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Approved For Release 2005/12/23 : CIA-RDP83M00171 ROO1500010019-1 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY JPRS L/9896 6 August 1981 Worldwide Report NARCOTICS AND DANGEROUS DRUGS (FOUO 36/81) IFBISI FOREIGN BROADCAST INFORMATION SERVICE Approved For Release 206?R2 irdl)i=F 89 t 171 RO01500010019-1 Approved For Release 2005/12/23 : CIA-RDP83M00171 ROO1500010019-1 JPRS publications contain information primarily from foreign newspapers, periodicals and books, but also from news agency transmissions and broadcasts. Materials from foreign-language sources are translated; those from English-language sources are transcribed or reprinted, with the original phrasing and other characteristics retained. Headlines, editorial reports, and material enclosed in brackets [] are supplied by JPRS. Processing indicators such as [Text] or [Excerpt] in the first line of each item, or following the last line of a brief, indicate how the original information was processed. Where no processing indicator is given, the infor- mation was summarized or extracted. Unfamiliar names rendered phonetically or transliterated are enclosed in parentheses. Words or names preceded by a ques- tion mark and enclosed in parentheses were not clear in the original but have been supplied as appropriate in context. Other unattributed parenthetical notes within the body of an item originate with the source. Times within items are as given by source. The contents of this publication in no way represent the poli- cies, views or attitudes of the U.S. Government. COPYRIGHT LAWS AND REGULATIONS GOVERNING OWNERSHIP OF MATERIALS REPRODUCED HEREIN REQUIRE THAT DISSEMINATION OF THIS PUBLICATION BE RESTRICTED FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY. Approved For Release 2005/12/23 : CIA-RDP83MOO171 ROO1500010019-1 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY Approved For Release 2005/12/23 : CIA-RDP83MOO171 ROO1500010019-1 JPRS L/9896 6 August 1981 WORLDWIDE REPORT NARCOTICS AND DANGEROUS DRUGS (FOUO 36/81). CONTENTS Briefs Major Drug Raid 1 Heroin Seized 1 Drugs Sealed in Fish 1 Pakistan Emerges as Heroin Center (John Schidlovsky; BULLETIN TODAY, 16 Jul 81) ................... 2 Charas Worth 11 Crore Seized (MORNING NEWS, 19 Jul 81) ....................................... 3 Briefs Karachi Hashish Haul Briefs Gangsters Use Tourist Spot 6 Dollar Black Market 6 Marihuana Farm Raided in La Trinidad 6 THAILAND UN-Thai Crop Substitution Effort Continues (SIAM RAT, 26 May 81) ............................................ Opium Caravan Guards Shoot Police (DAO SIAM, 11 Apr 81) ............................................ 8 - a - [III - WW.- 138 FOUOJ Approved For Release 2f#/1*ETC}A9I5P',I901718001500010019-1 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY Approved For Release 2005/12/23 : CIA-RDP83MOO171 ROO1500010019-1 Hong Kong .Trafficker Arrested Enroute to PRC (TAWAN SIAM, 12 Apr 81) ........................................ 9 Lao-Thai Marihuana Trafficker Cooperation Noted (TAWAiv SIAM, 13 Apr 81) ........................................ 10 Drug Trial of 17 May Set World Record for Length (THE GLOBE AND MAIL, NATIONAL EDITION, 10 Jun 81) ............... 11 Drug Dealer Jailed 12 New Defense Force Craft Will Aid Antidrug Effort (Athena Damianos; THE TRIBUNE, 22 Jun 81) ....................... 13 B OLIVIA Government Approves New Antidrug Trafficking Plan (PRESENCIA, 11 Jul 81) ......................................... 14 European Cocaine Connection Kingpin Arrested in Rio (0 GLOBO, 9 Jul 81) .............................................. 16 Chilean Trafficker Arrested With Cocaine (0 GLOBO, 11 Jul 81) ............................................. 18 Seizure of LSD, Cocaine Reported (JORNAL DO BRASIL, 11 Jul 81) .................................. 20 Marihuana Seized en Route to Suriname, Route Revealed (0 ESTADO DE SAO PAULO, 20 Jun 81) ............................. 22 Peruvian Trafficker Arrested 23 Pernambuco Marihuana Use Data 23 Escaped Trafficker Arrested 24 Trafficker Arrested With Marihuana 24 Rio Woman Trafficker Arrested 24 Trafficker Arrested at School 24 Approved For Release 20891 IMYg2 - 89Nib171 R001500010.019-1 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY Approved For Release 2005/12/23 : CIA-RDP83MOO171 ROO1500010019-1 Plane Smuggling Attempt 25 State Judicial Police Testify Against Marihuana Traffickers (EL BRAVO, 1 Jul 81) ........................................... 26 Three Traffickers Captured, Heroin Seized (LA VOZ DE LA FRONTERA, 25 Jun 81) ............................. 28 Cocaine Traffickers Captured in Ciudad Acuna (EL DIARIO DE PIEDRAS NEGRAS, 14 Jul 81) ....................... .29 Six Heroin, Opium Gum Traffickers Captured (EL SOL DE SINALOA, 30 Jun 81) ................................. 30 Antidrug Campaign Results in Sinaloa Area for June Reported (EL SOL DE SINALOA, 4 Jul 81) .................................. 31 Former Customs Official Caught Supplying Marihuana (EL DIARIO DE PIEDRAS NEGRAS, 30 Jun 81) ....................... 32 Long-Sought Marihuana Trafficker Captured (EL MANANA, 30 Jun 80) ......................................... 33 Woman Caught Smuggling Pills Into Jail (EL DIARIO DE PIEDRAS NEGRAS, 22 Jun 81) ....................... 34 Four Heroin Traffickers Caught Seized Marihuana Burned Traffickers Given Early Release Police Claim Trafficking Reduced Heroin Laboratory Discovered Drug Elimination Results Cited Marihuana Plantations Destroyed 35 35 35 36 36 36 37 Gendarmerie Reports Massive Narcotics Discoveries (KEYHAN, 16 Jul 81) ........................................... 38 Approved For Release 200 lt2LW:iC R?!3'03 .171 ROO1500010019-1 Approved For Release 20&9A 29 P R 8YM00171 R001500010019-1 Security Force Officers Punished for Diversion of Qat (LA NATION DE DJIBOUTI, 9 Jul 81) ............................... 39 Cocaine Smugglers Arrested 40 New Controlled Substances Law Restricts Nbre Drugs (UUSI SUOMI, 2 Jul. 81) .......................................... 41 Pharmacy Theft Arrests 43 Loan Authority Stops Funds to Students Tied to Drugs (Barbro Westman Tullus; SVENSKA DAGBLADET, 6 Jul 81) ............ 44 Prison Officials Worried About Drugs Problem (Willy Silberstein; SVENSKA DAGBLADET, 3 Jul 81) ................ 46 Approved For Release 2001/d /2F JMO MQQ$71 R001500010019-1 Approved For Release 2005/12/23 : CIA-RDP83M00171 R001500010019-1 MAJOR DRUG RAID--Hongkong, July 12 (AP)--Customs officers raided a drug syndicates storeroom Saturday and seized heroin worth about US$2 million, customs officials reported Sunday. A spokesman said a man and his wife were arrested in the raid on an apartment, and 12 kilograms (26.4 pounds) of heroin base and 7 kilograms (15.4 pounds) of prepared heroin were found. Officers also raided another apartment, where they found a small quantity of heroin and arrested another woman. Customs Investigation Bureau Asst. Supt. David Tong, who supervised the operations, said he believed in flats were the storage point and sample room of one of Hongkong's biggest drug syndicates. The seizure was the second major drug haul by CIB offi- cers in three days. Four Thais and three Chinese were arrested on Thursday when customs men swooped in on a Thai-operated drug syndicate and seized narcotics worth about US$800,000. Tong said customs officers had confiscated 170 kilograms (374 pounds) of narcotics so far this year, compared to 173 kilograms (380.6 pounds) seized for the whole of 1980. [Text] [Taipei CHINA POST in English 13 Jul 81 p 6] HEROIN SEIZED--Hongkong, July 9 (AP)--Customs officers Thursday arrested seven men, including four Thais, in connection with the seizure of 9.2 kilograms of heroin worth about four million Hongkong dollars (about 800,000 U.S. dollars). Police said the four Thais and a Hongkong Chinese were nabbed at Hongkong's Kaitak Inter- national Airport for attempting to smuggle 3.7 kilograms of heroin into this Brit- ish colony. In another separate operation, customs officers raided an apartment in the colony's twin city of Kowloon and seized 5.5 kilograms of heroin. They also arrested two Hongkong Chinese. The names of the suspects were not disclosed. They are to be charged later with trafficking in dangerous drugs. Police said the two operations have resulted in the smashing of an international syndicate involved in smuggling drugs into Hongkong. (Text] (Taipei CHINA POST in English 7 Jul 81 p 6] DRUGS SEALED IN FISH--Hongkong, July 11 (AP)--A woman from Singapore was charged with possession of dangerous drugs Friday night after she was arrested for carry- ing salted fish containing heroin, police said Saturday. The spokesman said Chu Po King, 42, was about to board a flight to London and Burssels on Wednesday when she was searched by detectives. [Text] [Taipei CHINA POST in English 14 Jul 81 p 6] Approved For Release 2005/12/23 : CIA-RDP83M00171 R001500010019-1 Approved For Release 2005/12/23 : CIA-RDP83M00171 ROO1500010019-1 PAKISTAN PAKISTAN EMERGES AS HEROIN CENTER Manila BULLETIN TODAY in English 16,Jul 81 p 3 [Article by John Schidlovsky] [Text] Islamabad, Pakistan--Once they used to come for simple pleasures, hashish, marijuana or even mountain trekking. But today, many of the young western travelers heading north from this capital are here for heroin. The attraction is obvious. Pakistani drug dealers have amassed the world's largest stockpile of illegal opium and heroin. Most of those who go the country's north- west mountains these days go in search of quick profits. So abundant is the opium in Pakistan--more than 350 tons are believed to be kept in private stocks--that this nation is now said to have far surpassed the legendary Golden Triangle in Southeast Asia as the world's main source of illegal opiates. Along with Afghanistan and Iran, its politically troubled neighbors to the west, Pakistan forms what international drug officials now call the Golden Crescent--a new starting point for the world's heroin route to the cities of Europe and North America. There is nothing surprising about Pakistan's production of opium, a narcotic obtained from the pod of the opium poppy plant that grows abundantly in the country's western mountains. What is new is the sheer quantity of raw opium now being stored, as well as the growth of backroom "laboratories" that process opium into heroin. About 15 of these tiny labs have sprung up in Pakistan's wild northwest frontier province. In open bazaars just a few hours drive from this capital, a traveler can easily buy a kilogram (about 2 pounds) of high-quality heroin for about $5,000. Smuggled into the United States, that same heroin will fetch about $250,000. CSO: 5300/4957 Approved For Release 2005/12/23 : CIA-RDP83MOO171 ROO1500010019-1 Approved For Release 2005/12/23 : CIA-RDP83M00171 ROO1500010019-1 CHARAS WORTH 11 CRORE SEIZED Karachi MORNING NEWS in English 19 Jul 81 p 1 [Text] Charas worth Rs. 11 crore was seized by the Drug Enforcement Cell of the Pakistan Customs from the conveyor belt rollers being smuggled out to a party in Rotterdam. The 1,100 kilograms of hashis [as printed] had been cleverly concealed in the empty rollers of the conveyor belt. Accused Mohammad Naeem, who was not arrested till our going to the Press, imported hashis from the tribal area of the NWFP and had concealed it in over 500 conveyor belt rollers. The consignment was still under examination by an appraiser when the staff of the Drug Enforcement Cell under the directive of Syed Shuja Shah, Assistant Collector, seized the contraband consignment and recovered a huge quantity of hashish. Two persons namely Syed Akhtar Sajjad Jaffery and Syed Ahsan Zaidi who were clear- ing and forwarding