletypewriter and loop power supplies to TB-3 on the connector panel. Note: 20 ma, neutral "negative" current keying (square wave) will be used. Connect the common (positive) side of the keying battery supply to TB3-2 or TB3-4. Connect the keyed "High" (negative) side of the keying loop (through adequate external protective resistance) to TB3-1 or TB3-3. Turn power ON to the 244 Keyer Shelf. Turn on the GFE teletypewriter units and loop power supplies. Set the current for 20 ma ? 2 in each loop. Operate the TTY in the full duplex mode and check for receipt of message through FSK Keyer, hf transmitter, hf receiver and FSK Demodulator. Patch J6 to J14 and J3 to J18 at the ACP jack field'. Repeat Disconnect all test equipment. Switch CB-1, CB-2 and S-1 on the Connector Panel to OFF. 5.3 ON-AIR Tests a. The ON-AIR tests will be performed after successful completions of all of the above tests. REVISION c. Far end terminals will be provided by the customer. d. Operation and maintenance personnel for the GFE tele- typewriter, FSK, and security equipment, will be provided by the customer. e. Operating frequencies will be furnished by the customer. pruv1 Fu?elase00109/25 ? cd liv 2.13 V R2 NO. 000-4152-000 DR52+00?10 OF 18 074-56 40-300 Approved For Release 2006/09/25 : CIA-RDP72B00464151030600010004-5 f. Length and type of tests will be determined by the customer. g. Equipment will be connected as shown on Figure 6-3 for ON-AIR tests. NO. 000-4152-000 REVISION AperOVACI Rig Reteast200E/09/0 : qA-Rop72,p00g6499 3SIAR01000$-5 OF 25 074- 50 40 - 300 STAT Approved For Release 2006/09/25 : CIA-RDP72600 6.0 FIGURES 464ReQ0600010004-5 This section contains system and equipment configuration Figures 6-1, 6-2 and 6-3. NO. 000-4152-000 REVISION ?is ?1a? A se:Is? eirA -ow till, OF 18 074-150 40-300 STAT Approved For Rele HP 400D 400D VTVM CW KEY ase 2006/09/25 : CIA-RDP72B00464M000600010004-5 HP 5245L FREQ . COUNTER * REVISION HP 11005A XFMR ? EQUIPMENT >0 J21 Js TB2 2 (+)29V CABINET AUDIO CONTROL PANEL J3 J1 J2 HP HP .54451- 606 FRE q RF- osc C. Ocarli al? ( DO N or CON tat 7- min/ILLY) VA. RF CABLE rt.3 ID Di 3--411 RF CAGLE 1:13 Ji CoNTAVa CABAZ 490T-2 [ COUPLER BIRD 694 DUMMY LOAD 490B-4 J6 (DO NOT AC POWER CABLE CONNECT INITIALLY) KEPCO KS605M DC POWER SUPPLY FIGURE 6-1 4 GROUND CABLE CONNECT TO BUILDING GROUND NO. 000-4152-000 Affrontri-cil ReaseD2170t/09/i5 .LdA-RgPrzywukb4iyugncepoo-4.5- 1. OF 18 074-66 40-300 CO .CONNECT TO BUILD I Nq, GROUND GROUND CABLE CONNECT > 06 TO AC AC POWER POWER CABLE EQUIPMENT CABINET J1 ] J3 RP CAOILL CONTROL CA01.2 120db HP 355D RF ATTENUATOR 3 C ji 490T-2 COUPLER BIRD 694 DUMMY LOAD RP CA al.: 75SL ?Gs er NMI% 0 CD 0- 0 0 0 0 CD th 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 00E ? OV 9% -4 LO E - 9 Hunoia 00 CONNECT TO. BUILDING GROUND GROUND CABLE CoNnircr TO hc, PuiR AC POWER CABLE EQUIPMENT CABINET [J61 2 5 6 J1 J2 J3 TB-3 00P TTY SEND EQUIPMENT 2 Otwa. LOOP TTY RCV EQUIPMENT 3 RP ciao:, coNrwee.CAGLt CPIete AS2047 HF WHIP ANTENNA J3 490B-4 COUPLER ASSEMBLY J1 AS2046 HF WHIP ANTENNA 9170001.00090M STAT Approved For Release 2006/09/25 : CIA-RDP72B00464IFIQ90600010004-5 7.0 TEST DATA Paragraphs in this section are numbered the same as the tests to be performed in Section 5.0, except for the first digit. In other words 7.1.1 is the test data in paragraph 5.1.1. 