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aou 1,4 rRy TOPIC Ariki)ViiitfririOileiteas4',2110616 ..ilitarv Information from *Att,-41 rr &TINIER-011E REPORT NO 0300009-2 .. . 25X1 DATEPIZEPARFD 18 June 3 ?52 REFERENCES PAGES ?S,---ENCLOSURES (NO. & TrE) NOW WooONW N c INN W WON REMARKS-- 25X1 9.111411143.11aUnr1M,i-1,11/529?017 w.p.m./OW ?MIMITSKRIISIONISIVIWILV23,A4.1?Se19,Kis94.0.xal MAW, impal.....7.1.14, - 1.16114, ware.. 25Xi 25X1 25X1 25X1 25X1 25X1 25X1 1. 2. 3. It. During the period from 23 to 15Lar 1952.1, the Tauentzien K: erns on Berliner ?Strasse, Aittenberg 52/E 37, vas occopiod by about 200 -,roops nearing red-bcrdered black epaulets, pprtly v: ',h tank insirimia. installation of the division headquarters also aas occupied. 25X1 Durine the period from 13 to 15 1714? the Beselor Kaserne or. Teucheler 'Wag was occupied by about 150 troops woaring red-bordered black epaJlets with tank insignia. 25X1 During:, the period from 7 to 14 :lay, the Beseler Kaserne on Teucheler Tag vas occupied by a guard detail of about 70 troops wearing red-t ordered black epau- lAi-eq On 15 T5a7r -workers were seen reconditioning the inst. Durine the period from 7 to 14 :lay,ihe Tauentzien Kaserne c Berliner Strnsse was occupied by about 500 troops red-bordered blaa epaulets 9 Almost al: troops searivare rocrui..s On 9 33 unarmed recruit i marched out of the installation in the dipect;on of .,he taa., I 25X1 On 35 nayo abc It 200 recrtits organized into eight groups wonling rt-t-oordiered black epac Lets and arwed with submachine guns and carrying f:.old eq,7-1praorit left the insta llation toward north. ?,cditional personnel wearing red-borCered black epa Ilets were seen receiving training in the barracks yard. 25X1 50 On 17 Hay 1952, a cqinrin nf t.ruaks occupied to capacity witl personnel. and, including 11 trucks' left 25X1 Atterberg in the direction of Dessau 52/P, If), 6,? On 9 ray, the Arado installation on Dresdener Strasse was u:cupied by about 200 troops and mlarded by sentries wearing rod-bordered black e)aulets. Four oMoorst 10.mon_of a band and 18 ranks cAch of 5 troops and 14 ranks each of 4 Tien entered the installation, coning from a ceremony at the cerAery. On 3 Liiy? 7 T 34/85 tanks and 1 0-249 gun were seen in the barraohn?.rard. A hundred soldiers wore engaged in gymnastics. 5ECTiET/002-EOL/US'OFFICIAL3 CLASSIFICATION VCIIRTTI TYFOTV'ATTOr 25X1 Approved For Release 2006/08/08 : CIA-RDP82-00457R012800300009-2 Approved For Release 2006/08/08 : CIA-RDP82-00457R012800300009-2 SEC: teT/C ONTROW1J5 eFFE Le OLILY LIECI.rianf LIP011:1,, 25X1 25X1 7. On 10 hay 1952: the engineer raterial including 25X1 logs and planking which had been stored in the Deseler Kaserne on. 25X1 TeuchelerTieg had been hauled away, I ]erides under 25X1 construction on the Elbe River adews in early Ea 25X1 the setuiiment had been used there. 25X1 25X1 25X1 8. On 9 :Tay:, the Tauentzien Kaserne on Deelaner Strasse as occupied by about 500 troops and was guarded by sentries wearing .ed-berdered black epaulets. A total of 430 soldiers wearing red ordered bleak epaulets and a group of 50 troese, 'rearing black-bordc7ed black epau- lets returned to the inseellatie ion a ceremony at ohu cemetery. on 2 :Tay, 4 groups of 41, 32, 2f3 and 36 soldiers resasctively were seen leaving the installation, I Ithef wore either black-bordered black epaulets or red-bordered black eoaulets. 9 On 3 Ilay, the Flak Kaserne in the Teajuhn suburb was >occupied and was guarded by senteiee wearing red-bord epaulets. Three T-34/85 tanks etood in front of a ga Of 10 trucku, left the ine 10. On 24 May, the Deseler Keserne eu Teucheler Jeg M3 V detail of 20 1311 wearing red-berdered black epaulets i. by the Tauentzien Kaserne. No Peter vehicle traffic only lightly ored black "age. A column "Lallation, leant. A guar is furnished vas noticed, During the period from 13 to 24 lay 1952, the Tauenteeen Kaserne on Berliner Strasee was occupied by about 1,000 soldiers, most of whom wore rod-bordered black epaulete, but some wore black -bordered WA& epaulets, A large number of young soldiers with cloo)ly cropped hair wore seen. Os 12 flay, 60 soldiers carrying light field equipment and entrenching tools and oreaneeed into five groups narched to the Elbe River meadows for combat .4.?siee practice. Two geoups totaling 67 soldiers wearing red-bordered Week epaulets who carried licht field equipment, entrenched toeee, ndre rolls and rapW fire weanont marched to the Elbe River meadoee on 13 May., Since rld-April, between 40 and 50 soldiers wearing'lack-bordezee black epaulets with engineer ins3gnaa constructed trelches in that area, built diversion dame in tho Kibe River, made we den raft stored pontoons, 4 meters long, :.050 meters wide and meter high, and construction materaal incluciing about 30 iron girlers, h to 5 me- ters long, boards, lumber and slaved timber. During the period from 30 April to 8 :Tay, the ?aree was guarded only by two sentries, end the stored material was still there * 25X1 25X1 25X1 25X1 25X1 *LD LanD2 Since mid-April :_9520 the pajerity oi the 6th Gds Trnk 25X1 iv has boon in its uunuer canp on ierder-Uarkenderf The headquarters however, has not been confirmed there andlI 25X1 Inay still have been in the Taventzien Kaoerne In ;'ay. 25X1 Although the other installatione were eeportedly oweied with a strength usual for rear details, the Teueetzien Kaserne, accorling to tbe infarmatior ape3ars to be occepied25X1 by a training unit of about 500 soldiers the observations on the engineer training s:ate on the Elbe River are indicative that the engineer treinine for whieh all engineer units of, the Third :Ids L:ecz Army were transferred. to !ittonber::, :Icr:ordin to other information, is undervv, ,U0aET/C0NTR0L/Ue CYFICIALS ONLY SEGURITY INFORNATION Approved For Release 2006/08/08 : CIA-RDP82-00457R012800300009-2