agents of the main accused Mohammad Naeem have been arrested by the Pakistan Customs. Syed Ahsan Saidi, one of the clearing and forwarding agents, told Morning News that he was hired by Mohammad Naeem, a fugitive accused for shipment of the contraband. consignment to Rotterdam. For this job he had been promised a payment of Rs. four lakh by the accused. He also said that he had been employed by the accused on.the recommendation of an- other clearing agent who is now in Saudi Arabia for performing Umra. Mr. Mubeen Ahsan, Collector of Customs, also told Morning News that a probe has also been initiated to ascertain whether some appraisement staff were in collusion with the smugglers of the contraband hashish. He said that if somebody from his staff was found guilty, stringent action will be taken against them. Approved For Release 2005/12/23 : CIA-RDP83MOO171 ROO1500010019-1 Approved For Release 2005/12/23 : CIA-RDP83M00171 ROO1500010019-1 It may be mentioned that Malik Mobin Ahmad Khan, Superintendent of the Drug Enforce- ment Cell of the Customs, who seized this consignment, had earlier in 1973 smashed an international gang of smugglers and had a record seizure of 12 tons illicit charas in Karachi. He had been awarded a gold medal by the Drug Enforcement authorities of the USA for his distinguished performance. Approved For Release 2005/12/23 : CIA-RDP83MOO171 ROO1500010019-1 Approved For Release 2005/12/23 : CIA-RDP83M00171 ROO1500010019-1 KARACHI HASHISH HAUL--Over 1,100 kilograms of Hashish intended for shipment to Rot- terdam by a.ship s.s. Mount Sanana was seized by the Customs officials in Karachi yesterday. According to an official press release on a tip off that contraband 'Charas' is being smuggled out under unique guise of 'Coneyor belt rollers' being smuggled out to a party in Rotterdam, in Netherlands, raiding parties were organ- ised to seize contraband consignment on examination it was found that there are over 1,100 kilograms of 'Hashish' cleverly concealed in the "empty roller inside of frames of the conveyer belts. Initial investigations were conducted which re- vealed that the Pakistani smugglers were working under the guise of regular expor- ters and were registered with the Chief Controller of Imports and Exports as M/s Sunny and Marshal International, having export registration No. 2043169. The con- traband consignment was intended for shipment to Rotterdam by 'Mount Sanana', which was to leave Karachi port on 20-7-81 for Europe via Bombay, Salereno (Italy), Sete (France), to Antwerp (in Belgium), from where the container containing the contraband consignment was to be transferred into smugglers boats for delivery to M/s J. Van Den Oz Trading Co., at Rotterdam. [Text] [Karachi BUSINESS RECORDER in English 19 Jul 81 p 1] Approved For Release 2005/12/23 : CIA-RDP83MOO171 ROO1500010019-1 Approved For Release 2005/12/23 : CIA-RDP83M00171 R001500010019-1 GANGSTERS USE TOURIST SPOT--Puerto Galera, a tourist spot in occidental Mindoro, is being used by foreign gangsters as a base for illegal trafficking of drugs. Immigration authorities said foreigners, mostly holding tourist visas, have gained control of most tourist establishments in Puerto Galera. Immigration agents recently visited the resort town to check reports on the activities of foreign tourists violating the conditions of their stay in the country by operating busi- ness establishments or by working in some of the tourist spots. The agents rec- ommended that intelligence operatives be assigned in Puerto Galera to watch on the activities. [Text] Manila FEBC in English 2330 GMT 10 Jul 81] DOLLAR BLACK MARKET--Authorities are investigating reports going around banking circles that a wealthy Chinese businessman in banking and textiles is the leader of a syndicate that controls half the dollar black market. A mysterious white paper on the Chinese business community names him and calls him the "godfather" of the dollar black market. The white paper reportedly leaked from a large commercial bank, one of nine suspected to be hoarding millions of dollars abroad. Central Bank governor Jaime Laya said that there was yet nothing solid to support the white paper, but that he was not totally ignoring it. The "godfather" is said to be a close associate of Dewey Dee, who fled the country in January, leaving debts totalling about 400 million pesos. [Text] Manila FEBC in English STAT 2330 GMT 11 Jul 81] MARIHUANA FARM RAIDED IN LA TRINIDAD--La Trinidad, Benguet, July 12--Agents of the national bureau of investigation here uprooted Tuesday some 420 marijuana plants with an estimated market value of F127,50O in barrio Shilan, this muni- cipality. The raided marijuana plantation was located on a mountain slope behind a rabbit farm owned by a local businessman. Arrested in the raid were Daniel Naungan and Fred Mapili, both suspected planters of the prohibited plants. Two other suspects, identified only as Cayso and Luna, were also taken into custody. The businessman in whose farm the marijuana plants were found denied any knowledge about the plantation. He told investigators that he seldom visited the farm as he allowed his farm hands to supervise his rabbit tree project. Responsible for the raid were NI agents Onofre D. Manalad, Doroteo L. Rocha, Reynaldo Laygo, and George Cabanilla. The agents said that the conviscated plants were of the species called 7 Stars-locally known as "lagkitan." (ISC) [Text] [Manila BULLETIN TODAY in English 13 Jul 81 p 5] CSO: 5300/4957 6 Approved For Release 2005/12/23 : CIA-RDP83M00171 R001500010019-1 Approved For Release 2005/12/23 : CIA-RDP83M00171 R001500010019-1 Bangkok SIAM RAT in Thai 26 May 81 p 3 [Text] Thailand and the United Nations have jointly expanded the project for sub- stituting opium poppy in remote, mountain tribal villages located in three districts of Chiengmai and Lampang Provinces, where opium poppy is abundant. Their joint effort is designed to promote the growing of other crops to substitute for poppies, as well as to improve the productivity of the Swidden acreage used for crops to the greatest extent. Such joint effort is a result of an agreement between Thailand and the United Nations for three years, from 1980-1982, for its project to substitute poppies with other crops which will ensure higher market prices. Their target was to accelerate de- velopment in 56 tribal villages throughout the three-year period, and they have already completed the project in 38 villages. For 1981, Thailand and the United Nations are looking to expand the project in 14 additional villages located in three districts of Chiengmai and Lampang Provinces. Four of these villages are in Omkoi District, seven in Chomthong District, both of Chiengmai, and the remaining three villages are in Wangnua District of Lampang Province. The preliminary economic and sociological surveys conducted at these villages re- vealed that these are rural and isolated villages where opium poppy is plentiful. Thailand and the United Nations, therefore, decided to institute their economic and social development project in these villages with an aim to promote the substitution of opium poppy with other economic crops, and to improve the productivity of the Swidden acreage, which together they will improve living standards of these tribal villages. 9013 CSO: 5300/4600 Approved For Release 2005/12/23 : CIA-RDP83M00171 R001500010019-1 Approved For Release 2005/12/23 : CIA-RDP83M00171 R001500010019-1 OPIUM CARAVAN GUARDS SHOOT POLICE Bangkok DAO SIAM in Thai 11 Apr 81 pp 1, 2 [Text] Guards of an opium caravan opened fire on Chiengmai police with M-16 rifles and carbines while smuggling opium from the jungle into a village. No police were wounded, one criminal was killed and many were wounded. A DAO SIAM reporter in Chiengmai.reported that at 0630 hours Pol Col Satcha Krasaewet, Chiengmai police commander, learned that an opium caravan was approaching Mae Ai District of Chiengmai Province. He therefore ordered Pol Cpt Saksri Wannasai and other police officers from the Mae Ai Police Station to set up an ambush at Chana Village. Upon the police's arrival at the scene, the criminals, whose numbers were great, opened fire on the police with M-16 rifles and carbines for about half an hour before retreating into the jungle. The police later cleared the area and found a body of one criminal, and confiscated M-16 rifles, carbines and opium. The police also found puddles of blood which may have belonged to several wounded criminals. None of the police were wounded. 9013 CSO: 5300/4600 Approved For Release 2005/12/23 : CIA-RDP83M00171 R001500010019-1 Approved For Release 2005/12/23 : CIA-RDP83M00171 R001500010019-1 HONG KONG TRAFFICKER ARRESTED ENROUTE TO PRC Bangkok TAWAN SIAM in Thai 12 Apr 81 pp 1, 2 [Text] A vigilant customs officer at Don Muang Terminal spotted a suspicious-looking Hong Kong man and, upon a body search found 3,900 grams of heroin, with a market value of about 20 million baht concealed around the man's abdomen and his lower extremities underneath a woman's girdle. The man later revealed that he was paid 80,000 baht to smuggle the drug to a Hong Kong merchant. At 0800 hours on April 11 while two customs officers of the Don Muang Airport's In- vestigation and Suppression Division Sathaphon Kritsanaserani and Wira Chasutchai were on duty, they noticed a suspicious-looking Hong Kong passenger of about 25 years of age awaiting his outbound flight. The two officers therefore searched the man and learned that he was Siu Chu Ming, carring a passport already processed by immigration, and was awaiting his outbound flight number 974 aboard the China Airlines for Hong Kong. His ultimate destination was Guangzhou [Canton] in the People's Republic of China. A body search revealed that Siu Chu Ming smuggled about 900 grams of the white- powdered, No. 4-grade heroin around his abdomen and lower extremities inside a woman's girdle. Upon searching his luggage, the officers found three more bags, or about 3,000 grams, of heroin. The officers later took Siu Chu Ming into custody, confiscated the contraband and turned them over to the 2nd Police Command. A subsequent investigation revealed that the accused was paid 80,000 baht to smuggle the drug to Hong Kong and then to the People's Republic of China. Officials at the Drug Control Division estimated that the [domestic] 1 million baht value of the 3,900 grams of heroin was worth as much as 20 million baht if sold in foreign markets. 9013 CSO: 5300/4600 Approved For Release 2005/12/23 : CIA-RDP83M00171 R001500010019-1 Approved For Release 2005/12/23 CIA-RDP83M00171 ROO1500010019-1 LAO-THAI MARIHUANA TRAFFICKER COOPERATION NOTED Bangkok TAWAN SIAM in Thai 13 Apr.81 pp 1, 16 [Text] A large-scale apprehension. of marijuana traffickers who smuggled the drug from Laos to Thailand via Tha Li District of Loei Province was made. Thai merchants are reported to be involved in the smuggling. After several interdiction attempts ordered by a Loei police commander, this apprehension resulted in 300 kilograms of marijuana, worth about 1. million baht. Both the Thai and Lao merchants fled the scene. It was reported that at 1800 hours of April 11, Pot Col Mana Naithanit, police commander of Loei, learned that Thai and Lao merchants are smuggling a great quantity of marijuana into Thailand by way of the Huang River. He therefore ordered a number of police special forces to apprehend the smugglers. Later Pol Maj Pariphon Laoburi, Tha Li District police inspector, led a police special suppression squad to Ahi Village, Ahi Sub District on the Lao border, in order to ambush the smugglers. At the same time, approximately 20 merchants appeared with a great number of bags of marijuana on their backs and on carts. As a result of the ambush the merchants immediately deserted their marijuana and disappeared into the jungle. Upon inspecting the deserted marijuana, Pol Maj Paripnon found 100 bags of dried marijuana in sticks, weighing about 300 kilograms and worth about 1 million baht. He then confiscated and kept the marijuana at the Tha Li Police Station in Loei, and reported to Pol Col Mana Naithanit for further. action. 