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- 25X1 Approved For Release 2006/09/25SCECRUTB00464R004460010003-6 OSA 1339-69 2 May 1969 MEMORANDUM FOR: Budget and Finance Division, OSA ATTENTION ? SUBJECT ? REFERENCE ? Mr. Increased Funds for Contract OSA 0948-69, 4 April 1969 1. It is requested that under Contract no. be increased by the amount ot amount is made necessary by a of this work order. /lel/ -7- the funds for Work Order 4 $12,068.00'71 This additional projected increase in cost 2. If additional information is reiluired, please 25X1 contact 25X1 Chief, Communications Division OSA/DDS&T OSA/COMMO/ENGA Distribution: 2 - BED/OSA 1 - COMMO/OSA 1 - RB/OSA 1 - Chrono c7-k: (2 May 69) ?2, /6 7 (76 czW 4,/741 i r Approved For Release 2006/09/25 : CIA-RDP7 ggp4, SECRET dowazraNna, and OnlansIlicalen e 00100034 5 AUG1970 25X1 25X1 25X1 25X1 Approved For Release 2006/09/25 : CIA-RDP72600464R000600010003-6 Subject: Work Order No. 4 Contract Residual Inventory Gentlemen: September 3, 1970 The Contractor forwards herewith Inventory Schedule B, DD Form 543, in two increments. Increment No. 1, Reference No. D-1366, indicates items other than those considered as scrap. Increment No. 2, Reference No. D-1367, includes items considered scrap and are made up of a mis- cellaneous assortment consisting of brackets, mounts, covers, gasket, chassis, etc. The Contractor requests your early instructions as to disposition. -Veiy trul yours, Contract Manager JAT:mes Approved For Release 2006/09/25 : CIA-RDP72600464R000600010003-6 STAT STAT STAT Approved For Release 2006/09/25 : CIA-RDP72600464R000600010003-6 DEPARTMENT OF DEFENSE INVENTORY SCHEDULE 13 0 TERMINATION NONTERMINATION DATE 31 August 1970 Form approved. Budget Bureau No. 22-R075. 0 RAW MATE"" rtt ha:CHASM Forrs.nto F neturso ri misc.L. pihr., then 'nook) 1. PANS COMPOTONTS Pitooucr 4. j LAmersus PROPERTY CLASSFICATION (See Instruction on reverse) Commercial Value PAGE NO. 1 NUMBER Of PAGES 2 THIS SCHEDULE APPLIES TO (Check one) r2A Perez CONTRACT Wm+ Two Gomm/eon fl SuecONntAa(s) oe PueorAst Owes(S) COMPANY CONTRACTOR WHO SENT NOTICE OF TERMINATION ST NAME STREET ADDRESS ADDRESS CITY AND STATE PRODUCT COVERED L LOCATION OF MATERIAL Program Management Services GOVERNMENT PRIME CONTRACT NO. SUBCONTRACT OR P.O. No. REFERENCE NO. D-1366 FOR USE OF CON- TRACTING AGENCY ONLY ITEM NO. (o) DESCRIPTION (.P*3 off I) NOIIIONOD ? QuANTrry (d) UNIT OF MEASURE (dl) COST (For finished product, show contract price instead of cost) CONTRACTOR'S OFFER OR PROCEEDS OF SALE (a) FOR USE OF CON- TRACTING AGENCY ONL Y ITEM Of property has commercial value, furnish adequate commercial description (See Otherwise. inst,..). ma, furnish description sufficient to enable contracting officer or authorized contractor to determine appropriah disposition thereof. Where practicable, show manufacturer's nanws, address and catalog number. Where cols Isl and b2 ore not applicable, write col. b entry across the two cols.) (6) GoymtHigew PART of DIA wiso Nu AND REV. NUMBER (Is?) TITE Of DAUM.? (Bulk, ,bbls, craters, etc.) (b2) MDT (e) TOTAL II) 2 3 6 Storage Tag No. 1600 N2 N2 N2 N2 N2 N2 N2 31 21 3 1 10 8 25 Ea. Ea. Ea. Ea. 'Ft. Ft. Ft.. .04 .05 . 17 .10 .26 .29 $ 1.24 1.05 .51 27.56 1.00 2.08 7.25 Cable Marker, 152-4367-000 Cable Marker, 152-4368-000 Terminal Lug, 304-0749-000 Three-Gang Variable Resistor, 383-0056-030 #8 Stranded Wire, 439-6887-000 #4 Stranded Wire, 439-6889-000 RG-141A/U Coaxial Cable, 425-1534-000 ..-"-- INVENTORY SCHEDULE The undersigned, individually and as an authorized representative of the Contractor, certifiestile,. has examined this Inventory Schedule, page numbers 1 to 2 inclusive, dated 8 I/ 7 and that in the exercise of his best judgment and to the best of his knowledge, based upon inform?. tion believed by him to be reliable, said Schedule has been prepared in accordance with applicable instructions; that the inventory described therein is allocable to the designated contract and is located at the places specified; if the property reported therein is termination inventory, that the quantities are not in excess of the reasonable quantitative requirements of the terminated portion of the contract; that said Schedule does not include any items reasonably usable, without loss to the Contractor, on its CERTIFICATE other work; that the costs shown on such Schedules are in accordance with the Contractor's books of account; and that the prices shown in column g, representing the proceeds of authorized sale of the items covered thereby, are fair and reasonable. The Contractor agrees to inform the Contracting Officer of any substantial change in the status of the inventory shown in this Schedule between the date hereof and the final disposition of such inventory. Subject to any authorized prior disposition, title to the inventory listed in this Schedule is hereby tendered to the Government and is warranted to be free and clear of all liens and encumbrances. NAME Of CONTRACTOR I ay fc......... ... e ? aa. ova. ? it/ 't_,_LNTLE Government Property DATE Administrator 8/31/70 NAME OF Annroveri For RPIPASP 2nnRingo5 ? CIA-RI1P729.10464.R000600010093-6 D DI F3117543 EDITION OF 1 JUL 51, IS OBSOLETE. STAT ? Approved For Release 2006/09/25 : CIA-RDP72600464R000600010003-6 DEPARTMENT Of DEFENSE INVENTORY SCHEDULE B?CONTINUATION SHEET 0 TERMINATION Li RAW MATERIALS (Other than Metals) GOVERNMENT PRIME CONTRACT NO. EX PURCHASED PARTS FINISHED COMPONENTS [3] NON-TERMINATION FINISHED PRODUCT MISCELLANEOUS Farm approved. Budge Bureau No. 22-R075 SUBCONTRACT OR P. 0. NO. REFERENCE NO. D-I366 DESCRIPTION FOR USE OF CON- TRACTING AGENCY ONLY imm No. (0) 8 9 10 ITEM (b) #8 THW Stranded Wire, 422-4978-000 #4 THW Stranded Wire, 422-4962-000 5-Conductor, 18-AWG Cable, Belden #8465 PROPERTY CLASSIFICATION (See Instrudion on DO 543) DATE PAGE NO. OF PAGES Commercial Value 14.2. 8/31/70 z o ? :7- 8 5 " z o z QUANTITY (d) UNIT OF MEASURE (d1) COST (For finished product, show contract price nsteca) of cod) CONTRACTOR'S OFFER OR PROCEEDS OF SALE GOVERNMENT PART OR DRAWING NUMBER AND REV. NUMMI (61) TM Of PACKING (Bulk, bbls, crates, etc.) (62) U?rt (e) TOTAL (I) N2 40 Ft. .06 2.40 2 30 Ft. .16 4.80 N2 200 Ft. .09 18.00 Total $65.89 1.--1115717 D D 12:17 543 c REPLACES DD FORM 543- 7% BSO 1, 1 J L 5 WHI F LETE. . CIA - FOR USE Of CON- TRACTING AGENCY ONLY U. S. GOVERNMENT PRINTING OFFICE 11E57 0-F-43$$S4 STAT STAT STAT Approved For Release 2006/09/25 : CIA-RDP72600464R000600010003-6 DEPARTMENT Of DEFENSE I INVENTORY SCHEDULE B TERMINATION 0 NONTERNUNATION DATE 31 August 1970 Form appro.ed. Budget Bureau No. 22-R075. ?,..., RAW MATERIALS rap- P MICHAUD FINISSED Fousuco U Pifer than metals) LA PACTS COMPONENTS Ptooucr me IN M ISM. LANFOUS PROPERTY CLASSIFICATION (See Instruction on reverse) Commercial Value PAGE NO. 1 NUMBER Of PAGES 2 THIS SCHEDULE APPLIES TO (Cheek one) ElA PUNE CONTRACT WITH Tut Game/maw SUKONTRACT(S) OR PUROIASE ?ROMS) COMPANY STA CONTRACTOR WHO SENT NOTICE OF TERMINATION NAME STREET ADDRESS - ADDRESS CITY AND STATE LOCATION OF MATERIAL PRODUCT COVERED II Program Management Services GOVEPJ1MENT PRIME CONTRACT NO. SUBCONTRACT OR P.O. NO. REFERENCE NO. I D-1366 FOR USE OF CON- TRACTING AGENCY ONLY NO. (a) DESCRIPTION ?, CONDITION 4:1 (Um cod.) cluAt.,mry (d) UNIT OF MEASURE (dl) COST (For finished product, show contract price instead of cost) CONTRACTOR'S OFFER OR ' PROCEEDS OF SALE . (a) ., FOR USE OF CON- TRACT/NG AGENCY ' ONLY ITEM fYrnish :if hP7h:3Sc"""'1?1 calve, edruate ec'mmerciar de?criPhs" (S" Otherwise, furnish description sufficient to enable contracting officer or authorized contractor to determine appropriate disposition thereof. Where practicable, show manufachmer's name, oress and catalog nurnber. Where cols bl and 62 are not applicable, write col. b entry across the two cols.) (b) GOVERNMENT PART OR DRAWING NUMBER(Bulk, AND REV. NUMBER (hi) Mt Of PACKING ha, VOIDS, ek.) (62) UNIT (e) TOTAL (0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 Storage Tag No. 1600 N2 N2 N2 N2 N2 N2 N2 31 21 3 1 10 8 25 Ea. Ea. Ea. Ea. "Ft. - :Ft. Ft.. $ .04 .05 . 17 .10 .26 .29 $ 1.24 1.05 .51 27.56 1.00 2.08 1 7.25 Cable Marker, 152-4367-000 Cable Marker, 152-4368-000 Terminal Lug, 304-0749-000 Three?Gang Variable Resistor, 383-0056-030 #8 Stranded Wire, 439-6887-000 #4 Stranded Wire, 439-6889-000 RG-141A/U Coaxial Cable, 425-1534-000 INVENTORY SCHEDULE The undersigned, individually and as an authorized representative of the Contractor, certifies that heother has examined this Inventory Schedule, page numbers 1 to 2 inclusive, dated 8/31/7q and that in the exercise of his best judgment and to the best of his knowledge, based upon informa- lion believed by him to be reliable, said Schedule has been prepared in accordance with applicable instructions; that the inventory described therein is allocable to the designated contract and is located at the places specified; if the property reported therein is termination inventory, that the quantities are not in excess of the reasonable quantitative requirements of the terminated portion of the contract; that said Schedule does not include any items reasonably usable, without loss to the Contractor, on its CERTIFICATE work; that the cosh shown on such Schedules are in accordance with the Contractor's books of account; and that the prices shown in column g, representing the proceeds of authorized sale of the items covered thereby, are fair and reasonable. The Contractor agrees to inform the Contracting Officer of any substantial change in the status of the inventory shown in this Schedule between the date hereof and the final disposition of such inventory. I Subject to any authorized prior disposition, title to the inventory listed in this Schedule is hereby tendered to the Government and is warranted to be free and clear of all liens and encumbrances. NAME Of CONTRACTOR BY tSion.-thee nif A.rNsevism.4 flfg...L.IVr t11/79 TITLE Government Property DATE Administrator 8/31/70 NAME 4 - - Approved For Release 2006/09/25 : CIA-RDP721300464R000600010003-6 - EDITION OF 1 JUL 51, IS OBSOLETE. STAT Ap roved For Release 2006/09/25 : CIA-RDP72600464R000600010003-6 oiliAktivAtNt OP OillThSt INVENTORY SCHEDULE B?CONTINUATION SHEET ID TERMINATION pri NON-TERMINATION RAW MATERIALS (Other than Metais) ES PURCHASED PARTS REFERENCE NO. D-1366 FINISHED COMPONENTS 0 FINISHED PRODUCT MISC.ELLANEOUS PROPERTY CLASSIFICATION (Soo Instruction on OD 543) DESCRIPTION FOR USE OF CON- TRACTING NO. AGENCY Commercial Value Pane approved. Budgie Burrrau No. 22-R075 DATE 8/31/70? PAGE NO. OF PAG2 GOVERNMENT PART OR DRAWING NUMMI! ANO Rev. NUMMI (bl) Tyre OF PACKING (Sulk, bbis, crates, etc.) (b2) 8 #8 THW Stranded Wire, 422-4978-000 9 #4 THW Stranded Wire, 422-4962-000 10 5-Conductor, 18-AWG Cable, Belden #8465 QUANTITY (d) 40 UNIT OF MEASURE CONTRACTOR'S OFFER OR PROCEEDS OF SALE FOR USE OF CON- TRACT/NG AGENCY ONLY .06 2.40 .16 4.80 DD,T41,543c REPLACES 00 FORM 543- ase 4R000600010003-6 U L GOVERNMENT PRINTING OFFICE III? 0-/-4346$4 STAT STAT STAT Approved For Release 2006/09/25 : CIA-RDP72600464R000600010003-6 1 DEPARTMENT OF DEFENSE "1".NTETTrORY SCHEDULE B TERMINATION NONTERMINATION DATE 31 August 1970 Form approred. Budget Bureau No. 22-507.5. RAW MAMMALS Mit PURCHASED fimismeo FINISHED (06er than awials) L., N , e . ARTS COMPONENTS PRODUCT me = MI5CEL- LANEOUS PROPERTY CLASSPICATTON (See Instruction on reverse) Commercial Value PAGE NO. 1 NUMBER Of PAGES 2 THIS SCHEDULE APPLIES TO (Check one) COMPANY [3 A Poem Coemucs Wini Mt GOvERNMENT 0 SUSCONTRACIIS) OR PURCHASE ORDER(S) ST CONTRACTOR WHO SENT NOTICE Of TERMINATION NAME STREET ADDRESS ? ADDRESS CTT( AND STATE PRODUCT COVERED . ,....,.................... ,......,....... Program Management Services LOCATION OF MATERIAL GOVERNMENT PRIME CONTRACT NO. SUBCONTRACT OR P.O. NO. REFERENCE NO. , L_ D-1366 r FOR USE OF CON- TRACTING AGENCY ONLY ITEM NO. (o) DESCRIPTION Z 7, P. ig a 2 2 0 -- ti (e) QuAgm-y (d) UNIT OF MEASURE (dl) COST (For finished product, shmr contract price instead of cost) CONTRACTOR'S . OFFER OR PROCEEDS OF SALE (g) FOR USE OF CON- TRACT/NIG AGENCY ONLY Me ' furnish / value, adequate commercial ckncription (See Of propelhz.. 