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ILLEGIB Approved For Release 2002/11/15 : CIA-RDP78TO5439A000400350028-3 Approved For Release 2002/11/15 : CIA-RDP78TO5439A000400350028-3 Scientific Intelligence Research Aid SECRET N? 206 The Soviet Bioastronautic Research and Manned Space Program Organization, Personalities, and Facilities OSI-RA/64-4 22 December 1964 Office of Scientific Intelligence SECRET This compilation of basic data on the Soviet space program covers research institutes, cosmonaut training facilities, and sites for subsystem and capsule development. A discussion of the possible command 'structure of the program, along with the key people involved in Me planning and research for the manned space program, is included. A summary of some im- portant aims of Soviet bioastronautic research and develop- ment, along with some assessment of the extent and caliber of this work, is also provided. Available evidence concerning research and development trends which can relate to Soviet space objectives or emphasis is supplied. This paper is based on all information that is presently available. The cutoff date for the information is 1 September 1964. CONTENTS PREFACE . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . iii PROBLEM . . . . ? . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1 DISCUSSION . . . . . . . ? ? ? . ? ? . ? ? ? 2 Organization of the program . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2 Support facilities . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4 Aviation medical support facilities . . . . . . . . . . 4 Ministry of Defense . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4 Ministry of Health . . . . . . . . . . . . o . . . 5 Training and spacecraft development sites . . . . 5 Cosmonaut Training Center . . . . . . . . . . . . 6 Tomilino facility . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6 Central Aerohydrodynamics Institute . . . . . . . . 9 Zhukovskiy Air Engineering, Academy . . . . . . . 10 Other facilities . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10 Soviets involved in cosmonaut training . . . . . . . 11 Research institutes and facilities . . . . . . . . . . . 11 Academy of Medical Sciences, USSR . . . . . . . . 11 Institute of Normal and Pathological Physiology . . 11 Institute of Experimental Biology . . . . . . . . 13 Institute of Labor Hygiene and Occupational Diseases . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 14 Other institutes . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 15 Academy of Sciences, USSR . . . . . . . . . . . . 15 Institute of Biological Physics . . . . . . . . . . 15 Institute of Cytology . . . . . . . . . . ... . . 16 Institute of Microbiology . . . . . . . . . . . . 17 Institute of Physiology imeni I. P. Pavlov . . . . . 18 Institute of Plant Physiology imeni K. A. Timiryazev 20 Other institutes . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 21 Ministry of Health, USSR and RSFSR . . . . . . . 22 Institute of Biophysics . . . . . . . . . . . . . 22 Other institutes 22 Facilities of the Moscow State University imeni M. V. Lomonosov . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 22 Bioastronautic research and development . . . . . . . . 23 Exobiology . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 23 Biotelemetry . . . .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 24 Environmental and life-support systems . . . . . . . . 25 CONTENTS (Continued) Page Weightlessness . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 27 Acceleration . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 28 Radiation . . . . . 28 Other physiological and psychological problems . . . . 30 APPENDIX - Scientists Involved in the Soviet Bioastro- nautic and Manned Space Program . 31 UNCLASSIFIED REFERENCES . . . . . . . . . . . . . 43 Soviet ?Bioastronautic Personalities by Institute Affiliation 41 Following Page 1. Nikolayev possibly reporting to the Chairman of the State Commission prior to the launch of Vostok 3 . . . 4 2. Meeting of State Commission affirming Gagarin's selec- tion for flight of Vostok 1 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4 3. Organizations concerned with' Soviet Bioastronautic Re- search and Manned Space Program . . . . . . . . . 4 4. Al. V. Keldysh at cosmodrome before launch of Popovich in Vostok 4 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4 5. Biomedical conference at time of Gagarin's flight . . . 4 6. O. G. Gazenko participating in Vostoks 5 and 6 flight . 6 7. Scientific Research Testing Institute of Aviation Medi- cine (NIIIAM), Moscow . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6 8. Centrifuge probably at NIIIAM used in the training of dogs for space flight . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6 9. Titov training on wheel at Cosmonaut. Training Center 6 10. Training under weightless conditions in aircraft . . 6 11. Isolation chamber used in cosmonaut training . . . . 6 12. Bykovskiy and Tereshkova (cosmonauts 5 and 6) during vestibular training . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6 FIGURES (Continued) Following Page 13. Rotor used in cosmonaut training . . . . . . . . . . 6 14. Titov in Vostok cabin simulator . . . . . . . . . 6 15. Ejection test stand identical to stand at Tomilino . . . 6 16. Facilities of aerospace research test area (Alekseyev's OKB-Plant 1052) at Tomilino . . . . . . . . . . . 8 17. Location and outline of Tomilino Complex . . . . . . 8 18. Gagarin in centrifuge at Tomilino . . . . . . . . . . 8 19. Closeup of centrifuge al`rn1 at Tomilino . . . . . . . 8 20. Tereshkova entering Swedish-built centrifuge . . . . . 10 21. Swedish-built centrifuge in operation . . . . . . . . 10 22. Soviet cosmonaut training facilities . ... . . . . . . 10 23. Model kasin at Old TsAGI . . . . . . . ... . . . . . 10 24. Man wearing space suit and helmet being pulled through model basin . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10 25. Marshal Vershinin at briefing of candidates for cosmo- naut training before Gagarin's flight . . . . . . _ . . 12 26. Original group of cosmonauts with Marshal Vershinin . 12 27. Certain Soviet institutes and facilities involved in bio- astronautic research and the manned space program . . 12 28. a. Babskiy in his laboratory at the Institute of Therapy 12 b. Babskiy participating in physiological monitoring of Titov (cosmonat?~ 2) . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12 29. V. N. Chernigovskiy . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 30 30. G. M. Frank . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 30 31. O. G. Gazenko . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 30 32. A. A. Imshcnetskiy . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 30 33. V. V. Parin . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 30 34. N. M. Sisakyan . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 30 35. V. I. Yazdovskiy . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 30 THE SOVIET BIOASTRONAUTIC RESEARCH AND MANNED SPACE PROGRAM ORGANIZATION, PERSONALITIES, AND FACILITIES PROBLEM 0 To collate data on the organization, personalitie., and fa- cilities involved in the Soviet bioastronautic research and manned space program. Responsibility for the direction of the So- viet space program apparently rests with an unknown authority directly under the Coun- cil of Ministers, USSR. Subsystem, space suit, and capsule development is largely the responsibility of the State Committee for Aviation Technology (GKAT). The Academy of Sciences, USSR, the Academy of Medical Sciences, USSR, and the Soviet Air Force pro- vide basic research support for the program. Cosmonauts are trained by the Soviet Air Force, and the operational handling of the launching of the space vehicle is the respon- sibility of the Strategic Rocket Forces. The Chief Scientific Secretary of the Academy of Sciences, N. M. Sisakyan, is head of the bio- astronautics or life-science aspects of the So- viet space program. Important roles also are played by M. V. Keldysh, who has been called the "Chief Theoretician"; V. V. Pax-in, in bio- medical research support; V. I. Yazdovskiy, in the applied aspects of the program and cosmonaut training; and V. N. Chernigovskiy, in experimental physiology and coordination between the Academy of Sciences and Acad- emy of Medical Sciences: The Commission on Exploration and Utilization of Cosmic Space (CEUS), chaired by A. A. Blagonrovov, sup- ports and coordinates Soviet space scientific activities. The Soviets have used at least five aviation medical facilities (four of which are under the Ministry of Defense, USSR) in support of their manned space effort. The cosmonaut training facilities which have been identified are in the vicinity of Moscow. The training center is located in the Chkalovskaya-Monino area. Much of the theoretical training of the cosmonaut is at the Zhukovskiy Air Engineer- ing Academy. A facility at Tomilino is con- cerned with the development of the space suit and an ejection system for cosmonaut re- covery, and with the physiological testing of SECRET Approved For Release 12002/11/15 : CIA-RDP78T054 9A000400350028-3 cosmonauts under conditions of stress by using the centrifuge and pressure chamber. The Central Aerohydrodynamics Institute (TsAGI) at Zhukovskiy probably is involved in the subsystem and space-capsule develop- ment; the branch of TsAGI at Moscow has tested the Soviet space suit. Bioastronautic research supporting the So- viet space program is carried out at over 30 research institutes and facilities of the Acad- emy of Sciences, USSR; the Academy of Med- ical Sciences, USSR; the Ministry of Health: and Moscow State University. A key insti- tute is the Institute of Normal and Pathologi- cal Physiology, Academy of Medical Sciences, which is involved in the development of bio- instrumentation for monitoring cosmonauts and in research relating to the environmental and life-support systems and pressure suits. Among the important scientists engaged in this work are G. M. Frank in radiobiology, A. A. Imshenetskiy in exobiology, 0. G. Ga- zenko in the environmental and life-support systems, and several of the younger scientists, such as V. V. Antipov and A. A. Gyurdzhian. The Soviets have supported their manned space effort with a program of research and development in such areas as bioinstrumen- tation, life-support and environmental control systems, exobiology, and the hazards of space flight (weightlessness, acceleration, and radi- ation). An early research effort and flight testing of equipment during the animal space flights resulted in?the experience and equip- ment which have been used in the Vostok manned flights. 0 DISCUSSION ORGANIZATION OF THE PROGRAM The directing. authority for the Soviet. space program is considered to be under the Council of Ministers, USSR. Very little information is available concerning the existence or mem- bership of such an authority. The Soviets do refer to a "State Commission charged to di- rect the new long manned space flight" or "the ,State Commission for the launching of the spaceship 'Vostok.' " (See figure 1.) This State Commission probably has both a de- cision-making and an operational authority for manned space flights. The following Soviets may have some role in the decision-making process in the Soviet space program: D. F. Ustinov, now First Dep- uty Chairman, Council of Ministers, USSR, and the Chairman of the Supreme National Economic Council, USSR; K. N. Rudnev, Dep- uty Chairman of the Council of Ministers and Chairman of the State Committee for Coordi- nation of Scientific Research; and L. V. Smir- nov, Deputy Chairman of the Council of Min- isters,. USSR. All have been associated with the defense industry and armaments produc- tion and technology. In 1961, both Ustinov and Rudnev received awards for rocketry and manned space flight achievements. At that time, Rudnev had been Chairman of the State Committee for Defense Technology and Usti- nov had been a Deputy Chairman of the Coun- cil of Ministers with his role as deputy de- scribed recently by N. S. Khrushchev as "re- sponsible for the defense industry." There was some speculation previously that Ustinov may have served as chief of a state committee for missiles and space. The operational handling for the launching of the space vehicle is the responsibility of the Strategic Rocket Forces. At the time of Ga- garin's selection as cosmonaut for the first manned space flight, a meeting was held of the "State Commission for the launching of the spaceship 'Vostok.' " At that time, movies recorded the affirmation of Gagarin's selec- tion. Photographs available from a movie that apparently was taken during that same selection period reveal Marshal K. S. Moska- lenko, then Commander-in-Chief of Rocket SECRET 2 Forces, and USSR Deputy Minister of Defense, at one end of the table with V. I. Yazdovskiy and probably Admiral S. G. Gorshkov and Lt. General N. P. Kamanin along with cosmonaut Gagarin and his backup Titov. (See figure 2.) For this flight the Chairman of the State Commission was said to have arrived at the cosmodrome (i.e. Tyuratam) from Moscow 6 days before the flight. The first deputy chairman of the State Committee for Aviation Technology (GKAT), S. M. Leshchenko, has been identified as hav- ing a coordinating role for GKAT space activi- ties. GKAT has an important role also fn the development of the environmental and life-support subsystems, the space suit, and the space capsule. Coordinating and basic research support for these activities is a func- tion of the Academy of Sciences, USSR; the Academy of Medical Sciences, USSR; and the Soviet Air Force. All indications are that cosmonaut training is under the control of the Air Force. (See figure 3.) N. M. Sisakyan is the head of the life science or bioastronautic aspects of the Soviet space program. Formerly Academician Secretary of the Department of Biological Sciences, he was named in 1963 Chief Scientific Secretary of the Academy of Sciences, USSR. Within the presidium level of the Academy is M. V. Keldysh, Academy President, who has been identified as the "Chief Theoretician," behind the Gagarin flight. (See figure 4.) Under the Academy of Sciences is the Commission on Exploration and Utilization of Cosmic Space (CEUS) whose chairman is A. A. Bla- gonravov; the Scientific Secretary is I. V. Milovidov. This is not considered to be a policy-making body, but rather its function is one of supporting and coordinating Soviet space activities. Recently, the role of the In- stitute of Machine Studies directed by Blagon- ravov has been described. Its work has in- cluded the development of the pressurization of the Vostok capsule, various prosthetic de- vices, and work on a prototype device employ- ing the hard-suit concept for cosmonaut ac- tivity outside the space capsule. Blagonravov also has played an important role in the pre- liminary arrangements for the US-USSR co- operative agreement in the area of bioastro- nautics. Just below Sisakyan is V. V. Parin, Vice President of the Academy of Medical Sciences, USSR, and Director of the Institute of Normal and Pathological Physiology. Part is re- sponsible for basic biomedical research sup- port of the manned space program. In addi- tion, his Institute has been named the lead- ing institute for, cardiovascular physiology in the USSR. Cardiovascular research may well play a key role in the manned space program in the future because the Soviets have re- ported that the cosmonauts have experienced post-flight cardiovascular problems (ortho- static hypotension) and general cardiovascu- lar deconditioning during flight, and have in- dicated concern for cosmonaut reentry after prolonged orbital flight. On the same level with Parin is V. I. Yazdovskiy, who is con- cerned with the applied aspects of the pro- gram. (See figure 5.) Described as Chief of Medical Services of the manned space pro- gram with responsibility in selection and ap- proval of cosmonauts, Yazdovskiy is the mili- tary physician who is knowledgeable also in engineering and is directly involved with the hardware needed in the program. Direct con- tact is maintained between Yazdovskiy and Parin not only at the research level but also in the development and application of equip- ment such as that used in the cardiovascular monitoring of cosmonauts. Communication between. the Academy of Sciences and the Academy of Medical Sciences probably is handled by V. N. Chernigovskiy. Chernigov- skiy, a leading physiologist in the USSR, was one of those who was responsible for the early animal space flights. He is said to be about on the same level as Parin and Yazdovskiy in relation to the Soviet manned space effort. In addition to being an active member of the Academy of Medical Sciences and the Acad- emy ? of Sciences, USSR, he is represented within the Presidium of the Academy of Sci- ences as Academician Secretary of the De- partment of Physiology. Key personalities who have important re- sponsibilities in the Soviet manned space pro- gram are G. M. Frank, Director of the Insti- tute of Biological Physics, Academy of Sci- ences, USSR, whose field is radiobiology; A. A. Imshenetskiy, Director of the Institute of Microbiology, who is consulted in matters re- lating to exobiology; O. G. Gazenko, who is involved in the evaluation and development of environmental and life support syste;ns (see figure 6) ; and Chernigovskiy who is a key man in the field of experimental physiology. Detailed information on the key personalities who have important responsibilities in the So- viet manned space program appears in the appendix.'