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31' R 00 0210 0-7 Approved For Release 2005/01/1 :P88-p1 ~~rx el L DER SPIEGEL .. r ' c? Traver in Z ontevideo Nach Polit-Thrillern fiber Griechen- land (,,Z") and die CSSR (,,Das Ge- standnis") nimmt der Regisseur Co- sta-Gavras nun die USA kritisch ins Visier. Sein ,Unsichtbarer Aufstand" hat Ende Marz Deutschland-Premiere. I hr Drehhuch", lobte Chiles Staats- prisident Salvador Allende bei einem Essen mit der Film-Equipe, ,Iicst sich wie cin Kriminalroman. Vom politi- schen Standpunkt ist nichts dagegen einzuwenden." Der Prasidentcn-Spruch gab dem mit Technikern and Darstellern nach San- tiago gereisten Regisseur Constantin (,,Costa-") Gavras, 40, gr6nes Licht zur Fortsetzung einer Serie von Polit-Thril- lern, fir die der in Frankreich residie guay (SPIEGEL 34/1970) prangert Costa-Gavras imperialistische Inter- ventionsprakt.iken von Hilfsorganisatio- nen des US-State Departments an. Zwar heif3t der (wie in ?Z-" and ?)as Gestandnis") von Yves Montand ge- spielte Held im Film Michael Santore, doch an seiner wahren Identitat be- steht kein Zweifel: Das l.ichtspiel be- ginnt mit jenem 10. August 1970, an dem, um vier Uhr frOh, die Leiche des zuerst entf(ihrten, dann mit zwei Schtis- sen von MLN-Guerrillcros niederge- streckten Amerikaners Mitrione gefun- den wurde. Es zeigt das Parlament, das Staatstrauer beschlief3t, and das Re- quiem in der Kathedrale von Monte- video. In minuziosen Rtickblenden werden Biographic and Schuld des Mannes enthilllt, der sich, privat honett and Va- ter von neun Kindern, im Dienst der der bei zwei Reisen nach Uruguay mit ,,Politikern, Schriftstellern, Anwalten, Journalisten, Zeugen" die Dokumentar- Basis erkundet hat. Zum Filmen seiner Recherchen freilich 'mul3te er nach Chile ausweichen, wo es trotz Allendes Wohlwollen doch .einige kleine Pro- bleme" gab (Costa-Gavras). Linke im Lande etwa nahmen An- stof3 an der ,.sympathisch" gezeichneten Hauptfigur and argwdhnten Propagan- da fur die CIA. andcre Kreise be- filrchteten eine Glorifizierung der Tu- pamaros. Ein Arbeitsgericht schlie6lich beschlagnahmte zeitweilig- das Film- Zelluloid - der Regisseur hatte vor Entrichtung einer landesublichen Aus- landersteuer die Gage von Yves Mon- tand mit 2000 Franc offensichtlich zu niedrig angegeben. Doch seit er fertig 1st, befriedigt _V tat de siege" (deutscher Titel: .Der fin- sichtbare Aufstand", deutscher Start: Ende Marz) Publikum and Kritik: Schon vor der Pariser Urauffi hrung Louis Delluc" zugesprochen. rends Grieche seit einigen Jahren be- rOhmt 1st. Er hat schon, halhdokumentarisch and effektvoll, das Schicksal des vom Karamanlis-Regime ermordeten gric- chischen Oppositionspolitikers Grigorios Lambrakis verfilmt and dafur einen Oscar erhalten (?Z", 1968). Zwei Jahre spiiter holte er dann einen Fall von stalinistischem Justiz-Terror in der CSSR ans Projektorlicht: Nach den Memoiren des ehemaligen Vize- Aul3enministers Artur London, im Pra- ger Sldnsky-ProzeB falschlich als US- Spion and "hrotzkist verurteilt, fertigte er sein, trotz. Schwiiehen cindrucksvol- les. Kino-?Gestiindnis". Auch im Schluf3-Stuck der '1-rilogie, es ist jetzt enter dem Titel ?[:tat de siege" (Be]agerungszustand) in acht Pariscr Kinos angelaufen, verarbeitet er eine AffSre aus jungster "Zit: Mit seiner so spannenden wic partcilichen Darstel- Entwicklungshilfe-Organisation ?AID" in die Rolle eines Inquisitors drangte and ?dem alle Mittel recht waxen, urn die Besessenen vom Satan des Kommu- nismus zu befreien" (,,Le Monde"). Zunachst scheint nichts gegcn ihn vorzuliegen. Aber die MLN-'lupama- ros, denen die Sympathie des Regisseurs gehort, haben den als ?Kommunika- tionstechniker" getarnten US-Burger lange vor seiner Gefangcnnahme durch- schaut. Dokumente erweisen ihn als Zogling einer Polizei- and Folterakade- mie in Washington. Photos belegen seine Mitwirkung beim Militarputsch gegen den brasilianischen Prasidcnten Goulart. Santore-Mitrione war bei der Aktion der ?Marines" in der Domini- kanischen Republik beteiligt and diente dern Polizeichef von Montevideo als technischer Beratcr, Das Todesurteil der Guerrilleros. suggeriert Costa-Ga- vras, war kein Willkilrakt. lung des 1"upayr~li;fa~les4"2176/I/F1ir!