9013 CSO: 5300/4600 Approved For Release 2005/12/23 : CIA-RDP83MOO171 ROO1500010019-1 Approved For Release 2005/12/23 : CIA-RDP83M00171 R001500010019-1 DRUG TRIAL OF 17 MAY SET WORLD RECORD FOR LENGTH Toronto THE GLOBE AND MAIL, NATIONAL EDITION in English 10 Jun 81 p 8 [Text] VANCOUVER - A federal Justice Department prosecutor says. a drug conspiracy trial that began on June 1 in B.C, Supreme Court may set a world's record for the longest crimi- nal trial. Federal prosecutor Brian. Purdy estimates that the case won't wind up until late August of 1982. "if I'm right, it'll make the Guinness Book of Re- cords. I have every hope I'm wrong." Sixteen men and one .woman from Toronto and.Vancouver are accused of conspiring to traffic in heroin and cocaine with a police-estimated street value of $7-million and $as91o,000 re- spectively. "One of my biggest problems is simply logistics," Mr. Purdy said. 'We have large amounts of evidence and expect to call about.200 witness- es". The first 50 days of the trial are being taken up with a hearing to de- termine the admissibility of evidence. The jury, which was finally selected on May II from more than 200 candi- dates, is expected to return on Aug. 17. Dealing with such a complex trial is a new experience for the court admin-. istratlon, which has bought 2,0 CSO: 5320/27 ,worth of audio-visiaai equipment 'so that the judge, j ; i aaeenl, and accused can view tapes on TV molaitor. They also had to provide simu ' trlat in Italian for thr o ci : s do not es V*O ' orriginall laid agais2 le, but agh, me unlndl p t rs and fur have pined ilty. %*z lndliatments folio ~ d 3. g In otIgat C in Tomato* ii`1V : >' f reMay. 19759 to f tc I ,1 . ,. Approved For Release 2005/12/23 : CIA-RDP83M00171 R001500010019-1 Approved For Release 2005/12/23 : CIA-RDP83M00171 ROO1500010019-1 DRUG DEALER JAILED--County court Judge J. J. Anderson said it depressed him to sentence Sharon Carlson to 10 years imprisonment on three narcotic charges. "One can't help but be depressed, when considering the waste of this person's life," the judge said when he sentenced Carlson, 51. The woman was convicted earlier of conspiracy to import heroin, importing heroin and conspiracy to traffic in heroin between January 22 and February 21, 1979. Judge Anderson was told the woman had been a drug addict for 27 years. [Text] [Vancouver THE VANCOUVER SUN in English 5 Jun 81 p A8] CSO: 5320/27 Approved For Release 2005/12/23 : CIA-RDP83MOO171 ROO1500010019-1 Approved For Release 2005/12/23 : CIA-RDP83M00171 R001500010019-1 BAHAMAS NEW DEFENSE FORCE CRAFT WILL AID ANTIDRUG EFFORT Nassau THE TRIBUNE in English 22 Jun 81 p 1 [Article by Athena Damianos] [Excerpts] Prime Minister Lynden Pindling this morning disclosed plans to strengthen the Bahamas Defence Force fleet by as many as four craft--and the opportunity was taken to show off their latest. Mr Pindling, who is also Minister of Defence, made the disclosure after an inspection of the Force's two new $106,000, 30-foot Phoenix "runabout" vessels at the Imperial Lighthouse, Dock, Bay Street. Commenting on the two new patrol craft, Mr Pindling said they are ideally suited to the Bahamas because of their shallow draft. The two vessels--P30 and P31-- are able to cover areas that the larger 60 and 103 foot patrol craft are unable to patrol. "(Drug) boats have been slipping in and out of shallow parts for quite some time and hopefully, with this type of boat--more (of which) we need of course--we'll be able to stay out longer, go into shallow water and improve our law enforcement capability," Mr Pindling said. If the new craft perform as well as is expected, Mr Pindling said, the Ministry hopes to place an order for another two. He said Government has not used the $5.5 million that the Cuban Government paid in compensation for the sinking of the 103-foot Flamingo last April to buy the two boats. "Those funds will be used for the purchase of a much larger vessel of around 80 or 105 feet. We may go for two slightly smaller vessels," Mr Pindling said, meaning craft of about 80 feet. Mr Pindling said the Bahamas is in a particularly vulnerable position regarding drug trafficking because of its geographical nature. "Experience has shown us that we need to cover more space and be in as many places as we can at the same time." He said the Defence Force should be able to improve its position in this area with the purchase of the two new craft. The vessels have a speed capability in excess of 25 knots and are equipped with modern radar sets, fly bridge, comprehensive communications system and living accommodation for a crew of four with cooking facilities. 13 Approved For Release 2005/12/23 : CIA-RDP83M00171 R001500010019-1 Approved For Release 2005/12/23 : CIA-RDP83M00171 R001500010019-1 GOVERNMENT APPROVES NEW ANTIDRUG TRAFFICKING PLAN I P Paz PRESENCIA in Spanish 11 Jul 81 p 8 [Text] [Text] The government has approved a new plan to combat the drug traffic and the effects of that illegal trade. The measures include the immediate control and repression of that activity, the substitution of other crops for coca plantations and other measures that will escalate the campaign. It has empowered the National Antidrug Council, which is now the top organization in Bolivia that will be charged with all drug problems, to give stimulus to the fight and to act as liaison with national and international organizations. To this end the council has drafted a plan of action. The plan establishes operations at the national level for the arrest of anybody who is active, participates or is an accomplice in drug trafficking. The end product and the installations where drugs are produced or where byproducts for production are manufactured will be confiscated. The property, movable assets, vehicles and installations etc., belonging to anybody involved in production and commercialization and in drug trafficking will also be confiscated. Operations will be carried out throughout the country to identify and control the sites from which drugs are being distributed and transported for national consumption or export. The plan provides for: Control over production and marketing of coca leaves, as well as over the process of replacing coca leaves with other crops, by means of a nationwide control of coca trade; Reshuffling of marketing procedures for coca leaves in the country, that is for chewing and medical uses; Control of coca leaf exports aimed at the same uses; Creation of an autonomous entity charged with purchasing and storing coca leaves; Purchase by the state of coca crops in order to prevent them from falling into the hands of cocaine manufacturers; Restrictions on the farming of coca leaves which could be used only for chewing, medical uses and legal exports aimed at the same, as well as other legitimate uses; Assessment of areas assigned to the farming of coca leaves in various regions of the country; Assessment of yearly production of coca leaves and the destination of this production; Means of transport used in marketing coca leaves; Identification of centers of consumption at the national level and assessment of the quantities involved; Approved For Release 2005/12/23 : CIA-RDP83M00171 R001500010019-1 Approved- For Release 2005/12/23 : CIA-RDP83M00171 R001500010019-1 Replacement of coca leaf crops which are being used for illegal trafficking by other, equally profitable, crops; Selection of such replacement crops; Programs for the production and opening of markets for these new products; Timetables and deadlines for the implementation of the various programs and projects; Costs and investments for each project, financing of the programs and support which the peasants or producers should receive for the period between the launching of the project and the sale of the resulting products; Improvement of current antidrug measures and the organization of institutions charged with the implementation of these measures; Reshuffling of personnel belonging to antidrug organizations aimed at the attainment of the established objectives; Legal and technical reorganization of court mechanisms applicable to drug cases in order to improve effectiveness and efficiency and to expedite the trials; Evaluation of projects currently underway designed to control and prevent drug addiction or to cure members of the society who have fallen prey to this addiction; Organization of campaigns aimed at disseminating knowlege related to evils caused by this illegal habit and trade; Reorganization of the National Antidrug Council so as to enable it to properly perform she functions with which it has been entrusted; Establishment of rules and regulations for its activities; .Supply of human and material assets required by the National Antidrug Council for its normal and sustained operation; Coordination of National Antidrug Council operations with those of other state organizations; An emergency plan aimed at programming government development tasks within the framework of antidrug repression so as to soften the effects of the decision to replace coca crops and the antidrug struggle; Plans and programs for immediate implementation aimed at improving the income of large national sectors; Establishment of a new national development model capable of eradicating this dependency factor; Creation of a development fund the assessment of the cost of the emergency plan with the cooperation of international organization and interested governments; Coordination of efforts aimed at devising government plans, programs and strategies with international organizations and interested governments; Negotiations with international organizations and friendly countries involved in the problem so as to obtain aid for the antidrug programs. In keeping with international treaties related to narcotics and hallucinogenic drugs signed by Bolivia, the National Government has ordered that for the implementation of international treaties the National Antidrug Council will request advisors in the fields of organization, methodology, social and scientific research, legal procedures, social aid and other matters jointly selected by the United Nations and the National Antidrug Council. The UNFDAC [expansion unknown] has been requested to act as liaison organization to implement the current programs. CSO: 5300/2409 Approved For Release 2005/12/23 : CIA-RDP83MOO171 ROO1500010019-1 Approved For Release 2005/12/23 : CIA-RDP83M00171 ROO1500010019-1 EUROPEAN COCAINE CONNECTION KINGPIN ARRESTED IN RIO Rio de Janeiro 0 GLOBO in Portuguese 9 Jul 81 p 12 [Text] With the arrest Tuesday of Luis Kiyoshi Fugiy, or Luis Japones, age 52, identified as the head of an international gang of drug traffickers operating in the European cocaine connection, the Narcotics Bureau revealed yesterday that it had broken up part of the drug route beginning in Bolivia and passing through Corumba, Campo Grande, Sao Paulo and Rio. A telephone call made by Luis to the Netherlands from his apartment in Copacabana, reported by TELERJ [Rio de Janeiro Telephone Co], caused the police to suspect that he might have connections with the European branch of the clandestine drug trade. Luis Japones and Jandira de Araujo at Narcotics Bureau headquarters Approved For Release 2005/12/23 : CIA-RDP83MOO171 ROO1500010019-1 Approved For Release 2005/12/23 : CIA-RDP83M00171 ROO1500010019-1 Luis Japones was arrested at his apartment, No 103 in an apartment complex located at 2536 Avenida Atlantica. Shortly after, at the same place, the police also arrested Roberto Paulo Tilmponi Junior, or Tito, Fernando Carlos Smilgat and Joaquim Machado de tiraujo Neto, or Neto. Deputy Walterson Botelho did not present these three to the press, saying that they were only addicts who had gone there to purchase drugs for their own use. In the afternoon, at a house in Sepetiba, the police arrested Jandira Alves de Araujo, age 33, Luis Japones' lover; it was she who carried on the connection between Campo Grande and Rio. Ever since the destruction of a cocaine distillation laboratory in Miguel Pereira about 3 months ago when the police arrested Claudio Dias, or Pelezinho, narcotics agents had been trying to find the Japanese of whom the trafficker had spoken and who, with others, had been processing cocaine paste at that facility. At Luis' apartment the police found a package containing 364 grams of pure cocaine and 9 bags of boric acid which was to be added to the drug in an operation known as "cutting," which is done to increase the weight to 1 kg subsequently sold at a price of 4 million cruzeiros (4,000 cruzeiros per gram). The agents also confiscated a precision scale, a number of bank deposit receipts made out by the Agencia Catete do Banerj to various people in Campo Grande, Mato Grosso do Sul, checkbook stubs and a few complete checkbooks, all representing transactions of more than 2 million cruzeiros. 