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Document Creation Date: 
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Document Release Date: 
September 14, 2004
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Publication Date: 
January 31, 1975
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PDF icon CIA-RDP88-01315R000300430002-3.pdf56.47 KB
UNIVERSITY OF WASHINGTON DAILY (SEATTLE 1 JAN Approved For 2004/10/13 : CIA-RDP88-01315 F~elease Has CIA infiltrated office of women voters' league? A former secretary for the Overseas Education Fund (OEF) of the League of Women Voters in Washington, D.C. claims the C.I.A. has infiltrated the OEF for the purpose of "neutralizing" the women's movement. Another critic of the CIA, ex- agent Victor Marchetti, will speak today (admission free) in the HUB Ballroom at 2 p.m. on further CIA activities in his only Seattle speaking engagement. "I believed the function of the OEF to be to sponsor programs for self-help to assist women in Latin America and in Asia," said Ann Roberts, a Seattle woman who began working for the OEF last July. "During the course of my employment at OEF and from what I have learned subsequent- ly," she said, "it became clear to me -that the CIA provided funds which, under the auspices of the OEF, went to people to conduct investigations of femi- nist organizations in Latin Amer- ica and Asia. "A scheme was set up whereby an individual, traveling abroad for the OEF, was asked to collect information about the size, strength, politics and fu- ture. directions of women's or- ganizations and groups abroad. "That person would then turn the information over to a CIA operative abroad." It is now clear, Roberts said, that the CIA considers the fem- inist movement to be a force to be investigated, infiltrated and controlled. "The CIA desires to kee a P ,movement and neutralize it as it 'approaches its goal of achieving social change," she said. "I have made these CIA prac- tices known because I resent having the women's movement used in this way and because the policies and actions of the CIA are abhorrent not only to me, but to concerned people in this country and throughout the world. "It is perhaps a sign of the strength of the women's move- ment, that the CIA considers it a force to be infiltrated and spied upon. "But it is now incumbent upon those in positions of responsi- bility within domestic feminist groups to scrutinize closely their government funding, to analyze possible ways the CIA may have infiltrated their organizations and to come forward immedi- ately to expose any and all CIA involvement in their organiza- tion." r~ close watch on the women's Approved For Release 2004/10/13 : CIA-RDP88-01315R000300430002-3