$$~l~PT365R000300210070-7 US-Agenten Daniel itrione in ru- unden", a auptet c er memac ter. Approved For Release 2005/01/13 : CIA-RDP88-01365R000300210070-7 ,After producing political thrillers about Greece ("z") and Czechoslovakia ("The Confession") director Costa-Gavras now is taking a critical look at the United States. His "Invisible Uprising" has its German premiere at the end of March. the film crew praised the script. It."reads'like a. Chile's President Salvador Allende at a lunch with detective story," he said. "No objection to it from a The presidential;verdict gave director Constantin (Costa) Gavras, 40, who had traveled to Santiago. with technicians and actors, the green light to' continue a series of political thrillers for which the Greek, who has resided in France for several years, is famous. He already had filmed in'a semi-documentary and the Karamanlis regime. Gavras received an Oscar for effective:'fashion the fate.'of Grigoris Lambrakis, leader of the Greek political opposition, who was murdered by Approved For Release 2005/01/13 :. CIA-RDP88-01365R000300210070-7 Approved For Release 2005/01/13 : CIA-RDP88-01365R000300210070-7 Two years later he illuminated a, case of Stalinist terror in Czechoslovakia: based on the memoirs of the former Deputy Foreign Minister, Arthur.L6ndon, who was unjustly sentenced in the Prague. 'Slansky. trial as a U.S. ..spy and ;Trotskyite, he produced his film.,"Confession impressive despite some weaknesses. In the concluding work of. the trilogy, which has "State of Siege", he again uses an incident of.recent vintage:. ,now. been shown in 8 Paris theatres under the title jective, of, the murder of U.S. agent Daniel A. Mitrione Costas-Gavras here denounces the imperialist interference by organizations working for the.U.S. State Department in Uruguay by a presentation, as exciting as it is sub- by the Tupamaros. in"Z and "The Confession"),. He is called Michael Santore, to be sure,: yet his true identity is not in doubt. The film begins on the 10th of August,l970 when at 4 o'clock in the morning, the body of the American Mitrone was found, who had just been-kidnapped and then been killed by 2 ,shots from MLN guerrillas. It shows. Parliament, which The hero in the film is played by Yves Montand, ('a decrees official mourning, and, the requiem mass at Montevideo Cathedral.. Approved For Release 2005/01/13 : CIA-RDP88-01365R000300210070-7 Approved For Release 2005/01/13: CIA-RDP88-01365R000300210070-7 In detailed flash-backs the biography and the guilt of the man are revealed, a man of integrity in.his private life and the father of nine children, but who pushed himself into the role of an inquisitor serving, the foreign assistance. organization AID and "who regarded all means justified to rid the ones who were possessed from the devil of Communism" (Le Monde): At first there doesn't seem to be anything against him. However the MLN-Tupamaros, whom the director sym- pathizes, with, had seen through the U.S. citizen dis- guised as a "communications technologist" long before he was taken prisoner. Documents show he was a student in a police and torture academy in Washington. .Photos prove his involvement in the military putsch against the Brazilian President Goulart, Santore-Mitrione participated in the operations of the "Marines".in the Dominican Republic and served as technical adviser to Police Chief of Montevideo. Costa-Gavras suggests there was nothing arbitrary in the death sentence of the guerrillas. "Nothing in my film is invented," asserts-the director, who researched its documentary basis in two trips to Uruguay .with. "politicians, writers,'lawyers, journalists, witnesses." For the filming of his research, of course, he had to. move to Chile where in spite of Ailendes good will "there still were some minor problems" (Costa-Gav.ras). 3 Approved For Release 2005/01/13 : CIA-RDP88-01365R000300210070-7. Approved For Release 2005/01/13 : CIA-RDP88-01365R000300210070-7 Leftists in the country, for ,instance, were somewhat .offended at the "sympathetically" portrayed hero and , a customary tax,in the country on foreigners, the director of a?glorification of the Tupamaros.. A labor court finally confiscated the film temporarily--be-Fore paying suspected pro-CIA propaganda. Other-circles were afraid had apparently underdeclared the presumed 2000 franc salary for Yves Motand. However, since it is finished, "State of Siege (German title: "The Invisible Uprising", German Premiere: end of March) satisfies the public and critics. Even before the Paris premiere the work was awarded the coveted "Louis D.01 tic" prize. 4 Approved For Release 2005/01/13 : CIA-RDP88-01365R000300210070-7