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ILLEGIB Approved For Release 2000/08/23 : CIA-RDP78TO5439A000400300039-6 Approved For Release 2000/08/23 : CIA-RDP78TO5439A000400300039-6 This document contains clossifiedrinformation affecting the national security of the United States within the. meaning of the espionage lows U. S. Code Title 18; Sections 793 and 794. The law prohibits; its transmission' or thi revelation of its contents in any manner to on unauthorized person. as well as its use in any manner prejudicial to the safety of interest of the United States or for the benefit of any foreign government to the detriment of the Unitet.Stetes: It is to be seen only by persbnnel especially indoctrinated and authorized to receive TALENT KEYHOLE information. Its security must be maintained in accordance with KEYHOLE and TALENT regulations. Approved For Release 200 /&(,235 EYP~bTff439A000400300039-6- TALENT-KEYHOLE Control System Only PHOTOGRAPHIC INTERPRETATION REPORT ICBM COMPLEX DOMBAROVSKIY, USSR NATIONAL PHOTOGRAPHIC INTERPRETATION CENTER 'TOP SECRET RUFF . Handle Via TALENT-KEYHOLE Control. System Only Approved For Release 2000/08/23 : CIA-RDP78TO5439A000400300039-6 'TOP SECRET RUFF Handle Via TALENT-KEYHOLE Control System Only TCS-10648;'64 NP IC, R-5111/64 Launch Site _1 (TDI Site 4) 51-11\ 59-38E Launch Site B (-1_DI Site 3) 51-0'N 59-38E Launch Site C (TDI Site 2) 51-01\ 59-43E Launch.Site D (TDI Site 1) 50-58N 5Q-32E- Launch Site E (TDI Site 5) 51-05 N 59-30E 59' 15' 0 ORSJ Akzharskiy Zhailgan D O M B A R O V K A AIRFIELD COMPLEX SUPPORT FACILITY 25X1A NAUTICAL MILESI I-~ 1-cO2G 112/6., ? TOP SECRET RUFF Handle Via - TALENT-KEYHOLE Control System Only Approved For Release 2VQ"8.g@CplLk{RR 05439A000400300039-6 Handle Via TALENT-KEYHOLE Control System Only ICBM COMPLEX, - DOMBAROVSKIY, USSR INTRODUCTION 25X1 D 25X1 D 25X1 D 25X1 B he Dombarovskiv ICBM Complex is lo- cated approximately 20 nautical miles nml northeast of the town of Dombarovsskiv and 4- nm east-southeast of the city' of Orsk, in the Southern Urals region of the USSR. It is situated on flat-to-gently rolling terrain which is generally -devoid of extensive stands of forested or wooded areas. Although agri- culture is in evidence, the locale appears to be poor, in this respect and has large areas of unused barren land. The complex ,Figure 11 consists of. a complex support facility under construction: a possible rail-to-road transfer point: and launch areas, each containing a sincle-silo launch site under construction. No surface-to- missile (SAM) defenses have been identified TCS-10648/64 NP [C /R -5111 /6.1 At each launch area of the Dombarovskiv Complex there is a group. of buildin s whose function has not been determined kilos and associated buildings have an almost north-south alignment at Launch Areas A and B,. and a nearly northeast-southwest alignment at Launch Areas C and D. The silo and associated buildings at Launch Area. E are aligned north- northwest and south-southeast; an approximate Handle Via TALENT-KEYHOLE Control System Only TOP SECRET RUFF 25X1 B 25XTB 25X1 B Approved For Release c ckEcI*6pr78TO5439A000400300039-6 Handle Via TALENT-KEYHOLE Control System Only 25X1 D 25X1 D 25X1 D 25X1 D 25X1 D 25X1 D FIGURE 2. SCHEMATIC LAYOUT OF LAUNCH AREAS. TCS- 10648/64 NPIC/R-5111/64 25X_1 D 25X1 D 25X1D 25X1 D 25X1EY Handle Via TALENT-KEYHOLE Control System Only ? TOP SECRET RUFF Approved For Release 2pop0 IZprfRWI$T05439A000400300039-6 Handle Via TALENT-KEYHOLE Control System Only Railroad - Unimproved road ----Trail -Fence Ditch 500 TCS- 10648/64 NPIC/R-5111/64 \. ROAD UNDER CONSTRUCTION WEST GROUP EAST GROUP 1 U-shaped building 195 x 40 1 Building 370 x 40 Wings 100 x 30 9-Buildings 175 x 45 1 Building 175 x 55 1 Building 175 x 40 1 Building 150 x 55 1 Building 165 x 45 2 Buildings 140 x?40 1 Building 140 x ~5 3 Buildings 130 x 50 2 Buildings 130 x 35 1 Building 130 x 40 1 Building 105 x 40 1 Building % 85 x 85 -1 Building 100 x 25 2 Buildings'- 65 x 25 -1 Building 75 x 45 1 Building 50 x 25 2 Buildings 40 x 40 1 Building 25 x 25 TOP-SECRET RUFF- Handle Via TALENT-KEYHOLE Control System Only Handle Approved For Releagegt b&c ~-EIR-W5~78TO5439A000400300039-6 TALENT-KEYHOLE Control System Only or B and form a second unit of three. An elec- tronic facility has