7.1 Set-Up Data 7.1.1 Equipment location, etc. OK 7.1.2 Equipment/cable location, etc. OK 7.1.3 Building primary voltage vac 7.2 OFF-AIR Tests 7.2.1 Audio Control Panel Test Equipment connected, switch OK selections made. Power supply adjusted OK Limits 208vac-10% Check CW OSC-1 kHz lkHz-107. dbm Reference Tone with key released kHz 0 dbm 0 Check CW OSC-2 kHz lkHz-10% dbm Reference Tone with Key released kHz 0 dbm 0 Tone at Speaker No. 1 OK Speaker No. 1 circuit OK operation Speaker Muting OK Headset circuit operation OK Tone absence with release OK of CW Key Tone at Speaker No. 2 OK NO. 000-4152-000 REVISION Aeproypd For R4deasi9 20%6/09105 :(FIA-IADP7j2B0IR464tOgpfeL9c1100y4-5 F 18 074-1S6 40- no STAT Approved For Release 2006/09/25 : CIA-RDP72B0046414100600010004-5 Data OK OK OK Limits Speaker No. 2 circuit operation Speaker Muting Headset circuit oper- ation Tone absence with release OK of CW Key VOM (CW Keyline) ohms 0 ohms 7.2.1.? 18 VOM (FSK Keyline) ohms 0 ohms VOM (OFF) ohms Open READY light lighted OK FAULT light lighted OK READY light lighted OK 7.2.1;23 FAULT light lighted OK Equipment connected OK Switch selections made Step-down voltage vac 104vac-107. Remove strap OK Switch selections made Power supply voltage vdc 28-lvdc Voltage at the ACP vdc 28?1vdc Voltage at Equipment Shelf vdc 28-lvdc FSK No. I Space Tone Hz 2125 Hz Reference dbm FSK No. 1 Mark Tone Hz 2975 Hz Reference dbm MARK INDICATOR light OK NO. 000-4152-000 REVISION Aparoviml F ReteasEb200E/09/-05 : qA-1VP72p00A64Ft9 vnteif ooqi-5 OF 18 074- VS 40-300 NO. :-Pdapfeve4+er-Release-2006409/25 : CIA-RDP72B00464Ree06006+0004-5 SPACE INDICATOR light FSK No. 2 Space tone FSK No. 2 Mark tone MARK INDICATOR lights SPACE INDICATOR lights Tune hf receiver Connect test equipment Receiver output - VTVM MARK INDICATOR lights Receiver output VTVM SPACE INDICATOR lights Equipment disconnected 7.2.2 HF Tests Equipment Connected REVISIOK PP 074- SG 40- 300 READY light operates FAULT light off Rf wattmeter Dummy load wattmeter Rf wattmeter Dummy. load wattmeter Rf wattmeter Dummy load wattmeter Rf wattmeter Dummy load wattmeter Rf wattmeter Dummy load wattmeter READY light operates FAULT light off Equipment connected OK Hz dbm Hz dbm OK OK OK STAT 2125 Hz Reference 2975 Hz Reference dbm Reference OK dbm Reference OK OK OK OK OK watts NLT 200w watts Reference watts NLT 200w watts Reference watts NLT 200w watts Reference watts NLT 200w watts Reference watts 0 watts watts 0 watts OK OK OK elPForkelegse f006M9/2f: CILRISb72604014R0150606 NO. 000-4152-000 qttrnu 16 OF 18 Approved For Release 2006/09/25 : CIA-RDP72B00464100600010004-5 REVISION STAT Data Limits Receiver adjusted OK CW tone in Speaker OK CW tone in Speaker OK FSK Space tone in Speaker OK FSK Mark tone in Speaker OK TTY Equipment Connected OK Loop current check Send side ma 20ma?2ma Receive side ma 20ma?2ma Good copy no errors OK FSK No. 1 Good copy no errors OK FSK No. 2 Equipment disconnected OK ? ?T-s ? NO. 000-4152-000 I?? ??? SHEET OF 17 18 074-56 40- 300 REMARKS NO. 6/09/25 : CIA-RDP72600464R000 00010004 5 STAT NO. 000-4152-000 tiove9ForlRelelase 1006/:69/2g : C&-RISP721k04(14R0606019 likAT6 18 OF 18 REVISIOqpp 074- 143 40- 300 Approved For Release 2006/09/25 : CIA-RDP721300464R000600010004-5 INTRODUCTION is pleased to present this proposal for three transportable communication terminals. The scope of work defined in this proposal reflects the operational and technical decisions agreed to at the program meeting held 5 June 1969. R/1-7Qf c/ A c 6-7 e/119.0 C,(4 /u\ .as r /3 Approved For Release 2006/09/25 : CIA-RDP72600464R000600010004-5 STAT Approved For Release 2006/09/25 : CIA-RDP72600464R000600010004-5 ? SECTION 1. SCOPE This proposal establishes the requirements for performance, design, and test of functional grouping of equipments identified as the air- to-ground station terminal and the point-to-point station terminal. The air-to-ground (A/C) terminal provides a means to accomplish air-ground voice communications by UHF and HF transmission. Two iden- tical terminals are provided. The point-to-point (PIP) terminal provides a means to accomplish point-to-point CW and FSK communications by HF transmission. One terminal is provided. SECTION 2. APPLICABLE DOCUMENTS Not applicable SECTION 3. REQUIREMENTS 3.1 PERFORMANCE The major mission of the air-to-ground and point-to-point terminals will be to provide the designated communications. To support this mission, a high degree of transportability is required and the system design considers the reoccurring deployment, setup, operation and storage requirements. 