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Approved For Release 2004/05/13: CIA-RDP91-0Q 24 April 1960 MEMORANDUM FOR: Director of Central Intelligence SUBJECT: Captive Nations Resolutions This memorandum is for information only. Executive Last July the Congress passed a resolution designating the third week in July as "Captive Nations Week. " When signed by the President, this resolution became Public Law 86-90 (copy attached). The listing of several Soviet national groupings among the Captive Nations in this measure was the subject of severe criticism. 3. This year a number of resolutions have been introduced in the Congress reaffirming the position with respect to the captive nations and calling on the President to "... pursue energetically at the forthcoming Summit Conference the restoration of the funds- mental freedom s and basic human rights of the people of the captive 4. While several of these measures identify the same geographic areas listed in Public Law 86-90, the preponderance refer only to ,the captive nations of Eastern and Central Europe. " Typical of this latter group is Congressman Clement J. Zablocki's bill, House Concurrent Resolution 633 (copy attached). The House Foreign Affairs Committee is conducting executive hearings on Zablocki's bill today. . 10 Division, I and Tracy Barnes have been kept informed including my conversations with Jack Hoghland who is Bill Macomber" s Deputy at State Department. Hoghland has indicated 25X1 Approved For Release 2004/05/13 : CIA-RDP91-00965R000300110005-1 Approved For Release 2004/05/13 : CIA-RDP91-00965R000300110005-1 that while the Department would have hoped for no resolutions. it to believed that the Zablocki version would be the one to move and Macomber has discussed this with Zablocki and others on House Foreign Affairs. I have the distinct impression that the Department of State believes they have this well in hand. sl. John S. Warner JOHN S. WARNER Legislative Counsel Attachments (2) Public Law 86-90 H. Con. Res. 633 Distribution: 0-DCI v-1 - DDCI 1 - ER w/o acts. 1 - IG 1 - 10 w/o atts. 1 1 - A-DD/P-A w/ o atts., 1 - Legislative Counsel Subject 1 - Legislative Counsel Chrono. OGC/LC:GLC:jrnd(20 April 1960) Rewritten: OGC/ LC:JSW:mks Approved For Release 2004/05/13 : CIA-RDP91-00965R000300110005-1 Approved For Release 2004/05/13 : CIA-RDP91-00965R000300110005-1 Public Law 86-90 86th Congress, S. J. Res. 111 July 17, 1959 JOINT RESOLUTION 73 Stat. 212. Providing for the designation of the third week of July as "Captive Nations Week". Whereas the greatness of the United States is in large part attribut- able to its having been able, through the democratic process, to achieve it harmonious national unity of its people, even though they stem from the most diverse of racial, religious, and ethnic back- grounds; and Whereas this harmonious unification of the diverse elements of our free society has led the people of the United States to possess a warm understanding and sympathy for the aspirations of peoples everywhere and to recognize the natural interdependency of the peoples and nations of the world; and Whereas the enslavement of a substantial part of the world's popula- tion by Communist imperialism makes a mockery of the idea of peaceful coexistence between nations and constitutes a detriment to the natural bonds of understanding between the people of the United States and other peoples; and Whereas since 1918 the imperialistic and aggressive policies of Russian communism have resulted in the creation of a vast empire which poses a dire threat to the security of the United States and of all the free Peoples of the world; and Whereas the imperialistic policies of Comniutust Russia have led, through direct and indirect aggression, to the subjugation of the national independence of Poland, Hungary, Lithuania, Ukraine, Czechoslovakia Latvia, Estonia, White Ruthenia, Riunania, I+',ast Germany, Bulgaria, mainland China, Armenia, Azerbaijan, Georgia, North Korea, Albania, Idol-Ural, Tibet, Cossackia, Turke- stan, North Viet-Nam, and others; and Whereas these submerged nations look to the United States, as the citadel of human freedom, for leadership in bringing about their liberation and independence and in restoring to them the enjoyment of their Christian, Jewish, Moslem, Buddhist, or other religious freedoms, and of their individual liberties; and Whereas it is vital to the national security of the United States that the desire for liberty and independence on the part of the peoples of these conquered nations should be steadfastly kept alive; and Whereas the desire for liberty and independence by the overwhelming majority of the people of these submerged nations constitutes a powerful deterrent to war and one of the best hopes for a just and lasting peace; and Whereas it is fitting that. we clearly manifest to such peoples through an appropriate and official means the historic fact that the people of the United States share with them their aspirations for the recov- ery of their freedom and independence: Now, therefore, be it Resolved by the Sermate and house of Representatives of the United States o America in Congress assembled, That the President of the United States is authorized and requested to issue it proclamation des- ignating the third week in July 1959 as "Captive Nations Week" and Captive Nations Week. Approved For Release 2004/05/13 : CIA-RDP91-00965R000300110005-1 Approved For Release 2004/05/13 : CIA-RDP91-00965R000300110005;~1 Pub. Law 86-90 -Z- July 17, 1959" 73 Stat. 212. inviting the peop a of the United States to observe such week with appropriate ceremonies and activities. The President is further authorized and requested to issue a similar proclamation each year until such time as freedom and independence shall have been achieved for all the captive nations of the world. Approved July 17, 1959. iiw~w~Mr^~i Approved For Release 2004/05/13 : CIA-RDP91-00965R000300110005-1 MISSING PAGE Approved For Release 2004/05/13 : CIA-RDP91-00965R000300110005-1 ORIGINAL DOCUMENT MISSING PAGE(S): Approved For Release 2004/05/13 : CIA-RDP91-00965R000300110005-1 Approved For Release 2004/05/13 : CIA-RDP91-00965R000300110005-1 TRANSMITTAL SLIP DATE TO: P In ROOM NO. BUILDING REMARKS: FROM: ROOM NO. BUILDING EXTENSION 1 FFEB ORM 55 2 I I REPLACES FORM 36-8 WHICH MAY BE USED. Approved For Release 2004/05/13 : CIA-RDP91-00965R000300110005-1 Approved For Release 2004/05/13 : CIA-RDP91-00965R000300110005-1 MEMORANDUM FOR: THE DIRECTOR This is for information only. Attached relates to hearings which have been scheduled by the House Foreign Affairs Committee today on a number of Captive Nations resolutions. JOHN S. WARNER Legislative Counsel 20 April 1960 (DATE) FORM AUGN 54 IQI WHICH REPLACES ED. MAYF BEM USIO'fOI Approved For Release 2004/05/13 : CIA-RDP91-00965R000300110005-1