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Central Intelligence
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30 August 1972
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Director of Central Intelligence to meet his responsibilities for providing
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No. 0208/72
30 August 1972
Central .intelligence bulletin
VIETNAM: Sharp fighting continues in the northern
provinces. (Page 1)
NATO-MBFR: Plans for talks on mutual and balanced
force reductions are running into snags. (Page 3)
INDIA-PAKISTAN: High-level negotiators in New Delhi
are trying to work out differences between the two
countries. (Page 4)
FRANCE: The French plan more atmospheric tests in
the Pacific. (Page 5)
BOLIVIA: President Banzer relieves dissident army
officers. (Page 7)
ARGENTINA-CHILE: The Argentine Government is smart-
ing over Chile's decision not to extradite hijackers
(Page 8)
HAITI: The Haitian economy has registered record
gains (Page 8)
JORDAN: Elections may result in violent incidents
(Page 9)
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NVA talcs I,.=~ '~
moving south -
t-te4vy fightin+g
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Approved For Release 2005/0N?c;I4fDP85T00875R000800020196-2
Approved For Release 2005/06/CRE, Jk P85T00875R000800020196-2
VIETNAM: Sharp fighting is taking place in
Quang Tr i and Quang Nam provinces as South Vietnam-
ese forces try to regain lost territory.
In Quang Tri, South Vietnamese Marines have been
encountering stiff enemy resistance to their prcbes
north of Quang Tri City, and Airborne troops report
a number of clashes to the south of the city. Enemy
gunners continue to pump thousands of artillery and
mortar rounds into government positions, and addi-
tional enemy armor has been spotted moving south to-
ward the city.
In Quang Nam, a Ranger battalion is holding on
in the district town of Que Son, and other South
Vietnamese units are conducting limited clearing
operations south of Fire Support Base Ross. New en-
emy attacks in the coastal plains of northern Quang
Tin Province probably are aimed at spreading govern-
ment forces thin.
In the southern half of the country, enemy ac-
tion continues to consist largely of sapper attacks,
isolated small-scale ground attacks, and sporadic
shellings. Early yesterday, Communist sappers blew
up a bridge some 13 miles northwest of Saigon and
blocked a major highway no east of the capital.
30 Aug 72 Central Intelligence Bulletin
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Approved For Release 2005/06/0E19IR-gP85T00875R000800020196-2
NATO-MBFR: Movement toward exploratory talks
with the Warsaw Pact on mutual and balanced force
reductions (MBFR), is now blocked on two fronts.
Consultations in NATO are currently hang up by
disagreement over participation in the talks. The
five "flank states"--Italy, Greece, Turkey, Norway,
and Denmark--believe that since MBFR has been an
initiative of the entire alliance, all members who
so desire should be represented. All the allies
except France and the US now support a Turkish pro-
posal to rotate representation among the five. The
US has argued that participation should be limited
to those countries with forces or territory involved,
in effect excluding the flank states from a direct
The US wants MBFR exploration talks to parallel
preparations for a Conference on Security and Coop-
eration in Europe (CSCE), which Moscow has been
seeking. Moscow is clearly aware of allied disarray
on MBFR and probably believes that these difficul-
ties give it a degree of flexibility regarding the
recent US demarche urging agreement to start explor-
ations. V. V. Kuznetsov, the acting Soviet foreign
minister, told Ambassador Beam last week that the
US-Soviet summit communique did not imply a commit-
ment to begin MBFR explorations in parallel with
preparations for a security conference.
While Kuznetsov showed little enthusiasm for
MBFR, he did not repudiate Soviet willingness to
discuss it. Neither did he reject the possibility
that MBFR explorations could parallel CSCE prepara-
tions. His main concern was to keep the former from
becoming a new precondition for CSCE. Most of the
NATO allies are willing to wait a short time to see
if the Soviets will be more forthcoming. Continued
stonewalling, however, will build support in NATO
for a further attempt to prod Moscow into opening
MBFR explorations this fall. Even if Moscow stalls
further, most of the allies would be unwilling to
postpone CSCE preparations, which they expect to
open in Helsinki in late November. (CONFIDENTIAL
30 Aug 72 Central Intelligence Bulletin
Approved For Release 2005/06/09 : CIA-RDP85T00875R000800020196-2
Approved For Release 2005/06/G j E R85T00875R000800020196-2
INDIA-PAKISTAN: High-level negotiations in
New Delhi have bought more time for working out
differences between the two countries, but the ne-
gotiators apparently made no :significant progress
on the basic issues.
According to the official joint statement, the
deadline for mutual troop withdrawals has been ex-
tended ten days to 15 September. The Indians, who
would have given up much the greater area, had de-
cided against withdrawing pending progress on other
issues. The Pakistanis had no means of forcing the
Indians to meet the original deadline.
