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Approved Fo&Oelease 2002/09/03 : CIA-RDP75B0028'b 000400010001-6 NASA REVIEW COMPLETED 24. MAN'S RESPONSE TO LONG-DURATION FLIGHT IN THE GEMINI SPACECRAFT By Charles A. Berry, M.D. Chief of Center Medical Programs Manned Spacecraft Center D. 0. Coons, M.D., Chief Center Medical Office Manned Spacecraft Center A. D. Catterson, M.D. Center Medical Office Manned Spacecraft Center G. Fred Kelly, M.D. Center Medical Office Manned Spacecraft Center The biomedical data from the Gemini III through VII missions support the conclusion that man is able to function physiologically and psycho- logically in space and readapt to the earth's one-g environment without any undue symptomatology. It also appears that man's response can be projected into the future to allow 30-day exposures in larger spacecraft. When contemplating such titles'as "4 Days in?June," "8 Days in Au- gust," and "14 Days in December," it is difficult to realize that just 2 years ago, only an uncertain answer could be given to the question - "Can man's physiology sustain his performance of useful work in space?" This is particularly true in this great day for space medicine when man has equaled the machine. Prior to our first manned space flight, many people expressed legit- imate concern about man's possible response to the space-flight environ- ment. This concern was based upon information obtained from aircraft experience and from conjecture about the effects of man's exposure to the particular environmental variables known to exist at that time. Some of the predicted effects are listed in table 24-I, and it will be noted that many of these are contradictory. STAT Approved For Release 2002/09/03 : CIA-RDP75B00285R000400010001-6 Approved Fo elease 2002/09/03 : CIA-RDP75B002W000400010001-6. This nation's first probing of the space environment was made in the Mercury spacecraft which reached mission durations of 34 hours. The actual situation following the completion of the Mercury program is sum- marized in table 24-II. This first encounter with the weightless envi- ronment had provided encouragement about man's future in space, but the finding of orthostatic hypotension also warned that there might be some sort of limit to man's exposure. The reported Russian experiences strengthened this possiblity. No serious gross effects of simple expo- sure to the space-flight environment had been noted, but the first hint was given that the emphasis should shift to careful' methods for observing more subtle changes. These findings influenced the planning for the Gemini mission durations, and the original plan was modified to include a 3-revolution checkout flight, followed by an orderly approximate doubling of man's exposure on the 4-day, 8-day, and 14-day missions which have been completed. It was felt that such doubling was biologically sound and safe, and this has proved to be the case. The United States manned space-flight missions are summarized in table 24-III. This plan required the use of data procured from one mission for predicting the safety of man's exposure on a mission twice as long. These Gemini mission operations are complex and require a great deal of teamwork in the medical area as in all others. Space-flight medical operations have consisted, in part, of the early collection of baseline medical data started at the time of the original selection of the astro- nauts and has been added to with each exposure to the simulated space- flight environment during spacecraft testing. Physicians and paramedical personnel have been trained to become a part of medical recovery teams stationed in the launch area and at probable recovery points in the Atlantic and Pacific oceans. Flight surgeons have been trained and uti- lized as medical monitors at the various network stations around the world thus making possible frequent analysis of the medical information obtained in flight. A team of Department of Defense physician specialists have also been utilized to assist in the detailed preflight and postflight evaluations of the condition of the flight crews. Without the dedicated help of all of these personnel functioning as a team, the conduct of these missions would not have been possible. A high set of standards has been adhered to in selecting flight crews. This has paid off very well in the safety record obtained thus far. The difficult role that these flight crews must play both Approved For Release 2002/09/03 : CIA-RDP75B00285R000400010001-6 Approved Foelease 2002/09/03: CIA-RDP75B0020000400010001-6 24-3 as experimenters and as subjects deserves comment. From a personal point of view, the simpler task is to be the experimenter, utilizing various pieces of equipment in making observations. On these long- duration missions, the crews have also served as subjects for medi- cal observations, and this requires maximum cooperation, which was evidenced on these flights. Physiological information on the flight crews has been obtained by monitoring voice transmissions; two leads of electrocardiogram, a sternal and an axillary; respiration by means of an impedance pneumograph; body temperature by means of an oral thermistor; and blood pressure. These items make up the operational instrumentation, and, in addition, other items of bioinstrumentation are utilized in the experiments program. Also, some inflight film footage has been utilized, particularly during the extravehicular exercise on the 4-day mission. The biosensor harness and signal conditioners are shown in figure 24-1. A sample of the telem- etered data, as received at the Mission Control Center, is shown in figure 24-2. These data were taken near the end of the 14-day flight and it can be seen that the quality is still excellent. The Gemini network is set up to provide real-time remoting of medical data from the land sites to the surgeon at the Mission Control Center. If requested, the medical data from the ships can be transmitted immediately after each spacecraft pass. The combined Gemini VI-A and VII missions posed a new problem in monitoring in that it required the simultaneous monitoring of four men in orbit. The network was configured to do this task and adequate data were received for evaluation of both crews. It must be realized that this program has involved only small numbers of people in the flight crews. Thus, conclusions must be drawn from a minimum amount of data. Individual variability must be considered in the analysis of any data. Aid is provided in the Gemini Program by having two men exposed to the same conditions at the same time. Each man also serves as his own control, thus indicating the importance of the baseline data. PREFLIGHT DISEASE POTENTIAL As missions have become longer, the possiblity of an illness during flight has become greater, particularly in the case of communicable dis- eases to which the crew may have been exposed prior to launch. The dif- ficult work schedules and the stress imposed by the demands of the Approved For Release 2002/09/03 : CIA-RDP75B00285R000400010001-6 Approved For 1111oYease 2002/09/03: CIA-RDP75B00289ii900400010001-6 prelaunch period tend to create fatigue unless watched carefully, and thus become an additional potential for the development of flu-like dis- ~eases. They also preclude any strict isolation. On each of the Gemini missions a potential problem, such as viral upper respiratory infections or mumps exposure has developed during the immediate preflight period, but the situation has been handled without hampering the actual mission. As yet no illness has developed in the flight crews while in orbit. However, strenuous effort must be exerted toward protecting the crew from potential disease hazards during this critical period. DENITROGENATION The 5-psia cabin pressure and the 3.7-psia inflated suit pressure create the potential for the development of dysbarism and this was parti- cularly true on the 4-day mission which involved extravehicular activity. Care has been taken to denitrogenate the crews with open-loop breathing on 100 percent oxygen for at least 2 hours prior to launch. No difficul- ty has been experienced with this procedure. The crews have used various forms of exercise to maintain a state of physical fitness in the preflight period. The peak of fitness at- tained has varied among the crew members but they all have been in an excellent state of physical fitness. They have utilized running and various forms of activity in the crew quarters gymnasium in order to maintain this state. Approximately 1 hour per day has been devoted to such activity. There has been a multiplicity of factors acting upon man in the space-flight environment. He is exposed to multiple stresses, as sum- marized in table 24-IV and the particular effects of any one of these stresses will always be difficult to isolate. In a sense, it could be said that this is of only limited interest, for the results always would represent the effects of man's exposure to the total space-flight envi-. ronment. However, in attempting to examine the effect's of a particular space-flight stress, such as weightlessness, it must be realized that the responses observed may indeed be complicated by other factors such as the physical confinement, acceleration, dehydration, or the thermal environment. Approved For Release 2002/09/03 : CIA-RDP75B00285R000400010001-6 Approved ForWease 2002/09/03: CIA-RDP75B00285R000400010001-6 24-5 On all missions, the peak elevations of heart rates have occurred at launch and reentry. The peak rates observed during the Gemini flights are shown in table 24-v. These detailed timeline plots of heart and respiratory rates demonstrate the peak responses associated with par- ticular activities required by the flight plan, as was noted during the Mercury missions (fig. 24-3). As the mission durations have become longer, it has been necessary to compress the heart rate data to the form -shown in figure 24-4 from the Gemini VII mission. Such a plot demon- strates the diurnal cycles related to the night time and the normal sleep periods at Cape Kennedy, Florida. In general, it has been noted that there has been a decrease in the heart rate.from the high levels at launch toward a rather stable, lower baseline rate during the mid-portion of the mission. This is altered at intervals since the heart has re- sponded to demands of the inflight activities in a very normal manner throughout the mission. The rate appears to stabilize around the 36- to 48-hour period and remain at this lower level until 2 or 3 revolutions before retrofire. The anticipation and the activity associated with preparation, for retrofire and reentry cause an increase in the heart rate. for the remainder of the flight. The electrocardiogram has been :very helpful in observing the response to the sleep periods when heart rates have frequently been observed in the forties and some into the high thirties. The graphing of such rates by minimum, maximum, and mean has also been helpful in determining the quality of sleep. If the crewmen have awakened several times to check the condition of spacecraft controls and displays, there is a'noted spread between the maximum and minimum rates. During the extravehicular operation, both crewman noted increased heart rates. The pilot had a heart rate of 140 while standing in the open hatch, and this rate continued to climb during the extravehicular activity until it reached 178 beats per minute at spacecraft ingress. Future extravehicular operations will require careful attention to deter- mine the length of time these elevated rates are