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Approved For Release 2006/08/09: CIA-RDP71 B00399R000600130003-7 Approved For Release 2006/08/09: CIA-RDP71 B00399R000600130003-7 Approves For Re se 2006/08109?: CIA-RDP71 B00399060013O O3'''7- TOP SICRIT FINAL REPORT OPERATIONAL SUITABILITY OF BLACK SHIELD AIRCRAFT AND COMPONENTS PROJECT 65-8 13 December 1965 1129TH USAF SPECIAL ACTIVITIES SQUADRON TOP SECRET V.5, /"q 9 Approved For R se 2006/08/e9,: CIA-RDP71 B00399 0600130003-7 N TOP SECRET TABLE OF CONTENTS Page Review and Approval 1 Introduction 2 Objective 2 Description of Equipment 2 Test Methods and Limitations 2 Data Collection and Reduction 3 Accuracy of Data 3 Test Results 3 Conclusions and Recommendations 7 Appendix A - Mission Profile 8 Appendix B - Detailed Validation Item Results 9 Distribution List 32 TOP SECRET -rsa 3 fit! 9 U 1/ Jf Aftv. r Approved For Rise 2006/08/09: CIA-RDP71 B00399F&0600130003-7 TOP SECRET REVIEW AND APPROVAL REVIEWED BY: REVIEWED BY: REVIEWED BY: REVIEWED BY: APPROVED BY: TOP SECRET Annrr , rl Fnr Ralaaca 9nnR/flRlfq ? ('.IA-RflP71 ROORcIGR0000001:3000:3-7 Approved For ase 2006/08/09: CIA-RDP71 B00390600130003-7 TOP SECRET INTRODUCTION 1. This test was conducted under the authority of the Deputy Commander for Operations, Det 1, 1129th USAF Special Activities Squadron. On 12 and 13 May, 1965, a meeting between Head- quarters, 0 and LAC personnel was held to determine basic 25x1 test and system validation requirements to meet an Operational Readiness Inspection Test date of 15 December on Black Shield aircraft. The test was conducted from 1 October to 1 December in accordance with the Test Plan as amended. OBJECTIVE 2. The objective of this test is to determine the operational suitability of A-12 aircraft and component systems as modified to the Black Shield configuration. DESCRIPTION OF EQUIPMENT TEST ITEM 3. The test was conducted using the three A-12 airplanes des- ignated as primary for Black Shield. These aircraft, numbers 126, 127 and 128, were in standard configuration and instru- mented with two cockpit cameras each to photograph the instru- ment panels, and one oscillograph each to record the perform- ance of the inlet ducts. In addition, each airplane was equipped with a voice recorder. Normal support equipment was used during the test conduct. TEST METHODS AND LIMITATIONS TEST PROCEDURES 4. Prior to the initiation of this test, the subject airplanes were engaged in a series of flights to demonstrate performance and systems reliability. These>:flights, consisting of approxi- mately six sorties per-aircraft, were completed satisfactorily and this Operational Suitability Test was begun on 1 October 19'65, Physical Testing was completed on 20 November 1965. A total of nine successful sorties were flown, consisting of three per airplane. Six of-these sorties included three air refuelings with four high speed cruise legs, for a total flight time of approximately six hours each. The final three sorties were simulated operational missions which included two air TOP SECRET 162 6 : cr 3c'17~~ Approved For R se 2006/08/09: CIA-RDP71 B003990600130003-7 TOP SECRET refuelings each with trans-continental routes. Flight times for these sorties were approximately four hours each. Pilots were briefed using standard Detachment procedures for mission functions, and all tactics used were as specified in the Detachment Tactical Doctrine. The Limited Climatic Test, Black Shield Validation Item #25A, was completed as a separate test and the results forwarded in a separate report. As noted in the report the windshield deicing test has yet to be completed. DATA