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Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/06/04: CIA-RDP72-00310R000100250002-8
*Apr '"W
OGC 70-0859
26 May 1970
SUBJECT: RSM-LITE Comparison Test Results:
Application to OGC
1. Attached is the report on the RSM-LITE comparison
test, the objective of which was to assess the RSM legal infor-
mation retrieval capability relative to OGC needs. As a result
of the successful completion of this testing and evaluation period,
we will soon have the capability to search and retrieve by machine
the U. S. Code and all Comptroller General Decisions, both pub-
lished and unpublished. In total, these two data bases will con-
stitute approximately 50 million words. When these bases are
updated by LITE, we will receive copies long enough to update ours.
2. Given the RSM availability in any event, and the assistance
of LITE in providing us copies of these particular data bases without
charge, we have an in-house capability comparable to the LITE
service at minimal cost. Currently, the largest single cost in devel-
oping such a system is attributable to converting the source materials
to machine readable form. A "rough office survey" would suggest
that current and foreseeable OGC research needs would not justify
the present costs of converting other legal research materials to
machine readable form.
3. The purpose of this "office survey" was to determine what
legal research materials were being used by the staff attorneys and,
more importantly, the frequency of that use. To accomplish this,
each attorney's "signer," which normally should contain all his written
research papers and opinions, was reviewed over a 19-month period
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from January 1968 through July 1969. This particular 19-month
period is probably representative of any other. An analysis of
these materials disclosed:
a. The legal research materials cited most often
in OGC written opinions and papers, in descending order
of frequency were:
1. U. S. Code
2. Code of Federal Regulations
3. Internal Revenue Code (treated separately
from U. S. Code)
4. Federal Personnel Manual
5. Comptroller General Decisions
6. Federal Reporter, 2nd Series
7. Federal Supplement
8. U. S. Supreme Court Reports, Law. Ed.
9. Va. Code, D. C. Code & Revenue Rulings (tied)
10. Standardized Regulations, Government Civilians,
Foreign Areas, Department of State
b. U. S. Code provisions were cited in a total of 66
opinions over the 19-month period for an average of 3. 5 opinions
per month. The second most frequently cited research base,
the CFR's, appeared in 19 opinions or an average of 1 per month.
c. 82% of the U. S. Code cites were restricted to five
titles--5, 18, 28, 31 and 50. Title 5 accounted for 38% of all
U. S. Code cites.
4. Doubling these "frequency of use" figures to take into consid-
eration research which does not appear in written opinions suggests the
OGC research need is insufficient to justify the cost of converting these
materials to machine readable form. It should be noted we currently
have a KWIC index of title 50, U. S. Code, and will be receiving a
similar index covering title 5, two of the five titles most often used by
this office.
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5. Theforegoing treats with legal research materials such
as those comprising our library. A question naturally arises con-
cerning our own internal office papers and opinions. Should these
be converted to machine readable form for storage and retrieval
purposes? This type material must be readily accessible on a
timely basis. It is the opinion of the undersigned that until the
technology and more particularly, the economics of that technology,
permit all staff attorneys convenient and continuous access to an
up-to-date data base, the office should not make any large investment
in this direction. This is not to say that interim steps in the direction
of computerized storage and retrieval should not be taken. Such interim
steps might include converting our office opinions and memoranda to
a microfilm or microfiche storage and retrieval system. This would
have the effect of solving our current storage problem and yet be a
step in the right direction. The economical conversion of microfilm
or microfiche to machine readable form should be a reality in the not
too distant future.
Orig. onM- PUTERS
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relative to the needs of
STAT Prepared by:
25 May 1970
Office of General Counsel
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CONCLUSIONS. . .. . . . . . . . 15
POSTSCRIPT .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 17
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In June 1969 the Office of General Counsel (OGC) was notified
the Agency was in possession of a specialized machine for searching
and retrieving full text materials--the Rapid Search Machine (RSM)
prototype I, manufactured b A demonstration of its
capability was offered using as a data base a segment of the Department
of Defense Directives acquired earlier for demonstration purposes from
the Air Force LITE (Legal Information Thru Electronics) activity.
