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TOP SECRET Approved For-Rase 2003 P75B00320200230001-8 Copy of 19 June 1969 MEMORANDUM FOR: Comptroller, DD/S&T SUBJECT: EXCOM Meeting Notes REFERENCE: Memo from DNRO to DCI dated 13 June 1969; Subject: List of Topics for Discussion with the Executive Committee The following information is provided in response to the request of the DD/S&T for "memory aides" in commenting to the agenda items (Numbers 1, 2, 3, 7, 9, and 10 contained in the Reference and are keyed to the respective paragraphs. 25X1 25X1A 25X1A! 1. Following the EC-121 loss a presentation was made to the 25X1 Deputy Undersecretary of the Air Force (Systems Review) Harr Davis, on the capabilities of the U-ZR to collect ELINT on~eripheral ~sj ns-.-_.._(In this instance, the U-2R wa a National Asset rather than an NRP asset. ) More recently U-2R system capabilities and costing data information was provided to the office of the DDR&E. 2. NRP asset. 3. We cannot question the propriety of the proposed study of the U-2 program. We should carefully consider, however, the 25X1 delicate matter of how the loss of the U-2 program would impact on so, the strong arguments or continuation of the U-2 program, including U. S. manned flights, have centered around its flexibility and low mission cost during crisis situations. Identi- fication of the costs expressed in this paragraph are estimated figures and difficult to break out. The 26. 5 per cent flying hour reduction forecast for FY 71 covers both CIA and the Air Force. Since the CIA operational U-2 hours are forecast to increase significantly in FY 71, the bulk of the reduction must be in the Air.Force program. J,DED FROM N RQpr*4 W( r Release 20~ P75B00326R0002 dJ g64dU NGRADING completed. O AND DECLASSIFICATION JCS and DOS review(s) completed. 25X1 if /,Je Approved For ase 2003109/30: CIA-RDP751300326 0200230001-8 TOP SECRE Page 2 SUBJECT: EXCOM Meeting.Notes 9. The Agency remains ati fi with the resent sir em_.Q.f Operational Control of overflight of denied territory by reconnaissance aircraft. The desire of the JAS to go directly to the 303 Committee, instea of through the DNRO, on all but satellite flights would appear to infer that the JCS should control all manned and drone liFs, inc u ing assets. In the case of CIA/JCS coordination procedures, this question appears to have been resolved at the 17 June 1969 meeting of the 303 Committee.---__." `"....._.._,-`- Advanced Aerodynamic Reconnaissance Systems under direction of the NRO. This two-phase study explores various methods of achieving a quick reaction strategic reconnaissance capability survivable rimari1Xn the So_vBloc defensive environment through the 1975-1980 DPI. The first phase, using FY 69 funding 10. The OSA Advanced Aircraft Program has not been aimed at Crisis Reconnaissance, per se. OSA is conducting a study of 25X1A { 25X1 25X1A involves two contractors. A co ntract was initiated with 25X1A January 1969 for the defensive threat analysis and es a is meat of survivable p rofiles and tactics options. 