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Approved For Release 2006/08/09: CIA-RDP78MO266OR000300080043-1 TO ,I add e Journal - Office of Legislative Counsel Tuesday - 6 January 1976 Page 3 10. HEARINGS-ANGOLA Senator Dick Clark (D. , Iowa), called to advise that he planned to have a press conference today to announce hearings on Southern Africa, particularly Angola, by his Sub- STAT committee on African Affairs. Secretary of State, Henry A. Kissinger, Secretary of Defense, Donald H. Rumsfeld and Director of Central Intelligence, William E. Colby will be asked to appear. The hearings are tentatively scheduled for 19-23 January. Kissinger will be the lead-off witness. The Director's office has been notified. 11. I ILIAISON I took a call from Joseph Honan, STAT Academic Director (232-7062) of the Washington Center for Learning Alternatives. Honan said he was responsible for organizing weekly seminars for 35 college students in the area who are interning with the Executive and Legislative Branches of the Government. He asked if the Agency would be interested in speaking to this group to present its views of the Agency against the backdrop of current publicity. I said I would call back or have someone else call. I passed this lead on to Pat Taylor, of the IC Staff, for action STAT and she said she would call Honan. 12. BRIEFINGS INTEL I spoke with Jim Cline, of the House Judiciary Committee staff about his earlier request for a briefing on OPEC for some of the staffers on the Committee. He said he was not certain what the interest was on the part of the staffers, and he would get back to us. STAT CONu 17 L ENT AL Approved For Release 2006/08/09: CIA-RDP78MO266OR000300080043-1 SECRET Journal - Office of Legislative Counsel Page 4 25X1 Wednesday - 7 January 1976 25X1 14. LIAISON Kelly Simpson, OGC/DOD, called wanting to know if the CIA had provided any information to GAO on their investigation of the Mayaguez incident, Simpson said. their office had now been requested to provide information. I explained our situation and suggested that he talk to Mike Hornblow, NSC staff, I I Acting Legislative Counsel Mr. Thuermer Mr. Parmenter IC Staff EA/DDO Compt. 15. LIAISON Called Scott Cohen, Executive Assistant to Senator Charles Percy (R., Ill. ), concerning certain letters he had forwarded involving several foreign embassies and emigres. He explained he had forwarded them to us in li. rht of the interest of The letters were sent t to determine continued interest. 16. I LIAISON Kempton Jenkins, State Department, called to discuss press inquiries concerning Secretary of State Kissinger' s statement on 23 December on briefing approximately 25 members of Congress on Angola. I told Jenkins that I would send him. a list of those members and committees we had briefed, with the understanding that he would keep this confidential and. Jenkins will send. 25X1 us a listing they have compiled to determine if we have any ob7jection to its public release. O/DDCI Ex. Sec, DDA DDI DDS&T Mr. Warner SECAr"INLE07 6/08/09: CIA-RDP78MO266OR000300080043-1 JOURNAL OFFICE OF LEGISLATIVE COUNSEL Thursday - 8 January 1976 1? FOIA Called Mary, in Representative Goodloe E. Byron's (D., Md.) office, in regard to her call of yesterday inquiring as to the status of the Freedom of Information request of Mr. R. J. Harrington. After checking with All, IPS, and Ellen, DDO/FIO, I informed Mary that Harrington's case should be completed within the next a7 few weeks and that we would notify their office when a final Agency response was sent to Harrington by the Agency's Information and Privacy Coordinator. 2. PRIVACY Called Tom Melia, in the office of Representative Bob Krueger (b. , Tex. ), in response to his call on behalf of their constituent, John J. B. Miller, who had. submitted a reque T under the Privacy Act to the Agency. I confirmed to Melia that Agency records were negative concerning Miller. He indicated he would so advise Mr. Miller and did not feel any further action was necessary. STAT 3. INTELLIGENCE BRIEFING Sue Huck, in the office of Representative Larry McDonald (D. , Ga. ), called and requested that the briefing of the Congressman on Soviet labor. camps be switched to 27 January. was advised. STAT 4. I I-LIAISON. Took a call from Ken Barnes, in the office o Representative Toby Moffett (D. , Conn. ). Barnes had seen a pamphlet recruiting Vietnam veterans to fight as mercenaries in Angola. and asked if the Agency had anything to do with the pamphlet. After checking, I informed him we did not. STAT STAT 5. I I LIAISON Called David Martin, on the staff of the Subcommittee on internal ecurity, Senate Judiciary Committee, I STAT asked Martin if the Subcommittee's study which included maps of Soviet slave labor camps had ever been published, and he replied that it had. He offered to give me two of the three volumes of the study, and I arranged to pick them up. 6. LIAISON Took a call from Don Hoye, in the office of Fepresentative. Dan Daniels (D. , Va. ). Hoye asked about the law which Mr. Co1b} had mentioned in that morning's "Today Show" appearance. I informe( him the la,v was the Foreign Assistance Act of 1974, and there followed a general discussion on the inadequate state of the law regarding disclosure of classified informatio.-i. Approved For Release 2006/08/09: CIA-RDP78MO266OR000300080043-1 S "ftv Ek".. 