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Approved For Release 2006/03/18 : CIA-RDP82-00457RO10900280003-2 FE8 1962 61-4AA R\~~J~NTELL I GENCE AGENCY INFORMATION REPORT REPORT CD NO. COUNTRY China SUBJECT Chinese Communist 15 Army Group Organization and Unit Locations 25X1 DATE OF INFO. PLACE ACQUIRED THIS DOCUMENT CONTAINS INFORMATION AFFECTING THE NATIONAL OF THE UNITED STATES, WITHIN THE MEANING OF TITLE 18, SECTIONS 793 AND 794, OF THE U.S. CODE, AS AMENDED. ITS TRANSMISSION OR REVE- LATION OF ITS CONTENTS TO OR RECEIPT BY AN UNAUTHORIZED PERSON 15 PROHIBITED BY LAW. THE REPRODUCTION OF THIS FORM IS PROHIBITED. 25X1. DATE DISTR. 19 March 1952 NO. OF PAGES 1. NO, OF ENCLS. (LISTED BELOW) SUPPLEMENT TO REPORT NO. THIS IS UNEVALUATED INFORMATION The headquarters of the 15 Army Group is in Canton. As of 20 October 1951 'units of the group were disposed as follows: a0 1J. Army, Swatow. 121 Division, Korea0l 122 Division, Ch''aoyang (116-359 23-17). 361 Regiment,., moved northward. 365 Regiment., Pguning. 366 Regiment, Chenchtuan Porte Supplemental Regiment, Ch'aoan. 123 Division, Haifeng (115.20, 22-58). 367 Regiment, moved northward. 368 Regiment, Lufeng. 369 Regiment, Jenshan Supplemental Regime lv Tzuchin. -If ONTROL - U. S. OFFICIALS ONLY SECURITY INFORMATION Dacum.nt No. - ------------------ Me Change to Casa. 13 C1 Dectassiled Class. Changed Tat TS 3 Auth.: NR 71.2 late: 1-3-W-278- CONTROL - Ua S. OFFICIALS ONLY 2$X1 NAVY FSTATE Approved For Release 2006/03/18 : CIA-RDP82-00457RO10900280003-2 Approved For Release 2006/03/18 : CIA-RDP82-00457RO10900280003-2 CENTRAL INTELLIGENCE AGENCY SECRET/ccNTR0L U. S. OFFICIALS ONLY ?2m Direct Units2 (F-4). Artillery Regiments Nanao. Guards Regiment, Ch'enghai. Transportation Regiment, Chwaoan. Communication Regiments Swatow. Engineer Regiments Chlaoyang. b. 143 Army9 Haik?ou (110?209 20-03) 127 Divisions Wench' ng (110-142, 19-42) 379 Regiment, Chtiutung. `380 Regiment, Yulin. 381 Regiment, Linkao. Supplemental Regiments Tanhsuan. 128 Division, Chanchiang (110-24, 21-11) 382 Regiment, Wuch?uan. 383 Regiment, T"ungming Port. 3814 Regiments Peihai. Supplemental Regiment,'Tienpai. 129 Divisions moved northward. Direct Units. (F-4).- Artillery Regiment, Haik?ou. Guards Regiment, Haikgou. Communication Regiment, Haikvou, Transportation Regiment, Haikgou. Engineer Regiments Chgiungshan. c. 1414 Army, Tungkuan (113146, 23-02), Tvaipving. 130 Division, moved northward. 131 Division, Sanshui (112-549 23-08) 391 Regiment, moved northward. 392 Regiments Vaishan. 393 Regiments Kaoyao. Supplemental Regiment, Hoshan. 132 Divisions Shihlung (113-51,9 23-07) 3914 Regiments moved northward. 395 Regiments Paoan. 396 Regiment,- Hsint"ang. Supplemental Regiment, Polo. Direct Units. (F?14). Guards Regiments Ttaipling. Communication Regiment, Tungkuan. Transportation Regiment, Shihlung. Artillery Regiment, Paoan. Engineer Regiment, Chinhsia. d. 146 Army. 137 Division., ch'uchiang :(113-33.9 214?50)3 1409 Regiments, Lienhsien (112?26. 214-147) 1410 Regiment, Yingte (1].3-219 214-12) 1411 Regiment, Wengyuan (113-489 214-30) YT C rTiTTnxAT C e1R1TV Approved For Relea?se 2U6df0 '1?CIA-RDP82-00457R010900280003-2 . Approved For Release 2006/03/18 : CIA-RDP82-00457R010900280003-2 CENTRAL INTELLIGENCE AGENCY SECRET/CONTROL - U.. S. OFFICIALS ONLY ?3- e. 2 Artillery Division (attached units).4 7 Artillery Regiment,, Canton. 