sustained. The electrocardiogram has been observed on a real-time basis with a series of detailed measurements being taken during the Gemini VII flight. The electrocardiogram has also been evaluated postflight and the only abnormalities of note have been occasional, and very rare, Approved For Release 2002/09/03 : CIA-RDP75B00285R000400010001-6 Approved Forease 2002/09/03 : CIA-RDP75B0028500400010001-6 premature auricular and ventricular contractions. The detailed analyses have shown no significant changes in the duration of specific segments of the electrocardiogram which are not merely rate related. On each of the long-duration missions, a special experiment has involved observation of the relationship of the Q-wave to the onset of mechanical systole, as indicated by the phonocardiogram. These data, in general, have revealed no prolongation of this interval with an increase in duration of space flight. The blood pressure values were determined three times in each 24 hours during the 4-day and 8-day missions and two times each 24 hours on the 14-day mission. These determinations were made before and after exercise on the medical data passes. The only truly remarkable thing in all blood pressures to date has been the normalcy with a lack of significant increase or decrease with prolonged space flight (fig. 24-5)- The blood pressures have varied with heart rate as evidenced by the 201 over 90 blood pressure obtained after retrofire during one of the missions. This was accompanied by a heart rate of 160, however, and is felt to be entirely normal. Some blood pressures of particular interest were those determined on the 4-day mission: (1) just after retrofire and while the crew was still in zero g, (2) just before the transition to two-point suspension on the main parachute which places the crew at about a 45? back angle, (3) just after transition to two-point, and (4) with the spacecraft on the water and the crew in a sitting position. All of these pressures were in the same general range as the inflight blood pressures and were all certainly normal, demonstrating no evidence of hypotension. Body Temperature The oral thermistor was used with each medical data pass, and all body temperatures recorded have been within the normal range. Occasional spurious readings were noted on the oral thermistor when it would get misplaced against the body causing it to register. Respiratory Rates Respiratory rates during all of the long-duration missions have tended to vary normally along with heart rate. Hyperventilation has not occurred inflight. Approved For Release 2002/09/03 : CIA-RDP75B00285R000400010001-6 Approved For%Wease 2002/09/03 : CIA-RDP75B0028O00400010001-6 24-7 Inflight Exercise An exercise consisting of 30 pulls on a bungee cord has been uti- lized to evaluate cardiovascular response on all of these missions. No significant difference in the response to this calibrated exercise load has been noted through the 14-day flight. In addition to these programed exercise response tests, the bungee cord has been utilized for additional exercise periods. Daily, during the 14-day mission, the crew performed 10 minutes of exercise, including the use of the bungee cord for both the arms and the legs, and some isometric exercises. These 10-minute periods preceded each of the three eating periods. Sleep A great deal of difficulty was encountered in obtaining satisfactory sleep periods on the 4-day mission. Even though the flight plan was modified during the mission, in order to allow extra time for sleep, it was apparent postflight that no long sleep period was obtained by either crewman. The longest consecutive sleep period appeared to be It hours, and the command pilot estimated that he did not get more than 7.5 to 8 hours good sleep in the entire It days. Factors contributing to this lack of sleep included: (1) the firing of the thrusters by the pilot who was awake; (2) the communications contacts, because the communica- tions could not be completely turned off, and (3) the requirements of housekeeping and observing made it difficult to settle down to sleep. Also the responsibility felt by the crew tended to interfere with adequate sleep. , An attempt was made to remove a few of these variables on the 8-day mission and program the sleep periods in conjunction with normal night time at Cape Kennedy. This required the command pilot to sleep from 6 p.m. until midnight eastern standard time and the pilot to sleep from midnight until 6 a.m., each getting a 2-hour nap during the day. This program did not work out well due to flight plan activities and the fact that the crew tended to retain their Cape Kennedy work-rest cycles with both crewmen falling asleep during the midnight to 6 a.m. Cape Kennedy night time period. The 8-day crew also commented that the spacecraft was so quiet that any communication or noise, such as removing items attached with Velcro, produced an arousal reaction. On the 14-day flight, the flight plan was designed to allow the crew to sleep during hours which generally corresponded to night time at Cape Kennedy. There was a 10-hour period established for this sleep (fig. 24-6) and it worked out very well with their normal schedule. In addition, both crewmen slept at the same time thus obviating any arousal reactions from the actions of the other crew member. The beginning of Approved For Release 2002/09/03 : CIA-RDP75B00285R000400010001-6 Approved For lease 2002/09/03 : CIA-RDP75B00286*000400010001-6 the scheduled rest and sleep period was altered to move it one-half hour earlier each night during the mission in order to allow the crew to be up and active throughout the series of passes across the southern United States. Neither crewman slept as soundly in orbit as he does on the earth and our inflight observations were confirmed in the postflight debriefing. The pilot seemed to fall asleep more easily and could sleep more restfully than the command pilot. The command pilot felt that it was unnatural to sleep in a seated position, and he continued to awaken spontaneously during his sleep period and would monitor the cabin dis- plays. He did become increasingly fatigued over a period of several days, then he would sleep soundly and start his cycle of light inter- mittent sleep to the point of fatigue all over again. The cabin was kept quite comfortable during the sleep periods by the use of the polar- oid screen and some foil from the food packs on the windows. The noise of the pneumatic pressure-cuff for Experiment M-1, did interfere with sleep on both the 8-day and 14-day missions. The crew of the 4-day flight was markedly fatigued following the mission. The 8-day crew was less so and the 14-day crew the least fatigued of all. The 14-day crew did feel there was some irritability and loss of patience during the last 2 days of the mission but they continued to be alert and sharp in their responses and no evidence of performance decrement was noted. The diet has been controlled for a period of 5 to 7 days preflight and, in general, has been of a low residue. The Gemini VII crew were on a regulated calcium diet of low-residue-type for a period of 12 days before their l4-day mission. The inflight diet has consisted of freeze dehydrated and bite-size foods. A typical menu is shown in table 24-VI. The crew are routinely tested with the inflight menu for a period of sev- eral days before final approval of the flight menu is given. On the 4-day flight, the crew was furnished a menu of 2500 calories per day to be eaten at a rate of 4 meals per day. They enjoyed the time that it took to prepare the food and they ate all the food available for their use. They commented that they were hungry within 2 hours of ingesting a meal, and that within 4 hours after ingesting a meal, they felt a definite physiological need for the lift produced by food. These find- ings were in marked contrast to the 8-day mission where each crew mem- ber was furnished 3 meals per day for a caloric value of 2750. Again these meals consisted of one juice, two rehydratable food items, and two bite-size items. The 8-day crew felt no real hunger though they did feel a physiological lift from the ingestion of a meal. They ate very little of their bite-size food and subsisted principally on the rehydra- table items. A postflight review of the returned food revealed that the average caloric intake per day varied around 1000 calories for this crew. Approximately 2450 calories per day, was prepared for the 14-day mission Approved For Release 2002/09/03 : CIA-RDP75B00285R000400010001-6 Approved Fo elease 2002/09/03 : CIA-RDP75B00280K000400010001-6 24-9 and included ample meals for 143 days. Inflight and postflight analyses have revealed that this crew actually consumed about 2200 calories per day. There has been an ample water supply on all of these missions con- sisting of approximately 6 pounds per man per day of potable water. Prior to the 4-day and 8-day missions, the water intake was estimated by calibrating a standard mouthful or gulp for each crewman; then, during the flight, the crew would report the water intake by such measurements. On the 4-day mission, the water intake was less than desired in the first 2 days of the mission but increased during the latter part of the flight, varying from 2.5 to 5.0 pounds in a 24-hour period. The crew were dehydrated in the postrecovery period. On the 8-day mission, the crew did much better on their water intake, averaging 5.2 to 5.8 pounds per 24 hours and they returned in an adequately hydrated state. For the 14-day mission, the water dispensing system was modified to include a mechanism whereby each activation of the water dispenser produced one-half ounce of water and this activated a counter. The num- ber of counts and the number of ounces of water were laboriously logged by the crew. It has been obvious that the crewmen must be reminded of their water intake and when this is done they manage very well. The 14-day crew were well hydrated at the time of their recovery and their daily water intake is presented in figure 24-7. Waste Disposal A urine collection device has been utilized on each of the Gemini missions and has been modified according to need and experience. On the 14-day flight, for the first time, the system permitted the collec- tion of urine samples. Prior to this time, all of the urine was flushed overboard. The system shown in figure 24-8 allowed for collection of a 75cc sample and the dumping of the remainder of the urine overboard. The total urine volume could be obtained by the use of a tritium dilution technique. The handling of fecal waste has been a bothersome inflight problem. Before the mission, the crews eat a low-residue diet, and, in addition, on the 8-day and 14-day missions, they have utilized oral and suppository Dulocolax for the last 2 days before flight. This has proved to be a very satisfactory method.of preflight preparation. The fecal collection device is shown-in figure 24-9. Approved For Release 2002/09/03 : CIA-RDP75B00285R000400010001-6 Approved For Rase 2002/09/03: CIA-RDP751300285 00400010001-6 24-10 The sticky surfaces of the bag opening can be positioned much easier if the crewmen is out of the space suit as occurred during the 14-day flight. The system does create only a minimum amount of difficulty dur- ing use inflight and is an adequate method for the present missions. On the 14-day flight, the system worked very well and allowed the col- lection of all of the fecal specimens for use with Experiment M-7. Bowel habits have varied on each of three long-duration missions,. as might be expected. Figure 