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Document Release Date: 
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Publication Date: 
July 30, 1975
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PDF icon CIA-RDP88-01315R000300510069-1.pdf84.28 KB
Approved For Release 2d3-wg~rCp i - P88-013158000300510069-1 Mah CHURCH INDICATED that one of the problems in ! calling Nixon as a witness CtUt L Truman when he refused to appear before a congres- sional committee seeking his testimony after he left office. According to a commit Negotiations are under tee spokesman, the case in- way between. the Senate valved efforts of a House intelligence committee and. committee to obtain former President Richard M. Nixon over whether. he will testify about U.S. cov- ert operations in Chile, ac- cording to Chairman Frank Church, D-Idaho. "We're trying to deter= mine . whether he... has anything to offer" as well as "his willingness to testi- fy and in. what. manner," Church said yesterday after Vice Chairman John Tower, R-Texas, revealed that he had been' in contact with Nixon. Meanwhile, Robert A. Maheu, a former aide to billionaire Howard Hughes, has promised to reveal the details of his alleged role as a liaison between the CIA and the Mafia in plots to kill Cuban Premier Fidel Cas- tro. Maheu promised to meet with reporters after he completes his testimony before the Senate commit- tee today. MAHEU SPENT. `two hours-before the committee yesterday. Maheu, who invoked the` 5th Amendment when first subpoenaed as a witness,. is testifying under a grant of limited immunity. Tower refused to reveal the substance of his 20- minute phone conversation with Nixon on Saturday ex- cept to say that the former president sounded strong and in good spirits and ex- pressed concern that inves- tigations of the CIA could damage U.S. intelligence abilitities. Tower indicated that if Nixon is called as a witness he would probably be interviewed under oath in California. Tower added that he has - no' plans to contact Nixon again although he said he ''may be in communication with" Nixon's lawyer, Her-. ~l is a precedent set by the { v+:. late President Harry S. ::ury Department official was a Communist. In refusing. to 'appear, Truman involked executive privilege,, saying that even though he had left office, his appearance before a concressional. committee might inhibit the actions of .other presidents, the spokesman said. CHURCH CALLED the Truman precedent an "unt- ested assertion of executive privilege." The spokesman 1 cautioned against assuming I that Nixon has invoked the Truman precedent. Both Church and Tower sought to discount reports of partisan strife within the committee sparked by ef- forts to call Nixoii as a wit- ness. ABC News reported Monday that some Republi- can members view thei move as an effort to divert attention from alleged Kennedy administration ef- forts to kill Castro. Informed sources have said that-Nixon authorized the CIA in September 1970 to make an all-out effort to prevent Chilean Marxist Salvador Allende from coming to power. . The agency subsequently be- came involved in the plan- ning of two military coups, one of which resulted in the death of the chief of staff of the Chilean army, the sources said. `y)y q- , ,(-}- C f/? U /1 hc4 s ~ ~;fd Appr df,WIFi'ele''s 1e1OA~V(~1/11 : CIA-RDP88-01315ROO0300510069-1