8 Artillery Regiment,, Huiyang. f. ,3 Engineer Corps (attached units)4, Hsuwen (110-07s 20-25). 9 Engineer Regiment, Shihlu. 10 Engineer Regiment., Chinhsien. 11 Engineer Regiment, Sanya. 12 Engineer Regiment, Hop'u. g. Armored Regiment, Canton. h. Artillery Regiment and Chemical Battalion, Canton. Artillery Regiment, Swatow. 25X1 25X1 25X1 25X1 2. In early January 1952, the 2 Artillery Regiment of the 131 Division commenced garrison duty on Great Wanshan Island (113- , 21- ). F- I The commander is CHANG Chie ,1~ , 3. Prior to December 1951 the 17 Regiment of the Kwangtung Military District (i tD), formerly called the ii. Regiment of the Kwangtung-Kwangsi Column (K"K), had been taken into the t I Array. The 22 If.TD Regiment had also been taken into the 1 Army. The 25 M Regiment had been taken into the 43 Army. 4. As of 1 December 1951 the KK 4 Regiment was under orders to merge with the 114 Army of the 15 Array Group .5 Artillery Regiment 0r anization 5. Ao of ear]y Noventer 1951, a typical artillery regiment of the 2 Artillery Division consists of four battalions, a political section, an operations headquarters, and the "direct units". These direct units include a storage company, a transport company, a guards company, an observation s--rd communications. company, and a sanitation unit. 6. Each artillery battalion has three companies. Each company had four platoons, an operations combat team,, a. guards combat team, a general affairs department, and a cooking team. Each company had 150 to 155 men and four guns, one for each platoon. 7. Each platoon is divided into an artillery combat team and a munitions combat team. The personnel of a platoon consists of the platoon leader, his deputy, an obser- vation officer, calculation officer, communications officer, two combat team commanders and two deputies, and the artillery and munitions troops. There are 27 men in a platoon. The equipment of each platoon includes a 10-wheeled heavy truck and an ammunition trailer. 8. The 2 Artillery Division uses 105 mm and 155 mm guns; artillery units of the 15 Army Group use 75 mm and 105 mm guns. An observation plane is available to direct individual guns of a particular company; however, orders from the communications center direct all the guns of a particular company. 9. Headquarters of the Railway Array Group,is at Hengyang (11235, 26?-56) and its 9 Regiment is at Yingte.(113-21, 2).-12).0 Comment. In the 15 Army Group a regiment is a unit for obtaining sur?nlies. Approved For Release 2006/03/18 : CIA-RDP82-00457R010900280003-2 L INTELLIGENCE AGENCY VON1ROL m' U. S. V1'F CI LLS ONLY . -4- 25X1 1. Comment. Available information of 1 January 1952 does not list ? .. e isionin Korea.. 25X1 2 Comment. Direct Units probably refers to units of smaller than . division size which are directly subordinate to army headquarters. Although all five of these units in each of the armies listed here are stated to be regiments,, it is considered more normal for the direct units of a Chinese Communist army to consist of an artillery regiment,, a security battalion., a signal section of about company size, an engineer battalion,, and a rear services section which is nearly of regimental size and is composed of medical and transportation sections. 