24-10 lists the defecations recorded for these three missions, and the longest inflight delay before defecation. occurred was 6 days on the 14-day mission. The opportunity to measure urine volume on the 14-day flight has been of particular interest as it had been anticipated a diuresis would occur early in the flight. Figure 24-11 shows the number of urinations per day and the urine vol- ume as determined from the flowmeter utilized on the 14-day mission. The accuracy of these data will be compared with that from the tritium samples. Medications in both injectable and tablet forms have been routinely provided on all flights. The basic policy has continued to be that a normal man is preferred and that drugs are used only if necessary. A list of the supplied drugs is shown in table 24-VII and the medical kit is shown, in figure 24-12. The injectors may be used through the suit, though to date none have been utilized. The only medication used thus far has been dexedrine taken prior to reentry by the Gemini IV crew. This was-taken to insure an adequate state of alertness during this critical mission period. In spite of the minimal use of medications, they must be available on long-duration missions and each crew member must be pretested to any drug which may be potentially used. Such pre- testing of all of the medications listed in table 24-VII has been carried out with each of the crews. On the 14-day mission, a sensor repair kit, shown in figure 24-13, was carried to allow the reapplication of medical sensors should they be lost during the flight. The kit contained the sensor jelly, and the stomaseal and dermaseal tape for sensor application. In addi- tion, the kit contained small plastic bottles filled with a skin lotion, which was a first-aid cream. During the 14-day mission, this cream was used by both crewmen to relieve the dryness of the nasal mucous membranes and was used occasionally on certain areas of the skin. During the mission, the lower sternal electrocardiogram sensor was replaced by both crewmen and excellent data were obtained after replacement. Approved For Release 2002/09/03 : CIA-RDP75B00285R000400010001-6 Approved For Rase 2002/09/03 : CIA-RDP75B00285Q800400010001-6 24-11 Frequent questions are asked concerning the ability of the crew members to get along with one another for the long flight periods. Every effort is made to choose crew members who are compatible, but it is truly remarkable that none of the crews, including the long-duration crews, have had any inflight psychological difficulties evident to the ground monitors or that were discussed in postflight debriefings. They have had., some normal concerns for the inherent risks of space flight. They were well prepared for the fact that it, 8, and 14 days in space in such a confined environment would not be an easy task. They had trained well, done everything humanly possible for themselves and knew that everyone connected with the program had done everything possible to assure their stay. There is some normal increased tension at lift-off and also prior to retrorocket firing. There was some normal psychological letdown when the Gemini VII crew saw the Gemini VI-A spacecraft depart after their rendezvous. However, the Gemini VII crew accepted this very well and immediately adjusted to the flight-plan activity. A word should be said about overall crew performance from a medical point of view. The crews have performed in an exemplary manner during all flights. There has been no noted decrease in performance, and the fine-control tasks such as reentry and, notably, the 11th day rendezvous during the Gemini VII mission have been handled with excellent skill. ADDITIONAL INFLIGHT OBSERVATIONS OF MEDICAL IMPORTANCE The crews have always been busy with flight-plan activity and have felt that their days were complete and full. The 14-day crew carried some books, occasionally read them in the presleep period, and felt they were of value. In neither instance were the books completed. Music was provided over the high-frequency air-to-ground communications link to both the 8-day and the 14-day crews. They found this to be a welcome innovation in their flight-plan activity. The crews have described a sensation of fullness in the head that occurred during the first 24 hours of the mission and then gradually disappeared. This feeling is similar to the increase of blood a person notes when hanging on parallel bars or when standing on his head. There was no pulsatile sensation in the head and no obvious reddening of the skin. The exact cause of this condition is unknown, but it may be re- lated to an increase of blood in the chest area as a result of the readjustment of the circulation to the weightless state. Approved For Release 2002/09/03 : CIA-RDP75B00285R000400010001-6 Approved For 1alease 2002/09/03 : CIA-RDP75B002854WO0400010001-6 It should be emphasized that no crew members have had disorientation of any sort on any Gemini mission. The crews have adjusted very easily to the weightless environment and accepted readily the fact that objects will stay in position in mid-air or will. float. There has been no dif- ficulty in reaching various switches or other items in the spacecraft. They have moved their heads at will and have never noticed an aberrant sensation. They have always been oriented to the interior of the space- craft and can orient themselves with relationship to the earth by rolling the spacecraft and finding the horizon through the window. During the extravehicular operation, the Gemini IV pilot oriented himself only by his relationship to the spacecraft during all of the manuevers. He looked repeatedly at the sky and at the earth and had no sensations of disorientation or motion sickness at any time. The venting of hydrogen on the 8-day flight created some roll rates of the spacecraft that became of such magnitude that the crew preferred -Co cover the windows to stop the visual irritation of the rolling horizon. Covering the windows allowed them to wait for a longer period of time before having to damp the rates with thruster activity. At no time did they experience any disorientation. During the 14-day flight, the crew repeatedly moved their heads in various directions in order to try and create disorien- tation but to no avail. They also had tumble rates of 7 to 8 degrees per second created by venting from the water boiler, and one time they performed 'a spin-dry maneuver to empty the water boiler and this created roll rates of 100 per second. On both occasions they moved their heads freely and had no sensation of disorientation. The crews of all three long-duration missions have noted an increased g sensitivity at the time of retrofire and reentry. All the crews felt that they were experiencing several g's when the g meter-was just beginning to register at reentry. However, when they reached the peak g-load, their sensations did not differ from their centrifuge'ex- perience. Approved For Release 2002/09/03 : CIA-RDP75B00285R000400010001-6 Approved For l ase 2002/09/03 : CIA-RDP75B00285WW400010001-6 24-13 PHYSICAL EXAMINATION A series of physical examinations have been accomplished before each flight in order to determine the crew members readiness for mis- sion participation and also after each flight to evaluate any possible changes in their physical condition. These examinations normally have been accomplished 8 to 10 days before launch, 2 days before launch, on launch morning, and immediately after the flight; and have been con- cluded with daily observations for 5 to 10 days after recovery. These examinations thoroughly surveyed the various body systems. With the exception of items noted in this report, there have been no significant variations from the normal preflight baselines. The 14-day crew noted a heavy feeling in the arms and legs for several hours after recovery and they related this to their return to a one-g environment at which time their limbs became sensitive to weight. In zero-g condition, the crew had been aware of the ease in reaching switches and controls due to the lack of weight of the arms. The 8-day crew also reported some heaviness in the legs for several hours after landing. Both the 8-day and 14-day crews reported some muscle stiffness lasting for several days after recovery. This was particularly noted in the legs and was simi- lar to the type of stiffness resulting from initial athletic activity after a long period of inactivity. On all the missions there has been minimum skin reaction surrounding sensor sites and this local irritation has cleared rapidly. There have been a few small inclusion cysts near the sternal sensors. In preparing for the 8-day flight the crews bathed daily with hexachlorophene for approximately 10 days before the flight. In addition, the underwear was washed thoroughly in hexachlorophene and attempts were made to keep it relatively free of bacteria until donning. The 14-day crew showered daily with a standard hexachlorophene-containing soap and also used Selsun shampoos for a 2-week period. Following the 8-day and 14-day missions, the crew members skin was in excellent condition. The 8-day flight crew members did have some dryness and scaling on the extremities and over the sensor sites, but after using a skin lotion for several days, the condition cleared rapidly. The 14-day crew members skin did not have any dryness, and required no treatment postflight. After their flight, the 8-day crew had some marked dandruff and seborrheic lesions .of the scalp which required treatment with Selsun for a period of time. The 14-day crew had virtually no dandruff in the postflight examination, nor was it a problem during flight. The crew of the 14-day mission wore new lightweight space suits and, in addition, removed them for a portion of the flight. While sig- nificant physiological differences between the suited and unsuited crew- man were difficult to determine, it was noted that the unsuited crewman exercised more vigorously, slept better, and had higher urine output Approved For Release 2002/09/03 : CIA-RDP75B00285R000400010001-6 Approved For tease 2002/09/03 : CIA-RDP75B002839000400010001-6 24-14 because fluid was not being lost as perspiration. The excellent general condition of the crew members, in particular, their skin condition, is, to a large extent attributable to the unsuited operations. Bacterial cultures were taken from each crew member's throat and several skin areas before and after the long-duration missions. The numbers of bacteria in the throat flora were reduced and there was an increase in the fecal flora in the perineal areas. All fungal studies were negative. Postflight ear, nose, and throat examinations have consistently been negative and caloric examinations before and after each flight have' been normal. On each of the long-duration missions, the crews have re- ported nasal drying and stuffiness and this has been evident by the nasal voice quality during voice communication with the surgeon at the Mission Control Center. This symptom has lasted varying amounts of time, but has been most evident in the first few days of the mission. The negative postflight findings have been of interest in view of these inflight observations. The crews have reported they found it necessary to clear their ears frequently inflight. Some of this nasal and pharyn- geal congestion has been noted in the long-duration space cabin simu- lator runs in a similar environment. It may be.related to dryness, although the cabin humidity would not indicate this to be the case or another cause might be the pure oxygen atmosphere