8568 CSO: 5300/2396 Approved For Release 2005/12/23 : CIA-RDP83MOO171 ROO1500010019-1 Approved For Release 2005/12/23 : CIA-RDP83M00171 ROO1500010019-1 CHILEAN TRAFFICKER ARRESTED WITH COCAINE Rio de Janeiro 0 GLOBO in Portuguese 11 Jul 81 p 13 [Text] Victor Antonio Valenzuela Romero, a 38-year-old Chilean in possession of 3.075 kg of pure cocaine valued at 4.5 million cruzeiros, was arrested two evenings ago while attempting to board a Varig plane at the Rio de Janeiro International Airport. According to the Federal Police who presented him to the press with the drug yesterday morning, Valenzuela is a courier (drug transporter) for an inter- national gang; he receives $10,000 per trip for his services. Valenzuela at Federal Police headquarters He was carrying the cocaine in two special plastic bags resembling a corset and held by his belt; he was arrested upon being searched. According to the federal Approved For Release 2005/12/23 : CIA-RDP83MOO171 ROO1500010019-1 Approved For Release 2005/12/23 : CIA-RDP83M00171 ROO1500010019-1 agents, the trafficker had been under close scrutiny since 4 May when he arrived in Rio to pick up the shipment. The drug was valued at 4.5 million cruzeiros but, after mixing, could go as high as 20 million cruzeiros at time of sale. The police who arrested Valenzuela said he was staying at a five-star hotel in Rio but declined to give its name; he was staying at the hotel while waiting to be contacted by the gang to transport cocaine to Zurich, Switzerland. According to the police,the trafficker was planning to use a new route inasmuch as the ticket he purchased called for a stop in Lisbon, even though the cocaine was destined for Switzerland. "Through this we were able to determine why traffickers were choosing a new route. With such an itinerary, Valenzuela would not arouse suspicion. Moreover, in Lisbon he would leave the plane and make the rest of the trip by bus, thus greatly reducing the risk of being arrested since regulations governing passenger inspection are less strict in travel by land. For example, they are not as strict as here, at our airport, or at the Zurich airport," one of the agents said. Victor Antonio Valenzuela Romero was ready to leave Rio with the cocaine when he was taken to the examination room and subsequently exposed. He said he was in Rio awaiting the arrival of the cocaine which he was to transport to its destina- tion and that this was the first time he was to use the new route. He asserted that he had .not had any contact in Rio with other traffickers except with a man he scarcely knew named Raul: "It was with him that I concluded this transaction." Although the agents reported that he was staying at a five-star hotel, the trafficker told reporters that he had stayed at two hotels: the Planalto and the Puma, both at Maua Plaza. He claimed that he did not know the person or persons to whom he would be delivering the cocaine in Switzerland and went on to explain: "In carrying out this assignment, my orders were to stay in a certain hotel where I would be contacted by the individual to whom I was to deliver the merchandise." According to the police, the cocaine in question came from Colombia. They also said they took $2,000 from the trafficker, part of the $10,000 payment he was to receive. As a result of the latest investigations on the international drug traffic, the Federal Police said its agents are convinced that the gangs in question are distilling cocaine somewhere near Rio, in places where there is little surveillance and not much traffic. One of the agents recalled that two laboratories of this type were recently shut down in Papucaia, Itaborai and Miguel Pereira. 8568 CSO: 5300/2404 Approved For Release 2005/12/23 : CIA-RDP83MOO171 ROO1500010019-1 Approved For Release 2005/12/23 : CIA-RDP83M00171 ROO1500010019-1 SEIZURE OF LSD, COCAINE REPORTED Rio de Janeiro JORNAL DO BRASIL in Portuguese 11 Jul 81 p 14 [Text] Businessman Mario Luiz de Salvo Castro Moutello, or Mario Gordo, age 27, was arrested at his home (Rua Barata Ribeiro 67, apartment 901, in Copacabana) by agents of the Narcotics Bureau who found him to be in possession of the largest quantity of LSD ever confiscated in Brazil: 1,419 doeses, valued at 2,638,000 cruzeiros. Upon being arrested, Mario Luiz attempted to bribe the police offering them $15,000 ($6,000 at once and the rest later). The $6,000 was attached to the papers of.the accused. In addition to being charged with drug trafficking, Mario Luiz was also booked for attempted bribery. No Resistance A telephone tip (by a woman whose son is a dependent) led Dectective Inspector Melio Machado and detectives Paulo Cesar and Antonio Ferreira to make a week- long investigation. They infiltrated groups of addicts and finally succeeded in pinning down the trafficker, who was arrested without resisting. With a search and seizure warrant, the police went to the address of Mario Luiz. His grandfather, Alayde Velasco de Salvo Castro, admitted them to the apartment, for he did not believe there was any truth in the accusation made against his grandson. Mario Luiz, sleeping at the time, appeared, nervous, and offered to show them where the drug was hidden to avoid having the police turn the apartment upside down. He showed them two plastic bags. One of them contained 974 tablets, the other, 445. Each tablet, lilac in color, was to be sold for 2,000 cruzeiros. The police also found that Mario Luiz had in his possession a scale whose pans contained the remains of a white powder--cocaine, according to the experts' examination--and various weights: 50, 10, 5, 2 and 1 gram; and eight others, in milligrams. An expert from the Carlos Eboli Institute confirmed that it was indeed LSD and that it weighed 21.03 grams. At the Narcotics Bureau headquarters the trafficker advised that he was established as a businessman in Cabo Frio (Bazar Tuiuti Presentes, at the Colonial Hotel, Rua Dr Jose Watzl, no number). He had brought the drug back from New York, arriving a month ago. He said he had bought the drug from a man named Peter at the Mary Crisis nightclub on Bleecker Street'during a transvestite show. Approved For Release 2005/12/23 : CIA-RDP83MOO171 ROO1500010019-1 Approved For Release 2005/12/23 : CIA-RDP83M00171 R001500010019-1 The first indication of the sale of LSD cropped up in Laranjeiras; afterwards, there were rumors in Gavea. Mario Luiz refused to give the names of the persons to whom he delivered more than 2,500 doses (the total of the original quantity was 4,000 '.doses). He said they were his friends. Commissioner Valterson Botelho of the Narcotics Bureau said that until this time the largest quantity of LSD confiscated was 1,150 doses found in 1976 on a Brazilian couple who had come from London. One month ago, the Federal Police arrested another person from whom they confiscated 70 doses. 8568 CSO: 5300/2404 Approved For Release 2005/12/23 : CIA-RDP83M00171 R001500010019-1 Approved For Release 2005/12/23 : CIA-RDP83M00171 ROO1500010019-1 MARIHUANA SEIZED EN ROUTE TO SURINANE, ROUTE REVEALED Sao Paulo 0 ESTADO DE SAO PAULO in Portuguese 20 Jun 81 p 15 [Text] Yesterday in Manaus, the Federal Police seized 54 kg of compressed Paraguayan marihuana valued at 30 million cruzeiros, from traffickers Manoel de Lima Bras, or Belota, and Benedito Mendes, or Bem-te-vi. They were about to leave for Paramaribo, capital of Surinam. According to the Federal Police, this is a major victory over an international marihuana trafficking ring which has been using Brazil as a base of operations and is an unprecedented accomplish- ment since, until it is exported, the drug is transported more than 4,000 km from Pedro Juan Caballero, Paraguay, to Rondonia, Manaus. Traffickers Belota and Bem-Te-vi--sought since they had been in possession of a shipment of 396 kg of marihuana seized in Tocontinopolis, in Mato Grosso, last year and members of a large network of international trafficers--said the drug was obtained in Paraguay at 8,000 cruzeiros per kg. After compressing, packaging and arranging in traveling bags, the drug was loaded onto trucks carrying grain from Mato Grosso to Western Amazonia. Transportation by truck ended in Cuiaba where the traveling bags were dispatched as baggage on domestic flights. The police were able to seize this shipment only because one of the agents recognized Manoel Bras in a Manaus street and followed him; other shipments, in .larger quantity, had already been sent from Manaus to Paramaribo via Belem. Yesterday, in a deserted street in Betania district, the Federal Police caught Benedito Mendes red-handed delivering a 5-kg package of marihuana to another trafficker. The two traffickers, who were taken to the Central State Penitentiary yesterday, had in their possession and hidden in an abandoned ware- house in Betania various pieces of equipment and precision devices used in processing cocaine. This led police to believe that they are also operating as a part of the network. 