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ILLEGIB Approved For Release 2000/08/23 : CIA-RDP78TO5439A000400300034-1 Approved For Release 2000/08/23 : CIA-RDP78TO5439A000400300034-1 r.. ?+20~F1/~-P December 1964 ,'5 3I. TCS? 10584/64 Copy 97 5 Pages ZAGARE MRBM COMPLEX, USSR FIXED FIELD SITES Declass Review by NIMA/DOD Handle Via TALENT - KEYHOLE Controi`;Only D This document contains classified information affecting the national security of the United States within the meaning of the espionage laws U. S. Code Title 18, Sections 793 and 794. The low prohibits its transmission Cr ?he revelation of its contents in any manner to an unauthorized person, as well as Its.use,in any manner prejudicial to the safety or interest of the United States or (or the benefit of any foreign government to the detAment of the United States. it is to be seen only by personnel especially indoctrinated and authorized to receive TALENT-KEYHOLE information. Its security must be maintained in accordance withKEYHOLE and TALENT regulations. NATIONAL PHOTOGRAPHIC INTERPRETATION CENTER., Approved For Release 200P("2,JEg4kff MT45439A000400300034-1 TALENT-KEYHOLE C..trol System Only TCS-10584/64 NPIC/R-5053/64 ZAGARE MRBM COMPLEX, USSR FIXED FIELD SITES 25X1A 25X1A .? 25X1 D 25X1 D 25X1 D 25X1 D 25X1 D 25X1 D 25X1 D 25X1 D Launch Area No 1 (TDI name: Za_arc' \IR13\I Launch Site 1) -- P\ po 156- 23-15N 23-19-30E Launch \rea No _' (TDI name: Za_ar.- \)RB\I Launch mite _') -- T.N pe I iti-29-~1u\ 2:1-21-30F Launch \rea No .1 (TDI narn.-: Lieleleja AlRBA1 Launch rite) -- Type IV 56-23-00N 23-36-43 Zauare I-i\i?d Field \IIIIi\1 it, No I (11)1 name: Ihibele S'\1 Fi\ed Field Po-ition No 1) .ib-10-OO\ 23-I I--15E 25X1A Z. a are I'i\ed Field \IR11\I Site No 2 ('11)1 name: Ih.bele \I I i\ed Field Po-ition No 2, .ib-IU-13\ 23-06-15E This report supplements NPIC ; R- 122'64, 1/ Which discusses the Zagare \1RB%lC'omplex, initially consisting of two Type I and one Tvpe IV launch areas. ings are in an east-northeast!west-southwest line, 1,470 feet long, and separated into two airs of two padlike clearings, approximately 25X1 D ZAGARE FIXED FIELD MRBM SITE NO I Site No 1 is located in a level, wooded area, at an approximate elevation of 200 feet, 3.7 nau- tical miles 'rim) northwest of 1)obele in the Lat- vian SSR ;Figure-1). The site was first observed in early at which time because of the poor quality of the photography and because of cloud cover only one of the padlike clearings was visible. The site can be negated in_ When next observed, in on 'good- quality, clear coverage, the siteconsisted of four padlike clearings and appeared complete. No signs of activity were visible. Launch Areas No 1 and 2 were first observed in Launch Area \03 in nd all three were complete in ixed Field Site No I is 17.2 nm north- northwest of Launch Area No 1, 12.1 nm north- west of Launch Area No 2, 20.9 nm northwest of Launch Area No 3, and 2.8 nm south-southwest of Fixed Field Site No 2. Fixed Field Sire. No 1 (Figure 2) consists of- four irregularly shaped padlike clearings, served by an irregular road pattern. Theclear- apart. T11e approximate dimensions of - 25X1 D clearing, are 200 by 80 feet, and 200 by 70 feet. The azimuth of [tie c eggs is 235 degrees and the azimuth of Launch Areas No 1 and 2 is 225 degrees. A local road passes immediately north of the site and three separate roads branch off and, in turn, branch to form the road- pattern containing the four alike clearings. This local road also pro- vides access