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F' 8tVfd41Release 2007/03/14: CIA-RDP79T00975A03090 National Intelligence Daily (Cable) State Dept. review completed Top Secret CG NIDC 78-0287C 11 December 1978 Approved For Release 2007/03/14: CIA-RDP79T00975AO30900010116-0 COPY E? i 25X1 Approved For Release 2007/03/14: CIA-RDP79T00975AO30900010116-0 Approved For Release 2007/03/14: CIA-RDP79T00975AO30900010116-0 Natid tRP%f@l if&[cae g fVQ91@ /14 : 9A-RDP79T00975 9O IOA0116-0 25X1 IRAN: Demonstrations Peaceful . . . . . . . . . . . 1 NAMIBIA: Implications of Election . . . . . . . . . 2 ANGOLA: Government Changes . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4 SOUTH KOREA: Assembly Election. . . . . . . . . . . 6 ISRAEL: Cabinet Reshuffle . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8 BRIEFS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . 10 China I Secret Approved For Release 2007/03/14: CIA-RDP79T00975A03090001To Approved For Release 2007/03/14: CIA-RDP79T00975A013 p9gg0Jp116-0 The massive, nonviolent demonstration in Tehran yesterday was an impressive show of strength by the op- position to the Shah of Iran and an apparent gain for the opposition moderates. The government's decision to withdraw Army and police forces from the area of the demonstration avoided a potentially serious confronta- tion. According to most press reports, about 1 million demonstrators participated in the march; the US Embassy estimated at least several hundred thousand. Marchers carried banners calling for an Islamic republic and ex- tolling exiled Shia leader Ayatollah Khomeini. Well- organized, peaceful, and orderly demonstrations also, took place in Shiraz, Esfahan, Tabriz, and Mashhad. //The withdrawal of troops from southern Tehran was probably also influenced by the government's desire not to test the loyalty and cohesion of the Army again. Zahedi told US officials after the march yesterday that the government was pleased by the outcome.// I SAVAK expects more demonstrations to take p ace today on Ashura, the holiest day of Moharram. If these demonstrations can also be kept nonviolent, we expect the moderate opposi- tion leaders to step up their efforts to negotiate an end to the current crisis. It remains doubtful, however, that hardline leaders like Khomeini will accept any compromise that does not call for an end to the mon- archy.// Most shops will remain closed throughout the long holiday weekend, and it is uncertain whether strikers throughout the public and private sectors of the economy will return to their jobs after Ashura. Oil workers at the important Gachsaran oilfields walked off their jobs on Saturday, further reducing oil production and avail- ability for export. Crude oil production was expected to decline to about 1.4 million to 1.5 million barrels today, and exports are likely to,fall to about 700,000 barrels, comparable to the lowest levels recorded during the previous oil strike the first 10 days of November. I Top Secret Approve orRelease 2007/03/14: CIA-RDP79T00975A03090001 116-0 25X1 Approved For Release 2007/03/14: CIA-RDP79T00975AO30900010116-0 'lo Secret NAMIBIA: Implications of Election There were no significant disorders during the five- ,Iay polling Zast week for a Namibian constituent assem- 1_,Zy, even though foreign-based leaders of the South-West Africa People's organization had caZZed for an aZZ-out effort to disrupt the election. The South African Admin- :-strator General has announced that 81 percent of the registered voters went to the poZZs. Whatever the voting esults, which are expected to be announced next Monday, he election has already dramatized South Africa's abiZ- ;..tJ to manipulate the Namibian population, which will :strengthen Prime Minister Botha's hand in dealing with Following two bomb explosions in Windhoek on 2 De- cember, South African police arrested some 70 SWAPO dem- onstrators who were protesting the holding of an elec- tion without UN participation and detained six principal leaders of SWAPO's internal wing, which has operated openly as a nonmilitary organization. The demonstrators were released, however, and SWAPO supporters held several public meetings near Windhoek. on 2 December Pretoria informed the UN Secretary (;eneral that it will decide by the end of the month whether or not to accept a UN transitional assistance (group in Namibia. The South Africans maintain, however, i.hat'any UN transitional program also must be acceptable to the Namibian constituent assembly. Although the newly elected assembly would be unlikely 1:.o welcome a second election under UN supervision, Prime Minister Botha has ample leverage to manipulate the as- :;embly.?He very probably wants to go through with a m.odi- {ied transitional program under UN auspices in order