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Approved For % ease 2003/10/01 : CIA-RDP79T00975 1500q JWffi /J 25X1 DIRECTORATE OF INTELLIGENCE Central Intelligence Bulletin State. Department review completed Secret 51.- 19 November 1969 Approved For Release 2003/10/01 : CIA-RDP79T00975A015000030002-0 25X1 Approved For Release 2003/10/01 : CIA-RDP79T00975AO15000030002-0 Approved For Release 2003/10/01 : CIA-RDP79T00975AO15000030002-0 Approved For lease 2003/'IPATRDP79T00975Aff`15000030002-0 No. 0277/69 19 November 1969 Central Intelligence Bulletin CONTENTS USSR-Ec t: The Soviet ambassador in Cairo has ex- pressed irritation over recent Egyptian statements. (Page 1) Nigeria: Federal forces have attacked in several sectors. (Page 3) India: Violence, strikes, and political turmoil are increasing in West Bengal. (Page 4) Pakistan: A leading East Pakistani politician is abandoning his policy of restraint. (Page 5) Chile: Military unrest has continued to build since the army uprising last month. (Page 6) Bolivia: The armed forces commander has outlined his views on the Latin American military. (Page 7) Cuba-Mexico: A new passenger air route between Cuba and Latin America may soon be available. (Page 9) Surinam: The composition of the new coalition gov- ernment augurs well for stability. (Page 10) Zambia: Soviet aid (Page 11) East Germany - Sudan: Credit extension (Page 11) UN-Indonesia: West Irian (Page 12) Approved For Release 1.;kff_ DP79TOO975AO15000030002-0 Approved For 14eIease 20034/41 4XRDP79T00975 15000030002-0 USSR-Egypt: The Soviet ambassador in Cairo has expressed his irritation over several recent Egyptian statements on the Middle East. According to US officials in Cairo, Ambassador Vinogradov told another diplomat that when he de- livered the latest US proposal for a Middle East settlement to the Egyptians, he asked only that it be studied with care and then discussed with Soviet representatives. Vinogradov vehemently denied that he had called the US proposal an American concoction biased in favor of Israel, words he said had been put in his mouth by Al Ahram editor Heykal. The ambassador added that the forthcoming visit to Moscow by an Egyptian delegation was purely Cairo's initiative, and he voiced resentment at the UAR's premature announcement of the visit. He said that as of 15 November he had received from Moscow neither agreement to the visit nor any suggestion of an appropriate date. Vinogradov also expressed contempt for recent articles in the Egyptian press claiming that Israeli forces had participated in US and British naval exercises, and he denied that the USSR had anything to do with these charges. Vinogradov's irritation was probably due, for the most part, to what he believed was Cairo's poor sense of timing. His pique, though no doubt gen- uine, certainly does not indicate any worsening of Soviet-Egyptian relations. Nevertheless, his com- ments--which may have been intended to reach the US--suggest that the Arabs, and especially Cairo, continue to be troublesome associates who create many problems for Moscow in its attempts to nego- -Fiat-P in name. 19 Nov 69 Central Intelligence Bulletin 25X1 Approved For Release 2003/1b1 ' VAIDP79T00975A015000030002-0 Approved For Re se 2003/1 oic i 79T00975A al. 00030002-0 Nigerian Federal Forces on the Attack 9001 Federal attack BIAFRANCONTROLLED AREA I 0 25 50 75 STATUTE MILES wern .; Imnahia SECRET Aba Ikot Ekpene i Cala6ar EQUATORIAL GUINEA FERNANDO PO CAMEROON Approved For Release 2003/10/01 : CIA-RDP79T00975AO15000030002-0 Approved For Lease &FC- BI --DP79T00975M4 5000030002-0 igeria: Federal forces have attacked Biafran positions in several sectors. The Biafrans initially lost some ground at one point on the northern front, but have since pushed back the federal forces. On the southern front, a see-saw battle is taking place southeast of Owerri, where the Nigerians may make some minor gains. This intensified fighting may represent the initial stages of the federal offensive, forecast for some time, that is designed to break the stale- mate that has prevailed since last April. Federal army units have recently received troop reinforce- ments and are well supplied with munitions. They can probably keep pressure on the Biafrans for some time. Secessionist field commanders are again re- porting severe ammunition shortages. At present, however, the Nigerians do not seem to be on the verge of any dramatic gains. 