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Document Creation Date: 
December 19, 2016
Document Release Date: 
February 1, 2006
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Publication Date: 
August 1, 1952
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PDF icon CIA-RDP82-00457R013100150003-1.pdf144.08 KB
F.I&aF'1SS!1 ~l./f'ii 10M i1,l.~\i 1' l/U VLYa '.11 V.il ~lS 4.YA'~ '~_F.i-J'.`'Jv :)i;Tt,Y ,fi(;~rz T~i'y f 1,""'1?- :sj1`p-, .T t;UUN!TRv SUBJEC-t 25X1 PLACE ACQUIRED 25X1 DATE OF INFO.. INFORMATION REPORT CD NO Approved For ReTeaieA20061U310 Z*O0 57R013'TOO`15~nn~_1 East Germany Ea:U. Frei;hli Traffic through Guben THIS DOCUOMY CONTMTS INFCIRLIATION AFECTING THE NATIONAL DEFENSE OF Ti1E ONItIO STATES, Wi4HIYS TMa !TEAMING )F TITLE 16. SECTIONS 799 AND 794. OF THE G. S. CODE, AS AJEl'?DTSO. ITS TRANSMISSION OR REVEL- ATIOH OF ITS CONTENTS TO co. RECEIPT SY AN UII?:UTHORIZLD PERSON 19 PROHIDIYED RV LAW THE REPRODUCTION OF THIS FORD IS PROM DITED. 25X1 25X1 the .1 ollov thg x?~1 .~ :~?1:3 8;:~er s crossed the border in the. dx.recti` s m d-i.crated dt rincj the pel ot:'. i rots. 27 L,a.y through 4 June 191'2 Date' r_ tw .ber znd Load bP~r Oil lastbotaid T:Zay 41 condo la 923 tons of Katoiic@ calls 30 ai 33 boxcars 31 4 Jane 46 oiidola cars t.. 1 3 t7. l L? L 22 boxcars .'heat vJhea t 25X1 undetermined zllrankfiar?t/t.';der Cottbus h,-:xd coal Katowice e_rip ty RETURN TO CIA LIBRARY ATE DISTP. I August 1952 NO, OF PAGES NO, OF ENCLS. WSTED eELow SUPPLEMENT TO REPORT NO. THIS IS UNEVALUATED INFORMATION Ya *od:i n l r~ cheat 4 gondola, empty oars hard coat! Katowice S' iorstonborg 25X1 (I.) 25X1 'T to 2xPJC ntr CLASSIFICATION SECRET/COrPrRQL/US O 'TCLxLS ON 1' Approved For Release 2006/03/03 : CIA-RDP82-00457RO13100150003-1 Yagoda. Approved For Re`l 11006M.50C; VAj,1RDP&,2=TfA457J30121 09115 003-1 -nd s' . 27 ray 4,3, f1.., tcars about 50 f.letc:rs 4~', flatcars c_ v 30 flatcars i'J :th J.L(,eracILs 20 boxcars 29 IT 1_ Jt:une 4, flatcars s:a.:?.era& s 1.6 onc?o'L: , c _::' s 3 Al ba: cars 46 flatcars 3 . or5dul.=i scrs FA bo ,stars 311 era used. trucks Co 3Y.t':furt/ der about 50 used t~=tzC?:~5 1.5 usr>d truc,_.s 3J truc'.:s and 1. heavy EsA t:1ac'zine l un personnel and about 10 x 20-nn ti guns er.?s,ty,' Gabor, section of Cntthu. I> prefabricated houses r? s::7 t?uc':s sections of Berl"xnv- :c~ el r ref abrii_cated is.t,.mmols 1Dn.rr* houses 46 use(l trues Prankf tart,/Odc, gondola empty ben ~ a_ S hospital trlin.' sick (.).'C 15 coaches sol i'7.ers ,,O-c~oln C111,10 c `3 r y 5 - bo:?..cars its, tra?+ns.`?.~..1 ,n.e of GC.-.an . 25X1 ( ) ITie e shipments 0.7 7 ,._es rare con. Bete `. the Y ;niot r i t;..~ . v- i icle :C?o`'?lacer:e` t pro="rani t?. "P?' 25X1 The U s!' i:~eats, -,h"c1' arc. direct (71 via Git on, c the I.)fix "f.~r l.ave been oibservoE. i% 'Largo i o~P:La`~ pere ''i hospjita 1. servin Lin' t in tile, I_ c_ r?. n ,'3 e a oe',n to ye, lcc'._t".t at .J`11v;.i--l.: (..~5 _1{SJlr..i/t~ :V G en route for Arrest L`i tovs_'+, . is he sI _rr,ient ..~' 25X1 25X1 25X1 25X1 46 fia --.car = 25X1 ')n the same fay cros..>i.n`' t_:.e 'uoi'CloI` 'it F?."3n'7 "urt O,:!or. 25X1 t _L _.5 ship ru t may be identical viltla the shipment of a3t unit re??o"s'te d dispatched from Juetorhog, to I ues Erin oil 25 y Such '.detours j ':J1'!_ch rc ar"pao'ently d+-161.771 ed Approved For Release 2006/03/03 : CIA-RDP82-00457RO13100150003-1