Coincidentally, but nevertheless quite timely, a year earlier in
the summer of 1968, as the undersigned was preparing to leave for a
year's study in Systems Analysis at MIT, the Deputy General Counsel,
John S. Warner, suggested that if the opportunity presented itself, an
examination of Air Force Project LITE might prove an interesting
academic project and be of practical future use to OGC. Mr. Warner's
advice was accepted and the undersigned's term project was devoted to
an analysis of the state of the art of computerized storage and retrieval
of legal information, in particular the system known as Project LITE.
The undersigned completed the MIT academic program and returned to
OGC the first week in July 1969 in time to view the previously scheduled
demonstration on the RSM I,
During this demonstration, we learned the Agency had contracted
for the purchase of the RSM prototype II, scheduled for delivery and
installation during November 1969. We were advised that RSM II, as
compared with RSM I, would function at faster speeds, permit greater
flexibility and manipulation of textual materials and provide key-word-
in-context (KWIC) output. The fact that the RSM II would be available
in any event suggested that for a relatively small additional cost and
with the cooperation of the Air Force LITE activity, we possibly had
in the offing an in-house capability to search and retrieve full text legal
information by machine.
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1"W 1W
The objective was to assess the RSM capability relativeto
the particular needs of OGC. Why not compare the RSM capability
with that of LITE, an existing operational system? A detailed cost-
efficiency analysis comparing the two systems was not intended or
needed. If legal data bases of particular interest to OGC could be
obtained without charge from LITE, the costs definitely favored
RSM since it was available for use in any event. The comparison
would be limited to the "search and retrieval" function of the two
systems. In response to a particular query, would the RSM produced
results equal or exceed those produced by LITE? Whether one system
during the actual search and retrieval phase could operate slightly
faster or handle greater loads in a given time frame was not considered
particularly germane to OGC needs.
On 18 July 1969 the General Counsel, Lawrence R. Houston,
in a letter addressed to Lt. Col. Charles R. Minich, USAF, Chief,
LITE Branch, wrote the following:
As you are now aware, we have, located in our Head-
quarters fa ilit the prototype Rapid Search Machine (RSM)
STAT built b I would like to see a practical
demonstration of the RSM capability to search and retrieve
legal information. In this regard, we have concluded that the
most pertinent test and evaluation of the system would be
achieved by using two test data bases -- one statutory law and
the other, decisional law. The U. S. Code and the Comptroller
General Decisions are used perhaps as much as any other body
of law in meeting the legal research requirements of my office.
Inasmuch as both of these law bases constitute a part of the LITE
data bank, it would be appreciated if you could make them avail-
able to us on a loan basis.
When all is ready, it would be extremely helpful if one
of your staff personnel could come to our Headquarters building,
at our expense, and participate in the demonstration. It is our
thought that someone intimately associated with the LITE develop-
ment and its present capabilities could provide us the greatest
assistance in evaluating the RSM legal information retrieval capability.
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On 28 July we received from LITE ten reels of tape with documen-
tation. Seven reels constituted volumes 19 through 47 of the Published
Comptroller General Decisions and the other three reels comprised
the U. S. Code through Supplement III.
Due to the need to redo the tape format when changing from
RSM I to RSM II use, we decided to wait until the latter was installed
before converting the larger part of the LITE tapes (Comptroller
General Decisions). During the interim we proceeded with the con-
version of the smaller data base (U. S. Code) for use on the RSM I
so that we might become somewhat proficient in the operation of the
machine and gain some insights into its capabilities and limitations.
The RSM II was installed in November 1969, and the process of
preparing the tapes for use was begun. On 3 December John Warner
and the undersigned visited the LITE facility in Denver, Colorado for
the purpose of seeing firsthand the LITE operation. Mr. Jack Sieburg,
Chief, EDP Branch, LITE, took us step by -step through the LITE
system process.