-12 (See figures 29-35.) Aviation Medical Support Facilities At least five aviation medical facilities are supporting or have supported the Soviet bio- astronautic and manned space program. Three of them are under the Ministry of De- fense, USSR: (i) the Scientific Research Test- ing Institute of Aviation Medicine, Moscow; (ii) the Central Scientific Research Aviation Hospital, Moscow; and (iii) the Military Med- ical Academy imeni S. M. Kirov, Leningrad. The Central Institute for the Advanced Train- inaef Physicians in Moscow is under the Min- istry of Health, USSR. The Scientific Re- search Institute of Aviation Hygiene at Chka- lovskaya is probably also under the Ministry of Defense. Detailed information concern- ing the facilities follows. Ministry of Defense Scientific Research Testing Institute of Aviation Medicine,* Moscow - The Scientific Research Testing Institute of Aviation Medi- cine (I IIIAM) was organized about 1946 as the primary Soviet facility devoted to space medicine. (See figure 7.) (The Institute of Avi- 'Alternate names include the Central Scientific Research Institute of Aviation Medicine, the Insti- tute of Aviation Medicine imeni Pavlov, the Insti- tute of Aviation Medicine, the Scientific Research Testing Institute of Aviation Medicine of the Soviet Air Force, and the Institute of Cosmic Medicine. ation Medicine which had been set up in 1935 was closed during World War II.) NIIIAM has conducted experimental studies and equipment development in the various areas of aeromedical research, including the devel- opment of a pressure suit and oxygen equip- ment, studies on the effects of decompression on the human organism, and research con- cerning stress effects (vibration, acceleration, and so on) on the nervous system, vestibular apparatus, and visual acuity of the human. In addition, it was this institute that prob- ably trained the dogs for space flight. NIIIAM is equipped with an underground pressure chamber, a human centrifuge, an ejection test stand, and at one time had some 80 doctors, 12 aeronautical engineers and from 5 to 7 test pilots conducting research here. There is almost no additional information concerning personnel and research conducted at this Institute since 1959. However, the di- rector of the institute between 1956 and 1959 was A. V. Pokrovskiy, author and spokesman concerning many of the effects on animals during the early rocket flights _ in the upper atmosphere. (See figure 8.) The present di- rector of NIIIAM is unknown, but there is some suggestion that the institute receives research guidance from V. V. Parin. Departments and laboratories at this insti- tute in the 1946-59 period were: 1. Physiology Department - Head : A. G. Kuznetsov, and possibly now headed by O. G. Gazenko 2. Clinical or Psychology Department - Head: K. K. Platonov 3. Research Department for Testing Resist- ance of the Organism to Stress. This depart- ment was co-located in 1946 at NII VVS, Chkalovskaya and at the Koltsovo aerodrome near Sverdlovsk. It was to be moved some- time after 1946 to Monino 4. Acceleration Laboratory -Head: P. K. Isakov 5. Laboratory for High-Altitude Research - Head: I. Ya. Borshchevskiy Figure 1. Nikolayev possibly reporting to the Chairman of the State Commission prior- to the IauricPi of Vostok 3 Marshal K. S.Moskalenko,then the Commander in chief of the Strategic Rocket Forces. is the man at the head of the table with cosmonauts Gagarin and Titov shown on the far right. V. I. Yazdovskiy,chief of Medical Services is to the left of Gagarin. Going right to left are Lt. General Kamanin and Admiral S. G_ Gorshkov. Figure 2. Meeting of State Commission affirming Gagorin's sclcctic n for flight of Vostok 1 ORGANIZATIONS CONCERNED WITH SOVIkT BIOASTRONAUTIC RESEARCH AND MANNED SPACE PROGRAM CENTRAL COMMITTEE CSPU 0 .,.C?sv AND 5EC SIECIAUIED EEOXNIN ACADEMY OF MEDICAL SCIENCES SISAK YAN (~ERVGG:4I 4oMMISSION FOR IXPtOIATION AND UTILIZATION OF COSMIC SPArr 9kI!IC SPfctlIC SP(CINC INSTITUTES INStITU1tS INSTITUTIS R.1(RIOCYING DIRECTORATE COUNCIL Of MINISTERS HYPG1 Mt I IC AI SPACI GP P VST:'.OV SIi PREME CO-1.L . tit OF r.A ilOLA; !CC M? Iv[ACV DEMENTYEV AUDN(V SlAlt COM lTTl1 OMA VO 51A1t COAUtllttt STATE COMMITTEE fUR COGRDNAIIOr. . (OR L(fi USE FO AVIATION Ot SCIENTIRC f~OSPIFH tlCnN010Gr GAOL TECHNOlOOY ICdAT1 R(5lA RCn MORE KOROIEV' NII-RI SPI CIfIC I AUUIrt 5 SECRET XIYIOV STRATEGIC ROCKFT EOICIS VEASNININ All 101i AIRUMILII(AI A'I TRAIIIINC FAC It Tit, C. r ;..IC' 0AGAr..(AT~:O Al N+OI.IML'.T e" CONFIDENTIAL Figure 4. M. V. Keldysh at cosmodrome before launch of Popovich in Vostok 4 Facing the camera, left to right, V. V. Parin, N. M. Sisakyan, J and V. 1. Yazdovskiy. Seated next to Parin is Ye. B. Babskiy. Figure 5. Biomedical conference at time of Gagarin's flight CONFIDENTIAL The following personnel have been located at NIIIAM in addition to the above: V. V. Baranovskiy, G. A. Demedov, Ye. A. Derev- yanko, O. G. Gazenko, D. I. Ivanov, P. N. Ivanov, A. A. Koreshkov, T. I. Lepenitsyna, V. G. Lerent'yev, V. B. Malkin, S. S. Markar- yan, Yu. P. Petrov, R. A. Stasevich, G. G. Sturua, S. I. Subbotnik, M. I. Vakar, A. S. Vitenzon. Those who have been associated with NIIIAM include I. S. Balakhovskiy, .6. V. Demedov, A. Ye. Ivanov, L. A. Mokhov, ? and N. V. Samukhin. Central Scientific Research Aviation Hospi- tal, Moscow-During World War II, the Clinical Department of the Scientific Re- search Testing Institute of Aviation Medicine (NIIIAM) was converted into the Central Sci- entific Research Aviation Hospital (TsNIAG), which was involved in a system for evacuation and the care of flight personnel and the train- ing of military flight surgeons. This facility also undertook studies directed toward the scientific elaboration of problems and criteria in the medical examination and selection of flight personnel. K. K. Platonov probably worked there during the war; during the post- war period this facility may have been incor- porated again into the clinical department of NIIIAM with K. K. Platonov as head. This also may be the facility at which Titov states he underwent his initial examinations for cos- monaut selection. The present director is un- known. Other personnel at TsNIAG include A. Ya. Kavyrshin, Captain B. L. Pokrovskiy, and A. S. Usanov. Military Medical Academy imeni S. M. Kirov, Leningrad - Primarily a training and advanced training institution for military medical cadres, the Military Medical Acad- emy imeni S. M. Kirov in Leningrad is one, of the foremost medical institutions of the USSR, both because of the character of mili- tary medical training it conducts, and because of its tradition as an important center of re- search. In 1943, a laboratory of aviation medicine was organized at the Chair of Physi- ology of the Military Medical Academy imeni S. M. Kirov headed by M. P. Brestkin and under the guidance of L. A. Orbeli. Research has been conducted in such areas as the ef- fect of phenamine on vision at reduced baro- metric pressure, and physiological problems encountered in hypoxia and high altitude. The director is A. A. Sinitsky. Other per- sonnel who have been identified with the in- stitute and have published in the field of space medicine are R. M. Bayevskiy, Ye. A. Kova- lenko, V. G. Petrukhin, V. I. Polyakov, A. N. Razumeyev, P. V. Vasil'yev, A. V. Yeremin, and A. G. Zhironkin. Scientific Research Institute of Aviation Ily- giene (NIIAG), Chkalovskaya-Alonino - Di- rector: Unknown. Subordination: (Probably Ministry of Defense). Personnel includes Col. V. Ye. Danilov."--: Ministry of Health Central Institute for the Advanced Train- ing of Physicians, Moscow - Along with ad- vanced training of the general physician, ad- vanced medical training of aviation physi- cians takes place at the Central Institute for the Advanced Training of Physicians (TsIUV), along with experimental studies in visual per- ception, anoxia, and physical stress. A De- partment of Aviation Medicine was organized at the Institute in 1939. Personnel who have been identified with the institute and have published in the field of space medicine are R. M. Bayevskiy, I. M. Khazen, G. L. Komendantov, and V. I. Ko- panev. Training and Spacecraft Development Sites Support facilities for training and the de- velopment of spacecraft equipment in the USSR include the Cosmonaut Training Cen- ter in the Monino-Chkalovskaya area, the Sci- entific Testing Institute of the Soviet Air Force at Chkalovskaya. the Tomilino research facility near Moscow, the Central Aerohydro- SECRET F_ -1 dynamics Institute at Zhukovskiy near Ra- menskoye and at Moscow, and the Zhukov- skiy Air Engineering Academy in Moscow. Cosmonaut Training Ccntcr The Cosmonaut Training Center of the USSR is located in the Monino-Chkalovskaya area. Monino has been described as the site of the cosmonaut training camp. This area is the base for the preliminary training of the cosmonaut. Reportedly, the equipment in- cludes that used in the physical training of the cosmonaut such as the rotating wheel and _Irampoline; this facility is said also to have a centrifuge and at least one altitude cham- ber. (See figure 9.) One department of NIIIAM was to have been moved to Monino sometime after 1946; the Aviation Command Academy also is located at Monino. Person- nel of the Academy cannot gain admittance to the cosmonaut area and it is guarded with two security gates. Approximately 20 cosmo- nauts were noted in the secure area at a time early in the training program, along with. numerous physilrians and scientists.:-*-* Little is known about the actual cosmonaut training and available equipment at Chkalov- skaya. However, it is at this site that the cosmonaut maintains his flying skills in the MIG 17 and 21 and is given training under weightless conditions in the especially equipped TU 16 where weightlessness can be achieved for a period of 30 to 40 seconds. (See figure 10.) Reportedly, the cosmonauts live in the nearby town of Chkalovskiy.:"' The Scientific Testing Institute of the So- viet Air Force (NII VVS) also is located at Chkalovskaya (Shchelkovo) and it has been stated that the training and recruitment of candidate cosmonauts is under the direction of NII VVS. The equipment which has been reported at this facility includes more than one pressure chamber, a human centrifuge, and an ejection seat catapult.:'-' Additional training equipment described by the Soviets, and which may be located at the Center, include an isolation or silence cham- ber, equipment for vestibular training, and flight simulators or trainers. The isolation chamber is a pressure chamber with a total volume of 7 cubic meters equipped for main- taining a man for from 2 to 4 weeks. (See figure 11.) Some additional training in iso- lation is obtained in the Vostok-type cabin. Some of the standard equipment used for vestibular conditioning consists of the Barany chair, the Khilov swing, and a three-dimen- sional rotor which moves horizontally, verti- cally, and diagonally.:' (See figures 12 and 13.) The early cosmonauts were trained in the Vostok cabin under simulated flight condi- tions. (See figures 14 and 15.) A Vostok- type spacecraft used in the flight of Zvez- dochka (Sputnik 10) in March 1961 was sent to the Center for training purposes. This de- vice also was used to obtain the basic, physio- logical background data on the cosmonaut during final preparation for flight and under the required flight parameters of pressure, humidity, and temperature for at least one diurnal cycle. Individual adjustments of the space suit were made along with final prepa- ration for the attachment of electrodes and sensing elements for the physiological mon- itoring of the cosmonaut during flight.'"" More recently, simulated flight training also has been conducted by using the Vostok 4 spacecraft of Popovich. This is used as a pro- grammed flight simulator for the training of the cosmonaut in the simulated flight con- ditions of (i) noise during launch. (ii) com- municating with the ground, (iii) checking of the spacecraft instruments and systems, (iv) orienting the spacecraft manually, (v) carrying out programmed tasks, (vi) deter- mining position by using displays of the star fields and the earth, and (vii) making the necessary preparations for reentry of the spacecraft after orbital flight.,' Tonzilino Facility Tomilino, a research area using Post Office Box 1052 is located near Moscow. The chief of the facility is S. M. Alekseyev, the deputy chief is F. I. Gibkiy, and the chief medical SECRET 6 SECRET Figure 7. Scientific Research Testing Institute of Aviation Medicine (NIIIAMI. M~ cow Figure 8 Centrifuge probably at NIIIAM used in the training of dogs for space flight SECRET Figure 10. Training under weightless conditions in aircraft f J Figure 11. ,solation chamber used in cosmonaut training CONFIDENTIAL Figure 12. Bykovskiy and Tereshkovo (cosmonauts 5 and 61 during vestibular training Figure 13. Rotor used in cosmonaut training CONFIDENTIAL SECRET Figure 14, Titov in Vostok cabin simulator Figure 15. Ejection test stand identical to stand at Tomilino officer is probably A. S. Barer or possibly A. V. Pokrovskiy. The facility is concerned with the development of the space suit, the ejec- tion system for cosmonaut recovery, and the physiological testing of humans under condi- tions of stress. Expansion of the Tomilino facilities appears to have begun in the latter part of 1960. (See figure 16.) There are three research areas reportedly located at Tomilino; the, area. of Tupolev, the aircraft designer; the area of Mil', the heli- copter designer ; and, the Tomilino area (Area A) for aerospace research. (See figure 17.) The latter area is the only secured area. Equipment at the Tomilino aerospace research area includes a centrifuge used by the previ- ous cosmonauts in acceleration training and testing while wearing the pressure suit, an ejection test stand where testing of an ejec- tion seat was observed "see figure 15), and a possible propellant test stand for the de- velopment of the rocket ejection system. In addition, the installation of a pressure cham- ber was initiated in 1963. Several smaller pressure chambers apparently are also located at this site .41-47, The centrifuge at Tomilino was purchased from West German manufacturers and ac- cepted as operational early in March 1961. Gagarin went to Tomilino shortly before his orbital flight and was tested on the centri- fuge. (See figure 18.) However, this centri- fuge could not have been available for any extensive training before Gagarin's flight in Vostok 1 on 12 April 1961. Pressure continu- ally was exerted, however, for early installa- tion of the centrifuge and the need for it was described as urgent. Modification of the centrifuge was requested and made after the acceptance date with a change from the usual 8-G capacity to a higher acceleration force of 30 G's. The possible reason for the Soviet request is that abort profiles for simulating emergency and escape conditions may require acceleration up to 30 G's with average-rate- of-change of acceleration up to 12 G's per second. It was probably at this time also that the gondola arm was changed by the Soviets and that the cosmonaut couch arm, which has a steering capability, was used. The arm uses compressed air tanks for positioning of the subject for resistance to a higher gravity force. (See figure 19.) The centrifuge originally was supplied with four interchangeable arms: 1. A normal arm.- An arm with an 8-meter radius was used with a free-swinging chair gondola. This was the arm the Soviets mod- ified; it would also be adequate for a two- man capsule. 2. A second arm with turntable. An arm that was 150 centimeters in diameter. This arm was discarded by the Soviets and con- verted into a small floor centrifuge. 3. A swivel arm. The swivel arm was in- tended to simulate two degrees of freedom, which would have been obtained if a gimbaled mount had been used. However, a structural defect caused the fork to break off and the vacuum cabin was damaged. 4. A 5-meter arm. The 5-meter arm was for the testing of equipment and for experi- mentation with animals. It was designed for use up to 100 G's.4a-4" A large amount of biomedical equipment was supplied with the centrifuge. The im- pulses were designed to be transmitted through the gondola centrifuge arm into the control room for recording. The instrumen- tation was not designed for use in vehicles in space. The biomedical equipment in- cluded: that used for electrocardiograms (EKG), electroencephalograms (EEG-).. and electromyograms (EMG), and for measuring blood pressure and temperature; microphones for heart rate, respiration and voice; a double- oxvmeter for a simultaneous measurement of oxygen saturation on two parts on the body, preferably the ear and one finger; an X-ray device; and a television camera.