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Approved For Release 2004/01/14: CIA-RDP77M00144R000400100016-3 CON I'D N`N..I I~'tL JOURNAL OFFICE OF LEGISLATIVE COUNSEL Friday - 12 December 1975 25X1 25X1 1. I I LIAISON I called John. Martin, Chief Counsel, House Ways and Means Committee, to inform him. of my meeting with Representative Charles A. Vanik (D. , Ohio). relative to the Subcommittee on Oversight's questionnaire on taxpayer information. I mentioned that I had called Larry Ross and Bill Vaughn, on the staff of the House Ways and Means Committee, per his suggestion, but both were out of the office for the day and since we were under a deadline for the, questionnaire, I met with Representative Vanik. I told him the matter hard been. solved and thanked him-n. for his help. 25X1 25X1A Angus Thuermer's office, Assistant to the Director, I called Lila Blake, in the Atlanta office of Representative Andrew Young (D., Ga. ), regarding her request for "a report on foreign affairs, particularly in Chile. " I told her that it was hard to determine from the message just what report they might be talking about. She said that a. constituent had called the office asking for such a report and they had merely relayed that on. I mentioned that the constituent might-be talking about the report of the Senate Select Committee which is being talked about. in the newspapers currently. She said she would get back to the constituent and if that was the case she would contract the Select Coinm.ittee. I told her if she was unsuccessful to call back and I would see if there was something further we could do. 3. I I BRIEFING I called Dick W-Wrhite, Administrative Assistant to Representative Dale Milford (D. , Texas),, and confirmed 16 December at 0900 hours in the Reprenentati,ve's office as the time and place for the briefir Tic:h, had been authorized by the Director. It has not been decided who will. do the briefing but possibilities are eitherl or Bill Nelson, DDO, and possibly both. Security has been advised. 25X1 25X1 C I.- ONID E IyL e:Gz_[ts[ [aE T CL n Approved For Release 2004/01/14: CIA-RDP77M00144R001d4K,1,0f/ft03 25X1 Approved For Release 2004/01/14: CIA-RDP77M00144R000400100016-3 Journal - Office of Legislative Counsel Friday - 12 December' 1975 25X1 4. 1 FAA BRIEFING Accompanied the Page 2 Director to a briefing of the Intelligence Subcommittee of the Ho- use Armed Services Committee on covert actions. (See Memo for the Record. ) 25X1 25X1 5. LIAISON I 25X1A l a.nd I 25X1A met with House Minority Leader John Rhodes (R., Ariz.). is doing a Memo for the Record.) 25X1 A 6. FAA BRIEFING Accompanied William Nelson, DDO, to a briefing of the Senate Armed Services Committee on. covert action. (See Memo for the Record.) This meeting was called by Chairman John Stennis D., Miss.) late this afternoon. ',Ed Braswell, Chief Counsel of the Committee, said. the Chairman wanted the briefing after reading the article in today's paper about the CIA spending $50 milli o r e CO HIDEN11 T IAI L 25X1 7. 25X1 25X1 25X1 INTELLIGENCE' BRIEFING Richard Moose, Subcommittee on Foreign Assistance, Senate Foreign Relations Committee staff, called and said the Subcommittee was marking -tip its bill today and came to the amendment by Senator Dick Clark (D., Iowa) on Angola. He said they had earlier discussed Senator George McGovern' s (I.),, S. Dak.,) amendment re CIA and Portugal. After discussing these ir., open session, they decided they should have witnesses from State and CIA come up before the Subcommittee on 25X1 Tuesday at 9:30 a. m. to brief on Moose asked if either Mr. Colby or Mr. William. Nelson-,-7=", could con-re up on. Tuesday. I told him the Director has a briefing scheduled for 9.45 a. m. on Tuesday and he asked if I would check to see if Mr. Nelson could. do it. I told hire I would pass the message on. 8. LEGISLATION Talked to Bob Carlstranmm, OMB, regarding the Agency's letters on financial disclosure which are at OMB for clearance. Carlstrom said he was not at all familiar with the subject, but would look into it and get back to me. 9. I LIAISON Took a call from Charles Flynn,, in the office of Representative Edward Koch (D., N. Y. ). Flynn asked if there had been an official CIA or Intelligence Corn unity budget figure released. I told him there had been leaks of the figures, but that it was still. considered classified and therefore no official. release had been rnade,. Approved For Release 4/ 4 :A-F "477M00144R000400100016-3 Approved For Release 2004/01/14: CIA-RDP77M00144R000400100016-3 ` Journal - Office of Legislative Counsel Friday - 12 December 1975 Page 3 . 