25X1 Approved For Release 2006/03/18 : CIA-RDP82-00457R010900280003-2 3, Comment. This division still obtained its supplies from the 12 Army roup. Comment. The report is not clear as to whether the 2 Artillery 4.1 ivis on and the 3 Engineer Corps are the 15 Army Group,, or that the regiments from these organizations are attached. 5, Cormnent. The 3 and 6 Regiments of the KK Column were merged with a public security division iri the spring of 1951. 25X1 Comments Although this Railway Army Group is not stated to be h th e par o e 1 rrny Group,, the fact that this information comes throug supply department of that groip indicates that it may at least be attached. T/CONTROL ? U. S. OFFICIALS ONLY Approved For Release 2006/03/18 : CIA-RDP82-00457R010900280003-2 Approved For- Release 2006/03/18 : CIA-RDP82-00457RO10900280003-2 CENTRAL INTELLIGENCE AGENCY 3. The 4 Regiment (Military District 16 Regiment) is at Jungchfi Taliang (K ) and Ch9entsun (V ? ) of Shunte (113-16, 22-50 j add Vt Nanhai (113?089 23?02). The regimental commander is YANG Ta Oren (, J. ONTROL U. S. OFFICIALS ONLY INFORMATION REPORT REPORT COUNTRY China SUBJECT Garrison Areas of Kwangtung-Kwangsi Column 25X1 PLACE ACQUIRED THIS DOCUMENT CONTAINS INFORMATION AFFECTING TIE NATIONAL DEFENSE OF THE UNITED STATES, WITHIN THE MEANING OF TITLE 18, SECTIONS 793 AND 794, OF THE U.S. CODE, AS AMENDED. ITS TRANSMISSION OR REVE- LATIONOF ITS CONTENTS TO OR RECEIPT BY AN UNAUTHORIZED PERSON IS PROHIBITED BY LAW. THE REPRODUCTION OF THIS FORM IS PROHIBITED. 25X1 1. DATE DISTR. 19 March 1952 NO. OF PAGES 1 NO, OF ENCLS (LISTED BELOW) SUPPLEMENT TO REPORT NO. THIS IS UNEVALUATED INFORMATION the political department of the Kwangtung-Kwangsi Column The headquarters Rl- are at Hsuehling Shihcho-io 2. The 2 Regiment (Military District 15 Regiment) is at Nanlang (it ), Sanhsiang ( ~! ), V engvvei and Chtienshan (113..32, 22-14) under the command of HUAG Pu ( 1. The 5 Regiment (Military District 7 Regiment) is at Nanshui Chp hk'an (110-229 21-14). and Hengchl .n under the command of LIU Pei - ( 5. The Artillery Regiment (Military District 18 Regiment) is at Ttangchia 6. Hsiaohsiang of Yangchiang (111.539 21-52). Ch?iao (113-39, 22?24), and Paoan (113-56, 22-32)9 under the command of IU Chin- shah (~~ ) The 19 Regirjn~nt of the Kwangtung Military District, which is commanded by HSU Tung-ming (Jj ot ), has established its headquarters at the Catholic Church in 25X1 CLASSIFICATION T/CONTROL - U. S% OFFIC ~`~ f'0 4 Irs tAx . 't% STATE X NAVY X NSRB DISTRIBUTION 91,w x ARMY X AIR X FBI Approved For Release 2006/03/18: CIA-RDP82-00457RO10 Approved For Release 2006/03/18 CIA-RDP82-00457RO10900280003-2 -I 51-4AA FM 1952 k TROL - U. S. OFFICIALS ONLY INFORMATION REPORT REPORT COUNTRY China/Macao/Malaya SUBJECT 1. New Lighthouses off Pearl River Delta 2. Miscellaneous Military and Political Information, South China I.. I INFO. PLACE ACQUIRE THIS -DOCUMENT CONTAINS INFORMATION AFFECTING THE NATIONAL DEFENSE OF THE UNITED STATES, WITHIN THE MEANING OF TITLE-18, SECTIONS 793 AND 799,. OF THE V.S. CODE, AS AMENDED. ITS TRANSMISSION OR REVE- LATION OF ITS CONTENTS TO OR RECEIPT BY AN UNAUTHORIZED PERSON IS PROHIBITED BY LAW. THE REPRODUCTION OF THIS FORM IS PROHIBITED. 