While in Denver we discussed the parameters of a "rough com-
parison test" between the LITE system and the RSM II. It was decided
LITE would provide us with actual user queries presented to it for
search and retrieval purposes. We would receive a total of twenty-four
(24) queries-- one-half to be run against the Comptroller General De-
cisions, volumes 45 through 47, and the other half against the U. S. Code
through Supplement III. The undersigned would take two approaches in
handling these queries on the RSM. The first approach would be to duplicate
as closely as possible the framing of the query actually used by LITE to
retrieve material resppnding to the problem. This is not always possible
because of the query constraints available in one system and not the other.
The second approach would be to change the framing of the query, where
appropriate,. based upon the results produced by the first approach and
looking to the statement of the problem actually presented for research.
This second approach suggests a browsing capability that is only present
when the user and the machine interact.
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The undersigned would then review and compare the materials
retrieved by both RSM and LITE in response to the same problem.
Such a review would include a determination of their relevancy to the
problem presented. Granted, what is relevant for one user, even
when defined carefully, is not necessarily relevant to another research-
ing the same problem. Also, it is quite probable that the framer of the
query for LITE had received from the requestor certain additional infor-
mation surrounding the research problem which did not appear in the
simple statement of the problem as made available to the undersigned--
information which would make retrieved materials which otherwise
seemed irrelevant, appear to be relevant. Taking this into consideration,
the undersigned consciously attempted to err on the side of excluding as
irrelevant only that which did not appear in the slightest measure associ-
ated with the general subject matter. It should be noted, however, that
in those instances where only irrelevant materials are retrieved, that
fact in itself might be relevant to the point that there are no relevant
materials on the subject in the data base. This knowledge of a negative
can often times be of great importance in legal research.
The actual test and comparative analysis took place, as time
permitted, from January through April 1970. While the test parameters
were probably of sufficient size and number to validly support the limited
test objective, they are insufficient to draw fast and hard conclusions
regarding the value and efficiency of computerized full text legal infor-
mation retrieval systems in general. Some general observations, how-
ever, will be made in this area and properly identified as such.
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The following paragraphs treat with the basic differences in
the mechanics of the two systems, a knowledge of which is essential
to understanding much of what is said about the actual test results.
Differences in the hardware, the process of submitting queries and
the query logic parameters are presented in that order.
Hardware-Software Comparison:
RSM II is not an all purpose computer, but rather a specialized
machine designed for the specific task of searching and retrieving
textual type materials. It consists of three basic units--(l) a console
which includes a standard keyboard and other operating controls for
inputing queries, a cathode ray tube (CRT) used solely for framing
queries and an electrostatic printer for output; (2) an equipment and
assembly rack; and (3) a tape drive.
The only software requirement is that involved in formating the
data on magnetic tape for serial processing of a search. Every character
of the full text is searched at the rate of 120, 000 characters a second.
Printout at a rate of 400 characters a second can be regulated to a desig-
nated subrecord(s) of a record, KWIC or an extract of text surrounding
the key words searched on, or full text.
Currently there is an undesirable constraint in utilizing the
extract (KWIC) mode. Within a record, one cannot restrict KWIC
printout to a particular subrecord and print full text of other subrecords.
For example, a section of the U. S. Code constitutes one record and is
comprised of three subrecords--(1) title and section number, (2) section
number and heading, and (3) full text of the section. Regardless of
whether full text or only extract printout is desired, one will always want
subrecord (1) printed in order to identify the text. Currently a printout
of subrecord (1) and an extract of the text can only be obtained by a
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technique which requires using up query framing space which is
at a premium. We are advised the RSM can be modified without
great difficulty to overcome this problem.
Currently, the U. S. Code takes up three reels of tape and
the Comptroller General Decisions considerably more, requiring
the physical changing of many tape reels if a comprehensive search
is required. Also, if such a search is required, this process of
many reel changes somewhat inhibits the browsing capability--i. e.,
with each reel change, the user must start the query framing process
all over again. We are advised that a Leach tape drive currently
being installed will reduce this problem considerably by permitting
a much greater density of information per reel of tape.
