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Document Release Date: 
September 13, 2004
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Publication Date: 
July 19, 1969
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Approve~lt~or,i~~l~~j~ ?ql~,/Q.~/~~,?:; CIA-RDP88-01.3508000200770005-5 t 8t1CYx?US, O;iIQ ''loony of our nt+:n ++?c~a killed n r ~ ~ ; and wounded with amts nuutu? ; eace- d old ~ h ~ p e ;on t cfactured in ~; laving U.S.A. and ltow many ? more will be in future wars2 .' Wall, I guess if you have to go, it may just as well be by a -home brown product. I'm sure you'll be just as dead and, afL? er all, weapons of death arc'. ' very impersonal; almost as int? ?i personal as the prople wito'. ~. crow wealthy from the moon-?! cle~ er enough to invent so dead- l1llti ~~ u,c ~,,..,.... ... - - '?,'game: "Sell Out"1 ~ c]rop could wipe- out thousands `' ; I don't kno+v how many of I of people and clever enough to ~; put a man on the moon, would `, itizens have t , c you complacen ?cattle TV, or how many of the ~ irnow that you can't buy re? ?' ' ard and respect by playing . TV ~ l; -ones who clo have cable watched 1{e~s's_ Sho++~ on Chan- ~ both ends against the midd;c'? ?. net 43, 10 p.m, until 'L a.m., this ~ But if we think our kids are ; - past Sunday, July 13. ~ disgusted with us now for our .y Thorc was a guest on one : lack of concern and oat enough ; ~~ scgntent of Cltal : stow, from; to take a stand against what we .12:30 until 1 a.m., ranted Geor? ! allowed to happen to our ? ge Tltaycr, who h:Cs a book call- ~ country, our grandchildren will ed, "The War I3usincss." ~ ~ zeally hate our guts especially 1 Over the past ,year, I have' jn the face of this nevi political. been writinf; letters about ails policy (new to the average citi?;a " sorts of ?hings that have been ~~ zen,. that is.). going on ++'ii.hin our ,'overnment, ~. I'd like to close this letter j that are not. in the hest interest! with a paragraph taken i'rom?a7 `af this country as a whole, buff speech by Williarn?Pcun in 18f2,' are in 'the best interest of sel? ~ "Ail men are creactil equal, the { ect groups only. There have I Declaration of Independence as? j been a lot of other people say- ? serfs and are further more en- l in the same. '~hi>gs, for a lot', Bowed with certain rights' that `longer time than I have, on a! cannot be taken from them. Ne?'~ national level without much' vertheless, as the Declaration mare success than I have had' concedes, these rights can Ile ~ on a local k~rxil to make people., ltindcred and obstructed; and aware of what;Ir~?.~~iug done to: therefore in order to secure:; -their country. them, governments are institut? Well, here is a new bit of~ ed among men.' And govern-; '? news for anyone who still may; ments -this is the important ;; i be interested in their country. ,point -derive their just powers a-ccording to :14r. Thayer, our: from the consent of the govern- ~so-called "patriotic and peace"i ed." ' So if all of the governed peo? iloving government is selling' le who are sitting on their; arms to all countries they c~au, p (convince that they ncerl them haugsout the r flag occaho- ally ~ +and forcin; some cowttries who ' don't wan; to buy them to, bt+.y~ to show how patriotic they are? i them any+~: ay, or else we'll pull; don t mind' future generations r our standl,y forces out and lea-' ands past patriots being "sold ?;~ out by greedy unpatriotic pro-' r ve them at the mercy of Cont? fiteers, I guess the rest of us ? unist enemies, Nest Germany who do care are slated to go to 1 ;for one. ~ hell with the rest of. you, but at 1 It was also brought out that; least we tried. ! the CIAt. our~Centra] Intclligen?~ Claim.. B. Iinyce~ ! ce Agency, is paying people to; " 31:1 N. Vane St., smuggle guns and branches of Bucyrus, ?hio. j our military arc selling' obsol?~ o o ;etc wea;x~ns of war and do not: PDI'1;alZ'S NOTk~: C.ettera , have '.:, .:;e any acrd+mting o[! will not be published st+tlcss " I, ;the mc~ucy they have been recei- the writer permits publ'cca? 1} ving. lion of his or ltcr :tarua cold , I thought this; came under;. address. "Open Q~'orum" !ct? f the :::ailing of heir;; a traitor tors sitottld Go received at i but I ucss I was misinformed. least two days before desir? a~ I~t is now celled heir;; expedient ed p>blication. Statements and it you're real ;;noel at thn., and opi>ions ea;pres;.cd in ' art of...c;lortt you get an award. letters in tlils colntn> aro V/c;l, So much for our "mill?~~' thosra rof tha contc?ibutors , ions for defense theory," not,>r, and do not necessarily cx? i our defense, cvc>;~pr~~~F~r ~S~$~i~(~O~f08d~iG?GI ~.fCDSC. We just-pay t e millions iRfons ,held by his rows I; in taxes sa we" ,can ,,halo., arm; ~ yer. ry boll ~?~t Glw- ~`-~ g o c. . -RDP88-01350ROOQ200770005-5