in the cabin. It may also be related to a possible change in blood supply to the head and thorax as a result of circulatory adaptation to weightlessness. The oral hygiene of the crew members has been checked closely be- fore each flight and has been maintained inflight by the use of a dry toothbrush and a chewable dental gum. This technique provided excellent oral hygiene through the 14-day flight. Weight A postflight weight loss has been noted for each of the crew mem- bers; however, it has not increased with mission duration and has aver- aged 7 to 8 pounds. The majority of the loss has been replaced with fluid intake within the first 10 to 12 hours after landing. Table 24-VIII shows the weight loss and postflight gain recorded for the crewmen of the long-duration flights. Hematology Clinical laboratory hematologic-studies have been conducted on all missions, and some interesting findings have been noted in the white blood-cell counts. The changes are shown in figure 24-14. It can Approved For Release 2002/09/03 : CIA-RDP75B00285R000400010001-6 Approved For Release 2002/09/03 : CIA-RDP75B00285WO400010001-6 24-15 be seen that on the 4-day flight there was a rather marked absolute in- crease in white blood cells, specifically neutrophiles, which returned to normal within 24 hours. This finding was only minimally present fol- lowing the 8-day flight and was noted again following the 14-day flight. It most likely can be explained as due to an epinephine response. The red-cell counts show some postflight reduction that tends to confirm the red-cell mass data to be discussed. Urine and blood chemistry tests have been performed before and after each of the missions, and the results may be seen in tables 21-IX and r14-X. The significant changes noted will be discussed with Experiment M-5. On each of the long duration flights, plasma volume has been de- termined by the use of a technique utilizing radio-iodinated serum al- bunin. On the ii-day mission, the red cell mass was calculated by utilizing the hematocrit determination. Analysis of the data caused some concern as to the validity of the hematocrit in view of the.dehy dration noted. The ---day mission data showed 7 and 15 percent decrease in the circulating blood volume for the two crew members, and 13 percent decrease in plasma volume, and an indication of 12 and 13 percent de- crease in red-cell mass although it had not been directly measured. As a result of these findings, red cells were tagged with chromium 51 on the 8-day mission in order to get an accurate measurement of red-cell mass while continuing to utilize the radio-iodinated serum albumin tech- nique for plasma volume. The chromium-tagged red cells also provided a measure of red-cell survival time. At the completion of the 8-day mission, there was 13 percent decrease in blood volume, 4 to 8 percent decrease in plasma volume and 20 percent decrease in red-cell mass. These findings pointed to the possibility that the red-cell mass decrease might be incremental with the duration of exposure of the spaceflight environment. The 14-day flight results show no change in the blood vol- ume, 4 and 15 percent increase in plasma volume and 7 and 19 percent decrease in red-cell mass for the two crew members. In addition to these findings, the red-cell survival time has been reduced. All of these re- sults are summarized in figure 24-15. It can be concluded that the de- crease in red-cell mass is not incremental with increased exposure to the space-flight environment. On the 14-day flight, the maintenance of total blood volume, by increasing plasma volume, and the weight loss noted indicated that some fluid loss occurred in the extracellular com- partment but that the loss had been replaced by fluid intake after the flight. The detailed explanation of the decreased mass is unknown at the present time and several factors, including the atmosphere, may be involved. This loss of red cells has not interfered with normal function and is generally equivalent to the blood withdrawn in a blood bank do- nation, but the decrease occurs over a longer period of time, and this allows for adjustment. Approved For Release 2002/09/03 : CIA-RDP75B00285R000400010001-6 Approved For Rase 2002/09/03 : CIA-RDP75B00285R,RUP0400010001-6 24-16 The first abnormal finding noted following manned space flight was the postflight orthostatic hypotension observed on the last two Mercury missions. Study of this phenomenon has been continued in order to de- velop a better appreciation of the physiological cost of manned space flight. A special saddle tilt table shown in figure 24-16 has been used, and the tilt table procedure has been monitored with electronic equip- ment providing automatic monitoring of blood pressure, electrocardiogram, heart rate, and respiration. The procedure consists of placing the crewman in a horizontal position for 5 minutes for stabilization, tilting to the 70-degree, head-up position for 15 minutes and then returning to the horizontal position for another 5 minutes. In addition to the usual blood pressure and pulse rate determinations at minute intervals, some mercury strain gages have been used to measure changes in the circumfer- ence of the calf. On the 4-day, 8-day, and 14-day missions there were no symptoms of faintness experienced by the crew at any time during the landing sequence or during the postlanding operation. Abnormal tilt table responses, wl n compared with the preflight baseline tilts, have been noted for a period of 48 to 50 hours after landing. Typical initial postlanding tilt responses are graphed for the 4-day and 8-day mission crews in figures 24-17, through 24-20. A graph of the percentage in- crease in heart rate from baseline normal to that attained during the initial postflight tilt can be seen in figure 24-21. All of the data for Gemini III through VI-A fell roughly on a linear curve. The pro- jection of this line for the 14-day mission data would lead one to expect very high heart rates or possible syncope. It was not believed this would occur. The tilt responses of the 14-day mission crew are shown in figures 24-22 and 24-23. The response of the command pilot is not unlike that of previous crewmen and the peak heart rate attained is more like that seen after 4 days of space flight. The tilt completed 24 hours after landing is virtually normal. The pilot's tilt at 1 hour after landing is a beauti- ful example of individual variation, for he had a vagal response and the heart rate which had reached 128, dropped, as did the blood pressure, and the pilot was returned to the horizontal position at 11 minutes. Subsequent tilts were similar to previous flights and the response was at baseline values in 50 hours. When these data are plotted'on the curve in figure 214-21, it will be noted that they more closely resemble 4-day mission data. There has been no increase in the time necessary to return to the normal preflight tilt response, 50-hour period, re- gardless of the duration of the flight. The strain-gage data generally .confirm pooling of blood in the lower extremities during the period of roughly 50 hours that is required to readjust to the onc-g environment. The results of these studies may be seen in figure 24-21+. Approved For Release 2002/09/03 : CIA-RDP75B00285R000400010001-6 Approved For Reease 2002/09/03 : CIA-RDP75B00285R000400010001-6 24-17 Bicycle Ergometry In an effort to further assess the physiologic cost of manned space flight, an exercise capacity test was added for the 14-day mission. This test utilized an electronic bicycle ergometer pedaled at 60 to 70 revolutions per minute. The load was set at 50 watts for 3 minutes and increased by 15 watts during each minute. Heart rate, respiration rate, and blood pressure were recorded at rest and during the last 20 seconds of each minute during the test. Expired air was collected at several points during the test which was carried to a heart rate of 180 beats per minute. Postflight results demonstrated a decrease in work tolerance as measured by a decrease in time necessary to reach the end of the test amounting to 19 percent on the command pilot and 26 percent on the pilot. There was also a reduction in physical com- petence measured as a decrease in oxygen uptake per kilogram of body weight during the final minute of the test. Certain procedures have been considered of such importance that they have been designated operationally necessary and have been performed in the same manner on every mission. Other activities have been put into the realm of specific medical experiments in order to answer a par- ticular question or to provide a particular bit of information. These investigations have been programed for specific flights. An attempt has been made to aim all of the medical investigations at those body systems which have indicated some change as a result of our earlier investiga- tions. Thus, attempts are not being made to conduct wide surveys of body activity in the hope of finding some abnormality but the investi- gations are aimed at specific targets. A careful evaluation is conducted on the findings from each flight and a modification is made to the ap- proach based upon this evaluation in both the operational and experi- mental areas. Table 24-XI shows the medical experiments which have been conducted on the Gemini flights to date. The long-duration flights have confirmed previous observations that the flight crews are exposed to very low radiation-dose levels at orbital altitudes. The body dosimeters on these missions have recorded only millirad doses, which are at an insignificant level. The recorded doses may be seen in table 24-XIT. Approved For Release 2002/09/03 : CIA-RDP75B00285R000400010001-6 Approved For Release 2002/09/03 : CIA-RDP75B00285RWO400010001-6 24-18 CONCLUDING REMARKS A number of important medical observations during the Gemini flights have been made without compromising man's performance. It can be stated with certainty that all crewmen have performed in an outstanding manner and have adjusted both psychologically and physiologically to the zero-g environment and then readjusted to a one-g environment with no undue symptomatology being noted. Some of the findings noted do require fur- ther study, but it is felt that the experience gained through the 14-day Gemini VII mission provides great confidence in any crewmen's ability to complete an 8-day lunar mission without any unforeseen psychological or physiological change. It also appears that man's responses can be projected into the future to allow 30-day exposures in larger spacecraft. The predictions thus far have been valid. Our outlook to the future is extremely optimistic and man has shown his capability to fulfill a role as a vital, functional part of the spacecraft as he explores the uni- verse. Approved For Release 2002/09/03 : CIA-RDP75B00285R000400010001-6 Approved For Release- 2002/09/03: CIA-RDP75B00285R000400010001-6 TABLE 24-I PREDICTED WEIGHTLESS EFFECTS ANOREXIA NAUSEA DISORIENTATION SLEEPINESS SLEEPLESSNESS FATIGUE RESTLESSNESS EUPHORIA HALLUCINATIONS DECREASED g TOLERANCE G. I. DISTURBANCE URINARY RETENTION DIURESIS: MUSCULAR INCOORDINATION MUSCLE ATROPHY DEMINERALIZATION OF BONES Approved For Release 2002/09/03 : CIA-RDP75B00285R000400010001-6 Approved For Release 2002109/03 : CIA-RDP75B00285R000400010001-6 TABLE 24-11 NASA-S-6o-1708 FEB 17 POST MERCURY MEDICAL STATUS NO PROBLEM 0 LAUNCH AND REENTRY ACCELERATION 0 SPACECRAFT CONTROL 0 PSYCHOMOTOR PERFORMANCE ? EATING AND DRINKING ? ORIENTATION ? URINATION REMAINING PROBLEMS ? DEFECATION 0 SLEEP ORTHOSTATIC HYPOTENSION Approved For Release 2002/09/03 : CIA-RDP75B00285R000400010001-6 Approved For Release 2002/09/03 : CIA-RDP75B00285R000400010001-6 TABLE 24-III UNITED STATES' MANNED SPACEFLIGHTS ASTRONAUTS LAUNCH DATES DURATION SHEPARD 5-5-61 15 MIN GRISSOM 7-21-61 15 MIN GLENN 2-20-62 4 HRS 56 MIN CARPENTER 5-24-62 4 HRS 56 MIN SCHIRRA 10-3-62 9 HRS 14 MIN COOPER 5-15-63 34 HRS 20 MIN GRISSOM YOUNG 3-3-65 4 HRS 52 MIN MC DIVITT 6-3-65 96 HRS 56 MIN WHITE COOPER CONRAD 8-21-65 190 HRS 56 MIN BORMAN 1.2-4-65 330 HRS 35 MIN LOVELL SCHIRRA STAFFORD 12-15-65 25 HRS 51 MIN Approved For Release 2002/09/03 : CIA-RDP75B00285R000400010001-6 ____App.rove.dFor.Release 2002/.09103 :.CIA RDP75B00285R00040001.0001-6..._ TABLE 24-I1 SPACE FLIGHT STRESSES FULL PRESSURE SUIT CONFINEMENT AND RESTRAINT 100% OXYGEN 5 psi ATMOSPHERE CHANGING CABIN PRESSURE (LAUNCH AND ENTRY) VARYING CABIN AND SUIT TEMPERATURE ACCELERATION-G FORCE WEIGHTLESSNESS VIBRATION DEHYDRATION FLIGHT PLAN PERFORMANCE SLEEP NEED ALERTNESS NEED CHANGING ILLUMINATION DIMINISHED FOOD INTAKE Approved kor Release 2002/09/03 : CIA-RDP75B00285R000400010901-6 Approved For Release`200-2/O9/03-:-CIA-RDP75B00285Rfl0040001000.1 -6- ._.