`," The research area at Tomilino, which was known as Alekseyev's OKB or Plant 1052, was originally under the direction of GKAT. There is no evidence which either updates SECRET 7 this or changes this information. Reportedly, in the latter part of 1961, 600 construction workers and 1,400 civilians were employed at Tomilino. The following people are or have been as- sociated witl3 the installation of Tomilino: ALEKSEYEV, Semen Mikhaylovich Chief of the Tomilino installation. He is almost certainly the space suit designer de- scribed in Soviet publications and was deputy chief designer of the S. A. Lavochkin Experi- mental Design Bureau in 1944. His publica- tions include a book which reviews the state of the art of pilot escape from aircraft, includ- ing the design and construction of ejection seats and parachutes in addition to the pro- tective clothing and facilities involved. BARER, (Fnu) Doctor of Medical Sciences and reserve cap- taizi, ,probably A. S. Barer, who was associated in 1960 with the Central Institute for Ad- vanced Training of Physicians. At the pres- ent time, he is probably the chief medical offi- cer at Tomilino. He is said to be knowledge- able in all phases of aeromedical research and his publications include an article in Volume II, Problems of Space Biology, on "Limit of Human' Tolerance to Transverse Accelera- tions and .the Physiological Reactions of the Body," where acceleration rates up to 15 G's were experienced by human subjects. POKROVSKIY, Aleksey Vasilyevich Doctor of Medical Sciences, Reserve Lieu- tenant Colonel, deputy to Popov. Formerly director of NIIIAM in Moscow and author and biomedical spokesman for the animal space events. In.his sixties, he is expected to retire soon. POPOV, (Fnu) (Probably Aleksey Pavlovich Popov). Major General, Medical Service, Red Army. Popov, now retired, was formerly the chief medical officer at Tomilino and was respon- sible for the physiological tests conducted at that institute. His publications include a history of aviation medicine in the USSR and research in the fields of spatial orienta- tion and aerospace physiology. Others associated with the institute include: FOMIN, Aleksandr Nikolayevich Chief of the organization responsible for construction of the centrifuge and pressure . chamber buildings. GIBKIY, Fedor Ivanovich A mechanical engineer who replaced Tatar- skiy and was responsible for the installation of equipment at Tomilino. MISKARYAN, A. A. Chief of admigistration.4"' 51 Z. ' SEVERIN, Guy Ilich Engineer specializing in electromedical equipment. SHARKOV, Valenten Ivanovich A participant in the contract negotiations, he had been assigned to the Ministry of Ma- chine Building, Moscow. An electrical engi- neer, he is now said to be located in Siberia as chief of a space testing station. TATARSKIY, Lev Petrovich Deputy to Alekseyev and prominent in the contract negotiations. A mechanical engi- neer, he reportedly was responsible for all equipment purchased outside of the USSR. He is said also to have been involved in the development and manufacture of the space capsule used in the dog flights. He has been replaced as deputy. Negotiations with West Germany started in 1959 for the delivery of two pressure chambers to the USSR. One was destined for Tomilino and the installation of the chamber was to begin in early 1963. Part of the equipment for the pressure chambers was delivered and installation of the biomedical equipment in the control center of the chamber at Tomi- lino began at that time. However, contrac- tual difficulties developed in July 1963 and the Soviets indicated they were no longer in- terested in obtaining delivery of the remain- ing environmental control equipment or in (0 SECRET FACILITIES OF AEROSPACE RESEARCH TEST AREA. (ALEKSEYEV'S OKB-PLANT 1052) AT TOMILINO LEGEND 1. Guard Office 2. Entrance: Two Panel Iron Gate 3. CPSU AGITPROP Center 4. Guard Office 5. Outdoor Area of AGITPROP 6. Large Assembly Room 7. Administration Bldg 8. Transformer Station 9. Drafting & Design Office 10. New Construction (1961) D 11-14. Buildings with Propellant Test Stands 15. Centrifuge Hall 16. New Building for Thermo-Baro Chamber 17. Test Stand 18. Chemical Research Area 19. Fence SECRET LOCATION AND OUTLINE OF TOMILINO COMPLEX KUR J VSHOYE n APARTMENTS MIIliVA - - SPACE RESEARCH FACILITY SECRET renewing the installation contracts. There is some suggestion that the Soviets would man- ufacture the remaining equipment and in- stall the second chamber themselves. The specifications of the Tomilino chamber were as follows : Size 6 meters long; 2.8 meters in di- ameter; working space, 10 cubic meters Vacuum 100 kilometers or 10 4 Torr Temperature -60? C to +300? C (temperature range within chamber) -60? C to +200? C (air supplied to chamber) to +600? C (wall of cabin) Radiation Solar, ultraviolet, X-ray Emergency 40 seconds for repressurization: 40 provisions seconds for opening door Gaseous Composition of air supplied to composition chamber could be selected and controlled for CO... 0... CO, ni- trogen, hydrogen, and ozone content Miscellaneous One end of the chamber had 3 quartz windows; the other end had 1 window along with an automatic door. One.side con- tained 3 quartz windows. the other-side 2 windows (150 x 30 millimeters in diameter) ; nor- mal period of operation planned up to a maximum of 8 hours a day: continuous service up to 72 hours. Central Aerohydrodynamics Institute The second pressure chamber was destined for M. S. Yegorov's institute, which probably is the Central Aerohydrodynamics Institute (new TsAGI) located at Zhukovskiy near Ramenskoye. This facility reportedly was concerned with space capsules.-'-' In 1958, Yegorov was one of the authors of a book on principles, construction, basic theories, and engineering design principles for determin- ing equipment requirements for pressurized cabins, oxygen equipment, and pressure suits. The Flight Research Institute (LII) is also located at the Ramenskoye Airfield. ?Korolev, reportedly the chief designer for the booster used in the manned space program, is said, to be a frequent visitor at Zhukovskiy. Alek- seyev (almost certainly S. M. Alekseyev who is chief.of the Tomilino installation) also visits Zhukovskiy often and is described as one of Korolev's chief design assistants. Installation of the pressure chamber was to begin sometime about the middle of 1963. The specifications were as follows: 14 meters long; 4 meters in di- ameter; working space, 56 cubic meters Vacuum 40 kilometers or 10 2 Torr Temperature -60? C to 4-500' C (temperature range within chamber) -60? C to +400? 0 (air supplied to chamber) to +600? C (wall of test cabin) Radiation Solar, ultraviolet, X-ray Emergency 40 seconds for repressurization; provisions 40 seconds for opening door Gaseous Composition of air supplied to composition chamber could be controlled for 0... CO.., CO. nitrogen, hydrogen, and ozone content Miscellaneous There is a door at either end of the chamber-one end has a sliding door locked by com- pressed air; within this door is a smaller door which can be operated only manually; win- dows, 6 quartz; windows 150 to 300 millimeters in diameter; normal period of operation planned up to maximum of 8 hours a day; continuous service up to 72 hours.~-:i az A second centrifuge was also purchased by the Soviets. Nearly all specifications of the second centrifuge were similar to those of the first one. However, an automatic program- mer was to be included in the design of the second centrifuge, along with a different motor. The centrifuge arms probably were not supplied, but were manufactured and de- signed in the USSR. The exact location of this second centrifuge is unclear. There is some possibility that it could have been in- stalled at Tomilino. However, it probably was only stored at Tomilino and destined for Yegorov's institute, along with the second pressure chamber. Reportedly this centri- fuge was installed in a building already in ex- SECRET I I istence, but which was enlarged for the cen- trifuge. The centrifuge was delivered early in 1963 and probably became operational sev- eral months later.' G, "+ :.The total cost of the two pressure chambers has been estimated as 21 million Deut.schO mark (DM) ($5,250,000). The cost of the second centrifuge was estimated at. 460,000 Deutsche mark (DM) ($115,000). which was lower than the probable cost of the first cen- trifuge because it did not include the centri- fuge arms, the instrumentation, and the con- trol equipment.-?' The facilities described are adequate for the environmental testing of equipment alone and also for integrated human-equipment testing. Even though the facilities are limited in some aspects of space simulation, this equipment could represent a. compromise between cost and the useful amount of information that can be. obtained, for example, during space- suit testing and ? development by using the more modest vacuum of 10 4 Torr in the cham- ber at Tomilino. However, the facilities de- scribed (at Yegorov's institute) also bear a resemblance to those that are useful for high- altitude checkout of structural integrity for supersonic aircraft, and pilot training for supersonic flight. The second chamber could be used for capsule or subsystem engineer- ing tests, but the required operational time of, both chambers is limited to 72 hours, which suggests the development of aircraft more than spacecraft. However, the Soviet space development capability includes integrated capsule subsystems and man checkout at 40 kilometers for periods up to 72 hours, which is similar to the altitude used in the US sys- tems-man checkout conducted in a pressure chamber at Cape Kennedy. The Soviets have also received a centrifuge from Sweden; the_,destination of this centri- fuge is unknown. This centrifuge was used for the later space flights, including the train- ing of V. Tere4hkova for her flight in Vostok 6. (See figure 20.) The Soviets have expressed an interest in the rapid rate of buildup of acceleration, which is applicable to abort type studies. They are interested -also in study- ing the effects of rapidly changing directions of acceleration, which is useful in training for the ejection method of recovery. The cabin of this centrifuge consists of aluminum and has a Plexiglass hood. The cabin is suspended in a steel gimbal frame and is free to move both radially and tangentially. At. maximum cur- rent it can be accelerated to 30 G's."', (See figure 21.) Zlzukovskiy Air Engnnce?ring Academy The cosmonaut receives much of his theo- retical training at Zhukovskiy Air Engineer- ing Academy in Moscow. He takes courses in subjects such ?as rocket engineering, astron- omy, and geophysics at this Academy." (See figure 22.) Other Facilities The location for the parachute training of the cosmonaut is unknown, but is described- as a site far from Moscow. One facility which conducts research applicable to the recovery phase of manned space flight has been iden- tified. Photographs of a model-testing basin in which a man wearing a space suit and helmet is being pulled through the water identify it as the model basin at Old TsAGI in Moscow. (See figures ? 23 and 24.) Ac- cording to Soviet information of the mid- 1940's, the basin was 200 meters long and 12 meters wide, the depth of the water in the basin was 6.5 meters, and the maximum car- riage speed was 15 meters per second. In ad- dition, the basin is equipped with a wave maker that is capable of producing waves that are 3 feet high. Problems to be undertaken at this institute are designated by the State Committee for Aviation Technology (GKAT). The role of Old TsAGI was probably the test- ing of the space suit in the event of landing by parachute in water after emergency re- entry and possibly also'-the testing of the suit as a flotation device. A medical center is located at the launch site, Tyuratam. It is here that the cosmo- SECRET 10 Figure 21. Swedish-built centrifuge in operation Figure 24. Mon wearing space suit and helmet being pulled through model basin SECRET naut receives his final preparation and check- out before flight, and dons his space suit for flight.: ? Soviets Inrolvcd in Cosmonaut Training All information indicates that the Cosmo- naut Training Center is under the control of the Soviet Air Force. Marshal Vershinin, Commander-in-Chief of the Soviet Air Force, was a member of the cosmonaut examining commission and participated in the briefing of candidates for cosmonaut training. (See fig- ures 25 and 26.) Titov states that three ad- ditional generals of the Air Force worked with the cosmonaut group. They are Colonel Gen- eral F. A. Agal'tsov, Colonel General A. G. Rytov, and Lieutenant General N. P. Kama- nin, who is probably a commanding officer in the cosmonaut training center. The cosmonaut group commander was for- merly Yuriy Gagarin. Recently Lieutenant Colonel Nikolayev was put in command of the group and Colonel Gagarin was promoted to another post. Additional Soviets who can be identified with the Cosmonaut Training Center are: GYURDZHIAN, A. A. Candidate of Medical Sciences. May be chief of physiological training of the cosmo- naut.s. Apparently works with Yazdovskiy and is one of the younger scientists participat- ing in the program. He has published in the fields of the biological effects of cosmic radia- tion, the results of biological investigations of organisms and animals after space flight, and has been a coauthor of some of the ap- plied work -relating to the animal flights. PETROV, Colonel Ye. A. One 'of the commanding officers of the cos- monauts. VOLYNKIN, Yu. M. Lt. General, Military Medical Service. Headed a group discussing and publishing on the subject of cosmonaut training, physio- logical investigations, and post-flight exami- nations for the flights of Nikolayev and Popo- vich in Vostoks 3 and 4." YAZDOVSKIY, V. I. Candidate of Medical Sciences; Col., Medical Service. He is Chief of Medical Services for the cosmonauts. He also has taught space medicine at the cosmonaut training school. Over 30 research institutes and facilities of the Academy of Medical Sciences, USSR; the Academy of Sciences, USSR; the Ministry of Health, USSR; and the Moscow State Univer- sity are engaged in bioastronautic research. Details concerning their activities follow. (See figure 27.) Academy of Medical Sciences, USSR Institute of Normal and Pathological Phys- iology, Moscow - The Institute of Normal and Pathological Physiology under V. V. Parin is a key Institute in the Soviet manned space program. Much of the research at the insti- tute directly supports the space program. The results of this research are incorporated into the applied aspects of the program in the development of the bioinstrumentation used for monitoring the cosmonauts, the environ- mental and life-support system, and the pres- sure suit. In addition to these activities, this institute recently was designated as the center for cardiovascular research in the USSR. Khayutin and his associates at a laboratory at the institute are attempting to correlate muscle activity (myographic measurement) with regional blood flow in determining the relationship of muscle work to circulation. They hope to establish the proper exercise tests and from this infer the expected blood flow. Research is also conducted on the effect of localized muscle activity on the circulation, of other organs. These studies have an im- portant bearing on some of the problems in- volved in weightlessness. Sinyakov is working on measuring heart action by ultrasonic flow meters and is minia- turizing much of the equipment. and electronic components used in these studies. Babskiy and Karpman are involved in developing bio- instrumentation for measuring the electrical activity of the heart. This instrumentation was used in the* cardiac monitoring of the cosmonauts. (See figure 28.) The animal work, research, and electronics development is done at the institute; after new equipment is developed it is taken to the Institute of Therapy for clinical evaluation. Marshak is interested in studying the effects of CO, on the, circulation of the brain and coronary cir- culation. This relates to information that can be used in developing the environmental control system. Meyerson is involved in re-' search in the nature of heart failure and studies of the adjustment of the heart to in- crcased work demands and the response of the 'circulatory system to 02 deprivation. Some of the research and preparatory work with dogs for the early animal space flights was probably conducted at the Institute when V. N. Chernigovskiy was director (up to 1959). The present institute still has animal facilities available for research. Yazdovskiy has an office at this institute, but is said to conduct most of his work at another facility. Re- search activities and personnel at the institute are increasing. Khayutin's laboratory has expanded considerably in the last year. The electronics laboratory added another engineer and Pozdnyakov was brought in to develop an integrated morphology laboratory for the sup- port of the other laboratories. As a whole, the heads of the laboratories belong to a younger group of scientists, and possible suc- cessors to Parin could be Khayutin or Meyer- The Institute of Normal and Pathological Physiology occupies several floors of a build- ing in a two square block area in Moscow. The Institute of Experimental Biology 'and the Institute of Pharmacology and Chemotherapy are located in the same building. The build- ing is guarded and several wings of the build- ing are secure areas. Some of the laboratories in the institute are padlocked, including those of Khayutin and Babskiy. The institute is made up of the following laboratories : Laboratory Bloinstrumentation V. S. Sinyakov Biophysics of Circulation V. M. Khayutin Clinical Physiology Ye. B. Babskly' Heart F. Z. Meyerson Morphology O. M. Pozdnyakov Physiology and Pathology S. I. Filippovich of Digestion Physiology of Circulation M. Ye. Marshak and Respiration Additional laboratories that are conducting neurophysiological research include the fol- lowing: . Laboratory Comparative Physiology S. I. Frankshteyn Infectious Pathology of the A. Ye. Alymov Nervous System Neuropathology Ye. K. Pleshkova Physiology of Afferent P. G. Snyakln Systems Tropic Pathology of the O. Ya. Ostryy Nervous System Institute personnel who are conducting bioastronautic research include: BABSKIY, Yevgeniy Borisovich Active -Member, Academy of Sciences, Member of the institute 1959-63, Head, Lab- oratory of Clinical Physiology, 1959-64. Physiology. FILIPPOVICH, Sofiya Iosifovna Doctor of Medical Sciences; Head, Labora- tory of Physiology and Pathology of Digestion, 1957-62. Physiology. KARPMAN, V. L. Candidate of Medical Sciences; Member, Laboratory of Clinical Physiology, 1959-64. Cardiology. KAS'YAN, Ivan I. Member of the institute, 1960-62. Space Flight Physiology. KIIAYUTIN, Vladimir Mikhaylovich Doctor of Medical Sciences; Member of the institute, 1957-63. Head, Laboratory of Bio- physics of Circulation, 1962-64. Physiology. SECRET 12 Figure 25. Marshal Vershinin at briefing of candidates for cosmonaut training before Gagarin's flight a. Fifth man on Vershinin's right is Nikolayev (cosmonaut 3 second man is Popovich cosmonaut 4). b. Left to right Gagarin (cosmonaut 1), unknown, unknown, and Bykovskiy cosmonaut 51. Figure 26. Original group of cosmonouts with Marshal Vershinin SECRET CERTAIN SOVIET INSTITUTES AND FACILITIES INVOLVED IN BIOASTRONAUTIC RESEARCH AND THE MANNED SPACE PROGRAM MINISTRY OF HIGHER AND SECONDARY SPECIALIZED EDUCATION USSR Moscow Slate Un'.enny imem M V Lomonosov (rod.ot~on, space biology lrommg program, Central Institute fcr the Advanced Training of Physicians Institute of Brophyscs A V.,y Rode ohon ACADEMY OF MEDICAL SCIENCES. USSR Irnteute of Normal and Pathc,log,cal PhysOlogy V V Porn environme, tol and cardiovascular phys,.Ugy including b,otelemetnc monitoring Institute of E.per,mental B:olo9y. 1 N Moydq space biology Institute of Labor Hygiene and Occupational D,seoses. L I Medved ,to.rcolagy rad,ob,ology! Inst.ture of Nutrition A A Pokrovskq (foods fer space fl ght Institute of Therapy, A L Myasmkov lcl~n~col evaluation of biomedical monitoring methods. Institute of B, Phys,cs. G M Fronk space b~olo9y ,clud:ng iod cb,clogy, STATE COMMITTEE FOR AVIATION TECHNOLOGY IGKATi Crnlrol Arrohydrodynom.cs In st tuie' T sAGI space suit, subsystem and capsule development and Iecrngi MINISTRY OF DEFENSE. USSR AIR FORCE Cosmonaut Tra:n:ng Center Chkalovttoya Manna icondihon,ng, training:- Scientific Tesen9 Institute Ino.ture of Cytology of the Soviet An Force Laboratory of Cosmic Tom:Lno space suit (NIL VVS, (cosmonaut B,ology L K Lotina development and testing. training-v.e,ghtlessness) Lonrnty -extreme phys.olog,cal testing e-rOnmenIs and Iro.n,ng' Military Air Engineering Inst sure of M.crobwlogy A A Imshenetskq (spoce mcrob,clogy e^ob.ology, institute of Phys,olo9y .men. I P Po.luv, V N Chern.govsa y phyuologyp Institute of Plant Physiology men. K A Tim;ryotev, A L Kursanov (closed ecological systems Academy men. N K Zhukovsk,y itheoretical study Sc entifc Research Testing Institute of Aviation Medicine NIIIAM aerospace medical research Military Med,ol Academy .men. A V Kirov, A A. Smitskiyaerospace medical research and - training) Scientific Research Institute of Aviation Hygiene (NIIAG) (aerospace research) SECRET r is Figure 28 ,1 Babskiy in his laboratory at the Institute of Therapy Figure 281 Bobskiy participating in physiological monitoring of Titov (cosmonaut 2 b ?. 