3.1.1 FUNCTIONAL CHARACTERISTICS a Air-To-Ground Terminal (A/C) 1. The A/G terminal provides air-to-ground voice communications in the 2 to 29.9999 MHz and in the 225 to 399.95 MHz frequency Approved For Release 2006/09/25 : CIA-RDP72B00464R000600010004-5 ApProved For Release 2006/09/25 : CIA-RDP72600464R000600010004-5 regions. The terminal consists of a 400 watt, pep./average hf transceiver and a 10 watt uhf transceiver housed in two transportable containers. 2. The terminal has the following capabilities: (0 One half-duplex voice channel in the 2 to 29.9999 MHz high frequency region. (ii) One half-duplex voice channel in the 225 ?to 399.95 MHz ultra-high frequency region. (iii) Simultaneous modulation on both channels. (iv) Digital data rates on the hf channel up to 2400 bits per second with appropriate modem. 3. A simplified block diagram of the functional system is shown in figure 3-1. Normal operation of the terminal is from the remote control unit (RCU). Full control of the uhf portion of the system is provided by the AN/PRC-66A transceiver. Control of the hf portion is accomplished at the equipment cabinet with remote capability extended to the AF Monitor Terminal. The hf antenna coupler and the uhf linear power amplifier are automatically tuned devices capable of complete remote control. b. Point-To-Point Terminal (PIP) 1. The P/P terminal provides point-to-point communications by CW and fsk (RTTY) in the 2 to 29.9999 MHz high frequency region. The terminal is a 400 wattpep./average transceiver housed in a dual container configuration. 2. The terminal has the following capabilities: (i) One full-duplex CW channel in the 2 to 29.9999 MHz high Approved For Release 2006/09/25 : CIA-RDP721300464R000600010004-5 Approved For Release 2006/09/25 : CIA-RDP72600464R000600010004-5 er) ar' -1 L:1,) -1-17 ?ESL-- I?) x Lu ? tn ved For Release 2006/0?12:?CI ca. BLOCK DIAGRAM G ys rrivl -RDP721300464R000600010004-5 C,RE" -/ -/a - 69 Approved For Release 2006/09/25 : CIA-RDP721300464R000600010004-5 frequency region. (ii) One full-duplex RTTY channel in the 2 to 29.9999 MHz high frequency region. 3. A simplified block diagram of the functional system is shown in figure 3-2. External GFE teletypewriter equipment must be connected to the system before normal operation can take place. With the use of the manual patch facilities, a CW circuit is initially established in a full-duplex configuration. The patch cords are then removed, reconfiguring the system for radio teletypewriter operation. Approved For Release 2006/09/25 : CIA-RDP72600464R000600010004-5 SFIR CONTROL > -0 -s 1000 Hz -0 O CW OSC 1 < Cksc. CD PRI MC K 1 m ? ? UP i IPS a 0 -s es /000liz X a) Osc. c7 Cl) CD C W 18 LRAM() KEyi cli 014 jn.A..E.). o CD i i -r? r..) c.ri 0 1:1 -4 CO eitu.N 7:11 r? N. Ws.. ? cr, 01-1 cs< ? N 44-4 a) ? 3 > SPKR AUDIO CONTROL Pic}ME1- TT y . KEYER ? TT y co rot; ITY IcE,YER T T Y C.0 -4 718(1-1- HF 7ZMAIS, 4.00' 321 WHIP q490 5 -4. . hvr COUP CO tv rgaL/ pion 2.8V PWR SUP INPUT PwR. C 230 V l . .PtcEiVt-A" . : EARTH 44a . On CD 0 cr) cs) sr.3 0 0 ???1 WIOF CO 0 \/ 4=. 