COLLECTION AND REDUCTION 5e During pre-mission briefings, the validation items were reviewed for the pilots, along with the satisfactory-unsatis- factory criteria. In the test flights, pilots noted the functional operation of the validation items and voice record- ed necessary data for climb, cruise and descent performance. In the post flight debriefings, pilots completed test mission forms on which all validation items were listed Each item was rated as satisfactory or unsatisfactory, the latter rating requiring explanatory remarks. Similar forms were completed by DCM personnel to acquire data on items best evaluated during post flight functions. DCM personnel also reviewed the voice recorder tape playback and the cockpit camera film for additional data. Evaluation of payload mater- ial, INS, etc., were provided by the applicable agencies and included on the forms completed by DCM. Performance data was transcribed from the voice recorders by DCOM personnel and dispatched to LAC for reduction. ACCURACY OF DATA 6. Most of the rating criteria was set to specified limits, but in some cases the ratings were qualitative; based on, pilot/technician experience and judgement. In the case of performance, the profile presented in Appendix A is from data based on average test day atmospheric conditions. Operational performance will vary somewhat with changes in air temperatures. TEST RESULTS GENERAL 7. A total of 12 sorties were flown for 52:40 hours. Over- all, nine sorties were rated as satisfactory with three air r3 z b :~ , TOP SECRET Annrr rl Pnr RaIPacP 9flfF/flRt0A ? QA-RfP71R003()GR00Q6QQ1 30003-77 Approved For R se 2006/08/09: CIA-RDP71 B00399 0600130003-7 a- 0 . TOP SECRET aborts. One abort was charged to a low oil pressure indi- cation and the other two to ARC-50 UHF failure.. For an over- all rating of satisfactory, a mission had to be completed as briefed with the entire route covered and all refuelings met. For overall performance success, inlet unstarts were accept- able n as altitude loss did not exceed 2,000 feet or to below feet during penetration legs. Only missions 25x1 which were a rborne were considered. Ground aborts and schedule cancelations were not considered as they are beyond the scope of this testa PERFORMANCE 8. Appendix A contains a typical performance profile compiled from data based on average test day atmospheric conditions. Complete performance data generated from this and other tests were published in the A-12 Utility Flight Manual in a change dated 1 Dec 65. These data are presently being reduced to standard conditions and when completed will be published in the flight manual. VALIDATION ITEMS 9. Appendix B contains a breakdown of validation items by aircraft, date, rating, and explanatory remarks. The follow- ing table summarizes the results by satisfactory-unsatisfactory criteria and percent satisfactory. ITEM 1A & 2A - Performance. Multiple A/R High Speed Profiles. NOTE: No unsatisfactory ratings were due to inlet malfunctions. 3A - Inlets SUMMARY OF RESULTS CRITERIA RATE 1. All legs and refuel- 75% ings completed as briefed. 