not been identified at the Dombarovskiy Complex, but a good candidate is suggested by the large curious fence cpnfig- uration at Launch Area B--similar to that at Launch Complex I at the Tyuratam Missile Test Center -- and a`he presence of an excavation on the east side of the silo. The orientation and distances between individual launch' areas, and the fence configuration at Launch Area B, are shown in Figure 2. COMPLEX SUPPORT FACILITY The complex support facility (51-02N 59- 49E) is located approximately 20 nm northeast of the town of Dombarovskiv. There was no evidence of the facility in although a survey line for the rail spur was present at that time. The first evi- dence of construction activity was observed in he complex support acility (Figure 3), served by a spur from the branch: rail line serving the unidentified facility approximately 2 nm to the east., consists of 2 groups of build- ings. The rail spur enters the western group of 13 buildings which appear to be shops and warehouses; a board fence has been identified on the west and north sides. The eastern group is enclosed by a security fence and contains 21 buildings which appear to be barracks and ware- extension of their axis intercepts the launch site at- a -point approximately 5,600 feet west of the construction, passes the 2 groups of buildings on the north. The road starts at the uni~enti- fied facility" to the east, and currently terminates TCS- 10648/64 NP IC/ R-5111/64 house types. An east-west road, which is under complex support facility. A short rail ~pur, which may serve the possible rail-to-road the silo and associ- transfer point, is under construction northward ated buildings of a sixth launch area would in- from the main spur serving the complex sup port tercept the launch site at either Launch .Area A facility. Handle Via. TALENT-KEYHOLE Control System Only ? 25X1 D 25X1 D 25X1 D ? Hand I Approved For Release 20-OGM/ (CR 1fa5439A000400300039-6 e a 0 TALENT-KEYHOLE Control System Only TCS-10648/64 NPIC/R-5111/64 25X1 D TOP SECRET RUFF 2.Buildings 205 x 40 2 :Buildings 70 x 35 3 Buildings 110 x 45 3 Buildings 60 x 20 8 Buildings 90 x 30 3 Buildings 40 x 25 Handle Via TALENT-KEYHOLE Contrt l System Only Approved For Relea pOfgfplf lCIkt P78TO5439A000400300039-6 Handle Via TALENT-KEYHOLE Control System Only The unidentified facility (51-01\ 59-52E) east of the complex support facility is' com- prised of 2 groups of buildings -Figure 4). The western group contains approximately 150 buildings, of which about 125 are housing-type structures and the remainder warehouse and shop !types: several buildings are currently under, construction. The eastern group, con- taining a concrete hatch plant, 2 large shop buildings, and approximately 30 miscellaneous TCS-10648:'64 NPIC /R-5111 /64 buildings, is served by a branch of the rail line extending eastward from Dombarovskiv. There was no evidence of this facility in plete when first seen in some buildings, however, have. been constructed since The shops, concrete batch plant, and housing units of this facility are prob- ably used to support construction of the ICBM complex. 25X1 D 25X1 D The area of unidentified -construction ac-- tivity 51-04N E0-03F1 is located approximately 9 nm east-northeast of the complex support fa- cility Figure ~~. There was noevidence of con- struction in but in buildings were present. In the number-of buildi.r.gs had been increased to 21. Ditchirgg connects some of the buildings. There appears to be no direct association with elements of the ICB\l complex, other than concurrence of construction. 25X1 D 25X1 D topped rectangle on the east side of the excava- tion, and a rectangular graded area with a cir- cular ground scar 145 feet in diameter is adja- cent to the- excavation on its west side. A small building lies near the excavation, on its southeast side. An unidentified object is in the center of a sr{-lall graded area 1,700 feet west-northwest of the silo, and another graded area, lies 1,000 feet to the south. Approximately 2,400 feet southeast of the silo there is a group of 6 buildings, -4 of which may be domed. The 4 dome-like build- ings are in a line, spaced in groups of 2. A ditch extends from the west end of the line of buildings northward to an unidentified. object. At the-.east end of the line of buildings there are 2 unidentified objects with approximately the 25X1 D. 25X1D 25X1D 25X1 D 25X1 D TALENT-KEYHOLE Control System Only Launch Area .