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e 2006/12119 :CIA-RDP79-00927A00440010000~t3May 1964 ~ J ~~~ SPECIAL REPORT WESTERN EUROPEAN SPACE PROGRAMS CENTRAL INTELLIGENCE AGENCY OFFICE OF CURRENT INTELLIG ENCE ~~~~n~5/ SECRET D Approved For Release 2006/12119 :CIA-RDP79-00927A004400100002-3 Q Approved Far Release 2006112/19 :CIA-RDP79-00927A004400100002-3 Approved For Release 2006/12119: CIA-RDP79-00927A004400100002-3 SECRET Western Europe has organized two cooperative ven- tures in the fields of space research and launch-ve- hicle technology: the European Space Research Or- ganization (ESRO) to conduct basic space research, and the European Launcher Development Organization (ELDO) to develop a three-stage satellite booster based on the British Blue Streak rocket. The trey - ties establishing these organizations have only re- cently come into force, and the French, who have an energetic, well-organized, national space program al- ready in being, will exert significant influence in them. Britain has a limited space program, and West Germany is just starting one. The national and cooperative programs are mo- tivated both by the promise of industrial, scientific, and commercial benefits and by considerations of na- tional prestige. The present level of resources al- located to space activities, however, will not al- low the European countries either individually or col- lectively to rival the efforts of the US and the So- viet Union. Moreover, the rate at which they pro- gresstoward their more modest goals in space activi- ties will continue to depend heavily on the support they receive from the TJS, both officially--in joint endeavors with NASA, and unofficially--through con- tinued purchases of US equipment and technology. European Interest in Space Nearly two and one half years elapsed after the launch- ing of Sputnik I in 1957 before the Western European countries began to consider seriously their potential role in the space age. The impetus then came in large part from a belated recog- nition of the immense repercus- sions on the scientific and tech- nical industries of the develop- ment of highly complex launchers and space research equipment. In particular, the Europeans became aware that an important part of the progress made in electronics, in metallurgy, and in certain fields of chem- istry and physics in the US could be attributed to the im- pulse given by the conquest of space. They feared that, lack- ing a similar effort, Europe would continue to lose its top researchers and technicians to the "new world," and that the "old world" would never regain its traditional promi- nence in the fields of science and technology. The key at- tributes of national power would thus be irrecoverably lost. SECRET Approved For Release 2006/12119: CIA-RDP79-00927A004400100002-3 Approved F elease 2006/12119 :CIA-RDP79-009,004400100002-3 PROPOSE4 EUROPEAN SPACE RESEARCH ORGAWIZATION {ESRO);' (Belgium, Danmark, Franca, West Germany, Italy, Netherlonds, Spoin, Sweden, Switzorland, United Kingdom) SCIENTIFIC COMMITTEE - LAUNChIING PROGRAM j SUBCOMMITTEE "Relations with- Universities and National Industries -: ESRIN European Re earth Institute Italy (Rome) ESDAC E ropean Spec Data Center Wost DIRECTOR GENERAL TECHNICAL DIRECTOR -SHORT TERM. PROJECTS - Sounding rockets (figure indicates- maximum number of launches-- - .proposed #or each year) -MEDIUM TERM PROJECTS -' Smalb satellites in;near-Earth orbits _ - .Space probes LONGER TERM PROJECTS ' ADMINISTRATIVE & FINANCIAL - COMMITTEE COUNCIL (PARIS) (Australia, Belgium, France, West Germany, Italy, Netherlands, United Kingdom) COMMITTEE. - FINANCE OF COUNCIL - - COMMITTEE - PROPOSED EUROPEAN LAUNCHER. DEVELOPMENTORGANIZATION < {ELDO) SCIENTIFIC ADVISORY COMMITTEE ESTRACK r. ESRANGE European :- European Spec - Space Tracking launching Stations Range Sweden (Ki runo) TECHNICAL -COORDINATION PROPOSED BUDGET 8eleium ' : 4.21 No way - 1 :60 _ Denmark -: --2.10 -Spain -2.33 -- FederdF Republic of-Germany-'21.48 -Sweden 4,92 - - Franca - 78.22 -Switzerland 3,.37 - Italy' - 1'0.64 --Ursifed Kirigdom - 25100 _ Cancurtently, ELDO-will "inYestigore future possibilitiesand requi remen for rockets and range;. ' - Australio uie of Woomera range 8eleium _ ground confrolinstrumenfdjfou France` - seaortd stage oflaoncher- West Germany -' third stage of'louncher-- Itdly.:._ -: experimental. satellite Netherlands '. ground support United_Kingdom _. first stage of-launcher PROGRAM PLANNING COST CONTROL GENERAL AFFAIRS DIRECTORATE ELDO Design;'devalapmenF, and canstructfon of a sRace vehicle launcher with pdrticipation distributed .among ELDOrnembership-as follows: The proposed initial five-ydar-ELDO pro8rdm wduldhpve:a of $746 million,"allocated as follower Australia (use of range) 0- - Belgium SQ:$3?k France 23:93 West`-Germany 2201 Italy -- - - 9:7$ Netherlands :2:64 Uni ted. Kingdom 38;79 A budget of $3.S.mil li0a,as yet unallocated, hos beeir earmarked for the proposed-concurrent two-year progrdm. CLASSIFIED MATERIAL ON REVERSE OF PAGE Approved For Release 2006/12119 :CIA-RDP79-00927A004400100002-3 ADMINISTRATIVE DIRECTOR Approved For Release 2006/12119: CIA-RDP79-00927A004400100002-3 w w SECRET In the words of General Aubiniere, director of the French National Center for Space Studies, "space technology touches so many disciplines that to neglect it would signify for our peoples, formerly masters of the world, a decadence and underdevelopment and an unac- ceptable economic servitude, no matter whence it comes." Impelled largely by these considerations, the Committee an Space Research (COSPAR) of the International Council of Scientific Unions, at its Janu- ary 1960 meeting in Nice, set up a study group to investigate the feasibility of a joint Euro- pean space research and technol- ogy program. The group's report Led to other meetings, and eventually a 12-country European Preparatory Commission for Space Research (COPERS) was established to draft a charter for a multi- lateral space research organi- zation patterned after the al- ready existing and highly suc- cessful European Center for Nu- clear Research. The European Space Research Organization convention was signed in Paris on 14 June 1962 by all but two of the members of COPERS, and came into force on 20 March 1964. The signa- tories are Belgium, Denmark, France, West Germany, Italy, the Netherlands, Spain, Sweden, Switzerland, and the United Kingdom. Austria and Norway declined to participate primarily for budgetary reasons although it is highly likely that Nor- way will loin ESRO within the next year or two. ESRO's Program and Budget ESRO's program--exclusively for peaceful purposes--is built around the designing and con- struction of sounding rocket payloads and earth satellites and the launching of space probes. The proposed short-term projects will be limited to studies of the upper atmosphere in the auroral zone by means of sounding rockets. The organ- ization Napes to reach a launch- ing rate of 65 sounding rockets annually by the third year. Beginning in the fourth year of its existence, ESRO would attempt to put small satellites into orbit or to launch probes of outer space. Longer term objectives are a stabilized astronomical observatory in earth orbit and a lang-life planetary observatory in lunar orbit. A manned spacecraft program is beyond ESRO's re- sources and level of technology and is therefore not contemplated in present planning. ESRO's eight-year program calls for expenditures of $78 million in the first three years, $122 million in the second three-year period, and a total expenditure of $306 mil- lion. Three quarters of the costs will be met by the UK, West Germany, France, and Italy. SECRET Approved Far Release 2006112119: CIA-RDP79-00927A004400100002-3 Approved For Ruse 2006/12119: CIA-RDP79-00927A~4400100002-3 SECRET The facilities to be established include: (a) a space labora- tory and technology center at Delft, in the Netherlands; (b) a space data processing center in Darmstadt, West Germany; (c) a space reseaxch institute in Rome; (d) a sounding rocket launching range at Kiruna, Sweden; and (e) various track- ing stations around the world. ESRO's Prospects The distinguished French scientist, Pierre Auger--pros- pect.ive director general of ESRO--hay described the scope of ESRO's program as equivalent to one fifth the US effort, minus the US manned spacecraft program. Although the ESRO budget will be much less than one fifth the US space budget, Auger expects disproportionately favorable returns through an efficient use of all available resources and the incorporation of advanced technology. This estimate is probably too optimistic, but ESR;O could make a significant