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Document Release Date: 
June 13, 2005
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Publication Date: 
May 24, 1974
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ROCKY MT. NEWS :.l ,Y,Y2pR'jied Fbr Release 2005/07/01 : CIA-RDP91- ~a .atop 31(Il:3t&,r,~ from 10:04 to probe did not expose any once- 1972 23 J , , une By TI:D I NAP Scripps-Howard Staff 10:39 a.m., from 1:04 to 1:13 lated covert CL; operation or'( WASHINGTON -- President ;Nixon's ' refusal to p. m. and from 2:20 to 2:45 the activities of the White p.m. lIouse "plumbers" unit. yield more Watergate tapes to the House Judiciary That was the day on which The committee said Walters Cornnlittee is based on his contention that the corn- Haldeman a n d Ehrlichman met with Gray and said the rnittee already has the "full story" of his knowledge met with Central Intelligence FBI investigation "should not and actions relating to Watelgate. Agency (CL- 1.,..director Rich- be pursued into 1lexico and ` he committee, in subpoena- and Helms and Gen. Vernon A. should be tapered off at the ing additional tapes for its im- That was the day on which ti Walters, deputy director. The five people" arrested insi7di f _ >..,.. n _.cALrnmari7- t h e Watergate en line vas the subject of a meeting between Haldeman, Mitchell, White House Counsel John W. Dean III, chief. domestic aide Colson, then special counsel, and former Atty. Gen. John N. Mitchell, who at the time head ccl the Nixon re-election com- rnittee. None of the 11 was in- cluded in the White House ak i ons u.e _c h e conversat d o rv n by date into three j conversations Nixon had on that day: 2:20 to 3:30 p.m. ?" o, ` Ls : , th C hon 4'35 to 5.25 p.m. o T1E FIRST GEODE of two conversations were on April 4, 1972, from 4:13 to X1:50 p.m. b ,- t;veen Nixon, Haldeman and Pitchell, and from 6:03 to 6:18 between Nixon and Eal- cici n in. Strachan, according to h. i s later testimony, shredded the memo including a reference to. the plan for electronic surveil lance devised by Liddy. The committee subpoena- 5 , Zv i with Haldeman; 7:52 to 7:59 p.nl. with Haldeman by tele- phone; 8:04 to 8:21 p.m. with Colson by telephone; 8:42 to 8:50 n.m. with Ilaldeman by llla- YCi11V Ua c,L"S.~ ......~-..------ al investigations s a y s interviews relating to funds in Haldeman a n d Ehrlichman the Miami bank of one of the. asked Walters to meet with five, Bernard L. Parer. FBI acting Director L. Patrick After the FBI resumed its xican h "`M e e Gray III "to ensure that the investigation of t FBI investigation of Watergate connection" two weeks later, it participants not be expanded found t h a t t h e money in into unrelated matters which Barker's account had come could lead to disclosure of non- from a Mexican bank account, Watergate covert CIA opera- which in turn had come from tions or other nonrelated na- t h e N i x o n re-election tional security activities that committee. had been undertaken previoi.is- The June 23 tapes are being ly by some of the Watergate sought to establish if Nixon's participants." concern was for t 1-e CIA and Nixon in his May 22 speech the plumbers, or for the con- to the nation said he asked nection between the Watertate Haldeman and Ehriichman to burglars and his campaign telephone; 11:33 p.m. to 12:05 1 a.m. with Coson by telephone. T 1': committee mer,toran- That evening, Nixon also d o ' , i supporting that subpoena talked by telephone w i t h says that on :March 30, ?1972, .~ Mitchell, but the White :house a.cco.din' to testimony by re-, says the call was made from a hie :l ion cotnmidcee official ;feo 1i telephone not connected to the S, Magruder. Mitchell aa- tape-recording system, pr:o?; ed G. Gordon's kiddy's fit; ere any of those conversa- inlcliience-atherin?.; plan, in- tions related to the cover-up entry into Democratic rai5_,nal headquarters at the I1,'a tar=gate. In early April, the memo ccntiaues, Haldeman a i. d e t>ocdon rtrac han w r o t e a n.c:n.o to Haldeman about the re-e_action co.mmittee's adop- tion of a "sophisticated" intel- li _ ;ce plan costing $300,000. I".t , p.;?n. on April 4, Haldeman ar:l Mitchell met and then rcer;t to the meeting with the :C'rc-.i .lent. when taking shape? Or was the President trying to get to the bottom of who was repsonsible for the Watergate operation? TIlE THIRD CROUP of con- versations subpoenaed by the committee could be the most crucial, because they involved the government's two major intelligence agencies. T h e three conversations were be- tween Nixon and Haldeman on 1)1 Ha'.demaii or Mitchell y toil i_