\ is located 11.8 nm northwest of the complex support facility. There was no evidence of the launch area in The launch area Figure 61 contains a single- silo launch site in a midstage of construction. The site is enclosed by a security fence 1,150 by 900 feet, forming a rectangle whose short axis is oriented generally north and south. The silo is a circular configuration approximately 25 feet in diameter, and is in the center of an excavation approximately 120 by 105 feet. The silo has not yet been brought up to ground level. The excavation is at the base of a slope, so that one side is shallower than the other... Spoil from the excavation has been piled in a neat flat- TOP SECRET RUFF Approved For Release 2(fd&08,dgCMATRO1 17F05439A000400300039-6 Handle Via TALENT-KEYHOLE. Control System Only TCS-10648 '64 `\PlC R-5111/64 'I 1 Building 75 x 45 I Building 160 x 40 1 Spoil pile 90 x 70 1 Building 110 x 25 1 Circular ground scar 145' Diam 4 Buildings 35x30 same spacing as -he possibly domed buildings. Ground scarrin= and an excavation in the vicini- LAUNCH AREA B 25X1 D Launch .\rea 13 is located 8.7 nm west-north- west of the complex support facility. There eras no evidence of the launch area in SILO UNDER, CONSTRUCTION CIRCULAR \ "'& ROUND SCAR LAUNCH SITE I 1 \ 11 } \I 1 - \ I\ 1 4 DOME-LIKE ! BUILDINGS ~~.. .~ Unimproved road - -- Trail. Fence ID Unidentified object - Excavation Spoil pile Ditch Graded area t of these buildings suggest additional construc- tion activity. TOP SECRET RUFF Handle Via TALENT-KEYHOLE Control System Only 25X1 D Approved For ReleafOWW~IC1-W78TO5439AO00400300039-6 25X1D 25X1 D Handle Via TALENT-KEYHOLE Control System Onlyj TCS- 10648/64 NPIC/R-5111/64 1, Spoil pile 1 Spoil pile LAUNCH SITE 200 x 105 1 Building 110 x 95 1 Building 1 Building 165 x 60 1 Spoil Pile 200 x 140 .1 Building 125 x 25 1 Building 90 x 25 1 Building 90 x 25 1 Building 55 x 50 2 Buildings 30 x 25 Handle Via TALENT-KEYHOLE Control System Only Unimproved road Trail Fence - Ditch Graded area Spoil pile Excavation 70 x 15 1 Building 75 x 15 1 Building Unimproved road Trail ~- Probable fence 7.- -o Unidentified ohiect io Graded area a - POSSIBLE Spoil pile o DOME-LIKE -.. Excavation-- I~ STRU cTU RE ON ? TOP SECRET RUFF Approved For Release 2OOMTOc RFATRIbIJTO5439A000400300039-6 Handle Via TALENT-KEYHOLE Control System Only silo launch site in a midstage of construction. The site is enclosed by an irregularly shaped security fence whose configuration is reminis- cent of the security fence at Launch Complex I at the Tvuratam Missile Test -Center; and is large - enough to accommodate an electronic facility of the type at Launch Complex I. The silo is a circular configuration approximately 35 feet in diameter, in the center of an excava- tion approximately 120 by 110 feet. Spoil from the excavation has beets piled in a neat flat-topped rectangle on the west side of the excavation, and in a neat flat-topped square on the east side. TCS-10648/64 NPIC/R-5111/64 Two buildings lie near the excavation, on its south side. An unidentified object is in the center of a small graded area 1,800-feet east-southeast of the silo, and a second unidentified object is in a graded area 800 feet southwest of the silo. Approximately 2,550 feet south of the silo, there is a group of 5 buildings. Two-of these, which have their long axis on a common line, appear to be dome-like at each end. A ditch extends from the south end of these buildings- north- northwestward to an unidentified object. 25X1 D 25X1. 