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Document Creation Date:
December 16, 2016
Document Release Date:
December 20, 2004
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Publication Date:
June 9, 1975
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Approved For Release 206/Ar'4 :1W-RDP88-01315R000
C..M-'t-?t /(s Sal$%>N4r
Did the Mafia and CIA conspire in the assassination of John
F. Kennedy in, 1963?
And did the ill-fated president seal his own doom with a
decision he had made several months before?
New evidence now appears to supiaort the credibility of this
astounding theory concerning-JFK's murder in Dallas.
.Members of America's top-secret spy organization and known trig-
germen for the Mafia were reportedly observed on the scene when the
fatal shooting took place.
Several CIA agents and at least one member of the Mafia were al-
legedly taken Into custody shortly after the shooting ceased, but were
quickly released by Dallas police.
particular spot when JFK was brutally cut down. -
Few experts believe that Lee Harvey Oswald could have fired all the shots
which poured Into the president's open convertible.
. Many are now convinced that he was simply a patsy who was set up to take-
the blame for a carefully planned execution. They believe he was telling the truth
.when he Insisted that he was not involved with the assassination.
. . It has never been ascertained just why they happened to be at that
The 'popular theory now is
that Oswald himself was elimi-
irlated to keep his lips seated.
His killer, nightclub operator
Jack Ruby, was known to have
close associates among under-
world figures.
Witnesses claim photographs
prove that former CIA agents E.
Howard Hunt, convicted
Watergater, and Frank Sturgis
were present when JFK was
Also identified in a photo of
those nearby the presidential
motorcade was a parolee with a
criminal record as long as your
Eugene Hale Brading, with a
record dating back to 1934, was
allegedly an associate of James
(The Weasel) Frattiano, a well-
known Mafia figure linked of
gangland killings, who was then
of the "Smaldones Family" of
In 1963, Brading was living in
Los Angeles - on parole at the
time. He claimed to be an oil
prospector and obtained per-
mission from his parole officer
to visit Dalls on a business trip.
He was scheduled to be in
Dallas only for the day of Nov.
21, according to records.' He
was supposed to be in Houston
on Nov. 22, the day JFK was
Why did he stay on in Dallas?
It is known he did visit the of-
fices of a huge- oil company on
Nov. 21. It was later admitted
by Jack Ruby that he visited
those offices on the same day.
Did they know each other,
and did they meet by a pre-
arranged plan? And did they
speak of the assassination
which was to take place the fol-
lowing day?
Ruby told the Warren Com-
mission that he visited the Hunt
Oil Company offices on Nov. 21
to get a job for an attractive co-
ed named Connie Trammel.
The Commission did not
connect Ruby's visit with Brad-
For ReleaseiapQ5fQ1*1t1ghCIAeRER t3I
had given a phony name and
story when questioned by the
FBI just after the shooting.
This coincidence did not
come to light until years later
through the efforts of con-
cerned private citizens, headed
by Dallas pharmaceutical
salesman Al Chapman.
It is now learned that JFK'
may have incurred the wrath of
the CIA and underworld figures,
because of the touchy Cuban
situation at the time.
The young president, al-
legedly, discussed the possible
assassination of Cuban Premier:
Fidel Castro with a close friend,
Sen. George A. Smathers of;
Florida in 1961 and 1962. He ab-
solutely refused to consider the
suggestion, although it has'now;
been learned that the CIA had '
been linked with assassination:
attempts throughout the Carib-
bean for years.
The converstaions betweeni
JFK and Smathers are allegedly
contained in the oral history
archives of the Kennedy library.
"As I recollect," Smathers
began, "he (Kennedyl was
throwing out a great barrage of
questions - he was certain that.
it could be accomplished...
"The question was whether of
not it would accomplish that'
which he wanted it to do
whether or not the reaction
throughout South America
would be good or bad... And
5R0N801frl5t1O1b1$ $ican people'
react, would the people be