0 81+1 cj r '7 TIE LINES GEE 917000 1.0009000tIt Approved For Release 2006/09/25 : CIA-RDP72600464R000600010004-5 PRIMARY PERFORMANCE CHARACTERISTICS a. The air/ground terminal consists of two transportable packages containing the following items. Item No. Quantity Description 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 1 1 1 1 1 EQUIPMENT CABINET 671U-4A hf transceiver 548T-1 power amplifier 636X-2 power supply 499R-13 equipment shelf DCR40-60A dc power supply 6. 1 Radio control panel (714E-6 mod) 7. 1 Remote control unit 8. 1 AN/PRC-66A UHF transceiver 9. 1 Microphone (ptt) w/stand, cable and connector 10. 1 50 ft. length of 3 conductor power cable 11. 1 50 ft. length of grounding cable w/rod AUXILIARY EQUIPMENT CASE 12. 1 490B-4 antenna coupler 13. 1 943B-1 power amplifier 14. 1 AS-2047/TRC 32 ft.hf whip antenna 15. 1 837D-1 uhf antenna 16. 4 100 ft. length of Superflex coax w/connectors 17. 1 50 ft. length of Superflex coax w/connectors 18. 1 300 ft. length of control/power cable w/connectors 19. 1 50 ft. length of audio/control/power cable w/connectors 20. 1 50 ft. length of audio/control cable w/connectors 21. 1 150 ft. length of control/power cable w/connectors CFE Items - None Approved For Release 2006/09/25 : CIA-RDP72600464R000600010004-5 Approved For Release 2006/09/25 : CIA-RDP72600464R000600010004-5 b. The point-to-point terminal consists of two transportable packages containing the following items. Item No. Quantity Description 1. 2. 3. 1 1 1 EQUIPMENT CABINET 671U-4A hf transceiver 548T-1 power amplifier 636X-2 power supply 4. 1 499R-13 equipment, shelf 5. 1 DCR40-60A dc power supply 6. 1 Audio control panel (714E-6 mod) 7. 2 1000 Hz CW oscillator 8. 1 Voltage step-down transformer 9. 1 50 ft. length of 3 conductor power cable 10. 1 50 ft. length of grounding cable w/rod GFE ITEMS 11. 1 RA-6217 hf receiver 12. 2 F-1200 fsk converter 13. 1 Type 244 dual frequency shift tone keyer shelf (2 ea. 211 tone keyer) 14. 1 CW key w/cable and plug AUXILIARY EQUIPMENT CASE 15. 1 490B-4 antenna coupler 16. 1 AS-2047/TRC 32 ft. hf whip antenna (tx) 17. 1 AS-2046/TRC 32 ft. hf whip antenna (rev) 18. 8 100 ft. length of Superflex coax w/connectors 19. 1 400 ft. length of control/power cable 20. I 8 ft. tie-line cable w/connector. Approved For Release 2006/09/25 : CIA-RDP72600464R000600010004-5 Approved For Release 2006/09/25 : CIA-RDP72600464R000600010004-5 CONTAINER DESIGN a. Equipment Cabinet The equipment cabinet design will utilize the latest techniques in modular packaging. Construction concepts using heavy duty aluminum or sandwich core panels bonded to an extruded aluminum framework provide a rugged, lightweight container. Equipment mounting rails are provided as an integral part of the framework. Space within the cabinet will be utilized to the maximum extended possible for stowage of ancillary items. The front and rear panels are removable for easy access to the equipment. b. Auxiliary Equipment Case The auxiliary equipment case is constructed in a similar manner to the equipment cabinet. Stowage aids and interior partitioning within the case provide a secure, transportable container. c. Weight and Size Refer to Tables 3-1 and 3-2 for a tabulation of the approximate weight and size of the two terminals. Exact dimensions of the containers will not be available until after the cabinet mock- ups have been approved. ? Approved For Release 2006/09/25 : CIA-RDP72600464R000600010004-5 Approved For Release 2006/09/25 : CIA-RDP72600464R000600010004-5 TABLE 3-1 APPROXIMATE WEIGHT AND SIZE OF AIG SYSTEM Equipment Cabinet 290 lbs. Includes: 1. 