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25X1 Approved For Release 2004/01/14: q JOURNAL' OFFICE OF LEGISLATIVE COUNSEL. Wednesday - 10 December 1975 25X1 1. I I LIAISON FOIA I took a call from. Walter J. Sheridan, Chief Investigator, Subcommittee on Administrative Practice and Procedure, Senate Committee on the Judiciary. Sheridan 25X1A advised he had two letters from the I family to Senator Edward M. Kennedy (D. , Mass.) regarding the Agency's failure. to respond to their FOIA request. I said I would check, and call. back later.. 25X1 25X1 25X1 25X1 25X1 2. LIAISON Received. a call, frorn Vince Morelli, on the staff of Representative Jack Kemp (U.., N. Y. ). The Congr?essn,a is preparing to introduce proposals and speak. about: congressi.ona.1 over. sight: of CIA, and Morelli asked to meet with an Agency representative to hear our views on the subject. I agreed to meet with Morelli sometime next week,. 3. LEGISLATION Called Sheridan iarai.nle-, in the Office of Legislative Affairs at AID, regarding congressional. a.ctior:,, on amendments to curb covert activities in Angola. Such arnendrament:s., to the foreign military assistance legislation, are before both the Senate; oreign. Relations Committee and Ouse International Relations Committee.. Brinley said he expected votes in both Committees M.s 77,e k on these amendments. 4. 1 (LEGISLATION Called Everett: Bierman,. had not yet dealt with the amendment, but was unable to give me a firm prof nosi.: on it. He said Ted Dobbs was handling the bill in. rnarlc- up for the Statee Department. mmittee staff, about: the IIa.r?ringtonIBorlcc.r,s; amendment to the foreign military assistance legislation, which would halt. U. S. Government aid to any group in Angola. Bierman said the Committee- 5. LECGIS.LATION Called Ted Dobbs, Congr?ession Relations, Department of State, regarding the I :ey ration-al Re 1at:is_r.~_... r:}r'tr~iit:te- mark-up on the foreign military assistance legislation. lie outlined State's position against the Harrington/Bonkers amen.dmen.t: which is that: massive. Soviet: and Cuban aid to the MPLA threatens political stability in all of soul-he rn Africa and the U. S. Government must have the flexibility to aid 25X1 Approved For Release 2004/01/14: CIA-RDP77MOO144R0003000't9~4-41/17/2003 Approved /01/14: CIA-RDP77M00144R000300010011-9 Journal - Office of Legislative Counsel Page 3 Tuesday - 9 December 1975 Ho, Iations +Co, staff, and alerted him to the call has received rom e Finley, staff of House International Relations Subcommittee on International Political and Military Affairs, asking for an intelligence briefing on Angola for Representatives Dante Fascell (D., Fla.), Donald Fraser (D., Minn. ), Jonathan Bingham (D., N.Y.), Lee Hamilton (D., Ind.), and Charles Whalen (R., Ohio). Czarnecki asked what areas were to be covered and I said Angola, Zaire, Somalia and Ethiopia. He said to go ahead with the meeting but to keep it strictly to an intelligence briefing. I told him I would clear it with the Director. 11. 1 1 LIAISON Called George Ingram, and told him it was alright with House Inteernataoz aX I'Aw us oriembint eC' ctober1975, "Background Information re Soviet Oil Developments Since October 1973" in their printed hearings, with attribution of the publication to the Agency. 12. INTELLIGENCE BRIEFING I received a call from Mike Finley, on the staff of the Subcommittee on International Political and Military Affairs, 5, izoto t ).._ A-,; , Apes( ra U& requesting that a briefing on Angola and related African matters be given to Representative Dante B. Fascell (D. , 'Fla.) and other Congressmen,. See Memorandum for the Record. 13. LIAISON I called Dick White, Admini- strative Assistant to Representative Dale Milford (D. , Texas), and set up an appointment for 10 December at 1330-hours to brief the Representative on follow-up questions to the briefing 0.ven Milford by Admiral Donald Showers, IC Staff. cc: O/DDCI 25X1A CONFIDENTIAL LIAISON Called Marian Czarnecki, EORGE L. GARY Legislative Counsel Ex. Sec. DDA DDI DDS&T Mr. Warner Mr. Thuer:ner IC Staff Mr. Thuermer EA/DDC Compt Approved For Release 004COAJ Fdi -kUTM 25X1A Approved For Release 2004/01/14: CIA-RDP77M00144R000300010011-9. - CON Fl DENTIAL JOURNAL OFFICE OF LEGISLATIVE COUNSEL Tuesday - 9 December 1975 1. I I ADMINISTRATIVE,, - DELIVERIES Delivered the Director's letter on t lie status of the reserve to Jane McMullan, Senate Appropriations Committee staff; Clark McFadden, Senate Armed Services Committee staff; and Frank Slatinshek, House Armed Services Committee staff. 2, I LEGISLATION Talked to Clark McFadden, Senate Armed Services Committee staff, about the medical 3-nalpractice immunity legislation. He said that the Committee definitely would not consider the issue before the Christmas recess and probably would schedule hearings in early 1976 on the subject. They will ask an Agency representative to testify on our need for inclusion within the bill. He said either Senator Sam Nunn'a (D. , Ga.) Subcommittee on Manpower and Personnel or Senator ITarry Byrd's (I. , Va. Subcommittee on General Legislation would handle the bill,. depending on the relative work load of the two Subcommittees. lie said a Justice Departmen proposal to give all Federal doctors malpractice immunity had come to the Committee's attention, and indicated this would be one argument against inclusion of CIA within the present legislation. 3, I I LEGISLATION Called Dan Spiegel, Legislative Assistant to Senator Hubert Humphrey (D. , Minn.. ), regarding the mark-up hearings scheduled tomorrow before Senator Humphrey's Subcommittee on Foreign Assistance and Economic Policy, Senate Committee on Foreign Relations. I inquired about Senator Dick Clark's (D. , Iowa) amendment no. 1194, which would ban covert aid to Angola. Spiegel said the Subcommittee is expected to consider the amendment but may not do so at tomorrow's meeting. He recommended that the Agency get a paper to the Committee on the amendment. 4. I I LIAISON Accompanied the Director to a briefing of the IAA t /app } E Al h4 Ti.~,ttce on several ~' N covert action programs. (See Memo for the . ecorc STAT C Approved For Release 2004/01/14: CIA-RDP77MOO144R000300010011-9