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CENTRAL INTELLIGENCE AGENCY VVas Telephone: July 7 Mr. Edward Braswell Senate Armed Services Committee You may be interested in the attached memoran dum which surveys a number of disturbing Soviet activities in the military and intelligence fields and speculates about Soviet motivations. This is a good example of the rather complex kinds of analys s which the intelligence community performs. The form, an Interagency Intelligence Memora - durn, is slightly less formal than a National Intel- ligence Estimate but, like an NIE, is coordinated at the national level. Please note the high sensitivity of a great deal of the material in this paper. Please return each 251 night with the NID. START FORM 533 OBSOLETE 6-68 PREVIOUS EDITIONS Approved For Release 2006/01/03 : CIA-RDP81 M00980R000800120024-5 Approved For Release X006/0/03': CIA-RDP81 M00980R000800120024-5 2 4 JUL 1 71 Attached are Journal items which pulled together e ermine what we had on passing NIE's to Members of Congress. This is a duplicate of what was passed to THW (and LLM). ME searched such files as the SASC, SG Ops and Sen. Jackson's file from 1975-1978. u. ,fd Ear V 444 " Approved For Release 2006/01/03 : CIA-RDP81 M00980R000800120024-5 Approved For Rel ~ase 206@411 QWTW~60980R000800120024-5 Journal - Office of Legislative Counsel Monday - 3 January 1977 Pag (- 6. LIAISON I called Bill Miller, Staff Director, Senate Select Committee on Intelligence, and told him that I had talked to the Director regarding hearings we have scheduled for him before he leaves, specifically the I mentioned to Miller that the Director had asked when Theodore Sorensen's nomination would be taken up and I had said I didn't think it would be until after 20 January when the new President sends the appointment to the Hill. I also said that I.had spoken with Tony Lapham, General Counsel, about financial. holdings for Sorensen and assumed Miller would, want the usual letter from the General Counsel regarding his holdings and possible conflicts of interest. Miller said yes and that Sorensen should be prepared with answers to the same questionnaire that Mr. Krioche filled out. Mr. Miller said he wanted to make sure that the material on was reviewed by today or tomorrow. I told him I would make certai was on top of this. I said that Mr. Knoche and I would like to get together with Miller on I thing and that I would get back to him on a time for the meeting. 7.1 LIAISON Received a call from Frank Sullivan, Staff Director, Senate Armed Services Committee, wh j, wanted to alert us to the fact tha airman o in ten Inzs lVl s'~`~.s. } may call the Director to ask him to come down and privately talk to him about the estimate problem. He also asked for a copy of the transcript of Mr. Bush's appearance before "Face the Natzon'_' on-2 January. Sullivan later called to alert us to the possibility that the Committee will want to have a preliminary world wrapup briefing by the Director eil Wednesday, 5 January 1977. After checking with the Director's office, I called Sullivan and told him that the Director had gone for the day but that his schedule looked as though there might be a possibility he could app(--~r but that I would want to check with the Director in the morning and be back in touch. Sullivan agreed. Support/DDI, has been advised. Center for Policy 25X1 25X1 25X1 Approved For Release 2006/01/03 : CIA-RDP81 M00980R000800120024-5 Approved For Release 2006/01/03 : CIA-RDP8 M 9808000800120024-5 Journal - Office of Legislative Cou n -3 el Friday 7 January 1977 page 10. LIAISON MAet with Mike Epstein, William D. at away's (D., Maine) designee on the Senate Select Cori riittee on Intelligence, and provided him with a listing of Agency office buildr!gs We discussed the activities that went on at each and Epstein requester more detail on those functions performed at Headquarters. I told hire I wot )t1 get back in touch with him. 11. I ADMINISTRATIVE DELIVERIES Delivered I .to Mark Gi ens ein, Senate Select Committee on Intelligence staff, a cc>,iy of er his request. 