5031 Q E.~ CONFIDENTIAL o?. MARSHAK, Moisey Yefimovich Corresponding Member, Academy of Medi- cal Sciences, USSR: Doctor of Medical Sci- ences; Head, Laboratory of Physiology and Pathology of Respiration and 1i lood Circula- tion, 1956-62. Aviation Medicine. MEYERSON, Feliks Zalmanovich Doctor of Medical Sciences: Member, Labor- atory of the Heart, 1960-64. Physiology. PARIN, Vasiliy Vasil'yevich Active Member and Vice President, Academy of Medical Sciences, USSR; Doctor of Medical Sciences; Director, 1960-64; Head, Department of Clinical and Experimental Physiology, Cen- tral Institute for Advanced Training of Phy- sicians, Moscow, 1956-60. Physiology. POZDNYAKOV, O. M. Head, Laboratory ' of Morphology, 1963-64. SINYAKOV, V. S. Head, Laboratory of Bioinstrumentation, 1961-64. Electrophysiology. TSIVILASHVILI, A. S. Lt. Colonel, Military Medical Service, USSR; Member, Institute of Normal and Pathological Physiology, Academy of Medical Sciences, USSR, Moscow, 1961. YAZDOVSKIY, Vladimir Ivanovich Doctor of Medical Sciences; Colonel, Medi- cal Service, USSR; Member of the institute, 1960-64. Space Medicine. YUGANOV, Yevgeniy M. Lt. Colonel, Medical Service. USSR; Candi- date of Medical Sciences; Member of the in- stitute, 1960-62. Aviation Medicine. Associated with this institute are: AGADZHANYAN, N. A. Lt. Colonel, Medical Service, USSR; Candi- date of Medical Sciences; Member of the in- stitute, 1961-62. Aviation Medicine. ANOKHIN. Petr Kuz'mich Active Member, Academy of Medical Sci- ences, USSR; Member of the institute, 1961- 62; Head, Laboratory of General Physiology of the Central Nervous System, 1961; Head, Chair of Physiology and Pathology of Higher Nervous Activity, Central Institute for Ad- vanced Training of Physicians, Moscow, 1960; Head, Chair of Normal Physiology, First Mos- cow Medical Institute imeni I. M. Sechenov, 1955-61. Neurophysiology. VOROB'YEV, A. I. Associate, Institute of Normal and Patho- logical Physiology, Academy of Medical Sci- ences, USSR, Moscow, 1962; Medical Director, Aeroflot, Moscow, 1958-59; Member, Institute of Aviation Medicine, Moscow, 1960.,', " 3 7+ Institute of Experimental Biology, Moscow - The Institute of Experimental Biology, di- rected-by I. N. Mayskiy, has a number of peo- ple working on the microbiological and cyto- logical aspects of the Soviet bioastronautic program. This includes work on the biologi- cal package carried on Sputnik 5 in 1960 and on the biological experimentation carried on the Vostok manned space flights. The purpose of these experiments was to study (i) the effect of vibration, weightless- ness, and radiation on somatic (HeLa), as Fell as on reproductive tissues, (ii) the radio- sensitivity of microorganisms related also to vibration, acceleration, and weightlessness ef- fects, (iii) these same effects on immuno- genicity, and (iv) automatically controlled in- vestigation of reproduction and growth under varying conditions (vibration, weightlessness, radiation) by using bacteria. Bioastronautic research at the institute is performed under the guidance and direction of N. N. Zhukov-Verezhnikov, head of the De- partment of Immunology. He is a competent microbiologist who initially developed the bioelement that was flight tested on Sputnik 5 and which is still undergoing development for use in the detection of extraterrestrial life. This institute was established in 1945 and includes the following laboratories and de- partments: Laboratory of Biochemistry and Radiobi- ology Laboratory of Cytology Department of Growth and Development Department of Immunobiology (with labo- ratories for the study for biological incompati- bility of tissues, neuroinfectious immunology, genetics of microorganisms, immunology of ,embryology, and immunochemistry). Institute personnel who are conducting bio- astronautic research include: BUYKO, Ye. A. Member, Department of .Immunobiology, 1961. Bacteriology. KAPICHNIKOV, Mikhail Mikhaylovich Candidate of Medical Sciences; Member, Laboratory of Antigen Biology, 1955-56; Mem- ber:. Department of Immunology, 1957-62. Immunology. KLIMOV, V. Yu. Member of the institute, 1960. Biochem- istry. MAYSKIY, Ivan Nikolayevich Doctor of Medical Sciences; Director, 1953- 63; Head, Laboratory of Noninfectious Im- munology, 1955-62. Immunology. NEFED'YEVA, Nataliya P. Member, 1961; Member, Institute of Nu- trition, Academy of Medical Sciences, USSR, Moscow, 1953-163. Microbiology. PEKHOV, Aleksandr Petrovich Doctor of Biological Sciences; Member of the institute, 1956-63; Member, Department of Immunobiology, 1958-61; Head, Laboratory of Genetics of Microorganisms, 1963. Micro- biology. PODOPLELOV, I. I. Candidate of Medical Sciences;. Member, Department of Immunobiology, 1959. Micro- biology. RYBAKOV, Nikolay Ivanovich Candidate of Medical Sciences; Member of the institute, 1957-62; Member, Department of Immunobiology, 1957-60; Member, Labora- tory of Noninfectious Immunology, 1961. Microbiology. TRIBULEV, G. P. Colonel, Medical Service; Candidate of Med- ical Sciences; Science Director, Institute of Experimental Biology, Academy of Medical Sciences, USSR, Moscow, 1962. Microbiology. YUDIN, Yq. V. Associate, Institute of Experimental Bi- ology, Academy of Medical Sciences, USSR, Moscow, 1963. ZHUKOV-VEREZHNIKOV, Nikolay Nikolaye- vich Active Member, Academy of Medical Sci- ences, USSR; Doctor of Medical Sciences; Member of the institute, 1955-63; Head, De- partment of Immunobiology, 1955-61. Mi- crobiology." '^ `L "= Institute of Labor Hygiene and Occupa- tional Diseases, Moscow - This institute is the largest scientific research establishment in the USSR for industrial hygiene and occupa- tional diseases, employing some 620 persons. The director of this institute is L. I. Medved. There are three principal departments: clini- cal, hygiene, and radiology. Two sections also function within the frame of the institute: the laboratory for labor physiology, and the pathomorphological laboratory. This institute can be said to support the Soviet space program with its experience in determining toxic substances in the environ- ment, in studying effects of harmful levels of noise, and with research related to the setting of industrial toxicological standards. More specifically, however, there has been some effort by the institute in the field of radio- biology. Scientists there have studied the biological effects of protons in animals, and have attempted to find radioprotective agents in mice against whole body radiation with high-energy protons. Institute personnel who are conducting re- search related to bioastronautics include: AVRUNINA, G. A. Associate, Laboratory of Radiotoxicology, Institute.of Labor Hygiene and Occupational Diseases, Academy of Medical Sciences, USSR, Moscow, 1961. Radiation biology.' GOVORUN, R. D. Associate, Laboratory of Radiotoxicology, Institute of Labor Hygiene and Occupational Diseases, Academy of Medical Sciences, USSR, Moscow, 1961. Radiation biology. KURLYANDSKAYA, Ettel' Borisovna Doctor of Biological Sciences; Member of the institute, 1943-63; Head, Laboratory of Radiobiology, 1958; Head, Laboratory of Radio- toxicology, 1962. Industrial hygiene. SHASHKOV, V. S. Candidate of Medical Sciences; Associate, Institute of Labor Hygiene and Occupational Diseases, Academy of Medical Sciences, USSR, Moscow, 1961. Pharmacology. YARMONENKO, S. P. Member of the institute, 1961-63; Member, Laboratory--'of Radiotoxicology, 1962. Radia- tion biology. Other Institutes - Some additional insti- tutes of the Academy of Medical Sciences, USSR, that are conducting bioastronautic research include: Institute Institute of Epidemiology P. A. Vershilova and Microbiology imeni N. F. Gamaleya, Moscow Institute of Experimental D. A. Biryukov Medicine, Leningrad Institute of Experimental B. A. Lapin Pathology and Physiology, Sukhumi Institute of Nutrition, A. A. Pokrovskiy Moscow Institute of Therapy, A. L. Myasnikov Moscow Institute of Virology iment V. M. Zhdanov D. I. Ivanovskiy, Moscow Academy of Sciences, USSR Institute of Biological Physics, Moscow - The Institute of Biological Physics has the following laboratories: Laboratory Head Biophysics of Vision Complex Processes Computer Applications Living Structures Photobiology Radiation Genetics Radiobiology Ultrasonics N. D. Nyuberg V. S. Gurfinkel' ) Fnu) Foinin G. M. Frank M. V. Sokolov N. P. Dubinin A. M. Kuzin 1. Ye. El'piner In 1963, the following laboratories were designated as laboratories to be established in the future: Laboratory of Scientific Meth- ods and Equipment for Biological Investiga- tions, Laboratory of Automatics, Laboratory of Radioinstrument Making, and Laboratory of Electronic and Vacuum Instruments. The Institute of Biological Physics has par- ticipated with a relatively large number of personnel in the biological experiments con- ducted in Soviet space flights. G. M. Frank, director of the institute, is a key man respon- sible for the radiobiological aspects of these space studies. This group has attempted to establish the biological effect of cosmic radia- tion under space-flight conditions. However, most of the experimental results can only be discussed as induced by a combination of space-flight factors such, as acceleration, vibra- tion, and weightlessness. Drosophila was used to determine mutation effects; actinomy- cetes were analyzed for characteristics of growth and development during flight; seeds of wheat, peas and corn (maize) were used in cytological studies of chromosome aber- rations; and two types of seeds (spring onion and nutmeg flower) varying in radiosensitiv- ity were examined for genetic effects of cosmic radiation. Investigations were also made at the institute to compare the acute and long- term effects of radiation on the central nerv- ous system of rats. Research applicable to a biological closed environmental system was carried on by investigating the growth prop- erties of Clilorella by determination of the absorption coefficient of light during various periods of growth. Scientists who are conducting bioastro- nautic research at the institute include: ? ABELEVA, Ye. A. Member, Institute of Biological Physics, Academy of Sciences, USSR, Moscow; 1960-63. Member, Laboratory Radiation Genetics, 1960. Radiation biology. . APANASENKO, Z. I. Member, Institute of Biological Physics, Academy of Sciences, USSR, Moscow, 1961-62. 15 I ARSEN'YEVA, Militsa Alfredovna Candidate of Biological Sciences; Member of the institute, 1958-62. Radiation genetics. BRANDT, Andrey B. Member, Institute of Biological Physics, Academy of Sciences, USSR, Moscow, 1958-63. _ DELONE, N. L. Member, Institute of Biological Physics, Academy of Sciences, USSR, Moscow, 1956-63. Member, Laboratory of Radiation Genetics, 1959. DUBININ, Nikolay Petrovich Corresponding Member, Academy of Sci- ences, USSR; Member of the institute, 1955- 63; Associate, Institute of Cytology and Ge- netics, Siberian Department, Academy of Sci- ences, USSR, Novosibirsk, 1958-62. Genetics. EYGES, N. S. Member, Institute of Biological Physics, Academy of Sciences, USSR, Moscow, 1961. Radiation biology. FRANK, Gleb Mikhaylovich Corresponding Member, Academy of Sci- ences, USSR; Corresponding Member, Acad- emy of Medical Sciences, USSR; Doctor of Biological Sciences; Director, 1958-63. Bio- physics. GENEROZOVA, I. P. Member, Institute of Biological Physics, Academy of Sciences, USSR, Moscow, 1963. GLEMBOTSKIY, Ya. L. Candidate of Agricultural Sciences; Mem- ber, Institute of Biological Physics, Academy of Sciences, USSR, Moscow, 1960-61. As- sociate, Laboratory of Radiation Genetics, 1960. Genetics. KHVOSTOVA, Vera V. Candidate of Biological Sciences; Member, Institute of Biological Physics, Academy of Sciences, USSR, Moscow, 1956-64. Member, Laboratory of Radiation Genetics, 1959-64. Genetics. KORSHUNOVA, V. S. Member, Institute of Biological Physics, Academy of Sciences, USSR, Moscow, 1961-63. KUZNETSOVA, M. A. Member, Institute of Biological Physics, Academy of Sciences, USSR, 1961. LAPKIN, Yu. A. Member, Institute of Biological Physics, Academy of Sciences, USSR, Moscow, 1957-62. Genetics. MOZHAYEVA, V. S. Member, Institute of Biological Physics, Academy of Sciences, USSR, Moscow, 1961. Radiation genetics. NEFEDOV, Yuriy G. Candidate, Medical Sciences; Associate, In- stitute of Biological Physics, Academy of Sci- ences, USSR, Moscow, 1960. Radiation biology. NEVZGODINA, L. V. . Member, Institute of Biological Physics, Academy of Sciences, USSR, Moscow, -1959-62. Member, Laboratory of Radiation Genetics, 1959. Genetics. SHAMINA, Z. B. Member, Institute of Biological Physics, Academy of Sciences, USSR, Moscow, 1959-61. Space biology. SIDOROV, Boris N. Member, Institute of Biological Physics, Academy of Sciences, USSR, Moscow, 1960-63. Space biology. SOKOLOV, Nikolay Nikolayevich Member, Institute of Biological Physics, Academy of Sciences, USSR, Moscow, 1959-63. Space biology. TAGEYEVA, Sofiya Viktorovna Member, Institute of Biological Physics, Academy of Sciences, USSR, Moscow, 1957-63. Among the scientists who are associated with this institute is G. P. Parfenov.'4 lu r., ~6 Institute of Cytology, Leningrad - The Lab- oratory of Cosmic Biology of the Institute of Cytology in Leningrad, directed by L. K. Lozina-Lozinskiv, has done research on the adaptation of cells and organisms to extreme environmental conditions, such as low tem- SECRET 16 SECRET perature, ultraviolet, ionizing radiation, low pressure, and oxygen deficiency. Established in 1961, this Laboratory was set up to study (i) the probability and forms of life`on other planets and (ii) the behavior and adaptation of cells and organisms to extreme environ- mental conditions. Institute personnel who tyre conducting bio- astronautic research include: CD LOZINA-LOZINSKIY,, Lev .Konstantinovich Doctor of Biological Sciences; Head, Lab- oratory of Cosmic Biology, 1961-63; Head,' Laboratory of Cell Adaptations, 1959-61. Cy- tology.' ::.. Institute of Microbiology, Moscow - The In- stitute of Microbiology under A. A. Imshe- netskiy's direction is the leading institute in, volved in the field of exobiology and in- soje of the work relating to the sterilization of space vehicles. Imshenetskiy is oriented more toward basic research in exobiology than to- ward direct involvement in the applied or hardware end of the space program. For ex- ample, he did not participate directly in the sterilization of Lunik II. More recently, how- ever, some technical facilities have been added to the research activities of the institute. A small engineering laboratory and electronics shop have been engaged in the designing and building of electronic components for a mul- tivator' used in sampling extraterrestrial life. This engineering facility is limited, however, by lack of experience in dealing with space- oriented problems in instrumentation. Im- shenetskiy is also a consultant and reportedly can make recommendations to the space coun- cil in the field of exobiology. Some of the space-oriented research con- ducted at the institute which relates to the problem of sterilization of space vehicles in- cludes a study on the stability of terrestrial microorganisms in deep vacuum done in co- operation with the Physico-Technical Insti- tute of Low Temperatures, Academy, of Sci- ences, Ukrainian SSR. Recent publications from personnel of the, institute include a re- port on the possibility of the existence and methods of detection of extraterrestrial life. The report discusses terrestrial unicellular or- ganisms and the limits of their ability to with- stand (i) low temperatures, (ii) heat, and (iii) cosmic and ultraviolet radiation in the absence of oxygen. Methods of recording life forms on another planet are also discussed. At the 1964 COSPAR meeting a paper was given concerning a technique for and the re- sults of meteorite microbiological investiga- tions. Several others at the institute are engaged in research relating to exobiology. M. N. Meysel, an expert on light and electron micros- copy who also does his research at the In- stitute of Physico-Chemical Biology, has con- tributed to the method of fluorescent micros- copy for detecting extraterrestrial life. Iye- rusalimskiy, deputy director and department head at the institute, has been concerned with the decontamination of space vehicles. In 1962, Iyerusalimskiy was to become director of the Institute of Physiology and Biochem- istry of Microorganisms at Pushchino, a bio- logical complex under construction near Mos- cow. The institute is made up of the following departments: Department Head nisms Bacter16phagy and Actinophagy Experimental Variability of