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Document Release Date: 
January 6, 2006
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Publication Date: 
February 5, 1974
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Cj` tiNLI.ASSIFIED%pprov SMe 2006/01/17: CIA-R P 80M.;*F4UNMt010027-30 SECRET ROUTING AND RECORD SHEET SUBJECT: (Optional) FROM: EXTENSION NO. Legislative Counsel DATE 19 February 1974 TO: (Officer designation, room number, and DATE building) OFFICER'S COMMENTS (Number each comment to show from whom RECEIVED FORWARDED INITIALS to whom. Draw a line across column after each comment.) 1. C Director 1 a >' _/a (.al Attached is a suggested reply 2. to Chairman McClellan's request for your advice on proposals made b Senator Proxmire y 3' regarding publication of intelli- gence community figures. I 4 showed it to Guy McConnell who thinks it is a good reply and he agreed that it would be unwise 5. for us to include in this letter instructions which we have i d f i - rece ve rom Chairman Mahon on this subject. While this reply is substantially the same 7. as your letter of 27 July 1973 (which was classified Secret) I really see no reason for its 8. being classified. 9. eo e L. Cary 10. egislative Counsel 11. - 12. 13 . 14. 15. Approved For R (ease + 6/01/17 : CIA-R P80M01009A003100010027-3 M1 5X1 5X1 5X1 FORM USE PREVIOUS INTERNAL ;61 EDITIONS I-1 SECRET n cnNFInFNTII n n IINficCIFlc JOHN L. MCCLEL pRIK~~LC~H`A,/ WARREN G. M4GNVSON, WAS.. MF~r R?~1.~R. 4", r Release 2006/01/17 : CIA-RDP80M10.1009A00310001002 -3..__...._.. DATE. ,S NEBR. JOHN O. PASTOS , R.I. NORRIS COTTON. N.H. /~/ ?y ~y J 1 ALAN BIBLE, NEV. CLIFFORD P. CASE, N.J. ROBERT C. BYRD, W. VA. HIRAM L. FONG, HAWAII GALE W. MC GEC, WYO. EDWARD W. BROOKE, MASS. MIKE MANSFIEL.O, MONT. MARK O. HATFIELD. ORES. WILLIAM i`.ROX M'WE, WIS. TED STEVENS. ALASKA JOSSPH M. MONTOYA, N. MIX. CHARLES MCC. MATHIAS, JR.. MO. DANIEL K. INOUYE. HAWAII RICHARD S. SCHWEIKER. PA. ERNEST F. HOLLINGS. S.G. HENRY BELLMON. OKLA. BIRCH BAY"' IND. THOMAS F. EA3LETON. MO. LAWTON CHILES, FLA. JAMES R. CALLOWAY, CHIEF COUNSEL AND STAFF DIRECTOR '1JCnifeb Ziatez Zonate COMMITTEE ON APPROPRIATIONS WASHINGTON. D.C. 20510 February 5, 1974 The Honorable William E. Colby Director Central Intelligence Agency Washington, DC 20505 Dear Mr. Colby: Enclosed is a self-explanatory letter from Senator William Proxmire urging that consideration be given to making public certain budgetary figures relating to the U. S. intel- ligence community. As you know, this has been a matter of particular concern to those of us serving on the Intelligence Subcommittee of the Appropriations Committee and I would appreciate having the benefit of your advice and counsel on Senator Proxmire's proposal. With kindest personal regards, I am Sincerely yours, L. McClellan Chairman JLM /cpl Enclosure Approved For Release 2006/01/17 : CIA-RDP80MO1009AO03100010027-3