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AW AW AW AW AW AW AW Aar 0 0 ApprptRM Release 2007/03/06 TO: NAME AND ADDRESS DATE INITIALS 2 3 4 ACTION DIRECT REPLY PREPARE REPLY APPROVAL DISPATCH RECOMMENDATION COMMENT FILE RETURN CONCURRENCE INFORMATION SIGNATURE REMARKS: FROM: NAME, ADDRESS, AND PHONE NO. DATE r 1 1 0 0 1 Access to this document will be restricted to those approved for the following specific activities: Tuesday July 20, 1976 CI NIDC 76-169C w NATIONAL SECURITY INFORMATION Unauthorized Disclosure Subject to Criminal Sanctions DIA review(s) completed. Top Secret 25X1 CIA-RDP79T00975A02910 OQ01 -3 lop Secret (Security Classification) 25X1 0 0 State Dept. r view C I e W UUUIiO UId~bnlUatiuu pprovecl ~r a ease 2007/03/06: CIA-RDP79T00975A02910001 032-3 25X1 Approved For Release 2007/03/06 : CIA-RDP79T00975AO29100010032-3 Approved For Release 2007/03/06 : CIA-RDP79T00975AO29100010032-3 Approved For National Intelligence Daily Cable for Tuesday, July 20, 1976. The NID Cable is for the purpose of informing senior US officials. The US-sponsored evacuation planned for today has been postponed for at least two or three days at the request of Pal- estine Liberation Organization chief Yasir Arafat. He warned em- bassy officials that the proposed convoy route has "suddenly" become unsafe near Nabatiyah, and that it will take several days to resolve the problem. Arafat did not spell out the nature of the difficulty, but he referred to the presence of a contingent of the Popular Front for the Liberation of Palestine--a radical fedayeen group-- in one of the villages along.the route, and to the killing of three Libyan members of the Arab League peace-keeping force. I I Arafat may be hoping to make political capital out of the evacuation. He may hope that the US, temporarily denied an exit by land, will press the Syrians to open Beirut airport, possibly enabling the Palestinians to establish a presence at the airport and obtain additional supplies. A similar ploy was behind Palestinian reluctance to guarantee the safety of a land convoy at the time of the last US evacuation. Approved For RIIease 2007/03/06 : CIA-RDP79T00975A02p100010032-3 Approved Fc Arafat may also be genuinely concerned about possible threats to the safety of the evacuation. I IHe could be stalling for time, however, in hope of gaining clearer information about Syrian and Christian military plans; rumors have been sweeping Beirut in the last few days of an impending Syrian-Christian attack on west Beirut, with alle- gations of US participation. The leftists and the Palestinians may be reluctant to cooperate with the departure of US personnel, reasoning that as long as there is a significant US presence, the Syrians and Christians may delay fresh attacks. Approved For Release 2007/03/06 : CIA-RDP79T0097PA029100010032-3 Approved For R EGYPT - SUDAN - SAUDI ARABIA Egyptian President Sadat, Sudanese President Numayri, ana au i King Khalid ended three days of talks in Jidda yester- day. They issued a communique that contained the expected strong endorsement of the Numayri government but made no direct refer- ence to Libya, which is accused by the Sudanese of being behind the attempted coup in Khartoum early this month. Approved For FRelease 2007/03/06 : CIA-RDP79T00g75A029100010032-3 Approved F The three countries agreed to "coordinate and inten- sify cooperation," especially in economic matters, and to set up new machinery to facilitate this cooperation. //From Sudan's point of view, a major accom- plishment was the decision to set up a tripartite commission to review and update Sudanese requests for Saudi economic develop- ment assistance and Saudi purchases of Western arms for Sudan's army, which is now Soviet-equipped. Khartoum's requests have been languishing because the Saudis believed the Sudanese plans were poorly drawn up.// The communique touched on the situation in Lebanon, but in terms so general that it was clear that the three leaders were making an effort to straddle the issue. They called on all parties to end the fighting and move toward a peace conference. There was no mention in the communique of any defense arrangement involving Egypt, Sudan, and Saudi Arabia. Cairo and Khartoum last week entered into a bilateral de en greement. press reports suggesting that Ango- Ian President Neto will be the quest of honor at ceremonies mark- ing Cuba's National Day on July 26. Approved Approved Ford I Prime Minister Castro evidently plans to make Angola the principal subject of his annual National Day address. He is almost certain to blast the US for supporting Neto's opponents as well as for vetoing Angola's admission to the UJN, and will likely pledge continuing Cuban support for Angola. I I 25X1 25X1 Approved For Release 2007/03/06 : CIA-RDP79T00p75AO29100010032-3 Approved FO Greek concern continues to mount over the anticipated sailing of the Turkish research vessel Sismik I into the Aegean. //Foreign Minister Bitsios told the US ambassa- dor over the weekend that Greek officials believe it is possible that Ankara is seeking a confrontation over conflicting claims to the Aegean seabed. The Greeks say they have information that the voyage might begin as early as tomorrow, but we have no evi- dence to confirm this. The US defense attache in Ankara has re- ported the ship may not sail into the Aegean until sometime in early August.// //Bitsios rejected Ankara's argument that the snip's proposed activities in Turkish territorial waters and open waters of the Aegean should not be perceived as provocative, observing that the open seas in the Aegean lie above the Greek- claimed continental shelf.// Approved For Release 2007/03/06 : CIA-RDP79T00975AO29100010032-3 Approved For Re //Bitsios played down Greek press speculation that Greek ships would sink the Sismik I if it entered disputed waters. He emphasized that Athens' reaction would be measured. He left the impression, however, that if after suitable warning the Turkish vessel persisted in operating in disputed waters, an armed clash would be a distinct possibility.// The Greek opposition is seeking to make political capital out of the Sismik I's impending voyage, with each party vying to demonstrate its devotion to Greek interests. These efforts serve as a reminder to the government that its flexibil- ity in dealing with the Turks is limited. I Turkish statements on the issue have done little to ca m Greek fears and suspicions. Following a cabinet meeting on Friday, Prime Minister Demirel announced that if the Greeks interfered with the ship, the Turks would retaliate. General Staff chief Sancar had taken much the same line the previous day. Neither Ankara nor Athens wants an armed clash, but there is a danger that the escalating verbal exchange could produce a miscalculation or overreaction. I I Approved For (Release 2007/03/06 : CIA-RDP79T00975V4029100010032-3 0 T,PA proved For Release 2007/03/06 CIA-RDP79T00975AO29100010032-3 ?ecret (Security Classification) 0 i 0 0 ,0 0 0 0 0 0 : 0 1 0 : 0 i 0 ! 0 0 ' 0 Tnn Cnr?rnf 0 (Security f e ting' Release 2007/03/06 : CIA-RDP79T00975AO29100010032-3 Aw Aw Aw Aw Aw Aw AOW Aw Aj