The LITE system utilizes an all purpose, third generation
computer--the RCA Spectra 70/45. Prior to January 1970, LITE had
functioned in an emulator mode of operation. The emulator made the
RCA Spectra 70/45 computer function as an IBM 1410 computer thereby
preventing maximum use of the efficiency and speed of the Spectra 70/45.
LITE has no remote devices for input/output. The operating system
provides for batch processing of queries. Key punch cards are used
for query input and output is by high speed printer.
LITE has developed over the years a number of software pro-
grams which permit manipulation of their data bases to provide special
products in addition to the general search and retrieval function. These
products constitute indices, collations, frequency listings, etc. , which
are in themselves research tools that have a continuing benefit over a
period of time involving many research problems.
LITE utilizes Random Access Card Equipment Units (RACE) to
eliminate serial processing of text files. The system searches against
a "vocabulary file, " consisting of all the words used in the full text
except for common words such as "of, " "and, " "br, " etc. LITE has a
standard common word list of 120-plus words. The elimination of these
words reduces the total volume of text words searched against by approx-
imately 40 to 50 percent. The "vocabulary file" contains the key word
along with the associated string of address locations in the "text file"
which contains the full text information for retrieval. LITE also has
three modes of printout--(1) citation, (2) KWIC and (3) full text. The
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key words used in the search are easily located in the printout
by appearing in the right margin next to the line of text wherein
the word appears. This saves considerable time in browsing an
extract of text for purposes of determining relevancy to the question
asked. The RSM does not have a similar feature.
Comparison of Process of Submitting Queries:
It should be recalled at this time that the objective of the
comparison test was to assess the RSM capability relative to the
particular needs of OGC. How would a staff member of OGC sub-
mit a query to either system?
Looking first to RSM, he would call a number and reserve
time on the machine. Currently there is no difficulty in obtaining
sufficient timely access to the RSM to meet OGC needs. He would
then pick up from the tape library the data base desired, and mount
and dismount the tape(s) on the tape drive.
At this point he sits at the console, and the interplaybetween
researcher and the retrieval device begins. The researcher frames
queries, narrowing, broadening or terminating those queries as
suggested by an on the spot review of the extract printout. Much the
same way traditional manual research is done, the researcher can, by
process of trial and error, consult one term or phrase, then another,
until he pinpoints the materials needed.
It should be emphasized that the mechanics of operating the
RSM are not in any sense overly difficult or complicated. An hour or
two of instruction at the console would generally be sufficient to permit
ore to operate the machine on his own.
Looking next to LITE, the OGC staffer could relay his research
problem to the Denver facility via telephone or letter. LITE has over
the years conducted one and two-day training courses in the art of
framing queries for submission to the system. A user so trained
would then frame his own query on a special form and submit. it to the
Denver facility. Evidently this process has not been too successful.
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LITE now suggests that the best results are obtained by
calling one of three LITE staff attorneys who is an expert in the
LITE framing process. The research problem would be presented
and discussed over the phone, framed by the expert, and the results
mailed out that same day or the next. Prior to mailing, the framing
attorney reviews the results. His review might consist of, among
other things, an informal notation (to the Requestor) of any peculi-
arities in the output, ideas for possible reframing or follow-up
searches, etc. No attempt is made to determine whether the search
gives "the answer" to the problem presented, as this is considered
the Requestor's decision.
What should be noted here is that the Requestor may, indeed,
need to reframe, given the first set of results. Once the question is
put to the computer,that is it. To modify the request, it must be
resubmitted. Each time a search request is submitted by our OGC
staffer the charge is fifty ($50) dollars. Acting through an intermediary
can be costly, not only in monetary terms, but also the time required
to submit and resubmit queries.