A. A. Imshenetskly Microorganisms Geological Activities of S. I. Kuznetsov Microorganisms Marine Microbiology A. Ye. Kriss Microorganisms Interaction N. A. Krasil'nikov Photosynthetic Microorga- S. V. Gorunova nisms Physico-Chemical Methods Unknown in Research Physiology ' of Chemoauto- G. A. Zavarzin trophic Microorganisms Physiological Cytology'. .of M. N. Meysel Microorganisms Physiology of Growth and 'Development of Microor- ganisms Soil Microorganisms Technical Microbiology Thermophilic Microorga- nisms Transformation of Steroids and Other Compounds Type Culture Collection Viruses N. D. Iycrusalimskly Ye. N. Mishustin V. N. Shaposhnikov L. G. Loginova V. I. Kudryavtsev V. L. Ryzkov Institute personnel who are conducting bi- oastronautic research include: ABYZOV, S. S. Member, Institute of Microbiology, Acad- emy of Sciences, USSR, Moscow, 1958-60; As- sociate, All-Union Institute of Agricultural Microbiology, All-Union Academy of Agricul- tural Sciences imeni V. I. Lenin (VASKhNIL), Leningrad, 1961. Microbiology. IMSHENETSKIY, Aleksandr Aleksandrovich Active Member, Academy of Sciences, USSR; Doctor of Biological Sciences; Director, 1949- 63. Microbiology. IYERUSALIMSKIY, Nikolay Dmitriyevich Corresponding Member, Acadefny of Sci- ences, USSR; Member, Institute of Microbi- ology, Academy of " Sciences, USSR, Moscow, 1935-64 (Deputy Director, 1950-61; Head, De- partment of Physiology, Growth and Develop- ment of Microorganisms, 1961-63) ; Deputy Academician-Secretary, Department of Bio- logical Sciences, Academy of Sciences, USSR, 1962; Member, International Union of Biologi- cal Sciences (IUBS) and Executive Council, Committee on Space Research (COSPAR) 1964; Member, Editorial Board, Mikrobio- logiya, 1956-63. Microbiology.!:" MEYSEL' Maksim Nikolayevich Corresponding Member, Academy of Sci- ences, USSR; Associate, Institute of Chem- istry of Natural Compounds, Academy of Sci- ences, USSR, Moscow, 1964; Member, Institute of Microbiology, Academy of Sciences, USSR, Moscow, 1934-63 (Deputy Director, 1937-49; Head, Section on Physiological Cytology of Microorganisms, 1962); Head, Laboratory on Functional Morphology of the Cell, Institute of Radiation and Physico-Chemical Biology, Academy of Sciences, USSR, Moscow, 1959- 62; Member,. Moscow State University imeni M. V. Lomonosov, 1946-62; Member, Institute of Biological Physics, Academy of Sciences, USSR, Moscow, 1955-62 (Laboratory Head, 1962) ; Member, Editorial Board, Tsitologiya (Cytology), 1960-64. Microbiology. Institute of Physiology imeni I. P. Pavlov - The Institute of Physiology imeni I. P. Pavlov is located in three principal areas in or around Leningrad. The following laboratories are located outside Leningrad in the village of Koltushi (this facility is undergoing expan- sion with some of the laboratories at Lenin- grad moving to Koltushi) : Interoceptive Conditioned V. A. Kislyakov Reflexes (This facility may be a new laboratory or only an expansion of the labora- tory of Ayrapet'yants. o Comparative Ontogenesis of G. A. Obraztsova Higher Nervous Activity Comparative Physiology of E. Sh. Ayrapet'yahts Interoceptive Conditioned Reflexes Ecological Physiology A. D. Slonim Higher Nervous Activity of M. M. Kol'tsova the Child Pharmacology of Central G. I. Izokallo Nervous System Physiology and Biochemistry I. A. Baryshnikov of Lactation Physiology and Genetics of V. K. Krasuskiy Types of Higher Nervous Activity Physiology and Pathology of A. Y. Solov'yev Direction and Blood Circu- lation Physiology of Circulation G. P. Konradi Physiology of Endocrine Ye. N. Speranskaya Glands Physiology of Higher Nerv- V. B. Pavlov ous Activity Physiology of Lower Animals N. G. Lopatina SECRET 18 These laboratories are located in the main institute building in Leningrad: Laboratory Head Corticovisceral Physiology I. T. Kurtsln and Pathology ElectrophysiologY V. Ye. Delov Functional Biochemistry of N. N. Demin the Nervous System General Physiology V. N. Chernigovsky Morphology N. G. Kolosov Physiology and Experimen- F. P. Mayorov tal pathology of Higher Nervous Activity Physiology of the Autonomic A. V. Tonkikh Nervous System The Visual Analyzer V. D. Olezer The following laboratories are located in another part of Leningrad on the Petrovsky Embankment : Laboratory He Ad As one of the leading physiological insti- tutes in the USSR, this Institute has approxi- mately 700 people working in the Leningrad area. In addition to the research activities with dogs for the early animal flights, the institute reportedly established a secret lab- oratory in 1962 under Kislyakov and Ayrapet'- yants for the study of the labyrinth and ves- tibular apparatus. This research probably was used in the reported changes in the train- ing program of the cosmonauts after Titov's experience of space sickness and for a basic understanding of the vestibular problem. An- other laboratory was set up recently by Chernigovskiy, the Laboratory of Biophysics and Complex Processes, headed by M. L. Gar- funkel', to study the movement of muscle mass and how these muscle masses are co- ordinated with other muscle activity. This group also is working on the significance of oculographic measurements. These measure- ments have been taken on four of the cosmo- nauts during space flight. N. A. Rokotova and her group, who do primate behavior work with rhesus monkeys, have published their research on the effect of prolonged limitation of motor activity on the activity of monkeys in Problems of Space Biology, volume 2. An investigation related to future communication problems during prolonged flight is described in the same pub- lication series by L. A. Chistbvich and V. A. Kozlievnikov. Their article concerns the sig- nificance of the physiological studies of the speech process in the design of systems for the automatic decoding of human speech. Institute personnel who are involved in bioastronautic research include: AYRAPET'YANTS, Ervand Shamirovich Doctor of Biological Sciences; Member of the institute, 1949-63; Head, Laboratory of Interoceptive Conditioned Reflexes, 1952-63;. Head, Laboratory of the Physiology of Higher Nervous Activity, Scientific Research Institute of Physiology imeni A. A. Ukhtomskiy, Len- ingrad State University imeni A. A. Zhdanov, 1956-61. Neurophysiology. Biochemistry of the Nervous N. N. Demin System Higher Nervous Activity in M. M. Koltzova Children Neurophysiology P. A. Kisselev Physiology and Pathology of V. G. Baranov Age in Man and Ontogeny of Endocrines Physiology of the Auditory G. V. Gershuni Analyzer The location of the following laboratory is unknown : Laboratory of Biophysics and Complex Processes-Head: M. L. Garfunkel' (Although this laboratory was set up by Chernigovskiy, it may well be located at the Academy of Sci- ences in Moscow.) V. N. Chernigovskiy, director of the insti- tute, has been a respected spokesman and leader in the Soviet space program since its inception. In 1959, he was cited as director of training and preparation of animals for space flight. Recently he has been named Academician-Secretary of the Department of Physiology, Academy of Sciences, USSR. He appears to coordinate the bioastronautic ac- tivities of the Academy of Medical Sciences and the Academy of Sciences. BOLOTINA, O..P. Candidate of Biological Sciences; Member, Laboratory of Comparative Physiology of Higher Nervous Activity, Institute of Physi- ology imeni I. P. Pavlov, Academy of Sciences, USSR, Leningrad, 1952-60. Physiology. CHERNIGOVSKIY, Vladimir Nikolayevich Active Member, Academy of Sciences, USSR; Active Member, Academy of Medical Sciences, USSR; Academician-Secretary, Department of Physiology, Academy of Sciences, USSR; Doc- tor of Medical Sciences; Member of the insti- tute, 1952-63, Director, 1961-63; Director, In- stitute of Normal and Pathological Physiology, Academy of Medical Sciences, USSR, Moscow, 1953-60; Head, Laboratory of General Physi- ology,. 1958-62. Physiology. CHISTOVICH, L. A. Head of a laboratory of the Institute of Physiology imeni I. P. Pavlov, Academy of Sci- ences, USSR, Leningrad, 1963. DEMIN, N"ikolay Nikolayevich Doctor of Biological Sciences; Head, Lab- oratory of Functional Biochemistry of the Nervous System, 1963; Member, Institute of Bi- ological Physics, Academy of Sciences, USSR, Moscow, 1962. Biochemistry. GORBUNOVA, Irina M. Member, Institute of Physiology imeni I. P. Pavlov, Academy of Sciences, USSR, Lenin- grad, 1958-62 (Member, Laboratory of Neu- rophysiological Problems, 1959-60). Physi- ology. KISLYAKOV, V. A. Candidate of Biological Sciences; Member, Laboratory of Interoceptive Conditioned Re- flexes, 1953-60. Physiology. KOZHEVNIKOV, V. A. Director of Biological Sciences; Member, Laboratory of Physiology of Auditory Ana- lyzer, Institute of Physiology imeni I. P. Pavlov, Academy of Sciences, USSR, Lenin- grad, 1953. KUCHERENKO, T. M. Member, Institute of Physiology imeni I. P. Pavlov, Academy of Sciences, USSR, Lenin- grad, 1954-61 (Member, Laboratory of Experi- mental Pharmacology,, 1954-56; Member, Lab- oratory of Experimental Genetics and Higher Nervous Activity, Experimental Pharmacology Group, 1957-58; Member, Laboratory on Phar- macology of the Central Nervous System, 1959-61). Pharmacology. MITYUSHOV, Mikhail Ivanovich Candidate of Biological Sciences; Member, Institute of Physiology iineni I. P. Pavlov, Academy of Sciences, USSR, Leningrad, 1954- 60 (Associate, Laboratory of Neural-Regula- tion' Endocrine Functions, 1954-56; Associate, Laboratory of Physiology' Internal Glandular Secretions, 1955; Acting Deputy Director, 1960). Physiology. ROKOTOVA, N. A. Doctor of Biological Sciences; Member of the institute, 1952-63; Member, Laboratory of Neurophysiological Problems, 1959-60. Neu- rophysiology." 14-' 8:-P1 Institute of Plant Physiology imeni K. A. TimiryazeK, Moscow - The Institute is direct- ed by A. L. Kursanov and consists of 11 labora- tories and 4 sections, as follows: Accumulation of Storage Products Cold Resistance Evolutionary and Ecological Physiology Growth and Development Heat Resistance and Dor- mancy Photosynthesis Physiology of Drought and Salt Resistance Root Nutrition Stimulation and Inhibition Translocation and Metabo- lism Water Relations I. I. Tumanov A. A. Shakhov M. Kh. Chaylakhyan P. A. Genkel' A. A. Nichiporovich P. A. Genkel' Z. I. Zhurbitskly Yu. V. Rakitin A. L. Kursanov SECRET 20 A Blomagnetism A. L. Kursanov Nforphogenesis A. S. Kruzhilin Seed Physiology K. Ye. Ovcharov Tissue and Organ Culture A. L. Kursanov Institute personnel who are involved in bio- astronautic research include: CHUCHKIN, V. G. Institute of Plant Physiology imeni K. A. Timiryazev, Academy of Sciences, USSR, 1963. KHAZANOV, V. S. Candidate of Technical Sciences; Member, All-Union Scientific Research Institute of Lighting Engineering, Moscow, 1955-62 (Mem- ber, Laboratory of Light Measurement, 1957- 61, Head, 1961) ; Associate, Institute of Plant Physiology imeni K. A. Timiryazev, Academy of Sciences, USSR, Moscow, 1959-62; Associ- ate, Pamir Botanical Garden, Academy of Sci- ences, Tadzhik SSR, 1962. Luminescence. The institute also has a facility designed for .the study of extreme environments. In 1963 the facility was making extensive tests of vari- ous light sources. The Institute of Plant Physiology is one of the important Soviet facilities that is doing basic research in biological regenerative sys- tems for prolonged space flight. Under the leadership of A. A. Nichiporovich, head of the Laboratory of Photosynthesis, investigations have been made of the algae Cllorella. This is the algae that the Soviets have indicated could be used in fulfilling biological gas- exchange requirements for a biological closed ecological system. However, recently the So- viets have indicated that Chlorella is no longer the algae of choice for this system. This laboratory is said to be well equipped for its research work. The quality of.the work has been described as varying from excellent to poor. Research activities have centered upon de- termining the growth characteristics of Chlo- rella under both laboratory and space-flight conditions. A model has been developed for laboratory use in standardizing the method of cultivation of Chlorella. The Soviets are interested also in the automation of cultiva- tion for flight conditions and have described an automatic device for regulating the com- position of the media and for measuring photosynthesis by an infrared gas analyzer. Studies have been made on the algae Chlorella under the conditions of space flight to deter- mine the effect of these conditions on external characteristics, the microscopic appearance, and the extent of photosynthesis. In deter- mining the effect of radiation on the organism during flight the Soviets have made further studies on the growth characteristics of this algae. NICHIPOROVICH, Anatoliy Aleksandrovich Doctor of Biological Sciences; Member, 1943-63, Head, Photosynthesis Laboratory, 1958-61. Plant physiology. SEMENENKO, V. Ye. Member, Institute of Plant Physiology imeni K. A. Timiryazev, Academy of Sciences, USSR, Moscow, 1957-61 (Member, Photosynthesis Laboratory, 1961). Botany. SHAKHOV, Aleksandr Aleksandrovich Doctor of Biological Sciences; Member of the institute, 1955-63; Head, Kola Peninsula Expedition, 1962; Head, Mount Aragats Biolog- ical Station, 1962. Botany. STANKO, S. A. Associate, Institute of Plant Physiology imeni K. A. Timiryazev, Academy of Sciences, USSR, Moscow, 1959-62; Associate, All-Union Scientific Research Institute of Lighting En- gineering, Moscow, 1959-62; Associate, Pamir Botanical Garden, Academy of Sciences, Tad- zhik SSR, 1962. Space botany. VLADIMIROVA, M. G. Member, Institute of Plant Physiology imeni K. A. Timiryazev, Academy of Sciences, USSR, Moscow, 1960-61. Space biology." '" t'+ Other Institutes-The following institutes of the Academy of Sciences, USSR, are also engaged in bioastronautic research: SECRET F__ I Institute of Biochemistry A. I. Oparin imeni A. N. Bakh, Moscow Institute of Botany imeni A. A. Fedorov V. L. Komarov, Leningrad Institute of Cytology and D. K Belyayev Genetics, Siberian Depart- ment, Novosibirsk Institute of Evolutionary Ye. M. Kreps Physiology imeni I. M. Sechenov, Leningrad Institute of Genetics, Mos- T. D. Lysenko cow 10 Institute of Physics, Siberian L. V. Kirenskiy Department, Krasnoyarsk Institute of Physiology imeni A. F. Makarchenko A. A. Bogomolets, Kiev Institute of Radiation and V. A. Engel'gardt Physico-Chemical Biology, Moscow Ministry of Health, USSR and RSFSR Institute of Biophysics, Moscow - Little is known about the activities and personnel of the Institute of Biophysics in Moscow. A. V. Lebedinskiy, director of the Institute, was a member of the editorial board and an author in the major Soviet publications relating to the Soviet bioastronautic program, Problems of Space Biology, volumes 1 and 2. Major research activity of this institute appears to be centered around an elaboration of problems pertaining to the pathogenesis of radiation sickness and the study of the mech- anism of biological action of ionizing radia- tion. Lebedinskiy probably was one of the Soviet scientists who was instrumental in determining the Soviet standards of the level of acceptable risk in the exposure of the cos- monauts to radiation. Research has been conducted at the institute on protective agents against radiation and in determining the toxic effect of beryllium on animals. Dosimetric monitoring equipment has also been produced in a workshop in the institute. Details con- cerning Lebedinskiy follow. LEBEDINSKIY, Andrey Vladimirovicli Doctor of Medical Sciences; Major-General, Military Medical Service, USSR; Active Mem- ber, Academy of Medical Sciences, USSR; Head, Department of Physiology, Moscow State University imeni M. V. Lomonosov, 1961- 63;. Director, Institute of Biophysics, Moscow, 1955-62. Physiology. Other Institutes-The following institutes are also engaged in bioastronautic research : Institute Head All-Union Scientific Research A. G. Baychikev, Institute of Antibiotics, Director Moscow (USSR) Central Institute of Hema A. Ye. Kiselev, tology and Blood Trans- Director fusion, Moscow (USSR) First Moscow Medical Insti- V. V. Kovanov, tute imeni I. M. Sechenov Rector (RSFSR) Institute of Experimental Yu. I. Borodin, Act- Biology and Medicine, ing Director 11 14 111 Novosibirsk (RSFSR) Facilities of the Moscow State University imeni Al. V. Lomonosov, Moscow Ivan Georgiyevich Petrovskiy is the head of the Moscow State University imeni M. V. Lomonosov, Moscow, which is under the Min-. istry of Higher and Secondary Specialized Education, USSR. Certain of the activities of the University have to do with the study and evaluation of the radiation hazard for space flight. The ex- pected radiation level is determined before each manned space flight and includes solar- flare studies. At the 1964 COSPAR meeting, personnel of the University discussed the radi- ation level during the flights of Vostoks 3, 4, 5, and 6. Within the last several years a space biology training program has been initiated at the University: Classroom work begins there and then progresses to the major institutes in Moscow. This program is to shift soon to the new biological center at Pushchino. This course is a graduate program for individuals who will go into key laboKatories as heads of laboratories or sections. It is estimated that SECRET 22 I from 90 to 100 students are involved at a given time. Yazdovskiy, a leading figure in the So- viet manned space program, is responsible for this spacer iology program at the University. University staff members who are contribut- ing to bioasWnautic research include: NESTEROV, V. Ye. Member, All-Union Scientific Research In- stitute of Fertilizers and Agro-Soil Science, Moscow, 1958-62; Member, Scientific Research Institute of Nuclear Physics; Moscow State University imeni M. V. Lomonosov, 1961-62. PISARENKO, N. F. Member,-, Institute of Biochemistry imeni A. N. Bakh, Academy of Sciences, USSR, Mos- cow, 1961; Member, Scientific Research Insti- tute of Nuclear Physics, Moscow State Univer- sity imeni M. V. Lomonosov, 1961-62. SAVENKO, Ivan Andreyevich Member, Scientific Research Institute of Nuclear Physics; Moscow State University imeni M. V. Lomonosov,' 1961-63; Member, Consultative Group on Potentially Harmful Effects of Space Experiments, Committee on Space Research (COSPAR), 1962-63. SHAVRIN, P. I. Member, Scientific Research Institute of Nuclear Physics, Moscow State University imeni M. V. Lomonosov, 1958-62. YAZDOVSKIY, V. I. Candidate of Medical Sciences, Colonel, Medical Service; Member, Institute of Normal and Pathological Physiology, Academy of Medical Sciences, USSR, 1960-63; Head, Cos- mic Laboratories, Moscow State University imeni M. V. Lomonosov, since 1959; space medicine; born 24 June 1913; Stalin Prize." I.,_.3 BIOASTRONAUTIC RESEARCH AND DEVELOPMENT The many institutes involved in Soviet bio- astronautic research and development are concerned with exobiology, biotelemetry, en- vironmental and life-support systems, and space physiology. Exobiology There is apparently no well-organized exobi- ology program as part of the Soviet space effort. While an exobiology program report- edly has been recommended to the Soviet deci- sion-making body, there has been little imple- mentation and indication of priority interest in such a program. The principal research in exobiology is con- ducted at the Institute of Microbiology under Imshenetskiy's direction. (See "Institute of Microbiology" section.) Several other insti- tutes are engaged in supporting research with a small number of personnel involved. There is a report also that Tomilino is concerned with the investigation of elements on other planets and the study of earth contamination by extraterrestrial substances.'' 