718U-4 HF Transceiver 38 lbs. 2. Shelf, mounting (718U-4) 12 3. Control Panel 7 4. Drawer, storage 7 5. Remote Control Unit 12 6. Microphone 3 7. PRC-66 UHF Transceiver 10 8. Power Supply 131 9. Power Cable (50') 20 10. Cabinet 50 Transit Case Loaded 280 lbs. Includes: 1. Case, Transit 50 lbs. 2. 490B-4, Antenna Coupler 40 3. Coaxial Cable (450') 72 4. Coupler Control Cable (300') 57 5. UHF Antenna & Case 15 6. Antenna Base & Guys 4 7. Cable Reels 5 8. RCU Control Cable (50') 10 9. Monitor Control Cable (50') 10 10. 943B-1 UHF P. A. 8 11. UHF Control Cable (150') 9 Total System Weight 570 lbs. Equipment Cabinet Total Cubage Height 31 inches Width 22 inches Depth 25 inches Auxiliary Equipment Case Height 18 inches Width 54 inches Depth 25 inches 9.9 cu.ft. 14.0 cu.ft. Approved For Release 2006/09/25 : CIA-RDP72600464R000600010004-5 Approved For Release 2006/09/25 : CIA-RDP721300464R000600010004-5 TABLE 3-2 APPROXIMATE WEIGHT AND SIZE OF P/P SYSTEM Equipment Cabinet 320 lbs. Includes: 1. RA-6217 HF Receiver (GFE) 25 lbs. 2. 718U-4 HF Transceiver 38 3. Shelf, mounting (718U-4) 12 4. Audio Control Panel 20 5. FSK Modem 21 6. CW Key (GFE) 3 7. Power Supply (2) 131 8. Power Cord (50') 20 9. Cabinet 50 Transit Case Loaded 310 lbs. Includes: 1. Case, Transit 50 lbs. 2. 490B-4 Antenna Coupler 40 3. Coaxial Cable (800') 128 4. Coupler Control Cable (400') 74 5. Cable Reels 8 6. Antenna Base and Guys 10 Total System Weight 630 lbs. Equipment Cabinet Height 33 inches Width 22 inches Depth 25 inches Auxiliary Equipment Case Height 18 inches Width 54 inches Depth 25 inches Total Cubage 10.5 cu.ft. 14.0 cu.ft. Approved For Release 2006/09/25 : CIA-RDP72600464R000600010004-5 Approved For Release 2006/09/25 : CIA-RDP72600464R000600010004-5 CONNECTOR ENTRY PANEL A connector entry panel shall be provided in the equipment cabinet for all interconnecting interface cables. Terminal blocks shall be provided on this panel where required. GROUNDING A threaded stud with washers and a wing nut shall be provided on the equipment cabinet frame for attaching a ground cable. The electrical system and all metal surfaces of the cabinet shall be grounded through this stud. A suitable ground rod and 50 feet of cable shall be provided. ELECTRICAL INPUT POWER a. A/C Terminal - All equipments within the A/C terminal operate from voltages derived from the 28 volt power supply. .The input to the 28 volt power supply requires a single-phase, nominal 208/240 volt, 47-63 Hz source. The 50 foot 3-wire power cable shall connect directly to the dc power supply. The cable shall be permanently affixed at the cabinet. The free end of the cable shall be provided with a pig- tail termination. Storage space for the cable shall be provided in the cabinet. b. P/P Terminal - The P/P terminal shall operate from a single-phase primary power source nominal 208/230 volt, 47-63 Hz. A step-down transformer shall be provided to supply power to the GFE equipments which require a 120 volt single-phase source. Approved For Release 2006/09/25 : CIA-RDP72600464R000600010004-5 Approved For Release 2006/09/25 : CIA-RDP72600464R000600010004-5 The 50 foot 3-wire power cable shall be permanently affixed to a terminal block within the cabinet. Distribution and circuit protection from the terminal block shall be provided. The free end of the cable shall be provided with a pig-tail termination. Storage space for the cable shall be provided in the cabinet. Approved For Release 2006/09/25 : CIA-RDP72600464R000600010004-5 Approved For Release 2006/09/25 : CIA-RDP72600464R000600010004-5 3 1 1.1.5 EQUIPMENT CABINET CONFIGURATION a. A/G Terminal - The equipment cabinet for the A/G Terminal contains the following items: (1) 6711j-4 hf transceiver (2) 548T-1 power amplifier (3) 636X-2 power supply (4) 499R-13 shelf (5) Control panel (6) Storage drawer (7) DCR40-60A