Quern Framing and Lo
The CRT screen on the RSM enables the formulation of two
separate search queries via the CRT keyboard. Data typed into the
query areas of the CRT screen can be edited or modified (type, insert
and delete operations) prior to the transmission of the data into the RSM.
Each search query on the RSM can be typed as either a single
field containing 80 characters or less (single field request mode) or
divided into four 20-character fields (multiple field request mode)
depending upon the data search being conducted. The query data entered
is formulated as a series of terms linked together in a specified manner
using special term operators as required. Logic operations (AND/OR)
can be performed between terms in a field by using an "at least" or
"M out of N" number of term matches required to satisfy a field. When,
formulating multiple field requests, interfield AND, OR, AND NOT, and
OR NOT logic operations are performed using special interfield symbol
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These limited framing parameters put certain constraints
on the number of synonym/ equivalence (S/E) terms that can be
included in a given search query. For example, in the "single
field request mode" the framer can require that any number of
terms, from among the total number of terms that can be typed
into the 80 character space, be in a document to satisfy retrieval.
He cannot, however, require that term "A" AND any one of a
following list of S/E terms be present. Using the "multiple field
request mode" the number of S/E terms can sometimes be stretched
to three within the 20 character field limitation, but more often this
limitation permits only two such terms. For example, the framer
can require that terms "A" AND "B" AND either "C" or "D" be present
to satisfy retrieval. Terms "C" and "D" are S/E's and the field
character limitation might possibly permit one additional S/E.
LITE, on the other hand, is not so limited. While the logic
operations (AND, OR,NOT) are basically the same, there is no 80
character limitation per search query. A single search query can
be a complex of several pages of terms. Without the restricted
query character limitation, the single query can contain as many
S/E terms as desired. In fact, LITE batches up to 28 individual
queries in a group. What all this means is that to duplicate a single
LITE query may take several queries on the RSM.
The query character limitation on the RSM is somewhat
mitigated by the use of a "universal multi-character match" symbol,
"?", which can be used as a prefix, suffix, or within a word or term
to match an indefinite number of character positions. This operator
is especially useful as a plural absorbing suffix or as an abbreviation
device when only the first feyi letters of a word are required.
It is our understanding that LITE, as of the first of this year,
has a comparable "universal character match" capability. When
framing the queries used for the comparison test, however, each key
word, including the S/E of a "root" word had to be spelled out.
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On the RSM one can restrict retrieval to documents which
contain the searched upon key words in a contiguous order such
as a phrase, or to those documents which contain the key words
anywhere within the document, not necessarily contiguous. There
is currently no capability to restrict retrieval to documents con-
taining two or more key words in the same sentence but not necessarily
contiguous. For example, in a particular U. S. Code section the
Central Intelligence Agency Act might be referred to solely as
50 U. S. C. 403, or as 403, et seq. of title 50, or other variations of
basically the same content. On the RSM one must frame all the
possible ways in which this can be stated. On the other hand, if one
had flexibility within a sentence structure, the query would simply
be to retrieve all sections wherein 50 and 403 appear in the same
sentence. The particular order within the sentence would make no
difference. Clearly, if one has to specify all possible alternatives
in such a situation, then the 80 character query limitation becomes
somewhat restrictive.
LITE not only has this "within a sentence" restriction capability
(hereinafter referred to as "sentence constraint'), but an even more
restrictive "within so many words" (hereinafter referred to as "word
constraint") capability. For example, the query could be to restrict
retrieval to those documents, wherein key word "A" is anywhere within
five words on either side of key word "B." In addition, LITE has a
"within so many sentences" constraint (hereinafter referred to as
"paragraph constraint").
10 N I J
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The general parameters of the comparison test and the
basic differences in the mechanics of the two systems have been
outlined, setting the stage for the results detailed in the following
paragraphs. All that remains is to define two terms that will
repeatedly appear in the presentation. Each of the twenty-four
research queries used in the test base is classified either as a
"simple" or "complex" query.