1' s1 76 ho Soviet institutes involved in exobiology are: Institute of Microbiology, -Academy of Sciences, USSR 2. Institute of Cytology, Academy of Sci- ences, USSR 3. Institute of Experimental Biology, Academy of Medical Sciences, USSR 4. Central Scientific Research Institute of Disinfection, Ministry of Health, USSR Tomilino, State Committee for Avia- tion Technology (GKAT) **6. Institute of Physiology and Biochem- istry of Microorganisms, Pushchino, Academy of Sciences, USSR 7. Institute of Radiation and Physico- Chemical Biology, Academy of Sci- ences, USSR 8. Institute of Biochemistry imeni A. N. Bakh *Leading institute. -Possible involvement. SECRET 23 Leading Personalities Leading Soviet personalities who are work- ing in the field of exobiology include: Name: Affiliation' : Specialty: Name: Affiliation' : Specialty: Name: Affiliation' : Specialty : 0 Name: Affiliation*: Specialty: Name: Affiliation*: Specialty: Name: Affiliation' : Specialty: Name: Affiliation' : Specialty: Name: Affiliation' : Specialty: Name: Affiliation' : Specialty: Biotelemetry Imshenetskiy, A. A. 1 Leading spokesman and director of exobiological research Abyzov, S. S. 1 Microbial investigations of mete- orites Chernov, V. N. 1 Engineering in the welding of life- detection equipment Iyerusalimskiy, N. D. 1,6 Decontamination of space vehicles Lozina-Lozinsky, L. K. 2 Extraterrestrial life on Mars Meysel, M. N. 1.7 Fluorescent microscopy in detection of extraterrestrial life Oparin, A. I. 8 Extraterrestrial life Vashkov, V. I. 4 Sterilization techniques Zhukov-Verezhnikov, M. N. 3 Space microbiology, development of bloelements blotelemetry program has been a considered, methodical, and careful one. Initial requirements and biotelemetric instru- mentation for in-flight medical control and experimentation were determined in the early animal space flights. This started in Novem- ber 1957 with the dog Laika (Sputnik 2) and with the first comprehensive experimentation that used biotelemetry on the dogs Belka, Strelka, Pshelka, and Muska (Sputniks 5 and 6) in 1960. The methods were concerned with the cardiovascular system (electrocardi- ography, phonocardiography, and seismocar- diography) , respiration (pneumography), the 'The number refers to the institute location shown in the previous section on "Institutes." 24 .? motor reactions of animals (electromyog- raphy), and heat regulation (temperature). The main units of biotelemetry used in the Vostok manned space flights underwent flight tests in early 1961 with the dogs Chernushka and Zvezdochka (Sputniks 9 and 10). The validation of biotelemetric equipment by flight testing had been preceded by& refinement of requirements, laboratory research and devel- opment, clinical evaluation, and equipment testing under simulated flight conditions. R. M. Bayevskiy, Ye. B. Babskiy, and V. L. Karpman are leading Soviet medical special- ists in space-oriented biotelemetry. Medical radioclectronic considerations in the design, development, and application of biotelemetry for space flight have been undertaken by I. T. Akulinichett and his group. The key institute involved in the research and development of bioinstrumentation used for the monitoring of cosmonauts has been the Institute of Normal and Pathological Physiology. This is a com- petent group that is doing research and in- strument development applicable not only to the medical control of the cosmonaut, but also to experimental studies relating to the re- sponse of man under such conditions as weightlessness. The Soviets have been ready to incorporate instrumentation needed for successive flights as determined by the results and problems en- countered on previous flights. For example, Titov's experience of in-flight sickness neces- sitated the use of the oculogram on the next flights. Instrumentation for future flights is undergoing improvement And development. The Soviets indicate that detachable elec- trodes will be needed for prolonged flight for the periodic examination and medical control of the cosmonaut. This would also be needed for possible extra-vehicular activity. Work is continuing on on-board recording; an autono- mous recorder is now used for monitoring the pulse and respiration of the cosmonaut at ejection and during descent by parachute. Bayevskiy is working on an on-board diagnos- tic machine for rapid and real-time evaluation of all biomedical data from the cosmonaut and I.T the environmental control system.-- " 14 1.1 P II Institutes Soviet institutes involved in the field of biotelemetry are : *1. Institute of Normal and Pathological Physiology, Academy of Medical Sci- ences, USSR 2. Institute of Physiology imeni I. P. Pavlov, Academy of Sciences, USSR Scientific Research Testing Institute of Aviation Medicine, Ministry of Defense, USSR 4. Institute of Evolutionary Physiology imeni I. M. Sechenov, Academy of Sci- ences, USSR 5. Institute of Therapy, Academy of Medi- cal Sciences, USSR Leading Personalities The leading personalities involved in bio- telemetry in the USSR are : Name: Agadzhanyan, N. A. Affiliation"': Associated with I Specialty: Placement and method of attach- ment of electrodes Name: Akulinichev. I. T. Affiliation''': Associated with 1 Specialty: Design, development, and applica- Name: Affiliation''' : Specialty: Name: ABiliat.Ion?' ? : Specialty: Name : Affiliation'' ? : Specialty Name : Affiliation' ? ? : Specialty: tion of bioinstrumentation for space flight (including galvanic skin re- sponse, vectorcardioscope) Anokhin. P. K. I Electroencephalogram Babskiy, Ye. B. 1 Instrumentation for cardiovascular monitoring Bayevskly, R. M. 1 Phonocardiogram. seismocardio- gram, blood pressure. ballistocardi- ogrsm Filippovich, S. I. 1 Digestive physiology 'Leading institute. -Possible involvement. '"The number refers to the shown in the previous section on institute location "Institutes." Name: Affiliation' ? ? : Specialty: Name: Affiliation' ? ? : Specialty: Name: Affiliation" ? : Specialty: Name: Affiliation''': Specialty: Name: Affiliation''' : Specialty: Name: Affiliation"': Specialty: Name: Affiliation"*: Specialty: Name: Affiliation'": Specialty: Name: Affiliation'"O: Specialty: Oculographic measurements Gazenko, O. 0. 3 Support on methods and tech- niques of bioinstrumentation Karpman, V. L. 1 Dynamocardiogram cardiac meas- urements Khayutin, V. M. 1 Electromyogram Marshak, M. Ye. 1 Environmental and respiratory physiology Meyerson. F. Z. 1 Weightlessness effects on cardio- vascular system Moskalenko, Yu. Ye. 4 Electroplethysmogram Parin, V. V. 1 Ballistocardiogram, all cardiac measurements Sinyakov, V. S. 1 Bloinstrumentation electronics Environmental and Life-Support Systems The Soviets began experimentation and testing of their present environmental life- support system in the early 1950's with the work of A. D. Seryapin and his use of chemical compounds (superoxldes) for regeneration of oxygen. Work related to this problem may well be the reason for Seryapin's sharing the Stalin Third Prize with A. V. Pokrovskiy, V. I. Popov, and V. I. Yazdovskiy "for work in the technical field" in 1951. Testing of this method was carried out with dogs by using the criteria of an oxygen content range of 40 percent, CO_ content 0.5-1.5 percent or less, and the normal life span of the system as 14 days. This method was flight tested with the dog Laika in Sputnik 2 on 3 No- vember 1957. Detailed information on the location of facilities and on personnel concerned with environmental life-support equipment devel- opment is sparse, but much of the basic re- search work is probably done at the Institute of Normal and Pathological Physiology. Ex- perimental evaluation and development work is done at NIIIAM in Moscow. The key men in this field are 0. G. Gazenko and A. M. Genin, in coordination with V. I. Yazdovskiy. Space suit development has been undertaken at Tomilino under S. M. Alekseyev. Possible subsystem-capsule development is done at new TsAGI. The Soviets also have conducted a basic research program that is oriented to- ward closed ecological systems under the Academy of Sciences with A. A. Nichiporovich directing a group at the Institute of Plant Physiology imeni K. A. Timiryazov. Indications are that - the present Vostok environmental life-support system consists of a two-gas system with potassium superoxide as the oxygen source, along with partial carbon-dioxide absorption. Lithium hydrox- ide is used as an additional carbon-dioxide absorber and the atmospheric pressure level of the cabin is 14.7.pounds per,square inch (psi) ; the suit inflates to one-half an atmos- phere (7.5 psi). This superoxide system at one time was said to be prime during flight and secondary during launch; during reentry high-pressure oxygen was used. However, fiiaal testing of the environmental system was sod- to be concluded before the flights of Vostoks 3 and 4. For those flights the sys- tem was put into operation 1 hour before launch for Vostok 3, and 4 hours prior to launch for Vostok 4. This life-support sys- tem is adequate for flights of 10 to 14 days. In future missions, the Soviets are consider- ing raising the level of oxygen from 20 to 29 percent up to 40 percent and lowering the nitrogen level accordingly down to the 60 per- cent range. The Soviets also may be reiidy to incorporate a water regeneration system in subsequent flights. For future prolonged space missions, the Soviets are conducting research and have indicated the need for de- veloping a completely closed ecological en- vironmental life-support system." "? :,. -" i., 1-; Institutes Some of the leading Soviet institutes in- volved in environmental and life-support re- search and development are: 1. Scientific Research Testing Institute of Aeration Medicine (NIIIAM), Min- istry of Defense. USSR 2. Institute of Normal and Pathological Physiology, Academy of Medical Sci- ences, USSR 3. Institute of Plant Physiology imeni K. A. Timiryazov, Academy of Sciences, USSR tion Technology (GKAT) The Central Aerohydrodynamics Insti- tute (TsAGI), GKAT Leading Personalities - Leading personnel working in environmen- tal and life-support research and systems in the USSR are : Name: Alekseyev, S. N1. Afflliation?? : 4 Specialty: Space suit and equipment Name: Gazenko. 0. G. Affiliation' ? : 1 Specialty: Life-support research and develop- ment Name: Genin, A. M. Affiliation'': - Specialty: Life-support research and devel- opment Name: Nichiporovich, A. A. Aniliation??: 3 Specialty: Closed biological ecological systems Name: Serapin, A. A. Affiliation' Specialty: Chemical method for the regener- ation of oxygen Name: Sergeyev, N. P. Affiliation'': - Specialty: Space capsule environments Name: Yazdovskiy. V. I. Affiliation ? ? : - Specialty: Life-support research and develop- merit 'Possible involvement. ?? The number refers to the institute location Shown in the previous section on "Institutes." Weightlessness The Soviets have considerable flight experi- ence for the study of the problem of weight- lessness. They began more extensive study of. the effects of weightlessness during the suborbital or vertical flights with dogs during the early 1950's. Biological experiments have been conducted and Soviet cosmonauts have experienced weightlessness for periods up to 5 days. Experiments under laboratory condi- tions are conducted at Chkalovskaya (Shchel- kovo) on planes flying parabolic -curves last- ing-from 30 to 40 seconds. The Soviets are aware of the increasing problems for man in the weightless condition during prolonged flight and have an expanding and highly competent basic research program oriented toward the study of this problem. The center for the study of the cardiovascular effects of weightlessness is the Institute of Normal and Pathological Physiology under V. V. Parin. Selection procedures for Soviet cosmonauts have not always demonstrated the correctness of such procedures under the weightless condi- tion, as for example in the case of G. Titov, or an extensive experimental approach to the selection process. More recently, the Soviets have conducted experiments on some 200 hu- mans' and have separated out those who are able to adapt to the weightlessness state dur- ing these tests and have categorized them by the degree of adaptation. Those with con- siderable flight experience k82 percent) were able to adapt to weightlessness and only 17 percent without flight experience were able to adapt. The results of adaptation to weight- lessn4ss were found to be similar for both men and women. After the experience of Titov in Vostok 2 basic research also has been expanded in the study of the vestibular sys- tem. A laboratory was established at the In- stitut~ of Physiology imeni Pavlov under Kislay kov and Ayrapet'yants. Another group under A. V. Lebedinskiy has been studying the autonomic nervous system reactions from stimulation of the vestibular analyzer for an understanding of this problem in relation to space flight. Research in artificial gravity will be discussed under the section on ac- celeration.,14 14 104 Institutes Some of the leading Soviet institutes and facilities involved in the study of weightless- ness are : 1. Institute of Normal and Pathological Physiology, Academy of Medical Sci- ences, USSR 2. Chkalovskaya (Shchelkovo) '3. Scientific Research Testing Institute of Aviation Medicine (NIIIAM), Minis- try of Defense, USSR 4. The Institute of Physiology imeni Pavlov, Academy of Sciences, USSR Leading Personalities Some, of the leading personalities who are doing research in weightlessness are: Name: Kas'yan, I. I. Affiliation" : 1 Specialty: Research in weightlessness Name: Kislyakov, V. A. Affiliation' ? : 4 Specialty: Study of labyrinth and vestibular apparatus Name: Kitayev-Smyk, L. A. Affiliation' ? : 1 Specialty: Effects of weightlessness on ani- mals and humans Name: Khayutin, V. M. Affiliation**: 1 Specialty: Research in correlating muscle ac- tivity with blood flow (effect of in- flight exercise on circulation of blood through other organs of the body) Name: Meyerson, F. Z. Affiliation": 1 Specialty: Effects of prolonged weightlessness on cardiovascular system Name: Parin, V. V. Affiliation' ? : I Specialty: Cardiovascular physiology during weightlessness Name: Yazdovskiy, V. I. Affiliation' ? : - Specialty: Study of weightlessness problem Name: Yuganov, Ye. M. Affiliation": : 1 Specialty: Research in weightlessness ?Possible involvement. "Tlic number refers to the institute location in the previous section on "Institutes." Approved For Release 2002/11/158 lg[kP78T05439A000400350028-3 Other Soviets who are studying problems associated with weightlessness include M. A. Cherepakhin, O. G. Gazenko, A. I. Gorshkov, u W . G. Grigor'yev, G. L. Komendantov, V. I. opapev, A. V. Lebedinskiy, R. M. Lyubimova- Gerasimova, B. I. Polyakov, Yu. V. Vanyushina, B. A. Zhuravlev, and A. T. Zverev. A large amount of the background work in acceleration research on animals and humans was done at the Scientific Research Testing. Institute of Aviation Medicine (NIIIAM) in Moscow under P. K. Isakov. Research that can be applied to the dog flights was con- ducted in 1957 by A. R. Kotovskaya and Ye. M. Yuganov. They conducted experiments on the effect of transverse acceleration on the cardiovascular and respiratory system of dogs. The results indicated that dogs could with- stand from 2 to 10 G's during a 6-minute period satisfactorily. The Soviets have indicated that the cen- trifuge~ is of considerable value in the selec- tion and training of cosmonauts. A. S. Barer has conducted tests on the centrifuge at Tomilino on the limits of human tolerance to transverse accelerations. The cosmonauts are known to have undergone training and test- ing on.this centrifuge. Recently the Soviets have expressed the need for artificial gravity for prolonged space flights. Preliminary ex- periments on rats and mice have been con- ducted to determine the minimally effective level of an artificial force of gravity for main- taining normal body position and coordina- tion. This level was found to be 0.3 G. The Soviets have also indicated that the cosmo- naut may alleviate cieconditioning during pro- longed flight by periodic acceleration on an on-board centrifuge." -1? 