power supply The rack face drawing for the equipment cabinet is shown in Figure 3-3. Brief equipment descriptions are given in section b. P/P Terminal - The equipment cabinet for the P/P Terminal contains the following items: (1) RA-6217 hf receiver (GFE) (2) F-1200 fsk converter (GFE) 2 ea. (3) Audio control panel (4) NRC 244 fsk tone keyer shelf (GFE) (5) 671U-4 hf transceiver (6) 548T-1 power amplifier (7) 636X-2 power supply (8) 499R-13 shelf (9) DCR40-60A power supply The rack face drawing for the equipment cabinet is shown in Figure 3-4. Brief equipment descriptions are given in section Approved For Release 2006/09/25 : CIA-RDP72600464R000600010004-5 Approved For Release 2006/09/25 : CIA-RDP72600464R000600010004-5 k 144 1-. -?,, vi CI- I n o NI I X .9 .9 I I- co Ni- L.D 49,R-13 0 r_i FTI! 1 n 0 0 0 L,..--=) - i- - - - - -1 1 1 1 1 ! i 1 0. 0 0 ? 0 , 0 ? A/c RACK FACE FIGURE 3-3 718u-4 HF TRANSCEIVER CONTROL PANEL STORAGE DRAWER DCR4 0- 6 0A SORENSON POWER SUPPLY Approved For Release 2006/09/25 : CIA-RDP72600464R000600010004-5 GFE Approved For Release 2006/09/25 : CIA-RDP72600464R000600010004-5 6 2. i2 00 ?F-,12.00 ? 14\:\ \ 0 00 0 0 00 1000000.6000t00001 00*60.PMC,0(7,04,4 -N.- --1. ^i 0 0 0 - ' ? .???? ??? .? 2 Ii 4 99 R--/3 0 0 0 0 PT/PT RACK FACE FIGURE 3-4 AUDIO CONTROL PANEL 718u-4 HF TRANSCEIVER DCR4 0- 6 OA SORENSON POWER SUPPLY Approved For Release 2006/09/25 : CIA-RDP72600464R000600010004-5 Approved For Release 2006/09/25 : CIA-RDP721300464R000600010004-5 EQUIPMENT DESCRIPTION a. A/C Terminal (1) HF Transceiver - The 718U-4 hf transceiver is made up of the 671U-4 transceiver, the 548T-1 power amplifier, and 636X-2 power supply. The 718U-4 is a 400 watt pep. and average power hf transceiver which operates in the 2 to 29.9999 MHz high frequency range in 100 Hz increments. The individual units are packages in ATR cases to provide a convenient and reliable means of rack mounting. The 499R-13 equipment shelf provides the hold-down mechanism, the interfacing unit connectors and the input/out- put terminal block for the internal and external shelf wiring. (2) Control Panel - The control panel provides local control of the hf radio. The 714E-6 control unit is mounted on the panel to provide frequency/mode selection and squelch controls. A remote/local switch on the panel will transfer control of the 718U-4 transceiver to a remote control unit located at the AF Monitor Terminal to a distance of up to 50 feet from the cabinet. The remoted 714E-6 control unit is not provided with the terminal. Hf radio fault and status indicator lamps are provided on the control panel. The fault and status lamps are wired in parallel to provide the identical information to the AF Monitor Terminal. Approved For Release 2006/09/25 : CIA-RDP72600464R000600010004-5 Approved For Release 2006/09/25 : CIA-RDP72600464R000600010004-5 (3) Storage Drawer - The storage drawer is provided in the cabinet to permit storage of the remote control unit and other items associated with the rack operation. See section (4) Power Supply - The 28 volt power supply will be the Sorensen model DCR40-60A. The DCR series provides all silicon, solid state design with voltage and current regulation. Operating at an output voltage of 28.0 volts the supply can maintain a continuous output current of 65 amperes at an ambient temper- ature of 55?C. (5) Remote Control Unit - The remote control unit extends the audio/keyline of the hf radio circuit up to a distance of 50 ft. from the equipment cabinet. Space is provided in the remote control unit to insert the transceiver portion of the AN/PRC-66A. The uhf transceiver is then used to drive a 10 watt power amplifier located up to a, distance