2. Maximum.alt, loss of 2000 ft during starts or to a min of II during penetration legs. Unsatisfactory if any 64% unstarts were encountered. TOP SECRET Approved For Rise 2006/08/09: CIA-RDP71 B00399 TOP SECRET ITEM CRITERIA SUCCESS RATE 4A - Air Data Computer Normal Function 100% 5A - LOX (Deleted) 6A - LN2 Minimum 15 liters reserve 100% 7A - TACAN Normal functions and DME 75% agreement with INS within 10%0 8A - IFF As reported by Radar 92% 9A - Aft Fuel Feed and Normal functions 100% Transfer 10A- SR-3 Compass Remained in sync after 92% 1800 turn, with attitude indicator precession of no more than 3?0 Normal Limits 67% 12A- All Attitude Fuel No more than 2000 lbs 100% Readout 13A- Fire Warning fluctuation after attitude or acceleration change. Normal indications 100% 14A- Engine Durability No engine change or major 82% 15A- SC & DM Switching repair required. Normal function 100% 16A- to No erroneous signals 92% 20 Proper signals transmitted 17A- DECM Ground Report 63% 18A- SIP Ground Report 100% 19A- ARC-50 Normal UHF, internal 17% & external. Normal DME TOP SECRET 7s#16167 y C~ -T Approved For R se 2006/08/09: CIA-RDP71 B00399 0600130003-7 TOP SECRET CRITERIA SUCCESS RATE 20A - INS/ECM Compatibility INS not affected by ECM-. 100% 21A - Plastics 22A - Mach Hold No breaks or de laminations (Deleted) 100% 23A - SSB Normal functions 100% 24A - Camera 25A - Climatic Test Normal function and acceptable resolution. (Separate report) 90% 26A - INS to Remained within specs 2. 50 Max steering bias 3. Auto Nav bank angle 73% 350 + 0-3? 27A - Complete System Test OTHER ITEMS Cmdr, DCO and DCM evaluation 75% 10. Test Plan Revision Number 2 added the requirement for further evaluation of cockpit radiation heat shields and weather modifications. No evaluation of these items was accom- plished as the heat shields were not available and rain, high humidity, and icing conditions were not encountered during the test. Pilots were asked to comment on cockpit heat problems during descents and the consensus was generally favorable. However, descents were initiated with fuel remain- ing in the order of 20,000 lbs where adequate sink was still available for air conditioning. It is anticipated that if descent fuel remaining is in the order of 5000 lbs or less, pilot comfort may become a flight safety hazard. TOP SECCRET 7s# /brag Approved For R se 2006/08/09: CIA-RDP71 B003990600130003-7 0 W TOP SECRET CONCLUSIONS AND RECOMMENDATIONS 11. An overall satisfactory rate of 75% for the long endurance high speed missions flown on this test illustrates the great improvement in performance and reliability of the A-12 air- craft. This improvement is primarily due to the Black Shield modification program and more effective quality control. It must be pointed out that the 75% is no really a true picture, since two of the three aborts were due to ARC-50 radio failure rather than basic airframe systems. Had the radio problems been solved, the rate would have been more in the order of 90%. It is significant to note that none of the unsatis- factory ratings for overall performance were due to inlet mal- functions. With unmodified aircraft, inlet system malfunctions was the most serious A-12 problem area. The most serious problem now is the ARC-50 UHF radio which had a satisfactory rate of 17%. The ARC-50 is important since external DME and ADF modes are the primary tanker rendezvous aids, especially under restricted visibility conditions. It may be argued that during this test no air refuelings were missed in spite of the poor ARC-50 performance, but back up aids were used and weather conditions were better than will generally be encountered dur- ing deployment operational flights. Based on the lack of a re- liable all weather rendezvous aid, it is recommended that the A-12 aircraft be considered operationally ready with a VFR rendezvous restriction until improved or substitute equipment is available. Efforts to improve the ARC-50 are being contin- ued to provide an operationally suitable system. 12. DECM shows marginal performance with a rate of 63%. It is recommended that an intensive flight test program be initi- ated to isolate and solve the problems. Emphasis should be placed on DECM performance below 60?000 feet to afford protect- ion in the event an A-12 must descend over enemy territory. 