__. _... ~_ NASA-S-66-1709 FEB 17 TABLE 24-Y GEMINI PEAK HEART RATES, BEATS/MIN FLIGHT GEMINI III GEMINI IY GEMINI Y GEMINI YI GEMINI MIT LAUNCH I REENTRY 152 120 148 128 148 155 125 150 152 125 165 130 140 125 170 178 125 140 180 134 Approved For Release 2002/09/03 : CIA-RDP75B00285R000400010001-6 it' --._-Approved-Far-Release 2002109103-_ CIA-RDP-75B00285.R0.0040001,0001-6 _- TABLE 24 VT TYPICAL GEMINI MENU DAYS 2, b, 10 & 14 MEAL A CALORIES GRAPEFRUIT DRINK 83 CHICKEN AND GRAVY 92 BEEF SANDWICHES 268 APPLESAUCE 165 PEANUT CUBES 297 905 MEAL B ORANGE-GRAPEFRUIT DRINK 83 BEEF POT ROAST 119 BACON AND EGG BITES 206 CHOCOLATE PUDDING 307 STRAWBERRY CEREAL CUBES 114 MEAL C 829 POTATO SOUP 220 SHRIMP COCKTAIL 119 DATE FRUITCAKE 262 ORANGE DRINK 83 684 TOTAL CALORIES: 2418 Approved For Release 2002/09/03 : CIA-RDP75B00285R000400010901-6 ? Approved For Release 2002/09/03 : CIA-RDP75B00285R000400010001-6 TABLE 24-VEI GEMINI VII INFLIGHT MEDICAL AND ACCESSORY KITS MEDICAL KIT MEDICATION DOSE AND FORM LABEL QUANTITY CYCLIZINE HC1 50 mg TABLETS MOTION SICKNESS 8 d-AMPHETAMINE SULFATE 5 mg TABLETS STIMULANT 8 APC (ASPIRIN, PHENACETIN, AND CAFFEINE) TABLETS APC 16 MEPERIDINE HC1 100 mg TABLETS PAIN 4 TRIPROLIDINE HC1 2.5mg PSEUDOEPHEDRINE HC1 TABLETS 60mg DECONGESTANT 16 DIPHENOXYLATE HC1 2.5 mg ATROPINE SULFATE TABLETS 0.25 mg DIARRHEA 16 TETRACYCLINE HC1 250 mg FI LM-COATED TABLET ANTIBIOTIC 16 METHYLCELLULOSE SOLUTION 15cc IN SQUEEZE DROPPER BOTTLE EYEDROPS 1 PARENTERAL CYCLIZINE 45 mg (0.9cc IN INJECTOR) MOTION SICKNESS 2 PARENTERAL MEPERIDINE HC1 90mg (0.9cc IN INJECTOR) PAIN 2 ACCESSORY KIT ITEM QUANTITY SKIN CREAM (15cc SQUEEZE BOTTLE) 2 ELECTRODE PASTE (15cc SQUEEZE BOTTLE) 1 ADHESIVE DISCS FOR SENSORS 12 FOR EKG, 3 FOR PHONOCARDIOG.RAM LEADS ADHESIVE TAPE 20 IN. Approved For Release 2002/09/03 CIA-RDP75B00285R000400010001-6 Approved For Release 2002/09/03: CIA-R 500'265ROOQ40 O-IOOD1-6 ____-_.___-_ NASA-S-66-1711 FEB 17 TABLE 24-M ASTRONAUT BODY WEIGHTS IN LBS FLIGHT I COMMAND PILOT PILOT GEMINI III PREFLIGHT 158 POSTFLIGHT 155 1/4 (-23/4) PREFLIGHT POSTFLIGHT GEMINI LY PREFLIGHT 1561/2 POSTFLIGHT 152 (-41/2) PREFLIGHT POSTFLIGHT GEMINI Y PREFLIGHT 152 POSTFLIGHT 1445/8 (-73/8) PREFLIGHT POSTFLIGHT GEMINI Yl -PREFLIGHT 1761/4 POSTFLIGHT 174 (-23/8 ) PREFLIGHT POSTFLIGHT GEMINI I PREFLIGHT 162 1/2 POSTFLIGHT 152 1/2 (-10) PREFLIGHT POSTFLIGHT 165 161 1/2 (-3 '/2 ) 173 1641/2 (-8 '/2 ) 154 145 1/2 (-8'/2 ) 171 1627/10 (-83/10) 1691/2 163 1/5 (-63/10) Approved For Release 2002/09/03 : CIA-RDP75B00285R000400010001-6 -- -Approved-For-Release 2002/_0.91Q3 ,: CIA-RDP75B00285R000400010001-6 TABLE 24-IX (a) NASA-S-66-1705 FEB 17 7 GEMINI VII URINE CHEMISTRIES COMMAND PILOT DETERMINATION J PREFLIGHT Dr1C'rr~ DATE, 1965 No+ meg 24 HRS K+ CI - Ca++ mg 24 HRS P04 170HCS 11/23+12/1 143 71 228 1131 7.7 12/18 95 (66%)* 118 (166%) 89 (63%) 269 (118%) 2133 (188%) 18.6 (241%) 12/20 182 (127%) 168 (119%) 260 (114%) 936 (83%) 7?3 (95%) 7.8 16.4 (210%) N S 50.3 j1(204%) N S 12/21 150 (105%) ----------- 90 (127(7o) 145 (103% 210 (92%) 978 (86%) 9.1 (118%) N S N S ug/24 HRS 26 75 (288%) 28 (108%) CREAT, mg 24 HRS 2035 3297 (162%) f1380 (68%) 207.0 (102%) *PERCENT OF PREFLIGHT VALUE Approved For Release 2002/09/03 : CIA-RDP75B00285R000400010001-6 E p i -2u--L- 24 HRS Nor Epi ALDOSTERONF Approved For Release 2002/09/03 : CIA-RDP75B00285R000400010001.6"- NASA-S-66-1706 FEB 17 TABLE 24-IX(b) GEMINI VII URINE CHEMISTRIES DETERMINATION] PREFLIGHT -4 _ . 0^f'Tr-m DATE, 1965 11/23+12/1 76 (51%) 60 (86%) 996 (83%) 11.3 (183%) 47 (181%) 2003 (90%) 94 (63%) 89 (127%) 73 (52%) 105 (57%) 8.1 (130%) 8.2 (132%) 60 (230%) w Co 40 Approved For Release 2002/09/03 : CIA-RDP75B00285R00040001b001-6 Approved For Release 2002/09/03 : CIA-RDP75B00285R000400010001-6 TABLE 24-X GEMINI 3 BLOOD CHEMISTRY STUDIES COMMAND PILOT DETERMINATION PREFLIGHT POSTFLIGHT NOV 24 NOV 30 DEC 18 DEC 20 DATE, 1965 AND AND 11:30 A M 18:20 A M DEC 19 AND NOV 25 DEC 2 EST EST DEC 21 BLOOD UREA NITROGEN (BUN) mg PERCENT 19 16 16 20 25 18 BILIRUBIN, TOTAL mg PERCENT 0.4 0.2 0.3 - 0.3 0.4 ALKALINE PHOSPHATASE (B-L UNITS) 1.7 2.0 1.7 - - - 17-OH CORTICOSTEROIDS, mg PERCENT SODIUM, m Eq/1 147 146 138 140 144 143 POTASSIUM, m Eq/1 4.7 5.4 4.1 4.7 4.7 4.9 CHLORIDE, m Eq/1 103 103 100 102 103 106 CALCIUM, mgms PERCENT 9.0 9.2 8.6 9.2 9.0 9.2 PHOSPATE, mgm PERCENT 3.2 3.7 4.0 3.2 3.1 3.6 GLUCOSE, mgm/100 ml, NON-FASTING 71 90 98 - - ALBUMEN, gm PERCENT 4.6 4.73 5.16 - 4.5 4.6 ALPHA 1, gm PERCENT 0.23 0.26 0.08 - - - ALPHA 2, gm PERCENT 0.40 0.39 0.40 - - - BETA, gm PERCENT 0.63 0.84 0.72 - - - GAMMA, gm PERCENT 1.03 0.97 0.72 - - TOTAL PROTEIN, gm PERCENT 6.9 7.2 7.1 7.6 7.0 7.1 URIC ACID, mgm PERCENT 6.8 6.6 4.6 6.0 5.9 6.0 Approved For Release 2002/09/03 : CIA-RDP75B00285R000400010001-6 Approved For Release 2002/09/03: CIA-RDP73B=-285RD1304D0'100Y01=6 NASA-S-66-1762 FEB 18 TABLE 24 II MEDICAL EXPERIMENTS ON GEMINI LONG-DURATION MISSIONS CODE SHORT TITLE GEMINI IY 4 DAYS GEMINI Y 8 DAYS GEMINI VIE 14 DAYS M-1 CUFFS X X M-2 TILT TABLE IN O CLUDE AS M PS PROCEDU ED RE M-3 EXERCISE TOLERANCE X X X M-4 PHONOCARDIOGRAM X X M-5 BODY FLUIDS X M-6 BONE DENSITOMETRY X X X M_7 CALCIUM & NITROGEN BALANCE STUDY X M-8 SLEEP ANALYSIS X M-9 OTOLITH FUNCTION X X 4 Approved For Release 2002/09/03 : CIA-RDP75B00285R000400010001-6 } Approved For Release 2002/09/03 : CIA-RDP75B00285R000400010001-6 11 b TABLE 24XII (a) RADIATION DOSAGE, ON GEMINI LONG-DURATION MISSIONS IN M RAD GEMINI i COMMAND PILOT 38.5 ? 4.5* 40.0 t 4.2 42.5 t 4.5 45.0 t 4.5 42.5 ? 4.7 45.7 + 4.6 42.5 ? 4.5 69.3 ? 3.8 GEMINI Y COMMAND PILOT PILOT 190 ? 19 140 ? 14 173 t 17.3 172 ? 17.2 183 f 18.3 186 ? 18.6 195 t 19.5 172 f 17.2 *VALUES ARE LISTED IN SEQUENCE: LEFT CHEST, RIGHT CHEST, THIGH, AND HELMET Approved For Release 2002/09/03 : CIA-RDP75B00285R000400010001-6 -Approved- For Release 2002/09/03 CIA-RDP75B00285R000400010004-6 NASA-S-66-1710 FEB 17 TABLE 24-XEI (b) RADIATION DOSAGE ON GEMINI LONG-DURATION MISSIONS IN M RAD GEMINI v u COMMAND PILOT PILOT 178?10 98.8?10 105?10 215 +15 163?10 151 ?10 VALUES ARE LISTED IN SEQUENCE : LEFT CHEST, RIGHT CHEST, THIGH Approved Por Release 2002/09/03 : CIA-RDP75B00285R000400010901-6 Approved For Release 2002/09/03 : CIA-RDP75B00285R000400010001-6 FIGURE 24-1 BIOSENSOR HARNESS AND SIGNAL CONDITIONERS Approved For Release 2002/09/03 : CIA-RDP75B00285R000400010001-6 Approved For Release 2002/09/03 : CIA-RDP75B00285R000400010001-6 FIGURE 24-2 SAMPLE OF BIOMEDICAL DATA AXILLARY EKG-COMMAND PILOT STERNAL EKG-PILOT NASA-S-66-1772 FEB 18 STERNAL EKG-COMMAND PILOT IMPEDANCE PNEUMOGRAM-COMMAND PILOT PILOT BLOOD PRESSURES IL It I AXILLARY EKG-PILOT IMPEDANCE PNEUMOGRAM-PILOT Approved For- Release 2002/09/03 : CIA-RDP75B00285R000400010001-6 Approved ForAelease 2002/09/03 : CIA-RDP75B00285R000400010001t6 FIGURE 24-3 (a) SLEEP PERIODS REVOLUTION -COUNT HEART RATE, BEATS/MIN GEMINI IV PHYSIOLOGICAL MEASUREMENTS PILOT 120 180 160 140 100 80 60 40 RESPIRATION 20 / M I,v _0 I II I II I II 11i 2+311 4 1-5 T 6 t i II L I I LIFT EVA1I-?-- OFF I o 7 i 8 9 T10-11--12413-!-14{15T I 1 1 I I 1 I I , M-3 EXPERIMENT V IN-FLIGHT EXERCISER I t I I ;, -HEART RATE rl " I ~ I I I V~ _---.---'V 1 1 LI RESPIRATION 9 11 13 15 17 19 21 23 GROUND ELAPSED TIME, HR Approved For Release`2002/09/03: CIA-RDP75B00285R000400010001-6 Approved For Release 2002/09/03 : CIA-RDP75B00285R000400010001-6 FIGURE 24-3 (b) GEMINI IV PHYSIOLOGICAL MEASUREMENTS (CON'T) SLEEP PERIODS PILOT REVOLUTION 31t32+331-r34-x357I 36+37T38439-x40 jd1-+-42r4j3r44-t 45-xt46 COUNT I I , , , , I , I , I I , I I I I I I I 1 , I I HEART RATE, BEATS/MIN 180 160 140 120 100 80 60 40 M-3 EXPERIMENT IN-FLIGHT EXERCISER V . RESPIRATION 20 L 1 1 I 1 1 1 1 1 1 I 1111111 11 /MI1q 0 I 49 51 53 55 57 59 61 63 65 67 69 71 GROUND ELAPSED TIME, HR V I 1 ,, .,?__ r .I../ ~.` ; ~~? ?i ~i'~ ~.~ t_ i.~. ~ it I V Approved For Release 2002/09/03 CIA-RDP75B00285R000400010001-6 Approved For Release 2002/09/03 : CIA-RDP75B00285R000400010001-6 FIGURE 24-4 (a) GEMINI Y11 PHYSIOLOGICAL MEASURMENTS 220 200 180 160 140 HEART 120 CAPE DAY- NIGHT 100 80 60 40 20 SLEEP - ^ HIGH ^2 MEAN LOW o TV L/O ...... 0 PRE-LAUNCH 4 16 32 48 HIGH MEAN LOW --- 64 80 96 112 128 144 160 176 192 GET Approved For Release 2002/09/03 : CIA-RDP75B00285R000400010001-6 Approved For Release 2002/09/03 : CIA-RDP75B00285R000400010001-6 F1 GU RE 24-4 (b) NASA-S-66-1780 FEB 18 GEMINI VIII PHYSIOLOGICAL MEASUREMENTS 220 200 180 140 HEART RATE 120 100 80 CAPE DAY-NIGHT 40 SLEEP 20 [seise HIGH MEAN LOW --- 01 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 i 192 208 224 240 256 272 288 304 320 336 352 Approved FQr Release 2002/09/03 : CIA-RDP75B00285R000400010001-6 it Approved For Release 2002/09/03 : CIA-RDP75B00285R000400010001V6 FIGURE 24-5 NASA- S-65-12 5 92A GEMINI MI COMMAND PILOT BLOOD PRESSURE PRE-EXERCISE --- POST-EXERCISE 160 BLOOD 140 PRESSURE 120 IN 100 mmHg 80 60 40 20 PRE-LAUNCH 0 16 32 48 64 80 96 112 128 144 160 176 192 GET Approved For Release 2002/09/03 : CIA-RDP75B00285R00040001000.1-6 Approved For Release 2002/09/03 : CIA-RDP75B00285R000400010001-6 FIGURE 24-6 NASA-S-66-1773 FEB 18 100 90 80 70 60 SLEEP IN 50 HOURS 8-140 6H 4H 2 30 20 10 0 GEMINI III SLEEP DATA 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 MISSION DAY Approved For Release 2002/09/03 : CIA-RDP75B00285R00040001000{-6 ( ~" ~~~'ApprovecT~"or F2e`lease 2~b~T03%if3 : ~~A-1~Y5F~~5~00~85R000400U10001-6~V ~ ~ - FIGURE 24-7 NASA-S-66-1764 FEB 18 GEMINI VII WATER INTAKE VS MISSION DAY 100 r- 90 80 70 60 WATER 50 IN LBS 40 6-30 I- 20 21- 10 CUMULATIVE INCREMENTAL - 0 - COMMAND PILOT -- ? PILOT Approved For Release 2002/09/03 : CIA-RDP75B00285R000400010001-6 "- -Approved- For-Refease 2 O2F09/03 :-CM-=RDP75BO0285R000400010001-6 FIGURE 24-8 NASA-S-66-1759 FEB18 URINE COLLECTION DEVICE Approved Forelease 2002/09/03 : CIA-RDP75B00285R000400010001t6 Approved For Release 2002/09/03 : CIA-RDP75B00285R000400010001 6 I FIGURE 24-9 NASA-S 66 1758 FEB 18 FECAL BAG PART NU',19ER X551 3 102 ORLP CL CRP. Approved For Release 2002/09/03 : CIA-RDP75B00285R000400010001-6 Approved For Release 2002/09/03 : CIA-RDP75B00285R000400010001-6 FIGURE 24-10 NASA-S-66-1707 FEB 17 GEMINI IN-FLIGHT DEFECATION FREQUENCY GEMINI vu GEMINI V GEMINI Ig GEMINI III 0 0 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 DAYS Approved For Release 2002/09/03 : CIA-RDP75B00285R000400010001-6 Approved For Release 2002/09/03 CIA-RDP75B00285R0004000100,,01-6 FIGURE 24-11 URINATION FREQUENCY URINE VOLUME (OUNCES) GEMINI = URINE VOLUME AND URINATION FREQUENCY VALUES DERIVED FROM FLOWMETER DATA LEGEND F3 COMMAND PILOT 24 48 72 96 120 144 168 192 216 240 264 288 MISSION DURATION - HOURS Approved For Release 2002/09/03 : CIA-RDP75B00285R000400O1.000,1-6.. I um Approved For Release 2002/09/03 : CIA-RDP75B00285R000400010001-6 -'4ASA-S-65-8900 Approved For Release 2002/09/03 : CIA-RDP75B00285R000400010001-6 FIGURE 24-12 GEMINI MEDICAL KIT A-proved For Release 2002/09/03 : CIA-RDP75B00285R000400010001-6 FIGURE 24-13 NASA-S-66-1760 FEB 18 GEMINI MEDICAL ACCESSORY KIT N A 1 Approved For Release 2002/09/03 : CIA-RDP75B00285R000400010001-6 Approved For Release 2002/09/03 : CIA-RDP75B00285R000400010001-6 FIGURE 24-14 GEMINI ASTRONAUT LEUCOCYTIC RESPONSE WBC'S AND NEUTROPHILES PRE R+2 R+8 GEMINI IY PREFLIGHT I POSTFLIGHT PRE R+2 R+g GEMINI Y PRE R+2 R+8 GEMINI YII Approved For Release-2002/09/03 CIA-RDP75B00285R0004000'1000.1.