of 150 ft. from the remote control unit. Audio circuitry within the RCU is designed to allow voice modulation on either radio or on both simultaneously. A volume unit (VU) meter will be provided on the front for circuit monitoring of the unit. Two speakers with independent volume controls are conriected to the radio outputs. The transit and receive audio lines of each radio circuit are parallel to allow full monitoring capability. The bridging impedance is not provided as part of the terminal, this Approved For Release 2006/09/25 : CIA-RDP72600464R000600010004-5 Approved For Release 2006/09/25 : CIA-RD.P72600464R000600010004-5 must be included with the external monitoring equipment. Remote controls for an external selective calling system are provided in the RCU. The components to be supplied are a four-position channel select switch, a pushbutton initiate switch, and an indicator lamp. (6) UHF Transceiver - The uhf transceiver for this system is composed of the transceiver portion of the AN/PRC-66A and the 943B-1 power amplifier. The AN/PRC-66A is a portable transceiver which provides AM communication on any one of 3,500 channels in the 225.0 to 399.95 MHz ultra-high frequency range. The average power output is 2 watts which is used to drive the 943B-1 UHF amplifier. The 943B-1 is a broadband power amplifier capable of providing a 10-watt rf power out- put in the 225 to 400 MHz frequency range. The 943B-1 requires a minimum input of 0.5 watts to produce the rated output. Coaxial cable attenuation at the high end of the frequency range limits the distance the power amplifier can be remoted from the transceiver to a maximum of 150 feet. (7) Antenna System - (i) HF Circuit - The antenna system for the hf link will consist of the 490B-4 antenna coupler and the AS-2047/TRC whip antenna. The 490B-4 consists of the 490T-2 automatic antenna coupler, load coil, switching relay, and cooling blower all contained in an environmentally sealed housing. The 490T-2 is an automatically tuned hf antenna coupler Approved For Release 2006/09/25 : CIA-RDP72600464R000600010004-5 Approved For Release 2006/09/25 : CIA-RDP721300464R000600010004-5 designed to tune wire and whip antennas in the frequency range of 2 to 30 MHz. The coupler has an input power rating of 500 watts average. The 490B-4 has a T/R switch, but this will not be used in the normal operating configuration. A coaxial relay mounted on the 499R-13 shelf in the equipment cabinet will serve as the system T/R switch. A "tee" connec- tion off of the relay will provide a secondary receive input. The AS-2047/TRC is a 32 foot fiber whip antenna which will mount directly on to the 490B-4 coupler. The AS-2047/TRC is assembled from 4 foot sections. The coaxial feed between the 718U-4 transceiver and the 490B-4 coupler will consist of three, 100 foot sections of Andrew FSJ4 Superflex coaxial cable. (ii) UHF Circuit - The uhf antenna to be used will be the 837D-1 UHF blade antenna. The 837D-1 is a lightweight, broad- band antenna designed for operation within the 225 to 400 MHz frequency range. The antenna is a vertically polarized mono- pole with an input impedance of 50 ohms. The 837D-1 will be attached to a combination ground plane/sun- shade with the 943B-1 power amplifier mounted directly under- neath. b. P/P Terminal (1) HF Receiver - RA6217 CFE Item (2) FSK Converter - F-1200 CFE Item (3) Audio Control Panel - The audio control panel provides local Approved For Release 2006/09/25 : CIA-RDP72600464R000600010004-5 Approved For Release 2006/09/25 : CIA-RDP721300464R000600010004-5 control of the hf radio and circuit patching capability. The 714E-6 control unit is mounted on the panel to provide frequency