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A"r AiW AW AW Aar AW AW AT I TO: NAME AND APDRESS DATE INITIALS 1 J K, - 2 3 4 ACTION DIRECT REPLY PREPARE REPLY APPROVAL DISPATCH RECOMMENDATION COMMENT FILE RETURN CONCURRENCE INFORMATION SIGNATURE REMARKS: FROM: NAME, ADDRESS, AND PHONE NO. DATE (Security Classification) 1 1 1 0 0 1 3UP8 Approved For Release 2007/03/07 :CIA-RDP79T00975A0 &J IdIEW 1AW 1,111W 1AW law 111~ 1411~ 1111~ 1911~ A4 Access to this document will be restricted to those approved for the following specific activities: NATIONAL INTELLIGENCE DAILY CABLE Monday 19 June 1978 CG NIDC 78/142C w NATIONAL SECURITY INFORMATION Unauthorized Disclosure Subject to Criminal Sanctions MINIMEND State Dept. review completed Top Secret CIA-RDP79TOO975AO3070TUIV dCret 25X1 Approved For Release 2007/03/07 : CIA-RDP79T00975AO30700010064-0 Approved For Release 2007/03/07 : CIA-RDP79T00975AO30700010064-0 Approved F LATE ITEM OPEC: Oil Price Deadlock OPEC oil ministers now meeting in Geneva have failed so far to reach agreement on oil pricing. Saudi Arabia has pushed for no change in prices, while other participants have urged higher prices to offset the lost purchasing power of oil revenues caused by the fall in the value of the dollar since the previous price increase in January 1977. Ministers of other countries have called for either a direct price increase or for denominating oil in terms of a group of currencies in order to protect against further de- clines in the dollar. Saudi Oil Minister Yamani has argued that the current world oil surplus precludes a price increase. He foresees a strengthening dollar and consequent recovery in the purchasing power of oil revenues. 25X1 Approved For Release 2007/03/07 : CIA-RDP79T00975A~30700010064-0 Approved For Releo National Intelligence Daily Cable for Monday, 19 June 1978 The NID Cable is for the purpose o informing BENIN: Cuban and Soviet Interest PORTUGAL-ANGOLA: Summit Planned ISRAEL: Gush Emunim Settlements Page Page Page 1 2 DOMINICAN REPUBLIC: Tensi on Page 6 BRIEFS: Page 7 Libya man International Approved For Approved For Release 2007/03/07 : CIA-RDP79T00975A0$0700010064-0 25X1 BENIN: Cuban and Soviet Interest Benin has received increased amounts of military e.1uipment and additional advisers from the Soviet Union and Cuba over the past year. The country's radical anti-Western President Kerekou justifies th's support as necessary to pro- t--ct his country. //An attempt to overthrow Kerekou early last year gave e SR and Cuba a pret increase the military aid they had been providing Benin.Tt-t Kerekou wants to acquire transport aircraft, and some Beninese personnel are said to be training on MIG fighter aircraft in the USSR. I //Soviet and Cuban motivation for aiding Benin is not entirely clear. Soviet naval units have made regular visits to Cotonou, and access to Benin's port and air facili- ties may be a factor. The Soviets and Cubans may also see Benin as a stepping stone to expand their influence in West Africa. In any event, their presence has been welcomed by Kerekou who, in addition to his desire for military protection, probably sees Soviet and Cuban interest as a response to his attempts to impose a Marxist ideology on the country.// 25X1 25X1 //Benin's army lacks the training to absorb quickly all the materiel it has been receiving. In any event, an attack from its African neighbors--despite Kerekou's ob- session that a military threat exists--is unlikely.// Kerekou's perceived need for Communist protection and his devotion to the principles of Marxism are probably suf- ficient to sustain Moscow's interest. Kerekou's radical behavior may be tempered somewhat by his country's continuing heavy de- pendence on Western economic aid. 25X1 Approved For Rellase 2007/03/07 : CIA-RDP79T00975A~30700010064-0 Approved For Releas4 2007/03/07 : CIA-RDP79T00975A040700010064-0 25X1 Angolan President Neto and Portuguese President Eanes plan to meet this month in Guinea-Bissau to attempt to achieve a, rapproch3ment between their two countries. Immediate objec- tives appear limited to discussing technical and economic coop- eration. Both leaders, however, have expressed interest in ex- panding Angola's ties with the West, a policy that might lessen .'ingoZan dependence on the USSR and Cuba. The Portuguese believe progress toward these goals depends on Neto's ability to over- eeume opposition at home,and on Portugal's success in eliciting _zrly Western support. Discussion and planning for a Portuguese-Angolan sum- mit began last December, but several factors intervened. Each side had misgivings about the other's motives in pursuing closer relations. Scheduling a summit was complicated by Neto's uncertain health and by the timing of President Eanes' recent visits to Brazil, Venezuela, and the US. In addition, the Portu- guese had doubts about holding a meeting before the situation in southern Zaire had quieted. I ISome of these obstacles were overcome last month when e o Ant unes, a noted leftist and Eanes' personal emmissary, traveled to Angola to explore the prospects for a summit with Neto and other Angolan leaders. His visit was followed soon by a flurry of high-level contacts--some mediated by leaders of other former Portuguese colonies--that culminated last week in the dispatch of Angola's first ambassador to Portugal. Eanes' ability to disassociate his current initiative ?