-6__ Approved For Release 2002/09/03 : CIA-RDP75B00285R000400010001-6 FIGURE 24-15 RED CELL MASS CPS CP PLASMA VOLUME P TOTAL BLOOD CPS VOLUME ? r GEMINI BLOOD VOLUME STUDIES -12% _260cc CALC VALUES -4% ~ -8% -ll8cc -209cc -12.6%e -492cc -7.2% -378cc -13% -592c Approved For Release 2002/09/03 : CIA-RDP75B00285R000400010001-6 Approved For Release 2002/09/03 : CIA-RDP75B00285R000400010001-6 NASA-S-66 1761 FEB18 FIGURE 24-16 TILT TABLE 4, Approved For Release 2002/09/03: CIA-RDP75B00285R000400010001-6 Approved For Release 2002/09/03 : CIA-RDP75B00285R000400010001 6 FIGURE 24-17 (a) NASA-S-66-1768 FEB 18 GEMINI IV TILT TABLE STUDIES COMMAND PILOT 2 160 150 140 130 120 BLOOD 110 PRESSURE 100 AND HEART 90 RATE 80 70 50 40 MAY 28, 1965 JUNE 7, 1965 STARTED AT LANDING + 2 HR POST- PRE TILT TO 700 POST_ TILT TILT I TILT BLOOD PRESSURE IN mm Hg DARKENED AREA REPRESENTS P UL Al 1 11 11 111 111 1 111 0 50 5 10 150 5--b-10 510 5 10 15 5 PREFLIGHT TILT STUDIES POSTFLIGHT TILT STUDIES ELAPSED TIME, MIN SE PRESS. III --Approved--For.. Release 200.2/09/03_: CIA-RDP75B00285R000400010001-6 Approved For Release 2002109/03 : CIA-RDP75B00285R000400010001-6 FIGURE 24-17 (b) GEMINI i NASA-S-66-1766 FEB 18 TILT TABLE STUDIES CONCLUDED COMMAND PILOT 1601 1501 140 130 120 JUNE 8. 1965 JUNE 9. 1965 STARTED AT LANDING + 32 HR STARTED AT LANDING +. 52 HR `T TILT I till 1v rv . I POST- PRE- TILT I liii 'v iu- it POST- TILT BLOOD 110 PRESSURE 100 AND . iEART RATE 90 80 70 60 50 401 11 0 510 5 10 150 5 0 510 5 10 1510 5 V HEART RATE IN BEATS/MIN - BLOOD PRESSURE IN mm Hg POSTFLIGHT TILT STUDIES ELAPSED TIME, MIN Approved For Release 2002/09/03 : CIA-RDP75B00285R000400010001-6 Approved For Release 2002/09/03 : CIA-RDP75B00285R000400010001-6 BLOOD PRESSURE AND HEART RATE LEGEND 160 150 140 130 120 110 PRE- TILT 00 100- 90 90- 80 so- 70 70- 60 60- 50 50- 40 40- FIGURE 24-18 (a) FIGURE GEMINI TV TILT TABLE STUDIES PILOT MAY 28, 1965 TILT TO 70? %r t?-r I I f 0 50 5 10 15.0 21.0 510 5 10 1510 14 PREFLIGHT TILT STUDIES POSTFLIGHT TILT STUDIES -- HEART RATE IN BEATS/MIN BLOOD PRESSURE IN mm Hg ELAPSED TIME, MIN DARKENED AREA REPRESENTS PULSE PRESS. JUNE 7, 1965 STARTED AT LANDING + 1.5 HR TILT TILT k.& A TILT Approved For Release 2002/09/03 : CIA-RDP75B00285R000400010001-6 Approved For Release 2002/09/03 CIA-RDP75B00285R0004000100.6,1-6 FIGURE 24-18 (b) NASA-S-66-1767 FE B 18 GEMINI Ig TILT TABLE STUDIES CONCLUDED PILOT JUNE 8, 1965 JUNE 9, 1965 160r, STARTED AT LANDING + 32 HR STARTED AT i BLOOD PRESSURE AND 1501- PRE- I I POST_ PRE-1 TILT TO 700 I POST. 1401- TILT ~ A I Ak ~_ TILT TILT. I A I TILT 130 120 110 100 HEART RATE 90 80 70 60 501 40 0 A 1*i0]5O51 - POSTFLIGHT TILT STUDIES ELAPSED TIME, MIN Approved for Release., 2002/09/03 : CIA-RDP75B00285R000400010001-6 -- HEART RATE IN BEATS/MIN DARKENED AREA REPRESENTS PULSE PRESS. Approved For Release 2002/09/03 : CIA-RDP75B00285R000400010001-6 AUG 5, 1965 180 170 160 150 130 BLOOD 120 PRESSURE 110 AND HEART 100 RATE 90 40 PRE -TILT 70 60 V 50 FIGURE 24-19 (a) GEMINI Y TILT TABLES STUDIES COMMAND PILOT COOPER DARKENED AREA REPRESENTS PULSE PRESSURE HEART RATE BLOOD PRESSURE 50 5 10 150 5 0 5 0 5 10 150 5 PRE-FLIGHT TILT STUDIES 1 LEGEND Fi eocGn TIue .. ... POST -TILT 180 PRE 170-TILT 160 150 140 130 120 110 100 90 80 70 60 t.J"J AUG 11, 1965 AUG 17, 1965 TILT TO 70? POST -TILT 180 PRE 170 -TILT 160 150 140 130 120 110 100 90 80 70 60 50 POST -TILT 4U L40 0 50 5 10 150 5 0 Approved For Release 2002/09/03 : CIA-RDP75B00285R000400010001-6 41 Approved For Release 200270900 :ETA=RBP75B00285R000400010001-6- NASA-S-66-1782 FE B 18 180 PRE- 170 TILT 160 150 140 130 BLOOD 120 PRESSURE AND HEART 110 RATE 100 90 80 70 60 50 40 LEGEND - --- HEART RATE BLOOD PRESSURE ELAPSED TIME, MIN DARKENED AREA REPRESENTS PULSE PRESSURE 180 PRE- 170 TILT 160 150 140 130 120 110 100 90 80 70 Approved For Release 2002/09/03 : CIA-RDP75B00285R00040001000.1-6 FIGURE 24-19 (b) GEMINI Y7 TILT TABLE STUDIES COMMAND PILOT COOPER AUG 2.9, 1965 AUG 29 196 5 TILT 170 TILT 160 - 140 120 110 H 100 90 70 60 50 Liml L ,40 0 LANDING +11 HR TILT TO 70? 0 5 10 POST- TILT POSTFLIGHT TILT STUDIES AUG 30, 1965 LANDING +30 HR TILT TO 70? POST- TILT 0 5 10 15 0 5 Approved For Release 2002/09/03 : CIA-RDP75B00285R000400010001-6 NASA-S-66-1783 FEB 18 BLOOD PRESSURE AND HEART RATE 180 PRE- 170 TILT 160 50 150 140 130 120 110 100 90 80 70 AUG 5, 1965 TILT TO 70? FIGURE 24-20 (a) GEMINI Y TILT TABLE STUDIES PILOT CONRAD AUG 11, 1965 POST- TILT X180 -170 -160 -150 -140 -130 120 110 100 90 80 70 TILT TO 70? JV 60 o 5 0 5 10 15 0 5 -PREFLI GHT TILT STUDIES - LEGEND "-'- HEART RATE ELAPSED TIME, MIN -BLOOD PRESSURE DARKENED AREA REPRESENTS PULSE PRESSURE 50 POST. TILT 40 LuiiIIIiiiiIIIIlit,,,Ill I 0 50 5 10 150 5 AUG 17, 1965 TILT TO 70? Approved For Release 2002/09/03 : CIA-RDP75B00285R000400010001-6 Approved 160 150 140 GEMINI :7 TILT TABLE STUDIES PILOT CONRAD AUG 29, 1965 LANDING + 2 HR TILT TO 70? BLOOD PRESSURE AND HEART RATE 180 r PRE- 170 r- TILT 130 120 110 100 50 40 70 60 90 80 ~J q II i rrl w^,,, i / 11 POST- TILT 0 5 0 5 10 150 _5 LEGEND --- HEART RATE BLOOD PRESSURE DARKENED AREA REPRESENTS FIGURE 24-20 (b) 180 170 160 150 140 130 120 110 90 80 70 60 i- 50 Lop 0 5 0 5 10 15 0 5 -POSTFLIGHT TILT STUDIES- ELAPSED TIME, MIN PULSE PRESSURE 160 150 140 130 120 110 100 90 80 , 70 60 50 40 ren/ "1 _! \ L111IIIIIIIII11111iiiilh iIIIj 0 5 0 5 10 150 5 _,_Approved For Release 2002/09/03 : CIA-RDP75B00285R000400010001-6 AUG 29, 1965 AUG 30, 1965 LANDING + 10 HR LANDING + 29 HR TILT TO 70? TILT TO 70? POST- 180 PRE- POST TILT 170 TILT _ TILT Approved For Release 2002/09/03 : CIA-RDP75B00285R000400010001-6 180 PRE_ 170 TILT AUG 31, 1965 LANDING + 48 HR TILT TO 700 BLOOD PRESSURE AND HEART RATE 160 150 140 130 120 110 100 90 80 70 FIGURE 24-20 (c) GEMINI Y TILT TABLE STUDIES PILOT CONRAD SEPT 1, 1965 LANDING + 73 HR TILT TO 70? -180 PRE- . 170 TILT -160 150 ? 140 130 120 110 100 90 80 70 60 50 SEPT 3, 1965 LANDING + 104 HR TILT TO 70? POST_ r 180 PRE- li~,illl~~~~I~~~~I I~I I 40 0 S O 5 10 15 0 5 POSTFLIGHT TILT STUDIES ELAPSED TIME, MIN DARKENED AREA REPRESENTS PULSE PRESSURE LEGEND ---- HEART RATE BLOOD PRESSURE - 160 170 TILT 150 140 130 120 110 100 90 80 70 60 50 40 ILi~0 5 0 ii5 iii1 0 ~~15IjJ 5 Approved For Release 2002/09/03 : CIA-RDP75B00285R000400010001-6 Approved For Release 2002/09/03 : CIA-RDP75B00285R000400010001-6 FIGURE 24-21 GEMINI TILT RESPONSE VS MISSION DURATION 100 HEART RATE CHANGE DURING INITIAL POST-FLIGHT TILT 80 AS % OF PRE-FLIGHT RATE IV I I I I I I I I i I I i i 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 MISSION DURATION IN DAYS 0' 1 14 Approved For Release 2002/09/03 : CIA-RDP75B00285R000400010001-6 Approved For Release 2002/09/03 : CIA-RDP75B00285R000400010001-6 5 x FIGURE 24-22 (a) GEMINI J11 TILT TABLE STUDIES COMMAND PILOT ----HEART RATE IN BEATS/MIN BLOOD PRESSURE IN mm Hg 0 5 0 5 10 15 0 5 0 ELAPSED TIME, MIN I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I 1 1 1 1 1 Approved For Release 2002/09/03 : CIA-RDP75B00285R000400010001-6 Approved For Release 2002/09/03 : CIA-RDP75B00285R000400010001-6 110 BLOOD PR AND URE100 HEART RATE FIGURE 24-22 (b) GEMINI VII TILT TABLE STUDIES COMMAND PILOT DECEMBER 18. 1965 LANDING + 2 HOURS -----HEART RATE IN BEATS/MIN I BLOOD PRESSURE IN mm Hg DARKENED AREA REPRESENTS PULSE PRESS . 40L 1 1 1 1 1 I I I . . . . I . . . . . . . I I I I . . . . . 0 5 0 5 10 15 0 5 DECEMBER 18, 1965 LANDING + 10 HOURS ._ApprovedFor Release 2002/09/03 : CIA-RDP75B00285R000400010001-6 Approved For Release 2002/09/03 : CIA-RDP75B00285R000400010001-6 GEMINI VIT TILT TABLE STUDIES COMMAND PILOT BLOOD PRESSURE 100 AND HEART RATE - 90 BLOOD PRESSURE IN mmHg FIGURE 24-22 (c) DECEMBER 19, 1965 LANDING + 25 HOURS TILT TO 70? ---- HEART RATE IN BEATS/MIN r r r I r r i t r r r r r r r I r r r r I I i 1 1 r I I ' DECEMBER 20, 1965 LANDING + 49 HOURS TILT TO 700 10 15 0 5 0 5 0 5 10 15 0 ELAPSED TIME, MIN POSTFLIGHT TILT STUDIES Approved For Release 2002/09/03: CIA-RDP75B00285R000400010001-6 Approved.-For Release 2002/09/03 : CIA-RDP75B00285R000400010001-6 our ---- HEART RATE IN BEATS/MIN 5o r DARKENED AREA REPRESENTS PULSE PRESS 0 5 0 5 10 15 ELAPSED TIME, MIN PREFLIGHT TILT STUDIES FIGURE 24-23 (a) GEMINI III TILT TABLE STUDIES PILOT TILT TO 70? I POST-TILT ?- f ...Ap.proved For Release 2002/09/03 : CIA-RDP75B00285R000400010001-6 BLOOD PRESSURE IN mm Hg Approved For-elease-2002/09/03- :- CIA=RDPT5B00285R00040001 GOO1-6 FIGURE 24-23 (b) HEART RATE IN BEATS/MIN BLOOD PRESSURE IN mm Hg DARKENED AREA REPRESENTS r' PULSE PRESS. GEMINI III TILT TABLE STUDIES PILOT 15' 0 5 0 5'0 5 10 151 0 5 ELAPSED TIME, MIN POSTFLIGHT TILT STUDIES Approved For Release 2002/09/03 : CIA-RDP75B00285R000400010001-6 Approved For Release 2002/09/03 : CIA-RDP75B00285R000400010001-6 FIGURE 24-23 (c) GEMINI MI TILT TABLE STUDIES PILOT DECEMBER 19, 1965 LANDING + 24 HOURS DECEMBER 20, 1965 LANDING + 50 HOURS 4 U 0' TILT TO 70? POST-TILT BLOOD 110 PRESSURE AND 100 HEART RATE 60 ---- HEART RATE IN BEATS/MIN BLOOD PRESSURE IN mm Hg 50 DARKENED AREA REPRESENTS PULSE PRESS. 0 5 0 5 10 15 0 5 ELAPSED TIME, MIN POSTFLIGHT TILT STUDIES 1 1 1 1 h I I I I, h i i i 10 15 0 5 4 %1 Approved For Release 2002/09/03 : CIA-RDP75B00285R000400010001-6 3 Approved For gelease 2002/09/03: CIA-RDP75B00285R000400010001-6 NASA-5-66-1785 FEB 18 BLOOD PRESSURE AND HEART RATE FIGURE 24.23 (d) GEMINI III TILT TABLE STUDIES PILOT DARKENED AREA REPRESENTS PULSE PRESS. 