19 Nov 69 Central Intelligence Bulletin 3 25X1 Approved For Release 2003/10M' P79T00975A015000030002-0 Approved For Release 2003/IQ g$1(JRI DP79T00975A015000030002-0 India: Violence,: strikes, and political tur- moil are increasing in We:S* Ber;,gal, and New Delhi may be preparing to step ,n The ambitions of the far left Communist Party/ Marxis , which. dominates the ruling 14-party coali- tion, are the major cause of the present trouble. The party's efforts to use its control of key gov- ernment agencies, including the police and the Min- istry of Lands, to extend its power in the state have made violence a chronic problem. Security is particularly bad in the countryside where the Marx- ists are attempting to seize land by force to con- solidate their position with the landless peasants before the harvest begins on 1 December, These efforts have been intensified recently, probably in part because several high Marxist lead- ers believe that Prime Minister Gandhi has already made plans to topple the coalition. They fear she has made a deal with a splinter Congress Party within the coalition to form a new non-Marxist gov- ernment in West Bengal an cooperation with the state's regular Congress group--now in the opposi- tion. A new coalition without the Marxists is un- likely to provide stable,- qQvernment, and more vio- lence would probably ensue. s 25X1 19 Nov 69 Central Intelligence Bulletin Approved For Release 2003/1 Q/VCftFDP79T00975A015000030002-0 Approved For`1 ease 2003/ '6 TRDP79T00979*115000030002-0 Pakistan? East Pakistani politician Mujibur Rahman may be abandoning his policy of restraint toward the government. Mujibur Rahman's Awami League, pointing out that near-famine conditions exist in East Pakistan, recently called for a regular supply of low-cost foodgrains and other essential commodities. It further demanded general elections by April 1970, removal of all restrictions on political activity, and a step-up in development projects in East Pak- istan. 25X1 Until now, Mujibur Rahman had appeared fully confident that elections would be held. His wide- spread support by the Bengalis establishes him as a key figure on the political scene, and his re- strained attitude toward the government has been central to the reasonably tolerable relations be- tween martial law authorities and the impatient Bengalis. A change in his strategy could hreaten the maintenance of calm in East Pakistan. Central Intelligence Bulletin 25X1 Approved For Release 2003/1 0~91c - RDP79T00975A015000030002-0 Approved Fo Release 2003/1 oj(,R RDP79T0097 15000030002-0 25X1 Chile: Military unrest ha:,ntinued to build since the armyuprising last month Rumors of coup plotting are numerous. The groups allegedly involved appear thus far to have no coordination and no clear plan of action, but look for leadership to retired General Viaux, who led the revolt last month. The government has tried to quiet the unrest by promising military pay raises and other concessions, but is baffled by the persistent military discontent. Some Chil- eans 25X1 25X1 I 25X1 believe that President Frei may actually hope for a up attempt in the belief that he might profit by . cGeneral Viaux is said to be insisting that he has no political ties and to be warning the malcon- tents that the time is not ripe for effective action. Mutual xs ?rus between the military and the government seems to be arousing eLQx.s and resentments that can Qnly lead to trouble.\ 19 Nov 69 Central Intelligence Bulletin 6 Approved For Release 2003/1 WP;' ;SIR--FDP79T00975A015000030002-0 25X1 25X1 25X1 Approved For'R4Yease 2003 6 bI'-RDP79T00975,a15000030002-0 Bolivia: Armed forces commander General Torres has outlined his views on a new role for the Latin American military. In a speech before a visiting delegation of the Inter-American Defense Board, General Torres called on all Latin American armed forces to focus their energies on the problems of "impoverishment" caused by the differences between the industrial- ized and underdeveloped countries. He said that if solutions to the social ills on which Communism breeds are not found, "the people will have no other option but the route of violence and uncontrollable revolution." In what seems to be a justification of the Bo- livian military's overthrow of the Siles government and its nationalization of a US oil company, Torres said that democracy in Latin America has been "a mere formula, without force or direction." He con- trasted this with the "triumphant advance" of Com- munism with its "defined road toward a declared goal." In a clear reference,to the Bolivian Gulf Oil Company, Torres said that the Alliance for Prog- ress had been emasculated by the "power of trusts and economic monopolies." Some high-ranking officers are opposed to hav- ing the military associated with leftist and highly nationalistic trends in the current government. General Torres' statement that the Bolivian mili- tary is in the "vanguard" of the national revolu- tionary process will further alienate them. 19 Nov 69 Central Intelligence Bulletin 25X1 Approved For Release 2003/ "R&ATRDP79T00975A015000030002-0 Approved For Releas New Passenger Air Route Between Cuba and Latin America May Soon Be Available Proposed MEXICO M/lxirn Cie rt cut_c nr J [EX [CO lassengerrotite ,Hn~an Merid ~'CUBZ it route awe AIGA ryAfT'\RE PUBLIC C-D RITIgH n9er U r Ure Kingston NDURAS Ate, S CARIBBEAN SEA NICARAGUA UVANA SURINAM \-v FRENCH GUIANA 25X1 25X1 Approved For Release 2003/10/01 : CIA-RDP79T00975A01500003g002-0 Approved For Base 2003/1 &ACBI -' DP79T00975 000030002-0 Cuba-Mexico: A new passenger air route be- tween Cuba and Latin America may soon be available. Mexicana Airlines, which operates a bimonthly mail flight between Mexico City and Havana via