Revising CIA Security Regulations Manual.
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March 25, 1998
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Publication Date:
January 31, 1950
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Approved For Release 2001/04/15 : CIA-RDP78-04007A000500030007-7
Fot 4:SW11C-rep
Met, Physical, Secradty Saramebt
'Thief, Security Control Staff
-Revisirw CIA Security Regulations *Mal.
'Pi' 31 1950
RFYEREXCRI Mesoraft4u1a from Chief, Myrna& Security Branch to Chief, Security
Coatra Sten', datled 28 pecOmiber 1949,-Sub3eot as Above.
1.Ivecalerdance with the *etetas reference, Paragraphs 1
to 3 inclutPre of the CIA SootwiteTrit34101Ht, have been Tircoherilo
recoussinutions ere are* 751;th zT10-341}11 " 7eTegi ZIT:" 411, be changed
the Foreword Wader 3, 43XCOV *thakr4/14,44,":
in each inatence to *CIO. -; -
2. It is reaommended that the :t sing be inserted in place of the
present Paragraphs 3a. and 3b. ,
a. Publications and utterances Relatin to Intellipenc
ItxcePt by ePootelittrentioa or authorisation in the name
of the Director, no melon employed by, or easigned to the Central
Intelaigemoa; Ageney:thaUfiXtblicly WO a speech, read a paper, or.
write for publication, the eubSeat,matter of which relates to
intelligeoce or to the vraetiiistlAvi and funaticee of the CIA or
-b. Other PUblioations vi s and Utterenee
Clearances must be obtained by written application with
respect to addresces end publications believed to lie outside the
prohibition set forth In subparagraph oi" above, tuish applications
ehallanclose, in appropriate -cases, the aotual text of the proposed
areas or publication. Clearenees !ill also be obtained with
respect to,.cmplating questionnaire* and membership applitations
where infareatton regarding preeenCeeployment is sought; teaching'
or-itudying unofficial coureoef'sttending conventions; engaging in
private foreign travel for personal reasons; 'erring jury duty; and
privately sponsoring theWairefellens into the United States.
Applications shall be addreseed,' the Chief, Inspection and
Security Staff, through the apPropriate Assistant Director or Staff
Chief Burden of proof that eiaaeified information will not be
divulgedreete with the epplitatt.-, Further, the applicant must
establish that material to be publicised and the circumatancee
thereof do not involve controversial matters of national importance
which might tend to discloes the author's official position and
duties or appear to indicate by inference an official policy of CIA.
?f"..-gli cc-v. ?'? ?
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J"T' qivedxForRasete_2001110/11? :ifit7,13PP7
-04007A0005000.3009T-7) A
Approved For Release 2001/08/15 : CIA-RDP78-04007A000500030007-7
Vhis paragraph does not *poly to extemporaneous addresses
seising fres request, which woad be eMbarrassing to refuse, so
long as C/A personnel so called upon discuss subjects which are
in no way allied to activities of the CIA, and so long as neither
the speakers' oonnecticn with ai nor the subject of intellicenoe,
nor national policy matters gore nentioned?
labial!!!!!!!!!!!" Staff
30 Jan 1956
co: Chrono
Approved For Release 2001/08/15 : CIA-RDP78-04007A000500030007-7
Approved For Release 2001/08/15 : CIA-RDP78-04007A000500030007-7
TO : Chief, Inspection & Security Staff
FROM : Assistant General Counsel for Covert Affairs
SUBJECT: Amendment of Espionage Stamp
DATE:6 February 1950
1. Title 18 of the United States Code was recently enacted
into positive law as of 26 June 1948, which included the Espionage
Act of 1917, as amended. Consequently, we feel that you may wish
to have the Espiohate stamp amended. We note that the Department
of the Army has changed its stamp to read as follows:
"This document contains information affecting the.
national defense of the United States within the mean-
ing of the espionage laws (Title 18, U. S. C., Sections
793 and 794) L'Y5 June 1942/. The transmission or the
revelation of its contents in any manner to an unauth-
orized person is prohibited by law." e.W.111-7trazketed
2. The above citation would also necessitate a change in para-
25X1A graph 6.f. of 4 February 1948,
and possibly in other Agency publications.
cc: Management Officer
Approved For Release 2001/08/15 : CIA-RDP78-04007A000500030007-7
rApproved For Release 2001/08/15 : CIA-RDP78-04007A000500030007-7
a. Security, as applied to an intelligence organization, is defined as a con-
dition which assures the safeguarding of valuable information and the protection of
physical and human assets, the compromise of which might seriously impair the interest
of the Nation. In the intelligence field, it is imperative that a true state of security
exist in time of peace, as well as in time of war.
b. Even a partial compromise of security represents a loss which never can
be regained?the damage is done. To prevent such a contingency requires the com-
plete and unfailing cooperation of each and every member of the Central Intelligence
Group, irrespective of position. Any employee, through carelessness, negligence, or
by relaxing his security vigilance, even temporarily, may cause vital information to
fall into the hands of unfriendly interests who are always on the alert to take advantage
of lapses. Aside from the potentially grave consequences which acts of this type may
cause, much valuable documentary material assembled at the expense of great effort
on the part of many members of this organization may be completely nullified. There-
fore, it is the responsibility of each individual employee of the CIG to train himself in
the perpetual and unrelenting observance of all elements of security. Effective security
is largely a matter of habit, the habit of discretion and care which has become second
nature through constant usage. It must be cultivated by all employees if our mission
and objectives are to be fully realized.
a. All information received or compiled by the CIG is official data and is the
property of the United States Government. No officer or employee has any property
interest in such information. The restrictions and prohibitions provided in this in-
struction apply not only to all intelligence information and material, but also to any
statistical, administrative or general information, regardless of the fact that such in-
formation may already be a matter of general public knowledge. This shall also apply
to all official data used or compiled by CIG and obtained from outside sources, public
or private.
