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Publication Date:
July 14, 1950
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Appro ;e r~ r Release 200 F1 . IA-RDP70-002118000300210043 7
thief, inistrative Staff
VIA i Management officer
ief, CIA Library, OCD
Microfilming Requirements
1. Microfilming projects are planned for both the Vital Records
Program and for reduction or space requirements for other records. Vheneveer
possible the filming of a specific group of records will satisfy both
retquireseents. Rinse the considerations differ, these jobs may not always
be tied together.
2. To complete the vital records filming in six months, a minimums of
six texas will be required. As the vital records filming will last only
a. few months and different types of equipment are best suited to one job
but not to another, it appears best to rent Recordak equipment rather then
to busy other saes. Delivery of cameras from Recordak can be made within
10 days. Only two cameras have been ordered for immediate delivery. These
are to be used in QC1- Registers where close check on progress can be made
and additional operators developed. As more operators are trained, more
cameras will be added. Three cameras will be required for the Inspection
and Security files, and one additional camera will be located in 0CD or
elsewhere as needed.
Se A special problem, will be faced in the Graphio_Register which must
be studied and tested individually. Depending upon the outcome of these
tests, it may be necessary to assign several microfilm caamoras, or to use
other reproduction means for this job. In any event, the Register will not
able to supply camera operators though it will be able to provide man-
power for preparing material to be reproduced.
4. Tice Recordaak Corporation will train operators whom we send to the
meal Corporation offices. The minimum training for camera operators as
Iecemended by the Corporation is two days. Longer training can be given as
-oessary. Operators will be taught ,how to feed and make minor adjustments
the cameras to insure uniformity or the product. Recordak will set up
incs will make necessary adjustments and will render necessary repair
5. Recordak has been cleared by Army, UV and other agencies for
pressing film classified up to Secret without escort, and will process Top
$ t it an agency representative remains at the laboratory. Sines the
Se~,oeee Reproduction shop is not equipped to process the quantity of film
it ~ expected will be thrust upon these, it is recommended that insofar as
to 4ssiblee, the local tece>rdaak processing plant be uses!. Reocriak will be
, however, to check the quality of our film processing against the
stands of quality set by the pational Bureau of Standards as these are
Approved For Release 20051 1 IA-RDP70-00211 R000300210043-7
Approved For Release 2005/1feDE RDP70-00211 R000300210043-7
11L I
met in their a laboratory.
S. The labor required to prepare records for filming will vary from,
>b to the next and must be determined from analysis of each job. For
purposes, two persons for each caanera operator are considered
necessary to prepare documents for filming and for return to file clerks for
`chile this estimates contemplates the assiguent of the same
work, moving from office to office as the filming work
prepossess it will be entirely feasible, and probably necessary, to
usse of clerks in the offices whose records are being filmedo
veral days will be required to select and train comers,
god to establish, imediately, pilot rases of
arateerial from the biographic and Industrial !egisterse, using both flat-bed
sad rotary cameras now on hand in the Reproduction shop. Careful production
rewords on these runs will be made to provide tmportent data for checking the
progress of the production runs.
of inspection of processed film immediately after
of be over-e hassixsd. In an "ration by one, of the
process can ;wt-
Registers, two reels were checked recently out of more than 20 reels which had
been promised by the teproduotio shop. This check showed extensive serious
faults which will require considerable stackers because of Improper ca ersa s,:
settings and other irregularities in filra:ing. Adequate inspection would have
guarded against repititien of these difficulties. It has been estimated that
for film inspection, labelling and packaging, one man-hour per real will be
required. It production of processed film Is at the rate of about 10 reels
a day, it would require atleast two, and preferably _four persons, each working
only part of the obey, to perform these duties. ?he work is exacting and Is
best performed for short periods. thnerally, the work will be divided among,
clerks in the offices: whose records were filmed.
4. The problems of detailing clerks to camera operation and other tusks,
at training persons for the work, and of providing supervision for microfilming
rk are being taken up sseparatoly with the Management Officer.
OCDs Jgfola
cc : ;t. Officer
Chief, CIA tills.
Rio. ISsIto Br.
Approved For Release 2005/111 ' RDP70-00211 R000300210043-7