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December 16, 2016
Document Release Date:
October 22, 2004
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Publication Date:
September 14, 1974
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~ S ~j' 19R74 ~ r4 (- a ( ~' ~ I bt
Approved For Release 2004/1~./ 1 IA- DP88-O1315ROOO 00010013-1 l 1
CIA head
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WC.1hsrgton Bureau of The sun ''' the Senate Office Building might have taken to encourage' protest and sending in the
Washington-The director Of:' armed with fresh evidence that sentiment. He also refused) Marines.
central intelligence saidyester-against the CIA. The material to discuss spdcifics of any! He could envision situations,
day cancellation of secret op-? was leaked secret testimon other covert CIA operation ex-!he went on, in which the,
erations abroad would note by ..Mr, Colby that United cept, as he put it, before the United States might need to
gravely endanger the nation in congressional cornmitteesconduct covert -action in the;
States had 'spent about mil-
charged with watching over new Threat that
t, e resent world situation. face of a nev
p lion to undermine the govern-
! the agency. - developed in the world."
But he warned that imperative merit of the late President:
needs could arise in the future. Allende in Chile. Opposi-I Responsible members of: He also defended his role as
William E. Colby, the direc- tion to Mr. Allende a Marxist! Congress knew generally of the; director of the so-called Phoe
tor, also denied any CLk "con-i who was elected, finally culmi-! CIA's role in Chile, he said, nix prop am in Vietnam, a
nection" to the 1973 overthrow) Hated last year in a coup dur-! but he could not say they knew pacification campaign that:
of Sai ador Allende in Chile. ing which. he was shot to 1 precisely R where every dollar rangednf aom economnedevelop-
the Central Inielligence Mr. Colby said all covert 1 "we aid ioox forward to a;
Agency, Mr. Colby drew a care- operations of the CIA were change in governmen
l lau
ful distinction between what is) approved by the so-called "40 continued, to s
desirable and what is imperat-I Committee" of the National: ter, "but through the demo-;
ive. In the end he came down: Security Council. Henry A. cratic processes in 1976."`
against ending covert opera- Kissinger, Secretary of State, Mr. Colby suggested it was
Lions - which may range from: is chairman of the council. Dr. ironic that the United States
support of assassination to ero Kissinger and other State De- had fo{''resort to clandestine
ding governments - in the in partment officials have told methods to obtain from other;
had no part
ress the U
terest of national security.
blie as amatter
was in the coup.
Mandate not clear The intelligence director took of course here.
He acknowledged that the the same position yesterday. Did the agency use methods
incn date of the CIA in this The agency, he said, "had no that were illegal in those coun
Brea was not .iryrtal clear. connection with the military tries and would be illegal in
under the National Se(curity coup in 1973," nor with its the United States? He was
Act of 1947, which created the l leaders. It was aware, he ack- asked. Of course, he said.
agency. Instead. he acid, the !, nowledged, of sentiment for a it was important, he said,
mandate had been developed , coup, and as far as he knew no that the president of the
under the act by the executive? one had informed Mr. Allende. ` United States have available to,
and Congress. If they changed. Mr. Colby refused to say,' him measures that provided 11
it, he emphasized, the agency
would act accordingly.
Mr, Colby appeared before al
largely hostile audience. It was
a conference on the CIA and;
its covert activity, conducted!
by the Center for National Se-I
curity Studies under the spun-
sorship of Senator Philip A.
Hart iD., Mich.) and Senator.
Edward 'N. Brooke i:D., Mass.).,
lt. was an audience that gen-
erally applauded critics of the
agency and hissed its defen-
ders, including Mr. Colby.
It also was an audience that'
came to the hearing room in
... CL's director
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Approved For Release 2004/11/01: CIA-RDP88-01315ROO0200010013-1