8568 CSO: 5300/2396 Approved For Release 2005/12/23 : CIA-RDP83MOO171 ROO1500010019-1 Approved For Release 2005/12/23 : CIA-RDP83M00171 ROO1500010019-1 PERUVIAN TRAFFICKER ARRESTED--Alberto Antonio de Rivera Gargurevich, a Peruvian, was arrested last evening at the Rio de Janeiro International Airport with 2 kg of cocaine in his possession. He arrived in the morning on the same flight which brought the presidential committee and was arrested upon attempting to board a plane for Madrid. The cocaine is pure and is valued at 20 million cruzeiros. According to the police, Alberto Antonio de Rivera Gargurevich was born in Lima in 1947 and worked as a farmer. He said he had received $10,000 (900,000 cruzeiros) for transporting the merchandise to the Spanish capital. The cocaine was divided into small packages fastened to his legs with bandage material and adhesive tape. The Peruvian was arrested after a manual search made by Federal Police agents and ARSA [Rio de Janeiro Airports, Inc] inspectors. The police learned that he had arrived in the morning on the special flight which was bringing the committee which had accompanied President Joao Figueiredo to Peru. With so many officials on board, it was easy for the Peruvian to worm his way in and then leave the plane giving the impression that he was part of the group. It is not known what he did in Rio during the day; it is only certain that he landed with the cocaine. Gargurevich was taken to Federal Police headquarters. [Text] [Rio de Janeiro JORNAL DO BRASIL in Portuguese 29 Jun 81 p 16] 8568 PERNAMBUCO MARIHUANA USE DATA--Recife--Approximately 90 percent of the marihuana produced clandestinely in Pernambuco is used within-the state, according to information released by Narcotics Commissioner Tito Aureliano in a speech given at the Joaquim Nabuco Foundation during a seminar on drugs and crime. The state-- which is second only to Maranhao in production of the plant--showed a decrease last year when only 11 tons were confiscated. He agreed that flooding of San Francisco. River--which cuts through dozens of cities in the backwoods area-- destroyed the plantings made along its banks and that, for this reason, farmers are now seeking central areas with characteristically stunted vegetation. "This is how the police, a few months ago, discovered and seized about 102 tons and 800,000 kg in the municipalities of Floresta, Ouricuri and Betania, 101,000 kg of that total being seized in Ouricuri alone. Marihuana is planted together with other crops, such as corn and beans." He refuted criticism received by the police with regard to action taken against the planting and distribution of marihuana: "It so happens that we are faced with very serious difficulties, for in a police inquiry there must be corpus delicti. And in dealing with marihuana it is not easy to connect the corpus delicti with the criminal. The other obstruction is that of obtaining testimonial proof, for almost all residents in the vicinity of the accursed grass are involved in its production." [Text] [Rio de Janeiro JORNAL DO BRASIL in Portuguese 28 Jun 81 p 36] 8568 Approved For Release 2005/12/23 : CIA-RDP83MOO171 ROO1500010019-1 Approved For Release 2005/12/23 : CIA-RDP83M00171 R001500010019-1 ESCAPED TRAFFICKER ARRESTED--Trafficker Waldeci Martins de Carvalho, or Rato, age 44, was arrested yesterday by police of Itaipu Precinct in Nossa Senhora de Carmo district, Duque de Caxias, while in possession of a 38-caliber revolver, two rifles and a large quantity of ammunition. Waldeci had escaped from Curitiba penitentiary in 1976, serving as leader of more than 20 prisoners. He had already served a sentence of 3 years at the Esmeraldino Bandeira penitentiary in Rio. In 1975, Waldeci moved to Curitiba where he was arrested together with another trafficker, Arruda, when the police found the two to be in possession of 150 kg of marihuana, 1,500 ampules of a drug known as pervitin and half a kg of cocaine. The two were sentenced to 7 years in prison, but Waldeci served only a year and a half before escaping. Upon being arrested yesterday, Waldeci was wearing a gold chain weighing 90 grams with. 15 diamonds set in the form of a star. He said he bought the chain 2 years ago for 6,000 cruzeiros, but the police belive that the piece is worth more than 200,000 cruzeiros and was undoubtedly stolen. The trafficker had set up a shop for making and selling aluminum artefacts in the front part of his house at Rua Orlando, block 11, in the Nossa Senhora do Carmo district where he was arrested. He is being questioned at the Itaipu Precinct, as the police believe he has taken part in holdups in Rio and Baixada Fluminense. He will then be handed over to INTERPOL which will send him to Curitiba to complete his sentence. [Text] [Rio de Janeiro 0 GLOBO in Portuguese 15 Jul 81 p 131 8568 TRAFFICKER ARRESTED WITH MARIHUANA--Police of the Third Military Police Battalion, assigned specifically to patrol the Jacarezinho shantytown, located yesterday morning the shack used by trafficker Paulo Roberto Moura de Lima to store mari- huana and prepare bags of cocaine. They found 15 kg of the plant made up in tablets. The shack is situated at the edge of the creek which runs through the shantytown; when discovered by the police, it was deserted. In addition to the marihuana, the police found a precision scale, 5,000 sheets of vetetal paper used in making up pags of cocaine, 30 rolls of durex tape, a stapler, 40 boxes of staples, a large quantity of silk paper (for marihuana "cartridges") and license plate ST-6957 (RJ). The marihuana and other confiscated material were taken to the 23d precinct in Meier. [Text] [Rio de Janeiro 0 GLOBO in Portuguese 10 Jul 81 p 10] 8568 RIO WOMAN TRAFFICKER ARRESTED--Porto Alegre--The arrest of four youths led Rio Grande do Sul police to the discovery and arrest of a Rio woman, with more than 100 grams of cocaine valued at 500,000 cruzeiros and hidden in a condom in one of her private parts. The arrest made it possible to discover a connection involving Rio traffickers being sought by the Federal Police in Rio de Janeiro. The arrest in the Rio Grande do Sul capital was made by Deputy Luis Carlos Muniz of the Narcotics Bureau as the result of an anonymous tip which led to the arrest of the four youths; they, in turn, gave the telephone number of a woman who, they said, was a go-between in the supply of drugs. [Text] [Rio de Janeiro JORNAL DO BRASIL in Portuguese 6 Jul 81 p 14] 8568 TRAFFICKER ARRESTED AT SCHOOL--Yesterday, Narcotics Bureau agents arrested 20-year-old drug trafficker Itamar Santos, or Mazinho,.in front of Olegario Mariano School on Rua dos Diamantes, in Rocha Miranda. He was preparing to leave when he was apprehended carrying 19 packets of marihuana and 3 bags of cocaine which he "had come to sell to students and addicts." [Text] [Rio de Janeiro 0 GLOBO in Portuguese 3 Jul 81 p 12] 8568 CSO: 5300/2396 24 Approved For Release 2005/12/23 : CIA-RDP83MOO171 ROO1500010019-1 Approved For Release 2005/12/23 : CIA-RDP83M00171 ROO1500010019-1 PLANE SMUGGLING ATTEMPT--Recent attempts by pilots to land twin-engine aeroplanes on the Meylers Field and Pot River roads in Westmoreland for the purpose of loading ganja have been thwarted by the police. Reports are that policemen from Savanna-la-Mar, Frome and Grange Hill have been keeping a round-the-clock watch on these roads recently. One pilot made three attempts to land in one day but could not do so. There are now three damaged planes on the Meylers Field Road which stretches from the main road at Big Bridge to George's Plain. Other damaged planes have been scrapped by citizens, The Pot River Road is on the George's Plain Farm. Further reports are that a detachment of soldiers from the Jamaica Defence Force is presently operating at Orange Hill in the parish, killing ganja nurseries and trees. [Excerpt] [Kingston THE DAIL GLEANER in English 6 Jul 81 p 3] CSO: 5300/7571 Approved For Release 2005/12/23 : CIA-RDP83MOO171 ROO1500010019-1 Approved For Release 2005/12/23 : CIA-RDP83M00171 ROO1500010019-1 H. Matamoros EL BRAVO in Spanish 1 Jul 81 Sec A.p 10 [Text] Despite the fact that they have been doing everything possible to be released most expeditiously, the drug traffickers Jose Luis Sosa Mayorga and Pablo Ramirez Perez are considerably implicated because, although they have denied it, they appear to be the purchaser and seller of marihuana, respectively. In view of the confusing investigations by the State Judicial Police and the shady investigations by the Federal Judicial Police, Alfredo Olivares Osuna, agent of the Federal Public Ministry, is intensifying the probes, and there is every indication that he will take forceful action against these individuals. At the outset, the federal prosecutor summoned the State Judicial Police agents who arrested Sosa Mayorga and Pablo Ramirez Perez yesterday, so that they might describe how the arrest of the latter took place. Both have denied having any connections with the drug traffic and that the marihuana was theirs. In his statements, which he made to the police authorities who took him into custody, Sosa Mayorga said that he had never been involved in drug trafficking offenses and that, on the day when they arrested him, had he known that a cousin was bringing marihuana to his house, he would have reported the action, so as not to become implicated in this problem. However, in police files Jose Luis Sosa Mayorga has a record for various crimes, chiefly that of drug trafficking. About 5 years ago, Jose Luis Sosa was arrested because, together with a crime preven- tion police clerk, he stole several kilograms of marihuana from inside the first penal court, and served nearly 3 years in jail for that crime. The statements made yesterday by the State Judicial Police agents implicate the individuals in custody, because all five agents agree in declaring that, based on the investigations which they succeeded in conducting, the marihuana was owned by Jose Luis Sosa Mayorga, and was intended to be sold to Pablo Ramirez Perez. They state that they arrested both persons outside Sosa Mayorga's house, inside of which the 14 kilograms and 600 grams of marihuana were discovered. Approved For Release 2005/12/23 : CIA-RDP83MOO171 ROO1500010019-1 Approved For Release 2005/12/23 : CIA-RDP83M00171 R001500010019-1 The State Judicial Police investigations were interrupted by the intervention of the Federal Judicial Police, who immediately wanted to seize the arrested subjects and the drugs, as they said, "so that we might continue the investigation." Sometime today, the Federal Public Ministry agent, Alfredo Olivares, may conclude the probe of the case in question, after which he will be required to turn over the records to the fourth district court. 2909 CSO: 5330/34 Approved For Release 2005/12/23 : CIA-RDP83M00171 R001500010019-1 Approved For Release 2005/12/23 : CIA-RDP83M00171 ROO1500010019-1 THREE TRAFFICKERS CAPTURED, HEROIN SEIZED Mexicali LA VOZ DE LA FRONTERA in Spanish 25 Jun 81 Sec B p 12 [Text] Mexicali--Three drug traffickers who were to carry out a heroin purchase and sale transaction were arrested, and the drugs seized, as a result of investigations conducted in this capital by Federal Judicial Police agents. The police confiscated 110 grams of high quality heroin worth about $400,000,on the black market in the United States (where it was to be sold retail,subsequently). Those under arrest are Amalio Vizcarra, aged 39, residing in the Baja California development; Alfredo Villafuerte, of the same age, residing in the Esperanza develop- ment; and Alfonso Diaz Moreno, aged 28, who lives in the Santa Clara development. All three confessed that they had been engaged in drug trafficking for some time. The information concerning the case was released yesterday by the Federal Public Ministry agent, Jose S. Reta Diaz, after the Federal Judicial Police commander in this jurisdiction, Pablo Garcia Martinez, submitted to him the pertinent report on the investigations that had been conducted. The official from the Office of the Attorney General of the Republic said that Amalio admitted having purchased poppy gum to prepare heroin, which he made in a clandestine laboratory in Culiacan, Sinaloa. After having prepared the 110 grams of high quality heroin, he took it to Mexicali, and hired the services of Alfredo Villafuerte to offer it for sale, giving him four doses to show to the purchaser. Alfonso Diaz Moreno was to act as a middleman for the purchase and sale transaction. He tested the drug, and told the buyer that it was of good quality; and therefore it was decided to make the sale. However, the Federal Judicial Police agents discovered the drug traffickers' plans, and arrested them before they could conclude the deal. The individuals in custody will be turned over to the first district court, according to Reta Diaz. 2909 CSO: 5330/34 Approved For Release 2005/12/23 : CIA-RDP83MOO171 ROO1500010019-1 Approved For Release 2005/12/23 : CIA-RDP83M00171 R001500010019-1 Piedras Negras EL DIARIO DE PIEDRAS NEGRAS in Spanish 14 Jul 81 Sec B p 1 [Text] The Federal Judicial Police group chief, Comdr Mario Espinoza, succeeded in capturing the American, Joe Kaminzky, and his girlfriend, Maria de los Angeles Delgado Reyes, and also in confiscating a bottle containing 5 grams of cocaine, which was a sample for the sale of an amount that had been agreed upon. The capture took place when the transaction to sell the aforementioned drug was taking place in the bar known as Camelia, in the red-light district of Ciudad Acuna. The bottle containing the cocaine was a sample for the sales transaction that was to be conducted. Also seized was nearly $5,000 in cash; and it was noted that this might be the product of the cocaine sales made in that same location in previous transactions. It was claimed that Maria de los Angeles Delgado Reyes is the wife of the notorious drug trafficker, Jessy Garcia, who has already been tried for crimes against health. Yesterday, the drug was sent to the Health Center to test its quality and purity, while those under arrest were turned over to the federal prosecutor for the pertinent investigation, the results of which will be submitted to the federal judge of the second district court. 