10. I I LEGISLATION Called Dave McClintock, Bureau of Politico-Military Affairs, Department of State, regarding the Department's position on the Clark amendment to ban. covert U. S. aid to Angola. McClintock's name was given me by Sheridan. Brinley, AID. McClintoc W.j ' ' erre me to other State Department officials, but I was not able to reach any of the rnen he said could help me. 11. LEGISLATION Sheridan Brinley, in the Office of Legislative Affairs at AID, called to innformn m.e that neither the House International Relations Committee nor the Senate Foreign Relations Committee had yet taken action on amendments to lb-mitt covert U. S. aid to ~ r v w 13. LIAISON Took a call, from. Richard Grba-jxnett:, in CRS at the Library of Congress, who told m.e that he and John M. Collins would be back in touch with us when they are ready to come out to review Agency material on the KGB. The Office of Security has verified Grin7rnett's and Collins' top secret clearances. 14. I I CONSTITUENT Pat Prediger, from Representative B. F. Sisk's (D., Calif.) office, requested a photograph of the Director for a constituent suitable: for;. 1 have arranged for the Director to sign a photograph which will be forwarded to the Congressman's office. 25X1A 15. Dorothy Fosdick, LIAISON I I O.Ci and I net: with staff o.- Senate Government Operations Perx-riarient Subcornrnit:tc on Investigations, for a t .-iefing on Soviet infiltration in l r ~ rind (See Memo for Approved For Release 20a 4/0/4,:t,CAj2Dt710144FAA0400100016-3 25X1 25X1 C 25X1 25X1 25X1 25X1 Approved For Release 2q ADDENDUM TO JOURNAL OFFICE OF LEGISLATIVE COUNSEL Thursday - 11 December 1975 1. LIAISON Called Keith Kennedy, in the office of Senator Mark Hatfield (R., Ore. ), and gave him the Agency's procedures on contacting or debriefing 2. LIAISON Called Frank Slatinshek, Chief Counsel, House Armed Services Committee, and clarified why we must notify the chairmen of the oversight committees of the name of the country involved in a covert action program before the briefing is given to the committee. LIAISON DS& T / OSI, called and said he had talked with Dr. Robert Bussard, a member of the Director's Nuclear Intelligence Panel, concerning a briefing for Representative Mike McCormack (D., Wash. ),(See Journal Item #f4, Addendum to Journal dated 3 December 1975.) =said he was able to turn Bussard off by explaining that the Congressman was a member of the Joint Committee on Atomic Energy and periodically attends briefings to receive such information. 25X1 25X1 C STATINTL STATINTL 4. I ILIAISON Doris Connors, Senate Armed Services Committee staff, called and asked for the names and terms of office for the past directors and deputy directors of the Agency. I provided her with the information. 5. I I LIAISON Dorothy Fosdick, Permanert Subcommittee on Investigations, Senate Government Operations Committee staff, called and said that Ambassador Daniel Moynihan had made a statement at the UN about a particular country's involvement in 1a. A briefing on the subject was set for Como f Fosdick. STATINTL -) . Legislative Couns ,1 25X1A cc: O/DDCI .Fx. Sec. Mr. Warner Mr. Thuermer Mr. Parmenter Approved For Release 2004 DDI DDA. L DS&T Comptroller IC Staff EA/DDO 25X1 25X1 25X1 25X1 25X1A 25X1A 25X1A 25X1 25X1 25X1 25X1 Approved For Releas Journal - Office of Legislative Counsel Thursday -- 11 December 1975 Page 4 17. BRIEFING Bill Hogan, Chief Counsel, Rouse Armed Services Committee, called and requested whether there would be a transcript for the Director's briefing on Angola tomorrow of the House Armed Services Special Subcommittee on Intelligence, Chairman Lucien N. Nedzi (D. , Mich. ). I confirmed the meeting time and place and informed him there would be no transcript. 18. HEARING Called Duke Short, Senior Investigator,. Senate Judiciary Subcommittee on Internal Security, and informed him that the Agency had no objection to his preliminary interview of 25X1A Ito determine if they want to set a hearing with Senator Strom Thurmond (R., S. Car. m came u as a possible witness durin r Short's interviews with Short will. meet 125X1A this afternoon together with DDO representatives at a safe meeting place in the Washington area. Short will advise me as to whether they wish to set up a formal hearing. 19. CONSTITUENT Called Joyce Stevens: in Representative George Hansen's (R. , Idaho).off.icQ, in response to her earlier call requesting on behalf of a constituent Agency material on the assassination of President John F. Kennedy. I informed Stevens that certain Agency material had been declassified and she should advise the constituent to write directly to the Agency's Freedom of Information Coordinator and I gave her the proper address. 