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PV AV AAF AAF AW AdW AaV AaV AIV AIV 7 Ajqprp8t~M Release 20071031 TO: NAME A40 ADDRESS APPROVAL COMMENT DIRECT REPLY DISPATCH FILE PREPARE REPLY RECOMMENDATION RETURN (CONCURRENCE REMARKS: Access to this document will be restricted to those approved for the following specific activities: NATIONAL INTELLIGENCE DAILY CABLE Friday May 20, 1977 CG NIDC 77-117C w NATIONAL SECURITY INFORMATION Unauthorized Disclosure Subject to Criminal Sanctions State Dept. review completed CIA-RDP79T00975A030 010 4-9 1' I op Secret (Security Classification) Top Secret 1 Approved For Release 2007/03/06 : CIA-RDP79T00975A030'1IIUN gfication AW AW AW law law law law law 25X1 Approved For Release 2007/03/06 : CIA-RDP79T00975AO30100010034-9 Approved For Release 2007/03/06 : CIA-RDP79T00975AO30100010034-9 Approved For Rel National Intelligence Daily Cable for Friday May 20, 1977. IT he NID Cable is or the purp os e o informing USSR: Human Rights Counterattack Page 1 POLAND: Warsaw Memorial Mass Page 2 CHILE: Repression Page 3 GHANA: Growing Tensions Page 5 Approved For R$Iease 2007/03/06 : CIA-RDP79T00975A03g100010034-9 Approved Folr Release 2007/03/06 : CIA-RDP79T009V5A030100010034-9 USSR: Human Rights Counterattack I With the approach of next month's preparatory review eon erenc on European security and cooperation in Belgrade, the USSR's continuing attempts to deflect Western criticism of its record on human rights may become more institutionalized and increasingly aggressive. The US embassy has learned that plans are afoot to organize human rights committees in the USSR, presumably to monitor and publicize alleged human rights vio- lations in the US and other foreign countries. A senior member of the Institute for the USA and Can- ada told a US embassy counselor on Tuesday that in contrast to the official, congressional-executive committee formed in the US, the planned Soviet committees would be unofficial, "popu- lar" bodies ostensibly with no ties to the government. The Soviet official did not say how many committees would e set up, but noted that a committee for the US was among those to be organized. He professed to have no further details and did not say how he had learned of these plans, but his position would clearly give him access to information of this kind. The Soviets have recently made it unmistakably clear that it the Belgrade meeting develops into a polemical confron- tation on human rights, Moscow and its allies will be prepared to take on the West. Formation of the planned committees would provide the Soviets additional mechanism for propagandizing al- leged violations of human rights in Western countries that par- ticipated in the Helsinki meetings and,in others whom the So- viets view as Western clients. The "unofficial" status of the committees would also allow the Soviet government to disclaim responsibility for any commentary they might make. I ISoviet media have been projecting an image of confi- dence t a the Belgrade gathering will be positive and will not dwell "excessively" on the human rights aspects of the Hel- sinki accord. Nevertheless, repeated warnings that Moscow is ready to meet any Western challenge head on--and leaks to the West about some of the ways this might be done--indicate both the depth of Soviet concern over the Belgrade meeting and the extent of Soviet preparations. Approved Fo Approved I I A senior Foreign Ministry official reiterated to a US diplomat on Monday that the Soviets would be "ready in Bel- grade for any attack" from the West. He specifically mentioned that Moscow could cite the status of black Americans, Puerto Ricans, and such issues as unemployment. If the human rights committees are actually formed in the USSR, they would also, inevitably, underscore the regime's recent success in curbing the activities of the group organized by dissidents to monitor Soviet compliance with the human rights provisions of the Helsinki agreement. I IA memorial mass is scheduled for today in Warsaw for student uman rights activist Stanislaw Pyjas, who was alleg- edly murdered by police in Krakow on May 7. A large turnout would increase the possibility of violence. I I At times during the past nine months the universities in Warsaw have been active centers of dissidence, and the re- gime has been worried that violent outbursts could develop. At present, however, the US embassy does not note any exceptional degree of tension among Warsaw students. I The embassy also believes that there is little like- s o0 o serious trouble within the next few days. Although the police could be forced to use coercive measures if faced with open demonstrations, security services are likely to be under strict orders to minimize. chances for a sharp confronta- tion with the students and others. There were no untoward incidents during the demon- strations that followed memorial services earlier this week in Krakow or Lodz, and the US consulate in Krakow reports that there have been no further