13. Engine oil and pressure indicating systems continue to be somewhat a problem with a rate of 67%. The indicating system is the primary trouble and further efforts are.necessary to eliminate this problem. 14. Cruising range of the A-12 has improved drastically but more data is necessary to further refine the results to date. Performance testing is being continued with a minimum of turns in the flight profiles and range extensions to allow cruising to 10,000 pounds of fuel remaining at start of descent. To date, most of the data from 20,000 to 7,500 lbs of fuel remaining is extrapolated. Performa e is lacking for a penetration technique of a constant ft cruise altitude instead of cruise climb. This area s ou be explored in the performance follow-on testing. 7 Ts-t/(.aC-a j 3 or 39CROT ~~av. Approved For Release 2006/08/09: CIA-RDP71 B00399R000600130003-7 Approved For Release 2006/08/09: CIA-RDP71 B00399R000600130003-7 Approved For RRse 2006/08/09: CIA-RDP71 B0039900600130003-7 TOP SECRET ITEM 1A & 2A PERFORMANCE Msn or Rat- Acft Flt Route ing # Date Time U 128 7 Oct 4:30 Air abort due to oil Pressure 25x1 RH engine shut down - 4th leg not flown. S 126 12 Oct 6:05 S 128 13 Oct 6:10 U 128 20 Oct 0:40 Air abort, UHF failure. Sub- sonic flight S 127 21 Oct 6:20 S 128 22 Oct 5:50 S 126 26 Oct 5:30 S 127 28 Oct 5:40 S 127 3 Nov 3:55 U 126 5 Nov 1:00 Air abort - ARC-50 failure. S 12& 11 Nov 4:00 S 126 20 Nov 4:00 NOTE: The last 4 sorties were actually under Item 27A0 Appendix B - Detailed Vali- dation Item Results. TOP E7` T-5'#1 i( 2 Q- ~ 3 3? Approved For Rse 2006/08/09: CIA-RDP71 B00399 0600130003-7 TOP SECRL ITEM 3A INLETS Rating_ Acft# Date Remarks S 128 7 Oct S 126 12 Oct U 128 13 Oct Spike too far Fwd - -Door open. LH side malfunat ph 1, leg - Computer amplifierA U'nc' ion. 128 20 Oct Air abort - EHd Subsonic S 127 21 Oct U 128 22 Oct RH inlet unstarted at beginning of two descents. LH inlet operated manually on 4th leg. TJ 126 26 Oct RH inlet unstarted at beginning of last descent. Both inlets unstarted during turn - Due to erratic Mach Hold. S 127 28 Oct S 127 3 Nov S 126 5 Nov Max Mach 2.5 S 128 11 Nov U 126 20 Nov Upstarts in two climbs & accel - Mach 2.5. TOP SECRET I-s^ w/ G a 6 a y Approved For R e 2006/08/09: CIA-RDP71 B0039991 600130003-7 TOP SECRET ITEM 4A AIR DATA COMPUTER Rating Acft # Date Remarks S 128 7 Oct s 126 12 Oct S 128 13 Oct S 128 20 Oct S 127 21 Oct S 128 22 Oct S 126 26 Oct S 127 28 Oct S 127 3 Nov S 126 5 Nov S 128 11 Nov S 126 20 Nov TOP SECRET _; -0% to .2 to a ~ F.1-113gIgP Approved For 41, se 2006/08/09: CIA-RDP71 800399 0600130003-7 TOP SECRET (ITEM 5A LOX - DELETED) ITEM 6A LN2 Rating; Acft # Date Remarks S 128 7 Oct S 126 12 Oct S 128 13 Oct S 128 20 Oct S 127 21 Oct S 128 22 Oct S 126 26 Oct S 127 28 Oct S 127 3 Nov S 126 5 Nov S 128 11 Nov S 126 20 Nov TOP SECRET TS~lfo~l~~q 3 n~ 3 ? 6a~i r J14,'34' Approved For RRse 2006/08/09: CIA-RDP71 B003990600130003-7 TOP SECRET ITEM 7A TACAN Rating Acft # Date Remarks S 128 7 Oct S 126 12 Oct U 128 13 Oct TACAN Inop due to faulty circuit breaker. S 128 20 Oct S 127 21 Oct S 128 22 Oct U 126 26 Oct TACAN failed in flight. Faulty BHDI (DME stuck) and TACAN unit itself (fuse blown). S 127 28 Oct U 127 3 Nov 40? right on Ch 57. Marginal TACAN unit. S 126 5 Nov S 128 11 Nov S 126 20 Nov 13 TOP SECRET s#I~s2ba Approved For Re e 2006/08/09: CIA-RDP71 B00399*600130003-7 TOP SECRET ITEM 8A IFF Rating Acft # Date Remarks S 128 7 Oct S 126 12 Oct S 128 13 Oct S 128 20 Oct U 127 