1,,,,,..). ise, furnish description sufficient to enable contracting officer or authorized contractor to determine appropriate disposition thereof. Where practicable, show monufocturer's name, a-,ritss and catalog number. Where cols hi and 1,2 are not applicable, write col. b entry across the two cots.) (1:) GoveRm.t.i. PAST OS DRAwime Human A" 1". HUMUS (61) TYPE Of PACKING (Bulk, bbl s, crates, ek.) (62) UNIT (e) TOTAL (F) 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 Storage Tag No. 1600 N2 N2 N2 N2 N2 N2 N2 31 21 3 1 10 8 25 Ea. Ea. Ea. Ea. 'Ft. -Ft. Ft.. $ .04 . 05 .17 .10 .26 .29 $ 1.24 1.05 .51 27.56 1.00 2.08 7.25 Cable Marker, 152-4367-000 Cable Marker, 152-4368-000 Terminal Lug, 304-0749-000 Three-Gang Variable Resistor, - 383-0056-030 #8 Stranded Wire, 439-6887-000 #4 Stranded Wire, 439-6889-000 RG-141A/U Coaxial Cable, 425-1534-000 INVENTORY SCHEDULE The undersigned, individually and as an authorized representative of the Contractor, certifies thath has examined this Inventory Schedule, page numbers J. to 2 inclusive, doted 8/31/7(1account; and that in the exercise of his best judgment and to the best of his knowledge, based upon informa- tion believed by him to be reliable, said Schedule has been prepared in accordance with applicable instructions; that the inventory described therein is allocable to the designated contract and is located at the places specified; if the property reported therein is termination inventory, that the quantities are not in excess of the reasonable quantitative requirements of the terminated portion of the contract; that said Schedule does not include any items reasonably usable, without loss to the Contractor, on its CERTIFICATE other work; that the costs shown on such Schedules are in accordance with the Contractor's books of and that the prices shown in column g, representing the proceeds of authorized sale of the I items covered thereby, are fair and reasonable. The Contractor agrees to inform the Contracting Officer of any substantial change in the status of the inventory shown in this Schedule between the date hereof and the final disposition of such inventory. Subject to any authorized prior disposition, title to the inventory listed in this Schedule is hereby tendered to the Government and is warranted to be free and clear of all liens and encumbrances. NAME OF CONTRACTOR !BY aianaturs of Aufharirod OffieinI7 te-- - - 1 TrnE Government Property DATE Administrator 8/31./70 NAME 0 AoProved For Release 2006/09/25 : CIA-RDPV,B004OR000600010003-6 DDIT:17543 EDMON OF 1 JUL 51, IS OBSOLETE. STAT Approved For Release 2006/09/25 : CIA-RDP72600464R000600010003-6 DEPARTMENT Of DEFENSE INVENTORY SCHEDULE B?CONTINUATION SHEET 0 TERMINATION ps} NON-TERMINATION 1:1 RAW MATERIALS (Other than Metals) M PURCHASED PARTS Ej FINISHED COMPONENTS FINISHED PRODUCT Li MISCELLANEOUS Fonts approved. Budget Bureau 14,.. 22-807$ GOVERNMENT PRIME CONTRACT NO. SUBCONTRACT OR P. O. NO. REFERENCE NO. D-1366 PROPERTY CLASSIFICATION (See Instruchon on 013 543) Commercial Value DATE 8/31/70 PAGE NO. Of PAT FOR USE OF CON- 7RACVNG AGENCY ONLY ,,r, NO. DESCRIPTION ..:-. 5 0 ' Z : 0 u "- (c) QUANTITY (d) UNIT OF MEASURE Idl ) COST (For finished product, show contract price instead of cost) CONTRACTOR'S OFFER OR PROCEEDS OF SALE FOR USE OF CON- TRACTING AGENCY ONLY ITEM (Is) GOVERNMENT PART OR DRAWING NUMBER AND REV. NUMBER (b1) TYPE OF PAcsits0 (Bulk, bbl., crates, etc.) (621 Urals (e) TOTA1 (f) 8 #8 THW Stranded Wire, 422-4978-000 2 40 Ft. .06 2.40 9 #4 THW Stranded Wire, 422-4962-000 30 Ft. .16 4.80 10 5-Conductor, 18-AWG Cable, Belden #8465 N2 200 Ft. .09 18.00 Total $65.89 11. S. GoVERNNENT PRINTiNG OffICE : 1557 0-f-435454 Approved For Release 2006/09/25 : CIA-RDP72600464R000600010003-6 DEPARTMENT OF DEFENSE INVENTORY SCHEDULE B TERMINATION g? NONTERMINATION DATE 31 August 1970 1 a form ppeared. Budget Bureau No. 22-R075. RAW MATISIALS PUOCHASED fitiaMEO FINISHED r.v. misat- (Other than metals) PARTS COMPONENTS El lisoolucr IA. uoveous PROPERTY CLASSIFICATION (See Instruction on rennin) No Commercial Value PAGE NO. 1 NUMBER Of PAGES 1 THCS SCHEDULE Ki. APPLIES TO (Check one) A Peed Coemuct Wry me Govenseteeeer SuecounsAcr(s) OR PURCHASE 0.1)1E4) COMPANY STI CONTRACTOR WHO SENT NOTICE OF TERMINATION NAME STREET ADDRESS ADDRESS CITY AND STATE PRODUCT COVERED BY CONTRAC LOCATION OF MATERIAL Program Management Services GOVERNMENT PRIME CONTRACT NO. SUBCONTRACT OR P.O. NO. REFERENCE NO. J D-1367 FOR USE Of CON- TRAcTING AGENCY ONLY ITEM NO. (o) DESCRIPTION Z - .121 R..- v 2 E 0 a V (c) QUANTITY (cf) UNIT OF MEASURE (dl) COST (For finished product, show contract price instead of cost) CONTRACTORS OFFER OR " PROCEEDS OF SALE (g) FOR USE Of CON- TRACT/NG AGENCY ONLY ITEM (If progiis has commerdal value, furnish adequate COIRIPWCi01 description (See Instr.). Otherwise, furnish description sufficient to enable contracting officer or authorized contractor to determine appropriate disposition thereof. Where practicable, show manufacturer's nom*, oddress or4. catalog number. Where cols 1,1 and b.2 are riot applicable, write col. b entry across the two cols.) (b) oove...", "ST cet DRAWING NUMMI AND "V. HUMUS (61 ) TYPE Of PACKING (Bulk, blab, crates, etc) (b2) UNIT (e) TOTAL (f) 1 Storage Tag No. 1600 S 10 lbs. Est. $300.00 Misc. Scrap material consisting of brackets, mounts, covers, gasket, chassis, etc. ? INVENTORY SCHEDULE The undersigned, individually and as an authorized reRresentative of the Contractor, certifieMlnittlei, has examined this Inventory Schedule, poge numbers 1 to 1 inclusive, dated 615/ *-)1/ i and that in the exercise of his best judgment and to the best of his knowledge, based upon inform?. I tion believed by him to be reliable, said Schedule has been prepared in accordance with applicable instructions; *vat the inventory described therein is allocable to the designated contract and is located at the places specified; if the property reported therein is termination inventory, that the quantities are not in excess of the reasonable quantitative requirements of the terminated portion of the contract; that said Schedule does not include any items reasonably usable, without loss to the Contractor, on its CERTIFICATE other work; that the costs shown on such Schedules are in accordance with the Contractor's books of account; and that the prices shown in column g, representing the proceeds of authorized sole of the items covered thereby, are fair and reasonable. The Contractor agrees to inform the Contracting Officer of any substantial change in the status of the inventory shown in this Schedule between the date hereof and the final disposition of such inventory. Subject to any authorized prior disposition, title to the inventory listed in this Schedule is hereby tendered to the Government and is warranted to be free and clear of all liens and encumbrances. NAME Of CONTRACTOR I EY (Signature of Authorized Official) fa? TITLE Governinent Property DATE ---- Administrator 8/31/70 NA IA-RP77R(114-gt11a3Q gs ? C I1 Annroveri For RPIPASP 2nnRino r11r K001)600010003 6 DD FITI, 543 EDMON Of 1 JUL 51, IS OBSOLETE. STAT STAT STAT Approved For Release 2006/09/25 : CIA-RDP72600464R000600010003-6 - DEPARTMENT 1 INVENTORY SCHEDULE Et ? OF DEFENSE TERMINATION g_i NONTERMINATION DATE 31 August 1970 Form approved. Budget Bureau No. 22-R075. RAW MATTRLALS (Other than mob's) PURCHASED FINISHED FINISHED r.. MISCEI.- MI PARTS Cot...paean PRODUCT 1.D. LANEOUS PROPERTY CLASSIFICATION (See Instruction on reverse) No Commercial Value PAGE NO. 1 I NUMBER OF PAGES 1 THIS SCHEDULE Li APPLIES TO (Check one) A PRIME CoesnucT WITH THE GOVERNMENT 0 SUSCONTRACT(S) OR PURCHASE ?ROMS) COMPANY STA CONTRACTOR WHO SENT NOTICE Of TERMINATION NAME STREET ADDRESS ADDRESS CITY AND STATE PRODUCT COVERED BY CONTRA . %AK lAlaCK Program Management Services LOCATION Of MATERIAL GOVERNMENT PRIME CONTRACT NO. SUBCONTRACT OR P.O. NO. REFERENCE NO. I D-1367 FOR USE OF CON- TRACTING AGENCY ONE Y ITEM NO. (a) DESCRIPTION CONDITION I 41 (Use code) aumnry WI UNIT OF MEASURE (d l ) COST (her fmished product, show contract prim instead of cost) CONTRACTOR'S . PROCEEDS OF SALE (9) FOR USE OF CON- TRACTING AGENCY ONt Y ' OVA fumish (if property .has commercial value, adequate commercial description (See Instr.). ilWffienvise, furnish description sufficient to enable contracting officer or authorized contractor to determine appropriate disposition thereof. Where practicable, show mcnufricturer's norne, address and catalog number. Whore cols. bl and 52 are not applicable, write col. b entry across the two cols.) (b) Gove...ENT ,,,? ?.?, ,...,?,.?? ?,,,. ... -" ----" m a A ' ' . ' AND M. NUMBER (131) TYPE Of PACKING (Bulk, bbh, crates, etc.) (62) men (e) TOTAL (I) 1 Storage Tag No. 1600 S 10 Lbs. Est. $300.00 i Misc. Scrap material consisting of brackets, mounts, covers, gasket, chassis, etc. INVENTORY SCHEDULE The undersigned, individually and as an authorized reRresentative of se Contractor, certifie?,thattiej, has examined this Inventory Schedule, page numbers I to I inclusive, doted 46/ .5-1-11 I and that in the exercise of his best judgment and to the best of his knowledge, based upon informa- tion believed by him to be reliable, said Schedule has been prepared in accordance with applicable instructions; that the inventory described therein is allocable to the designated contract and is located at the places specified; if the property reported therein is termination inventory, that the quantities ore not in excess of the reasonable quantitative requirements of the terminated portion of the contract; that said Schedule does not include any items reasonably usable, without loss to the Contractor, on its CERTIFICATE other work; that the costs shown on such Schedules are in accordance with the Contractor's books of account; and that the prices shown in column g, representing the proceeds of authorized sale of the items covered thereby, ore fair and reasonable. The Contractor agrees to inform the Contracting Officer of any substantial change in the status of the inventory shown in this Schedule between the date hereof and the final disposition of such inventory. Subject to any authorized prior disposition, title to the inventory listed in this Schedule is hereby tendered to the Government and is warranted to be free and clear of all liens and encumbrances. NAME OF CONTRACTOR 1)1( (Signature of Authorized Official) 7709 TITLE Government Property DATE _ Administrator 8/31/70 NA! itroller _ ------- _ DD1FrPlin7 543 - - EDITION OF 1 JUL 51, IS OBS . STAT STAT STAT Approved For Release 2006/09/25 : CIA-RDP72600464R000600010003-6 DEPARTMENT INVENTORY SCHEDULE B IIII OF DEFENSE TERMINATION 0 NONTERMJNATION DATE 31 August 1970 Forrn oppronsd. Budget 81000,1 No. 22-R075. RAw Mstatuus (Other *on metals) No = PURCHASED FINISHED FIN/SHED r..,- Nista. Pram Comromerns Pscoucr IA, LANEOUS PROPERTY CLASSIFICATION (See Instruction on news.) No Commercial Value PAGE NO. 1 NUMSER OF PAGES 1 THG SCHEDULE ta APPLIES TO (Check one) A Pawl Cc.rtnu.c-r WITH Oa GovEnrunewt SUSCONTRACT(S) OR fUlltliASI ORIDER(S) COMPANY ST CONTRACTOR WHO SENT NOTICE Of TERMINATION NAME STREET ADDRESS ADDRESS CITY AND STATE PRODUCT COVERED BY CONTRA OR ORDER Program Management Services LOCATION OF MATERIAL GOVERNMENT PRIME CONTRACT NO. SUBCONTRACT OR P.O. NO. REFERENCE NO. D-1367 FOR USE OF CON- TRAcTING AGENCY ONLY ITEM NO. (0) DESCRIPTION 7.... CONDITION ??? (Use code) QuANTiry (d) UNIT Of MEASURE (di) COST (For finished product, show contract price instead of cost) CONTRACTOR'S OFFER OR PROCEEDS OF SALE (9) FOR USE OF CON- TRACTINGAING AGENCY ONLY MA (tf properiyhas commercial yaks*, furnish adequate commercial description (See (S.. Instr.). IIIVHTE?wiSe, furnish description sufficient to enable controcting officer or authorized con, tractor to determine appropriate disposition thereof. Where practicable, show manufacturer's noise, address and catalog number. Where, cols. b I and 62 are not applicable, write col. b entry across the two cols.) (Li) ooyeANNENT PAST O DRW NUMBER AND REY. NUMMI OA ) Of PACKING (Sulk bbls, crates, etc.) (62) mot (e) TOTAL (f) 1 Storage Tag No. 1600 S 10 Lbs. Est. $300.00 Misc. Scrap material consisting of brackets, mounts, covers, gasket, chassis, etc. INVENTORY SCHEDULE The undersigned, individually and as on authorized regresentative of te Contractor, certifieNnAteh.,,.. has examined this Inventory Schedule, page numbers 1 to -1- inclusive, dated 0 -1-/ ( kii and that in the exercise of his best judgment and to the best of his knowledge, based upon inform?. tion believed by him to be reliable, said Schedule has been prepared in accordance with applicable instructions; that the inventory described therein is allocable to the designated contract and is located at the places specified; if the property reported therein is termination inventory, that the quantities are not in excess of the reasonable quantitative requirements of the terminated portion of the contract; that said Schedule does not include any items reasonably usable, without loss to the Contractor, on its CERTIFICATE other work; that the costs shown on such Schedules are in accordance with the Contractor's books of account; and that the prices shown in column g, representing the proceeds of authorized sale of the items covered thereby, are fair and reasonable. The Contractor agrees to inform the Contracting Officer of any substantial change in the status of the inventory shown in this Schedule between the date hereof and the final disposition of such inventory. Subject to any authorized prior disposition, title to the inventory listed in this Schedule is hereby tendered to the Government and is warranted to be free and clear of all liens and encumbrances. NAME OF CONTRACTOR ir (Signature of Authorized Official) /PO TITLE Government Property DATE _ Administrator 8/31/70 NM _ A . - - . ?????????? ids*. 6 ie., ???1 A ,?111,,/,?,thil?knAll? loiltr011er ,...? ? ,,, ,n, eq, ??? Ar., I XeleClJe . I LI?) DDITF11,543 EDITION Of 1 JUL 51, IS OBSOLETE. VVVVVV ? ? ? ? Approved For Release 2006/09/25 : CIA-RDP72600464R000600010003-6 8 July 1968 Subject: Contract QZ-1_ Enclosure: Two copies of subject contract. Dear Sir: The enclosure, executed on behalf of the contractor, is forwarded herewith. The Contract has been executed with the understanding that the per diem rate for work order number 1, which will provide for Program Management Services will be in accordance with that set forth in Contract Part VI A.(1). LOL/kr Sing?rely, , 4 Directtf7, Special Projects STAT STAT STAT Approved For Release 2006/09/25 : CIA-RDP72600464R000600010003-6 TORINt, 12-67r12821 ? ApProVe0fOr,R ease':Idaotwerzyitl/k4 2B00464R po6000l0003-6_ SECRET (When Filled In) (44 aca fia a 0262 ACTION 2 C(007/fly ? REPRODUCTION PROHIBITED 6 11 tier NO 2e 16 7 12 17 3 13 18 4 9 14 19 25X1 25Xt, 25X1' 5 10 NNNS E CR ET 0916001 OCT 68 CITE .IDEALIST CONTRACTS 1. FOLLOWING ACTIVITY REPORT IS 1 THROUGH 3 OCT VISIT OF: MESSRS. 20 25X1 cp.. 02 42 SUBMITTED FOR 32, SEPTEMBER AND TO PERFORM UPDATE MODIFICATIO INSTALLED 25X1 ANTENNAS A. GENERAL !BOTH 2378.4 ANTENNAS (3 AND 5) WERE ERECT ION KITS WERE I NSTALED AND 'DETAILED SURVEY MADE OF 1 25 ANTENNA OUNDATIONS AND ANCHOR TO DETERMINE wRAT.. CREP F' A ig.T. ,iitTWEEN EXISTING - INSTALLATION AND LAYOUT:, ODIED .. . -, , . . RTA ciiit. WERE ittiOncOPIED, -. 281B3RLP ANTONAAWAO':FOUW: 'cl.$1!:/lg",*$ ? : ??.?,._ INCHES TO NORTHWESTquT OF PLUMB. NORTHEASt MIDtLE',SIDE ,.A14.?CHO WAS LOCATED..5?INCHES BEHIND -CENTER: ?HORIZONTALLY AND-....3- INCHES LOW - VERTICALLY. EFFECT OF NORTHEAST SIDE ANCHOR BEING T WINCHES BEHIND CENTER IS TO TIGHTEN GUY AS ANTENNA IS LOWERED. THIS EFFECT IS PARTIALLY OFF- SET 3Y ANCHOR BEING ,F.? INCHES BELOW CENTER. OPPOSITE GUY WILL LOOSEN Approved For Release 2006/09/25 : CIA-RDP72600464R000600010003-6 FORM " ;.....-1 e2 :61..b820 ? FILE INFO Approved For F(::ase 21S96AX/51: P552130046 SECRET, (When Filled In) 600010003-6 REPRODUCTION PROHIBITED ACTION 2 3 4 25X1 PAGE S ANTENNA I 5 0902 S. E C E T 6 11 16 7 12 17 8 13 18 9 14 19 i? 15 LOWERED AS IT IS 2 ,a k?.) ELEVATION. HOISTING CABLE WAS INLINE WITH GIN POLE hp ANTENNA WAS LOWERED WITHOUT DIFFICULTY USING POWER TOOL. R OT ATM?, SERIAL NUMBER 065-0009p WAS REMOVED AND INSPECTED. MODIFI ION RE 1HE) YY-S 600 TitiAtE , Hp BEN Accgrip,ysttizDf Kaq R,944T Plic,?10),41'.(414-E4Vrif W ER E LIG WIL Y TORQ UED AND WERE NOT SEF- ,1 LOCKING TYPE SUPPLIED WITH ROTATOR KIT44/,V, TIME OF 'rum pioaLE Wiettp-VM ,B191-FILNIWXY*3 PURCHASE. I NSPEC- *11 (C AF.:`'7 OF ATIA T 0 R7 AND ,,DOWN TOP LEGS OF TOWER. NEW SLIP CLUTCH EUUfPPED ROTAOR, SERIAL MS61053 IT14, 10OH STRENGTH GEAR CASE BOLTS S 'INSTALLED ' WITH NEW SELFL000ING SLIP AT 1?Fpcni POUNDS O TORQ CORRECT VALUES AND j..00K NUTS ADDED. I NSPEPT I ON - OF ARA( , 44-140 A SEM. Y 0 0 ADJUSTMENT TO PROVIDE REQUIRT L, [/4 INCH, MIN/MUM ?CLEARANCE FROM- 'BOOM LACING. ANTENNA WAS RAISED WED NE SD A Y PLUMBED TO. WITHIN 1/2, INCH AND GUYS TENSIONED ROTATOR CLUTCH IS SE TOWER DOLTS WERE 'TORQUED TO CORRECT tiow V AUES. INN C. 23713-3 RLP ANTENNA 5 MIDDLE SIDE ANCHORS WERE 2 1/2 INCHES AHEAD OF BASE HINGE LI NE HORIZONTALLY. NORTHEAST ANCHOR IS 2 INCHES Approved For Release 2006/09/25 : CIA-RDP72600464R000600010003-6 fer, Ii 0.12-67 s^ittE41?""'"" : Ottrib FORM. .T.'" 4 .`":" ApprovdForReIea FILE INFO ? e , - 144) Q00010003-6 , ? SECRET (When Filled In) REPRODUCTION PROHIBITED ? ACTION 6 11 16 f 7 12 17 ? 3 8 13 18 4 9 14 19 5 10 15 PAGE 3 J92SECRET ABOVE HINGEPIN?t WHILE THE OPPOSITE. .itICITtOIR,:.i.il5 1/2 'INCHES ABOVE HINGE- PIN. EFFECT OF THESE ANCHOR LOCiATall' 'ERRORS WILL CAUSE GUYS TO TIGHTEN ?;? KO AS TOWER IS. LOWERED. THIS EFFECT IS SOMEWHAT OFFSET 3Y ANCHORS BEING AHEAD OF HINGEPIN ,LINE. WINCH ANCHOR IS 22 .INCHES. OU OF POSITION - . USED TO ALiGN CABLE WITH GIN POLE. THXfRACTICE IS HIGHLY tJNDESIRw. , . a ? ON TOWER WHICH COULD BUCKLE. ROTATOR, SERIAL NUM$ER6?93, AS !EIOVEI FROM ANTENNA. MCH OIL HAD LEAXED FRN GEARCAiK. CM.JSJ OF ', ot)L:D NOT Xt4MEDIATLY BE DETERMINED, IT APPEARED TO E A 4II LEAKY CASE SEAL, UT COULD BE DUE TO PORO,US CA CAStINt, NEW SLIP CLUTCH EQUIPPEDWTATOR, SERIAL NUMBffR t$7?,4 WITH ALL TOWER BOLTS WERE TORQUED TO CORRECT VALtES, AND AR1AY zNspEctE ADJUSTED. DIFFiCULTY WAS wypilii,ENCEP:THURSDAY 'DJUSTED' $.0,1PMS. 'HOIST p CABLE WOULD NOT SPOOL PROPERLY DUE TO ANDP.3: AILSLAI IENT : R AI SI NG. ANTENNA T HOIST ANCHOR, . T PLUMBED T? (.. 'GUYS if OF ' PROPERLYWHILE I IE ANTENNA _ T E N s I O N N E D 2iii11.10i:13IIER En 5 t.IJAS LOWERED AND RAISED WITHOUT SERIOUS Of} n.:.1111.; LI MISHAP, IT IS RECOMPIENDED WINCH ANCHOR BE RELOCATED TO A i.?_osi.r o Approved For Release 2006/09/25 : CIA-RDP72600464R000600010003-6 ' 400:04-'W 4isliO!'cnied.For RO e 206/0015El& (44) ? ? FILE INFO 6 2 7 12 16 17 3 13 18 4 5 ig PAGE 4 4,1902SECRET 9 10 14 15 19 20 TOLERANCES. SET FORTH IN 237:ti#: INSTRUTION MANUAL*. AN EXPERI.,? ENCED CREW LOWERING ANTENNA CAN ''COIIPENSATE FOR MISPLACED .SIDE ANCHORS BY LOOSENING OR TIGHTENING SIDE GUY- AS REQUIRED TO MAINTAIN 'PROPER GUY. TENSION. DURING LOWERING. AND ERECTING OPERATIONS!, ?BUT MISALIGNMENT OF ?? ?HO I. SE ANCHOR& PLACES/ ANTENNk INA JEOPARDY DURING THES,T. OPERATIONS.? " . . : ? 3 " NMODIF.PED .ROTATOBS AND, ASSOCIATFD TILT.' PLATES- REMOVED. FROM 25ANTENNA S4OULD BE.. SHIPPED 25g, 'Ttito ?-;Rti 11:.T.ROPC 'MOD IF' CA74100.4. 14100.1 FT Fa -4T HE_SE.:1 4,L9 .1\1G w1-714. . . . .g . . 7.Ft. :.-Rt.F1:01:CE .F.QuR ? 25 ? ? r RNOON OCT ANDRETURNo TO ROME RET ;t4411,:v4:4 E,F.OR't::: ? ? Approved For Release 2006/09/25 : CIA-RDP72600464R000600010003-6 Approved For Release 2006/09/25 : CIA-RDP72600464R000600010003-6 li'_ff,S11 COPY AVAILABLE Approved For Release 2006/09/25 : CIA-RDP72600464R000600010003-6 Approved For)Releeee 2006/09/2 ,::'.01,-,Fp0:71490464R000600010003-6: SiFIEDAMESSAGE Mil: OSA 1 : 9 RFD/0u ..._ 4 7N1T : 9/OSA 222 ,)ArE: 28 NOV 69 ;;PAVA: T7.7,7 DEFERRED ROU i PRIORiTY ? F,?Ars.kk 4.1 WAITME ImmEDIATi= tR4 INFO CITE M.12tAT , 90, 25X1 IDNALIST REVRENE IS itall 2 IT IS MUTUAL MCI= FiMI ADIXTIONAL:,7UND/ 11tImtcED MW TO Oinn 196S RNING DATED oCTORIR 6 1969 ADDITIONAL FONDIY0 IS BRING ADDED TO COMPLITE AS REQUESTED is CONTRACTOR'S LIMIT& DATED ocraRRA l969? COORDINATiNG OFFICERS Approved For Aeleiee'2'6660-*/&'?dAitibls-7/titi0464R000600C11=0003-6 Approved For For Release 2006/09/25.: CIA-RDID/;B00464R000600010003-6 , ? , . Cli.SStFIE(3,MESSAGE . -tROLIIING X 10 13 ? , F ' L RT DEFER{IED PRIORITY C:3E,"-TATILWA It0AEIDIATE" t! PAGE 2 SEOINT INFO? CITE ? C. TIM PERIOD OP PERFORM= 1$ MENDED IRON 30 1+TM:3rn 1969 TO 31 JANUARY 1970. , r' ?3 IX OXfOIDERATION-OFAME ADOVE!,.-..PARAGRAPE..6A PPFF &TORT 1'Y .irmrsarrito4a6),TELPa44ow i ImasiquAsTrpwsp.Jx41(gr Tu .4,,rarcor: ? . . . . ? - cPu znomry A " 4.4 AS A RE?LT OP TUE 180 :ARE A TOTAL OP $81 ott ??,?. -.? ? e, ;15V: ?????.7 ARE ---?;1?n - " !3A1318 8 ALL0 TTED , ?63,894M-4. - BASIS 5. YOUR AMOIILEDG. JONI' AND ACC"SPF/tNCIE af' T018 ,17? 0. riECIXENTX0. cr, - COORDINATING OFF ICF:z!'. SECRET Approved For R??2b0IOt25 :'6A-1413P"hg604641R00060060bdiLd 25X1 .4 a 7 4. .1-'E I ? _ ? - . . ? 4 It;-? ? , ' . OEFERtVii) / . . . - ? n. It T 25X1 25X1 ? , ? .? , 25X1 CONTRACT... NO oRviat:- . . . , 25X1 1?zryglumicE: 3392 T ? 'f 'r4 6397 F .4S-14AN1keil3A114E1.) R. ,En4Xti Juitt ILVIE137,,DEPINITIZED ,TO I3110V/ /X FOR ,4 - .E/3'fit/tG I' TWO (2) IAIR?T041EIROUND'VERIEINALS, 1s..):4111() ..1061 44.5-k 7'M1TX()INT -TERMINAL IN "ACCORDANCE WITH CONTRACTOR S TECIINICA/A ,IiIttoPOSAL ' _ i-N-TX TILED , "TIII/ER TEANSPORTA2LE COMMITNICATI ONS TERMINALS DATED z-'4? 