demonstrations in that city. I According to press reports, members of the Workers De tense League will meet today with the prosecutor general to urge that seven of the league's leaders now under detention be released. The league has tried to pressure the regime by warn- ing of "dire events" if they are not set free. Approved Approved F4 I The regime, however, appears intent on keeping the seven out of action so that they cannot give leadership to the students. At least one Warsaw daily has taken a tougher line, implying that the league's activities are treasonous and that they are directed from outside the country. CHILE: Repression I Reports of gross violations of human rights in Chile which a nearly ceased this year, are again on the rise.I rnments were or i e, since a number of West European gove beginning to acknowledge improvement in the Chilean human rights situation. Critics will now have additional ammunition for their attacks on the Chilean regime and their appeals to boycott it. Chile's National Intelligence Directorate is appar- en y be Bind the recent upsurge in torture, illegal detentions, and unexplained "disappearances." The Directorate's chief, Colonel Manuel Contreras, is a close confidant of Pinochet, who acclaimed the organization in a recent press interview for its "decisive role" in bringing extremism under control. Contreras answers directly to the President, and it is unlikely that he would act without the knowledge and approval of his superior. Most of the targets now appear to be socialists, but some communists and Christian Democrats are also victims. A campaign against Communist Party leaders last year largely immobilized that organization, and the security services are apparently turning to other opponents. The Directorate's detention facility at Cuatro Alamos is said to be in operation again. This site was largely abandoned after a decree in January 1976 empowered the Supreme Court Approved ~ This backsliding comes at a particularly bad time 25X1 25X1 Approvecj For Release 2007/03/06 : CIA-RDP79T0p975AO30100010034-9 president and the interior minister to inspect-without prior notice-areas suspected of being used for maltreatment. Neither official appears to have exercised this authority since last year. Pinochet stated this week that the emergency measures nder the state of siege will be enforced as long as u in e t--%- necessary "to repress drastically any attempt that might become a threat to internal security or domestic peace." Following his recent crackdown on former president Frei's Christian Democratic Party and on outspoken democratic labor leaders, Pinochet has made clear that he will move harshly against anyone who runs afoul of his government. I IThe President may believe that the cutoff in US aid has made uman rights a dead issue in Chile and that Washington has no further leverage against his regime. He may also be buoyed by the gradual improvement in the country's economic situation. In any case, reports of increased repression are sure to leak out, refueling the human rights controversy. ApprovediFor Release 2007/03/06 : CIA-RDP79T00975AOP0100010034-9 25X1 Approved F 25X1 GHANA: Growing Tensions I //The situation in Ghana is tense, and coup rumors are rampant in the wake of Last week's anti-government student demonstrations and a brief takeover early this week of the government radio station by a disgruntled soldier.// The soldier unsuccessfully sought to announce the over ro of the regime in hopes of rallying widespread support for a coup to restore civilian rule. Ghana's increas- Acheampong, ingly unpopular junta leader, General nervous over his eroding suppor suspects officers are plotting against him;, 25X1 Approved F r Release 2007/03/06 : CIA-RDP79T00975 030100010034-9 25X1 25X1 Approved F I I //Dissatisfaction is spreading within both the military an the civilian population over Acheampong's failure to alleviate severe food shortages, inflation, and other chronic economic problems. //Opposition to Acheampong reportedly is rlie vein NIT--own tribal region. Farmers there apparently are said to be withholding food from markets. There are indica- tions that heretofore disparate military and civilian factions are seeking to ally.// Acheampong appears to be taking a somewhat more con- ciliatory tack towards students after closing Ghana's univer- sities and threatening to order those involved in recent demon- strations to work on farms. The government announced yesterday that uninvolved students will be permitted to return to campuses for final exams. 25X1 Approved Tor Release 2007/03/06 : CIA-RDP79T009715A030100010034-9 25X1 Approved For Release 2007/03/06 : CIA-RDP79T00975AO30100010034-9 Approved For Release 2007/03/06 : CIA-RDP79T00975AO30100010034-9 J r roved For Release 2007/03/06 CIA-RDP79T00975AO30100010034-9 0 Top (Security Classification) 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Top Secret 0 (Security i tlJ!or Release 2007/03/06 : CIA-RDP79T00975AO30100010034-9 ~~~oAW io?s