40 0 5 0 5 TILT TO 700 POST-TILT 50 ---- HEART RATE IN BEATS/MIN BLOOD PRESSURE IN mm Hg 10 15 0 ELAPSED TIME, MIN POSTFLIGHT TILT STUDY DECEMBER 21, 1965 LANDING + 73 HR -- Approved For. Release 2002/09/03 : CIA-RDP75B00285R000400010001-6 Approved For Release 2002(09/01.': CIA-lRDP75B00205ROOO4Db0'1-0001-=6- FIGURE 24-24 GEMINI U PILOT WORE THIGH CUFFS ENTIRE MISSION rq GEMINI M LEG VOLUME CHANGES DURING POSTFLIGHT TILT TABLE STUDIES %o ABOVE PREFLIGHT MEAN VALUES PILOT WORE THIGH DAYS GEMINI LV NO THIGH CUFFS CODE- 0 COMMAND PILOT ? PILOT F I i I 12 24 48 72 96 HOURS POST-RECOVERY w 81 00 Approved For Release 2002/09/03 : CIA-RDP75B00285R000400010001-6 Approved For Rase 2002/09/03 : CIA-RDP75B002850400010001-6 26-1 26. ASTRONAUTS REACTIONS TO FLIGHT By Lt. Col. Virgil I. Grissom, Astronaut Command Pilot, Gemini III Astronaut Office Manned Spacecraft Center Lt. Col. James A. McDivitt, Astronaut Command Pilot, Gemini IV Astronaut Office Manned Spacecraft Center Col. L. Gordon Cooper, Jr., Astronaut Command Pilot, Gemini V Astronaut Office Manned Spacecraft Center Capt. Walter M. Schirra, Astronaut Command Pilot, Gemini VI-A Astronaut Office Manned Spacecraft Center Col. Frank Borman, Astronaut Command Pilot, Gemini VII Astronaut Office Manned Spacecraft Center The Gemini spacecraft was designed to make use of man's ability to function in the space environment. The extravehicular activity carried out during the Gemini IV flight demonstrated that an astronaut could maneuver and work outside his spacecraft. Man's capabilities in space were further demonstrated with the successful rendezvous between Gemini VI-A and VII. Very few anomalies occurred during the five manned Gemini flights, enri most of the planned experiments were performed successfully. The flight crews have been well pleased with the Gemini spacecraft. Even though the cabin is small, the crews have been able to operate effec- tively and efficiently. Approved For Release 2002/09/03 : CIA-RDP75B00285R000400010001-6 Approved For Re*ase 2002/09/03 : CIA-RDP75B00285RA00400010001-6 26-2 The pilot's role in manned space flight has changed somewhat from the days of Project Mercury. Initially, man's reactions and his capa- bilities in a space environment were two of the big unknowns, but Pro- ject Mercury proved man to be both adaptable and capable. Therefore, the Gemini spacecraft was designed to use the pilot as the key system in its operation. PREFLIGHT AND LAUNCH When chosen for a specific mission, a flight crew is immediately faced with two tasks: training for the flight, and checkout of the spacecraft. The emphasis in these areas has changed from concentrating wze major effor-Con spacecraft testing and checkout for the Gemini III mission to concentrating on training for the Gemini VI-A and VII mis- sions. This was a natural evolution in that Gemini III was the first mission to use the new spacecraft for a manned flight, and the flight plan was designed-'to check out the spacecraft systems. The crews of the Gemini VI-A ard'VII spacecraft had high confidence in their vehicles through their association with previous missions, but they had diffi- cult flights to accomplish since the emphasis was on operational mis- sion requirements. The schedule on launch day has greatly improved since the Mercury flights. For the Mercury flight, MR-4, the pilot was awakened at 1:10 a.m. and manned the spacecraft at 3:58 a.m. The Gemini launch is usually between the rather gentlemanly hours of 9 a.m.and 11 a.m. Also, the interval between crew awakening and insertion into the spacecraft has been shortened. However, it has not yet been possible to shorten the time between crew insertion and lift-off; although, it is recognized that efficiency is increased by shortening the interval between the time that the crew awakes refreshed from a good night's sleep and the time of lift-off. This increased efficiency is especially helpful during the early, critical phase of the flight when the crew members are becoming adjusted to their new environment. After long periods in the spacecraft (90 minutes or more) the pilots begin to become more uncomfortable from lying on their backs in the Gemini ejection seat. The back, neck, and leg muscles tend to become cramped and fatigued. Approved For Release 2002/09/03 : CIA-RDP75B00285R000400010001-6 Approved For Nal?ase 2002/09/03 : CIA-RDP75B00289d00400010001-6 26-3 The pilots concentrate during the last few days prior to a flight on the details of the flight plan, the status of the spacecraft, and both normal and emergency operational procedures. During this period, the backup crew and the flight crew director endeavor to keep the crew from being disturbed by anything not connected with the operation of the mission. Some experiments do place heavy burdens on the crew at this time, and an attempt should be made to avoid adding to the crew's workload during this period. A typical example of one of the heavy prelaunch activities was the preparation for the medical experiment M-7 by the Gemini VII flight crew. The preparation involved a rigid diet, com- plete collection of all body wastes, and two controlled distilled-water baths each day. The diet went well, the food was well prepared and tasty; however, the collection of body wastes was difficult to integrate with other activities, because the waste could only be collected at the places most frequented by the flight crew, such as the launch complex, the simulator, and the crew quarters. Fortunately, the fine cooperation of the M-7 experimenters resulted in a minimum number of problems. Even though some of the flight crews, especially the Gemini V crew, had a comparatively limited time to prepare for their missions, they were well trained in all phases and were ready to fly on launch day. During the prelaunch period, the backup crew is used extensively in the checkout of the spacecraft and, at the same time, this crew must prepare to fly the mission. But their prime responsibility, by far, is spacecraft testing and monitoring. All flight crews have reported lift-off as being very smooth. The Gemini VI-A crew indicated that they could tell the exact moment of lift-off by the change in engine noise and vibration, and all crews agree that vertical motion is readily apparent within seconds of lift- off. Even without clouds as a reference, it i,s easy to determine when the launch-vehicle roll program starts and ends. The noise level is quite low at lift-off, increasing intensively until sonic speed is reached. At that time, it becomes very quiet and remains quiet throughout the remainder of powered flight. Approved For Release 2002/09/03 : CIA-RDP75B00285R000400010001-6 Approved For RRPyease 2002/09/03 : CIA-RDP75B00285i00400010001-6 26-4 With one exception, the launch has been free from any objectionable vibration. On the Gemini V flight, longitudinal oscillations, or POGO, were encountered. The crew indicated that the vibration level was severe enough to interfere with their ability to read the instrument panel. However, POGO lasted only a few seconds and occurred at a noncritical time. The second stage of the launch vehicle ignites prior to separation from the first stage. This causes the flame pattern to be deflected and apparently to engulf the second stage and spacecraft. The crew of Gemini VI-A indicated that the flame left a residue on the exterior of the window, and every crew has reported a thin film on the outside of the window. The pilot of Gemini VI-A noted that a string of cumulus clouds was very white and clear prior to staging and that the clouds were less white and clear afterward, indicating that the port window obscuration could have occurred during staging. The horizon is in full view during second-stage flight while the radio guidance system is guiding the launch vehicle. Each correction that the guidance system initiates can be readily observed by the crew. It would appear that, given.proper displays and an automatic velocity cutoff, the crew could control the launch vehicle into a satisfactory orbit. Second stage engine cutoff (SECO) is a crisp eventf The g-level suddenly drops from approximately 7 to zero, and in no case has any tail off been felt by the crews. The powered-flight phase has been closely duplicated on the dynamic crew procedures simulator (DCPS) trainer at the Manned Spacecraft Center. After the first flight, the vibration level and the sounds were changed to correspond with what the pilots actually heard during launch. The simulation has such fidelity that there should be no surprises for the crew during any portion of powered flight. The insertion into orbit has been nominal for every flight. The separation and turn-around of the spacecraft and the operation of the onboard computer have been as planned. At spacecraft separation and during turn-around, there is quite a bit of debris floating all around the spacecraft. Some of these small pieces stay in the vicinity for several minutes. Approved For Release 2002/09/03 : CIA-RDP75B00285R000400010001-6 Approved For Rase 2002/09/03: CIA-RDP75B00285R8a0400010001-6 26-5 During insertion, the aft-firing thrusters cannot be heard, but the acceleration can be felt. The firing of the attitude and trans- lation thrusters can be heard, and the movement of the spacecraft is readily apparent. Inflight Maneuvering The flight crews have found the pulse-control mode to be excellent for fine tracking, and the fuel consumption to be negligible. The direct mode was needed and was most effective when large, rapid attitude changes were required. However, the use of the direct, and also the rate- command, mode is avoided whenever possible because of the high rate of fuel consumption. Rate command is a very strong mode, and it is rela- tively easy to command at any desired rate up to full authority. It is the'i'ccommended mode for the critical tasks, such as retrofire and translation burns, that are beyond the capability of the platform mode. The platform mode is a tight attitude-hold control mode. It has the capal3ility,of holding only two indicated attitudes on the ball dis- play, zero-degrees yaw and roll, and zero or 180 degrees in pitch. But the platform mode can be caged and the spacecraft pointed in any devised direction and then the platform released. This gives an infinite number of attitudes. It is the recommended mode for platform alignment and for retrograde or posigradc translation burns. The horizon-scan mode is a pilot-relief mode and is used when a specific control or tracking task is not required. It is better than drifting flight, because it controls the spacecraft through a wide dead band in pitch and roll, but has no control of yaw. Drifting flight is perfectly acceptable for long periods of time, as long as the tumbling rates do not become ex- cessive (5?/sec or more). Spacecraft control with the reentry control system is very similar to that of the orbital attitude and maneuver system. Slightly more authority is available with the orbital attitude and maneuver system than with both rings of the reentry control system. This results in some tendency to overcontrol and, waste fuel. Actually the one-ring reentry control system operation is satisfactory for most tasks. All pilots used both rings for retrofire, but some used only one ring for reentry. The reentry rate-command mode has not been used by any crew, except, Gemini IV. The automatic reentry mode also has not been employed. Approved For Release 2002/09/03 : CIA-RDP75B00285R000400010001-6 Approved For Rfslease 2002/09/03 : CIA-RDP75B00285W00400010001-6 26-6 Two orbital maneuvers during he f'lii lit of Gemini VII were accom- plished in a spacecraft, powered-down configuration. This means they were without the platform., the computer, and the rate needles. The yaw atti- tude was established by using a star reference obtained from ground up- dates and the celestial chart. Roll and pitch attitudes were maintained with respect to the horizon, which was visible to the night-adjusted eye. The pilot made the burns, maintaining attitude on the star with attitude control and rate command, while the command pilot timed the burn. No un- usual difficulty was encountered when performin~., the no-platform maneu- vers, and the crew considered this procedure acceptable. During the long duration flight, it was found desirable to adhere to the same work-rest cycle that the crew was used to on the ground. To support this schedule, both crew members slept simultaneously, ex- cept during the first night. The ground was instructed not to communi- cate except for an emergency. The Gemini IV mission was a good test of the life-support systems for extravehicular activity. Preparations for extravehicular activity --.