4-4.4t1 I959? -17-SCIYICATIONS OR SAID ITEM', SHAM EN .ACCORD.ANCE.: 0191411/ACYOR S TECHNICAL SPECIFICATIONS V,Nirm 'D 1N PLAINT clumatil CAT X ON S TERMINALS DA1 gD 14 v AIIITST 1 9a0 fit3Vvs 4'810 Approved For Release 2006/09/25 : CIA-RDP72600464R000600010003-6 3g?1 Approved For Release 2006109/25 -CIA-RDP72B00464R0 CLASSIFIED MESSAG4 +91t, (....77.taq()SA ? ? ROUTING t3EPERRIZ 25X1 JUNE 1969 25Xi 25X1 25X1 25X1 r. I .x-IrkriNG OC Approved For Release 2006/09/25 :t1A-RoP721300464R000600010003-6 *Ai FORM 2,440 Approved For Relem_20336f09725vIEMIRbP721300464R000600010003-6 SECRET When Filled In) 1 ZDEc 68 8 4 7 95 REPRODUCTION PROHIBITED TI ON 1 CA/ /9 6 /911 11 ...,e0.14?1 16 2 7 12 17 3 J 8 13 18 4F7t99 14 19 // 10 15 20 25X1 SE CR E T021700Z DEC 68 CITE 25X1IDEALIST CONTRACTS 1137 1. FOLLOWING FIRM FIXED PRICE QUOTATIONS ARE SUBMITTED FOR EFFORT 25X1 VERBALLY AUTHORIZED UNDER CONTRACT WORK ORDER 2 i II 2511(1 410 $7,186.86 (1) STATEMENT OF WORK: (A) PROVIDE ENGINEERING SERVICES AND MATERIAL NECESSARY TO: (A-1) MODIFY AND TEST ONE 718T-6 TRANSCEIVER TO OPERATE AFTER SHORT PRIMARY POWER INTERRUPTIONS WITHOUT INITIATING NEW RF TUNE CYCLE. (A-2) MEASURE AND PLOTANTENNA IMPEDANCE OF U2-R HF ANTENNA. (A-3) INVESTIGATE ANTENNA COUPLER SYSTEM TUNING IRREGULARITIES. (2) COSTDETAIL SUB TOTAL TRAVEL AND SUBSISTANCE G&A AT 10.26 PERCENT 3962.00 1519.00 $5481.00 562.35 Approved For Release 2006/09/25 : CIA-RDP72600464R000600010003-6 vir W mop' IOW Mgr FORM 1 1.1-67 2E10 Approved For Releatg2Oeing2:5tYltiA4UF'721300464R000600010003-6 SECRET When Filled In) 1441 _ REPRODUCTION PROHIBITED ACTION 1 6 11 16 2 7 12 17 3 8 13 18 4 9 14 19 10 15 20 25X1PAGE 2 1137 SECRET R&D AT 3.76 PER TOTAL COST PROFIT AT 15 PERCENT TOTALSELLPRICE $21.011.14 .4".?. WORK ORDER3 2415(1 250 (1) STATEMENT OF WORK: 206.09 $6249.44 937.42 $7186.86 (A) FABRICATE KITS ANDMODIFY 24 718T.6 TRANSCEIVERS DELIVERED UNDER CONTRACT AS FOLLOWS. (A...1) INSTALL NEW A...3 PRINTEDCIRCUITBOARD IN 887A?..3 DIGITAL UNIT. THIS MODIFIEDBOARD WILL NOT INITIATE A TUNE START PULSE( ARMS TUNECYCLE LOGIC) UNLESS PRIMARY POWER HAS BEEN INTERRUPTED FOR MORE THAN ONE SECOND* A....2) REMOVE DIODECR...727 ON A...9 SERVO AMPLIFIER BOARD OF 888A^.1 RF TUNER. THIS CHANGE WILL PREVENT 888A??1 FROM PUTTINGGROUND ON TUNE START LINE FOLLOW AETORTPRIMARY INTERRUPTION. CHANGES WILL BE MADE AT ON UNITS WHICH HAVENOTBEEN DELIVERED. UNITS ALREADY IN PROJECT IN- VENTORY WILL BE MODIFIED AT COMPANY FACILITIES LOCATED Approved For Release 2006/09/25 : CIA-RDP72600464R000600010003-6 NNW WIF 711W 25X1 I 1111111, FORM 2ES-20 Approved For ReleaseC209:6109125):KMADP721300464R000600010003-6 SECRET When Filled In) (44) _ REPRODUCTION PROHIBITED ACTION 1 6 11 16 2 7 12 17 3 8 13 18 4 9 14 19 5 10 15 20 4(1 PAGES 25X1 +or 1137 SECRET 2. COST DET AIL MATERIAL SUBTOTAL $8563.00 6300. 00 TRAVEL AND SUBSI ST AN CE G&AAT 10.26 PERCENT R&D AT 3.76 PERCENT 1161.00 $16024.00 1644.06 602.50 TOT AL COST $18270.56 PR OFIT AT 15 PERCENT 2740.58 TOT AL SELL PRI CE $21011.14 3. DELIVERIES WILLBECOMPLET ED 10 WEEK ARO. S EC R E T BT Approved For Release 2006/09/25 : CIA-RDP72600464R000600010003-6 *IV FORM 2 12-67 820 FILE INFO Approved For Release 200 /2EF:DDIN-1412Wie21300464ROG0600010003-6 SECRET (When Filled In) (44) 2 7 Nov 63 8?REPRODUCTION PROHIBITED 1 Illir .4.11,1. - 6 IIIIIPP, AviijW i i Mr rEptimiliiimi' ' " ACTION 2 7MI a I I IIA I. r-/-74 12 I IM I Ma Mil I I I I I I I 17 3 8 11111.11111161= 13 18 4 firM1111 9 14 19 5 i 10 15 20 25X1 2541 SE CR E T 262250Z NOV 68 CITE IDEALIST CONTRACTS 1128 1. REFERENCE TELEPHONE CONVERSATION WITH lONCERNING SUBMISSION OF REVISED QUOTATION FOR COMPANY EFFORT vir 4ie 25X1 UNDER CONTRACT REVISED QUOTATION TO SUPER CEDE QUOTATION FOR REPAIR AND MODIFICATION OF EQUIPMENT EFFORT PORTION OF BEVEL 0525. 2. FOLLOWING FIRM FIXED PRI CE RATES ARE SUBMITTED FOR PROGRAM 25X1 MANAGEMENT AND PRODUCT SUPPORT REPAIR CENTER EFFORT UNDER CONTRACT 441 NMI "4111, SUB TOTAL G AND A AT 10.26 PERCENT R AND D AT 3.76 PERCENT TOT AL COSTS PROFIT HOURLY RATE $8.80 .90 .33 $10.03 1.22 $11.25 Approved For Release 2006/09/25 : CIA-RDP72600464R000600010003-6 25X1 INF *Nrow yigiv 411, Vie 25X1 Approved For Release 2006/09/25 : CIA-RDP72600464R000600010003-6 Approved For Release 2006/09/25 : CIA-RDP72600464R000600010003-6 FORM 2820 12-67 25X1 Air mir mar' NNW wsiTv FILE INFO ( 44) Approved For Release idoisitc6FJ?PdA4kOff2B00464R000600010003-6 ACTION SECRET (When Filled In) REPRODUCTION PROHIBITED t 6 11 16 2 7 12 17 ? 3 8 13 18 _ 4 - 9 14 19 5 10 15 20 PAGE 3 1128SECRET 3. sioLD CONTRACT NOT BE DEFINITIZED WITHIN 60 DAYS, CONTRACTOR RESERVES fGHT TO REVIEW RATES FOR CURRENT APPLICABILITY. ,r SE CR BT .str I Approved For Release 2006/09/25 : CIA-RDP72600464R000600010003-6 *ay vto IMF NNW NISP IMP 'NW Nair I Approved For Release 2006/09/25 : CIA-RDP72600464R000600010003-6 19 December 1969 Subject: Enclosure: Gentlemen: Contract Amendment No. 5 Two (2) Copies of Subject Amendment Enclosed herewith are executed copies 1 and 3 of Amendment No. 5 to Contract! Very try yours JAT:lb ontract Manager Approved For Release 2006/09/25 : CIA-RDP72600464R000600010003-6 STAT Approved For Release 2006/09/25 : CIA-RDP72600464R000600010003-6 Next 1 Page(s) In Document Exempt Approved For Release 2006/09/25 : CIA-RDP72600464R000600010003-6 STAT Approved For Release 2006/09/25 : CIA-RDP72600464R000600010003-6 To: Subject: Enclosure: Gentlemen: Contract Work Order No. 4 19 August 1969 (A) The Contractor's Support for Commercial Position for the 718U-4 The Contractor hereby confirms the negotiation between the Contracting Officer and the Contractor for subject effort as defined by the enclosure to the Contractor's letter dated 13 June 1969. The negotiation covered two parts. The fixed price portion was negotiated at $81,257. The cost plus fixed fee portion was negotiated at an estimated cost of $47,765 and a fee of $4,777 for a total estimated cost and fee of $52,542. The total contract amount, including CPFF portion and fixed price portion, is $133,799. Other terms and conditions of the Contractor's 13 June 1969 letter remain unchanged. ,The Contractor has designated as his contract representative who may be reached at the Contractor's facility telephone Area Code extension 2461. Alak?- ? e 1 net -1 JAT:mes Very-LT(3T) yours, Contract Administration Division Approved For Release 2006/09/25 : CIA-RDP72600464R000600010003-6 STAT STAT STAT STAT Approved For Rele Approved For Release 2006/09/25 : CIA-RDP72600464R000600010003-6 Subject: Reference: Enclosure: Gentlemen: 3 September 1969 Contract Work Order No. 4 (a) Contractor's Letter of 19 August 1969 Confirming Negotiation (A) Cost Analysis in Support of the 943B-1 Price During the negotiation of subject work order, the Contractor provided the Contracting Officer with evidence supporting his commercial position for the 837D-1 and the Aalath. He provided support for his commercial position for the 71813-4 by ReferenCe (a). The Contractor was not able to establish a commercial position in accordance with ASPM No. 1 for the 943B-1. Accordingly, a cost analysis is provided as an enclosure. The cost analysis supports a price of $11,012 each; however, the Contractor reaffirms his negotiated fixed price of $9,883 each which is the same price the Contractor has sold this unit to the Marine Corps. The Contractor and the Contracting Officer negotiated a price for the AN/PRC-66 UHF Transceivers of $8,923.50 each predicated on an increase to current pro- duction of these two units. The price for the current production was negotiated with RADC and that same price was offered by the Contractor and accepted by the Contracting Officer. If there are further questions concerning this negotiation, please contact the undersigned. Very trul ours, Contract Administrator ase 2006/09/25 : CIA-RDP72600464R000600010003-6 STAT Approved For Release 2006/09/25 : CIA-RDP72600464R000600010003-6 Subject: Reference: Enclosure: Gentlemen: In accordance with our telcon, shown of $160.00 is attached. Contract (a) (b) (A) Material Justification September 18, 1969 Contractors Letter of Confirming Negotiation Contractor's Letter of If there are further questions refer to the undersigned. JAT:mes W. 0. #4 19 August 1969 3 September 1969 for the 943B-1 the support of the material dollars It totals $167.50. concerning this negotiation, please 1y yours, ontract ministrator Approved For Release 2006/09/25 : CIA-RDP72600464R000600010003-6 STAT Approved For Release 2006/09/25 : CIA-RDP72600464R000600010003-6 Next 1 Page(s) In Document Exempt Approved For Release 2006/09/25 : CIA-RDP72600464R000600010003-6 Approved For Release 2006/09/25 : CIA-RDP72600464R000600010003-6 COST SUMMARY Direct Cost 't $ 2,000 $ 6,267 G&A @ 11.59 232 i! _84-3 IR & D @ 2.83 57 177 $ 2,28.9 $ 7,287 2 289 Total Cost $ 9,576 Profit 1,436 $11,012 Approved For Release 2006/09/25 : CIA-RDP72600464R000600010003-6 STAT Approved For Release 2006/09/25 : CIA-RDP72600464R000600010003-6 Approved For Release 2006/09/25 : CIA-RDP72600464R000600010003-6 Approved For Release 2006/09/25 : CIA-RDP72600464R000600010003-6 RHS71 COPY AVAILABLE Approved For Release 2006/09/25 : CIA-RDP72600464R000600010003-6 STAT. MATERIAL/SERVICES EST IMATL SHEET UNE NO. Approved Fsw,poltw?",R.R9Wg.eltiFE.LLAMIRDP170B002164R017061300111gUrfiTy * REQ.D. TIME DATE UNIT COST TOTAL COST 7?fis Is 7)4! D , ,...2 ,/) 1. 7) / / I., _723 / /1 / .7.1,-, -12V ?,/..,r-7-...---!.. ,..,.. / , 4/7 , 4/ 5-- -/ zrcv r..),,,") -..b 2.0 /,2 /1 2> 2 ',ZS-- ..:. , t.:?;../ 7....w,vs ,-,v e;.)-4,:?)-..4 _7,:, -,-? /2j -". 4 D // ....7, . - , 2 -2. i/?, /4 -//' ? // ._7> I 2, .-2 . 7'7 y, .?, , .---- 'i ' V A VY _ s' , 7 _%,- . /1 - .. ? - 1/ ii--, .1 2 2 i Z. /,,;...2_, ,7?-; v //-....... . i /. d. 2_ /3 / , 3- // dr-_- -1-, , ,.-.2 ,'.., A-- 'r? - 0 ._.D - /1 ,...F. v 7, ? ? /./ .7) ...2., , 7,_ . 2 -7- - - 0 -2,.. 2..., /. 47 ? i,d7,),e6'..,/, 7/'/-it../,..s. -.D 4-7 ..--. urrj/c ...t. 9 . /2. , v..-.Y ge",e- -.1'..- -2) cr .. /-2 ? -,..,, - ' ',;-2,0'1 V _Z) / /1", 49 ) Ai. ) ,) ,,, 2' / Ai. 0 P,), ./ :.., -2 irr?./z. -,------,,,, ..D / /7.";....:_ ../.7"--.' ..,?'-7/ 1 .1 6 .0 /.':' - / /.7 ..;.. ,. /2 , -,' ...-) / , 96. * .3) / /, / ,'..) 1.!) _2) /..- ,,,, _..7) l _Z 6.:r ..;e. ; ,- //... z...,./ ?,..---? - /.:-, 4 / ,.,9, 5 ,..) .2 , --:- ) ? e:" - ,..., 4- , i:L. '....,-4?. ..2) I 1, r I ? - ' ./ ?I- ,i / - I 2 , 9 ?2 2. 7.. ...) e."-''..; ? ;- //,../ :_?-:- f) / E / .."5-, "' ...? c: ' ? I 7.- _. / r-? C, ; / 4---, -? --, . c -: -- ,-) /.1i'L / /i 1,- ,a. .5-, 4/ - ..., PA' .C.e)/1...3 ..D /6 2 . j?