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Document Creation Date: 
December 19, 2016
Document Release Date: 
March 16, 2006
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Publication Date: 
April 22, 1952
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COUNTRY TOPIC 5X1 5X1 'DATE OBTAINED. 5 ~-..DATE PREPARED a? t9~ 5-ERENCES a~ a~'ee:s~se eaa semi a!naeea~maea ee anea~ee ea a;aQ~ a a rx msassr aen~sses?oresss sr s.,..~? !PAGES -ENCLOSURES (NO. & TYPE) 5X1 6x1 ( ~ j~ ~* g j~'[' ('~~@ ' .a a ~ftT y T t T T CLASSIFICATIQN a:J C f, J- ,,,r 1?:4 Jd 1 1 .~~d del ii '3 iI, c:rimn.-~kordk F ejlease 2006/08/08: CIA-RD P Wp120001 Soviet Trooras in Bernburf- on 2; march 1952> a general inspected the tro,-gips in the Adolf Hitler i:aseriae on I16erstaedterstrasse, Bernburg (? 52/D 7u)? The troops assembled in four units of 373 men each The units were organized into two groups of 10J ruin each and the remainder formed groups o.i 25 to 33 ::a=nti, Ten J3-1 tanks and ti T-314/85 ten cs practic:? 2 driving between the barracks instal=.ation and the cemetery. Lieutenant Colonel Dulaky (f'nu), the administrative officer, was tra ls.;ferred to Potsdari and succeeded by another lioutonarit colonel in i?ohr-,aary 1252a Mora rumors circulat:i,a ; a among; the 25X1 soldiers, the Unit =as scheduled to nova to the , reitonha. cmn troop traininr ,,rounds on the ulbe Itivcr southeast of i r - { i !`'' 30 n aril.. 2. In raici~':arcia$ about -30 iron parts of brill;e equipment were piled up in an unguarded area on the ,tnCnant Ixanch of ` ..iF"s:.11c 46ivor near )'ernbur J? ~)ictaaro was obtained of these iron sections, 'three rows of 6 to 8 piles each were driven in the stagnant bra-11ch of the ;.Nate River, the piles were placed 10 meters apart. On 31 ::arch, most of the bridge equipment at the stagnant branch Saale :Ivor had boon s. ip.3ed away. Trrentyr seven soldiers wearing 1:ai.ack-- bordered black e paul.ots with en gino r insignia loaded the rest of the wooden planks and two iron pontoons onto trucks I and. drove to ts.,e _^,c?olf 25X1 Hitler itaserne. The. wo den piles in the river .sac also be. n reraoved0 * at the bekirl .i 1;.; of Larch :L952 that advance parties had left to.ajrd an undetermined direction aiad that 80 iron brid.;e sections had been piled by the stagnant branch of the f.aalo :fiver, 25X1 The strength estimate of the unidentified engineer re ;i.a.'ent of the Guru in the present report is a little too hir,h even -=.f t-lo tame unit is taken into consideration. However, it may be carrecta tho re ii_ro26X1 to have been scheduled to hove to Lios,laa in raid-Tr-r65 _9,2e Tt is also nxosible that the unit moves to freiteraha- en. 25X1 r5X1 , 7c?M_r^/cf) i 1jt;F; (l;+ F Tr. T 1 T.' nTT Y Approved For Release 2006/08/08 : CIA-RDP82-00457R012000160005-0