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7 (I U G 1 970 Campu~te a and Au+al a t3 azz Advertisement Approved For Relj4I/1 ~1 DP88-013158000300668001 C~ c3?I~ `44~ r OUR LEADERS? C- :-rt_e 4 President John F. Kennedy `) `t~~ la S S cti 3 .. ~ Zr c~ 5 Reverend Martin Luther King o Senator Robert F. Kennedy In the last few years, assassins have wiped out some of our most prominent leaders. And there are the gravest doubts that those who have perpetrated the murders ... and those who have planned them and paid for them .... have ever been uncovered and brought to trial. COMPUTERS MAY ENABLE US TO FIND THE ANSWERS Since 1968, a highly responsible National Committee to Investigate Assassinations has been quietly at work Investi- gating the murders. The Committee's work is promised on the following guidelines: o The Committee is currently. concentrating on the Kennedy-King-Kennedy assassinations, leaving open its options, however, on several other mysterious deaths. e As to the assassination of President Kennedy, there was a conspiracy in Dallas; and the most pressing problem at the moment is to positively Identify the several "actors" in Dealey Plaza, as well as those behind the plot. o As to the King murder, James Earl Ray appears to be cithei a, hired gunman or a "patsy", all of which means a conspiracy. o As to the Robert Kennedy killing, there are footprints which point toward conspiracy; however, these footprints appear not to be under investigation by law enforcement agencies; hence, we shall investigate them. e ? As to a possible inter-connection between the three slayings, the most that can be said at present is that there are a number of parallels in the cases which might indicate a common mochas operandi which normally would be subject to official scrutiny. The members of the Committee have gathered such a mountain of Investigative materials that it is essential that the information be computerized if the answers are to be found. This computerization is now in progress .... but the com- mittee needs help ... all kinds of help: o contributions (see the coupon) e assistance with key punching o assistance with programming If you cart help, please write to us: ----------------------- (may be co fed on any piece opaper) To: NATIONAL COMMITTEE TO INVESTIGATE ASSASSINATIONS 927 15th St. , NW Washington, DC 20005 I wish to further the Committee's investigation into the murders of a number of our leaders, by becoming a: ( ) PATRON $100 a year ( ) ASSOCIATE $25 a year My check is enclosed. I understand this contribution is not tax-exempt. I can make arrangements for providing assistance in: key punching computer programming ( ) computer time in other ways (as follows): ( ) I would like m name placed on Comnn ' l Xpproved For F eease~l4~1~811-RDP88-013158000300650001-0 MY NAME AND ADDRESS ARE ATTACHEI). On November 22, 1963, in Dallas, Texas, President John F. Kennedy, while riding in on open limousine through Denley Plaza and waving to the surrounding 'crowds, was shot to denth. Lee Harvey Oswald, an -ex-Marine, and former visitor to the Soviet Union, . .._. in . movie theatre in tort' Building k Oswald denied steadily through two days of questioit? ing (no record of questions and answers was ever preserved). Two days later while Oswald was being transferred from one jell to another. he was shot by Jack Ruby, a Dallas night-club owner, In the basement of the Dallas police station, while mil- lions of Americans watched on television. The com- mission of investigation, appointed by President Lyndon B. Johnson, and headed by Chief Justice Earl of the U. S. Supreme Court. Published its report in September 1964, and concluded that Oswald Computers and Automation P - S r5rQ Approved For Release 200 /JMIA-RDP88-O131'5ROOO3i ;(t ~'~ ,.?~ (? _ v i.~ t ( Q S 6 I f e Part 1. Introduction 1%, Who Assassinated President Kennedy? shooting, the timing of a number of events. and words. Oswald was not the sole assassin, and there This article naaa develop hat -- - ;le .. to be true on the basis of substential,?colusive photographic evidence. There was in fact a conspiracy. Oswald played a role in the conspiracy, although there is con- clusive evidence that on November 22, 1963, he did no shooting at President Kennedy, and that, just !.,J. ^ ` -tt he . was a pa.5?,. At ---- - bly four) - none of whom were in the sixth floor window of the Texas School Book Depose' Kennedy. hit bend. (The bulk of the undeniable evidence for these statements about the shots consists of: (a) the physics of the motions of Kennedy and Colt Holly shown in some 60 frames of the famous film by Abraham xnnruder: (b) the locations of.the in- juries in Kennedy and in Connally; and ?c) more than 100 pictureso consisting of more than 30 .still photographs and more then TO frames of me- _11-11 More than 50 persons were involved in the con- spiracy at the time of firing the shots. These persons included members of the Dallas police force -_ - 11-- _-,a.- - ^nd that ae- exiles, some 1114 government beet other words. t1- -,r cealment of in v -,>. - petratora of t ?_. Of course, ,.,As to believe' 1? in Feb. and M, the United Ste was a conspil everywhere it CP e- CL V- e- "I c7cle investigatio ,, N S3 a . 3 . r~.ef.l ? o distorted wt~ 'O i to the satis +fit i 1 r~ ,C , O f. Clay Shaw wi though he p1 . 1} (a CTer-,a The news stet 1 was the sole assassin and that there was no conspir- newspapers I such a way ecyfhthority of the Warred Commis-. The media 1 ln view o te au . sion, that conclusion was accepted by many Americane;',j. opinion, If for a long time. But the conclusion cannot be cone ipoll percen sidered true by any pardon who carefully considers ;;i. But th e the crucial evidence - such as the physics of the Ill wrong many times before, "..a -??_, .. . -,_ -__- c... ..... .le_ the nreaa of the United States almost entire y refused to - lieve for five years (1903 to 1900) that the Wright brothers had flown in a flying machine heavier than air. Only after the Wright brothers had won spec- tacular air races and demonstrated other successful flights in France, did the majority of the "hard- headed" American press believe that the Wright broth- But'the evidence cited or referred to in this article, and the existing photographic evidence and its analysis, a little of which is published here, establishes the fact of conspiracy. This evidence along With other evidence should and can initialize a major change in the beliefs of the people of the United States. As for beliefs of the people of Europe, it has long been and still is accepted there .that President John F. Kennedy was assassinated by a conspiracy. $ Oe_Lt C)i' I -L -1-e il-a 1,_7 _- 0A_ ZT~ d ,11 .1. VI-de.- SP-CL ~L1112__ What Is the Evidence? The evidence for the statement - "the Warren Commission conclusions are false" -? is now over- There now exists not only a mountain of new eri? :;old-evidence, the evidence which the Commission it? -21 ---- --., evide ce are available for any serious researchers . lnspe4tlon; if any such person Is interested, he shouljl write me. - _- ---- --a h? lissearchers all over the United States. some Nate to b t e Pub !.Eyler: g order to no --Jude the tt,(,'f;,t:.. affiliated with the National Committee to arttoto U RItahard S. Sp-aus in this fanue of Cam- ~i1'll,.C';}'(., investigate Assassinations (NCTIA), others ~u_t_n_r_n rntrl Automntton )Ett was nsaoosary to tUpe"tortTlo ; r? , , n ~ tiipofaon of our'"Across the L ftl .i'~~ , acting independently but cooperating with Doak" onot4on, rather than the unmet typefaoo1~or r,,,,? the NCl'iA, have obtained-new evidence (coo 9"" i our artiotes. A rredaBlll i-,>!RtW! fd( 17w CIA-RDP88-01 from conspirators - that Naas rseutted..,,.,,.,', ': " ', ~A4r- I-Qnd e~onteaa/ono.