-) /.) J . ?J ?.) ...t?.. e .4, ,.:1 J ? .1 ..1 -_. . - . , ? TOTAL $ * SOURCE OF ESTIMATE: 0-*:QUOTE-NO. SOLICITED P: CATALOG PRICE D: DOCUMENTED EXPERIENCE E: ENGINEERING ESTIMATE ITEM/TASK NO. PROGRAM TITLE DIV DEPT _ SUB TASK . NO._ REF NO ..f/ VAT ' PREPARED BY DATE BR NO APPROVED BY DATE Opproved For Release 2006/03/25 : CIA-RpDP72B00404R0006000100taTCRIAL SHEET --' OF ----' / SERVICES ESTIMATE SHEET . D-572 (12-63) Approved For Release 2006/09/25 : CIA-RDP72600464R000600010003-6 RESEARCH AND DEVELOPMENT COST ESTIMATE WORK AND DETAIL SHEET TASK /7E-/? C. 05 r (o SUB TASK 7) .57) ITEM CPS CCN DATE 0 P -I ( 9 B.R. NO. V -k--4 DIV/DEPT CF Iii _ ASSOC ME ENGR EE PROGRAM NEW SPEC NO. PREV SPEC NO. PAGE OF EQUIPMENT REV. DTD. REV. DTD. TRIP (JEST: FOR PERSONS EL/ $ PER TRIP DAYS SUBSIST @ $ PER DAY LOCAL TRAVEL: RENTAL OTHER TRIP DEST: FOR PERSONS @ $ PER TRIP DAYS SUBSIST @ $ PER DAY LOCAL TRAVEL: RENTAL OTHER TOTALS Labor 011 Mo. Hours Hours Rota Amount Rote hood Totals SR ASST ME ENGR EE STAf ME ENGR EE JR ASST ME ENGR EE JR ME ENGR EE SUB-TOTAL ENGR Sti4TASS T ,DRAFTING mot SHOP -mow MATERIAL TERMS & CONDITIONS OF ESTIMATE DELIVERY COMMENTS LABOR RATE PERIOD: -1 70 /7 STAT STAT TOTAL LABOR ,+OVERHEAD $: MATERIAL TOTAL TRAVEL & SUBSISTENCE SUB-CONTRACTED (DETAILS ATTACHED) YES NO FLIGHT TESTING HOURS @ 7070 COMPUTER HOURS @ OTHER TOTAL MATERIAL & OTHER COSTS TOTAL LABOR, OH, MATERIAL & OTHER COSTS CAPITAL ASSETS, TEST EQUIP., SPEC FACILITIES (DETAILS ATTACHED) YES NO RENT FREE USAGE OF LING VIBRATION EQUIPMENT REQ'D YES NO I Approved For Release iortifinfisilsdAlitil311b664.64fteffitiBbdiMfd`RIE3E) STAT 6 074- 62 61- 102 TOTAL VENGR MAN MONTH! STAT TO: STAT Approved For Release 2006/09/25 : CIA-RDP721300464 FROM: 16 September 1969 LOCATION: 407-032 LOCATION: 120-13 R000600010003-6 SUBJECT: 9436-1 10-watt Power Amplifier REFERENCE. Per meffo dated 29 August 1969, audit support was submitted to substantiate portion of the $9,883.00 sell price for the subject equipment. One error was noted in the audit support. The 75 hours listed for Lab Assist, on the left side of the page should be corrected to read 85 hours in order to agree with the right side column. In addition, support was requested for the $160.00 material estimate. The attached sheet attempts to provide this support. It should be noted the total of the attached sheet equals $167.50 versus $160.00. I am sorry the audit support isn't better but it is all we have. NKG:ve ? Approved For Release 2006/09/25 : CIA-RDP72600464R000600010003-6 056 0010 020 SHOW COPY DIS1RIBUTION IN LOWER LEFT CORNER ? ' , ? ? ? ? , ' , ? ; - 4r, - ? , , - ? . ? 2006/09/25 : CIA-MDP72B00464R000600010003-6 i a 0.0 Uo0uOvu I U U 0 0 0 u 32.0000000.0 U o u + 0 6 0 u 0 0 v 't 3,0 6 0 V "i Li.UULJ0LiJLiLi , 0 6 + 2.00600V v 2.0 0 0 0 o v u + 8 O U.0 0 0 o v + 5,0 0 0 v u u v + 2 j 7.0 6 o 0 0 0 u v ,- 2.0000oVuv 1- iU.0ULJOLiLjLiLi 1 3 o.0 o 0 0 u v u 2.0 0 0 0 i.0 Li 1 0.0 V 0 o v 1`..)0.00v0o0uu u0 uu 0 Li 2.600,00u0u0uo 2.:-?,?.uub0Vuuv iu U 0 0 v 200.06v0u0 v o 3 8 1./.0 0o0uu vo 4 j 1.0000ov u 4 0.0UUOVOUv 6 2 0.0 6 L, 0 0 0 0 u 4o'./.0000vu Z.0u00 v0 v v e 2006/09/25 : CIA-RDP72B00464R0006000100031A- . 4 - E".',.A ? A, I' ? 2.21 :!? 1.3 K 10 2::22.22 31 77 .0K 3.2 K -.3 K K 15 K 50 22207 1 V , 1 7 v 7., A 22 K 2277 Tfir)-Iir; 1.3 470 '; 120 ChTris t: 1,4 -;19n 5 Pf 2.2 uf 1401.01UI 2oartl r::oard Fuse COnn. FU.S2 Cenr,. ?. `:rror ? 27 K Appctl) ved For Release 2006/09/25 : CIA-RDP72B00464R000606-01000.5;"4i. (1r: 3,1 0?( cr 7111-0201' 3..3,104 ?-000,3'). --sr13-5(;51-120,:;4; (00)07 .?.03-2605-320;07 05-3605-16010 7 -715-2350-000,06? -.745-2377-000,4C 21:2-0552-000,.)3 745-2359-000 , 0, 7 .,745-0773-000,00'I 745-737/L-000 ? --745-2371-000, /0 ' -:?-?/". 45-230,0-000,0 .7 ..,-7115-2133 -000 , ,07 -.745-2298-000 .0 7 --352-0551-000,30 2 .--745-2335-000,0g -745-23130-000;Cfi, --r353-3:128-000, -,353-2033-000, / 3 .A53-3184-000,1 45-071 0-ow), oa, --0160113-000.05- 1 24-72714)00 2I7 /707-2352-001- ? ,,-/S7-8353-001 ? -F;57-9145-00 -.3_7115 22 - -270 (.) `30,1-000,4774 OS- ....1.71-1n3--.1 /,20 r.)1 -003.4:39' - ...0ndIx 1-203712/(00P (Do 3 f3 - 250 7--S - 000 -oo 75-010_22 61 745-O7)7000 ,Q 0-00.75 - 30 6 7 -350-C C`i --0,1?0,57?. 0 ? 1 Approved For Release-2006/09i/25.:L64-4kbP72B00464R000600010003-6 1 1 7 " I ; sto7-, Var . sistor, . ,knn is-kto',Var. is --Via-1988-230s 5-C-, -07/1-0707-0'10 //, .1-1.,-.yir.os t -2.67.-0149-01049 Nosop.v.,;!,se.t -200-0712-010 n _7306-1g51-000fej=- uf --184-7398-00 .1 uf A51-0873-030,5" ,2r3792 ,252-070C-0406", 20179 .352-0704-02&/755- 1U 291323 .,,,353-1160-000i 10 7:1,r):1, -..%153-2976-000 , 1;1 Ct1rq 61 i i ck. l'.")urtt Cover Api>rdved For Release 2006/09/25 : CIA-RDP721300464R0006000100j 03-6 -2- CP11 CA-:M/P) i( 2250-00QX2.1., -184-7357-00 --.745-0725-000i 0)- 1. :281-1721-1 100,3 0 -7( 0 715'0- 000 Snail Cho!:e --678-1406 -000 3. 3 f Approved For Release 2006/09/25 : CIA-RDP72600464R000600010003-6 Approved For Release 2006/09/25 : CIA-RDP72600464R000600010003-6 October 8, 1969 Subject: , Gentlemen: Contract Work Order 5 Antenna Malfunction Investigation and Correction In accordance with your instructions the Contractor is forwarding his quotation for subject effort under Work Order 5 of subject contract The Contractor's fiX-0-15Ttre--7motetionis?inttre?anInTir-7710,414.91. The cost analysis in support of this amount is attached. The material content is listed in Headquarters' messa e 8746 dated 18 December 1968. - Questions concerning this quotation should be referred to 6 JAT:mes (Rly yours, Contract Administration Division a 4 4 4 /LOA 6c1 Approved For For Release 2006/09/25 : CIA-RDP72600464R000600010003-6 STAT STAT Approved For Release 2006/09/25 : CIA-RDP72600464R000600010003-6 WULK Lauer ) Investigation Antenna Malfunction Labor & Correction lours, R'2:41.6p4K, Overhead - hours Travel (including excess baggage) Material '3 ' 728.00 712.43 873.60 933.28 2,844.66 _122.2222 8,327.27 G&A @ 9.94% ( ? 827.73 R&D @ 3.76% 313.10 9,468.10 Profit @ 10% 946.81 $10,414.91 Approved For Release 2006/09/25 : CIA-RDP72600464R000600010003-6 STAT -A STAT 25XI- - - Appr ve-O-FinWeletse zuubiur/25 : CIA-RDP712B00464R00060001.0003-6 i ' SALES TA .1 El...,,, IPA EXEM .AIRC, iNS7 DOMESTIC I UNLE , ..,TEXEDI 77:HZ,ET SHEETS 1E,OtiLST IcaDA?LC DATE ilSCAL ICUSTOME7 CODE InvOtCE DATE liociDICE AO ..; STATE 1,----1 %LOCAL i 1 OF ? 9'24/69 / . I 11004 FOB mEWPORT BEACH. CALIF ItIALESS iNDiCATEDI SHIP VIA ? DEST Hi.11 TUREESS 11.1.DICATEDI , ? J p.NO iSSU D la's DATE - , EFI ra EL TOCOG. I I. j OW. ADA TT SF 34 ,DE 000 Las 325 AP ii:D ! CAST ROY - 911 000' I i PC IRR T-PARAS ORDER I EC i GS- SHiP 100C. ID :ciriC I C:: TII. ISDOA 1 AF IPPIOR 1S SI Ci l; ACL 1 1 1 I i PAIITiAL NO ? .. REL. PAHA so:A TA TA SIT SHIP TO IsAxX AG SOLD 10 uNLESS torOiCATEO) 1 1 ATTN: STAT , I FL I SCI,DATE-T,SCALTTcH. cATE QUANTITY ITCH . [QUANTITY COLLINS SF DESCRIPTION 0,,,,,T,n DX. UNIT PRICE AMOUNT A G1,10. N. O ORDERED PART NUMBER ITTCOO NO. SCHED. , ItCO'D. 0A.TC mn. DAY y R. DAY TA. 'CA D*DERED TRis Sei?. 1 LOT , FIELD SERVICE FOR ANTENNA PREVENTIVE MAINTENANCE THRU 10,941. S111AT AU!GUST 1969 ? - ? 47 / TRAVEL AND PER DIEM $8855.70 G &A 12.32% 1091.02 PROFIT 10% 994.57 $10t941.3.9 . ., . 4-- i 'I '- / \1- ".."..... *. c', - Y ''''C,.\\C ': r, ? ';\ / .S)\ - ' '\P ? \ ' '. \\ I-.--q ? .y, .., ./?.., 177 - 3 L 621-4431 . 14 GROSS A:GOO Mt L3C41. TAX 2039i LOCAL TAX ? :LDS % STATE TAX STATE TAX -Z607 FREIGHT, 7714 POSIACE a IwS. 770o I MISC. CHARGES i mET AR,OURI 10,941. DATE HIPPED a/L OR RECLTT NO I A 1.71 I , ROUTE DOti 5 BOX NO i CONTAINER LENGTH WIDTH HEIGHT CLAIC I CROSS r3/ ... rr iN 4 , t- / I I 1 1 LR 3 1 1 ! 1 1 I 07-473orLons:.-._ CIIS-TOMER- .rTiLT LTIor I T.. MLTRiHA.I'.U,AICUSTOMCR C) ON IN.. ionis A I S T OCKI NG CHARGE lb APeLiCALC IR.I l'" ,-Approved-ForRelease 2006Th9/25 : CIA-RDP72600464R000600010003-6 F? Approved For Release 2006/09/25 : CIA-RDP72600464R000600010003-6 13 June 1969 Subject: Enclosure: Gentlemen: Contract Work Order No. 4 Three (3) Transportable Communication Terminals (A) Technical Proposal entitled "Three Transportable Communication Terminals dated 12 June 1969" (B) Cost Analysis, in Triplicate The Contractor offers its firm fixed price proposal to design, develop, build, test and deliver three (3) transportable communication systems. The cost proposal is predicated on the Statement of Work as defined in Enclosure (A). No manufacturing drawings will be supplied. A systems technical manual will be provided to cover operation and installation which is supplementary to the individual equipment instruction manuals. All manuals supplied will be in commercial format. The scope of work defines a system mock-up. Any re- configuration which results from the display and review of the mock-up provided, which necessitates changes in equipment, parts or other material on order or additional engineering, design and test, will constitute a change in scope. The cost GFE equipment listed in the with sufficient documentation accordance with the agreed proposal is also predicated technical proposal in for installation and schedule. on the receipt of the good operating condition wiring and delivered in The equipment is offered STAT The enclosed cost analysis is expected to be October reflects a selling price 1969. of $141,043. Completion Questions concerning this proposal should be referred to Contract STAT Administrator. Verty,...rfAV yours, STAT Contract Administration Division JAT:mes Approved For Release 2006/09/25 : CIA-RDP72600464R000600010003-6 FORM ilpf 12-67 ,.044401,411 s 2820 yr Approved For Release )136/i3s9h:Etitk-#6115f21300464R000600010003-6 FILE II\ SECRET (When Filled In) (44) I 8 Ur 65 5 5 6 3REPRODUCTION PROHIBITED ... r= r 7 [ i ACTION 1 ,1 Ai 6 veg./WI? 11 I ,,16 2 . 3 i 8 13 19 144 9 / 14 19 5 ie. 10 1 15 20 25X1SECR ET An PRIORITY 241 IDEAL IST IOW 181900Z SEPT 69 CITE CONTRACTS 2616 I. REFERENCE IS MADE TO REVIEW OF MOCK UP FOR COMMUNICATIONS TER- MINALS BEING PROVIDED UNDER WORK ORDER 4 CONTRACT CONDUCTED S SEPT BY TECHNICAL REPRESENTATIVES OF YOUR ORGANIZATIONS. 2. IN ACCORDANCE WITH TECHNICAL DISCUSSIONS DURING MOCK UP REVIEW FOLI4W I NG CHANGES, NOT PROVIDED FOR IN FI NAL DESIGN PLAN FOR TR A NS- PORT ALE COMMUNICATIONS TERMINALS DATED 19 AUGUST 1969 ARE BEI NG UNDER- * TAKEN AS DIRECTED: A. A LOW IMPEDANCE MICROPHONE WILL BE SUPPLIED WITH BOTH SYSTEM "A" TERMINALS AND PROVISIONS MADE FOR KEYING AND VOICE MODULATING 718U-4 HF TRANSCEIVER FROM MAINTENANCE CONTROL HEAD LOCATION ON REAR OF TER- *, MIN. B. PROVISIONS FOR MONITORING 718U-4 HF TRANSCEIVER AUDIO VIA 040, HEADPHONES WILL BE MADE AT MAINTENANCE CONTROL HEAD LOCATION. NO IP HEAD SETS WILL BE PROVIDED. wip %or C. MODIFY PRIMARY DC POWER SUPPLY TO PERMIT INPUT VOLTAGE STRAPS TO BE CHANGED TO FRONT PANEL OF POWER SUPPLY FROM INTERNAL. THIS MODIFICATION A PPL IES TO BOTH SYSTEM "A" AND "C" POWER SUPPLIES. Approved For Release 2006/09/25 : CIA-RDP72600464R000600010003-6 INV '?41 25X1 IMO leo FORM 111, 12-67 2820 %I+ 25X1 PAGE 2 2616 SECRET D. FABRICATE AND PROVIDE PANEL TO ENCLOSE FRONT OF 499R-13 SHELF. PANEL TO COVER TOP, LEFT AND RIGHT FRONT SIDES OF SHELF AND PERMIT REMOVAL OF 718U-4 TRANSCEIVER SLICES WITHOUT REMOVAL OF PANEL. FILE 1 r Approved For Release i0016169F2gPdAkogq2B00464R000600010003-6 SECRET (When Filled In) (441 REPRODUCTION PROHIBITED ACTION 1 6 11 16 2 7 12 17 . 3 8 13 18 4 9 14 19 5 10 15 20 VP THIS MODIFICATION APPLIES TO BOTH SYSTEM "A" AND SYSTEM "C" SHELVES. E. FABRICATE AND INSTALL FOLDING LEGS ON FRONT OF R CU TO PER-. lorkhei MIT UNIT TO BE TILTED FOR EASY VIEWING. F, PROVIDE A PLUG-IN AC POWER STRIP IN REAR OF SYSTEM "C" isp RACK TO PERMIT STANDARD POWER CORDS SUPPLIED WITH GFE EQUIPMENT TO BE UTILIZED. G. MODIFY SCHEMATICS AND INSTRUCTION BOOK MATERIAL TO REFLECT leo ABOVE OUTLINED CHANGES IN SYSTEM CONFIGURATION. 2. ACT ION HAS BEEN TAKEN TO DETERMINE COST AND DELIVERY SCHEDULES 'MPACT , IF ANY, OF ABOVE OUTLINED CHANGES. 11.4/ItECRET BT 110 %so Approved For Release 2006/09/25 : CIA-RDP72600464R000600010003-6 Approved For Release 2006/09/25 : CIA-RDP72600464R000600010003-6 December 12, 1969 Subject: Contract I Amendment No. 4 Enclosure: (A) Two (2) Copies of Subject Amendment Gentlemen: Enclosed herewith is Amendment No. 4 to subject contract, executed on behalf of the Contractor, which incorporates the funding in full for Work Order No. 5 in the amount of 10,415. tru yours, JAT:mes Contract Manager Approved For Release 2006/09/25 : CIA-RDP72600464R000600010003-6 r vron 12.67, 2,620 Approved For Release 2$641/4/51/W:Da-kelffiB00464R000600010043;6? SICAT , - ? --FILE INFO SECRET (When Filled In) , i , ta 3 U 4 I ? - , REPRODUCTION PROHIBITED 143 . ActioN , ,, 1 ao yi, 7 , 1 7 d 6 )/77 ? n -1 2 7 12 47 , 1 3 1 8 / 13 '18 . 