? b. Official data are restricted to use in the performance of the official business
of CIG and shall not be copied or removed from the files or from the premises of CIG
except for official purposes.
c. No person connected with CIG in any official capacity shall accumulate
copies of documents containing any such data for inclusion in a personal file, nor shall
any person appropriate tb his personal use, any official data acquired by virtue of his
employment in CIG.
d. Exceptions to the regulations contained in this instruction will not be
made except upon written approval of the Director of Central Intelligence. Authority
to release official data shall be limited to officials designated by the Director of Central
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Approved For Release 2001/08/15 : CIA-RDP78-04007A000500030007-7
The following policies are announced for the protection of CIG personnel in
the interpretation of the various paragraphs of the Secrecy Agreement, upon the pro-
visions of which, at their own willing acceptance, employment is conditioned. These
policies are necessary in order to establish a procedure for clearance of public state-
ments, releases to the press, official or unofficial publications, speeches or similar under-
takings which might result in inadvertent disclosure of classified information. These
policies are further necessary to preserve the confidential nature of employees' official
positions and duties and to prevent inferences of official policy on the part of CIG in
connection with national or international problems. The involvement of CIG em-
ployees in controversial matters of widespread importance may not only reveal official
position and duties but may be construed as indicating CIG official policy.
a. Publications and Utterances Relating to Intelligence
Except by special direction or authorization in the ilerco% the Director,
no person employed by, or assigned to the Central Intelligence 'lliFeufai shall 4e464alamer--
eourse,-eontluat a seminar-, publicly make a speech) r read a paper, or write for publica-
' tion afty-ma.terial, the subirnatter of which relates to intelligence or to the organiza-
' and functions of thetgaltit or other intelligence agencies.
b. Other Publications, Activities and Utterances ILLEGIB
Clearances must be obtained by written application with respect to un-
official courses, addresses and publications believed to lie outside the prohibition set
forth in subparagraph "a" above. Such applications shall enclose, in appropriate cases,
the actual text of the proposed address or publicatio_ny Applications shall be addressed
to the Director of Central Intelligence, through the appropriate Assistant Director and
the Executive for Inspections and Security. Burden of proof that classified information
will not be divulged rests with the applicant. E Further, the applicant must establish
that material to be publicized and the circumstances thereof do not involve contro7
versial matter of national importance which might tend to disclose the author's official
position and duties or appear to indicate by inference an official policy of CIG.
This paragraph does not apply to extemporaneous addresses arising from.
requests which would be embarrassing to refuse, so long as CIG personnel so called upon
discuss subjects which are in no way allied to activities of the CIG, and so long as
neither the speakers' connection with CIG nor the subject of intelligence, nor national
policy matters are mentioned.':4
c. Announcement of Connection with GIG
In the event that clearance is granted under subparagraph "a" and "b"
above, CIG personnel will not, under these circumstances, allow themselves to be
presented, indicated or introduced as connected with CIG except by special authoriza-
tion in the name of the Director.
In accordance with paragraph 5 of the Secrecy Agreement, and inasmuch as
employment by CIG is conditioned upon compliance with it and with these Security
Regulations, any failure to observe these regulations, or a disregard thereof, will subject
the employee or employees involved to immediate dismissal or to such disciplinary
action as may be directed by the Director of Central Intelligence.
Approved For Release 2001/08/15 : CIA-RDP78-04007A000500030007-7
ttpr. 1)rib
ra'edorifblease 2001/08/15 : CIA-RDP78-04007410500030007-7
1, I, , understand that by virtue of my duties in
the Central Intelligence Agency, I may be the recipient of information and intel
ligence which concerns the present and future securf.ty of the United States and
which belongs to the United States. This information and intelligence, together
-with the methods of collecting and handling it, are classified according to .
security standards set by the Central Intelligence Agency. I have read and undo
'stand the provisions of the Act of Congress of June 15, 1917 (Espionage Act),
as amended, concerning the disclosure of information relating to the National
Defense and. I am familiar with the penalties provided for violation thereof(
2. I agree that I do net now, nor shall I ever possess any right, i7terest,
title or claim in or to any of the information or intelligence or the methods of
Collecting or handling of it which has come or shall come to my attentionby
virtue of my connection with the Central Intelligence Agency, but shall always
recognise the property right of the United States of America in and to such
? 3. 1 0.0 solemnly swear that I will never divulge, publish nor reveal
either by word, conduct, or by any other means such classified information,
intelligence or knowledge, except in the performando of my of duties
and in accordance with the laws of the United States, unless specifically
authorized in writing in each case by the Lire ctor of Central Intelligence,
4. I understand that no change in my assignnent or employment will
relieve me of my obligation under this oath and that the provisions of this
oath will remain binding upon me even after the termination of my services
with the United States.
5. -I understand that my employment by the Central Intelligence Agency is
cOnditioned upon- my -Understanding of and strict compliance with "Security .
Regulations CIA", and the appendices thereto.
-6. I take this obligation freely, without any mental raserVation or
purpose of evasion.
In witness whereof I have set my hand and seal this day of
Sworn to before me this
day of
Approved For Release 2001/08/15 : CIA-RDP78-0400740050003600