25X1A 25X1A LIAISON FOIA After checking with L__] C/IPS, I called Walt Sheridan, Chief Investigator, Subcommittee on Administrative Practice & Procedure, Senate Committee on the Judiciary, and told him we were a bit behind on the Christiansen FOIA request. .1 added, we had been in touch with the Christiansen family lawyer this year on the matter and expected to respond fully within a week or so. 21. INTEL BRIEFINGS - USSR CW I called George Berdes, Consultant, Subcommittee on International Security and Scientific Affairs, House Committee on International Relations, on his follow-- on request for information on multi-spectral scanning to advise him on the gist of Paragraphs 3 and 4 of ORD Mem~-) (ORD: 5118-75, 3 December 1975). Berdes was appreciative and asked for a written note. Approved For Release 2004/01/14: CIA-RDP77M00144R000400100016-3 Approved For Release 2004/01/14: CIA-RDP77M00144R000400.100016-3 25X1 25X1 25X1A 25X1 25X1 25X1A 25X25X1 A 25X1 25X1 Journal - Office of Legislative Counsel Page 2 Wednesday - 10 December 1975 6. I ILEGISLATION Called Hilda Schreiber, OMB, to make sure the White House had not yet ordered the legislation eliminating the one percent bonus from the CIARDS system to be sent to Congress. She said OMB was still waiting for the White House order and. she would. let me know as soon as she received it. 7. ADMINISTRATIVE - DELIVERIES I dropped off with Tom Smeeton, on the staff of the house International r- I Relations Committee, confidential mentioned that Representative William Broomfield (1-1., is :z. was still interested in a briefing on the situation in Lebanon but that they had not been able to find a time when it might take place. We discussed the Committee's procedures for handling classified information and briefings and he said that he was in agreement with Marian Czarnecki, Chief of Staff of the Committee, that there should be some control over such matters. Smeeton said he would see to it: that any requests handled by him would be discussed with Czarnecki in advance. 8. BRIEFING I met with. Representative Dale Mi ?d D Texas) to brief him on follow-up questions to the briefing by IC Staff, on 3 December. See Memorandum for the Record. 9. INTELLIGENCE BRIEFING I accompanied all of OCT., to a briefing of Representative Dante Fascell . , a. a:n.i others in his office at 1600 hours, 10 December, on the situation in An ola.. See Memorandum for the Record. 10. BRIEFING I met with Representative Charles A. Vanik (D., Ohio), Chairman of the Subcommittee on Oversight, House Ways and Means Committee, to brief him on Agency actions with regard to the questionnaire the Subcommittee had sent out asking for information relative to Agency needs for taxpayer information, from the IRS. See Memorandum for the Record. SECkt 25X1A Approved For Release 2004/01/14: CIA-RDP77MOO144R000400100016-3 Approved For Release 2004/01/14: CIA-RDP77M00144R000400100016-3 JOURNAL OFFICE OF LEGISLATIVE COUNSEL Wednesday - 10 December 1975 1. I I LIAISON FOIA I took a call from . Walter J. Sheridan, Chief Investigator, Subcommittee on Administrative Practice and Procedure, Senate Committee on the Judiciary, Sheridan advised he had two letters from the Christiansen family to Senator Edward M. Kennedy (D. , Mass.) regarding the Agency's failure to respond to their FOIA request. I said I would check and calll, back later.. 2. I ILIAISON Received a call from Vince Morelli, on the staff of Representative Jack Kemp (R. , N. Y. ). The Congressman is preparing to introduce proposals and speak about congressional over. sight. of CIA, and Morelli asked to meet with an Agency representative to hear our views on the subject. I agreed to meet with Morelli sometime next week. 3. I I LEGISLATION Called Sheridan Brinley, in the Office of Legislative Affairs at AID, regarding congressional action on amendments to curb covert activities in An cola... Such a.).-nendments,; to the foreign military assistance legislation, are before both the Senate Foreign Relations Committee and House International Relations Committee, Brinley said he expected votes in both Committees this week, on these amendments.. 