-started during the'i'irst revolution and continued into the second. Ex- travehicular activity demonstrated that man can work in a pressurized suit outside the spacecraft and can use a maneuvering unit to move from one point to another. The maneuvering unit used short bursts of pulse mode. During extravehicular activity, the pilot used the spacecraft as a visual, three-dimension orientation reference. At no time did the pilot experience disorientation. The pilot made general observations and investigated tether-dynamics. Control with the tether was marginal, but it was easy to return to the hatch area using the tether. When the pilot pushed away, the spacecraft pitched down at rates of 2?/sec from the resultant force, and the pilot moved perpendicular to the surface of the spacecraft. It was difficult to push away from the surface of the spacecraft at an angle. After the pilot had reentered the space- craft, the hatch was to be closed, but the latch handle malfunctioned. However, the pilot had been trained thoroughly in both the normal and failure modes of the hatch and was able to successfully close it. Life-Support Systems The bite-size foods for the crews were not as appetizing as had been expected. The rehydratable foods were good and were preferred to the bite-size foods. Preparing and consuming the meal takes time and must be done with care. The food is vacuum packed to eliminate any waste volume, but this capability does not exist when the crew is trying to restow the empty food bags. Thus, they have a restowagc problem. Most of the food is in a semiliquid form and any that remains in the food bags is a potential source of free moisture in the cabin. The Approved For Release 2002/09/03 : CIA-RDP75B00285R000400010001-6 Approved For Lase 2002/09/03 : CIA-RDP75B00285 00400010001-6 26-7 water has been good and cold. Even so, there seems to be a tendency to forget to drink regularly and in sufficient quantities. On the first long-duration mission, the crewmen had a difficult time sleeping when scheduled. The spacecraft is so quiet that any activity disturbed the sleeping crewman. For the later missions, the crew members slept simultaneously, when it was possible. Defecation is performed carefully and slowly; the whole procedure is difficult and time. consuming, but possible. A major problem for long-duration flights was the storage of waste material. It was nor- mally stowed in the aluminum container which held the food. It was nec- essary that a thorough housekeeping and stowage job be done every day. Otherwise, the spacecraft would have become so cluttered that it would be difficult for the crewmen to find anything. The Gemini VII crewmen wore the G5C space suit, which is 8"to 10 pounds lighter than the normal suit. This suit contains no bumper material-and has only two layers of nylon and rubber. The G5C space suit includes a zipper-type hood, which is designed to be worn over an ordinary pilot helmet. For the Gemini VII mission, fully suited operations were conducted during launch, rendezvous, and reentry. When the hoods were on, there was considerable noise in the intercom system because of the airflow in the hood. Visibility while wearing the hood was acceptable during orbital flight, but during reentry, vision was somewhat obscured and the command pilot removed his hood. When fully suited, the crew found it difficult to see the night horizon and to observe and operate switches in the overhead and water-management panels. In the partially-suited configuration, which was maintained for approximately 2 days, there was a loss in suit cooling efficiency, and some body areas did not receive sufficient cooling. Intercommunication was improved with the hoods off, but mobility was restricted because of the hood being on the back of the head. On the second day, the pilot removed his suit, and his comfort was definitely improved.. Ventilation was adequate, and the skin was kept dry. In the suit-off configuration, there was increased mobility. It was easier to exercise, unstow equipment, and perform other oper- ations. It took approximately 20 minutes to remove the suit, including the time required to place the plugs in the suit openings in case emer- gency donning was required. During the sixth day of the mission, both pilots had their suits off. One apparent improvement was that all crews on the long-duration flight felt a need to exercise. Even though exer- cise periods were scheduled regularly, most crews requested more frequent and longer periods of exercise, Approved For Release 2002/09/03 : CIA-RDP75B00285R000400010001-6 Approved For Rease 2002/09/03 : CIA-RDP75B00285IM00400010001-6 26-8 System Management One of the crew's prime functions is to monitor and control the spacecraft's various systems. This requires a thorough knowledge of the details of each system as well as how to operate the system in any failure modes. It is true that the ground complex has much more infor- mation concerning the operation of systems than the crew does, and they have a staff of experts for each system. But, unfortunately, the crew is in contact with ground stations only for a small percentage of the flight. The crew must be prepared to rapidly analyze problems and make correct decisions in order to safely complete the mission. Every flight has had an example of this. Gemini III had the DC-DC converter failure and suspected fuel leak; Gemini IV experienced a computer memory alter- nator and Gemini V experienced fuel cell oxygen supply degradation while performing the rendezvous evaluation pod experiment. Gemini VI-A proba- bly had the most difficult problem of all. The shutdown on the pad oc- curred in a manner that we had not considered in our training. Gemini VII had flight control and fuel-cell problems. These are the times that it_ pays to have a well-trained crew onboard. The Gemini III crew were surprised at the flame that appeared around the spacecraft during staging. During the remainder of the flight, the Gemini III crew observed thruster firings, northern and southern hemisphere constellations, and the town of Mexicali, Mexico. The Gemini IV crew were impressed at the clarity with which objects could be seen from directly overhead. Roads, canals, oil tanks, boat wakes, and airfields could be seen. The moon was a bright light; how- ever, the stars close to it as well as the stars of the seventh magnitude.. could be seen. When the spacecraft passed from darkness to light, the airgiow was clearly observed and the planets seemed to increase in brightness. Meteors could be seen as they burned in the earth's atmos- phere below the orbital flight path. The Gemini VI-A crew made some very accurate visual sightings which have been reported in the presentation of rendezvous. The Gemini VII crew tracked their launch vehicle during the station- keeping exercise by using the acquisition lights on the launch vehicle, but they could not estimate the range. The spacecraft docking lights were turned on, but they did not illuminate the launch vehicle. As the time approached for rendezvous, spacecraft 6, at a range of approxi- mately 2 to 3 milest appeared to the Gemini VII flight crew like a point Approved For Release 2002/09/03 : CIA-RDP75B00285R000400010001-6 Approved For tease 2002/09/03 : CIA-RDP75B002851RA00400010001-6 26-9 of reflected light against the dark earth background just before sunset. .At approximately 0.5-mile range, thruster firings could be seen as thin streams of light shooting out from the spacecraft. All crews reported that accurately tracking an object on the ground is an easy task. The difficult part is identifying and acquiring the target initially. It requires that the ground transmit accurate ac- quisition times and pointing angles. Also, a careful preflight study of maps and aerial photographs aids in early identification. must have equipment available at an early date to use in their training. Experiments and their results are covered in other papers. But, the point should be made here, that for the crew to successfully com- plete any experiment, they must have a thorough understanding of what the experimenter is attempting to do. And, even more important, they One of tht biggest problems is getting the actual flight equipment to work well in its environment. A ground rule has been established that all flight gear, experimental and operational, must be available and in the spacecraft for the altitude chamber test. in damping out the oscillations. fire would be impossible when using the horizon or stars as a reference. When the retroadapter was jettisoned, there was an audible noise. Jet- tisoning could be felt, and there was debris around the spacecraft. During reentry the spacecraft was stable, and there were no difficulties thrusters obstruct the view of the horizon at night, a nightside retro- During the Gemini III mission, a reentry control system plume- observation test was conducted. Because the reentry control system yaw so that the hand controller did not have to be held deflected in roll for the entire reentry. The spacecraft rolled about its longitudinal axis at the beginning of reentry,.and, after aerodynamics started to take effect, the spacecraft rolled about its trim axis and reentered gree. The reentry rate command with the roll gyro turned off was used During the Gemini IV reentry, the rate-command system provided ex- cellent control, and the attitudes,were held within plus or minus 1 de- in a wide 'spiral. Approved For Release 2002/09/03 : CIA-RDP75B00285R000400010001-6 Approved For R ase 2002/09/03 : CIA-RDP75B002851?ji00400010001-6 point because of losing their night-visual adaption. The Gemini V crew performed retrofire during the middle of the night, using the attitude ball as a reference. At retrofire, the out- side appeared to be a fireball. The command pilot reported that it felt as though the spacecraft was going back west, and the pilot reported that he felt that he was going into an inside loop. The Gemini VI-A crew also performed their retrofire at night and did not see the horizon until just before the 400 000-foot-altitude During reentry, the command pilot had to remove his hood because it interfered with his vision of the horizon. The Gemini VII crew had communications problems during retrofire, since the vented air noise in the helmets hindered good communications. The drogue phi-achute is normally deployed at 50 000 feet to stabi- lize the spacecraft prior to main parachute deployment. After deploy- ment, the spacecraft appears to oscillate about 20 to 30 degrees on each side. The onboard recordings indicated that these oscillations have never exceeded f 10?. Main-parachute deployments take place in full view of the crew and it is quite a beautiful and reassuring sight. Up to this point, all events have been quite smooth with all loads being cushioned through line stretching and reefing. But, changing from the single-point atti- tude to the landing attitude causes quite a whip to the crew. After the Gemini III flight, all crews have been prepared, and there have been no problems. r The impact of landing has varied from a very soft to a .heavy shock. The amount of spacecraft swing, and at what point during the swing the landing occurs, change the landing loads. The amount of wind drift, the size of the waves, and which part of the wave is contacted, also vary the load. Even the hardest of the landings has not affected crew performance. In conclusion, the flight crews have been well pleased with the ,Gemini spacecraft. Even though the cabin volume is very limited, they have been able to operate effectively and efficiently. Approved For Release 2002/09/03 : CIA-RDP75B00285R000400010001-6