25X1 25X1 CD NO. DATE DISTR. 19 March 1952 NO. OF PAGES 2 NO. OF ENCLS. (LISTED BELOW) SUPPLEMENT TO REPORT NO. THIS IS UNEVALUATED INFORMATION 25X1 CLASSIFICATION /CONTROL - U. S. MICIALS ONLY Approved For Release 2006/03/18 : CIA-RDP82-00457RO10900280003-2 Approved For Release 2006/03/18 : CIA-RDP82-00457RO10900280003-2 INTELLIGENCE AGENCY C dTROL - U. S. OFFICIALS ONLY 1. In mid-December 1951 the Wanshan Joint Operations Department completed the construction of two lighthouses, one on Chuchou (113`50, 22-00) Island, and one on Sanyaplai (ll3-48, 22-04) Island.. This construction was recommended by Soviet advisers. The gas which is used for the lights must be replenished every three months. These lighthouses aid navigation from Chanchiang (110-24, 21-11) and Hainan to Canton. One platoon of Chinese Communist troops is stationed on Chuchou to guard the lighthouse there. 2. Te boats of various sizes were taken to Macao in 1949 by TENS Ts?'ui-Kung VIF T)50., naval commander of the Kuomintang Naval Patrol and Defense Depart- ment. The Macao Government interned these boats and subsequently negotiated with the Kuomintang Government for the use of the boats. These boats are now being repaired and refitted in the Macao Government shipyard.' 3. On the night of 12 January 1952 a junk carrying rice from Hong Kong to Macao was attacked by two junks in international waters off Chiuchou (7) h-Hr), near Ma ao. The two armed junks belonged to men under the control of HUANG Ch?i-tzu ( q J+) and TA Lu-mu (1S . A Chinese Communist gunboat from the Wanshan Islands came to the rescue of the rice junk. The water police from Macao also appeared. In late December 1951, the Wuchou (111-19, 23-28) Military Control Commission sent KAO Chgung ping A - 0 to Macao to investigate the anti-Communist activities of Wuchou.nati es there. KAO is a native of Shunte (113-16,,22-50). He now lives at the Firewood Trade United Company )C:4 on the second floor of number 11 Rua Cinco de Outubro Macao , . In early January 1952 Chinese Communist troop garrisons oh various islands in the Pearl River Delta area were as follows: Santsao - 300, Great Wanshan -}.0O , Chliaotao (113@-39, 22-24) - 300, Inner Ling Ting - 100, and Bias Bay - 1000. In early January the Pearl River efense Headquarters sent t e unboats CHIEH CHIANG ( HUNG HSING (' L i ) 31 and HSIN CHUNG KUO ( ,11 I ) to patrol in the Ling Ting Islands area. 25X1 25X1 25X1 7. On 2 January, a meeti g called by YEH Chiennying was attended b Soviet advisers Shih?wu-fumti ( ), Ying-tVe-Chia-ssu-fu ( ? 4 7 f1 ~~ ), Wei-hsin- ssu-erh-fu and Sha?~tgo-fu-fu the latter three coming to Canon from Peiping; On 9 January 1952 FANG Fang, LIN P1ing, and HSIAO Hsiang-yung, who had also attended the meeting, accompanied the Soviet advisers on the gunboat HSING KUANG (t ),)) on an inspection trip to the Ling Ting, Santsao, and Wanshan Islands. The Soviet advisers recommended that all coastal fortifications be reinforced. 8. In April or May 1951, CHIEN Po-nan ( /j ), deputy chief of the intelligence section of the political department oo the South China Military Districti F__ I Comment. This is the Ch?ingchou ( 'I ) Shipyard. ONTROL - U. S. OFFICIALS ONLY Approved For Release 2006/03/18 : CIA-RDP82-00457RO10900280003-2