2909 CSO: 5330/34 Approved For Release 2005/12/23 : CIA-RDP83M00171 R001500010019-1 Approved For Release 2005/12/23 : CIA-RDP83M00171 R001500010019-1 SIX HEROIN, OPIUM GUM TRAFFICKERS CAPTURED Culiacan EL SOL DE SINALOA in Spanish 30 Jun 81 Sec B p 2 [Text] Members of the Federal Judicial Police seized 321 grams of heroin and 850 grams of opium gum from six infividuals whom they captured, who had been engaged in operations ranging from the processing of the drugs to their distribution in various locations on the nation's border. Agents attached to the police corps, headed by Manuel Espindola Martinez, second commander of the Federal Judicial Police, succeeded in capturing Gualberto Felix Bedolla, Moises and Silverio Corral Herrera, Faustino Sanchez.Madueno, and Lucio and Pedro Burgos Lugo, who were interconnected in the drug trafficking; and, as a result of the investigation that was conducted, they were apprehended. In making the foregoing announcement, Hector Aviles Castillo, coordinator for Zone 06 of the permanent campaign against drug trafficking, stated that Gualberto Felix Bedolla and Moises Corral Herrera, alias "El Moi", were arrested on a site near the settlement of Los Becos. The former of the two was responsible for processing the opium gum, to convert it into heroin. He said that 178 grams of heroin were seized from the aforementioned persons, and that they also turned over a hydraulic jack, a scale, a pewter pot, two sheet metal pails and a vat of the same material; as well as a press, two plastic receptacles containing a liquid, apparently acid, and another containing ammonium chloride. Another individual arrested was Faustino Sanchez Madueno, who uses the names Cutberto Felix and Jesus Gonzalez Vizcarra, alias "El Tatana", who stated that he had for some time been engaged in the purchase and sale of opium gum, to be processed and distribut- ed in the form of heroin. 2909 CSO: 5330/35 Approved For Release 2005/12/23 : CIA-RDP83M00171 R001500010019-1 Approved For Release 2005/12/23 : CIA-RDP83M00171 R001500010019-1 Culiacan EL SOL DE SINALOA in Spanish 4 Jul 81 Sec B p.6 [Text] The activities involving the destruction of plantations by fumigation and manually declined during June, but, in any event, the personnel from the office of the Attorney General of the Republic have been working untiringly to investigate the cases of drug trafficking that have been discovered, resulting in the arrest of 124 individuals engaged in crimes against health in their various degrees. In making the foregoing statement, Hector Aviles Castillo, coordinator for Zone 06 of the permanent campaign against drug trafficking, noted that, last month, seizures were made of 164 kilograms and 389 grams of opium gum, and 2 kilograms and 517 grams of heroin, which represented a serious blow to the black market for drugs. Aviles Castillo said that the investigations conducted by members of the Federal Judicial Police, and the backing that the Mexican Army has given in all the actions, resulted in the confiscation of 16 kilograms of marihuana seed, and 1 kilogram and 765 grams of poppy seed, as well as 84 grams of cocaine. He added that two clandestine laboratories were destroyed, and five motor vehicles and one small airplane were confiscated, in addition to the seizure of two long- barreled and five short-barreled weapons, with 34 useful cartridges, from the indivi- duals who were arrested, who were using them in the illegal activity in which they were engaged. Commenting on the destruction of plantations, the campaign coordinator said that 43 were fumigated over an area of 5,215 square meters, and 270 plantations, also of poppies, were destroyed manually. 2909 CSO: 5330/35 Approved For Release 2005/12/23 : CIA-RDP83M00171 R001500010019-1 Approved For Release 2005/12/23 : CIA-RDP83M00171 ROO1500010019-1 FORMER CUSTOMS OFFICIAL CAUGHT SUPPLYING MARIHUANA Piedras Negras EL DIARIO DE PIEDRAS NEGRAS in Spanish 30 Jun 81 Sec A pp 2, 3 [Text] Comdr Mario Espinoza, Federal Judicial Police group chief in this port, succeeded in capturing a drug trafficking ring that was attempting to set up a center for the reception and distribution of marihuana in this town. He arrested the head of the ring, as well as four youths who were also responsible for selling the grass, according to Commander Espinoza. The investigations conducted by Mario Espinoza led to the discovery and arrest of the one who was supplying the marihuana, a young man named Jorge Luis Maldonado Siller, a former customs commander at the Mexico City International Airport. The investigations showed that this Jorge Luis Maldonado Siller had sent from Mexico City to Piedras Negras, via Anahuac Buslines, two suitcases containing a shipment of marihuana which he had purchased in Veracruz. Maldonado went by plane to Nuevo Laredo, where it was picked up from him, and went on to Piedras Negras to pick up the cannabis indica, making contact here with his accomplice, Juan Manuel Rebollosa Vielma, alias "El Mariachi," who has this nickname because he works in a musical ensemble. They were also joined by Miguel Valencia Sanchez, alias "El Canguro," from Eagle Pass. They were all engaged in the illegal exporting of marihuana, nearly all of the shipment. They removed only 1.5 kilograms which they distributed in packages called "cans," containing small amounts of marihuana, which they sold for 1,000 pesos apiece. Valencia Sanchez was found to have 500 grams in his possesion, while Maldonado Siller had a similar amount. Arrested in the company of Maldonado Siller was Martin Juarez Castillo, a minor from the state capital. They also confiscated a 1973 Chevrolet Monte Carlo car, owned by Miguel Valencia, as well as a 1980 Caribe VW, with Veracruz license plates, owned by Jorge Luis Maldonado. Jorge Luis Maldonado Siller was said to be a son of the commander who served for several years as head of the customs guards in this port, who now holds that same position in Tuxpan, Veracruz. 2909 CSO: 5330/33 Approved For Release 2005/12/23 : CIA-RDP83MOO171 ROO1500010019-1 Approved For Release 2005/12/23 : CIA-RDP83M00171 ROO1500010019-1 LONG-SOUGHT MARIHUANA TRAFFICKER CAPTURED Nuevo Laredo EL MANANA in Spanish 30 Jun 80 Sec B p 5 [Text] One of the most elusive and dangerous drug traffickers, who operated for years purchasing and exporting drugs to the United States,was arrested by the Federal Judicial Police in compliance with an arrest warrant that existed against him; and after making his preliminary statement, in which he denied the charges,.he was declared officially imprisoned yesterday. Julian Barberena, secretary of the Third. District Court in which penal case No 73-977 was established against Albino Garza Adame, announced that, in the process, the Federal Public Ministry provided sufficient evidence to have him declared officially imprisoned as one presumed guilty of committing a crime against health in the degrees of possession, transportation, trafficking and illegal exporting of marihuana. At the time of the inquiry in which the accused made his preliminary statement, he denied having any connections with the individuals arrested by the Federal Judicial Police in relation to over 4 tons seized near Reynosa, Tamaulipas, and even claimed that, on that date, he was outside of the country. The process in question resulted from the report submitted by the Federal Judicial Police in April 1977, when the agents raided the El Milagro farm in the municipality of Reynosa, Tamaulipas, where they confiscated 59 bags filled with marihuana. The day before, they had exported over 4 tons of cannabis indica to the United States. Arrested on that occasion were Manuel Enriquez Lino, Ramiro Zurita and Rosabel Vazquez Mendoza, who said that Albino Garza Adame had managed to escape, and was one of the guards at the storage place where the marihuana was stored, and was also one of those who had helped to export 59 bags of cannabis indica. 2909 CSO: 5330/33 Approved For Release 2005/12/23 : CIA-RDP83MOO171 ROO1500010019-1 Approved For Release 2005/12/23 : CIA-RDP83M00171 ROO1500010019-1 WOMAN CAUGHT SMUGGLING PILLS INTO JAIL Piedras Negras EL DIARIO DE PIEDRAS NEGRAS in Spanish 22 Jun 81 Sec A.p 2, Sec D p 4 [Text] Yesterday morning, a young woman who was taking "pills" to her husband being held in the municipal jail was arrested, when a matron searching her noticed the drugs and immediately reported it to her superiors. The newspaper EL DIARIO was informed that the woman who attempted to bring in the drugs answers to the name of Margarita Banda Gaytan, and was taking them to her husband, Amado Alvarado, who is serving a sentence of over 20 years. The method by which she tried to bring them in was as follows: She was carrying 150 of the so-called Prodoline pills in the diaper of her little daughter aged 1 year and 7 months; but, when the inspection was made, something odd was noticed about the youngster's diaper. This lady said that this was the second time that she did this, because she had previously brought in 100 of the same pills. She said that her husband sold them in the jail for 10 pesos each, and they cost her 25 pesos for 10 pills. She added that she did not need prescriptions to buy the aforementioned pills, and mentioned several drug stores, including Benevides, People's, Piedras Negras Pharmacy and others that she could not recall, stressing that each one sold them to her without any doctor's prescription. Amado Alvarado failed the second time he attempted to sell 150 pills inside the jail. As his wife stated, last Tursday, visiting day, she brought 100 of the same type of pills in, which were all sold. It was a great business, but this time it failed. The method whereby she brought in the first 100 was to place the plastic bag at her shoulder under her clothing, because the matron did not search that spot. It was Eva Godines who noticed the pills in the diapers. 