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PERATION'p~,c~49~o~~goo4-4 News Bulletin From the WASHINGTON POST, pg A-1 Nici'agu~: Hill Concern Persists By Patrick B. Tyler wu uneton po i am wetwc Seeking to defuse reports that the $eegan_._administration is trying to topple Nicaragua's Sandinista gov- ernment, CIA Director William L Casey has told key members of Con- grew that the administration's chief objective in supporting covert oper- ations against Nicaragua is stopping the flow of arms to guerrilla forces in nearby El Salvador. According to Capitol Hill sources familiar with Casey's closed-door briefings during December to con- gressional committees overseeing U.S. intelligence activities, his assur- ances satisfied some members and prompted no major protests, but left a number of questions unresolved. The uppermost concern expressed by oversight committee members is whether the United States can avoid a deepening military and paramil- itary involvement in Central Amer- ica =. i ben- _::g"r"w Nicaraguan exile groups whose open- ly stated goal is the overthrow of the current Sandinista leadership. _ -Questioning Casey's contention that the administration is doing this only to interdict arms traffic to Sal- vadoran. guerrillas, one congressional oversight committee member said, "You can't get people to fight for interdicting arms." The Casey briefings added anoth- er layer to the continuing controver- sy over the Reagan administration's objectives in Nicaragua, whose 3- year-old Sandinista government has established increasingly close ties to Cuba and the Soviet Union. The policy conflict was under- 1 January 1983 Item No. 1 n U.S. Objectives scored by statements of senior State Department officials as recently a November indicating that arms in W. vivwvN .. . ~IV~rVWV a Iu uuuf goal in the administration's strateg; for Nicaragua. These officials told members o Congress and reporters in back ground briefings that the adminis tration's primary goal was to isolat4 and pressure the Sandinista' govern ment until it becomes more- demo cratic and gives up some control t( more moderate political forces in the country. Reacting to reports of eecalatint CIA activity against Nicaragua, Con. grass banned any. U.S., support foi the overthrow of the Nicaraguar government But congressional emcee said Casey successfully lobbied congres sional leaders to tone down the Ian guage of the prohibition and leavc the Cu free to continue givint money and other support to severe thousand Nicaraguan exiles based it camps along the Honduran border and inside Nicaragua. These groups conduct what ad- ministration officials have character- ized as "harassment" in raids against Nicaraguan militiamen in the coun- try's sparsely populated northern frontier regions. The Casey briefings came a year after President Reagan signed, on Dec. 2, 1981, a presidential "finding" required under the National Security Act to justify as a matter of law and national interest the "support and conduct of political and paramilitary operations against the Cuban pres- ence and Cuban-Sandinista support structure in Nicaragua and else. But press disclosures in the wake of that decision have made. the Nicaraguan campaign one of the least secret covert operations in CIA history. An assessment of the pro- gram, according to officials who have monitored it, indicates that the ad- ministration has achieved very lim- ited results: ? The Nicaraguan government continues to provide logistical sup- port to the supply of arms to Salva- doran guerrillas. The Sandinista leadership continues its close two with Cuba, and has made no discer- nible move toward accepting a U.S. demand that Nicaragua reduce the size of its large standing army and militia forces before negotiating im- proved relations with the United States. ? Though the overland routes from Nicaragua through Honduras to the Salavadoran frontier are bet- ter protected against arms traffic, guerrilla resupply is still active via air corridors along the Pacific coast- line. Approved For RelealM41ODP84B00049R000902260004-4 . Approved For Release 2006/04/19 : CIA-RDP84B00049R000902260004-4 o The efforts of Nicaraguan a& activities for the purpose of over- groups to unite in an attractive al- throwing the government of Nicara- ternative to the present Sandinista gua or provoking a military exchange regime Continue to be hamstrung by between Nicaragua and Honduras." an aver-representation of former na. White House officials appeared tional guardsmen who served the content With the prohibition, but one government of the late Gen. Anse. congressional staffer familiar with a--t_ --A L__ .t .. , fhb region said its language of one of the most popular exile lead- man" that left the CIA ufree to pur- ers, Eden Pastors, to join them. sue a host of harassment activities. ? A planned 1,000-man peramil- The only public comment that nary force, described in the CIA's' appeared to acknowledge the narrow proposal to Reagan in November, ' distinction the CIA has drawn for 1981, as undergoing training in Ar- itself in its Nicaraguan campaign gentina, was never deployed in the was made by Sen. Daniel Patrick region. And in the aftermath of the Moynihan (D-N.Y.) after Reagan Falkland Islands war, during which signed the congressional budget res- the United States provided support olution containing the limited pro- to Britain in its fight against Argen- hibition language. Una, the Argentine commitment to Moynihan, vice chairman of the working with the U.S. covert forces Senate Intelligence Committee, said hes b: an lir+- j to pfo:: * about ;it is "difficult to draw the line be- three dozen advisers to exile groups. tween harassment activities and a 'Z don't see where we've accom. deliberate, overthrow a attempt to destabilize or plished a damn thing said one con- V greesional critic reviewing the impact Moynihan would not comment of the CIA program, this week on whether he was satis- The only measure of success in fied after Casey's Dec. 9 presenta- the Nicaraguan campaign Vas- tion to the committee that the CIA case officers and agents who have claimed by a senior Pentagon official been operating in the region have in October, when he said in an in- adhered to the policy - distinctions terview that arms interdiction and that are being drawn in Washington. surveillance assistance provided to One congressional oversight commit- Honduras by U.S. forces has "tight- tee member said, "We haven't gotten ened the screws" on