cont'xxibution, particularly if its program is coordinated with and is'comple- mentary to the work being done in the US. ESRO's scientists apparently desire to avoid du- plication of efforts, and they have held several meetings with NASA to discuss space objectives toward which the Europeans might effectively direct their ener- gies. ESRO is interested in hav- ing NASA launch its first two satellites, planned for the fourth year of its program. Al- though further evaluation is needed, NASA tentatively con- siders both ESRO I (polar iono- sphere satellite) and ESRO II (solar astronomy and cosmic ray satellite) to be well-conceived scientific projects, and believes the orbital requirements can be met with the US Scout vehicle. ESRO planning also envisions ar- ranging, through NASA, launch- ings from US ranges using the Thor-Delta booster. For orbit- ing larger payloads, ESRO is con- sidering both launches using the ELDO A vehicle and, possibly, launches from the US using Thor- Agena, Atlas-Agena, and Atlas- Centaur vehicles. It has indi- cated an interest in locating a tracking station in Alaska. These inquiries have in general been favorably received by the US agencies concerned. The implementation and evolution of ESRO's program will provide European scientists and engineers opportunities to in- crease their competence in var- ious aspects of space science and spacecraft technology. It will not allow them to compete across the board with the US and Soviet Union. SECRET Approved Far Release 2006112119: CIA-RDP79-00927A004400100002-3 Approved For Release 2006/12119: CIA-RDP79-00927A004400100002-3 ?v `rrr' SECRET Creation of ELDO As compared with the ESRO program, the European coopera- tive effort to develop a launch- ing capability has been much more controversial. Indeed, the ESRO planners rejected such an undertaking for their own organ- ization--partly because the neu- trals had qualms about the "cold war" implications of launcher development, and partly because it was generally felt that such an effort would be a wasteful duplication of US programs. In 1960, however, the Brit- ish long-range ballistic missile program--built around the Blue Streak, which was developed with extensive US technological as- sistance--was canceled after an expenditure of the sterling equivalent of over $1S2 million. In an effort to salvage some of this investment, Peter Thorney- croft, then Britain's minister of aviation, offered to make the Blue Streak and the British Black Knight available as a two- stage launch vehicle for cooper- ative European development and use. This generated little in- terest at first, but the French were eventually attracted by a British offer to substitute a French rocket for the Black Knight. These two countries there- upon sponsored a conference in early 1961 :from which ultimately emerged the European Launcher Development Organization. The ELDO convention--signed in Lon- don on 29 March 1962 by Austral- ia ? Belgium, France, West Ger- many, Italy, the Netherlands, and the United Kingdom--became effective as of 29 February 1964. ELDO Program and Budget ELDO's initial program calls for the development of a three-stage rocket--the ELDO A vehicle. As expected,the first stage will be the British Blue Streak and the second stage will be French; the third stage is to be developed by West Germany. Italy has been alloted the design, development, and construction of the test satellite; Belgium and the Neth- erlands will supply ground stations for radio guidance and telemetry. Test firings of both the first-stage Blue Streak and of the complete multistage ve- hicle will be from the Woomera range in Australia. The convention also calls for concurrent study of future launcher requirements, and after a period of two years the organization will consider what new program it might undertake. This provision was inserted to placate Italy and West Ger- many, which felt that ELDO should not be too firmly bound to the Blue Streak project. SECRET Approved For Release 2006/12119: CIA-RDP79-00927A004400100002-3 Approved For Ruse 2006/12119: CIA-RDP79-00927A4400100002-3 SECRET Status of ELDO's Program The Blue Streak first stage of the ELDO A vehicle is al- ready at the Woomera range and is expected to be fired some- time during May or June of this year. The second stage is sched- uled to be fired in September 