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Document Creation Date: 
December 9, 2016
Document Release Date: 
July 9, 1998
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Publication Date: 
April 26, 1954
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PDF icon CIA-RDP62-00328A000200010111-1.pdf104.82 KB
(b) these D) gibers on whom the Executive Secretary, IMF}, and the Security Security Clearances for EDAC 8A00020(0A0A1 11e1 2 April 1954 I. In accordance with EDAC Moo NO. 35, Wh,ch has been brought to 4 attention by the Executive Secretary, Imo, there follow a list (a) of those CIA emEployees, all of. whom have TOP I SECRET clearance, who are assigned to the EDAC Executive Committee and to EDAC Working. Groups, and rending representatives to EDAC 4lorking Groups on i too basis.- You Control Staff, CIA, hold a TOP SECRFt security certification from-their rtspectivve agencies. I am advised that'CIS is following the practice of will. be inforrned in each instance of the eecurity clearance of any?CIA a Qr-oved Fo.ase 2000/08/22 : CIA-RDP6 MEMORANDUM SCP employee, other than those. listed in (2) below, who may: have occasion to regm-tatiLon to the EL AC .'t tune other thanL ) Dr. Otto E. Guthe - CIA member on EDAC CIA member on Executive Committee Chairman, M; alternate on kZAC and EDAC/EC ?. Executive 9ecretami DIG 25X1 A9 CIA member on Joint Operating Coeamittee and Ad hoc 9scurity List Corking Group 25X1 A9 CIA member on EDAC Cargo Transport Controls 25X1A9 OR! Executive Secretary, EDAC w;iu -anus&t Tram.. worxang Group - - Alternate CIA member to EDAC Cargo Transport AC Transit Trade 11 p $ tp oved For Release 2000/08/22 : CIA-RDP62-00328A0gj0gqi 111-1 CQI FIIMIAL 3. Maasrship of Intelr #gence torklna Group Lt. Col. Teel Brown Col. James N. Kimball Mr. J. Be 13. Lyons Mr. Baxter Wood Mr. John Kullgren Mr. Samuel A. Smiley Mr. L. E. Brice, Jr. Mr. Robert Reiss Mr. Spencer M. Beresford Mr. Jerry Knoll Mr. David Tilson Miss Isabel Ann Baldwin Mr. John Be Tucker Mis,i Marion W. Worthing Miss Betty R. lianes Mrs. Marie Louise Young Mr. John E. Mellor Mr. Douglas W. Coster Mr. Orray Taft, Jr. Mr. Morris J. Fields Mr. Arthur F. Bla3er, Jr. Mr. Matthew J. Marks 25X1A9a OSD AFOIN AFOIN G-2 G-2 ONI ONI Cs tierce MDAC MDMDAC MiAC FOA FOA OR/State 0IR/State ED,/State EDS/State IDS/State (}IC/' tate Treasury Treasury Treasury Chief Security Division Approved For Release 2000/08/22 : CIA-RDP62-00328A000200010111-1