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February 5, 1948
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-ELLOFAX I Approved For Release 2006/11/,03 D r_-m s h:. i a ( .~+r r,. i0', r n 1 151433 CCUNTRY SUBJECT PLACE ACQUIRE) Aactr (]L4.'`.c siaa1 -SOVO) Iaz:rcrk ,~,.rt~:., Iliesr~ascft 25X1 1E OF 1~O: P 2 X FIDENTIALIi 5 February DATE DISTR. 1948 NO. OF PAGES NO. OF ENCLS. (LISTED BELDW) SUPPLEMENT TO REPORT N0. The Russian a aini.st.;rata!, with- title of Genera1direktor, is a former Ruscian f irr t I 'Lout rant, Larioaot. He kn,ocrw, r of dng about industrial production, IM ,40 is ctnoGrned oa.vr with keepir his jec and maldmg mosey ou the si.do. 2, R&vaerke A.(,,e nou ,..plays is : >!zmrs . The t ain -production Is railroad razes. Production ~ig ee for 1947 are ni fo11o u s 50 railroad oars, foux-0 .1 20 rrailroad t% n-s r 1e 15 fou 'e 1e 'Landers 50 stati.crr a ail container e with a 50-ton liquid co-I,,n.c.,tz ' tube sectio: (R?hrstreckea) 81OO t1 pincar:a In addition, Ra.m er e did repair cork on a tnont.10j average of 150 railroad c . z, belong-Inc to the Austrian iio eral Railroaded. Thy prices paid Iuiaw-.rka by USIA were 39,00sehillings per four- .e car 35,000 sehi linga per train .: le car 73,000 schil.linge per fcyur-ex1e 'tender v'61 ted production for 1943 is as F011OW82 70 railroad ears, n le 30 railroad cares, four-a- A* 30 fCur- ..o tends o 180 conveyor brats with 15 w ter ring surf .ce (Laufflaee he) UP hopper cars with a capacity Of 11 cubic maters equipped etith tomes of the heavy type used for ninir The greater part, of the .tori . r. cotaoar to cc; slete the plenned production for 1948 has been aared and c oatraets have been made for the delivery of tons of stei1 and iron from A pine-Montan through the Iron Cc ssiom , - "' 500 tons have already been delivered, % ? ~ CLAS"S"IF1 CATION STATE -~-.wiNWVYW This . (,-j i~iFi?- t:sc Oi letter Director chi,:.>u._= vist of 8. Arch NBxt Revte~ Date. 82-00457R001200800002-125X1 AU I. t i; ' Pats: 9_j97L Ay: A Approved For Release 2006/11/03: CIA-RDP82-00457ROO1200800002-1 Approved For Release 2006/11/03: CI - 82-00457 R001200800002-1 I A' 21A 11 BAL U IGE C A CX -2- 151433 t1 of the ewtraote for VYM ft2ivery cc ems v&were oonolnded an MU aut oriettion, but in muW tw mn%rW ohtalmed rith great difticuty is Zater tnro.d ens to other as osn. s. The prieeeo received for Rasmr1ca p+ro8eusta an eon serara Tabs rr1. US sr estlmted that at this ste, %=wte viii 1.0 0rImft is da% is We .TVMX O i. Mae the 2947 pr tl+ot-, 50 foams railroad wm ias ao ! 1w 133E to the Cseot oslavak Qdtia am stun. ' bept#Bt+OS, a"a d cs 'Y~ 1 the Eotft srpaaesntative, ftglmw Parer. A otl somI blot Katw- r d I0 How wwfli sailrced are to t web vaguer is 6cslno. This Swedish factory, =do true Swo" ~eereat required to deliver a large anaber of r *ir .d are trd~it for ti6e ~nsain is gauge .mimed; beans, in order tow a,yr its +r - atsit, it i,/ dfiApd to big., of neseai+4r. Rena OS ra3iroed am tsr ote a V Veto. at 66 5w. FI ENTIAL Approved For Release 2006/11/03: CIA-R?P82-00457R001200800002-1