1 1?T Some of the leading institutes or facilities involved in acceleration research are: 1. Scientific Research Testing Institute of Aviation Medicine, Ministry of De- fense, USSR 2. Institute of Normal and Pathological Physiology, Academy of Medical Sci- ences, USSR 3. Tomilino, the State Committee for Aviation Technology (GKAT) Leading Personalities Some of the leading personnel doing ac- celeration research include: Name: Barer, A. S. Afflliation? : 3 Specialty: Physiological testing of humans during acceleration on a centrifuge Name: Isakov, P. K. Afnliation?: 1 Specialty: Acceleration research Name: Kas'yan, I. I. Afilation? : 2 Specialty: Acceleration research Name: Affiliations : Specialty: Yuganov, Ye. M. 2 Acceleration research Others involved in acceleration studies in- clude N. A. Agadzhanyan, V. I. Babushkin, V. Ye. Belay, O. G. Gazenko, G. D. Glod, S. A. Gozulov, O. V. Graunov, A. A. Gyurdzhian, G. V. Izosimov, G. F. Khlebnikov, A. A. Kiselev, S. P. Kolchin, Yu. N. Kopayev, A. R. Kotov- skaya, Ye. F. Kotovskiy, S. I. Lobashkov, G. P. Mirolyubov, Yu. Ye. Moskalenko, A. N. Rozu- meyev, D. Ye. Rozenblyum, S. F. Simpura, P. M. Suvorov, N. N. Timofeyev, P. V. Vasil'yev, and V. G. Yeliseyev. Since the inception of the space program, the Soviets have expressed concern and inter- est in determining the biological effects of cosmic radiation. Beginning with Sputnik 2 through Sputnik 5 in the period prior to manned flight, an array of biological speci- mens was carried aboard the spaceships. Much of this work was conducted at the Insti- tute of Biological Physics, Academy of Sci- ences, USSR, and the Institute of Experimen- tal Biology, Academy of Medical Sciences, The number refers to the institute location in the previous section on 'Institutes." SECRET 28 USSR. These experiments were not able, how- ever, to separate the effects of radiation from those of other space flight factors, such as vi- bration, acceleration, and weightlessness. The manned space program has continued the biological experimentation in near-earth orbit'I and the concern for radiation safety of the flan during flight with a solar-flare detec- tion program. The monitoring o~ the cosmo- naut; has indicated a level of radiation ex- posure of from 8 to 15 millirads per day. The Institute of Biophysics, Ministry of Health, USSR, under A. V. Lebedinskiy has studied the biological effects of ionizing radiation in determining the acceptable level of risk for Soviet cosmonauts and also has done some basic research in protective agents against radiation. N. F. Pisarenko, I. A. Savenko, E. I. Shavrin, and V. Ye. Nesterov from the Moscow State University and Keirim-Markus, et al., have been involved in the study and evalua- tion of the radiation hazard during flight. The key Soviet consultant in radiobiology - is G. M. Frank, with V. V. Antipov playing an increasingly important role in the field of radiobiological research. For future prolonged flights the Soviets are continuing their re- search in attempting to find drugs that will be effective against radiation. They have also indicated a willingness to increase the level of risk to be assumed by the cosmonaut in the ex- posure to radiation during flight." Institutes Some of the leading Soviet institutes in- volved in radiation studies are: 1. Institute of Biological Physics, Acad- emy of Sciences, USSR 2. Moscow State University - iZeni M. V. Lomonosov, Ministry of Higher and Secondary Specialized Education, USSR Institute of Biophysics, Ministry c Health, USSR ;3 4. Institute of Experimental Biology, Academy of Medical Sciences, USSR Leading Personalities Some of the leading personnel doing re- Name: Affiliation' : Specialty: - Name: Affiliation': Specialty: Name: Affiliation' : Specialty: Name: Affiliation' : Specialty: Name: Affiliation' : Specialty: Name: Affiliation' : Specialty: Name: Affiliation*: Specialty: Name: Affiliation*: Specialty: Name: Affiliation*: Specialty: Name: Affiliation' : Specialty: Name: Affiliation'.: Specialty: Name: Affiliation*: Specialty: Antlpov, V. V. Key researcher in radiobiology Dobrov, N. N. Cosmonaut dosimetry Frank, 0. M. 1 Key administrator in the field of radioblology ` Ivanov, V. I. Cosmonaut dosimetry Keirim-Markus, I. B. Cosmonaut dosimetry Kovalev, E. E. Cosmonaut dosimetry Lebedinskiy, A. V. 3 Biological action in ionizing radia- tion Nesterov, VbYe. 2 Cosmonaut dosimetry and radiation measurements in the study of flights Pisarenko, N. ~'. 2 Cosmonaut dosimetry and radia- tion measurements in the study of safety of flights Saksonov, Pr,P. Cosmonaut dosimetry Savenko, I. A Cosmonaut gosimetry and radia- tion measurements in the study of safety of tfights Shavrin, P. I. Cosmonaut dosimetry ton measurements in safety of flights Narv..Q, UspenskiyOL. N. Affili'ation' : Specialty: Cosmonaut dosimetry and radia- the study of 'The fluni4r refers to the institute location in the previous section on "Institutes." Approved For Release 39A000400350028-3 29 r .......... ' -7 Other Ph ological and Psychological ~ Proble r3is G. D. Glod and N. N. Timofeyev are work- ing in the area of increasing the resistance of the body to environmental hazards. To determine the effect of increased G-load, they conducted studies on rats in a state of deep hypothermia. Glod and Timofeyev experi- mented with transverse G effects of the mag- nitude of 75 G's lasting for 3 to 5 minutes. They were able to restore the cardiac activity partially, and in some cases they completely ? restored the cardiac, respiratory, and motor activity of the rats. V. G. Denisov has responsibilities in engi- neering psychology or man-machine relation- ships. He has studied the interrelationships between the man and the vehicle control panel to determine the optimum arrangement for information assimilation and manual control of the vehicle. V. I. Myasnikov has investigated the effects of prolonged isolation on the central nerv- ous system and the motor reaction time of man.1S 16 110 APPENDIX Scientists Involved in 4he Soviet Bioastronautic and Manned Space- Program The key scientists in the Soviet bioastronautic and manned space program are V. b1p Chernigovskiy, G. M. Frank, O. G. Gazenko, A. A. Imshenetskiy, V. V. Parin, N. M. Sisakyan, and V. I. Yazdovskiy. Detailed information concerning their back- grounds and activities follows.'-1-16 (See figures 29-35.) CHERNIGOVSKIY, Vladimir Nikolayevich Born 16 Feb- ruary 1907, Sverdlovsk, RSFSR. Active Member, Academy of Medical Sciences, USSR; Active Member, Academy of Sciences, USSR. Current position: Academician-Secretary, Department of Physi- ology, Academy of Sciences, USSR, 1963-64; Director, Institute of Physiology imeni I. P. Pavlov, Academy of Sciences, USSR, Leningrad, 1959-64; Member, Editorial Board, Byulleten' Eks- perimental'noy Biologii i Meditsiny, 1954-64 (Chief Editor, 1954- 60) ; Member, Editorial Board, Fiziologicheskiy Zhurnal SSSR imeni I. M. Sechenova, 1960-64 (Assistant Editor, 1960-62). Role in Soviet space program: Played an important role in re- search with test dogs; cited as director of training and prepara- tion of animals for experimental space flights. Probably is link between the Academy of Medical Sciences and the Academy of Sciences for communication in the area of bioastronautics. Education: Graduate, Medical Faculty, Perm' University, 193 Doctor of Medical Sciences. Career: Assistant, Chair of Physiology, Orenburg Veterin In- stitute, 1930-32; Member, Chair of Physiology, Sverdl Med- ical Institute, 1932-37; Senior Scientific Ass , General Physiology Division, All-Union Institute of Exp ental Medi- cine imeni A. M. Gor'kiy (VIEM), Leningrad, 7-41; Member, Naval Medical Academy, Leningrad, 1951-53; lember, Institute of Experimental Medicine, Academy of Medic~tt1 Sciences, USSR, Leningrad, 1946-c1952 (Head, Laboratory c- Physiology of Re- ceptors, General Physiology Division, 19461; Head, Laboratory of Physiology of Receptors, Institute of Phyogy imeni I. P. Pavlov, Academy of Sciences, USSR, Leningrad, x1J49-59; Mem- ber, Institute of Surgery imeni A. V. Vishnevskiy, Alemy of Medical Sciences, USSR, Moscow, 1953; Associate, Leningrad 31 CHERNIGOVSKIY (Continued) Scientific Research Tuberculosis Institute, 1953-58 (Scientific Director, 1953) ; Vice-President, Academy of Medical Sciences, USSR, 1953-57; Member, Institute of Normal and Pathological Physiology, Academy of Medical Sciences, USSR, Moscow, 1953- 61 (Director, 1953-59; Head, Laboratory of General Physiology, 1961) ; Member, Bureau, Department of Medical and Biological Sciences, Academy of Medical Sciences, USSR, 1957; Member, Bureau, Department of Biological Sciences, Academy of Sciences, USSR, 1960; Chairman, Coordinating Council for the Complex Problem "Physiology," Presidium, Academy of Sciences, USSR, 1962-63. Scientific specialties: Internal receptors; chemoreceptors; me- chanoreceptors; pulmonary emphysema and the nervous system; interoceptive analyzer; nervous regulation of circulation; inter- oceptive reflex arch; space biology and physiology. Travel: Hypertension Symposium, World Health Organization, Prague, May 1960; International Symposium on Basic Environ- mental Problems of Man in Space, Paris, October 1962.. Honors: Prize imeni I. P. Pavlov 1944; Order of .Labor Red Ban- ner 1957; Member, Rumanian Society of Medical Sciences, 1960. FRANK, Gleb Mikhaylovich - Born 24 May 1904. Corre- sponding Member, Academy of Sciences, USSR; Corresponding Member, Academy of Medical Sciences, USSR. Current position: Member, ,Institute of Biological Physics, Acad- emy of Sciences, USSR, Moscow, 1952-64 (Head of a laboratory, 1953-58; Director of Institute, 1958-64) ; Member, Editorial Board, Priroda (Nature), 1962-64; Chief Editor, Biofizika (Bio- physics), 1956-64. Role in Soviet space program: Consulted in matters relating to radiobiology. Education: Graduate, Crimean State University, Simferopol' 1925; Doctor of Biological Sciences. Career: Member, Leningrad Physico-Technical Institute imeni A. F. Ioffe, Academy of Sciences, USSR, 1929-46; Member, All- Union Institute of Experimental Medicine imeni A. M. Gor'kiy, 1934-35; Member, Institute of Physiology imeni I. P. Pavlov, Academy of Sciences, USSR, Leningrad, 1945-50 (Member, Bio- physics Laboratory, 1950) ; Head, Biophysics Laboratory, Insti- tute of Experimental Biology, Academy of Medical Sciences, USSR, Moscow, 1946-50; Director, Institute of Biophysics, Acad- emy of Medical Sciences, USSR, Moscow, 1948-53; Member, Physics Faculty, Moscow State University imeni M. V. Lomono- sov, 1955-56. 49 FRANK (Continued) Scientific specialties: Radiation biology; mechanical properties of the nerve; structural and physical-chemical processes during muscle contraction; radioisotopes; auto-regulation of cellular processes; Mullerian cells of the retina; transverse striated muscles. Travel: Berlin, East Germany, January 1961; Second Interna- tional Congress of Radiation Research, Harrogate, England, August 1962; International Symposium on Basic Environmen- tal Problems of Man in Space, Paris, October 1962; Council Meeting, International Organization of Pure and Applied Bio- physics, Paris, May 1963. Honors: Order of Labor Red Banner, 1945; State (formerly Sta- lin) Prize, third class 1950; Order of Lenin, 1964. GAZENKO, Oleg Georgiyevich - Born 1918. Lt. Colonel, Military Medical Service, USSR. Current position: Associate, Institute of Normal and Pathologi- cal Physiology, Academy of Medical Sciences, USSR, Moscow, 1963; possible association with Scientific Research Testing In- stitute of Aviation Medicine (NIIIAM), Moscow; Member, Work- ing Group Five on Space Biology, Committee on Space Research (COSPAR), 1963; Senior Scientific Associate, Department of Biological Sciences, Academy of Sciences, USSR, 1960-62; Mem- ber, Editorial Board, Nauka i Zlzizn', 1961-64. Role in Soviet space program: .involved in the evaluation and development of environmental life-support systems. Education: Doctor of Biological Sciences, 1961; Candidate of Medical Sciences. , Career: Member, Barothermic Laboratory, Chair of Physiology, Military Medical Academy imeni S. M. Kirov, Leningrad, 1954. Scientific specialties: Biological and physiological investigations during space flights; biological telemetry; blood circulation in the brain under conditions of changes in gravitational field; vestibular nuclei and stimulation of vestibular receptors; pro- tective adaptation of body in conditions of maximal overstrain and weightlessness; pressure-chamber training; artificial en- vironments in space vehicles. Travel: Second World and Fourth European Congress on Avia- tion and Space Medicine, Rome, October 1959; Plenary Meeting and International Symposium, Committee on Space Research, Florence, Italy, April 1961; Seventh Plenary Meeting, Commit- tee on Space Research, Florence, May 1964. IMSHENETSKIY, Aleksandr Aleksandrovich - Born 8 Jan- uary 1905, Kiev, Ukrainian SSR. Active Member, Academy of Sciences, USSR. Current position: Director, Institute of Microbiology (INMI), Academy of Sciences, USSR, Moscow, 1949-64; Chief Editor, Mikrobiologiya, 1950-64; Member, Editorial Board, Zeitschrift fur Allgenzeine Mikrobiologie (an East German publication), 1964; Member, Editorial Board, Vestnik Akadenzii Nauk SSSR, 1964. Role in Soviet Space program: Chief spokesman in matters re- lating to exobiology and *st.erilization of space vehicles. Education: Graduate, Voronezh University, 1926; Doctor of Bi- ological Sciences, 1939. Career: Member, INMI, 1939-64 (head of a department 1941, 1945; Deputy Head, Division of Ecology of Microorganisms, 1948; Director, 1949-64; Head, Department of Experimental Variability of Microorganisms, 1957-62) ; Associate, All-Union Scientific Research Institute of the Alcohol Industry, Moscow, 1946, 1953; Member, International Society of Soil Science, 1960;. Chairman, All-Union Microbiological Society, 1960-63; Member, Editorial Board, Antibiotika, 1952-59. Scientific specialties: Myxobacteria; physiology and biochem- istry of microorganisms; yeast adapted to phenol and mercuric chloride; Azotobacter clzroococcum; citric-acid-producing As- pergillus niger; life at high temperatures; nitrifying microor- ganisms; interspecies transformation in microorganisms; Fu- sarium variants; sterilization by radiation and vitamins. Travel: Lectured at US Academy of Sciences, Washington. D. C. April 1960; visited Cairo, Egypt, January 1961; Plenary Meet- ings and Working Group Sessions, Committee on Space Re- search (COSPAR) , Washington, D. C., April 1962; Third Inter- national Space Science Symposium, COSPAR, Washington, D. C., May 1962; Fourth International Space Science Sympo- sium, COSPAR, Warsaw, June 1963; COSPAR, Florence, May 1964. Honors: Order of Labor Red Banner, 1945; Order of Lenin, 1953. PARIN, Vasiliy Vasil'yevich - Born 18 March 1903, Kazan', RSFSR. Active Member, Academy of Medical Sciences, USSR. Current position: Vice-President, Academy of Medical Sciences,. USSR, 1963-64; Director, Institute of Normal and Pathological Physiology, Academy of Medical Sciences, USSR, Moscow, 1960- 64; Member, Editorial Board, Mcditsinskiy Ref erativnyy Zlzur- nal, 1957-64; Member, Editorial Board, Vestnik Akadenzii AMedi- tsinskikh Nauk SSSR, 1957-64; Member, Editorial Board, Nauka i Zhizn', 1962-64; Chief Editor, Byullcten' Eksperimental'noy Bi- ologii Meditsiny, 1960-64 (Assistant Editor, 1957-60). PARIN (Continued) Role in Soviet space program: Key role in the area of biomedical research support for the manned space program. Education: Graduate, Medical Faculty, Perm' University, 1925; Doctor of Medical Sciences. Career: Member, Physiology Department, Perm' University, 1925-32; Member, Physiology Department, Sverdlovsk Medical Institute, 1932-41; Director, First Moscow Medical Institute, 1941-42; Head, Physiology Department, Third Moscow Medical Institute, 1943-47; Deputy People's Commissar of Health, USSR, 1942-45; inmate, Vladimir ' Prison, 1947-53; Head, Physiology Laboratory, Institute of Therapy, Academy of Medical Sciences, USSR, Moscow, 1954-56; Head, Department of Clinical and Ex- perimental Physiology, Central Institute for Advanced Train- ing of Physicians, Moscow, 1956-60; Chairman, Scientific-Tech- nical Council, Presidium, Academy of Modical Sciences, USSR, 1958; Chief, Section Medical Application of Electronics, All- Union Scientific and Technical Society of Radio Engineering and Electrical Communications imeni A. S. Popov (VNORiE), 1959; Chairman, Cybernetics and Animate Nature Section, Sci- entific Council on the Complex Problem "Cybernetics," Academy of Sciences, USSR, 1963. Scientific specialties: Ballistocardiography; electronics in biol- ogy and medicine; hypertension; pulmonary ventilation; cyber- netics and physiology in medicine; biological telemetry; protec- tive adaptation of the body and the limits of adaptation in con- ditions of maximal overstrain and the state of weightlessness. Travel: Hypertension Symposium, World Health Organization, Prague, May 196 ; Third International Conference on Medical Electronics, London, July 1960; 10th European Congress on Aviation and Cosmonautical Medicine, Paris, September 1961; Plenary Meeting and Working Group Sessions, Committee on Space Research (COSPAR), Washington, D. C., April 1962; Third International Space Science Symposium, COSPAR, Washington, D. C., May 1962;' Symposium on Pulsatile Blood Flow, Phila- delphia, April 1963; Seventh Plenary Meeting and Fifth Inter- national Space Science Symposium, COSPAR, Florence, Italy, May 1964. Honors: Order of Labor Red Banner, 1943: Order of Lenin, 1963. SISAKYAN, Norayr Martirosovich - Born 12 January 1907, Ashtarak, Armenia. Active Member, Academy of Sciences, USSR; Corresponding Member, Academy of Sciences, Armenian SSR. Current position: Chief Scientific Secretary, Academy of Sciences, USSR, 1963-64; Member, Editorial Board, Biokhinziya, SISAKYAN (Continued) 1946-64 (Assistant Editor 1949-64) ; Chief Editor, Izvestiya Akademii Nauk, Seriya Biologicheskaya, 1959-64; Assistant Editor, Kosmicheskiye Issledovaniya,. 