-rom go an internal political issues was also important in producing a favorable climate. He was praised by the Angolan Foreign Minister for abstaining from general Western condemna- tion of Cuba's military role in Angola. The Portuguese have also abandoned their earlier insistence on preconditions for any formal agreement--reconciliation between Neto and Jonas Savimbi's rebels and a reduction in Cuban and Soviet influence in Angola. Publicity surrounding the summit suggests that the _:a cs will focus almost exclusively on technical and economic cooperation, perhaps with some discussion of military aid to Approved For Release 2007/03/07 : CIA-RDP79T00975A03Q700010064-0 Approved For Re Angola. Eanes, however, sees formal agreements in these areas-- which could lead to lucrative trade and financial arrangments as well as to the return of badly needed Portuguese technicians to Angola--as minimal objectives. He would also like to discuss the political and military situation in Angola and the prospects for a Portuguese lead in opening Angola to the West. The latter objective has intrigued Eanes for some time an remains the major long-term goal of his Angolan pol- icy. He recognizes, however, that such an opening will require both the stabilization of the Angolan military situation and Western economic aid that far exceeds Portugal's limited ca- pacity. ISRAEL: Gush Emunim Settlements I //Israel's Gush Emunim group has achieved its controversial goal of winning official approval of 18 estab- lished Jewish settlements throughout the West Bank in less than a year despite its meager financial resources and minority po- liticaZ representation. The group's few thousand members have capitalized on Israeli public sentiment and demonstrated on several occasions the ability to mobilize as many as 40,000 Israeli supporters. It is clearly an effective pressure group that the Israeli Government must contend with as it debates the future of the West Bank.// I -4 //The group believes that the West Bank--con- sisting o the Biblical regions of Judea and Samaria--is an integral part of Israel. It recently submitted to the government a master plan for the settlement of 1 million Jews on the West Bank within 25 years. Some members have been actively promoting such settlement for more than 10 years, but the group itself was not founded until 1974; it has close ties to the hawkish youth wing of the National Religious Party.// //The first Gush Emunim settlements were "temporar- y es a ished in 1975 without government authorization. The group's objective was first to "create facts" and then gain government approval. Of the present 47 Israeli settlements in Approved For Release 2007/03/07 : CIA-RDP79T00975A040700010064-0 Approved For Releas joccupied West Bank, the group has established 17, compris- ing more than 2,200 inhabitants. These include two paramilitary ..ettlements that are expected to convert to Gush Emunim set- i loments An 18th '-ettlerlent, established in 1968 by orthodox leas, is now dominated by the Gush Emunim group.// //The government of former Prime Minister Rabin ~it.3r ega ized the Gush Emunim settlements, even though a >ecember 1975 government statement favored settlements in places ghat would serve both political and tactical goals. In July 1977, the new government of Prime Minister Begin legalized the three settlements already established, although it delayed approving a Gush Emunim proposal for 12 new ones. The Begin government has since approved all 18 Gush Emunim settlements.// government with some apprehension despite Begin's philosophical sympathy for the group. They feel that the Begin peace plan, //The members of the Gush Emunim regard the Begin which they describe as "negotiated withdrawal under American pressure," can only weaken the Israeli hold on the West Bank.// //Gush members maintain that their "pure vision" of renewed dedication to Zionism is needed to ensure that Israel will endure. The group's immediate objective is to con- solidate the present 18 settlements and establish two more. The Gush Emunim undoubtedly will continue to exert pressure on the Begin government to annex the West Bank as part of Israel.// Approved For ReleasIe 2007/03/07 : CIA-RDP79T00975AO30F00010064-0 25X1 Approved For Release 2007/03/07 : CIA-RDP79T00975AO30700010064-0 Approved For Release 2007/03/07 : CIA-RDP79T00975AO30700010064-0 Approved For R4 Tension is rising in the Dominican Republic because the official certification of Antonio Gunman's victory in the presidential election Zast month is being delayed by legal ohaLlenres and administrative haggling. President Balaguer is Likely to meet increasing pressure to speed up the process and thus to allay growing suspicion that a few top military cers may somehow intervene to prevent Guzman from taking office in August. //Leaders of the military establishment met with Guzman ear y t is month and publicly pledged to b ack his admini- stration after he agreed to hold his leftist supp orters in check and not to interfere with the armed forces. 