12. 1 .1 LIAISON Clark McFadden, Counsel. Senate Armed Services Committees called and said that Chairman Jorr: Stennis (D., Miss. )- yeas in receipt of a letter from Senator Henry M. Jackson (D., Wash.) requesting NIE 11,'3/8 by Monday morning along ,x,jth the Pipes report. The Committee will be. meeting with General George Brown, Joint Chiefs of Staff, Secretary of State-designate Vance and Mr. Duncan, Deputy Secretary of State-designate next week and the Senator has asked that these materials be made available in the Cnmrnif tee room during these meetings. I told McFadden that I could foresee sor u problems with this request but that I would talk with the Director and 1,,, back in touch with him. 13. BRIEFING Advised Bill Ashworth, Senate Foreign e ations Committee staff, that we would have to change: the hearing scheduled before their Committee on 13 January because of the Director's -unavailability. Of the alternatives available, the mc,rnirrf- of the 18th would be acceptable to the Committee but it would interfere with a business meeting of the full Committee and the 17th in the a. m. would be preferable. (I told him I would get back to him on Monday with a firm time and date. ) 14. LIAISON Guy McConnell, on the staff of the Subcommittee on Defense, Senate Appropriations Committ(,e, called o.a behalf of Senator William W. Proxmire (I). , Wis. ) to ask if the NIE 11_3_.; had been signed by the Director. I told him that it was my understandin;; that it had been signed and was being transmitted to the policymakers_ i5 . Approved For Release 2006/01/03 : CIA-RDP81 M00980R000800120024-5 Approved For Rel seG i E l 1 M00980R000800120024-5 JOURNAL OFFICE OF LEGISLA.TIVE COUNSEL Saturday - 8 January 1977 LIAISON Following up on Clark McFadder.'s, Counse , t ems ommittee,, call yesterday requesting copies of NIE 11/3/8 and the Pipes report conferred with the Director and on the advice of General Brent Scowcroft, NSC staff, advised Frank Sullivan, Staff Director of the Committee, and McFadden that since these documents had not yet been presented to the President- it was considered inappropriate to provide them to the Committee. I advised further that if Chairman John Stennis (D., Miss.) wished to pursue the matter further, he might want to take it up with the White House. 25X1 STAT cc: O/DCI O/DDCI Ex. Sec. DDI DDA DDS&T Mr. Lapham Mr. Falkiewicz SA/DO/O IC Staff Comptroller NIO 25X1 rI ,. 1 1 L. Approved For Release 2006/01/03 : CIA-RDP81 M009 - co I Z e 2006/01/03: CIA-RDP81 M009 R000800120024-5 Journal - Office of Legislative Counsel Monday - 10 January 1977 10. LIAISON Called Frank Sullivan, Staff Director, Senate A ed erices. m e and asked him if the Director's meeting with Chairman John Stennis (D., Miss.) this afternoon was a personal one. Sullivan said he felt that it was. Sullivan then asked if there was a possibility that the Directs; ~- could give the Committee a worldwide wrapup briefing Thursday moaning. I told him that was not a .good day because the Director had an NSC meeting that morning and should it be cancelled, we have a long-st .ding commitment with the Senate Foreign Relations Committee. Sullivan then asked about the request. from Senator Henry Jackson (D., Wash.) for access to NIE 11-3-8 and I told him we had checked with General Brent Scowcroft, NSC staff, and the estimate has not vet been shown to the President and it was felt that it would be inappropriate J o make it available to the Congress until he has seen it. I suggested that any further requests concerning these documents be directed to the White House. Sullivan said he understood. 11. LIAISON Jack Brady, Chief of Staff, House International Relations Committee, called and wanted to know what the story was on the article that appeared in yesterday's newsp"per about the swine fever virus in Cuba. I told him that a quick check, and I emphasized a quick check, had been made by our people and the an:..