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August 27, 1954
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27 August -1954 .~~a~c vcNa~u~~c~n ~cv~cvv ~.v~~~N~c~cu 25X1A 25X1 25X1 Approved For,,,~ele - 7~wYt001700080001-4 SUMMARY S+DUTHEAST ASIA ? y says en es-France w~. ve unqua ie suppor o e na.m (page 4). SOUTH ASIA 3. Pakistani Foreign Ministry uncertain .regarding SEAP role .(page 4)~ NEAR EAST -AFRICA. 4 .Jordan .alarmed over Israeli. mobilization .(page 5). 5. American ambassador sees American-Saudi relations improving (page 5). WESTERN EUR?PE 7. Italians and British :distrust Mendes-France (page 7 25X1A 27 Aug 54 CURRENT INTELLhGENCE BULLETIN Page 2 Approved For Releas~'ZDU~/07/08 :CIA-RDP79T00975A001700080001-4 25X1 gpproved For Release 2004/07/08 :CIA-RDP79T00975A001700080001-4 Approved For Release 2004/07/08 :CIA-RDP79T00975A001700080001-4 . Approved Fo~r~e.~~a 20 Ely says Mendes-France will give unqualified .support to Vietnamm 25X1A French commissioner general Ely, who had just retu:r?ned to Saigon from Paris, told , Ambassador Heath on 24 .August that at first, Premier Mendes-France seemed disposed to adopt a "specia po cy" toward the Viet Minh, but finaaly gave him "unqualified assurance" of support fvr Vietnamo Mendes-France allegedly also agreed that it had been a .mistake to give Jean Sa,in'teny the title of "delegate general to North Vietnam:' Instructions drafted since Sainteny's appointment restrict his activities to consular functionsa CommentA The French have little .regard for the ability of the -Diem government to marshal Vietnamese nationalist support, and it is unlikely that they will reduce efforts to maintain contact with the Viet Minh, particularly if they expect Viet Minh influence to increase in the southo SOUTH ASIA 25X1A The Pakistani Foreign Ministry is apparently uncertain .regarding the -atti- tude Pakistan should take toward a South- east Asian pact, according to the American embassy in Karachi. Acting Foreign Secretary Hilaly has ex- pressed the fear that, by joining SEAP, Pakistan may be isolated from the other Colombo powers and thus unable to influence themo He believes Ceylon is already in ithe neutralist camp, Commerite Hilaly's remarks do not necessarily reflect fears of top policy makers regarding SEAP. Pakistan's influence with the other Colombo powers has never been greate A.s a .SEAP participant, however, 3. Pakistani Foreign ,Ministry uncertain regarding SEAP role; 27 Aug 54 .CURRENT INTELLIGENCE BULLETIN Page 4 Approved For Releas~~;~~/07/08 :CIA-RDP79T00975A001700080001-4 Approved For.,$ele 01700080001-4 25X1A .Karachi could serve as a link between the West's allies and Ceylon and Burma, the two Colombo powers which have refused to join SEAP but indicated sympathy with its objectives 25X1A 4. Jordan alarmed over Israeli mobilization; Israel's large-scale mobilization is causing deep concern in Jordan, accord- ing to the senior British officer in the Arab Le?;ion headquarterso He states that mobilization of the Legion and the National Guard is under considera- tion so that Jordan will not be caught unprepared if tha Israeli mobili- zation should be in preloaration :?or, an attack. 25X1A General Glubb, head of the Legion, has informed the British Foreign Office that Jordan believes Israel can succeed in almost any act of aggression unless there is effec- tive intervention by Britain or other Western powerso Comments Israel is in the midst of its annual military maneuvers, of which the present mobilization may be part. Israeli forces may undertake minor border actions during the maneuvers, but they are unlikely to initiate alarge-scale attack, 5, American ambassador sees American-Saudi relations improving; Ambassador Wadsworth in Jidda believes the recent unfavorable trend in relations between the United States and Saudi Arabia has been reversedo He reports that on 24 August King Saud had a cordial discussion with him on American-Saudi relations, and also with a,n ARAMCO official on the Onassis tanker agreement. Saud apparently wants to "get out from under" that arrangement. 27 Aug 54 CURRENT INTELLIGENCE BULLETIN Page 5 Approved For Releas~o~~/07/08 :CIA-RDP79T00975A001700080001-4 Approved For~?~ele se 2004/07/08 :CIA-RDP79T009 01700080001-4 25X1A Commento During .King .Baud's first year as monarch he has revea a traits and ambitions .that still leave in .doubt his willingness and ability to help put American-Saudi relations on a firm basiso He has rejected an American .arms aid agreement, canceled a .Point IV program and consummated the Onassis agreement in violation of the AR.AMCd concessiano 27 Aug 54 .CURRENT INTELLIGENCE BULLETIN Page 6 Approved For Releas~~07/08:CIA-RDP79T00975A001700080001-4 WESTERN EUROPE 25X1A 7o Italians and. British distrust Mendes-France: The undE~r secretary of the .Italian .Foreign Ministry believes that French premier Mendel-France, despite his lip-service to the need for Western solidarity and German rearmament, is actually opposed to these ob~ectiveso The under secretary is convinced that Mendel-France went to the Brussels talks determined to assure the c}estruction of EDC a Approved For~le se 2004/07/08 :CIA-RDP79T009 ~p01700080001-4 25X1A According to the American .embassy in London, the British evidently do riot trust Mendel-Franceo .Churchill, in his talk with .Mendes-France on 2~ August, strongly urged EDC ratification as the best means of obtaining an early West German con- tribution to the Western defenses Commente Mendes-France's switch from support of EDC to public oppositicin calls for caution .regarding his professed desire for early German rearmamento Growing distrust of his sincerity among France's EDC partners can be expected to strengthen their belief that Mendes-France has wilfully misinter- preted the British attitude as adverse to EDC and early German re- armamento Pro-ED(: elements in .France still seem unable to mount a vigorous defense of EDCe .The American embassy in .Paris estimated on 25 August that the treaty would be defeated in the national assembly by nearly 6~ votes if the premier did not defend ito 27 Aug 54 .CURRENT INTELLIGENCE BULLETIN Page 7 Approved For Relea~~~0~/07/08 :CIA-RDP79T00975A001700080001-4