1965 from France's Colomb- Bechar/Hammaguir range in Al- geria. Work on the third stage is proceeding but has been slowed by organizational prob- lems in the West German Govern- ment and industry, and in ELDO itself. The difficulty of co- ordinating the multilateral ef- forts will probably also con- tribute to some delays in the original schedule, which called for test firing of the ,completed vehicle in 19F,6. Present es- timates place this firing be- tween 1967 and 1969. ELDO's Military Implications ELDO's charter restricts it to the peaceful applications of space vehicle launchers and equipment. However, the or- ganization has no enforcement machinery to police compliance, and the possibility is '..raised that ELDO might contribute to the spread of ballistic missile technology. This issue has already presented itself to the US in the form of requests for the export of propellants, guidance components, and other launch-ve- hicle hardware and technology. Licenses have been. granted for the export of only a few se- lected items. However, the export of ballistic missile technology occurs "in bulk" via normal commercial channels. Multimillion-dollar annual sales to the Western European nations include quantities of missile components and of research, de- velopment, and test equipment, as well as the visits of U5 technicians anal engineers to install, calibrate, and service this equipment. If these sales were cut off and the Western Europeans were dependent on their own resources, bath the national and multinational pro- grams would be delayed consider- ably. ELDO's Prospects Compared with US vehicles, the three-stage ELDO vehicle will be obsolete when completed. It could meet some of ESRO's advanced program needs, however, and the desire to promote.West- ern Europe's self-reliance will add to the attractiveness of the ELDO booster in both ESRO and the major national space programs. For the short term, there- fore, ELDO's prospects are de- pendent on its ability to carry through the ELDO A project to a successful conclusion close to planned schedule and cost. To continue after that, ELDO will have to gain support among its members for the development of advanced vehicles beyond the ELDO A. Role of European Industry European industry is in- creasingly engaged in space- 6 SECRET Approved For Release 2006/12119: CIA-RDP79-00927A004400100002-3 Approved For Release 2006/12119 :CIA-RDP79-00927A004400100002-3 ~.r+ ~..~ VEHICLE DIAMANT' SCOUT THOR-DELTA THOR-AGENA 8 ELDO A' ATLAS-AGENA B ATLAS-CENTAUR Sfoges 3 4 3 2 3 2 2 Propellents"' nitric acid solid LOX/RP LOX/RP LOX/RP LOX/RP LOX/RP 1st stage 8 turpentine 2nd Stage solid solid UDMH 8 IRFNA UDMH 8 IRFNA UDMH 8 N204 UDMH 8 IRFNA LOX/LH 3rd Stage solid solid solid UDMH 8 N O4 4th Stage solid Thrust (in lbs.) 62,900 ar 66,000 vt sea 170,000 ar sea 170,000 ar sea 299,200 ar 367,000 at sea level 367,000 or sea level Isr stage sea level level (Algol II-A) level (Thor, DM-21) level (Thor, DM-21) sea level (Atlas D) (Atlas D) 8D, 000 80, DOD (Atlas D sustainer) (Atlas D sustainer) 2nd Stage 32,600 64,000 (Castor) 7,700 (AJIO-118) 16,000 (Agena B) 61,000 16, 000 (ggenv B) 30,000 (Centaur) 3rd Stage 5,600 -11,900 23, OOG (Antares) 2,800 (Altair) 4,950 4th Stage 3,000 (Altair) plus supplementary booster {or high-orbit missions Max. Diameter 4.59 ft. 3.3 fr. 8 fr. 8 fr. About 10 li. 10 fr. 10 Fr. (excluding fins) (16ff. of base) Height About 62 Fr. 65 fr. 68 ft. 76 ft. About 101 fr. 91 Fr. 100 fr. (incl. satellite) (excl. spot craft) (excl. spacecraft) (encl. spacecraft) (incl. svrellire) (excl. spvicecrufr) (excl. spat craft) Payload 20016x. into - 220 lbs. into 800 Ibs, into 350 n. 1,60016x. into About 2, 65016x. for low 6, 00016x. into 300 n.m. 6,50016x. into 300 n.m. 300 n.m. orbit 300 n.m. or6ir orbit 300 n. m. orbit orbit. About 440 lbs. for orbit orbit 130 lbs. escape nigh oroir. 