4. I I LEGISLATION Called Everett Bierman, House International Relations Committee staff, about the Ha.rrington/Bor:nkers amendment to the foreign military assistance legislation, which would halt.: U. S. Government aid to any group in Angola.. Bierman said the Corniz- itte e had not yet dealt with the amendment, but, was unable to give- me a firm prognosis on it. He said Ted Dobbs was handling the bill in mark--up for the State Department. LEGISLA'T'ION Called Ted Dobbs,, Congressiona Relations, Department of State, regarding the International Relations Corrrn~it:tee's mark-up on the foreign military assistance legislation. Ile outlined State's position against the Harrington/Bonkers amendment which is that massive Soviet and Cuban aid to the MPLA threatens political stability in all. of southe rn Africa. and the U. S. Government must have the flexibility to aid ~sr.srr.,rr cs~~ 25X1 Approved For Release 2004/01/14: CIA-RDP77M00144R000400100016-3 Approved For Release 2004/01/14: CIA-RDP77M00144R000400100016-3 JOURNAL OFFICE OF LEGISLATIVE COUNSEL Tuesday - 9 December 1975 1. I I ADMINISTRATIVE - DELIVERIES Delivered the Director's letter on the status of the reserve to Jane McMullan, Senate Appropriations Committee staff; Clark McFadden, Senate Armed Services Committee staff; and Frank Slatinshek, House Armed Services Committee staff. 2. I LEGISLATION Talked to Clark McFadden, Senate Armed Services Committee staff, about the medical malpractice immunity legislation. He said that the Committee definitely would not consider the issue before the Christmas recess and probably would schedule hearings in early 1976 on the subject. They will ask an Agency representative to testify on our need for inclusion within the bill. He said either Senator Sam. Nunn's. . (D., Ga.) Subcommittee on Manpower and Personnel or Senator I--}tarry Byrd's (I..,. Va.) Subcommittee on General Legislation would handle the bill,. depending on the relative work load of the two Subcommittees. He said a Justice Departrnen proposal to give all Federal doctors malpractice immunity had come to the Committee's attention, and indicated this would be one argument: against inclusion of CIA within the present legislation. 3. LEGISLATION Called Dan Spiegel, Legislative Assistant to Senator Hubert Humphrey (D. , Minn. ), regarding the mark-up hearings scheduled tomorrow before Senator Humphreys Subcommittee on Foreign Assistance and Economic Policy, Senate on Foreign Relations. I inquired about Senator Dick Clark's (D. , Iowa) amendment no. 1194, which would ban covert aid to Spiegel. said the Subcommittee is expected to consider the amendment but may not do so at tomorrow's meeting. He recommended that the Agency get a paper to the Committee on the amendment. 4. I I LIAISON Accompanied the Director to a briefing of the House International Relations Committee on several covert action programs. (See Memo for the Record. ) Eb,t -k B d3 12 t Y..~--I I~1 F-e>L Cf; t.ryE:Y 25X1 Approved For Release 2004/01/14: CIA-RDP77MOO144R000400100016-3 25X1 Approved or Release 1/14: CIA-RDP77M00144R000400100016-3 CON FlDEN I L 25X1 25X1A 25X1 25X1 X1 25X1A Journal - Office of Legislative Counsel Page 3 Tuesday - 9 December 1975 10. I I LIAISON Called Marian Czarnecki, Relations Subcommittee on International Political and Military Affairs, asking for an intelligence briefing on Ang Representatives Dante Fascell (D. , Fla. ), Donald Fraser (D. , Minn, ), Jonathan Bingham (D. , N. Y. ), Lee Hamilton (D. , Ind. ), and Charles Whalen (R. , Ohio), Czarnecki asked what areas were to be covered and I said Angola., Zaire, Somalia and Ethiopia. He said to go ahead with the meeting but t:o keep it strictly to an intelligence briefing. I told him I would clear it with the Director. House International Relations Committee staff, and alerted him to the call. I as received from Mike Finley, staff of House International 11. LIAISON Called George I.ngra.:rn, House International Relations Committee, and told him it was alright with us for them to print the 7 October 1975, "Background Information re Soviet Oil Developments Since October 197311 in their printed hearings, with attribution of the publication to the Agency. 1?? I IINTELLIGENCE BRIEFING I received a call from Mike Finley, on the staff of the Subcommittee on International Political and Military Affairs, House International Relations Cornn-jittee, requesting that a briefing o nd related African matters be given to Representative Dante B. , d.scell (D. ,'Fla.) and other Congressmen. See Memorandum for the Record. 13. I LIAISON I called Dick White, Admini- strative Assistant to Representative Dale Milford (D., Texas), and set up an appointment for 10 December at 1330_-hours to brief the Representative- on follow-up questions to the briefing given Milford by 25X1A IC Staff. 