2909 CSO: 5330/33 Approved For Release 2005/12/23 : CIA-RDP83MOO171 ROO1500010019-1 Approved For Release 2005/12/23 : CIA-RDP83M00171 ROO1500010019-1 FOUR HEROIN TRAFFICKERS CAUGHT--Nogales, 6 Jul --Four drug traffickers from whom 240 grams of heroin were seized have been arrested in Agua Prieta by Federal Judicial Police agents under orders from Comdr Francisco Alejandro Hernandez, and taken to this border, where they were placed at the disposal of the agent of the Federal Public Ministry. The individuals in custody are Rene Sosa Martinez, Arnulfo Morales Romero, Gustavo Fimbres Loera and Ruben Gomez Dorame. Confiscated from them, in addition to the drugs, was a sawed-off shotgun ready for use, several boxes of ammunition of various calibers, a revolver type 22-caliber pistol and two late model vehicles in which they were apparently traveling. The arrest was the result of a painstaking investigation conducted by Federal Judicial Police agents to curb the drug traffic in the jurisdiction of the group headquarters, located in Nogales, according to Commander Hernandez. He added that the drugs were brought . from Culiacan, Sinaloa, to be distributed in Tucson, Phoenix and other locations in the United States. The four men under arrest have criminal records in Mexico and the neighboring country. [Text] [Hermosillo EL IMPARCIAL in Spanish 7 Jul 81 Sec A p 8] 2909 SEIZED MARIHUANA BURNED--Over a ton of marihuana will be burned this Saturday by the commander of the Fourth Military Zone, Gen Juan Manuel Madrigal Magallon. It is the amount seized during the months that have elapsed thus far this year. The drugs were confiscated mainly by the Federal Judicial Police in checks and searches on the railroad, and by members of the Army attached to the Canador Plan. The burning is scheduled for 1100 hours, on the grounds of the Fourth Military Zone, and will be attended, for attestation, by the district judge, Pedro Reyes Colin. Also present will be authorities from the Secretariat of Health and Assistance; the commander of the Federal Judicial Police, Carlos Mondragon Olguin; and the agent of the Federal Public Ministry, Ernesto Avila Triana. The State Judicial Police chief, Carlos Vega Cota, the commander of the crime prevention and municipal traffic police, Alejandro Martinez Tapia, and other officials have been invited to the event. [Text] [Hermo- sillo EL IMPARCIAL in Spanish 3 Jul 81 Sec A p 2] 2909 TRAFFICKERS GIVEN EARLY RELEASE--Virginia Mora Alejo, alias "La Vicky," who was convicted and sentenced to 6 years and 10 months in prison for drug trafficking, obtained her release because that sentence was considered to have been served, according to a decision handed down by the General Directorate of Coordinated Crime Prevention and Social Rehabilitation Services in the country. Authorized personnel from the La Loma prison reported that "La Vicky" was released on 10 July, in compli- ance with official memorandum No 31008, signed by Marcial Flores Reyes, deputy director of crime prevention and social rehabilitation. A reduction of 820 days was made in the final sentence issued by the third district judge in trial 224-976, Approved For Release 2005/12/23 : CIA-RDP83MOO171 ROO1500010019-1 Approved For Release 2005/12/23: CIA-RDP83M00171 ROO1500010019-1 in which another woman, named Maria de la Luz Quiroga, was convicted. Both were tried and sentenced following the investigation conducted by the Federal Public Ministry, when federal agents arrested them for supplying heroin and cocaine to inmates confined in the La Loma prison. [Text] [Nuevo Laredo EL MANANA in Spanish 16 Jul 81 Sec B p 10] 2909 POLICE CLAIM TRAFFICKING REDUCED--Nogales, Sonora, 1 Jul --Today, the Federal Judi- cial Police commander, Francisco Alejandro Hernandez, stated that the campaign against drug trafficking would continue permanently, and that there would be no letup in the battle against those engaged in supplying drugs to addicts in his jurisdiction. He also said, in connection with the surveillance being carried out on the border, that forces from that entity are constantly patrolling the Benjamin Hill-Nogales section of the highway, attempting to discover those coming from the southern part of the republic and trafficking in various types of drugs. He said that the instructions from the attorney general of the republic, Oscar Flores Sanchez, are very clearcut in this regard, and "all of us who are attached to this department are obliged to follow them." Referring specifically to the surveillance on the highway, the Federal Judicial Police commander said that this is a prevention measure which. has brought excellent results in detecting drug traffickers. At the checkpoint, a search is made of travelers acting suspiciously, or those who should be checked on the basis of the identification that they submit, according to the requirements of the job. He added that this has made it possible to cut the drug traffic as much as 50 percent. [Text] [Hermosillo EL IMPARCIAL in Spanish 2 Jul 81 Sec D p 1] 2909 HEROIN LABORATORY DISCOVERED--Mexico City, 18 Jun (NOTIMEX)--Federal agents special- izing in narcotics confiscated over 350 million pesos' worth of drugs from a clandes- tine laboratory in the state of Durango, and at the same time arrested five traffick- ers. After a gun battle in which there were no casualties, in the settlement of Corrales, in the municipality of Tepehuanes, the federal agents arrested one of the leading drug trafficking groups that was supplying drugs to avast area of the American state of Texas. Held in the lockup of the Federal Judicial Police in Durango are the ringleader, Genaro Corral Medina, and Ernesto Montenegro Jimenez, Rutilo Macias Camarillo, Lucio Arambula Corral and Manuel Corral Corral. They seized 7 kilograms of pure heroin, the quality of which would allow it to be cut as many as seven times; hence its high price on the United States black market. [Text] [Piedras Negras EL DIARIO DE PIEDRAS NEGRAS in Spanish 19 Jun 81 pp 1, 2] 2909 DRUG ELIMINATION RESULTS CITED--Mexico City, 29 Jun (INFORMEX)--This morning, Gen Felix Galvan Lopez, secretary of national defense, claimed that, by the end of this year, it may be said that the battle against the planting and trafficking of mari- huana or other drugs will have eliminated 90 percent of those activities from the country. The official, who was interviewed shortly before the opening of the Book Fair by President Lopez Portillo at the Metro's Pino Suarez arcade, said that, to date, 85 percent of the cultivation and trafficking of marihuana, considered to be of the best quality in the underworld, has been eradicated, thanks to the activities of the Condor plan in various parts of the republic. Galvan Lopez added that the remaining 15 percent has become increasingly difficult to eliminate, because the surveillance activities are becoming more isolated, inasmuch as the traffickers are finding better hiding places. However, the Army's activities make it possible to predict that this year, up to 5 percent of that problem may be eliminated owing to the plans of action used by the national defense establishment. He said that, over the past 4 years, many thousands of hectares of poppies and marihuana have been destroyed, and seizures have been made of large volumes of firearms, as well as a high percentage of the drugs which usually go to the other side of the border. [Text] [Nuevo Laredo EL DIARIO DE NUEVO LAREDO in Spanish 30 Jun 81 Sec A p 2] 2909 Approved For Release 2005/12/23 : CIA-RDP83M00171 R001500010019-1 Approved For Release 2005/12/23 : CIA-RDP83M00171 R001500010019-1 MARIHUANA PLANTATIONS DESTROYED--As a result of the constant inspection flights made by the helicopters of the Office of the Attorney General of the Republic in the vicinity of Monterrey, Nuevo Leon, 18 marihuana plantations, covering a total area of approximately 27,-106 square meters, were located and destroyed by fumigation. This announcement was made by the coordinator of the Federal Public Ministry agencies, Carlos Aguilar Garza, who also remarked that a large group of federal agents are conducting the pertinent investigations. On Monday, 16 marihuana plantations were spotted near the settlement of San Antonio Pena Nevada, adjoining Monterrey, Nuevo Leon. It was estimated that the area of those plantations was 26,906 square meters, with a density of eight plants per square meter, and an average plant height of between 50 centimeters and 2 meter's. The pilots from the Office of the Attorney General aboard the XC-COR and XC-FET helicopters proceeded to destroy the plantations by fumigation. Subsequently, on the Guadalupe farm, near the settlement of Potrero Prieto, in the municipality of Montemorelos, Nuevo Leon, two more plantations were discovered, each over an area of 400 square meters, with a density of 12 plants per meter and a plant height of 50 centimeters. [Text] [Nuevo Laredo EL MANANA in Spanish 8 Jul 81 Sec B p 8] 2909 CSO: 5330/35 Approved For Release 2005/12/23 : CIA-RDP83M00171 R001500010019-1 Approved For Release 2005/12/23 : CIA-RDP83M00171 R001500010019-1 GENDARMERIE REPORTS MASSIVE NARCOTICS DISCOVERIES Tehran KEYHAN in Persian 16 Jul 81 p 3 [Text] In a bulletin published by the Office of Public Relations of the Gendarmerie of the Islamic Republic, it was announced that during the first 3 months of this year, close to 8 tons of opium, 33 kilograms of heroin, and more than 221 kg of hashish were discovered by Gendarmerie officials. The chief of antinarcotics operations of the Gendarmerie of the Islamic Republic of Iran announced in a report that from 21 March till 12 July this year various regional officers throughout the country have succeeded in discovering 7,990.696 kg of opium; 7 kg of opium gum; 3 kg of burnt opium [cake], 221.748 kg of hashish; 33.289 kg of heroin, together with arresting 839 culprits whom they turned over to the judicial authorities. In the same report, it was stated that Gendarmerie officials of various regions throughout the country succeeded last year [Mar 80-Mar 81] in discovering 3,962.089 kg of opium; 25 kg of opium gum; 28 kg of burnt opium [cake]; 3,756.684 kg of hashish; and 44.277 kg of heroin, together with arresting 2,080 culprits, making records on. them and turning them over to the judicial authorities. In a bulletin of the Office of Public Relations of the Gendarmerie of the Islamic Republic of Iran, it was also reported that, in addition to the narcotics discovered, a great quantity of other contraband goods was discovered, as follows: 17,200,376 packages of foreign cigarettes; 847,021 meters of cloth; 505,753 items of clothing; 174.451 kg of tea; 36.702 kg of gold items; 4,843 audio-visual instruments, and 38,617 bottles of alcoholic beverages. All these goods have been confiscated and their owners have been legally prosecuted after preliminary investigations. CSO: 4640/52 Approved For Release 2005/12/23 : CIA-RDP83M00171 R001500010019-1 Approved For Release 2005/12/23 : CIA-RDP83M00171 ROO1500010019-1 SECURITY FORCE OFFICERS PUNISHED FOR DIVERSION OF QAT Djibouti LA NATION DE DJIBOUTI in French 9 Jul 81 p 1 [Text] Last Sunday the daily delivery of qat from Ethiopia amounted to 4,500 kg, half of the authorized delivery (8,000 kg). So, higher authorities have decided to seize this delivery which, if it were to be delivered, would cause an excessive increase in the price of a bunch of qat and public disturbances. Part of the merchandise was diverted by National Security Force officers to be sold in the different quarters of the capital and even in the barracks. In a' communique, the minister of the interior stated that after these events were brought to his attention, severe punishment was meted out to these officers. Some 19 civil servants of all grades have been discharged; 14 non-commissioned officers have been demoted and transferred to other services in accordance with the statutes of the National Security Force. The communique of the minister of the interior continues: "In spite of these highly reprehensible