-er was negative. In. response to Brady's query, I told him that the AgerLcy does not plan at this time to make a public statement. I told him that: if he should receive questions from his members on this subject to tell them that he has checked with us and tell them what our preliminary answer is. 12. LIAISON Scott Cohen, Executive Assistant to Senator Charles Percy (R., Ill.), called and wanted to kc.ow the name and phone number of the person who briefed the Senator prior to his trip .n December. After checkin withi I called STAT Cohen and told him to contact Center for Po-11y 25X1 Support/DDI, and provided him the phone number. CC1ge Approved For Release 2006/01/03 : CIA-RDP81 M00980R000800120024-5 Approved For Rel se 2006 '-PtM48~1~dI1~0080R000800120024-5 Addendum to Journal - Office of Legislative Counsel Tuesday - 11 January 1977 '_ 2 Counsel, Senate Select Committee on Intelligence, called and said z.. 3 part of the preparation for the Sorensen confirmation hearings, some people from the Committee will be going up to the Kennedy Library to review documents and there may be some bureaucratic clearance problems apparently with regard to some of the National Security papers and he would like..something saying they met the Agency's requirements for security clearance. I told Madigan I would check: c)n this but I thought that on the basis of present arrangements, if asked w.t would state that the staffers were cleared by the Committee but the invest -,ations met the requirements of DCID 1/14. I emphasized, however, that t-.ha Agency would not want to become "the ham in the sandwich" in this exercise. 6.I I BRIEFINGS Frank Sullivan, Staff Director, Senate Armed ewes Committee, called and I told him are had gotten word from the Director that the VT ite House had approv - our briefing the Committee on NIE 11-3-8 and the B Team report. I also discussed with Sullivan the possibility of the Director giving the Committee a worldwide wrap-up briefing on Thursday, 13 January from. 1:30 to 3:30 p. m. and said this was the only tiro e the Director was available. Sullivan said he would check on this and btu )ack in touch. Later in the day, Sullivan called and said Chairman Joha Striinis (D., Miss.) would like to schedule an executive session hearing on NIE 11-3-8 and the B Team report for tomorrow morning at 10:00 a_ -i. After checking, I told Sullivan the brief ers would be Richard Lehm,L , STAT 1IO, and Howard Stoertz, NIO/SP. Approved For Release 2006/01/03 : CIA-RDP81 M00980R000800120024-5 Approved For Releas 2006 / &iQ980R000800120024-5 Journal - Office of Legislative Counsel Wednesday - 12 January 1977 Page 25X1 14. LIAISON Called Ralph Preston, House Appropriations Defense Subcommittee staff, and told him that I would sae sending up to him tomorrow the names of the Committee staffers we ha-< cleared for compartmented information. I also told him that we were sending to Chairman George Mahon's (D., Texas) office copies of various atlases for inclusion in the George and Helen Mahon Library. (This war: a follow-up from the Director's breakfast with the Chairman on 10 January.) I also told Preston that the Director had requested that a personalized plaque be made up for the Chairman and our people were working on this and we would deliver it to the Chairman upon completio-1.1. 15. LIAISON Sent to the following Congressional offices the Agency's publication entitled, "A Dollar Cost Comparison ow soviet and US Defense Activities, 1966-1976," per their request: House Armed Services Committee, Charles Stevenson, in the office of Senator John C: 7.ver (D., Iowa); Holmes Brown, in the office of Senator Floyd Haskell (I). , (;ollo? ); Steven Collins, in the office of Senator Edward M. Kennedy (D., Mass.); and Glenn Davidson, in the office of Representative Yvonne Burke (D., Calif.). 