75016x. escape 2, 300 lbs. escape 42516x. to Mars or Venus 1,30016x. ro Mors or Venus ' Dim ns for the Diamanr and the Elda A hove been converted in round figures from metric units. "* Key ro abbreviations of propellants: LOX/RP - liquid oxygen end kerosene UDMH - un:ymmatrical dimerhylhydrazine IRFNA - inhibi red red lumina nitric add LOX/LH - liquid oxygen end liquid hydrogen N204 - nitrogen retrozide CLASSIFIED MATERIAL ON REVERSE OF PAGE Approved Far Release 2006112/19 :CIA-RDP79-00927A004400100002-3 Approved For~,lease 2006/12119: CIA-RDP79-0092104400100002-3 SECRET age research and technological development. tablish a European communica- tions satellite system program. In 1960, two firms--the British Hawker-Siddeley and the French SEREB (Saciet~ pour 1'Etude et la Realisation d'.Engins Balistiques)--jointly produced a study on "Industry and Space," emphasizing the de- sirability of unified European action. In May 1961, these firms took the lead in estab- lishing with other members of the European aerospace industry a Committee for European Space Research (EUROSPACE). Partici- pating in it are other French and British industrial firms, as well as members from Belgium, West Germany, Italy, Norway, the Netherlands, Sweden, and Switzerland. Headquartered in Paris, EUROSPACE now includes almost all the European aircraft and missile industries, the greater part of the electronics indus- try, the principal companies in the fields of chemistry and ma- terials,and firms concerned with precision and civil engineering. Eight US firms are affiliated members without voting powers. The organization's first report issued a year ago called far a greatly accelerated space program. It stressed in particu- lar the development of synchro- nous and medium-altitude com- munications satellites, time- keeping, meteorological, and propulsion systems and associ- ated projects; it recommended further that the European gov- ernments move quickly to es- While these are rather wishful objectives, the members of EUROSPACE are bound to have considerable influence on-the future course of Western Euro- pean space activities. Although EUROSPACE will not develop and implement its own space program, it does provide a forum in which the individual member firms can coordinate their space efforts. Several European countries have for some time been intensely interested in the developing technology of communications satellites. The United Kingdom and France, for example, partici- pated with NASA in the highly successful experimental program utilizing the RELAY and TELSTAR satellites. These experiments convinced a number of European telecommuni- cations officials of the desir- ability of regional cooperation in this field as well. They ap- preciated that a large number of ground stations to serve Western Europe could not be justified technically or economically, and they further felt that, in view of the technological su- periority of the US, European interests would be best protected if the Europeans could speak with one voice. In December 1962 the Euro- pean Conference of Postal and Telecommunications Administra- tions (CEPT)--Austria, Belgium, $ SECRET Approved Far Release 2006112/19: CIA-R?P79-00927A004400100002-3 Approved For Release 2006/12119: CIA-RDP79-00927A004400100002-3 SECRET Cyprus, Denmark, Finland, France, West Germany, Greece, Iceland, Ireland, Italy, Liechtenstein, Luxembourg, Monaco, the Nether- lands, Norway, Portugal, Spain, Sweden, Switzerland, Turkey, and the United Kingdom--decided to establish an ad hoc committee to study the question of Euro- pean participation in a global communications satellite system. The work of this committee led eventually to the convening of a "European Conference on Satel- lite Communications" in London in July 1963 and in Rome the following November. At Rome the conference agreed that a new European regional agency should be created, reconstituted the conference as the provisional organization, and authorized its Committee of Deputies to serve as the organization's temporary executive. The European Conference and the US and Canada met in Rome in February of this year. The US pressed the Europeans to accept--pending establishment of a global communications satel- lite system--an interim arrange- ment whereby the US Communica- tions Satellite Corporation would be charged with the de- sign, deployment, and manage- ment of an initial basic system. The Europeans have indicated a willingness to go along with such an arrangement; they lack the technology and resources to go it alone, and the US has made it clear it would set up the sys- tem on its own if necessary. The Europeans want assurances, however, that the interim ar- rangements will be of a fixed and short duration and that they will thereafter have a greater voice in the system's management and