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Publication Date: 
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ILLEGIB Approved For Release 2000/08/23 : CIA-RDP78TO5439A000400300038-7 Approved For Release 2000/08/23 : CIA-RDP78TO5439A000400300038-7 l.. This 'document contains classified information affecting the notional security of the United States within the meaning of the espionage laws J. S. Code Title 16, Sections 793 and 794. The law prohibits its transmission or the revelation of its contents in any manner to an unauthorized person. as well at its usein any manner prejudicial to the safety or interest of the United States or for the benefit of any foreign gdvernment to the detriment of the United States. It is to be seen only'by personnel especially indoctrinated and authorized to receive TALENT.KEYHOLE information. Its security must be maintained in accordance with KEYHOLE and TALENT regulations. Approved For Release 2000/0BT/D I, fTTbS iUfOb0400300038-7 Handle Via TALENT-KEYHOLE Control System Only - - OSTROG MRBM COMPLEX, USSR FIXED FIELD SITE NO 2 25X1A 25X1A Launch Area No 1 (TDI name: 0-frog \IRB\l Launch site 1) Type I 50-14-30N 36-44-00E Launch \rea No'_' (TDI name: 0-trot \IRB\1 Launch Site 3) -- Type 150-17-15N 26-41-30E TCS--10595/64 NPIC/R-5063/64 O-tro, Fixed Field \IRB\1 Site No 1 (TDI name: Sla'uta ati\l Fixed Field Po-ition) 511-16-45N 36-57-45E O,tro, Fixed Field ill1B\1 Siti? `\o 2 (1'1)1 name: Shepeto\ka js\I Fixed Field Position) 50-12-30N 26-59-00E Railroad, single track Railroad, double track Road Transfer point TOP SECRET RU-FF N -C J-5!59 (t2/64) I Handle Via TALENT-kEYHOLE Control System Only Approved For Release 200Q74DV3 T81t$4$ A000400300038-7 Handle Via TALENT-KEYHOLE Control System Only 25X1 D This report supplements NPIC/R-78/64 and R-238/64, 1/ 2/ which discuss the Ostrog MRBM Complex, previously consisting of two Type I launch areas and a fixed field site. Ostrog A?IRB`1 Launch- Areas No 1 and, 2 were first observed in 25X1 D _ and were considered to be camp ete. . They are located approximately 10 nautical 25X1 D 25X1 D 25X1 D 25X1 D 25X1 D Fixed Field Site No 2 is located in a wooded miles (nin) west of the two field sites and connected to them by road. Fixed Field Site No I was identified in and was considered to be com- plete. It is located 4.1 nm north-northwest of Fixed Field Site No 2 (Figure 1). area 3.5 nm west-northwest of Shepetovka. I was not present on ohotol?raphv of The site (Figure TCS-10595/64 NPIC/R-5063/64 ? 1? apart, while the eastern pair. are approiei- mately 430 feet. apart. The azimuths of the. clearings are approximately 225 degrees, com- pared with -and: 240 for Launch Areas No I and 2, respectively, and 185 degrees for Fixed Field Site No 1. No activity is discernible on the clearings; however, approximately 24 possi- ble tents are. located approximately 800 feet northeast of the easternmost clearing. The site has appeared unchanged on a subsequent KEY- HOLE There are -four rail-to-road transfer points in the vicinity, any one of which could be used by the soft sites or fixed field sites. Roads connect these transfer points with all the sites. The two rail-to-road transfer points nearest field site.. No 2 are the railyards 3.3 nm - east-southeast in Shepetovka, and the rail sid- ing 2.6 nm north at the Shepetovka Ammunition Depot. 2) consists of four padlike clearings inter- connected by a road system. 1 he western pair of clearings are approximately 370 feet APPROXIMATELY 24 P0551BLEPERSONNEL TENTS O M TOP SECRET RUFF .25X1 D 25X1 D Handle Via TALENT-KEYHOLE- Control System Only 0 ( Approved For Release 2000/08TH}fcl,6FtOV&-f5dg$~1660400300038-7 Handle Via TALENT-KEYHOLE Control SystemOnly 25X1 D SAC. US ir Target Chart, Series 200, Sheet (?33-111(L, 3d ed, Jun 62, scale 1:300,000 (SECRET) -\C. L'S Air Target Chart, .Series 300, Sheet 0233-13HL, 3d ed. ,Jun 62, scale 1:200,000 (SECRET) 1. NPIC. R-7, 64. c)etrr., 11k ! ('%'mpl. . USSR. .Jan 64 (TOP SECRET HUFF) NPIC. 11-231 64. O+.'r'nq v1eBl1 ('r,n,p7.?r? USSR, Fixed Ficbl Site, Apr 64 (TOP SECRET RUFF). TOP SECRET' RUFF TCS-10595/64 NPIC/R-5063/64 Handle Via TALENT-KEYHOLE Control System Only