One ostensible reason for India's reluctance
to withdraw was the lack of an agreement on the
line of control in Kashmir. Military negotiators
are now to delineate this line--the location of
troops at the time of the cease-fire last December--
by 4 September. The Pakistanis did not, :_owever,
agree to the Indian contention that the new cease-
fire line eliminates the need for UN observers in
The Pakistanis satisfied another Indian con-
cern about withdrawal by guaranteeing the safety
of those Pakistanis--mainly Hindus--who remained
in the occupied territory or fled to India during
the war. The Pakistanis, however, have maintained
that there was never any question of the refugee3'
The official statement mentions neither Paki-
stan's refusal to recognize Bangladesh nor New
Delhi's refusal to repatriate the Pakistani pris-
oners of war without Dacca's approval. These two
issues, nonetheless, are primarily responsible for
the latest impasse, and could well continue to
block progress toward any agreement. (CONFIDENTIAL)
30 Aug 72
Central Intelligence Bulletin
Approved For Release 2005/06/09 : CIA-RDP85TOO875ROO0800020196-2
Approved For Release 2005/06/09 AC EDPT5T00875R000800020196-2
they may move such testing underground after that
FRANCE: The French will conduct atmospheric
nuclear tests in the Pacific in 1973 and 1974, but
The French Government has acknowledged diplo-
matic problems regarding continued atmospheric
tests, but has given no indication that it would
forgo any part of its testing program. The chair-
man of the Joint Chiefs of Staff reiterated late
last year that France planned to continue its nu-
clear testing. program through at least 1-1,76, I
Speculation by some sources that testing
during most of these years is to be conducted un-
derground has grown due to the presence of a French
geological survey team on one of the islands of
the Marquesas Archipelago, about 900 miles north
of the present Pacific test site. French officials
have been equivocal, however, when questioned about
whether the team actually is looking for a possible
site for underground tests.
Underground testing would not be new to the
French. They conducted 13 such tests in the moun-
tainous area of southern Algeria between November
1961 and February 1966 before moving to the Pacific.
30 Aug 72 Central Intelligence Bulletin
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Approved For Release 2005/06/09 : CIA-RDP85T00875R000800020196-2
Approved For Release ~ft_
5 1C
25 1 C
BOLIVIA: President Banzer has acted to avert
a potential threat from the right.
Second Army Division commander Colonel Juan
Ayoroa has been relieved of his command, along with
his chief of staff and the commander of an important
subordinate Ranger unit. Ayo.roa's loyalty to the
coalition government has been in question since his
intervention early this month in the public feud 25X10
between his cousin, army engineer commander Colonel
dose Patino, and the Nationalist Revolutionary Move-
ment (MNR) . F_ I
the army high command discovered that Ayoroa
had e t his post without authorization in order to
visit other divisions to seek support for himself.
Patino, who was relieved of his command and later
reinstated, may now again be removed, as may another
cousin, Miguel, who commands the Santa Cruz Rangers
and whom Ayoroa visited.
The Ayoroa clan apparently has failed to gain
significant military support for its militantly
anti-MNR stand. Its members are personally dis-
liked by the middle-ranking officers who command
key units in and around La Paz. Some of the latter
group who remain basically loyal to Banzer but who
are at times critical of his handling of governmental
and military affairs are reportedly planning to
meet soon to discuss the political and military sit-
30 Aug 72 Central Intelligence Bulletin
y~ fi
Approved For Release 2005/06/09-: tA'R'P85T00875R000800020196-2
Approved For Release 2005/06/9 i f 1P85T00875R000800020196-2
ARGENTINA-CHILE: Buenos Aires has expressed
"deep displeasure" at Chilean President Allende's
decision to send the terrorists who hijacked an
airliner to Santiago two weeks ago to Cuba rather
than back to Argentina. The recall of the Argentine
ambassador to Chile was only the first step i, re-
Argentina intends to
ig en a screws" on Chile and may resort to eco-
nomic sanctions. Argentina is an important supplier
of meat and grain to Chile, where shortages have led
to some belt-tightening in recent months. It seems
unlikely that Argentina will go so far as to turn
its back on an important trading partner or halt
several bilateral projects beneficial to both coun-
tries, but President Lanusse's policy of dropping
"ideological barriers" will suffer a major setback.
HAITI: The economy registered a six-percent
gain in 171, the largest in almost a decade. Light
industry and tourism led the way, reflecting, in
part, Port-au-Prince's slowly improving image with
tourists and foreign investors. The economic situ-
ation can be expected to show further moderate gains,
given continuing political stability. Overpopula-
tion and the lack of resources and effective insti-
tutions, however, will keep the Haitian economy
among the world's poorest. ;CONFIDENTIAL)
30 Aug 72 Central Intel!igenee Bulletin
Approved For Release 2005/06/09 : CIA-RDP85T00875R000800020196-2
Approved For Release 2005/064 1}rkDP85T00875R000800020196-2
JORDAN: Elections for officers of the govern-
ment-controlled Arab Nation=al Union (ANU), Jordan's
only legal political party, may serve more to ac-
centuate local animosities than to cement national
unity. The scramble for. positions on the ballot
has already led to intra-tribal feuding in the ncrth
and could result in some localized violence during
the elections, which start today and continue over
an extended period. The Jordanian Government, at
the insistence of the late Prime Minister Wasfi
Tal, founded the ANU in 1971 to undercut radical
movements, especially among Palestinians, by'bring-
ing East Jordanians and Palestinians together in a
mass political party. Most Jordanians, however, do
not take the ANU seriously and would be happy to
see King Husayn scrap the organization altogether.
He will nonetheless probably allow the elections
to proceed, only taking steps to ease the tensions
they have generated. (CONFIDENTIAL)
30 Aug 72 Central Intelligence Bulletin
Approved For Release 2005/06/09 : CIA-RDP85T00875R000800020196-2