operation. Discussions will continue with the R'estern Europeans--and also Canadians, Japanese and Australians--looking toward the early conclusion of an interim intergovernmental agreement. French National Space Program France is at present the only West European nation spend- ing more on its national space program than it contributes to the cooperative ventures, and that program is a vigorous, well- organized one. Financial re- sources earmarked for nonmilitary space research have steadily in- creased from approximately $8 million in 1961 to more than $30 million in 1963 and over $46 million in 1964. From this, France is contributing in the neighborhood of $14 million an- nually to ESRO and ELDO. These funds are intended to finance a broadly based sound- ing rocket experiment program using a relatively wide range of French-built vehicles. A French-built satellite is sched- uled to be orbited in 1966 by a three-stage French vehicle, the Diamant. This booster is designed to orbit a 200-pound payload in a 300-mile-high cir- cular orbit. In addition, France has concluded bilateral coopera- tive agreements for sounding rocket experiments with Argen- tina and India, and NASA will launch a French VLF radio-propa- gation satellite (FR-1) in late 1965. SECRET Approved Far Release 2006/12119: CIA-RDP79-00927A004400100002-3 Approved For Rgease 2006/12119 :CIA-RDP79-00927A~04400100002-3 The figures below, estimated in millions of US dollars as of September 1963 (except where otherwise indicated), were derived from documents which reflect both funded and expended amounts and both calendar-year and various fiscal-year accounting. They are very rough and intended only to show relative proportions. France 20.0 * 13.5 33.5 West Germany ', 11.0 14.0 25.0 United Kingdom 4.5 14.5 19.0 Italy 3.5 6.5 10.0 Belgium -- 2.5 2.5 Netherlands ' -- 2.0 2.0 Sweden 0.5 0.5 1.0 United States ', 3,700.0 ** Soviet Union 1,500.0 to*** 3,500.0 3.0 2.5 * Does not include launch vehicle expenditure by military or communications satellite ground terminal cost. ** NASA's fiscal 1963 budget. Fiscal 1964 calls for $5.1 billion. *** The USSR's estimated annual expenditure rate as of the beginni ng of 1964. CLASSIFIED MATERIAL ON REVERSE OF PAGE Approved Far Release 2006/12119 :CIA-RDP79-00927A004400100002-3 Approved For Release 2006/12119: CIA-RDP79-00927A004400100002-3 }w SECRET France's military missile program has first priority for funds and manpower. However, there is firm evidence that the military and space programs are closely intertwined, with the quasi-governtnental organization SEREB responsible for both large missiles and space boosters. The French are reported to be developing a solid propellant grain considerably larger than would be needed for any known French military requirement. If such a component were utilized in the development of a space vehicle, it would give the French considerably more lift capability than either Diamant or the ELDO A and would reduce their interest in non-French or multilaterally developed boost- ers. Britain's Space Program Britain's national space program is considerably smaller than France's, although British scientific achievement is more advanced in certain areas. Three fourths of the UK's annual space budget of appraximately $20 mil- lion is contributed to ESRO and ELDO, the latter to receive around $14 million. The UK's major national program is organized around co- operative arrangements with NASA. The UK provided the in- strumentation payload for a sat- ellite--UK 1 (Ariel)--which was launched by NASA in April 1962. UK 2 was launched by NASA from Wallops Island, Virginia, on 27 March 1964. In its agreement with NASA for a third satellite launching, the UK is moving into a new phase by assuming responsi- bility for the design, construc- tion, and testing of flight- qualified spacecraft. British scientists are conducting a lim- ited sounding rocket program at Woomera, Australia, their major launch range. The UK has competent space scientists, and has developed ex- cellent experiments -for its co- operative satellite program. How- ever, the government has not sup- ported an extensive space re- search program, and there is no indication that the existing pragram will be expanded signif- icantly. Program in West Germany The West German Government has geared its initial space ef- forts to participation in the two European organizations, The greater part of its activity is concerned with the development of the third stage of the ELDO A vehicle. There is, however, growing activity in other areas of space research and technology --particularly the latter--for which the government has provided approximately $11 million. The West Germans are pro- hibited from the production of missiles which exceed the maximum characteristics described in the Landon and Paris Agreements of 1954. Ttiey are not proscribed, however, from the development of hardware which is intended for civilian and scientific purposes. 