16.1 LIAISON Martha McDonald, Senate Select Committee on Intelligence staff, called concerning questions she had or. bill she had received from the Agency for the installation of the Conmi`_> se's secure voice equipment. I contacted C, and he offs ed to call Ms. McDonald and answer her questions directly. 17. LIAISON Provided Dr. Richard Crin~ Fitt, Congressional Reference Service at the Library of Congress, with the unclassified source titles for information on certain petroleum impact figures provided to him earlier. This information was obtained from tloo Center for Policy Support, DDI. -25X1 Approved For Release 2006/01/03 : CIA-RDP81 M00980R000800120024-5 SECRET Approved For Release 2006/01/03 : CIA-RDP81 M00980R0008001.200224 5 MEMORANDUM FOR THE RECORD 12 January 1977 OLC#77-0309 SUBJECT: Briefing of Senate Armed Services Committee on NIE 11-3-876 (Soviet Strategic Forces Objectives) 1. At the request of Chairman John C. Stennis, a meeting of the Committee was held today to brief on NIE 11-3-06 to discuss the finding; and conclusions in the estimate of the procedures followed in its pre- paration. The meeting was prompted by stories appearing in the press alleging that an outside group, 1 -1 who participated in the estimate, forced a drastic change in the Community's estimate of Soviet objectives. The Committee considered that this seriously impacted on the confirmation of Mr. Brown for Secretary of Defense and requested an explanation from the Agency. 2. The meeting was held in Room 212, Russell Senate Office Building, and convened at 10:15 a.m. and recessed for lunch at 1:15 p.m. It was reconvened at 2:15 p.m. and adjourned at 4:00 p.m. A transcript was taken and technical monitoring was maintained throughout the hearing. 3. Members present: Morning session John C. Stennis, Chairman (D., Miss.) Strom Thurmond (R., S. Car_) Henry M. Jackson (D., Wash.) - Barry Goldwater (R., Ariz.) Howard W. Cannon (D., Nev.) Malcolm Wallop (R., Wyo.) Thomas J. McIntyre (D., N.H.) John C. Culver (D., Iowa) Gary Hart (D., Colo.) Patrick J. Leahy (D., Vt.) Howard Metzenbaum (D., Ohio) Afternoon session John C. Stennis, Chairman (D., Miss,) Malcolm Wallop Henry M. Jackson (D., Wash.) (R?, Wyo.) Thomas J. McIntyre (D., N.H.) Gary Hart (D., Colo.) Howard Metzenbaum (D., Ohio) Approved For Release 2006/01/03 : CIA-RDP81 M00980R000800120024-5 SECRET SECIIEI Approved For Release 2006/01/03 : CIA-RDP81 M00980R000800120024-5 Staff present: Frank Sullivan, Chief Counsel Clark McFadden, Counsel Edward Kenney Agency witnesses: Richard Lehman., D/DCI/NI0 Howard Stoertz, NIO/SP George Cary, Legislative Counsel ? 4. The hearing opened by Senator Jackson expressing indignation that a copy and the estimate of the 0 study were not made available 25X1 for the Committee members to read. Mr. Lehman-explained that this esc.Lnsce had not yet been seen nor cleared for release by the White House. Chai---Macs Stennis then called Mr. Bush and it was arranged for a copy to be given, which was delivered to the Committee within the hour. Arrangements we':=> made for the copies to be kept under the personal custody of Mr. Sullivan for any member to read and to be returned to the Agency at the end of :!sch day. 5. 'Messrs. Lehman and Stoertz explained the preparation of the estimate and the institution of the outside approach which was done at the suggestion of the President's Foreign intelligence Board to inject the "best worst case" assessment. They strongly denied the allegation in the press that the views of the II or the views of .Gen,.Keegan, then Director of Air Force Intelligence, which dissented from the estimate, did not in any way alter or affect the decision of the Community. The Keegan and study concluded that the Soviets ha-- achieved strategic superiority and were exploiting it fully through SAL`>' negotiations, detente, and economic relations with the United States. Whereas the Community position, with certain differences, did not evaluate the Soviet position to be superior at this time. Messrs. Lehman and Stoertz stressed that the Director and the Agency were not opposed to outside inputs in the estimative process.but stressed that.the public debate not only seriously prejudiced security but inhibits the objectivity of the process. 