1963-64. Role in Soviet space program: Head of life science aspects of Soviet space program. Education: Graduate, Yerevan State University; Graduate, Mos- cow Agricultural Academy imeni K. A. Timiryazev, 1932; Doctor of Biological Sciences. Career: Member, Institute of Biochemistry imeni A. N. Bakh, Academy of Sciences, USSR, 1939-59 (Scientific Secretary, 1945; Deputy Director, 1949-59; Head, Laboratory of Cellular Anat- omy and Function, 4J57-58; possibly Head, Laboratory of Enzy- mology, 1944-63) ; Associate, Institute of Viticulture and' Vini- culture, Academy of Sciences, Armenian SSR, 1947-50; (Head, Laboratory of Biochemistry, 1947) ; Deputy Chief Scientific .c- retary, Academy of Sciences, USSR, 1953-59; Academician Sec- retary, Department of Biological Sciences, Academy of Sciences, USSR, 1959-63; Member, Commission for International Scien- tific Relations, Presidium, Academy of Sciences, USSR, 1957-61 (Chairman 1957); Member, International Advisory Committee on Research in the Natural Sciences, UNESCO, 1957-58; Head, Committee on Natural and Exact Sciences, USSR, Commission for UNESCO, 1958; Member, Executive Board, UNESCO, 1959. Scientific specialties:. Amino acids; biochemical properties of plastids; radiobiology; protein synthesis; synthesis of the pep- tide bond; mitochondrial factors affecting glycolysis; 'action of X-irradiation on oxidative phosphorylation in plant mitochon- dria; intracellular respiration; phosphorylating and nonphos- phorylating oxidation reactions; Chlorella pyreudoidosa; pro- teins in chloroplasts; peptides and nucleotide peptides; adeno- sinetriphosphoric acid and protein synthesis in chloroplasts; nu- cleotide composition of microsomal and soluble ribonucleic acid (RNA) in insects. Travel: UNESCO Executive Council Meeting, Paris, October 1960; Peaceful Coexistence Conference, Hanover, New Hamp- shire, October 1960; Conference on Stability in a Demilitarized World, Santa Barbara, California; September 1961; Seventh Pug- wash Conference, Stowe, Vermont, September 1961. Fourteenth International Astronautical Congress (IAF), Paris, September 1963. Honors: Order of Banner of Esteem, 1944; Order of Labor Red Banner, 1945, 1954; Prize imeni A. N. Bakh, 1949; State (for- merly Stalin) Prize, Third Class, 1952; Medal "For Labor Valor," 1953; Presidium Prize, Academy of Sciences, USSR, 1958. Approved For Release 2002/11/15 : CIA-RDP78TO5439A000400350028-3 SECRET YAZDOVSKIY, Vladimir Ivanovich - Born 24 June 1913, Ashkhabad, Turkmen SSR. Colonel, Military Medical Service, USSR. Current position: Head, Cosmic Biology Program, Moscow State University imeni M. V. Lomonosov, 1959-63; Associate, Institute of Normal and Pathological Physiology, Academy of Sciences, USSR, Moscow, 1960-63; Deputy Director of a scientific research institute, 1963. Role in space program: Has been directly involved in Soviet space program for at least 12 years; active in the applied aspects of the program; once reported to be Chief of Medical Services for the "man-in-space" program. Education: Candidate of Medical Sciences; Doctor of Medical Sciences. Scientific specialties: Muscle tone during weightlessness; sen-, sory reactions and voluntary movements in man under condi- tions of weightlessness; microbiological and cytological experi- ments in space; effect of explosive decompression on the orga- nism; tolerance of animals to shock overloads acting in the di- rection close to the long axis of the body; effect of prolonged weightlessness; effect of pure oxygen respiration on the lungs and heart of white rats; biological aspects of the theory of relativity. Travel: Twelfth International Congress of the International Aeronautical Federation, Washington, D. C., October 1961. Honors: State (formerly Stalin) Prize, Third Class, 1951; Medal, International Academy of Aviation Medicine, 1962. SCIENTISTS WITH A POTENTIALLY IMPORTANT ROLE In addition to the Soviet scientists who play a key role, three others have a potentially important role in the Soviet manned space program. They are V. V. Antipov, R. M. Bayevskiy, and A. A. Gyurdzhian. _ Details concerning their activities follow. ANTIPOV, Vsevolod V.-Born 1923. Current position: Associate. Institute of Normal and Pathologi- cal Physiology, Academy of Medical Sciences, USSR, Moscow, 1963. Education: Candidate of Medical Sciences, Central Institute for Advanced Training of Physicians, Moscow, 1956. Career: Associate, Central Scientific Research Institute Experi- mental Military Medicine, Moscow, 1959; Member, Physiology Group of A. I. Smirnov, Academy of Medical Sciences, USSR, Moscow, 1959-60. Approved For Release 2002/11/15 CI RDP78TO5439A000400350028-3 . ANTIPOV (Continued) Scientific specialties: Problems of radiation safety of space flights; problems of space microbiology and cytology; use of tryptamine in mice with acute radiation sickness; medicobio- logical investigations in the second and third spaceships; changes in the haemopoietic organs of mammals under the in- fluence of space flight; biological effect of high-energy protons. Travel: 14th International Astronautical Federation Congress, Paris, September 1963. Committee on Space' Research (COSPAR), Florence, May 1964. BAYEVSKIY, Roman Markovich - Captain, Military Med- ical Service, USSR. Current position: Member, Institute of Normal and,Pathologi- cal Physiology, Academy of Medical Sciences, USSR, Moscow, 1962-63. Education: Candidate of Medical Sciences, Central Institute for Advanced Training of Physicians, Moscow, 1959. Career: Member, Clinic Propaedeutic Therapy, Saratov Medical Institute, 1954; Member, Chair of Faculty Therapy, Military Medical Academy imeni S. M. Kirov, Leningrad, 1959; Member, Chair of Clinical and Experimental Physiology, Central Insti- tute for Advanced Training of Physicians, Moscow, 1959-G0. Scientific specialties: Ballistocardiography; biomedical methods and techniques under space-flight conditions; integral phono- cardiography; sphygmograms; cybernetics in medicine and physiology; blood circulation in conditions of weightlessness. GYURDZHIAN, Armen Aramovich -Born 30 June 1924, Kizlyar, RSFSR. Captain, Military Medical Service, USSR. Current position: Member, Department of Biological Sciences, Academy of Sciences, USSR, 1961-62; possibly Chief of Train- ing and Physiological Control of the USSR Cosmonaut Pro- gram, 1962. Role in Soviet space program: Reportedly worked for V. I. Yaz- dovskiy in 1963. Education: Candidate of Medical Sciences. Career: Member, Main Military Hospital imeni N. N. Burdenko, Leningrad, 1954-59 (Head, Experimental Laboratory, 1957-59), Member, Institute of Physiology imeni I. P. Pavlov, Academy of Sciences, USSR, Leningrad, 1956. Scientific specialties: Weightlessness; radiation sickness; micro- biological and cytological experiments in space; metabolism in animals which have undergone a space flight; physiology of light and color sensitivity of the eye;, sanitary appliance in a space capsule; prolonged flight of mice in a spaceship; biologi- cal effect of cosmic radiation. GYURDZHIAN (Continued) Travel: 10th European Congress on Aviation and Cosmonautical Medicine, Paris, September 1961; 22nd International Congress, International Union Physiological Sciences, Leiden, Holland, September 1962; International Symposium on Basic Environ- mental Problems of Man in Space, Paris, October-November 1962. LEADING SCIENTISTS Some leading Soviet scientists who support the key figures and the potentially -important scientists in the bioastronautic research and the nAnned space program include the follow- ing: AGADZHANYAN. N. A. Candidate of Medical Sciences; Lt, Colonel, Medical Service, USSR, Associate, Institute of Normal and Pathological Physi- ology. Biotelemetry-method and placement of electrodes. AGAL'TSOV, F. A. Deputy Commander-in-Chief, Soviet Air Force, possible 'Deputy Commander-in-Chief in charge of cosmonaut training. AKULINICHEV, I. T. Lt. Colonel, Military Medical Services, USSR; Associate, State Institute of Health Resorts and Physiotherapy, Moscow, 1961; expert in cardiac instrumentation; design, development, and application of bioinstrumentation for space flight. ANOKHIN, P. K. Professor, Doctor of Neurophysiology; Director of Sechenov Institute of Neurophysiology, Moscow; Associate, Institute of Normal and Pathological Physiology; physiological monitoring of cosmonauts in training and orbital flights. DENISOV, Viktor Grigor'yevich Candidate of Technical Sciences; Associate, Moscow Avia- tion Institute imeni S. Ordzhonikidze, 1959; engineering psy- chology; space-flight conditions. DOBROV, N. N. Radioblological problems of space flight; chemical protec- tion from radiation. GENIN, A. M. Doctor Biological Sciences; probable associate, Institute Normal and Pathological Physiology; medical and biological aspects of space flight. GILEVA, E. A. Institute of Biology, Ural Affiliate, State Committee for Coordination of Scientific Research, RSFSR; biological accumu- lation and metabolism of radioisotopes; waste purification. 39 GUROVSKIY, N. N. Candidate Medical Sciences; Lt. Col., Medical Service; pos- sible teacher of cosmonauts; life-support system. KAMANIN, N. P. Lt. Gen., Aviation; Chief Officer, Soviet Air Force Cos- monaut Training Program. KAS'YAN, Ivan I. Member, Institute of Normal and Pathological Physiology, Academy of Sciences, USSR, Moscow, 1960-62; space flight physiology. KUZNETSOV, Andrey G. _ Candidate, Medical Sciences, Colonel, Military Medical Services, USSR; Member, Scientific Research Testing Institute of Aviation Medicine, Moscow, 1957-60 (Head, Department of Physiology, 1958-60) ; physiological effects of high altitude and weightlessness on the organism. PROKOF'YEVA-BEL'GOVSKAYA, A. A. Institute of Radiation and Physico-Chemical Biology, AN, SSSR; cytogenetics, cytogenetic effects of cosmic flight factors on Drosophila and man. SAKSONOV, P. P. Lt. Colonel, Military Medical Service, USSR; Associate, Academy of Sciences, USSR, 1963; radiobiological problems of space flight. SERYAPIN, Aleksandr Dmitriyevich Doctor, Medical, Sciences; Chairman, Scientific and Tech- nical Committee on Biology of Cosmic Flight, Astronautics Section, Central Aeroclub, USSR imeni V. P. Chkalov; physico- chemical means of regenerating a gaseous environment in a small cabin. SHUVATOV, Lev Petrovich Head, Laboratory of Biochemistry, unidentified institute 1961; devised a radio kit that was used operationally during Gagarin's flight. VOLYNKIN, Yuvenaliy Mikhaylovich Lt. General. Military Medical Service, USSR; possible As- sociate, Institute of Normal and pathological physiology, Acad- emy of Medical Sciences, USSR, Moscow, 1961; physical condi- tions of space flight and their biological characteristics. YUGANOV, Yevgeniy M. Candidate, Medical Sciences; Lt. Colonel, Military Medical Service USSR; Member, Institute of Normal and Pathological Physiology. Academy of Sciences, USSR, Moscow, 1960-62; in- teraction of the senses in space-flight conditions, weightlessness, acceleration. OTHER SCIENTISTS Over a hundred Soviet scientists at various research centers are also involved in the Soviet bioastronautic and manned space program. The research centers include institutes of the Acad- emy of Medical Sciences, USSR; the Academy of Sciences, USSR; and the Ministry of Defense, USSR. An alphabetical list of these scientists, by institu( or other affiliation is shown in the table. TABLE Soviet Bioastronautic Persogalities by Institute Affiliation Name ABELEVA, Ye. A. ABYZOV, S. S. AGADZHANYAN, N. A. AGAL'TSOV, F. A. ALEKSEYEV, S. M. ANOKHIN, P. K. APANASENKO, Z. I. ARSEN'YEVA, M. A. AVRUNINA, G. A. AYRAPET'YANTS, E. S. BABSKIY, Ye. B. BARER, A. S. BOLOTINA, O: P. BORSHCHEVSKIY, I. Ya. BRANDT, A. B. BUYKO, 'Ye. A. CHERNIGOVSKIY, V. N. CHISTOVICH, L. A. CHUCHKIN, V. G. DELONE, N. L. DEMIN, N. N. DUBININ, N. P. EYGES, N. S. FILIPPOVICH, S. I. FRANK, G. M. GENEROZOVA, I. P. GLEMBOTSKIY, Ya. L. GORBUNOVA, I. M. GOVORUN, R. D. Institute Afflliation* Name Institute Affiliation* 10 GYURDZHIAN, A. A. 2 9 IMSHENETSKIY, A. A: 9 4 TSAKOV, P. K. 1 2 IYERUSALIMSKIY, N. D. 9 3 KAMANIN, N. P. 2 4 KAPICHNIKOV, M. M. 5 10 KARPMAN, V. L. 4 10 KAS'YAN, I. tiI. 4 6 KHAYUTIN, V. M. 4 11 KHAZANOV, V. S. 12 4 KHVOSTOVA, V. V. 10 3 KISLYAKOV, V. A. 11 11 KLIMOV, V. Yu. 5 1 KORSHUNOVA, V. S. 10 10 KOZHEVNIKOV, V. A. 11 5 KUCHERENKO, T. M. 11 11 KURLYANDSKAYA, E. B. 6 11 KUZNETSOV, A. G. 1 12 KUZNETSOVA, M. A. 10 10 LAPKIN, Yu. A. 10 11 LEBEDINSKIY. A. V. 7 10 LOZINA-LOZINSKIY, L. K. 8 10 MARSHAK, M. Y. 4 4 MAYSKIY, I. N. 5 10 MEYERSON, F. Z. 4 10 MEYSEL,' M. N. 9 10 MITYUSHOV, M. I. 11 11 MOZHAYEVA, V. S. 10 6 NEFEDOV, Y. G. 10 ? The Key to Institute or other Affiliation appears at the end of the table. Approved For Release 2002/11/15 : CIA-RDP78TO5439A000400350028-3 SECRET Name Institute Afliation* Name Institute Afnliation* NEFED'YEVA, N. P. 5 SHAKHOV, A. A. 12 NESTEROV, V. Ye. 13 SHAMINA, Z. B. 10 NEVZGODINA, L. V. 10 SHASHKOV, V. S. 6 NICHIPOROVICH, A. A. 12 SHAVRIN, P. I. 13 PARFENOV, G. P. 10 SIDOROV, B. N. 10 PARIN, V. V. 4 SINYAKOV, V._ S. _ 4 PEKHOV, A. P. 5 SOKOLOV, N. N. 10 PETROV, Ye. A. 2 STANKO, S. A. 12 PISARENKO, N. F. 13 TAGEYEVA, S. V. 10 PLATONOV, K. K. 1 TRIBULEV, G. P. 5 PODOPLELOV, I. I. 5 TSIVILASHVILI, A. S. 4 POKROVSKIY, A. V. 3 VLADIMIROVA, M. G. 12 POPOV. A. P. 3 VOLYNKIN, Yu. M. 2 POZDNYAKOV, O. M. 4 VOROB'YEV, A. I. 4 ROKOTOVA, N. A. 11 YARMONENKO, S. P. 6 RYBAKOV, N. I. 5 YAZDOVSKIY, V. I. 2, 4, 13 RYTOV, A. G. 2 YUDIN, Ye. V. -5 SAVENKO, I. A. 13 YUGANOV, Ye. M. 4 SEMENENKO, V. Ye. 12 ZHUKOV-VEREZHNIKOOV, N.- N. 5 Key to Institute or Other Affiliation of Soviet Bioastronautic Personalities 1. Scientific Research Testing Institute of Aviation Medicine (NIIIAM), Ministry Defense, USSR 2. Cosmonaut Training Center, Soviet Air Force, Monino-Chkalovskaya area 3. Tomilino, State Committee for Aviation Technology (GKAT) 4. Institute of Normal and Pathological Physiology, Academy of Medical Sciences, USSR 5. Institute of Experimental Biology. Academy of Medical Sciences, USSR 6. Institute of Labor Hygiene and Occupational Diseases, Academy of Medical Sciences, USSR 7. 'Institute of Biophysics, Ministry of Health, USSR 8. Institute of Cytology, Academy of Sciences, USSR -9. Institute of Microbiology, Academy of Sciences, USSR 10. Institute of Biological Physics, Academy of Sciences, USSR 11. Institute of Physiology imeni I. P. Pavlov, Academy of Sciences, USSR 12. Institute of Plant Physiology imeni K. A. Timiryazei, Academy of Sciences, USSR 13. Moscow State University -imeni M. V. Lomonosov, Ministry of Higher and Secondary Specialized Education, USSR Approved For Release 200=d1llICIA-RDP78T05439A000400350028-3 UNCLASSIFIED REFERENCES 1. Kamanin, N. "During Those Days at the Cosmodrome," Aviatsiya i Kosmo- nautika, v 46, no 4, Apr 64 7. FBIS. USSR and Eastern Europe, no 157, "Space Committee Head's Remarks," 13 Aug 62 8. JPRS: 21,133, Sep 63. Vestnik Akademii Nauk SSSR, no 7, Jul 63, p 33-39 9. AID. Report 62-129, "Soviet Manned e Space Flight. Individuals and Compo- nents of the USSR Space Command Sys- tem," 12 Sep 62 14. NASA. TT-F-174, Nov 63, "Problems of Space Biology," v 1, 1962 15. JPRS: 18,395, 27 Mar 63. "Problems of Space Biology," v - 2, 1962 O 16. JPRS : 25,287, 29 Jun 64. "Problems of Space Biology," v 3, 1964 17. JPRS: 19,125, 9 May 63. "Outlines Or the History of Aviation Medicine," by A. A. Sergeyev, 1962, p 206-232, 289-298 18. Pokrovskiy, A. V. "Study of the Vital Ac- tivity of Animals During Rocket Flights Into the Upper Atmosphere," presented in Paris, 1956 19. Air. IR-1147-47, "Guarding Flyer's Health," 12 Feb 57 35. JPRS: 19,953, Jun 63. "Human Rgac- tions in Simulated Space Environment," Jun 63 36. JPRS: 11,431, Dec 61. "The Training of Cosmonauts," Sep 61 37. AID. Report 62-25, "Soviet Manned Space Flight-Part I-The Soviet Cos- monaut Training System," 28 Feb 62 38. Air. FTD-TT-62-1619,'1-2, Dec 62, "The First Manned Space Flights," 1962 39. FBIS. Weekly Summary of World Broadcasts, no 183, 12 Oct 62, Part I- Second Series 40. JPRS : 24,579, May 64. "Cosmonaut Program," Soviet Military Translations, no 142, 11 Mar 64 44. JPRS: 20, 100, 10 Jul 63. "The Soviet Cosmonauts," by Col. Ye. Petrov, Kras- naya Zvezda, 16, 17 Feb, 22 Mar 62 66. Air. no 1521036163, "Swedish Centri- fuge for the Training of Cosmonauts," 7JanS p 67. Gotzlinger, J. "A Human Centrifuge for Research Into Physiological Flight Stresses," ASEA Joufnal no 28, 1955 68. Petrov, Ye. "Cosmonauts, Notes of the Group Leader," Sovetskaya Rossiya Pub- lishing House, 1962 75. Unsigned Article. "Laboratory of Cos- mic Biology,'-' Leningradskaya Pravda, 29 Jul 61, p 4 80. Abyzov, S. S. and Imshenetskiy, A. A. "Methods and Some Results of Micro- biological Investigations of Meteorites," COSPAR Symposium, Florence, Italy, May 64 81. JPRS: 15,687, 15 Oct 62. "The USSR Academy of Medical Sciences-Organi- zation and Structure," 1962, p 1-143 82. Air. no 1471300, "Research on Space Biology," 4 Apr 61 83. Savenko, I. A.; Pisarenko, N. F.; Shavrin, P. L; and Nesterov, V. E. "Control Over the Cosmic Radiation Level During Flight of Space Vehicle Vostok 3, Vostok 4, Vostok 5, and Vostok 6," COSPAR Symposium, Florence, Italy, May 64 86. Air. no 15232958, "Establishment of New Laboratories at the Institute of Biologi- cal Physics of the Academy of Sciences," 18 'Nov 63 i 87. JPRS: 20,857-,?63. "A Visit to the Insti- tute of Physiology imeni I. P. Pavlov," Nauka i Tckhnika (Science and Engi- neering), Riga, no 5, 1963, p 28-31 97. 'JPRS: 24,682, 20 May 64. "Vestnik of USSR Academy of Medical Sciences," v 19, no 2, 1964 98. JPRS: 25,272, 29 Jun 64. "First Group Flight Into Outer Space, 11-15 Aug 62," 1964, p 1-156 99. Genin, A. M.; Gazenko, 0. G.; and Ser- geyev, N. P. "Some Principles of the Formation of Artificial Environments in Manned Space Ships," IAF Meeting, Paris, Sep 62 104. JPRS: 23,917, 27 Mar 64. "Physiological Reactions of Cosmonauts During the Ac- tion of G-Loads and Weightlessness," by V. I. Yazdovskiy, et al., Bulletin of the Academy of Sciences, v 29, no 1, 1964, p 12-31 107. FTD-TT-64-140, 1-4, Kasyan, I. I. and Kopanev, V. I. "The State of Weight- lessness and Artificial Gravity," Izvestiya Akademii Nauk SSSR, Seriya Biologiche- skaya, no 6, 1963, p 880-891 108. Frank, G. M.; Saksonov, P. P.; Antipov, V. V.; and Dobrov, N. N. "Radiobiologi- cal Problems of Space Flights," IAF, Paris, Sep 62 110. Izosimov, G. V. and Myasnikov, V. I. "An Electroencephalographic Investigation of the Functional State of the Central Nervous System of a Person in Prolonged Solitary Confinement," Iskusstvennye Sputniki Zenzli, no 5, 1963, p 120-123 Approved For Release 2002/11/15 : CIA-RDP78TO5439A000400350028-3 SECRET