11 SECRET Approved For Release 2006/12119: CIA-RDP79-00927A004400100002-3 Approved Forlease 2006/12119: CIA-RDP79-0092004400100002-3 SECRET Industrial and commercial interests, as well as considera- tions of national pride and strength, are likely to increase pressures in Bonn to implement a more comprehensive program of basic space research and rocket development. Nevertheless, the West Germans will probably pro- ceed cautiously, not wishing to raise the apprehension of their allies and of the Soviet Union, Italian Space Program The Italians have concluded a bilateral arrangement with NASA for the launching of an Italian satellite designed to measure air density at the equa- tor. The first phase of this "San Marco" project--suborbital testing of the payload--is al- ready under way. The launch platform is in place off the Kenya coast and a suborbital launching from there is planned for later this year. The second phase will involve the launching of a satellite prototype from Wallops Island, and the third phase, the actual satellite launching from the platform, is tentatively scheduled for 1.965. This project has placed a heavy strain on the limited re- sources allocated by Italy for space .research, and there has already been considerable slip- page in the planned schedule. Neither Belgium nor the Netherlands has much of a na- tional space program apart from their participation in ESRO and ELDO. They have, however, joined these organizations in order to provide research,de- velopment,and production op- portunities for their indus- trial and scientific communities. Sweden and Switzerland have a potential role in the production of space hardware, although their present activi- ties are limited. Both have small research programs, and Sweden has been conducting a small sounding rocket program in cooperation with NASA. The longer term prospects for collective Western European efforts and achievements in the field of space research and technology are hard to predict. Ultimate success will depend on the degree to which each of the participants is willing to furnish funds, manpower, equip- ment, and technology, and fac- tors underlying such a decision differ for each of the partici- pating nations. 12 SECRET Approved For Release 2006/12119: CIA-RDP79-00927A004400100002-3 Approved For Release 2006/12119: CIA-RDP79-00927A004400100002-3 w~rr~ SECRF,T Belgium, the Netherlands, Sweden, Switzerland, and, to a lesser extent, Italy will sup- port a ~Yestern European effort because it holds promise of achievement beyond their own individual resources. The ~Yest Germans are probably giving pref- erence to the collective pro- gram for the time being in part because of the nervousness of their neighbors; they can be expected, however, to develop the relevant technology and hardware on a national basis if it is not available multi- laterally. While the British have a capability for a national program of reasonable stature, they are likely to seek instead to play an important role in any continuing 1~'estern European effort. It begins to look as though the French, stimulated by their efforts in the military missile field, will elect--as long as De Gaulle is on the scene--to reduce their participation in the European effort and push ahead with a domestic space program of sizable proportions. In any event the assist- ance of the US--both offi- cially and through unoffi- cial commercial channels-- has been, is, and will prob- ably remain the critical fac- tor in the success of any European space pro ram dur- in~ this d 25x1 13 SECRET Approved For Release 2006/12119: CIA-RDP79-00927A004400100002-3 Approved For lease 2006i1~i~~~~79-00927004400100002-3 Approved For Release 200677~~`:'CI~R'DP79-00927A004400100002-3