6. Chairman Stennis expressed serious concern as to the effects of leaks of intelligence upon the intelligence effort. Senator Wallop also eressed concern. Mr. Cary stressed the position of the Agency for effective legislation to curb this problem and our continued efforts for the Congress to consider and pass our intelligence "sources and methods" bill. Approved For Release 2006/01/03 : CIA-RDP81 M00980R000800120024-5 EC SET NE1~7~i ~.9. Approved For Release 2006/01/03 : CIA-RDP81 M00980R000800120024-5 7. Follow-ups: a. Senator Jackson requested a review of the accuracy of U. S. estimates, on Soviet strategic defense forces over the past 10 years and comments on the Wohlstetter article about the U. S. estimates which appeared in Foreign Policy in 1974. b. Chairman Stennis was concerned as to whether there was sufficient intelligence warning of the TET Offensive in Vietnam and requested that a paper be prepared on the subject. efing on the Agency's invoivemew; d. In connection with a discussion as-to morale in the Agency, Senator Byrd asked how many new people are taken'into the Agency each year. 25X1 Distribution; I -- OLC Subject 1 - OLC Chrono Office of Legislative Counsel Approved For Release 2006/01/03 : CIA-RDP81 M00980R000800120024-5 U Approved For R6Iease 2006/01/03 : CIA-RDP81 M00980R000800120 JOURNAL, OFFICE OF LEGISLATIVE COUNSEL Thursday - 13 January 1977 sent to Ralph Preston, House Appropriations Defense Subcommittee staff, a list of members of the Committee staff who have compartment,~d clearances. 2. LIAISON At Mr.. Cary' s request, sent to Representative George Mahon (D. , Texas) a letter from the Director dated 12 January 1977 along with atlases on the Indian Ocean. Issues in the Middle East, People's Republic of China and USSR Agriculture for inclusion in the George and Helen Mahon Library in Lubbock, Texas. I also sent to the Congressman, pictures that wer-a taken of he and the Director here at the Agency on 10 January. 3? I ` ADMINISTRATIVE DELIVERY At the request of Legislative Affairs, NSA, I arranged for a courier to pick up a copy of.a joint letter to Chairman George H. Mahon (D., Tex.), House Committee on Appropriations, and Chairman John L. McClellan (D., Ark.), Senate Committee on Approlaiar.ions, regarding the application of restrictions place on DOD programs of intelligence and intelligence-related programs, to be delivered to A copy of the submission was also included. 4? LIAISON At the request of the Director's office, I accompanied OS, and a security technician to S 12C the Capitol, where a security sweep of the room, was conducted prior to a briefing by the Director of several Senators, including a fete :freshmen Senators. Senator Henry Bellmon (P., Olcla.) attended and sponsored -he briefing and Kathy Buchanan, of his staff, assisted with the details. 5. LIAISON Per arrangements t:rlac e- t)y delivered to Frank Sullivan, Chief Counsel, Senate A.r:-ined G,?.neYcINIE 11--3-8 and the B Team report. I rectuest Sullivan .give !1 ',- In the c'Onrier than; Fr.C'.r1n)U.1 for ref T1 to i'ei :FCttt It ~e V';. Also de1:.. ',creel to C;1arh 1eFaddk,I, Senate r11t,~c1 ,c~r~-.c-cr> f-~~I:Ztr?~ tee ~-'. t:[, at } e 'I"l: I?1 t f'tn ', ~`( .' idd(:a I Ilr.'CI t lc` 1F e S-,c 2'~ s e t tf~ 25X1 loll. Approved For ReI ase 2006/01/03: CIA-RDP81 M00980Rg00800120024-5 Approved For Release 20~ Journal - Office of Legislative Counsel Friday - 14 January 1977 Pav, c> s Chris Cowart, on the med Services Committee staff, jwho asked if the package containing the NIE 11-3-8 and the Report was going to be returned to them today. After checking fu2jthe_- into the matter, it was determined that for the next several days this package would be given to Frank Sullivan, also on the Committee staff. each morning and returned each evening to Headquarters. I sent the package via special courier today per Ms. Cowart's request. 