21 Oct IFF completely Inop - cause unknown. S 128 22 Oct S 126 26 Oct S 127 28 Oct S 127 3 Nov S 126 5 Nov S 128 11 Nov S 126 20 Nov 14- TOP SECRET 75;- /62&zq Approved For R11 e 2006/08/09: CIA-RDP71 B00399w600130003-7 TOP SECRET ITEM 9A AFT FUEL FEED & TRANSFER Rating Acft # Date Remarks S 128 7 Oct S 126 12 Oct S 128 13 Oct S 128 20 Oct S 127 21 Oct S 128 22 Oct S 126 26 Oct S 127 28 Oct S 127 3 Nov S 126 5 Nov S 128 11 Nov S 126 20 Nov 15 TOP SECRET T5-)&112 9 fl& / 7 o' 3 q jj Approved For Ror e 2006/08/09: CIA-RDP71 B0039991600130003-7 TOP SECRET SR-3 COMPASS Rating Acft # Date S 128 7 Oct S 126 12 Oct S 128 13 Oct S 128 20 Oct S 127 21 Oct S 128 22 Oct U 126 26 Oct Slaved Gyro would not hold sync. Comp card fluctuated +2?. S 127 28 Oct S 127 3 Nov S 126 5 Nov S 128 11 Nov S 126 20 Nov 16 TOP SECRET, /3' /L- 2G29 3 9 e1, Approved For R * e 2006/08/09: CIA-RDP71 8003991 600130003-7 TOP SECRET Rating Acft # Date Remarks U 128 7 Oct RH oil pressure erratic then dropped to zero. RH low quantity lite came on. Found to be indicat- ing system in both cases. Oil quantity serviced 6.5 Qts low after 4:30 flight. S 126 12 Oct U 128 13 Oct Oil pressure below 55 psi in flight. RH low lite came on. Low warning deactivated per letter. S 128 20 Oct S 127 21 Oct U 128 22 Oct RH oil pressure went to 0 on final. 30-32 psi in flight. Pressure transmitter problem. U 126 26 Oct Oil pressure erratic RH side. Ex- cessive oil consumption (17 qts in 5:30). Engine changed. S 128 28 Oct S 127 3 Nov S 126 5 Nov S 128 11 Nov S 126 20 Nov 17 top SECRET "d 3 3 ~ P1gsq~~. Approved For Rfle 2006/08/09: CIA-RDP71 B00399f600130003-7 TOP SECRET ITEM 12A ALL ATTITUDE FUEL READOUT Rating Acft # Date Remarks S 128 7 Oct S 126 12 Oct S 128 13 Oct S 128 20 Oct S 127 21 Oct S 128 22 Oct Fuel Ind. fluctuated 1 Tito 5 M #o Duplicated Small wiring problem. time on ground - S 126 26 Oct S 127 28 Oct S 127 3 Nov S 126 5 Nov S 128 11 Nov. S 126 20 Nov 18 TW s~ai~r 1st=/~~~a Approved For Reese 2006/08/09: CIA-RDP71 B00399PM600130003-7 TOP SECRET ITEM 13A FIRE WARNING Rating Acft # Date Remarks S 128 7 Oct S 126 12 Oct S 128 13 Oct S 128 20 Oct S 127 21 Oct S 128 22 Oct S 126 26 Oct S 127 28 Oct S 127 3 Nov S 126 5 Nov S 128 11 Nov S 126 20 Nov 19 TOP SECRET Ts#11, 2&24 ? 3 I37 Approved For Re ase 2006/08/09: CIA-RDP71 B00399 0600130003-7 TOP SECRET ITEM 14A ENGINE DURABILITY Rating Acft # Date Remarks S 128 7 Oct U 126 12 Oct LH engine exhaust heat shield failed. S 128 13 Oct S 128 20 Oct S 127 21 Oct S 128 22 Oct U 126 26 Oct Excessive oil consumption, RH. S 127 28 Oct S 127 3 Nov S 126 5 Nov S 128 11 Nov S 126 20 Nov TOP SECRET r Sit W2 6 .12 ? Cy 3 1K -7 12 Approved For Re se 2006/08/09: CIA-RDP71 B00399 0600130003-7 TOP SECRET ITEM 15A SC & DM SWITCHING Rating Acft # Date Remarks S 128 7 Oct S 126 12 Oct S 128 13 Oct S 127 21 Oct S 128 22 Oct S 126 26 Oct S 127 28 Oct S 127 3 Nov S 128 11 Nov S 126 20 Nov TOP SECRET T5-jt ,~~ tQ9 (pa23c^~3gp/ Approved For R se 2006/08/09 : CIA-RDP71 B00399 0600130003-7 TOP SICRIT ITEM 16A Rating Acft # Date Remarks S 128 7 Oct S 126 12 Oct S 128 13 Oct S 127 21 Oct S 128 22 Oct U 126 26 Oct Erroneous chirps such as cabin pressure failure. S 127 28 Oct S 127 3 Nov S 126 5 Nov S 128 11 Nov S 126 20 Nov TOP SECRET 1-s#I62G2q Approved For ReJse 2006/08/09: CIA-RDP71 B00399R 00600130003-7 TOP SECRET ITEM 17A DECM Rating Acft # Date Remarks S 128 7 Oct S 126 12 Oct S 128 13 Oct S 127 21 Oct OK on 1st run. Acft not acquired by radar on 2nd run. S 128 22 Oct U 126 26 Oct OK on 1st run, Inop on 2nd run. Replaced antenaeo U 127 28 Oct correlation. did not see ground emissi ]not triggered by proper U 126 20 Nov DECM ineffective. NOTE: No DECM installed on two missions. 