25X1 25X1A his effort, funded at is schedul ed for coijjp e ion on 30 September 1969. A contract was initiat ed in Ma 1969 to provide a hardware-oriente d te chnical re erence for 25X1A I I their threat anal sis a d th f t d h l i y n en o con uct a tec no og cal 25X1f comparison of candidate concepts meeting the profiles and tactics 25X1 Approved For Release 2003/09/30 : CIA-RDP75B00326R000200230001-8 A Approved .For ase 2003/09/30: CIA-RDP75B0032 0200230001-8 Page 3 SUBJECT: EXCOM Meeting Notes 25X1 This effort funded ati s scheduled 25X1 for completion in November 1969. The second phase of the study, proposed for FY 70 funding ould involve analysis, 25X1 refinement, and definition of the -optimum candida a confi uration in terms of hardware technology and the threat. Both contractors would be expected to participate in this second-phase culminating in a fully defined program in June 1970. (Refer. to memorandum concerning studies passed to Mr. Duckett on 25X1 18 June 196. DONALD H. ROSS Brigadier General, USAF Director of Special Activities EO/SA 19,Jun69) Distribution: Copies 1 & 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 - Addressee - .DD/S&T Registry - D / SA - Compt/OSA - D/M/OSA - D/O/OSA - SS/OSA - RB / OSA 25X1 TOP SECRET Approved For Release 2003/09/30 : CIA-RDP75B00326R000200230001-8 25X1A Approved For Release 2003/09/30 : CIA-RDP75B00326R000200230001-8 Next 1 Page(s) In Document Exempt Approved For Release 2003/09/30 : CIA-RDP75B00326R000200230001-8 Approved For ease 2003 /'09/3b':-CIA--R2DP75B0032&iW002002?3 06l- (5) NATIONAL r1ECONNAI JAIL ` G OFFICE WASHINGTON, D.C. OFFICE OF T H--' 25X1 MEMORANDUM FOR MR. HTEL'11S - SUBJECT: List of Topics for Discussion with the Executive C:. mittee Attached is an agenda listing topics proposed for discussion on June 20 1969, w w'n__anexc~bers of the Ex:ecurive Co mmi tee, The purpose of this meeting is 5tirovice%'ne members of ExCorc] and the DNRO t e or)-ortunity to hold general discussions on various r::a tiers (see agenda) ofore the bu get 'meetings of august S and 1L, It is nog ac final decisions on agenda items but to provide o`r an excn~ange of views.. John L. McLucas 25X1A 25X1A 25X1A 2 itch Agendas 2, M/R June 132 19692 o2 aQQP 1-8 COPY OF_ COP. PAGE 1 0 F 1 ?A: June 113, 1969 Approved For'V*4ease 2003/09Y30 : CIA Kl5FS75B00326900200230001-8 AVir .da for June 20, 10969 :vieeting of the 25X1A .~). :Y:.~?iined Aircrc.it .F:e co nna:.ssance ~/'~ 25X1P 25X1 D 25X1 [ 25X1 D perational Control of Overflight of Denied Territ by Reconnaissance .rvrc:i? ?~ 10. Comparison of Capabilities and Costs of Various Ways of Conducting Crisis Reconnaissance. ILLEGIB 25X1A A -p rprp Readout 0001-8 25 x1 Approved For?R #ease 2003/09/30 : CIA-RDP75B0032SWO0200230001-8 June 13~ l960 7: 7) Lis O topics for Discussion wi t Ex Co 25X1A ~..i 01l owing to Jics .,.. e suggested for possi le d: C. ss' it y ~G .. ' ho Jul ne 2 0 :: "2.-Zee E 7~ :c ~:, e _ o~: L::c .ac;aiv0 CG Use ? of Drones for V~ i J e l S ~~ a~ 1.T Place of The recent of ?. :..,~v.) od our dependence for co,lc^ .._. g - Cv..~\r1' :C: S_G;.\T G'T rer ip!e~. 5ta.u.oS, yr in o, . - .J 10, :e . GCJ'_==-: ssance offer.t ons ^ C -, - co_ oc GT ey :,._e de utae Sys-M :... ,S- fi~: :' :.C Lions which can be collec e ~: ^ in : coy _ol_. ~~G~... 25X1 o .des:..- bly, can be used i._ a cooperative :. nner 'wi ,,.. Vvl:r- G:. :__4 ..:e a. collec ;;ors to obtain more ?G ... t~ o n t: __ 25X1 D 017 71 11 ore alone eri~: era ssio s ca n collect ST _G ge dura;;ion O these same 2 c a oT:S the `_C no 7re~e_ S C 'Gnu s I-e is St 'L11 be-in "OCCSSeC: through D R&E w--,T assistan cO. _ w11 costs ].ncIua supor;,=ng costs for ma._ned ... o nc cecause cro es 'e- - e y c^e.aD to operate As you owe we decided a :,..:onth ado to equp teen -r- - - = y .ltitrci.e di'one s w COT-E :NT eau nT::e:T% da.._a `., f_- be received on the gro: nC via data 14-n_