and mode control to the hf transceiver. Dual speakers with independent volume controls are provided on the panel to allow simultaneous monitoring of both hf receivers. Dual 1000 Hz CW tones are switch selectable-from the panel to provide a patchable input to the radio circuit. The audio circuits from the GFE fsk modems are brought to the patch panel. One circuit is normalled through to the hf equipment, the backup circuit is available on a patched basis. (4) FSK Keyers - NRC 244 GFE Item (5) HF Transceiver - See section (6) Power Supply - See section (7) Antenna System (i) HF Circuit - The antenna system for the 718U-4 hf trans- ceiver will utilize the identical system as described in section The only addition is that the coaxial feed line will consist of four, 100 foot sections of Andrew FSJ4 Superflex coaxial cable. The antenna to be used with the GFE hf receiver is the AS2046/TRC whip antenna. The AS2046/TRC is similar to the AS2047/TRC, the only difference ?is in the base plate and rf connector assembly. Approved For Release 2006/09/25 : CIA-RDP72600464R000600010004-5 Approved For Release 2006/09/25 : CIA-RDP72B00464R000600010004-5 The coaxial feed between the AS2046/TRC and the GFE receiver will consist of four, 100 foot sections of Andrew FSJ4 Superflex coaxial cable. Approved For Release 2006/09/25 : CIA-RDP72600464R000600010004-5 Approved For Release 2006/09/25 : CIA-RDP72600464R000600010004-5 SECTION 4. QUALITY ASSURANCE PROVISIONS 4.1 MECHANICAL MOCK-UP A mechanical mock-up for each type equipment cabinet will be made prior to the final system build. The mock-up will make use of those purchased or fabricated items which are on-hand at the time of the demonstration. All other equipment items will be simulated. Particular attention will be paid to connector locations and cabinet cabling. 4.2 TESTS At the completion of the system build and checkout, acceptance tests will be performed on all systems. It is planned to check- out the AF Monitor Terminals in conjunction with the A/G Terminals IThe customer will be required to furnish personnel familiar with the GFE units to assist during the testing period. Acceptance tests will include, but not necessarily be limited to tests of the following: a. Power output (each radio set) b. USB (hf radio set) c. LSB (hf radio set) d. CW (hf radio P/P only) e. Remote control operation f. Tuning (each radio set) g. Speech operation h. Simultaneous operation of both hf and uhf radios. Approved For Release 2006/09/25 : CIA-RDP72600464R000600010004-5 Approved For Release 2006/09/25 : CIA-RDP72600464R000600010004-5 SECTION 5. SCHEDULE The proposed schedule for the program is shown in Table 5-1. The delivery dates for the hf and uhf equipment are constraining items. Any equipment or packaging changes as a result of the mock-up review will modify the final delivery date. The government furnished equip- ment must be delivered in good operating condition on or before the time specified in the attached schedule. "4. Approved For Release 2006/09/25 : CIA-RDP72600464R000600010004-5 Approved For Release 2006/09/25 : CIA-RDP72600464R000600010004-5 TABLE 5 - 1 PROGRAM SCHEDULE MAY JUNE JULY AUG. 1 SEPT. ... OCT. NOV. ORDER, PRODUCT LINE EQUIPMENT ON ORDER . , ? . , . PROGRAM PLAN ,L A . SYSTEM DES I GN ...._ . A . ORDER . PARTS AND MATERIAL , . .4... A , PREPARE DRAFT SYSTEMS MANUAL A . . . PREPARE TEST PROCEDURES A . . CUSTOMER REVIEW AND. APPROVAL OF MOCK-UP ' A A , SHELF AND PANEL BU IL D , ARRIVAL (',FE SYSTEM ITEMS ? CABINET WIRING . AND CHECKOUT - ARRIVAL GFE AF.A MONITOR TERMINAL , . . ACCEPTANCE TEST - . A SCHE LE S7 AA:: A SCHEDULE COMPLETE Aproved For Release 2006/09/25: CIA-RDP72600464R000600010004-5