23 TOP SECRET 16-a6a9 30~{ 37ey? 25X1 25X1 Approved For Release 2006/08/09: CIA-RDP71 B00399$000600130003-7 40 ITEM 18A Rating Aeft # Date Remarks S 128 7 Oct S 126 12 Oct S 128 13 Oct S 127 21 Oct S 128 22 Oct S 126 26 Oct S 127 28 Oct 24 TOP SECRIT TOP SECRET Approved For Rase 2006/08/09: CIA-RDP71 B00399 00600130003-7 TOP SECRET ITEM 19A ARC-50 Rating Acft # Date Remarks U 128 7 Oct U 126 12 Oct U 128 13 Oct U 128 20 Oct S 127 21 Oct U 128 22 Oct U 126 26 Oct U 127 28 Oct U 127 3 Nov U 126 5 Nov S 128 11 Nov U 126 20 Nov DME erratic. Receiver weak. Ext failed completely for 3rd rendezvous. Ext DME Inop. Air abort due to ARC-50 failure. No ADF antenna. Ext interrogate would.not stay in continuous for more than 4-5 cycles. Ext DME failed after 1st AR. Ext DME Inop. Ext DME & Voice failed after 1st AR. Ext failed after lst ARe Entire X-MTR ARC-50 failed after T.O. Air abort. No ADF. No ADF. Erratic DME. NOTE: If other functions were normal, ARC-50 was consider- ed satisfactory with ADF failure or ADF antenna not installed. 25 TOP SECRET Approved For Release 2006/08/09: CIA-RDP71 B00399 000600130003-7 0 TOP SECRET Rating Acft # ITEM 20A INS COMPATIBILITY W/ECM Date Remarks S 128 7 Oct S 126 12 Oct S 128 13 Oct S 127 21, Oct S 128 22 Oct S 126 26 Oct S 127 28 Oct S 126 20 Nov 26 TOP SECRET Ts ! 1t 2Gv 9 s a3' 3 9 Approved For Release 2006/08/09: CIA-RDP71 B00399$000600130003-7 0 ? TOP SECRET ITEM 21A PLASTICS Rating Acft # Date Remarks S 128 7 Oct S 126 12 Oct S 128 13 Oct S 127 21. Oct S 128 22 Oct S 126 26 Oct S 127 28 Oct S 127 3 Nov S 128 11 Nov S 126 20 Nov Approved For Release 2006/08/09: CIA-RDP71 B00399000600130003-7 O TOP SECRET Rating, Acft # (ITEM 22A - MACH HOLD - DELETED) ITEM 23A SSB Date Remarks S 128 7 Oct S 126 12 Oct S 128 13 Oct S 127 21 Oct S 128 22 Oct S 126 26 Oct S 127 28 Oct S 127 3 Nov S 126 5 Nov S 128 11 Nov S 126 20 Nov 28 TOP SECRET J, 14VV 10 Approved For R se 2006/08/09: CIA-RDP71 B00399 0600130003-7 a 1W TOP SECRET ITEM 24A Rating Acft Date S 128 7 Oct Type I S 126 12 Oct Type II U 128 13 Oct Type I. Malfunction lite, last leg. Material tension regulator problem. S 127 21 Oct Type II S 128 22 Oct Type I. Ran out of material toward end of last leg. S 126 26 Oct Type II S 127 28 Oct Type II S 127 3 Nov Type I S 128 11 Nov Type II S 126 20 Nov Type I 29 TOP SECRET -r5:ff IG7b2 P,&00600130003-7 Approved For R se 2006/08/09: CIA-RDP71 B00399W TOP SECRET (ITEM 25A - CLIMATIC - COMPLETED) ITEM 26A INS Rating Acft # Date Remarks S 128 7 Oct U 126 12 Oct 1.1 Times spec error. S 128 13 Oct U 127 21 Oct 1.6 Spec error. S 128 22 Oct U 126 26 Oct 19 mile error. S 127 28 Oct Bank angle went to 50? turn - cause unknown. on one S 127 3 Nov S 126 5 Nov Short flight. S 128 11 Nov S 126 20 Nov 30 TOP' SECRET 0600130003-7 Approved For Ruse 2006/08/09: CIA-RDP71 B00399 0 SECRET TOP COMPLETE WEAPON SYSTEM TEST Route Rating Aeft # Date S 127 3 Nov No ECM. ARC-50 Ext failed after lst A/R. TACAN Marginal. U 126 5 Nov Air abort due to ARC-50 failure. S 128 11 Nov No ECM. No ARC-50 ADF. S 126. 20 Nov ECM Inop. NOTE: These missions were considered satisfactory although ECM was not installed or malfunctioned. 31 TOP SECRET TS i(~ 2 6 29 3 ~ 3 Y 1 i ~ Aooroved For Release 2006/08109 ? (',IA-RI7P71 R0039c)RnC1C1AQQ1'iC1QQ3-7 Approved For Ruse 2006/08/09: CIA-RDP71 B00399F 00600130003-7 TOP SECRET DISTRIBUTION LIST Agency 1129th USAF Sp Actys Sq, Det 1 Commander Copies 1129th. USAF Sp Actys,Sq Project Headquarters Other 32 TOP SECRET fis #%62ba p Approved For Release 2006/0R/09 - c IA-RI7P71 R0O39GR0006f 0l *10 lfl`1-7