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April 18, 1972
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Approved For Release 2001/07/26 : CQ. X000500110053-3 OLC 72-0513 18 April 1972 SUBJECT: White House Meeting on Foreign Relations Committee Amendments to State Authorization Bill 1. This afternoon I attended a meeting in the White House called by William Timmons, Assistant to the President for Congressional Relations, to discuss a number of legislative matters of concern to the Administration. As it happened, Timmons was tied up on the Hill and the meeting was chaired by Tom Korologos, Deputy Assistant to the President. Also present were John Lehman, of Kissinger's staff, Rady Johnson, Assistant Secretary of Defense for Congressional Relations, Marshall Wright, Deputy Assistant Secretary of State for Congressional Relations, and Charles Ablard, General Counsel for USIA. 2. The first part of the meeting involved discussion of Administration strategy in fighting the "end the war" legislation and the "withdrawal by date certain" resolution. 3. The meeting then turned to a discussion of some 16 amendments to the authorization bill for State, USIA, ACDA, and the Peace Corps proposed by the Foreign Relations Committee. Two of these were of primary concern to the Agency: a. A proposal by Senator Fulbright requiring a 10% cut in all non-State Department personnel stationed abroad other' than members of military units and the Peace Corps. b. A proposal by Senator Church prohibiting Government agencies from participating in any information activities "for, on behalf of, or in the name of any foreign government" and requiring that any information prepared by a Government agency for dissemination abroad "indicate clearly... the name of the Government agency which prepared or assisted in preparing the information. " The amendment goes on to define dissemination as "publication, broadcasting, and telecasting. " L&_on~A r0415R000500110053-3 0M 1W Approved For Release 2001/07ir Approved For Release 2001/07/26 :a C{ ,F PJ 04158000500110053-3 4. The meeting concluded with agreement that the participants would meet again on Friday, 21 April, at which time each representative would bring a list of the problems which the amendments created for his agency, together with an unclassified "talking paper" containing an explanation of these problems and a recommendation for dealing with them- -either by deletion or amendment. On 3a above it was agreed that the CIA contribution should be submitted to Marshall Wright, of State, who would integrate our material with that of the other agencies involved. It was agreed that we would coordinate our CIA contribution on 3b above with Charles Ablard, of USIA, or Eugene Kopp, his Deputy, and that our joint recommendation be submitted to Marshall Wright, of State. 5. It is my understanding that the "talking papers" called for would be suitable for use in open debate on the floor or for passing to members of the Congress who might be interested. Regarding the above matters which concern the Agency, I think it was desired that we submit classified "backup" papers going into more detail which could be used in discussion with individual members on an "off-the-record" basis. Distribution: Original - Subject (Bill File) 1 - Ex/Dir 1 - DDP 1 - OLC Chrono Legislative Counsel JOHN M. MAURY IT, Approved For Release 2001/07/26 : CIA-RDP74B00415R000500110053-3 Approved For Release 2001/07Y26 ~[A-5DP74B00415R000500110053-3 Journal - Office of Legislative Counsel Page 2 Tuesday - 18 April 1972 5. (Unclassified - JMM) The following Congressmen, members of Representative Jack Kemp's informal Republican group, visited Headquarters for a breakfast briefing by the Director: Representatives: LaMar Baker, Bill Frenzel, Elwood Hillis, William J. Keating, Jack F. Kemp, Norman Lent, John McCollister, Stewart McKinney, Richard G. Shoup, and Victor V. Veysey. 6. (Confidential - JMM) Briefed William Woodruff, Counsel, Senate Appropriations Committee, and Ed Braswell, Chief Counsel, Senate Armed Services Committee, regarding an impending legal action in which the Agency is involved. 7. (Secret - JMM) Provided Representative Lucien Nedzi orally with answers to several questions he raised during my briefing of 14 April on Soviet Y-class submarines, SLBMs, and strategic bombers. 8. (Confidential - JMM) Senator Milton Young called to say he had gotten a query from the press about a legal matter of concern to the Agency. He seemed somewhat annoyed that he had not been briefed in advance but I explained the timing of the handling of this case was not in the Agency's hands. 9. (Unclassified - JMM) Red Morrison, OSD, called to ask who the members were of the Agency's oversight Subcommittee of House Appropriations. I said this was something the Chairman held very closely and I would suggest he get in touch with Ralph Preston. 10. (Internal Use Only - JMM) Attended a meeting in the White House to discuss Foreign Relations Committee amendments to the State Department Authorization bill. See Memo for Record. 11. (Confidential - JMM) Left with Mildred Ward, Senator Stennis' (D. , Miss.) Personal Secretary, enlargements of some personal photographs prepared for the Senator by NPIC. Mr. Houston Mr. Thuermer Mr. Clarke DDI DDS DDS&T EA/DDP OPPB Legislative Counsel Approved For Release 2001/0 Y FDP74B00415R000500110053-3