25X1 25X1 Since the election Balaguer's diehard supporters in the ru ing party--backed by Nivar--have succeeded in ousting both the chairman and the secretary of the Central Electoral Commission and have swamped the commission with legal challenges that have blocked an official declaration of a winner. In an apparent effort at intimidation, Nivar's police temporarily detained the head of the commission's computer center and, according to the press, have remained at the center to monitor the final tabulations. I//For his part, Balaguer has publicly congratulated Guzman and has received him twice in the national palace. He has also authorized his apparent successor to visit various Approved For Approved For F#elease 2007/03/07 : CIA-RDP79T00975~030700010064-0 25X1 government departments and has assigned security protection to Guzman and his running mate. Balaguer has also strongly opposed a Nivar-backed effort to ram through pro-milit without the approval of the new administration J Balaguer is aware of the growing unease caused by the vote dispute but refuses to intervene. He told the US Ambassador on Friday that he fully expects to step down in August and that legal challenges aimed primarily at congressional and municipal returns would'run their course in accordance with the constitution. He also expressed complete confidence in his control of a military organization seriously hampered by fac- tional rivalries. Balaguer, however, has not called off Nivar or re- strained the extremists in the ruling party. This ambiguity has greatly increased tensions among a population that generally accepts the unofficial Guzman victory but is becoming increas- ingly suspicious of behind-the-scenes maneuvering. The majority of the military and most political forces favor a peaceful transition and are now almost certain to step up pressure on Balaguer to resolve the confusion. They especially want him to rein in Nivar, whose provocative actions could lead to a civil conflict. 25X1 Libya //The Libyan Central Bank is apparently prepar- ing to reca all outstanding dinar notes and issue a new cur- rency. Only formally declared assets up to a certain maximum limit will likely be eligible for exchange. Individuals who have been hoarding dinars probably will not declare all their holdings for fear of being branded antisocial.// //These actions by the Central Bank would be consistent with President Qadhafi's call for limitations on wealth. In recent months, many wealthy individuals have converted Approved Fo Approved For R$ :heir dinara to other assets or sold them on the flourishing ,..lack market, thus avoiding the impact of the new regulations. //The attack on an Omani Army convoy by the Marxist Popular Front for the Liberation of Oman on 7 June-- Lwo soldiers were killed and six wounded--was the second rebel operation in Dhofar Province in a week. Five British civilian technicians were killed in the other incident. The attacks were probably meant to mark the 13th anniversary of the or- ganization last Friday.// 4 A handful of hardcore rebels are still at large in e o ar mountains, but resupply from neighboring South Ye- men is difficult. The coming three-month monsoon period could, however, tie down government forces and make resupply of the rebels easier.// South Yemeni leader Salim Rubayi Ali strongly re T era e his government's support of the rebels last week. - Approved For Release 2007/03/07 : CIA-RDP79T00975AOP0700010064-0 Approved For Rel The nonaligned countries -led by Algeria and Yugo- s.avia--rare preparing to act jointly on the issue of regulating international communications at next year's World Administrative Radio Conference. The conference will attempt to deal compre- hensivei/, for the first time in 20 years, with the allocation of radio frequencies. The nonaligned states, which will con- stitute the majority at the conference, might be able to form a consens,is on such issues as equal sharing of the spectrum. In this event, there is little prospect that the conference could accommodate the legitimate needs of all countries. I I The nonaligned countries apparently intend to con- centrate on "the elimination of the information monopoly of the developed countries." They maintain that the radio fre- quency spectrum is a limited natural resource belonging to all countries and are critical of what they see as the "first- come, first-served" principle that has allowed the developed countries to dominate broadcasting frequency allocations. The use by foreign broadcasters of the territory of nonaligned states to transmit programs directed against liberation move- ments is also likely to be a significant issue at the confer- ence. Approved For Release 2007/03/07 : CIA-RDP79T00975AP30700010064-0 AV AV AV AV AV AV iri Approved For Release 2007/03/07 : CIA-RDP79T00975AO30700010064-0 Top Secret (Security Classification) To R Secret elease 2007/03/07 : CIA-RDP79T00975AO30700010064-0 (Security Classification) r 0 r r