to avert UN sanctions, mend South Africa's frayed ties with the West, and gain international support for what he hopes will be a moderate Namibian government. The South 6"0 5 cret ed For Release 2007/03/14 ?CIA-RDP79T00975AO30900010116-0 Approved For Release 2007/03/14: CIA-RDP79T00975A030900010116-0 T Secret Africans believe, however, that a large UN peacekeeping force in Namibia during a second election would tip the scale in favor of STIAPO candidates. The orderliness of the polling last week as well as the large voter turnout will encourage Botha to insist on a major reduction in the projected UN military force of 7,500. He can argue that the absence of significant disorders last week shows that a large UN force is un- necessary. Moreover, the large voter turnout may encour- age Botha to use the constituent assembly as a basis for proceeding with an internal settlement should the UPI Security Council reject South Africa's caveats. 3 To Secret Approved For Release 2007/03/14: CIA-RDP79T00975A0309000101 b-00 I 25X1 Approved For Release 2007/03/14: CIA-RDP79T00975A030900010116-0 Top Secret ANGOLA: Government Changes Angola's major government and party reorganization announced on Saturday is seen as an effort by President iVeto to strengthen his control of the government Prime Minister Lopo do Nascimento and Second Deputy Prime Minister Carlos Rocha were dismissed from their posts at the conclusion of an extraordinary meeting of the Angolan Popular Liberation Movement Labor Party Cen- tral Committee. Pascoal Luvualu, the party spokesman for foreign affairs, has been named to fill one of the re- sultant vacancies on the Politbureau, The decision to remove the officials and abolish their posts probably reflects Neto's attempts to consoli- date his power, further strengthen party unity, and ~;treamline the qovernment. The shakeup also may be par- tially attributable to continued pressure from militant black nationalists in the party who believe the mulattoes have too much control in Angola. Rocha is mulatto; Luvualu is black. Nascimento was considered by many to be the second most important person in Angola, but he lacked an inde- pendent power base and now appears to have fallen into disfavor with Neto. According to a recent report, he may be named to a new but less influential position as Mini- s;ter of the Presidency. Rocha has strong Marxist-Leninist (.credentials and had been mentioned as ne of the Soviets' _avorite candidates to succeed Neto. I Press reports stating that Neto had himself been ousted apparently are incorrect. Neto addressed the na- t-ion yesterday as President. At this point, it does not appear that the government reorqanization will have a major impact on Neto's continuing efforts to improve re- lations with the West. 7'ap Secret For Release 2007/03/14. CIA-RDP79TOO975AO30900010116-0 25X1 Approved For Release 2007/03/14: CIA-RDP79T00975AO30900010116-0 Approved For Release 2007/03/14: CIA-RDP79T00975AO30900010116-0 Approved For Release 2007/03/14: CIA-RDP79T00975A030900010116-0 Top Secret :SOUTH KOREA: Assembly Election //South Korean President Pak wants a strong voter tandorsement in the National Assembly election set for tomorrow, and he wants foreign and domestic observers to {roncZude that the balloting is fair and free from ir- iraegularities.// //Pak seems likely to achieve qualified successes can both counts. His ruling Democratic Republican Party almost certainly will win more of the contested seats i.han does the major opposition party. ~He has already been elected to another six-year term, which begins late this r 7onth. He appoints one-third of the assembly members, and South Korea's electoral arrangements encourage a rough split of the contested seats between the government and opposition parties.// //The Democratic Republicans are running on an im- pressive record of government accomplishments. South Ko- rea has had the fastest growing economy among the de- veloping countries in recent years, and its international prestige has grown considerably as a result of its eco- nomic competence. The country has regained its composure following the shocks of Vietnam's fall and the announce- ment of US troop withdrawals. Pak announced an amnesty last week that will include some political prisoners and should boost his popularity.// //Even so, there are factors working against the jovernment. Urban, young, and independent voters have 1.raditionally tended to vote against Pak, and their num- bers have swelled in recent years. Pak's opponents have been attacking him on a variety of issues: the Tongsun Park affair, inflation, high taxes, the alleged corrupt relationship between big business and government, and 1-.he highly restricted character of "Korean democracy."