A "simple" query is one where knowing the location of a given
word or phrase is the only objective. To retrieve every section of
the U. S. Code containing the term "self incrimination" is an example
of a "simple" query. To retrieve all references to the "Classification
Act of 1949" or to "reimbursement of funds or appropriations" are
still other examples.
A "complex" query is one where the objective is to retrieve
those materials which will assist in resolving a particular problem.
For example, retrieve all U. S. Code sections or Comptroller General
Decisions which speak to the problem of "liability for the negligent act
of a service employed policeman directing traffic on a road subject to
concurrent State and Federal jurisdiction. "
It so happened that one-half the test queries (12) constituted
"simple" queries - 8 against the U. S. Code (U. S. C.) and 4 against
the Comptroller General Decisions (C. G. ). In 9 of these 12 the LITE
query framing could be duplicated on the RSM - 6 against U. S. C. and
3 against C.G. In these 9 searches the same documents, no more
nor less, were retrieved by both RSM and LITE.
The LITE framing of the remaining 3 simple queries (2 against
U. S. C. and 1 against C.G.) could not be duplicated on the RSM. LITE's
framing used "sentence constraints" in the two U. S. C. queries and a
"word constraint" in the C.G. query. Utilizing the same key words,
but with the broader "document constraint," RSM output nevertheless
duplicated that of LITE in two of the queries. In the other, RSM pulled
513 U. S. C. sections as compared with 431 pulled by LITE. Those
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sections pulled by LITE were included in the greater number
pulled by RSM. When the key words in this particular query
were framed to be contiguous, the RSM pulled only 19 sections.
This query required a sentence constraint, and the best RSM
could do was require a document constraint causing the user to
review those 513 sections retrieved to find the 431 that met the
Given the query character limitation on the RSM, it should
be noted with regard to these 12 simple queries that on an average
it required 1. 25 searches on the RSM for each search framed by
Turning now to the twelve "complex" queries (4 against U. S. C.
and 8 against C.G. ), not a single LITE query frame could be duplicated
on the RSM. Each LITE frame used one or more of the various word,
sentence or paragraph constraints. In each case RSM, using the
broader document constraint, naturally retrieved more documents
than LITE, always including those retrieved by the latter. The LITE/
RSM document retrieval comparison rate looked as follows - 13/20,
9/ 12, 87/134, and 36/62 as against U.S.C. and 2/11, 6/16, 8/18,
3/9, 1/7, 2/19, 8/10 and 1/31 as against C.G.
In 6 searches (3 against U.S.C. with LITE/RSM retrievals of
13/20, 9/12, and 36/62; and 3 against C.G. with retrieval comparisons
of 3/9, 1/7 and 2/19), while there were relevant retrievals among the
jointly pulled documents, the additional documents pulled only by RSM
were irrelevant in responding to the problem presented. Reframing
and browsing failed to produce additional relevant documents.
In 3 other searches (all against C.G. with LITE/RSM retrieval
comparisons of 2/11, 6/16, and 8/18), all documents retrieved by both-
systems were irrelevant.. In 2 of these searches, reframing and browsing
on the RSM failed to find relevant documents - a fact which is relevant in
itself. There probably are no relevant materials on the subject in the
data base. As to the third search, reframing and browsing narrowed
retrieval to 3 documents, all of which were relevant. This particular
search is discussed in more detail further on.
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In the remaining 3 searches (1 against U. S. C. with a
retrieval comparison of 87 / 134 and 2 against C.G. with retrieval
comparisons of 8/10 and 1/31), the additional documents retrieved
by RSM included those that were relevant. In all 3 cases, LITE's
use of a word constraint was too restrictive. If LITE had used the
less restrictive sentence constraint, all the relevant documents
missed would have been retrieved.
With regard to these 12 complex queries, it required an
average of 2. 66 searches on the RSM to duplicate as nearly as
possible each search framed by LITE.
The foregoing discussion has described those results which
followed from duplicating as nearly as possible the query as framed
by LITE. Let us now look to some results of specific searches wherein
man and machine interplay.