4 '' -.,.-:= 4 ,j' ' ? .--.' -} 14 s: ... . 5 t.?..1.-0 15 Ti.L,01:',A. F. T t 65ci CITE. tFFORTS TO WESOLVI PRO3LEM OF M3ALIG.IMEn. 10T4HY L. A4TE,144 dASE OF OC,ITErPtg. FIVE HAVE n ?DUCE? ST'?`11- i4 06' COln:410N AUT NO ACTIO4 MEASuREmENTS INDI ATE AMC:OR BASE 77;2 INCHES OFFt AR HITECTURAL CONSUtTA. T ESTlfnATF.3;;110RE THAN 13 INCHES. most BASE CE I IN:CF,Es mg) IN TOLERANCE, NO ONE $ FOR RENOVATION TO MEET-,1 - NTY!rONOITIONS, - CL OPP OitLY , STATg/ , ?ADO RECENT SURVEY OF SITE IND CATES. A Areq ;URAL C TANT AGREES, ,THAT WINCP *KCRO BMK IS 8 CUR NO BADLY CRACKED STRUCTURALLY tiESOIEARLY TOTAL ;i ? e glW,14tLi NONESS ACCEPT CO Hil'!?40111,110,1A, PROVIDING EFFECTIVE GUARANTEES AND WARRANTY rurQunst HO ACCEPT THIS OFF EAQ ARRAIME STATEquztifAu,:. RE %.`OVATION SEP, VICES', CONS JER3 eXISTENT Approved For Release 2006/09/25 : CIA-RDP72600464R000600010003-6 c FORM ? ' wims, ' .....tecpor-dYe STAT 14.'j11', Approved For Release 2k6f6V251F8INWOffB00464R000600010003-6 144/ . ' 1 :'?. 1-:: ? 'i il: 1 ,;.,...4?.4.,.. 4,?;i: . . ....i..'FIL:-IN..e0 :,. i?;: ' ? .. SECRET (When Filled In) .. -- . . . ,.. ;'..'!?:?..t,:. .?...,..,...--;,,, ,. . ? i-,i.' ? ? ? REPRODUCTION PROHIBITED: -1,._:,,./11 . _ , : , , ?i ?,?' : i ACTION .1 .! 1 ( ? 6 'tie)/ 0,,,Y74 . 6 II_ .1 16 . ', I -., ''. ? 2 7 . 12 17 . . 3 ..t. 813 18 .. :-.1 . 4 ... 9 .. .. 14 19 , P 5 10 15 20 3 F., C ft F.:: I 104.4ALL.A"rt ',11 ZARO o .1::1; AND t1IVlac,1.1:`;:i(3 ?f? :4CTIc)1 . . 0- ? .0 ? : t1,14.1.0p ? ? - ?,i ?;. . - STAT y. :3,15;GEST S T t) . SHOtit.0 to _ ; etiFIRVIT 1515T4LLATIOW, 'REIti37 ALL c3 TZ!c1 O COmPLETE 1 ? :; FOUNDTION AU U ANCHORS, OqIENTED TO Avotp CLIRR,ENT MOOL2m . L. ? WWlik,AJI4NA MAST BLOCKS ENTRY TO OOMPOLIND WHEN LOWERED ; ? ;I' FOR SERV 1E0 5: pc "" . 7 10 Approved For Release 2006/09/25 : CIA-RDP72600464R000600010003-6 Approved For Release 2006/09/25 : CIA-RDP72600464R000600010003-6 Subject: Gentlemen: Contract Amendment No. 3 October 15, 1969 Returned herewith are the original and one copy of the subject amendment executed on behalf of the Contractor. Any questions concerning this transmission should be referred JAT:mes //'C'Iery tru, yours, Contract Administrator Approved For Release 2006/09/25 : CIA-RDP72600464R000600010003-6 ?ThAt STAT STAT Approved For Release 2006/09/25 : CIA-RDP721300464R000600010003-6 -4 3 CERTIFICATE OF CURRENT COST OR PRICING DATA (NOV. 1967) This is to certify that, to the best of my knowledge and belief, cost or pricing data as defined in ASPR 3-807.3(e) submitted, either actually or by specific identification in writing (see ASPR 3-807.3(f)), to the Contracting Officer or his representative in support of Work Order 4 l_are accurate, complete, and current as of 19 August 1969 day month year 1969 October 7 Date of Execution FIRM TITLE - TITLE Contract Administration Division Approved For Release 2006/09/25 : CIA-RDP72600464R000600010003-6 Approved For Release 2006/09/25 : CIA-RDP72600464R000600010003-6 Subject: Enclosure: Gentlemen: Contract Work Order 4 October 7, 1969 (A) Certificate of Current Cost or Pricing Data Enclosed is a Certificate of Current Cost or Pricing Data executed on behalf of the Contractor. Questions concerning this work order should be referred JAT:mes Ct _Very rul yours, Contract Administrator Approved For Release 2006/09/25 : CIA-RDP72600464R000600010003-6 Approved For Release 2006/09/25 : CIA-RDP72600464R000600010003-6 CERTIFICATE OF CURRENT COST OR PRICING DATA (NOV. 1967) This is to certify that, to the best of my knowledge and belief, cost or pricing data as defined in ASPR 3-807.3(e) submitted, either actually or by specific identification in writing (see ASPR 3-807.3(f)), to the Contracting Officer or his representative in support of l_siock_ordigx_4-1 pare STAT accurate, complete, and current as of 1, AMA year 1969 1969 Oatdbar 7 Date of Execution day Approved For Release 2006/09/25 : CIA-RDP72600464R000600010003-6 STAT ??? Approved For Release 20O1Jppr-RDP72B00464R000600010003-6 ATTACHItENT TO OSA 0948-69 MIME TRANSPOnABLE COIIMUNICAT/ONS RACIX PRODUCT LINE 1UIPZE'NT 2 each -UHF Amplifier 943B-1 ? U.P. $9,800 3 each UHF Transceiver 1NYPRC-66, U.P. $8,500 3 each Antenna Tuner 490B U.P. $4,000 1 each Frequency Ehitt Leyer, Frequency. Ehit Convertor, etc. iT U.P. $3,643 3 eachHP Transceiver 718U U.P. $3,314 $ 19,600 2.5,500 12,000 3,643 26,442 TOTAL PURCHASED PARTS 3 each Power Supply 23V, 70r-100 iv-1P .1.0104411?MMIA?01111310?00?10011? $ 37,190 U.P. $1,100 $ 3,300 3 lot Miscellaneous Parts U.P. $4,814 14,442 TOTAL $ 17,742 DESIGN, BUILD AND TEST $ 23,000 GRAND TOTAL $127,932 Approved For Release 2 C6ba4,"'ICIA-RDP72B00464R000600010003-6 STAT Approved For Release 2006/09/25 : CIA-RDP72600464R000600010003-6 Approved For Release 2006/09/25 : CIA-RDP72600464R000600010003-6 Approved For Release 2006/09/25 : CIA-RDP72600464R000600010003-6 Ai b"\- L), , I % k?-?,4 I I Is- e. 0 e Le-4- - -f? t 48 Approved For For Release 2006/09/25 : CIA-RDP72600464R000600010003-6 SAT Approved For Release 2006/09/25 - INVOICE : CIARDP72600464R000600010003-6 CPFF AcT NO. TYPE I CUSTOMER ORDER NO. DUST. ABBR. COPY TERMS - NET 30 (UNLESS INDICATED) CODE DATE OF ORDER COLLINS ORDER I I 93-9037 work order 1 - 204296 , i SA LES TAX N PACKIG INST.-DOMESTIC ( UNLESS INDICATED) EXEMPT I EXE PT SHEET SHEETS REQUEST DATE SCHEDULE DATE FISCAL I CUSTOMER CODE INVOICE DATE INVOICE NO. % STATE 1 % LOCAL 1 o I I 19-83847 8-20-69 99399-T FOR DALLAS, TEXAS (UNLESS INDICATED) SHIP VIA - BEST WAY (UNLESS INDICATED) B.R. NO. !ISSUED BY DATE DAY DEPT DEL. TO COG. DIV. 99 All TT SF 37 DE 000 SGS VP1 IND 0751'0169 , COSY 0001 ROY +/? PC PR C/U CTC MCS ROMT. BOOK !MEE PRIOR. SPARES ORDER FC mCS-SHI P. DOC. ID. PARTIAL NO. REL. PRIMES SOLD TO PROJECT WORD Work Order 1 SHIP TO (SAME AS SOLD TO UNLESS INDICATED) STAT SCH. DA,1;5-FISCAL SCH. DATE QUANTITY ITEM QUANTITY COLLINS DESCRIPTION T QUANTITY UNIT PRICE AMOUNT -A NO. G I ORDERED PART NUMBER SF BOX NO. ,..- ,,, .,..HEL., RECI.D. DATE MO. DAY YR. MO. DAY YR. ORBDAECRKED -)'11II:. STAT Amounts claimed for reimbursement under Contract Project i or the month ending August 1, 1969 as per the attached statement. Allovable Cost Overhead Fixed Fee 848.04 170.10 101.81 . 098-9000-001 37 1 1,119.95 `..1 D -,1 .J Za... ',.. D GROSS AMOUNT 1 9 LOCAL TAX 1,119.93 LOCAL TAX - 3 boe, sTATE TAX STATE TAX -3607 FREIGHT -3736 POSTAGE & INS. 874-7700 MISC. CHARGES NET AMOUNT 1,119.95 ROUTE T 0 A L BOX NO. CONTAINER LENGTH WIDTH HEIGHT CUBIC GROSS NET CATS SHIPPED S/ L CR RECEIPT NO. BOXES WEIGHT ? ,.._ Approved For elease I I I 2006/09/25 : CIA-RDP72B0h4JR000600010003 R 074_ _306 IF RET uRN OF THIS MERCHANDISE IS NECESSARY. C01,1 CT OUR CUSTOMER ?Feta SERVICES DEPT. FOR INSTRUCTIONS. A 157., RESTOCKING CHARGE IS APPL IC OMEWSCOPY rninrwidighirF nF THF STAT ALLOT4ABLE COST 9r Release FEE 2,753,00 CONTRACT TOT-AL 30,279.00 FEE RESERVE . 412..95 Release2006/0105:CMA1-IRDP72B00464R0006000160034; 11 ORDER NO. 20-4296 ? CONTRACT NO. Prime No, 93-9057 ? AS OF .August Current Month ? ? Material .:Travel Special Charges 662,64 157.50 -0-. 1,305.49, ' 3,604.13 -0- Salaries and Wages 27.90 6,086.02 Overhead (OH less 37. Excl. Factor) 48,76 7,564.02 General & Administrative Cost_ 95.96 1,939.95 General Research and Development 25.38-0- 581.45 Tni-nrre,4nr11 4,570.00 -0 Commercially Priced Equipment TOTAL COST. FIXED FEE TOTAL CLAIM SUBMITTED -6- -0- 1018.14 25,651.06 ? 101.81- 2,565.11 1119,95 28,216.17 Contract Reserves Withheld this Voucher and Previous Vouchers: Cost -o- -0- Fee -o- .(22%26) Patent 0 -0- NET REIMBURSABLE - 1034 1119:95 27,986.91 CERTIFICATION " I HEREBY CERTIFY THAT THE ABOVE BILL IS CORRECT, THAT PAYMENT THEREFOR HAS NOT BEEN RECEIVED, AND THAT THE BILL IS PRESENTED WITH THE KNOWLEDGE THAT THE AMOUT PAID HEREUNDER WILL BECOME THE BASIS FOR CLAIM AGAINST THE UNITED .STATES GOVERNMENT." ? Contract Cost Department Approved For Release 2006109/25 : CIA-RDP721300464R000600010003-6 . STAT STAT Approved For Release 2006/09/25 : CIA-RDP72600464R000600010003-6 Next 8 Page(s) In Document Exempt Approved For Release 2006/09/25 : CIA-RDP72600464R000600010003-6 ?Approved For Release 2006/09/25 : CIA-RDP72600464R000600010003-6 8 October 1969 Subject: Acceptance Test/inspectionProcedures for System "A" and "C" Communication Terminals, Work Order 4, Contract Dear Sir, Enclosed are copies of the proposed Acceptance Test/Inspection Procedures for Systems "A" and "C" dated 8 October 1969. Would you please review the procedures and advise within two weeks if the procedures are not acceptable. LOL:lb Sincerely, or, Special Projects End: 1. Acceptance Test/InspectionFocedure, System "A" dated 8 Oct 1969 (3 copies) 2. Acceptance Test/InspectionProcedure, System "C" dated 8 Oct 1969 (3 copies) Approved For Release 2006/09/25 : CIA-RDP72600464R000600010003-6 Ap-roved For Release 2006/09/25 : CIA-RDP72600464R00 111 )600010003-6 ACCEPTANCE TEST/INSPECTION PROCEDURES PROJECT WORD SYSTEM "A" 1.0 PURPOSE OCT 8 Successful completion of the tests in this procedure will provide the basis for acceptance of System A by the customer. The performance of System A as a system, and compatibility between System A and the customer furnished "System B" will be demonstrated. The transit and operational configuration of System A will be shown. 2.0 REFERENCE INFORMATION The drawings, manuals and other documentation listed in the following paragrapfit should be available during performance of these tests. 2.1 Drawings a. Schematic, RCU b. Schematic, connector panel, System A C. Power wiring, System A d. Outline drawing, Equipment Cabinet e. Outline drawing, Auxiliary Transit Case 2.2 Manuals a. 718U-4 hi transceiver b. 490B-4 hi antenna coupler c. 514A-4 hi control unit d. AN/PRC-66 uhf transceiver e. 943B-1 uhf power amplifier f. System A System Manual g. DCR40-60A dc power supply h. 449B microphone amplifier i. 460A AGC amplifier j. 453B line amplifier k. 461A power amplifier 2.3 Other Documentation a. "Design Plan, Transportable Communications Terminals" b. System B Information as applicable C. ON-AIR Test Plan (See 5.3) GFE GFE NO. 000-3152-000 REVISION 074- t5,3 40- 300 Afiprolted Far Meade 20E6/09F25 :CIA-11;11DPUBOR464B0906:0[0W100?3-6 OF 25 STAT STAT STAT ApI3roved For Releas e 2006/09/25 : CIA-RDP72600464R000600 010003-6 3.0 EQUIPMENT REQUIRED 3.1 Test Equipment Item Description Quantity a. VOM, Triplett 630, or equivalent 2 b. VTVM, #HP 400D 3 c. Audio oscillator, HP200CD 2 d. Transformer, HP 11005A 3 e. Frequency counter, HP52451. 1 f. Plug in for frequency counter, HP5253B 1 g. 28vdc power supply, KEPCO KS60-5M 1 h. Hf dummy load, 50 ohm, 1 kw, BIRD 694 1 i. Uhf dummy load, 50 ohm, 80w BIRD 81B 1 j. Rf wattmeter, BIRD 43 2 k. Hf insert for rf wattmeter, BIRD 500H 1 1. Uhf insert for rf wattmeter, BIRD 10D 1 m. Rf signal generator, HP606B (for hf) 1 n. Rf signal generator, HP608E (for uhf) 1 o. Microphone adapter (See Fig 6-1) 1 P. Test leads, connectors, cable, resistors As required *HP = Hewlett Packard 3.2 GFE Equipment Required a. System "B" 1 4.0 INITIAL CONDITIONS 4.1 Environmental 4.1.1 OFF-AIR Tests: Normal laboratory ambient. 