to a group of 13 buildings situated alongside a probable rail transfer point, 1,825 feet west-southwest of the center of the site. Ap- proximately 4,600 feet southwest of the center of the site this same road serves a secured probable storage area containing 13 buildings. An uniden- tified object, approximately 50 by 20 feet, 'S107 cared in a clearing between the western pair'of clearings. . No security fencing is visible at the -site. The site is connected by. primary and sec- ondary roads to Dobele and to the three AMRBM launch areas and Fixed Field Site No 2.. Rail- to-road transfer facilities probably are availa- e ble at the probable transfer-point west-southwest of the site, or at Dobele, Lieleleja, and Jelgava, which also probably serve the remainder of the Zagare \IRB\l Complex. Handle Via TALENT-KEYHOLE Control System Only TOP SECRET RUFF 25X1 D 25X1 D Approved For Releasp(2?OREVIR-BE)P?8T05439A000400300034-1 TALENT-KEYHOLE Control System Only FIGURE 1. Z~AGARE MRBM COMPLEX, USSR. TCS-10584/64 NP IC/ R-5053/64 Handle Via TALENT-KEYHOLE Control System Only ? TOP SECRET RUFF Approved For Release 2000/0q/6p qk@REf8f9A000400300034-1 Handle Via - TALENT-KEYHOLE Control System Only TCS=10584/64 NP IC /R-5053/64' 25X1 D FIGURE 2. ZAGARE FIXED FIELD MRBM SITE NO I. Handle Via TALENT-KEYHOLE Control System Only TOP SECRET RUFF Handle ViApproved For Releas R( 2~~CAMbP 8T05439A00040030(034-1 a TALENT-KEYHOLE Control System Only Site No 2 is located in a level wooded. area, at an approximate elevation of 200 feet, 6.4 nm northwest of Dobele Figure 1 . The site was 25X1 D first observed in 25X1 D sisted of a loop road pattern containing four pad- like clearings. The site was again observed in at which time it appeared complete and con- 25X1 D earl and late and 25X1 D No changes were evident and no activi- ty was seen. Fixed Field Site No 2 is 18.8 nm northwest of Launch Area No 1, 14.1 nm northwest of Launch Area No 2, 23.3 _nm northwest of Launch Area No 3, and 2.8 nm west-northwest of Fixed Field Site No 1. An access road enters the site from the north and branches into a series of loop roads contain- ing the four padlike clearings (Figure 3). The TCS-10584/64 NPIC/R-5053/64 1,210 feet long, and separated into two' pairs of two clearings, approximately apart. The approximate dimensions of the clear- ings, starting from the westernmost clearings are and The azimuth of the western pair of clearings is -225 degrees and the azimuth of the eastern pair of clearings is 210 degrees. These azimuths closely approximate the 225- degree azimuths of Launch Areas No 1 and 2.' Adjacent to each clearing is a small unidentified object and situated in a clearing 490 feet north of. the westernmost clearing is another unidenti- fied object. No buildings, tents, or security.. fences are visible at the site. The site is connected by primary and sec- ondarv roads .to Dobele and to the three MRBM launch areas and to Fixed Field SiteNol. Rail- to-road facilities probably are available at the probable transfer.-point near Fixed Field Site No 1, or at Dobele, Lieleleja, and Jelgava. 25X1 D,- 25X1 D 25X1 D 25X1 D TOP SECRET RUFF. are in a northwest 'southeast Handle Via : TALENT-KEYHOLE Control System Only Approved For Release 2002. EC1LWP,-$'-f5439A000400300034-1' Handle Via TALENT-KEYHOLE Control System Only ? NPIC/R-5053/6.4 25X1D \C. U- \ir Tar,_- t Chart, series 30O, sheet U15:3-31IIL, 4th -d, Sop ti?, =tale 1:20U,000 (SECRET) TOP-SECRET RUFF Handle Via TALENT-KEYHOLE- Control System Only