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Document Creation Date: 
December 19, 2016
Document Release Date: 
February 1, 2006
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Publication Date: 
August 5, 1952
Content Type: 
PDF icon CIA-RDP82-00457R013100150001-3.pdf166.5 KB
Approved For Release 2006/0310': a' t Oi.INTR'j' .s - C-0 t7 y I J LQ zm PIXIE DATE OF ?NFQ, RI I;!)CL :E'31 CONTAIt3 tt.FO't "iAT3Or AIFFC(IFG THE rlsTIOIIlS. S 'EC24I: ~{2 TI4`...2;iF#A 5T3'' E4. WITHIN T2 E tlS i UIG CF MILE 141,. 3 C"1:3145 7123 f. 25X1 -RDP82-00457R013100'I 5 '~,C3. ~?r ENC'?LS ISTEL'' BEt_OW IL SUPPLEMENT '~ O REPORT NO, THIS IS UNEVALUATED INF-013 IMON 25X1 1., !1.n officer and. 1. soldiers ;gearing; red-border'oo b3,ick aimulets arrived on trracik in iir * .,en (1 1'.E55 P 4-2 ,~ on 2 Lay 1952c, 1 h1o.`:+ oCh;3Zpied ter e hoa (" ad.joins_ rig which -had- been usod as ILcadgijnrtor :: ir ^t?97-Y 1 .., t.1`iere T:., ) :,ho kotlA..~ndatLIra ould a stationed in t.hnfor ..rr I_ fr~.? f.e ~ s located at corner of 1iP)-u-11:os- .:rs it assee on a jor y1 i ' tt 11~~ iond^ . J ) The dote cl -,ent ar r*iv-ed with a true"- 2 ceda. n. a ? 1C7< CI 5t.,el t Carr at'V 'had no o Lan ..}.'$ i oaia t at the corn::l of T1ff,eh had beef Tre a I:3'~ the urecedi.,F t'1%d,",,`;, Yn officer and a t3o`iis v 'ocean ;Ioar i n,'t the unifo1:, .- o:- an of.` i ea:r? and uerson-ne of the. S"' o fi:ee in Grits: en ins7ected the bid .tt3 __:., of ti-).e l:andrat 7net in. the of to .oon. an 27 =A f0, :soldicra cleaned. and roconclitiono'i the arart?.toni, o",.~" 't1 e 1 ?'3C"rat C~l `]:1u the following days,, This huild?n -ens not o(; U! )iod.' r'- dotnC'?z amt of 3 of.{.~_Lco ;.'s end r a is out C10 .:;.gin :ai .1Y!".rt In AT C~7.~2 i 1 " 99) +`~7 t' during the 2,5, "::ay. This detach's+"~i'?t ",'w- Cli `' }'a bei aeecn 70 C1~r.,G`' .i"e rin'" roc Hi, ? *? c3!xa ''.';;s rrl. n ar`tiL..ery tnai^ni mo C'0' late the bu .lri 1 ;s on Loon ~ tract E'.~ lol..:i', - TTa ;'.C d t !2 t . which were lv cant., Three seouli. cars an ? 3 'sA"At a& ceverr' ins hich source ;)elieved we i' re AT guts :er' :; :C 91"ked at o square Tno. r*1 ; nei;C7wn headouarter~s were e t', in numero,is i:hu:tit Cl!e s . ,:o~ttlr o; 'len t # a c?? ha:i n.ot. been occu pied by kor~:ancia. uxe fora peg tip{e