01' ' R E T JOURNAL OFFICE OF LEGISLATIVE COUNSEL Tuesday - 13 January 1975 STAT 1, ADMINISTRATIVE - DELIVERIES Delivered to Sue Huck, in the office of Representative Larry McDonald (D. , Ga. ), her ERTS photograph of Magadan USSR. Huck bad. loaned us the photograph in hopes we could identify Soviet labor camps on it, but we were unsuccessful. S AT 2, LIAISON Picked. up from David Martin, Subcommittee on Internal Security staff, Senate Judiciary Committee, one of three parts of a Committee study on USSR labor camps. STAT 3.1 1 ADMINISTRATIVE - DELIVERIES Delivered to the office of Emilio Daddario, D/OTA, an STIC study entitled, Views on Emerging Areas of Science and Technology Potential. Im ortant to National Securit. I will pick up the study from Mr. Daddario when. he ha.s finished with it. STAT 4.1 LEGISLATION Picked up from Bob Mantel, Subcommittee on Foreign Assistance and Economic Policy staff, Senate Foreign Relations Committee, a copy of the Clark amendment on Angola. STAT STAT LIAISON Ted Van Gilder, on the staff of Representative William S. Cohen (R., Maine), requested an. unclassified analysis on the various oversight proposals which have been put forward in Congress recently. provided an excellent summary and I called Van Gilder an told him we would put it in the mail to him today. STAT 6. LIAISON I met with. Representative Charles E. Bennett (D., Fla.) in his office to discuss the referral of a constituent's inquiry and action the Agency has taken and plans to take in this matter. I told him that we hope to have a resolution shortly. He expressed his appreciation for the briefing. (See Memorandum for the Record. ) SECRET Approved For Release 2006/08/09: C F-f 26608000300080043-1 WIN S TAT Journal - Office of Legislative Counsel Page 4 Tuesday - 20 January 1976 14.1 LIAISON Talked with Clark McFadden, Counsel, Senate Armed Services Committee, and Edward Braswell, Chief Counsel of that Committee, about their respective travels in Europe and the Middle East. Both had contacts with our Station chiefs in various locations and were more than satisfied with the sessions they had with them. Braswell noted that the COS' he talked with seemed to be particularly shaken by the Welch assassination and were taking rather stringent: precautions for their own personal safety. Braswell expressed deep concern ove the revelations which have been made by Philip Agee and expressed several suggestions of action that might be taken concerning hi.m. Braswell and I talked about the upcoming Senate Government Operations Committee hearings on Congressional oversight of the intelligence community. We compared notes and Braswell said he was not sure where. Senator John Stennis (D. , Miss.) would come- out on the jurisdiction, but he said that he (Braswell) will strongly recommend that Senator Stennis go on record in favor of criminal action against anyone who reveals sensitive information (intelligence sources and methods). He is not sure Senator Stennis will push this, but he will certainly recommend to the Chairman that he do so. STAT 15. HEARING Jim Michie, enate Judiciary Subcommittee on Administrative Practice and Procedure staff, called and asked that I request a review of two items of information excised from the declassified 1963 IG report since the information is included in. other declassified Agency documents. After a discussion. twit IG Staff, I called Michie back and informed him that one of the items could be included in the IG report and I giving him a revised page. STAT 16. CONSTITUENT I called Margaret O'Brien in Representative Gilbert Gude's (R., Md.) office, in response to her earlier call to discuss proposed legislation to protect the identity of STAT Agency personnel. We chatted about the problems being faced and the absence of an effective legal deterrent. She requested the information for response to a constituent inquiry. STAT 17. PRIVACY Called Lee Dugas, in the office of Senator Herman E. Talmadge (D. , Ga. ), and discussed the letter from the Senator forwarding a request of a constituent who is a minor. I told Dugas I would proce ss the requesi. out of the fo.rn-ial Privacy Act channels. C0NFIDENT AL Approved For Release 2006/08/09: CIA-RDP78M02660R000300080043-1 STAT C ra__a Journal - Office of Legislative Counsel Page 4 Thursday - 22 January 1976 STAT 14.1 LIAISON Met with Craig Roberts, to discuss a LHL on the staff of Representative Jack F. Kemp (R. , N. Y. ), speech which Representative Kemp would like to make. I told Roberts I would have some of our colleagues review it for their comments as well. 15. I I BRIEFING A group of students from Sterling. College, Sterling, Kansas, who were sponsored by Representative Keith G. Sebelius (R., Kansas), visited Headquarters for a briefing by STAT Paul Walsh, A/DDI. They were greeted at the reception desk by I and escorted to the DDI conference room, where the STAT briefing took place. Coordinator for Academic Affairs, also assisted with plans for the briefing. Mel Thompson, Representative Sebelius' Administrative Assistant, was most appreciative of Agency STAT STJ responsiveness to the group. 16. I I LIAISON a former Agency employee now with the Congressional Budget Office, called to ask a few questions about her clearances while employed with the Agency. After checking with the Office of Security, I called her back, answered her questions, and advised her that Charles Barden, of the Congressional Budget Office. staff, had been designated the point of contact for security STAT matters with the Agency. 17.1 HEARING Met with Jim Michie,,_ Senate Judiciary Subcommittee on Administrative Practice and Procedure staff, and reviewed several declassified Agency documents furnished to the STAT Subcommittee which will be exhibits to the Subcommittee's report. 18. I I LIAISON Called Duke Short, Senate Judiciary ,Internal Security Subcommittee staff, and confirmed arrangements for him to meet with Rumania f 1. at a loca next Thursday, 29 January to iscuss p e executive session testimony before Senator Strom Thurmond (R. , S. Car. ). See memo for the record.