25X1b and first construction activity was o 0 served The launch area (Figure 8) contains 25X1 D a single-silo launch site in a midstage of con- struction. Probable security fencing can be oh- served on the south and west sides of the site. The silo is a circular configuration approxi- mately 30 feet in diameter, in the center of an excavation approximately 120 by 115 feet. Spoil from the excavation has been piled. in a rectangu- lar shape on the west side= of the excavation: a square graded area, with a linear pile of earth along its south side, is adjacent to the east side of the excavation. Two buildings are near the excavation, on its north side. An unidentified object is located in a graded- area 950 feet northeast of the silo, and another unidentified object '.s' in a graded area 4,300 -feet east-southeast of the silo. I~ Approximately 2,500 feet north-northeast of the silo there is a group of 5 buildings or structures. Three of these have their long axes on a commop- line; the largest of the 3 appears to be dome-like at- each end, and the other 2 appear to be low and square. The latter are probably an earlier construction stage of the largest building which, when completed, will be similar or identical to the buildings with the dome-like features as- sociated with Launch Area B. 25X1 D 25X1 D 25X1 D 25X1 D Launch Area C is located 4.1 nm west of the complex support facility. There was noevi- Launch Area D is located 11 nm west-south- west of the complex support facility. There was no evidence of the launch area in and first construction activity was The launch area (Figure Sl ontains a single-silo launch site in a midstage of construc- tion. High board fences, approximately 600 feet in length, and aligned in an east-west direction, are located on the north and south sides of the launch site. The silo is a circular configuration in the center of an excavation approximately 120 Handle Via TALENT-KEYHOLE Control System Only TOP SECRET RUFF Approved For ReIep"140g@i : JI8jRDP7BT05439A000400300039-6 25X1 D Handle Via TALENT-KEYHOLE Control System Only TO LAUNCH AREA C Unimproved road Trail Fence - Hardstand Unidentified object Graded area Spoil pile Excavation a 500 1000 150 0~ LAUNCH SITE 1 Spoil pile 215 x 115 1 Building 175 x 45 1 Building 55 x 25 1 Spoil pile 90 x 90 I Building 85 x 25 2 Buildings .35 x 20 Graded area Spoil pile Excavation 560 1 000 1 500 1 Spoil pile 200 x 150 1 Building 140 x 20 1 Building 80_x 45 1 Building 90 x 15 1 Building - 60 x 30 TOP SECRET RUFF 51L0 UNDER CONSTRUCTION Handle Via TALENT-KEYHOLE Control System Only TCS-10648/64 N PIC/R-X111/64 T C; LAUNCH AREA B Approved For Release 200po$W2S ECIRERDI MF 5439A000400300039-6 Handle Via TALENT-KEYHOLE Control System Only TCS-10648/64 NPIC/A-5111/64 by 105 feet. The silo has not vet been brought up to ground level, and cannot be measured be- cause of photo limitations. Spoil?from the exca- vation has been piled in a neat flat-topped rec- tangle on the west side of the excavation, and a neat flat-topped square on the east side. -A small graded area is located 2,200 feet south-southwest of the silo, and a graded area with an unidentified object in it,is located. 1,300 feet north-northwest of the silo. Approximately 2,800 feet north-northeast of the silo there is a group of 7 buildings. Six are arranged in a straight line, and, although they ate reminiscent of the buildings with dome-like fea- tures observed at Launch Areas A, B, and C,. the dome-tike appearance cannot be detected at this group. LAUNCH AREA E 25X1 D 25X1D 25X1 D- 25X1D Liaunch Area E is located 12.6 nm west- northwest of the complex support facility. There was no evidence of the launch area i and first construction activity was observed in I he launch area (Figure 10 i contains a single-silo launch site in an-early stage of con- struction. No security fencing has been identi - fied. .-\ silo coring is in a shallow excavation, and spoil from the excavation has been piled in a flat-topped rectangle on the west side of the excavation. Two small buildings are near the excavation on its southeast side. A.srnall area has been graded 1,100 feet east-northeast of the silo coring. Approximately 2,200 feet southeast of the excavation there is an area of construction activity. There are 2 buildings in this vicinity, and grading and ground scarring idicate future construction. TOP SECRET RUFF Handle Via TALENT-KEYHOLE Control System Only Approved For Rele ff3 PORW CSI DP78T05439A000400300039-6 Handle Via TALENT-KEYHOLE Control System Only 25X1 D Q TC S -10648 /64 NPIC/R-5111/64 \( l( . I - A.r Pure?r ('hart. Series ?-l)I). Sh,'oi 112:16-.111111.. :AI oil. Ao% 6.. -cal' I:_'llll.ll(ll.) (19,('KET) IHE:\IE:\ I' KEQ1, (iAI\l(' 'I-h \PI(' PNUJE('T TOP SECRET RUFF_ Handle Via TALENT-KEYHOLE Control System Only 25X1 D Approved For Release 2000/08/23 : CIA-RDP78TO5439A000400300039-6 Approved For Release 2000/08/23 : CIA-RDP78TO5439A000400300039-6