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- zl~ vzL>rQc~' ~rozc~ Approved For I~e4fc~e1~O~5/O1/11 : iChi~tr~QP~.>$~o-61'iS.a5 000 9~'0~1~~ t ! ~ ~~ ~'2~ ,?~"~ ? -' last 3uly when Richer /~ ~ ~ ~ , ~'~./~s .. =who-grew up.-in.'Prer ~ ~ ~ _t-- ~--_ Jcott,-a rczrvt urbd:ru meeting between. Sa ' Richard Xis reset Commr>:tPP counter-charges~is Bruce p by i-Inward Blum .~? ;~ Foster ~l, whci. identifies himself as homicide _-, ?' of the Outlaws and as a r1t: thas initial mee th dt ` "G er o a Gang youths it> Brooklyn are -?t~eualutionarv Youth :4lavernent is invitation was ezt joining a near gang ~a:= political holittcal-~a~ m+;;ot the Labor outlaws- to attend. or?ganizatian z?urt:. by a 52-year-old Cgrtmtttee%oi.gatiizer "~-~ ~ Committee. meetings white i~Iarcist. who" tivorries . rriore ;Sinc.c, Ijamed-H1'~I-in Jantiary It:-was not tong' , about. brainwashing -and Nelson t6c?:police have ci~me- down hard. accompanied. by hi: Rockefeller than-zip guns and the to slay away from those `%~as~_making regular corner cop. :: ~ white ::Ccsmmunists,' `said=.Foster. ~bor~Committee.he The Natronal Caucus of Labor also l~iiown as Cea_;lea is presently 'l9th Street and spendi Committees; a. predomiitaiittywkit - . tree on $5~ barl:raised b~ the Labor .apartment-belonging 3arxist? rotrp'?has`been_ _ - - har~edmemtiers'onthe:UPi ~ e h , e was: b - - g _- Committee- ;after,: actively a ndo's ucces sf trI- . along: with-four other Outlaws. with Isiah 5coft was assigned by rcz nr w Salisbury. - ;- . . ;1 y -- re c r u t t i:tr~ m:e m. b ~_r; s ih~,;attempted,mtirder of ?a~ police work:: toll time` at organizing the lThere is .none of ihe: -'politics of 'from the..Outlaws; a- black .your officer Iri= additiarr: to fhe murder Outlaws -'~ - . _.-?~- ~gltilt" thatStaughton Lynd crkticized `.~an~' licedescl'ilie as?~'ihe Iar est - -" ./.B ~ last' fa[t, Lyn ::Marcus, the i a > b. Po ? ~ g charge,' Fe~,hasbeen arrested twice y.~. 1{ the middle-class- SD5 attitud..s gang in Bedford-Stuyvesant .~ - -since January for robbery, charges Labbr Corrimittee's 52-year-old tgward gkietto blacks iii Labor The:Labor Coinmtttee~~in the past thatwerelater,dismissed. ? '-~ :leader and`:; theoretician,-efter ?Committee theories. in fact,' ghetto eat~ has; contribirteci__~L6 350-`= batT .:.. - consulttna witty RY1+1 field -worker Y ~ ~:Phe:- Labor Committee-:`contends ;blacks are tt:e subject of brutak and money to. free Outlaws. arrested.-on tyT1t? while Tea_was:imprisoned on in-Brooklyn.: had. developed ~~ often- mocking harangues by both charges.rangmg,frotn;robbery?~rvto- - analysis of"CIA.gangstrategy"that'black?~and white Latx>r,Committee RikerS::Island tar~a week m ;Apra has? heeome., os el : to the.x attempted murder has transported' before--.bail was `raised -for, his .. - g P eaners. '~.: - ~ groups of Outlawstaother states for,. - _ ~ Committ`ee's more Ethan 10CCj` '`i'he rribtemwith -an~kids is the attempted muidet-char,e.:Tea was - ~ ~ p_- g org?aniz-ng:`purpases -lynx brainwashedbu the 'covert-arm of doctnnairemem6ers. -: ~ ay~ny `of transition from jungler conducted classes for- the_Outlaws in Lyn: ?Marcus s theory of alleged 6 rimes to self-conscious :class the:: CIA :the :f:.a"w Enforcement -CIA aan strate which he d1.rbbed subjects as diverseas Beethoven and 1ss[stancc~ Administration." g gy' - leaders, ". explains Tony Curry, a paliticaiphiloscrphy,and=accorchng ;Peas-court-appointed attorney. '~Op~ration? Nuremberg is~:hite Committee member. l.yn l ..- bastcailyahis: ~ . ito a confidential. tnyesti.gaton I'au1 Firrk: says`:'Pea-was visited in . Youth an s are berry -ca oled oi~~'~arcus- at a ?,vcsekly Labor presentky being- conducted by the jail. ?o~r t~vo. occasions by ';Anent g g g I C4~mmittee mass meeting criticized 'Preasury -Department's- Alcohol;:: Gunner-Erikson of the Ateohol, coerced Into accepting treaties an~i`trie "turf-hancha mentality. and i compensatory reaction of ghetta 'T'obacco, and P firearms bureau-has ?T'obacco? and-Firearms bureau and forming large groups. Government ? allegedly provided the Outlaws with .. _ agents-in the ghetto are incitin6; . shown pictures: of )tabor Committee these large: gang:.formations for;y~uthsn? where the only tvay- you guns. .._ -? " " members. _ 1.'et Fink.:describes ,the ~ relrev,. if you're black is to ? ._ :__ "revolutionary guerril a war agatns.; -.: :1 shatguu t'ound by- police in arx? charges of brainwashing as "LUO per ~ drg up a couple of women." And i Allan Salisbury, -the black RY~I Outlaw clubhouse has been traced by centfalse_:' - - all-whites."'Then, '.