In one of the 6 simple queries where RSM could duplicate the
LITE frame, the objective was to retrieve all,sections of the U. S. C.
containing the term "research grant(s)." Both systems retrieved the
same 5 sections.. The query was then reframed on the RSM ("gran?
? Resea?") and 15 additional sections were retrieved containing either
the term "grant(s) for research" or "grantsinaid for research."
Another simple query sought the retrieval of Comptroller
General Decisions referring to "equitable adjustment(s) arising from
dispute(s) clause(s) in contract(s)." The LITE frame (underlined
phrases and term) was duplicated on the RSM, and both systems re-
trieved the same 3 decisions. The query was then framed to broaden
the retrieval by eliminating the contiguous word constraint between
"equitable" and "adjustment(s)" and also "dispute(s)" and "clause(s)."
In effect, the only constraint was a document constraint, and the RSM
retrieved only 3 decisions in addition to those pulled with the more
restrictive query. Two of these newly retrieved decisions satisfied
the query objective.
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In one complex query the objective was to retrieve all
Comptroller General Decisions relevant to solving the following
problem: "Are state license plates required for government-
owned vehicles operated by contractors on public roads, outside
the confines of contractor operated installations?" LITE's frame
included sentence constraints and retrieved 2 decisions. RSM
with its broader document constraint retrieved 11 decisions, in-
cluding the 2 pulled by LITE. All these decisions were irrelevant.
In broadening the RSM query by eliminating one key word, 14
decisions were retrieved including 7 previously pulled. Three of
the 7 newly retrieved decisions were relevant - 2 of these 3 were
considered highly relevant.
Finally, in still another complex query, the results evidenced
the classic problem in framing queries - the difficulty in second
guessing the terms used by the particular authors of the materials
to be retrieved. The objective was to retrieve from title 26 of the
U. S. Code any sections relevant to the question of whether "the
statute of limitations is waived for filing tax refund claims forprior
years in connection with death in a combat zone."
LITE, using a sentence constraint, retrieved 13 sections and
RSM, with the broader document constraint, retrieved 21 sections,
including the 13 pulled by LITE. Only a couple of these sections had
even marginal relevancy. Reframing and browsing on the RSM re-
trieved nothing more relevant. An OGC staff attorney, who continually
works with title 26, was given the above quoted statement of the problem
and requested to see what he could come up with by manual research.
After 30 minutes of research he found a section more on point than
anything retrieved by machine. An examination of this manually
retrieved section disclosed that had one term used in the framed
query been deleted, the section would have been pulled by the RSM.
Armed with this fact, the query was appropriately reframed and 9
sections were retrieved, only one of which had previously been pulled.
Included among the 8 newly retrieved sections =.was: the sectionfound
by manual research and more significantly, a section even more on
point and probably dispositive of the problem.
It is worthy to note, that the term deleted from the query frame
was "waive" and its synonym/equivalence, "toll." Given the nature of
the problem, this term "waive or toll" would rationally be considered
most germane and probably would have been among the. last terms to
be deleted from the query.
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In response to a particular query, did the results produced
by RSM equal or exceed those produced by LITE? LITE results
would be exceeded only if additional pertinent or relevant documents
were retrieved by RSM.
In 17 of the 24 test queries (11 simple and 6 complex), the
RSM results either equaled or exceeded those of LITE. In the 7
searches where those results were exceeded, 4 were the direct
result of the browsing capability allowed by the interplay between
user and machine. The other 3 resulted because LITE's framing of
the query was too restrictive, excluding relevant documents.
In the remaining 7 test queries (1 simple and 6 complex),
while the RSM retrieved documents included those pulled by LITE,
the additional documents were of no value and the user was required
to sort through a greater number of documents to separate the
relevant from irrelevant. The additional documents ran from a low
of 3 in one search to a high of 82 in another.