25X1 25X1 / GEQ GE L. CA.R Legislative Counsel cc: O/DCI O/DDCI Ex. Sec. Mr. Lapham Mr. Falkiewicz SA/DO/O IC Staff Comptroller NIO 25X1 Approved For Release 2006/01/03 : CIA-RDP81 M00980R000800120024-5 25X1 Approved For Release 2a 25X1 25X1 25X1 25X1 25X1 Journal - Office of Legislative Counsel Page 3 Friday - ZI January 1977 9. LIAISON Sat in on a briefing on the Soviet anti-satellite program given by oi: 25X1 DDI/OWI, ,and DDI/CPS, to staff members of the House Armed Services Researc and Development Committee: Tom Haim, Tony Battista and Tom Cooper. John Lally, Committee staff member, sat in for part of the meeting. (See Memorand NID article on Vietnam which he requested yesterday. It contained the DIA dissent. I discussed with McFadden the seasonal interest in Communist aid to North Vietnam noting we were getting requests for briefings on this subject. - McFadden had earlier expressed his interest so today I suggested he se-, ac.t a date next week which would be convenient for his staffers to gather and we would provide a briefing. He will call us. I loaned McFadden a recent memorandum on military aid to North Vietnam. I also told McFadden that beginning tomorrow the Bulletin would accompany the NID to the Armed $ervices Committee per Ed Braswell's, of the Committee staff, request. I mad.-- arrangements to loan McFadden NIE 11-15-74 per the DCI's authorization.. The Estimate will not be left overnight. 12. Accompanied the Director to an ir?-formal n.-meeting with Chairman William S. Moorhead (D, , Pa. ).and other mrube -s of the Foreign Operations and Government Information Subcommittee of I-Liuse Government Operations Committee, on the Agency's exemption in the Pr Act. See Memorandum for the Record. Approved For Release 2006/01/03 : CIA-RDP81 M00980R000800120024-5 JOURNAL OFFICE OF LEGISLATIVE COUNSEL Friday - 17 January 1975 1 talked at some length with Clark McFadden, General Counsel of thy a Approvedi For Release 2006101/03 : CIA-RDP81 MQ0980R000800120024-5 After discussion with. I I OCT 25X1 , jjwmuj4We, about several outstanding items. I told him that in connection with his interest in further studies on the oil situation we have no. study at the moment but one is in the process of preparation and shou1=3 be available around the end of the month. McFadden said he was in no rush. =3ut would appreciate seeing a copy of this when it is completed. I told him we had an unclassified paper on the Soviet defense budget and w J ould be getting that to him shortly. We also discussed his interest in any other estimates along the lines of NIE 13/8 that might be available. I told him I thought there was one on Soviet naval strategy and I would check on this. I expressed some. conceafrn as to what use Mr. McFadden would make 'of the information in these- estimates since we would not want to have the existence of these e.stimateE. widely discussed. In this connection I told McFadden the Director was not interested in getting into another Diego Garcia controversy if it could be avoided. McFadden said he understood completely. He said the wox-k he is doing is strictly for the Chairman's information and would remain so unless-he talked with us further. I told McFadden that if it would be helpful to him, we could call him .each Monday morning and let him know what items the Director might be discussing with the Chairman during their usual Monday morning telophonr call. McFadden said that would be very helpful and he and Braswell wout. reciprocate where possible. Salem, Massachusetts office of Representative Michael Harrington, who -ranted the phone number of I I whom he said worked in the "Director's area. " After checking with AO/DCI, and IC Staff, I-called Kiley back and told him there was no one in the Director's area named He said 25X1 he would check with his source of information and be bac not call again today.). STAT Approved For Release 2006/01/03 : CIA-RDP81 M00980R000800120024-5