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Approved For Release 2006/08/01: CIA-RDP81 M00980R000600320018-2 OLI f C? OLC 78-2002/10 24 July 1978 MEMORANDUM FOR THE RECORD SUBJECT: NSC Meeting on State Department Authorization Bill #`. D SPY 1. Madeline Albright, NSC staff, chaired a meeting on the issues raised by the State Department Authorization bill in the STAT Roosevelt Room at the White House at 11:00 a m. on 24 July. Present were the undersigned, LC; Dwight Mason and Bob Ginzberg, both from State Department, Ben Read's office, Lex Schnee, State Department Congressional Liaison, Mike Lennon, White House Congressional Liaison, and Tracey Cole, OMB. 2. House and Senate staffers will meet again at 3:00 p.m. this afternoon to sift through issues prior to the conference. It was the State Department's view that with all that has yet to be resolved prior to conference it is unlikely that Thursday's scheduled meeting of the conferees will actually occur. (We will know late this afternoon and will keep you posted.) State indicated that the role of the ambassador question, Section 119, and the third agency rule question, Section 108, were only secondary items on their list of priorities even though they are critical to us. 3. Mason stated that Ben Read has already spoken to Senator Claiborne Pell (D., R. I.) and Representative Dante Fascell (D., Fla.). Read intends to talk to Senator George McGovern (D., S. Dak.) about the third agency rule but suggested we do so as well. State will also talk to Norvill Jones, Chief of Staff, Senate Foreign Relations Committee, for Senator John Sparkman (D., Ala.) and Representative Charles Diggs (D., Mich.). MORI/CDF Approved For Release 2006/08/01: CIA-RDP81 M00980R000600320018-2 4. CIA has agreed to contact Norvill Jones, Senator Pell and Senator McGovern. On the House side, we have agreed to talk to Representative Lester Wolff (D., N.Y.), Representative Helen Meyner (D., N. J.), Representative George Danielson (D., Calif.) and Representative John Buchanan (R., Ala.). State strongly recommended that we leave Senator Joseph Biden (D. , Del.) alone since he is dug in on role of the ambassador and a call would be counterproductive. State also feels that Scott Cohen, in Senator Charles Percy's (R., Ill.) office, disagrees with us on role of the ambassador so that a call to Senator Percy will probably not help. State feels that Representative Leo Ryan (D. , Calif.) is impossible for them and for us but will likely leave his proxy with Representative Fascell. 5. Depending on the outcome of today's staff conference, Madeline Albright suggested that we make our appointments as soon as possible and get back to her with the results of the calls or visits. She can then determine whether White House Liaison should weigh in with some of the members to give us additional leverage. The meeting broke at 11:30 a. m. Frederick P. Hitz Legislative Counsel r Distribution: Original - Subj file 1-DCI 1 - DDCI 1-ER 1 - OLC Chrono OLC/FPH:baa (24 Jul 78)