4.1.2 ON-AIR Tests: Normal laboratory ambient, and existing outside ambient. 4.2 Power: Normal building 208 vac, 60 Hz. 4.3 Equipment a. All System A equipment installed and/or packaged for transit in'Equipment,Cabinet and/or Auxiliary Transit Case. 5.0 TEST PROCEDURE Switch and control positions, cable and equipment connections should remain as stated until procedure directs a change. 5.1 Set-Up REVISION NO. 000-3152-000 A6proyed Fr Rtleal9 20g6/0y2O :0A-14DPUBUR4640604199-100023-6 OF 25 074-156 40-300 ? _REVtSION Api)roved For Release 2 006/09/25 : CIA-RDP72600464R0006000 0003-6 5.1.1 Remove front and rear covers of Equipment Cabinet. Examine Equipment Cabinet for location, accessibility, appearance, secureness of equipment. 5.1.2 Remove cover from Auxiliary Transit Case, Examine location, accessibility, appearance, secureness of equipment and cables. 5.1.3 Check building primary ac voltage. 5.2 OFF-AIR Tests 5.2.1 Remote Control Unit (RCU) tests. Connect the equipment as shown in Figure 6-3. DO NOT turn the external 28 vdc power supply on initially. On the RCU: Select hf (S1), CH 1 (S2), OFF (S4), AN/PRC-66 to 300.0 MHz, both SPKR GAIN maximum CCW (lowest volume). Adjust the Audio Oscillator to 1 kHz (On oscillator dial) at -35.6 dbm. Turn the external 28 vdc power supply (KEPCO K560-5M) to ON. Switch S4 on the RCU to ON. Read the VOM. Read VTVM #1. Read VTVM #2. Read the vu meter on the RCU. Move the VOM, set for RX1000 to J2, pins U and H. Read VOM. Push the PTT switch on the microphone stand. Read the VOM. Release the PTT switch. At RCU, select uhf (31). Read VTVM #1. Read VTVM #2. Read vu meter. Move the VOM, set for RX1000 to J3, pins D and A. Read VOM. NO. 000-3152-000 Aopros,ed Fr Releav 20@6/0W25 :EpIA-RDP7j2B0R464E asqtkopioocy-6 OF 25 074-66 40-300 STAT Api'3roved For Re REVISION lease 2006/09/25 : CIA-RDP72600464R0006000 10003-6 STAT Push the PTT switch on the microphone stand. Read the VOM. Read the uhf wattmeter. Release PTT switch. Read VOM. At RCU, select COMBINE (Si). Connect VOM #1 to J2-U and J2-h. Connect VOM #2 to J3-D and J3-A. Read VOM #1 and VOM #2. Push the PTT switch on the microphone stand. Read VOM #1 and VOM #2. Read VTVM #1. Read VTVM #2. Read vu meter. Release PTT switch. CAUTION DO NOT KEY uhf transmitter while performing the following receive circuit tests. Reconnect the equipment as shown on Figure 6-4. Adjust the rf signal generator to 300.0 MHz, modulated with internal 1 kHz am, at 500 uv. Read VTVM. Check operation of uhf speaker circuit by varying SPKR GAIN control. Adjust to comfortable level. Remove Fl. AN/PRC-66 should go off. Replace Fl. Disconnect rf signal generator, frequency counter and VTVM. Reconnect uhf wattmeter and dummy load. Connect audio oscillator (600 ohm balanced) adjusted to 1 kHz, -10 dbm, to J2-G and J2-H. Check operation of uhf speaker circuit by varying uhf SPKR GAIN control. Adjust to comfortable level. Move the audio oscillator, with same adjustments as, to J2-C and J2-D. Check operation of hf speaker circuit by varying hf SPKR GAIN control. Adjust to comfortable level. NO. 000-3152-000 Aoproyled Fr Rtleav 20e/02-5 :&-m-wip7j2BoR46Toggreeficlov-b OF 25 074- TA 40-300 Approved For Relea se 2006/09/25 : CIA-RDP72600464R00060 074-56 40- 300 0010003-6 Disconnect all test equipment, except external 28 vdc power supply. Jumper J2-M to J2-G. FAULT light should be lighted. Remove jumper. Jumper J2-N to J2-G. READY light should be lighted. Remove jumper. Jumper J2-Z to J2-D. Jumper J2-A to J2-G. ACTIVITY light should be lighted. Remove jumpers. Jumper J2-Z to J2-D. Jumper J2-V to J2-G. ACTIVITY light should be lighted. Remove J2-V to J2-G jumper. At RCU, select CH2 (S2). Jumper J2-W to J2-G. ACTIVITY light should be lighted. Remove J2-W to J2-G jumper. Select CH3(S2). Jumper J2-X to J2-G. ACTIVITY light should be lighted. Remove J2-X to J2-G jumper. Select CH4(S2). Jumper J2-Y to J2-G. ACTIVITY light should be lighted. Remove all jumpers. Remove 28 vdc power supply. Select CH1 at S2. Connect a VOM, set on RX1000, between J2-C and J2-B. Read VOM. Depress PUSH-TO-QUERY switch. Read VOM. Release switch. Remove VOM, 5.2.2 HF Tests Connect the equipment as shown on Figure 6-2. DO NOT connect ac power cable. DO NOT connect coupler control cable. DO NOT connect RCU cable. Disconnect the hf antenna lead from the front of the 490T-2 coupler. Connect the hf dummy load coax center conductor to the front of the 490T-2 coupler, connect the shield (pig tail) to one of the mounting screws around the rf output. Remove 718U-4 equipment from cabinet. Make the following switch selections at the Equipment Cabinet: NO. 000-3152-000 202-69125 ?GcraluPyEsup464Ldtutiaupi u 5 r 25 Aeproxed Fr Releav 003-la STAT4 Approved For Release 2006/09/25 : CIA-RDP72600464R00060 CB1 OFF CB2 OFF Si BYPASS S2 LOCAL S3 REMOTE 514A-4 control 18.0 MHz, USBa Internal Sorensen power supply ac OFF, dc OFF. Connect ac primary power. Switch internal Sorensen power supply ac and dc to ON. Adjust Sorensen power supply output to 28 ? 1 vdc. Switch CB1 to ON. Check voltage at equipment shelf connector J3-17(+) and J3-13 (-) with VOM on 60 vdc scale. Switch CB2 to ON. Check voltage at Equipment Cabinet,J4-d(+) and J4-G(-) with VOM on 60 vdc scale. Switch CB1 and CB2 to OFF. Connect RCU cable to Equipment Cabinet J4. Switch CB2 to ON. At the coupler end of the Coupler Control Cable, jumper between pins J and D. FAULT lights at both Equipment Cabinet and RCU should light. Connect VOM, set on RX1000 between pin M and pin P at System B end of System B cable. Read VOM. Remove jumper ( above). At coupler end of the Coupler Control Cable, jumper pin C to pin D. READY lights at both Equipment Cabinet and RCU should light. Connect VOM, set on RX1000 between pin N and pin P at System B end of System B cable. Read VOM. Remove jumper ( above). BE SURE CB1 is OFF. Reinstall 718U-4 equipment. Connect Coupler Control Cable to coupler. Switch CB1 to ON. Note that both READY lights operate properly. (No light while radio is tuning. READY light ON after tune complete.) Also, note that both FAULT lights are not lighted. At the microphone adapter, adjust the Audio Oscillator to 1 kHz at -35.6 dbm. Push the PTT switch on the microphone stand. Read forward power at the rf wattmeter. Read the hf dummy load wattmeter. Release PTT switch. REVISION ApJrovd l-gr Redeas8 201i6/09f2 : &IA-WP7313011e641f. NO. 000-3152-000 - OF 25 074- t6 AO- 300 STAT ?Ap'proved For Release STAT 2006/09/25 : CIA-RDP72B00464R000600010003-6 At the Equipment Cabinet, select normal (S1). Repeat At System B end of the System B cable, jumper pin A to pin J and pin B to pin K. Repeat At System B end of System B cable, jumper pin D to pin U. Read power at rf wattmeter. Remove all these jumpers. At the Equipment Cabinet, select BYPASS (S1). Select LSB at hf control head. Repeat Select Select Select AME at hf control head. Repeat USB and 4.0 MHz at hf control head. Repeat USB and 29.0 MHz at hf control head. Repeat Select USB and 12.0 MHz at hf control head. Repeat Select OFF at the hf control head. Repeat Select USB at the hf control head. (Radio should retune). Repeat Select COMBINE at the RCU (S1). Repeat Select S3 LOCAL at the connector panel. Plug the handheld microphone into the jack provided on the panel. Press the PTT switch and speak into the microphone. Check for power output at the rf wattmeter. Release the PTT switch and restore S3 to the REMOTE Position. Disconnect microphone from RCU. Select hf at RCU (S1). Disconnect rf wattmeter from coupler rf cable. Leave rf cable disconnected. Connect rf signal generator (HP606B), adjusted to 12.00100 MHz at 50 ?uv, and frequency counter to coupler end of coupler rf cable. CAUTION: DO NOT KEY hf transmitter while performing the following receive circuit tests. Adjust SQL (squelch) control to min. Check for tone at hf speaker at the RCU. Adjust hf SPKR GAIN control for comfortable level in the hf speaker. Connect 4.0 MHz NOTE: Disconnect rf signal generator and frequency counter rf cable directly to coupler. (See NOTE.) Select at hf control head. Repeat Rf cable must be connected to coupler while radio is tuning. NO. 000-3152-000 REVISION 074-06 40-300 tie e a SHEET 7 OF 25 ?ApOreveel-Fer-Release 2006/09/25 . CIA-RDP72B00464R000600010003=6 STAT Reconnect rf signal generator and frequency counter ( Adjust to 4.00100 MHz. Repeat Repeat except select 29.0 MHz. Repeat except adjust to 29.00100 MHz. Select S3 LOCAL at the connector panel. Plug the headset into the jack provided on the panel. Check for tone in the headset. Adjust the LEVEL control for com- fortable level in the headset. Restore S3 to the REMOTE position. Repeat 5.2.3 UHF Tests Connect Audio Oscillator, adjusted to 1 kHz at -35.6 dbm, and VTVM, through microphone adapter to RCU (See Figure 6-2). At RCU, select uhf (S1). At AN/PRC-66, select 300.0 MHz. Connect a VTVM, paralleled with 2500 ohms, to pin E and pin F at the System B end of the System B cable. Push the PTT switch at the microphone stand. Read VTVM (System B). Read rf wattmeter at 943B-1 (uhf power amplifier). Release PTT switch. At RCU, select COMBINE (51). Push PTT switch. Read VTVM (System B). Read rf wattmeter (943B-1). Release PTT switch. At RCU, select uhf. At AN/PRC-66, select 375.0 MHz. Read VTVM (System B). Read rf wattmeter (943B-1). Release PTT switch. Repeat, except select 250.0 MHz. Disconnect microphone stand from RCU. CAUTION DO NOT KEY uhf transmitter while performing the following receive circuit tests. Disconnect rf wattmeter from 943B-1. Connect rf signal generator (HP608E) and frequency counter to 943B-1 output terminal. Adjust rf signal generator to 250 MHz 1._NO. 000-3152-000 REVISIONprJrovJ Fc:# Relgasee2006/09/15 : 6A-RSP7A004b4R60066 ?16r0g-6 8 OF 25 074-56 40-300 Approved For Rele 074- 50 40- 300 ase 2006/09/25 : CIA-RDP72B00464R0006000 10003-6 (modulated with 1 kHz AM) at 50 uv. Move VTVM connections at System B cable to pin G and pin H (paralleled across 2500 ohms): Read VTVM. Check for tone at uhf speaker on RCU. Switch CB1 and CB2 to OFF. 5.2.4. System B Tests Connect equipment as shown on Figure 6-5. At RCU, select: Hf (S1), ON (S4), CH1 (S2), mid range at hf and uhf SPKR GAIN controls. At Equipment Cabinet select: NORMAL (Si): REMOTE (S2), REMOTE (S3), CB1-.OFF, CB2-OFF. At System B, select: channel 1 at SELCAL; 18.0 MHz and USB at hf control head; operate proper controls so that RCU operator can modulate hf radio from the RCU. Switch CB1 and CB2 to ON at Equipment Cabinet. Hf radio should tune and READY lights at Equipment Cabinet, RCU, and System B should come on when radio completes tuning. All FAULT lights should be off. Adjust System B such that no SELCAL channels are in use. At RCU, depress PUSH TO QUERY switch. Check for transmitter output at the hf dummy load wattmeter. Check for proper operation of ACTIVITY light. Release QUERY switch. Check for proper operation of ACTIVITY light. Push microphone PTT switch. Speak into microphone. Check for hf transmitter output at hf dummy load wattmeter. Check for proper operation at System B. Release PTT switch. At RCU, select CH2 (S2). Repeat Repeat Repeat Repeat NO. 000-3152-000 NOFOOT6 OF 25 STAT STAT Approved For Release 2006/09/25 : CIA-RDP72B00464R000600010003-6 At RCU, select C113 (S2). Repeat Repeat Repeat Repeat At RCU, select C114(S2). Repeat Repeat Repeat Repeat CAUTION DO NOT KEY hf transmitter while performing the following receive circuit tests. Disconnect rf cable from hf coupler. Connect rf signal generator and frequency counter to rf cable. Adjust rf signal generator to 18.00100 MHz at 50 uv. Check for adequate tone in hf speaker at RCU. Check for proper operation at System B. Disconnect rf signal generator and frequency counter. Reconnect rf cable to hf coupler. At RCU, select uhf (Si). Push the microphone PTT switch. Speak into microphone . Check for power output at uhf watt- meter. Check for proper operation at System B uhf monitor. Release PTT switch. At RCU, select COMBINE (Si), CH1(S2). Repeat Push the microphone PTT switch. Speak into microphone. Check for power output at hf dummy load wattmeter. Check for power output at uhf rf wattmeter. CAUTION DO NOT KEY uhf transmitter while performing the following receive circuit tests. Disconnect rf wattmeter from 943B-1. Connect rf signal generator and frequency counter to 943B-1 output terminal. Adjust rf signal generator to 250.0 MHz NO. 000-3152-000 REVISION J ApprovAd F& Re(bas2006/09/25 : GIA-RIDP72B001464R0 cgssetan000lto OF 25 074- 56 40.000 STAT Ariproved For Release 2006/09/25 : CIA-RDP72B00464R000600910003-6 (modulated with 1 kHz AM) at 50 uv. Check for adequate tone at uhf speaker on the RCU. Check for proper operation at System B. Disconnect all test equipment, rf wattmeters, dummy loads, etc. 5.3 ON-AIR Testa a. The ON-AIR tests will be performed after successful completion of all of the above tests. c. Far end terminals will be provided by the customer. d. System B and System B operation and maintenance personnel will be provided by the customer. e. Operating frequencies will be furnished by the customer. f. Length and type of tests will be determined by the customer. g. Equipment will be connected as shown on Figure 6-6 for ON-AIR tests. NO. 000-3152-000 REVISION Approvold FB Retease1)2006/09/125 : GIA-ROP72B004641190918M1006 OF 25 074- 56 40- 500 STAT STAT Approved For Release 2006/09/25 : CIA-RDP72600464R000600010003-6 6.0 FIGURES This section contains system and equipment configuration Figures 6-1, 6-2, 6-3, 6-4, 6-5 and 6-6. NO. 000-3152-000 REVISION Aperovckd FcgRetaasizi)200F09/?-3 : GA-RpP72,130004Rt9 39httOf 00932-6 OF 25 074-15840- 300 Approved For Re A H ? 0 X 0 > ra4 -4' H Z fli > r?i = lease 2006/09/25 : CIA-RDP72600464R00060001 STAT 0003-6 (714 Gog 074-56 40- 300 2 4 000. 000 c?NI f=4 FIGURE 6-1 MICROPHONE ADAPTER CONNECTIONS NO. 000-3152-000 AptprovRd F r Ritleas0 20116/09425-: @IA-N3P73-B0q(11641t05RE410(1y-b OF 25 0 OC -OP 944 -41.0 a. UN) CO U.) CONNECT TO BUILDING GROUND GROUND 'CABLE AC POWER (DO NOT CABLE CONNECT -----4* [ J6 I INITIALLY) J3 Z-9 3llf19Id EQUIPMENT j1 CABINET J2 J4 " DO NOT-' CONNECT INITIALLY) SYSTEM B CABLE HP200CD OSC . HP400D VTVM 3 EACH @ 100' COILED FSJ4-50 LU BIRD 43 WATTMETER 1 500H INSERT COUPLER CONTROL CABLE (DO NOT CONNECT RCU INITIALLY) CABLE 1J1 ppm J2 REMOTE CONTROL UNIT J3 3 J1 CONTROL 943B-1 UHF POWER AMPLIFIER ,?E J3 ,E Ji ./1" (DO NOT 490T-2 CONNECT COUPLER INITIALLY) 4 90 - * BIRD 43 WATT- METER 100 INSERT 3?E BIRD 694 DUMMY LOAD SHIELD OF CABLE UNDER MOUNTING SCREW BIRD 81B UHF DUMMY LOAD CABLE HP 11005A TRANS. MICROPHONE STAND AND ADAPTER (SEE FIG 6-1) od peAoic(dv c7 0009000t1P917008Z/dCIU-VI3 : 9Z/60/900Z es 0 0 0 CA.1 STAT Approved For Release HP 1105A MICROPHONE STAND AND ADAPTER (SEE FIG 6-1) HP 200CD OSC . HP 400D VTVM (1kHz-35.6dbm) 2006/09/25 : CIA-RDP72600464R000600010003-6 J2 31 d c,- go_, REMOTE CONTROL 8 UNIT B 0- E ' 6-- F ..13--- B ? D AN/ PRC -66 1J 1 I BIRD 43 WATTMETER 10D INSEECr BIRD 81B UHF DUMMY LOAD (-0 ZeN DC. KEPCO KS605M DC POWER SUPPLY HP11005A HP4 OOD 10K :ii 4 VTVM 400 #1 FIGURE 6-3 #2 TRIPLETT 630 VOM (60VDC SCALE) NO. 000-3152-000 REVISION ARprovAd Ffy. Reteast2006/09425 : gIA-FlIpP7aBOOK4641104.142t01100q;-6 OF 25 074-58 40- 30 0 Approved For Release 2006/09/25 : CIA-RDP72600464R000600010003-6 STAT J2 REMOTE CONTROL . UNIT (+) (-) KEPCO KS60-5M DC POWER SUPPLY G HP11005A, AN /PRC- 66 1J 1 LJ 4.3&_101P4OOD VTVM HP608E SIGNAL GENERATOR FIGURE 6-4 HP 5245 L wl H P5253 B PLVG-114 FREC? UE NCY COUNTER NO. 000-3152-000 REVISION Approveed For Release 200/09425 : GIA-Ff4DP73B0114641101Mpiterl 000119 0F 25 074- 56 40-300 9660/R)OZ eseaflau Jed OA ???1 CA) CO rPk. 000- ZSIC- 000 CONNECT TO BUILDING GROUND CONNECT TO Ac: POWER 1-11 RF CABLE, EQUIPMENT CABINET J1 J2 4 GROUND CABLE t CotirRo8. cA8LE AC EJ6 POWER CABLE B RCU CABLE SYSTEM ( GFE ) SYSTEM CABLE J3 J1 490T-2 COUPLER 490 B-4- BIRD 694 DUMMY LOAD cr% t.n RF CABLE INPUT OUTPUT J2 1j 1j REMOTE CONTROL UNIT J31 943B-1 UHF POWER AMPLIFIER BIRD 43 WATTMETER 10D INSERT BIRD 81B UHF DUMMY LOAD [ ? CONTROL CABLE MICROPHONE AND PTT SWITCH 92/60/900Z esElaieu JOd peACLIOCIV 0 ft-4 is) CO 0 0 0 0 0 0 -0- 0 0 0 CA) 0 -n 000- ZgIC-000 TO SUITABLE GROUND > GROUND CABLE TO 208/230VAC) 47-63Hz AC POWER POWER SOURCE . CABLE 9-9 HEI1DI3 J6 J3 EQUIPMENT CABINET AS2047 HF WHIP ANTENNA RF CABLE J1 0:1ELI. [ J 3 490B-4 COUPLER CONTROL CABLE ASSEMBLY J21 C J4 SYSTEM B J2 ijih RF CABLE REMOTE CONTROL UNIT J3 CONTROL CABLE 837D-1 UHF ANTENNA 943B-1 UHF? POWER AMPLIFIER od peAoiddv FD 3 9Z/60/900Z es 1:1 CO 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Approved For Relea 7.0 TEST DATA se 2006/09/25 : CIA-RDP72600464R0006000100 03-6 STAT Paragraphs in this section are numbered the same as the tests to be performed in Section 5.0, except for the first digit. In other words, 7.1.1 is test data for test in paragraph 5.1.1. 7.1 Set-Up Data Limits 7.1.1 Equipment location, etc. OK 7.1.2 Equipment/cable location, etc. OK 7.1.3 Building primary voltage vac 208vac-10% 7.2.10FF-AIR Tests 7.2.1 RCU Tests Equipment connected, switch selections made. OK Audio oscillator adjusted kHz lkHz-10% -35.6dbm dbm Power supply and S4 both ON OK VOM vdc 28?1vdc VTVM #1(51 in hf) dbm Reference VTVM #2 (S1 in hf) dbm. Reference VU meter (Si in hf) VU Reference VOM at J2-U and J2-H ohms Open VOM at J2-U and J2-H with ohms 0 ohms PTT switch depressed. VTVM #1 (Si in uhf) dbm Reference VTVM #2 (Si in uhf) dbm Reference VU meter (Si in uhf) dbm Reference VOM at J3-D and J3-A ohms Open VOM at J3-D and J3-A with ohms 0 ohms PTT switch depressed Uhf wattmeter reading with watts 0.5+1.5,-0 watts PTT switch depressed. NO. 000-3152-000 REVISION AO:proved F8r Re1base20C(6/09/625 : GIA-FIVP731300464FLOV8K0110062-6 OF 25 074-136 40- 300 STAT Approved For Release 2006/09/25: CIA-RDP72600464R0006000 0003-6 Data Limits VOM #1 ohms Open VOM #2 ohms Open VOM #1 with PTT switch depressed. ohms 0 ohms VOM #2 with PTT switch depressed. ohms 0 ohms VTVM #1 (COMBINE) dbm Reference VTVM #2 (COMBINE) dbm Reference VU meter (COMBINE) VU Reference Equipment connected OK Rf signal generator adjusted OK VTVM dbm Reference Uhf speaker circuit operation OK AN/PRC-66 goes off with Fl removed. OK Uhf speaker circuit operation OK Hf speaker circuit operation OK FAULT light lighted OK READY light lighted OK ACTIVITY light lighted OK ACTIVITY light lighted (CH1) OK ACTIVITY light lighted (CH2) OK ACTIVITY light lighted (CH3) OK ACTIVITY light lighted (CH4) OK VOM ohms Open VOM ohms 0 ohms NO. 000-3152-000 REVISION ? ? ? ? T - ? 011 - --111 I A -1 ..TIT OA PI OF 25 074-M340-300 Approved For Re lease 2006/09/25 : CIA-RDP72600464R000600 010003-6 STAT 7.2.2 HF Tests Equipment connected. Switch selections made. Data Limits OK Power supply voltage vdc 28-lvdc Voltage at Equipment Shelf vdc 28-lvdc Voltage at J4 vdc 28-lvdc FAULT lights lighted RCU OK Equip.Cab. OK VOM at System B cable ohms Continuity READY lights lighted RCU OK Equip.Cab. OK VOM at System B cable ohms Continuity Equipment installed, Cable connected. OK READY lights operation OK FAULT lights off OK RE wattmeter watts *NLT200w Dummy load wattmeter watts **N.A. RE wattmeter watts 0 watts Dummy load wattmeter watts 0 watts RE wattmeter (with PTT) watts NLT200w Dummy load wattmeter watts N.A. RE wattmeter (with jumper P to U) watts NLT200w RE wattmeter watts NLT200w Dummy load wattmeter watts N.A. Rf wattmeter watts NLT100w Dummy load wattmeter watts N.A. REVISION *NLT = Not Less Than **N.A. = Not applicable, NO. 000-3152-000 Agproved Fr Releaqy 2026/0W25 DP7J2B0R464EVAR39100pri-b F 25 074- Zo3 40- 300 STAT e 2006/09/25 . CIA-RDP72600464R0006000100 03-6 AprIroved For Relea Limits Data Rf wattmeter watts NLT 200w Dummy Load wattmeter watts N.A. Rf wattmeter watts NLT 200w Dummy load wattmeter watts N.A. Rf wattmeter watts NLT 200w Dummy load wattmeter watts N.A. Rf wattmeter watts 0 watts Dummy load wattmeter watts 0 watts READY lights operation OK FAULT lights off OK Rf wattmeter watts NLT 200w Dummy load wattmeter watts N.A. Rf wattmeter watts Reference Dummy load wattmeter watts Reference Equipment connections OK Tone at hf speaker OK READY lights operation OK FAULT lights off OK Tone at hf speaker OK READY lights operation OK FAULT lights off OK Tone at hf speaker OK Tone at headset OK READY lights operation OK FAULT lights off OK 7.2.3 UHF Tests Equipment connections and switch selections. VTVM (System B) Rf wattmeter (943B-1) VTVM (System B) Rf wattmeter (943B-1) OK dbm Reference watts Reference dbm Reference watts Reference NO. 000-3152-000 REWSH) NA 'Load FrapaPpaseC900R/09/i5 ? 6A-RbP7?1300464000610 074- 56 40- 300 #007M-6 22 OF 25 Approved For Release 2006/09/25 : CIA-RDP72600464R000600010003-6 STAT Data Limits VTVM (System B) dbm Reference Rf wattmeter (943B-1) ?watts Reference VTVM (System B) dbm Reference Rf wattmeter (943B-1) watts Reference Equipment connections and OK switch selections. VTVM (System B) dbm Reference Tone at uhf speaker OK CB1 and CB2 OFF OK 7.2.4 System B Tests Equipment connections and OK switch selection. READY lights lighted FAULT lights off OK System B adjusted OK OK Hf transmitter output (CH1) OK ACTIVITY light operation OK ACTIVITY light operation OK Hf transmitter output (CH1) OK System B operation OK System B adjusted OK Hf transmitter output (CH2) OK ACTIVITY light ACTIVITY light Hf transmitter output (CH2) OK System B operation System B adjusted Hf transmitter output (CH3) OK ACTIVITY light ACTIVITY light OK OK OK OK OK OK No. 000-3152-000 REVISION APproikedli3ar Releao 20@6/04125 OF 25 074-138 40- SOO STAT Approved For Release 2006/09/25 : CIA-RDP72600464R000600010003-6 Data Limits Hf transmitter output (CH3) OK System B operation OK System B adjusted OK Hf transmitter output (CH4) OK ACTIVITY light OK ACTIVITY light OK Hf transmitter output (CH4) OK System B operation OK Equipment connections and OK switch selections. Adequate tone in hi speaker OK System B operation OK Equipment connections and OK switch selections. Uhf transmitter power output OK System B uhf monitor OK Switch selection OK System B adjusted OK Hf transmitter output OK Uhf transmitter output OK Equipment connections and switch selections. Adequate tone in uhf speaker System B operation Equipment disconnected 7.3 ON-AIR Tests REVISION ON-AIR tests successfully completed. OK OK OK OK OK NO. 000-3152-000 ARprovAd Fly Reteast 20/09/25 : @IA-lipP7aBOC4641t(IgHt0(100(13F6 OF 25 074-56 40-300 STAT Approved For Release 2006/09/25 : CIA-RDP72600464R000600 REMARKS 310003-6 NO. 000-3152-000 REVISION PEcrI 71 $ _ OF 25 074- te 40-300