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Publication Date:
August 5, 1977
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Approved- For Release 2005/01/11: CIA-RDP88-01315R000200230007-4
Fri., Aug.-S,, 1977 Cr k x~ $.F EXAMINER-Page 3
By Jim Wood consent, Turner said.
A CIA, ,operation in' .vhich
private citizens were lured to a San
Fi ancisco brothel and unwittingly
drugged was denounced today; by
'-the director of the CIA.",-,:",
Adm. Stanfield ' Turner said
the 'brothel- drug ' experiments
ended some 12 years ago' and that
"hero such r bordellos are being
t"They are all . past hiory,": said ;`.
:Turner.who is in San Francisco for
"that is certainly f `^
abhorrent to'you and' to-?me
and I can assure all of you that this
activity is not' and will not be
tolerated in. our intelligence sys-
In Washington, meanwhile,
three former . CIA employes and a
former- CIA consultant refused to
testify before a Senate inquiry into
the drug and bordello operation..'
i.a Commonwealth Club, speaking ' Turner said that the four had
engagement.: made -the decision not to testify
" fI, .., jig egi independently and that the agency
`Thee most inexplicable part::. had not bsen in touch with the four
was simply that here in San Fran. since documents disclosing the op-
;elsco and some other places in the'; erating were discovered.;,,
';country,` in the' name' of ,under-. The four had been' expected to
standing the potential use `of drugs appear before the Senate Health be used against our' people "and +?"and Intelligence" committees head-
-,Against our "intelligence ' 'activities, ," ed by Sen. Edward Kennedy, D-
x there were apparently,: tests con.',." Mass.
'ducted onindividuals without their' i'Jhen the coinmittees''investi
gators were notified of the four's, The purpose of the research, :R;
issued for the appearance Sept . to learn about thought,control' and
Dr.,Sidney Gottleib who headed the
MK-Ultra program, according, 1 to
documents released, by the . CIA
under the Freedom of Information
The program ran an elaborate-
ly decorated brothel in San Francis-..
co under the code name Operation
Midnight Climax.
Documents made public by the
CIA indicate private citizens were
taken to the ; bordello by ' $100
prostitutes and drugged without
.their knowledge, usually with LSD.
CIA researchers then watched
through a two-way mirror, filming
what happened whenthe subjects
went into the bedroom- with, the
prostitutes, according to documents
and testimony. given to the Senate
Tile ` two other. former CIA
employes identified in the subpoe-
nas were Robert Lashbrook and
Walter Pasternak.
The consultant is Dr. Charles
Geschickter, a highly 'respected
former Georgetown University pro-
fessor, who headed the Geschickter
Fund for Medical Research.
Documents obtained by the
committee from the CIA indicate
that the fund was used as a conduit
for research money from the CIA.
The committee met in closed
session this morning after being
notified that the four witnesses -had
refused to appear voluntarily.