the Cuban- any good answers on that." Nicaraguan supply line to Salvador- Another congressional source said an and Guatemalan insurgents. that when Casey was confronted 'That there have been violations with the question during one brief- of the border, absolutely nobody is ing he replied with "one-liners" and going to deny it," the official said. "slo aneering" g But he added that the success of the However, this source added, operations had led to false claims by "some (members] felt better" after "screaming Sandinistas" that Hon- Casey's briefing because they were duras and Nicaraguan exile forces able to discuss bluntly press reports were preparing for an invasion. that covert operations against Nic-: In the closing weeks of the last aragua have intensified to the point session of Congress, Sen. Christo- of involving as many as 150 CIA per- pher J. Dodd (D-Conn.), who along sonnel and refocused toward toppl-, with others has expressed misgivings ing the Sandinista regime. " about the administration's objectives Casey reportedly said the total in Nicaragua, introduced legislation number of CIA employes in Hondu- that would have banned the use of ras has never reached that level dur- g y forces or paramilitary groups oper- ' present number assigned to the op- ating in the Central American re- eration is 'perhaps less than 60." 11?m The congressional source said the But an administration lobbying oversight committees have blocked, effort led by Casey, according to con through the almost unanimous op- gressional sources, persuaded both position of their members, CIA plans houses to adopt less restrictive lan. to train a large paramilitary force of gunge offered by mocha aneEdward P. w of the as many as 500 Latin American-Boland House Intelligence Committee. commandos, whose mission would be e rohib'ta the Unit to' stake at economic targets inside That lan ua In recent months, the Reagan ad- ministration has incorporated into this covert strategy the concept of "turning on and off" the CIA-backed harassment tactics to reward and punish policy changes inside Nica- ragua several officials said. At the beat of the controversy over a covert campaign is a deep di- vision in the intelligence community over the effectiveness of clandestine paramilitary operations. There is I also some concern about the nega- tive impact of such operations on US.ppublic opinion after they are 'There are professionals in the CIA who were afraid when we started this thing [in Nicaragua] that it was something that would come a cropper,* one congressional oversight committee member said. He added that there also was con- cern in the intelligence community that strong regional and nationalistic strains in Central America, and par- ticularly in Nicaragua after the oust- er of the repressive Somoza dictator ship, would strengthen, not weaken, the Nicaraguan regime if it is openly. threatened by U.S.-backed exile forces on its northern border. "I may disagree with Ronald Rea- gan on a lot of things, but if some. one was threatening our country, you'd see me in lock step with the president," this source said. "It's as though nobody 4as read about the Bay of A definitive Iieview of the CIA program has yet to reach the public, but perceptible changes and shifts in the administration's approach to Nicaragua have been visible along the wav. Foremost has been the cool- ing of administration rhetoric toward the involvement of Cuba in the Nicaraguan support for Central American insurgencies. uvu-bw, tary of state Alexander K Haig Jr. threatened at the outset of the 1981 planning for a new Cen- tral American. policy to "go to the source," meaning Cuba, to stop the arms flow to insurgents The minutes of the Nov. 16, 1981, Na- tional Security Council meeting on Central America noted that "covert activities under the CIA proposal would be intended to . take uni- specLial paramilitary action against Cuban n UrgetO g g ed States only from providing 'mil. Nicaragua, disrupt Its economy and' n equipment, mill drain mihW//oaway WB00049R00 02260004-4 3 tlq~ ary or Re ear-old campaign and the the in advice or other support or m~htary El Salvador. Approved For Release 2006/04/19 CIA-RDP84B00049R000902260004-4 Congressional s urces said recent- ly those plans ware'never executed a teruntmtwwith stiff congressional, quoted Ben.' oppodfion. One source goirry Goldwater (R-Ariz.) as, react- ing to this propoosat by toning a CMAI caw earlier this year. 'You've got to be out of your f----- mind.' "Clearly there has been a soften- of the rhetor c' said another I congressional source. noting that the Pentagon had also opposed any mil- itary action against CCuuban arms sup-; pay targets on the gro uids that h could not predict whether the Soviet' Union t respond to such a move by t bW tary' action elsewhere During the late summer and early fan, reports from the region indi? { cated that the flow of money and equipment to Nicaraguan exiles had been stepped up ag the Pentagon prepared to assist the Honduran: d to stage large-scale mil- itary maneuvers on the Honduran- Nicaraguan border. The exercise was to have included the mobilization of Honduran military forces and their, rapid transport to strategic locations in the border region. But the exercises, were postponed abruptly an prepared for his late awing through Latin America, which included a stop in Honduras for talks with President Roberto Suazo Cordova. In the and, one of the most mod erating forces in the administration's covert planning for Central Amer- may be Reagan. Some CIA of- ficials reportedly have expressed frustration that the White House and State Department have tightly controlled the CIA program and, have been unwilling to approve stronger covert measures against Nicaragua. One senior administration official who was present for the NSC discus-' sons on Nicaragua a year ago said in a later interview that, in initially ap- proving cross-border operations against economic targets by CIA- backed paramilitary groups, Reagan was seeking the least life-threatening harassment tactic to pressure the . Nicaraguan leadership. "Ronald Reagan has the reputa- tion of being a gunslinger," this of. final and, "but ? the most cau- tious, conservative guy in those meeuugs. sie'll air, and he'll sit and he'll listen to' every side :.:. [but] he never wants to do anything that ia long to don't an American think the coune try in / 9 I dbgw? !Grnlabout him as, iease 2006/04/19 CIA-RDP84B00049R000902260004-4 3o 3