Mer- ida, has requested Mexican authorities to approve its plan to carry passengers on the Havana-Merida leg of the flight. The flight would be timed to coincide with Mexicana flights between Merida and Kingston, Jamaica, which is a convenient transit point. Passengers from Havana would all be booked through to Kingston. The airline expects that gov- ernment approval of the plan, which has not yet been granted, would pave the way for increased passenger traffic on the currently uneconomical Kingston-Merida leg. The Cuban Government may view the plan as a possible means of avoiding the close scrutiny that security and immigration officials give all passen- gers using Cubana Airlines flights between Havana and Mexico City, which is Cuba's only direct air connection with Latin America at present. To bypass the measures in Mexico City, security-conscious air travelers now have to go by way of Madrid, Moscow, or Prague in flying between Cuba and Latin America. It is possible, however, that if the Mexican Govern- ment approves the plan, some security measures may be applied in Merida, although they are likely to be less effective than those in Mexico City. 19 Nov 69 Central Intelligence Bulletin 25X1 Approved For Release 2003/1010'IgEiA=RDP79T00975A015000030002-0 Approved Fd'elease 2003/10/01 : CIA-RDP79T009015000030002-0 SECRET Surinam: The composition of the new coalition government augurs well for stability. The two chief components of the new admini- stration are Jagernath Lachmon's East Indian United Hindu Party (VHP) and the Creole- (Negro) dominated Peoples' National Party. Between them, they con- trol 27 of the 39 seats in the unicameral legisla- ture, and the VHP, by taking 19 seats, narrowly missed winning a majority in the elections on 24 October. Both parties espouse generally conserva- tive policies. Lachmon, who formed the new government, de- clined to seek either the minister-presidency or. any cabinet position. The appointment of a Creole, Jules Sedney, as minister-president is probably de- signed to assuage fears that after a decade of Ne- gro leadership, the sizable Creole minority might react violently to a non-Creole leader. CThe US consul describes Sedney as a "weak. leader," and the ministers designate as relatively undistinguished. This suggests that Lachmon will continue to wield significant if not decisive influence from his leg- islative seat. Despite generally :bright prospects for a rela- tively calm four-year team, labor disputes, espe- cially if coupled with racial strife, could event- ually lead to serious disturbances. Union leader and extreme leftist Edward Brum.a, whose party won a legislative seat for the first time, is a poten- tially disruptive influence. 19 Nov 69 Central Intelligence Bulletin 25X1 Approved For Release 2003/10/01 : CIA-RDP79T00975A015000030002-0 SECRET Approved For PWease 2003/10I09-'(&4-R6P79T00975 15000030002-0 NOTES Zambia: Soviet heavy equipment will be used for the first time in Zambia to work a small new copper mine financed by two Swiss firms. A Soviet technician has arrived to assemble the equipment and train local crews. The mine is the first to be developed by foreign interests since Zambia nation- alized the copper industry this past August. It is expected to have an annual output of 6,000 tons of copper metal and will probably be operating in about 14 months. At that time, the Zambian Government will acquire a 51 percent share in the equity. nearly $12 million in credit to the Sudan. It had agreed in early June to expand economic cooperation following diplomatic recognition by the Sudan. Projects to be financed by the credit include a brick factory, a spinning mill., and diesel electric power plants. Repayment in Sudanese commodities, such as cotton and yarn, will begin three years after the shipment of equipment. In addition, the two countries agreed to create a joint economic com- mittee to further their cooperation. East Germany already has provided at least $145 mil i n in eco- nomic credits to Syria, Iraq, Cambodia, and Southern Yemen in response to recognition,` (continued) 19 Nov 69 Central Intelligence Bulletin 25X1 25X1 Approved For Release 2003/10/0$E&i4 )T79T00975A015000030002-0 Approved For Release 2003/10/0If?,QR 79TO0975A015000030002-0 UN-Indonesia: For all practical purposes, the General Assembly is expected this week to end its discussion of West Irian. Although there are mis- givings among some UN members, the Assembly will probably pass a resolution acknowledging that the people of West Irian voted last summer to remain a part of Indonesia. African members will probably express concern that the plebiscite was held under conditions of "tight political control" from Dja- karta. Nothing is likely to come from the warning of the Dahomeyan representative that his group will closely watch Indonesia's future treatment of th 19 Nov 69 Central Intelligence Bulletin 25X1 Approved For Release 2003/10/( ;(C!ft-gP79T00975A015000030002-0 Secre,$proved FowRelease 2003/10/01 : CIA-RDP79T009 015000030002-0 Secret Approved For Release 2003/10/01 : CIA-RDP79T00975AO15000030002-0