Just as there is a danger in using too freely the "universal
character match" resulting in a large irrelevant retrieval, there
is also the danger of being too restrictive by the use of word and
sentence constraints. It seems quite evident, however, that a
"sentence constraint" would greatly enhance the search and retrieval
capability of.the RSM> The need for th'e more restrictive "word
constraint" is not so evident. With a sentence constraint, the RSM
would have equaled or exceeded LITE results in each of the 24 test
queries. As can be seen, however, from the test results, the RSM
browsing capability mitigates to a considerable extent this current
lack of a sentence constraint, and in fact, with regard to many queries,
will more than compensate.
At this point, it should be reiterated that the purpose of the
comparison test was to assess the RSM capability relative to OGC
research needs. What are these needs? Suffice it to say, that the
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`AW w
U. S. Code and Comptroller General Decisions are among the
legal research materials used most often by OGC. Even so,
a "rough office survey" suggests that the need to utilize the
RSM search and retrieval system probably would not exceed,
in any event, an average of six searches a month. Given such
a limited need, it should be readily understandable why the
quantitative factors of speed and volume of searches are not as
germane to OGC as the qualitative factors of accuracy and
thoroughness provided by a browsing capability. Taking all the
above into consideration, it seems safe to conclude that the RSM
search and retrieval capability is comparable to that of LITE and
more adequately meets the current and foreseeable needs of OGC.
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Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/06/04: CIA-RDP72-00310R000100250002-8
On 8 and 9 April 1970 Mr. Jack Sieburg, Chief, EDP
Branch, LITE, participated in discussions and a demonstration
of the RSM capability at Agency Headquarters. As previously
indicated, the purpose of his visit was to assist OGC in evaluating
the RSM capability.
During the two days Mr. Sieburg was familiarized with the
RSM operation and query techniques and reviewed some preliminary
results of the comparison test. He took an active part, based upon
the previous day's RSM familiarization, in the presentation of a three
hour general demonstration attended by Messrs. Houston, Warner
and of OGC and Mr. Maurice H. Lanman, Assistant General
Counsel (Fiscal Matters), Department of Defense.
In a post-demonstration meeting in Mr. Houston's office,
Mr. Sieburg offered his opinion that the RSM search and retrieval
capability was comparable to that which LITE could provide. He
made special note of the RSM browsing capability and its apparent
value. There was agreement among all present that OGC, by peri-
odically receiving from LITE updated tapes on the two data bases,
had an in-house search and retrieval capability comparable to and
in some respects surpassing that which LITE could provide.
Before concluding this report, some general observations
should be noted. These comments treat with the quality of output
and will in most part be equally applicable to all full text machine
The commentary in this field suggests that there will be a
marked difference in efficiency between searches against statutory
data bases and searches against decisional data bases. The rationale
is that the language of the former is more precise and, therefore,
more accurately predictable by the query framer. Let it be said
simply that the results from the limited comparison test offered
no evidence to support this oft stated conclusion. Needless to say,
it seems this system of retrieval works best against "simple" queries,
whether they are directed against statutory or decisional data bases.
In this regard, it might be said that most queries of the simple category
will be directed against statutory bases and thus give credence to the
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All full text systems retrieve on the basis of "word matching."
In other words, what comes out as a final product is only as good as
what goes in by way of query. The onus is placed upon the human
element, not the machine. The system is only as good as the ability
of the individual to frame queries. If the query is framed too broadly,
then one is confronted with the same problem he started with, that is,
he has retrieved too much material, requiring further sorting to
separate the relevant from the irrelevant. If framed too narrowly,
then relevant materials are excluded. To achieve the ideal a majority
of the time takes considerable experience in framing queries against
any particular data base. Assumptions as to what terms a particular
data base will or will not contain usually are proved incorrect.
This suggests the researcher is going to have to be "attached"
to the machine during the searching process. The ability of the re-
searcher to remain in his office and through a remote terminal call
forth, search and retrieve from, a particular data base, suggests the
ideal system. There would be no need to reserve and manually handle
the data base. The technology is here--when time sharing/real time
equipment is economical, the ideal will be reality.
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