acts, it is asked that the population not judge the National Security Force on the shameful behavior of a few persons who are devoid of scruples since the vast majority of the National Security Force condemn this behavior and intend to carry out their mission in the service of Djiboutians and of our country. CSO: 5300/4751 39 Approved For Release` 2005/12/23 : CIA-RDP83MOOl71 R001500010019-1 Approved For Release 2005/12/23 : CIA-RDP83M00171 ROO1500010019-1 COCAINE SMUGGLERS ARRESTED--Acting upon information received from the Canadian police, Vienna police have arrested at a Vienna hotel 31-year-old Tereza Pontes and 33-year-old Dirceu Caralho, two Brazilian citizens. Police discovered 400 grams of cocaine worth about 800,000 shillings in their hotel room. The two Brazilians, members of an international drug smuggling ring, admitted that they brought cocaine to Europe several times before, and that they came through Vienna every time. According to Vienna police, several other members of the international cocaine ring have been arrested in Paris and London. According to a narcotics squad spokesman, Vienna police believe that the cocaine was not to be sold in Austria but in other European countries. Vienna DIE PRESS STAT CSO: 5300/2405 Approved For Release 2005/12/23 : CIA-RDP83MOO171 ROO1500010019-1 Approved For Release 2005/12/23 : CIA-RDP83M00171 ROO1500010019-1 NEW CONTROLLED SUBSTANCES LAW RESTRICTS MORE DRUGS Helsinki UUSI SUOMI in Finnish 2 Jul 81 p 3 [Article: "New Drug Statute in Effect, Sleeping Pills Require Prescription"] [Text] Sleeping pills can no longer be obtained without a prescription under any circumstances. The street trade in drugs affecting psychic activity is now ranked with the regu- lar drug trade. These are the most significant innovations in the controlled substances law, which went into effect yesterday. "The premise for this reform has a 10-year background. An agreement on the hand- ling of psychotropic substances was concluded in the United Nations in 1971. The primary purpose of this agreement was to improve supervision in the trade occuring in developing countries," states Chief Physician Juhana Idanpaan-Heikkila of the Central Medical Board. "Finland has ratified this agreement, and its stipulations are now coming up at the statute level. A statute would thus have an effect elsewhere than Finland." However, the statute will contain stipulations which will also affect Finland. Sleeping pills will be removed from over-the-counter market. A doctor's pres- cription will be needed in order to obtain them. "In Finland 4-5 million tablets have been sold over the counter annually. This, change in the statute will not increase the work load of doctors," emphasizes Chief Physician Idanpaan-Heikkila. Finland chose a course in carrying out the reform that was different from that of the other Nordic countries. Instructions concerning the handling of drugs were changed from problem to problem until the situation coincided with the stipulations of the agreement. Only after the guidelines were changed, was the statute reformed to correspond with adopted practice. Approved For Release 2005/12/23 : CIA-RDP83MOO171 ROO1500010019-1 Approved For Release 2005/12/23 : CIA-RbP83M00171 RO01500010019-1 Finland's system of dealing with medicine and drugs was used as an example for physicions of developing countries at WHO seminar. The seminar took place in Finland in June. A- its conclusion a manuscript was prepared, which is intended as a handbook to be used primarily by developing countries. A large amount of material from Finnish practice with respect to drugs was the basis of the hand- book. Statute Will Clarify the Work of Druggists "Supervision in pharmacies will become more effective and more accurate books will be kept," states registered pharmacist Irja Heinanen of the Association of Pharama- cists in talking about the effect of the new statute. "Sleeping pills can no longer be obtained without. a. prescription. People suffering from insomnia have previously been urged to seel'the help of a doctor." Responsibility of Doctors to Increase "The new practice is apparently unavoidable as a control measure," states General Manager Tapani Kosonen of the Finnish Medical Association. "Naturally, increasing the number of drugs requiring a prescription can also af- fect the work load of physicians, but in this case it is doubtful that the increase will be significant. "At least, the expertise of a physician will perhaps not be needed." 10576 CSO: 5300/2393 Approved For Release 2005/12/23 : CIA-RDP83M00171 R001500010019-1 Approved For Release 2005/12/23 : CIA-RDP83M00171 ROO1500010019-1 PHARMACY THEFT ARRESTS--On Wednesday the Narcotics Section of the Helsinki Criminal Police jailed two men who broke into a Lauttasaari pharmacy on the evening between 23 and 24 June. The men seized large amounts of tranquilizers as well as a small amount of money from the pharmacy. The men were arrested near the pharmacy imme- diately after their break-in, and the stolen property was confiscated by the authorities in its entirety. One of the individuals is known to the police from a similar type of violation. Both the men were born in 1954 and declared their occupation as common laborers. [Text] [Helsinki WSI SUOMI in Finnish 2 Jul 81 p 6] 10576 CSO: 5300/2393 Approved For Release 2005/12/23 : CIA-RDP83MOO171 ROO1500010019-1 Approved For Release 2005/12/23 : CIA-RDP83M00171 R001500010019-1 LOAN AUTHORITY STOPS FUNDS TO STUDENTS TIED TO DRUGS Stockholm SVENSKA DAGBLADET in Swedish 6 Jul 81 p 7 [Article by Barbro Westman Tullus] [Text] Those taking a correspondence course at the state school for adults in Norrkoping will no longer be entitled to study funds under the recommendation by the Central Study Subsidy Board (CSN) in its next report on estimated expenditures. The reason is that CSN has discovered that correspondence students use the money to a large extent to purchase narcotics. "We don't know how much abuse there is. But we do know it is extensive enough for us to recommend cutting off study funds," said Billy Olsson, head of CSN. "There are now around 1000 students associated with the school who study by correspondence alone. Some of them are in jail. "It is all wrong for inmates to be able to get 24,000 kronor a year when they have no expenses for food and housing. And the studies are free." CSN intends to crack down hard on students who let study funds go to buy drugs. "It is very disturbing to know that study funds are helping to finance the nar- cotics trade. It will be our main task next year to try to put a stop to this." Billy Olsson and his colleagues have begun to work with narcotics police forces around the country to find out how extensive narcotics deals with study funds are. Recently they took part in a conference with narcotics investigators for the pur- pose of exchanging experiences and finding out which methods the cheaters use. CSN suspects that millions of kronor in study funds are spent on drugs. "In the Kalmar police district, for example, we know that 400,000 kronor in study funds went to narcotics--in a single year. And those are just cases people knew about. The abuse must be much larger than that. Approved For Release 2005/12/23 : CIA-RDP83M00171 R001500010019-1 Approved For Release 2005/12/23 : CIA-RDP83M00171 ROO1500010019-1 "The serious part of it is that people don't just buy drugs for themselves with the study funds. They also drag new young people into narcotics abuse. Study funds are paid out in amounts of 5-6000 kronor at a time, enough to buy and resell a batch of cannabis." Most of the students at the state school for adults in Norrkoping will not be affected by the cut-off of study funds. They combine correspondence study with instruction at the school in some periods. It is much harder for students with personal contact with the school to get money fraudulently. Recently a woman taking a correspondence course in Norrkoping was exposed. She had received about 200,000 taking care of the "studies" of 9 "students." The woman applied for study funds on their behalf. She let her "students" keep half the sum and took the other half herself. She then filled out their school assignments. Handicapped students or others with special reasons for studying through corre- spondence alone will continue to receive study funds, CSN recommended. 6578 CSO: 5300/2398 Approved For Release 2005/12/23 : CIA-RDP83MOO171 ROO1500010019-1 Approved For Release 2005/12/23 : CIA-RDP83M00171 R001500010019-1 PRISON OFFICIALS WORRIED ABOUT DRUGS PROBLEM Stockholm SVENSKA DAGBLADET in. Swedish 3 Jul 81 p 7 [Article by Willy Silberstein] [Text] Death from narcotics has reached behind prison walls. A 33-year-old in- mate at the Norrtalje facility was found dead in his cell--of an overdose of heroin. "It is impossible to get rid of narcotics in the jails," responsible authorities said. The 33-year-old inmate, sentenced for fraud and narcotics violations, was locked into his cell as usual at 2000 hours Tuesday night. When the cell was unlocked the next morning the man lay on the floor. Judging by the position of his body he had tried to call for help but none of the personnel had heard him. The ambulance people summoned to the jail could only say that the man had been dead for several hours. An empty syringe lay on the nightstand. No tests have yet been made of the con- tents but there is every indication heroin was involved. The risk of an overdose is greater behind walls. A person who has been addicted to drugs for a long period takes larger doses. If he is then kept away from nar- cotics for a while in jail his body tolerates smaller amounts. If the addict takes as much as he used to it is often too much for his body. Naturally no one knows for sure how much narcotics can be found in the nation's jails. But all agree that we are talking about large quantities. "There are so many drugs here that the situation can't be exaggerated," said Knut Hast, head of the Norrtalje jail where the death occurred. Anyone who wants drugs and has the money for them can get an injection. Approved For Release 2005/12/23 : CIA-RDP83M00171 R001500010019-1 Approved For Release 2005/12/23 : CIA-RDP83M00171 R001500010019-1 Injections or Lacemaking "We have people here who have been addicts for many years. When they face the choice behind the walls of an injection of heroin or an ABF [Workers' Educational Association] course in lacemaking it is understandable that they remain addicted to drugs," Knut Hast said. The jails are trying to get hold of the drugs by such things as searching the clothing of visitors and making spot checks of inmates. But they are looking for what are often very small amounts, perhaps a few grams of a powder, so they are fighting a hopeless battle. According to Sven Fischier, director general of the Criminal Care Board the latest attempts to limit narcotics behind the walls have been unavailing. There has been no reduction in the amount of drugs in the nation's jails. "We have after all decided not to carry out criminal custody by isolating the inmates from society. Unfortunately we must then realize that drugs can be smuggled in by visitors or brought into the jail after a leave," said Sven Fis- chier. Unfortunate Mixing Several responsible people with. whom we were in contact talked about the need for more differentiation. It is wrong to mix narcotics dealers in jail with other criminals--who are often their customers. '.'Therefore we would prefer to isolate notorious narcotics dealers to a greater extent so we can keep a better eye on them," Sven Fischier said. 6578 CSO: 5300/2398 Approved For Release 2005/12/23 : CIA-RDP83M00171 R001500010019-1