25X1 A GEORGE L. CARY LegislaLive Counsel 25X1A 25X1 cc: O/DDCI Ex. Sec. DDA I DI .DDS&T Mr. Warner Mr. IC Staff Mr. Thuerrner I''A/DDO Compt Approved For Releao l F" I yq W- I. I -.?, Y t1~11:li 4?P77,M00144R000400100016-3 25X1 25X1 25X1A 25X1 25X1 25X1 25X1A 25X1A 25X1 01/14: CIA-RDP77M00144R000400161?1 CONElDENTI L Journal Office of Legislative Counsel Tuesday - 9 December 1975 Page 3 10. I I LIAISON Called Marian Czarnecki, House International Relations Committee staff, and alerted him to the call has received from Mike Finley, staff of House International Relations Subcommittee on International Political and Military Affairs, asking for an intelligence briefing on Angola for Represcnf:atives Dante Fascell (D. , Fla. ), Donald Fraser (D. , Minn. ), Jonathan Bingham (D. , N. Y. ), Lee Hamilton (D. , Ind. ), and Charles Whalen (R. , Ohio). Czarnecki asked what areas were to be covered and I said, " ila., ,; i,ror, Somalia;ibi pia. He said to go ahead with the meeting but to keep it strictly to an intelligence briefing. I told him I would clear it with the Director. 11. I I LIAISON Called George Ingram, House international Relations Committee, and told hin-i it was alright with us for them to print the 7 October 1975, "Background Inforro-ation re Soviet Oil Developments Since October 1973" in their printed hearings, with attribution of the publication to the Agency. 12, I I INTELLIGENCE BRIEFING I received a call from Mike Finley, on the staff of the Subcommittee on International Political and Military Affairs, house International Relations Cornnnittee, requesting that a briefing on Angola and related African matters be given to Representative Dante B. Fascell (D. "Fla. ) and other Congressmen,. See Memorandum for the Record. 13. LIAISON I called Dick White, Admini- strative Assistant to Representative Dale Milford (D. , Texas), and set up an appointment for 10 December at 1330. hours to brief the Re Dre.sent e on follow-up questions to the briefin Y"v n Mil-Cord 1-)11-4- 25XM I IC Staff. cc: O/DDCI GEORGE, L. 1-~ ~___. ? CAR.Y Cozen sel Mr. 'V.arn. r Mr. Thuer=ner IC Staff Mr. Thucimer EA/DDC Compf; d 14' 61 tdI 17Z.M 00144R000400100016-3 25X1A Jour nalApp ~ivecdfFo?r gl a 5e 2004/01/14: Counsel Page 144R000400100016-3 Monday - 4 !augCON F~~ WI Met with Terry Redmond, Legislative 7. 1 Assistant to Representative Norman E. D'Amours (D. y N.11.), and provided rain exports from 1970 through Soviet g him with a copy of a compilation of 1974. I told him that we were working on an analysis comparing how these exports served the Soviets' strategic interests but I pointed out to Redmond that since the statistics were compared by country, he could nlake his own analysis which he said he was most interested in doing. 8. I I Informed George Murphy, Executive Director, Joint Committee on Atomic Ener:?gy, that we had information on the subject irtatter he had raised with me the other da.y and that we would be providing him a written report. 9. Called Frank Slatin.shek, Chief Counsel, House Armed Services Committee, concerning the release of relevant correspondence, relating to the termination of GAO's audit of Agency accounts,. Slatinshek said that Deputy Comptroller General. feller had been by to see him on this matter and that he (Slatinshek) did not now view that correspondence as classified and I told him that that agreed with our assessment. 10. Received. a call from Representative Robert L. F. Sikes (D. , Fla. ) who said that a man by the name of from New York who, according to Mr. ,Sikes, wants to put together "an 2 operation in Y " Mr. Sikes said thatOwould be in Washington on Wednesday to talk with a member of his staff and Mr. Sikes was suggesting that we have an Agency representative present during that session (in cognito if we wished). I told the Congressman that I had some difficulty with this suggestion and said I would prefer to have his staff rnan listerl to story and then pass on to us a report of the meeting. Mr. Sikes was a little less than enthusiastic about this since he said his anan knew absolutely nothing about Angola. I told M.r. Sikes I would think. tli:i.s over and talk with the Director about it and be. back in touch. with him. 11. I I Talked with Chuck Snodgrass,. House Appropriations Committee staff, several times during t:he day regarding sonic material that OGI is preparing for the members of the House Appropriations delegation who will be traveling to the Far East next week. 25X1A 5X1A Approved For Release 2004/01/14: CIA-RDP77M00144R000400100016-3