`the CIA intendsi ~ ~ - to foment race war in major urba + } federal -authorities to a_ store . in ~ Fmk insists.. hoiyever:."that lit. alt leader, .ectured at a recent national \ewar?k. New Jersey:. where it was fairness somethinl,F is-going an areas and under- the hysterical crY conference. "Something has gat `ta urigrnetlly purchased: by- a female. regarding Bruce Foster." Fink has for law-and order, call in military o bE,. wrong in the ghetto when kids ? Semi-militar (LEAH.} farces try former student at RuC~?ers who has noted what heterms -`irregularities ' Y I w:~lk: ai-a+-rod in reel suits and pink control the country.:" - hurt identrkled pis-a member of the: in'the charges against Bruce Faster ht5h-heeled shoes - - ? .. and spend `'To understand Brookl 'n ot: L;;~.~or Committee nqw-??.liviu~ iri and argues "once is a mistake. but .: y Y' their time- practickng the jungl?e~ have to< understand the entire t'~~?s='rin~:;tart k?-Ieights according to twice: is somethitt else_~' referring - be~ogie so-they can F>e the baddest pulicesources inl3rcwi.lyn fo. the two dismr~sed -robbery international pattern," es lain: hcogie in the jungle: 'Phey look like A ~ ? ' lip' e h r i~ c a m ~ o-n - e o t n S charges. ' ~' ? = Ilan Salisbury; head of R`.P 1~1` they're masturbating in public- I tell investigation concerning?the?Labor 'l'ea; himselt: is '`Trot certain" he I,~'ibor Committee- has.incorpora~~~ these- kids I don't want to talk. to Cornntittee and certain.: aP their has -been brainwashed. ITFr admits its analysis of the Brauklyn yo~it~: ~t,+ierrr tultil they're hrrman." gang situation into its own particular ' When Tea afficiail 'Dined RY:~I in-~ members suspected at federal gun that since his tlu~tioring by -Agent - Y ~ world :view, a:`world view where control viul~itrcins.- satdl~Irchaei La. Erikson he is "afraid to ga to.the January, otkter members of the Nelson..Rackefeller manipulate Perch, Special :lgent in charge of the RY'4I office in 1Ianhattan ":~Iy ? ? ; Oc:ttaws bef;ar. regularly attending , international olitics through oil :1lcohul. 'Cabacco..~and f?:krearms friends te!1 rn_e I-act different Gince p ~ ~Lrrbor Committee meetings and ! ,shortages, henry Kissinger, ? th ~ew? t'ork llrstrict-However i~lr. La~ Rikers Maybe aotnethtnb dici' ~ (classes in ~Iartha>;tan. The SLA, and now youth gangs. 'I'hel?Carnmittee arranJed ' or aniaina Perch ~~~uuld neither- conhrrrr nor ~~happen 'explains "l en ~ g d cn v t, h c s p~e ci t i rs o f t h~e I . tiYithout'1'ea's active participation, ~ L`~bor Partycontends that just as it; tr+ps" .:for. the Outla~,vs. -'!'!: r,re , 1 the Outla Ncommitmer,t to the Labor believes the SLA ant} the BL~1 are in'. csligatiun. - III ~ carloads of (hrtlaws were driven to a Rockefeller- and CIA-cantrollec~rally at iV`arren HiJh Schook in ? t.;iah Scott. the Labor Committ..e?s ;Committee has weakened.. Prior to ~ , thief rn?~?anizer in Broaklyin and a "Pea's arrest in April for attempted organizltions formed to un~.erm:nc{i~..rtford? Caruiecticut, and 'Pea,.` fu;?mer Itut~~ers student.-denied that murder, 30 Outlaws .and - seven ~ public confidence through terraris`,,C ng with other Outlaws. has made the group has distributed gwis tq the C7utlaw women were attending RYidI j srtuations, sa are youth gang; ~ ekend tips to^T'hiladekphia and-; ' sirntl~riv '?hraimvashed Rackefeiler .,-, ,., ?,,...... ~ ,.:_~ ~.._ ~_ ,L _ t?utla~es. "It's the police anti the CI.1 lectures, according to Tea. tichu arc distr?ibirting the guns in the Yet despite Tea's present personak ;;Iretto.'? said Scott. "It's part of the;fear of further involvement with the Ito+_I,etelle: plan to have'. blachks~Labor Camrnittee, he-srrid in a re~cyent ~huot b!~+cks anti cause- rio~p'r~rOV~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~tl ap ~`rc~tta?.' N . o C;rr:;~;!:t in tkre ntide(le of the federal; guns, the Outlaws ivikt he right in~-e~tr~~,rtiun and the Labor behind them-" -.-- _. ,...:~~;- ~. ~:~ _ ,._ recruitment .qf -,the- agents. ; c bar Committee- "Phe I_,abor Committee, thaugFj ~,'he Outla~,v invaluecrrent with the ~ ori~inatl farmed seven errs ago c Y Y robot Committee has not gone from elements of Students- for ~# ~; !~FdQR88{O'b~45fR~OO~59r~@,13-4 ean~inu~d dramatically different analysis o ~ the role ot? blacks in radical politics{ ~ rt ~ ~ ~~ .LSid~-~