// To Secret 6 pprove For Release 2007/03/14: CIA-RDP79T00975A030900010116-0 Approved For Release 2007/03/14: CIA-RDP79T00975A03090001 Q'1 65Pcret //None of the specific issues raised by Pak's ad- versaries however, appears to have galvanized popular opinion in opposition to the government, and by all ac- counts the opposition remains in a weakened state because of chronic factionalism and a lack of leadership, or- ganization, and funds.// 7 Top Secret Approved For Release 2007/03/14: CIA-RDP79T00975AO30900010 16-0 Approved For Release 2007/03/14: CIA-RDP79T00975AO30900010116-0 Top Secret A plan by Israeli Prime Minister Begin to redistri- )ute cabinet posts has set off jockeying among members tf his coalition. Begin appears to be taking advantage of cabinet vacancies to promote those he believes will better support his leadership on peace issues and the Uovernment's domestic programs. He thus far has rejected demands to increase an already large cabinet and to take o cabinet seat away from the Democratic Movement, cur- iently one of his most dependable and vital allies. Begin reportedly wants to transfer Construction Minister Gideon Patt, a member of the Liberal faction of the coalition's dominant Likud bloc, to the industry and commerce portfolio. Immigrant Absorption Minister David Levi, a member of the Herut contingent of Likud, Begin's political base, would replace Patt. Patt has so far supported Begin's peace proposals and the economic policies of Finance Minister Simha Ehr- lich, leader of Likud's Liberals and a Begin confidant. Levi is a Begin loyalist. Begin's plan has provoked strong objection from both the Liberal and Herut factions. Energy Minister Yitzhak Modai, a prominent Liberal and rival of Ehrlich for con- trol of the faction, harbors claims to the potentially more important industry portfolio. Modai, however, has left some room for compromise, hinting that he might be willing to take the vacant transportation ministry port- Leading members of Herut have long complained to Begin about their faction's lack of influence on economic issues. Herut activists are unlikely to believe that Levi--who has shown little ability in his current post-- would provide them with significant influence in economic decisonmaking if he became construction minister. Begin's unwillingness to take away one of the Demo- cratic Movement's three cabinet posts also has aroused strong opposition from Herut as well as from the National Religious Party, an important member of Begin's coalition. Both groups believe that the recent split in the Demo- cratic Movement, which cut its parliamentary deputies from 15 to seven, should also be reflected in cabinet representation. Top Secret 8 ved For Release 2007/03/14: CIA-RDP79T00975A030900010116-0 Approved For Release 2007/03/14: CIA-RDP79T00975AO30900010116-0 Top Secret Begin's dependence on the Democratic Movement, how- ever, has steadily increased in recent weeks as his back- ing among Herut and National Religious Party hawks over major peace issues has grown less certain, and Begin seems willing to pay a certain political price to ensure the Democratic Movement's support. The loss of that support would cut Begin's parliamentary majority to a few seats, leaving him dependent upon coalition hardliners and fur- ther restricting his room to maneuver on major negotia- tion issues. 9 Top Secret Approved For Release 2007/03/14: CIA-RDP79T00975A0309000101 II'J_U Approved For Release 2007/03/14: CIA-RDP79T00975AO30900010116-0 Top Secret China is expanding. its exploration and development of geothermal sources of power. Chinese experts have studied foreign geothermal programs, and the government is sending students to Italy and New Zealand for long- -erm training. The Chinese have many geothermal fields and for sev- t!ral years have surveyed them to locate and evaluate hose of greatest potential. They have built small geo- t..hermal power stations in five provinces since 1970. Two of these power stations may have advanced binary luid systems permitting the use of hot underground water below boiling temperature, a characteristic of many of china's geothermal fields. //China's sixth geothermal electric power plant-- and the only one using natural steam--is in Tibet. As part of an effort to expand and improve this plant so that it can provide power to the city of Lhasa by Feb- ruary 1980, the Chinese are planning to import an 11,200-kilowatt generator from the UK at a cost of $20 mi l l ion.// Top Se ed For Release 2007/03/1410CIA-RDP79T00975A030900010116-0 25X1 Approved For Release 2007/03/14: CIA-RDP79T00975AO30900010116-0 Approved For Release 2007/03/14: CIA-RDP79T00975AO30900010116-0 Approved For Release 2007/03/14: CIA-RDP79T00975AO30900010116-0 Top Secret Top Secret Approved For Release 2007/03/14: CIA-RDP79T00975AO30900010116-0