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Publication Date: 
November 23, 1977
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OLC 77-1521/b' Approved'For Releasek(MftfentdalAnWS01268A000200020003-7 Washington. D. C. 20505 'd Ci'J 1977 Honorable Melvin Price, Chairman Committee on Armed Services House of Representatives Washington, D.C. 20515 Dear Mr. Chairman: This is in response to your letter of 14 April 1977 requesting the views and recommendations of this Agency on H.R. 6234, a bill to amend the National Security Act of 1947, as amended, to provide criminal penalties for the unauthorized disclosure of intelligence sources and methods. As I indicated during my confirmation hearings before the Senate Select Committee on Intelligence on 22 February 1977, and on occasions since then, action must be taken to protect against the unauthorized disclosure of information related to intelligence sources and methods. It is essential to avoid continued serious damage to the Government's foreign intelligence program. However, the sure and certain penalties, such as those embodied in this legislation would be, in my view, only one alternative method to protect the Government against those indi- viduals who would breach their relationship of trust with the Government by disclosing sensitive information related to intelligence sources and methods. Other solutions might include: Reducing the total amount of classified material we have. In many ways, the proliferation of material has caused personnel to take high levels of classi- fication for granted and become careless in the procedures. Restricting to a bare minimum access to the highest levels of sensitive information Developing a range of administrative and/or civil sanctions to apply in cases of unauthorized disclosure. Approved For Release 2006/05/24: CIA-RDP80SO1268A000200020003-7 Approved For Release 2006/05/24' IA-RDP80SO1268A000200020003-7 All of these options relating to protection of intelligence sources and methods, including possible legislation, are presently under consideration in the Executive branch by a group under the direction of the Attorney General. Concurrently, the Senate Select Committee on Intelligence is studying legislation on this subject. I will welcome the opportunity to meet with you at the appropriate time in this process after recommendations have been developed. Until that time, however, although I fully support the objective reflected in this legislation, I would defer stating this Agency's position on N.R. 6234. The Office of Management and Budget has advised there is no objection to the submission of this report from the standpoint of the Administration's program. Yours s i ncerel y_., Z// / - STANSFIEEU TURNER Distribution: Orig - Addressee 1 - DCI 1 - DDCI 1-ER 1 - D/DCI/IC 1 - DDI 1 - DDA 1 - DDS&T 1 - SA/DO/O 1 - OGC 1 - IG 1 - OLC Subject 1 - OLC 0MB Liaison 1 - OLC.Chrono OLC:RLB:sm Approved For Release 2006/05/24 CIA-R 1 - M- 145*09QMWOP03-7 ACTION INFO DATE INITIAL 1 DCI 2 DDCI 3 D/DCI/IC 4 DDS&T 5 DDI 6 DDA 7 DDO 8 D/DCI/NI 9 GC 0 LC IG 12 _ Compt 13 D/ Pers J 14 15 D/S DTR 16 Asst/DCI 17 AO/ DCI 18 C/IPS 19 DCI/SS 20 D/EE0 ,;21 22 Approved For Release 2006/05/24: CIA-RDP80SO1268A000200020003-7 CI LE E. BENNETT, roved For Release 2006/05/24: CIA-RDP80S012 ~` 01~ 'UP2a00~3e~11:;3DH, CALIF. S JtMUEL.S. STRATTON, N.v. F"App _,_,_ WILLIAM L DICKINS RICHARD H. (CHORD, MO. LUCIEN N. NEDZI, MICH. CHARLES H. WILSON, CALIF. ROBERT L. LEGGETT, CALIF. RICHARD C. WHITE, TEX. BILL NICHOLS, ALA. JACK BRINKLEY, GA. ROBERT H. (BOB) MOLLOHAN, W. VA. DAN DANIEL, VA. G. V. (SONNY) MONTGOMERY, MISS. HAROLD RUNNELS, N. MEX. LES ASPIN, WIS. RONALD V. DELLUMS, CALIF. MENDEL J. DAVIS, S.C. PATRICIA SCHROEDER, COLO. ABRAHAM KAZEN, JR., TEX, ANTONIO B. WON PAT, GUAM BOB CARR, MICH. JIM LLOYD, CALIF. LARRY MC DONALD, GA. THOMAS J. DOWNEY, N.Y. GOODLOE E. BYRON, MD. CHARLES WHITLEY, N.C. RICHARD A. TONRY, LA. a 0ington, O.C. 20515 April 14, 1977 Honorable Stansfield Turner Director Central Intelligence Agency Washington, D. C. 20505 DONALD J. MITCHELL, N.Y. MARJORIE S. HOLT, MD. ROBERT W. DANIEL, JR., VA. ELWOOD H. (BUD) HILLIS, IND. DAVID F. EMERY, MAINE PAUL S. TRIBLE, JR., VA. ROBERT E. BADHAM, CALIF. OLC #77- rj.~/RI Dear Mr. Turner: The views and recommendations of the Central Intelligence Agency are requested on H.R. 6234, copies of which are enclosed. Melvin Price Chairman MP: i k Enclosures LL' /c 30 . ON, ALA. G. WILLIAM WHITEHURST. VA. FLOYD D. SPENCE, S.C. DAVID C. TREEN, LA. W.O. 3)ou .e of .e rt tntatibt ROBIN L. BEARD, TENN. Approved For Release 2006/05/24: CIA-RDP80SO1268A000200020003-7 STAT Approved For Release 2006/05/24: CIA-RDP80SO1268A000200020003-7 Approved For Release 2006/05/24: CIA-RDP80SO1268A000200020003-7 App FORM NO. 237 Use previous editions 1-67 L I SI A I OFFICIAL ROUTING SLIP TO NAME AND ADDRESS DATE INITIALS 3 5 ACTION DIRECT REPLY PREPARE REPLY APPROVAL DISPATCH RECOMMENDATION COMMENT FILE RETURN CONCURRENCE INFORMATION SIGNATURE Remarks : FOLD HERE TO RETURN TO SENDER FROM: NAME, ADDRESS AND PHONE NO. DATE - OLC 7D49 2 6 may UNCLASSIFIED CONFIDENTIAL SECRET Approved For Release 2006/05/24: CIA-RDP80SO1268A000200020003-7 STAT Approved For Release 2006/05/24: CIA-RDP80SO1268A000200020003-7 Approved For Release 2006/05/24: CIA-RDP80SO1268A000200020003-7