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+ STAT Approved For Release 2004/09/28 : CIA-RDP88-01314R000300480042-5 S X3 2(3 Q CONGRESSIONAL RECORD -- SENATE has appropriated $ 19 btlllon dollars :ess than The report to which I referred, .vhicct the Pre3ldent has requested in his total appeared in a recent issue of the nla;ta- 'e'rr a. :ion e' t- '. a budgets--but we have rot always appropri- zLne Paris Match p ja_7u1y_7 1975 makes in he ,,; L rie nualw, .ra :, r, _ ated money for the programs he wanted to -t- ~, , :o .r ie ,t r;cu ll iizrn, support, and we have, often appropriated Very ftlt6r nave reading. The ar is le de-;,i1 money for programs he wanted to cut down scribes in detail several of the route;; in ::e utldirr{ -ne or do away with. through which the ,GB has '.worked 4n r,. r a R:.,.;:a, a c-n .:ia,-,.::on at r, :>_ur ram Last year the Congress established a new France to implant its agents .land) i.h.=: ,,,, ,,:,g .awn budget process. through. which we will set business and goveraZnental auairs oL the is-::.e Of tc:.- his ow, own budget ceilings early in each year. iiation. The report concludes with the ^ r,rn~: i, . i:s K;r:.,s ;. ?i - cOnslcs?-:> ry h?c and will consider each spending_ bill within frightening comparison between the di- ucr?t-.1 ::1 .` ,.,.,;,:t or-n,ai the framework of a b,:atl,Aet .resolution which rection which the KGB is taking i.;,7. "'" `"'.'d s.-"u'r'.r 'f'1c ?r~-?reitc., of em..:.:,.P3, ;,r, Cones esrs must pass. This is the first official France today and the events in P aglli s ,.',v ,: ly, o e _n:..l::r{e aces year of that budget process. We will all know r ry : %ni mpioy r, i F ri.;nce. more about how well our rew system will in 1968. Perhaps we should also consider .;,,r r ;e t, xt to `r,vaec ..tat +iex, work at> the end of this year. whether there is anything to prevent the - riv.rse; r ?;aro nr?_ ;a ,. :r fa xl,iKe to however, the key to federal spending prob- KGB S arrogant actions in France froth ,tents and oely rea authentic o ter of the: hems-isnd the key to most oZ our other prob- being duplicated in the United States. tfznistry of l'oreirrs A-arcs per I(X) e:rn'ploy- leres, tote-is not the total :..mount spent or Mr. President, I ask unanimous con- -s. 1` is even bathe aszid that the 1m;tr c . ?tor even the squabbles we have over what we sent that a translation of this article be iS not n--rcoso. :n s Sr,r1et e,ubasey abroad, but a;n:e>ttrne t In something much more serious: how do our There being no objection, the article it i-s '.'s chaufreur or the dr,?3,r-ke.,,er. This tax revenues match up to our spending? Our xould be the Important mercber of :he >'ate federal. revenues from tax dollars have quad- was ordered to be printed In the RECORD. security Coe ual> t s (x ens). rupled over the last twenty years, but the as follows. Actually mesa per:aonnal who are ,ntrii,tr=1 percentage which confer from corporate In- THE KGB tie Pasts nth the inter wPV of a power such as the So- coma taxes has gone steadily down while the The most powerful and skillful of all Intel- Uns=?n 11, France are of particula.s itn- percentage which comes from individual in- ligence services of the world made the French. 0rt,ince_ Thom Fu::srarrs rarer not ;;tlnvy. At, come taxes and from social security taxes has capital its headquarters for Western Europa hn present tinier the employeeH w:nis are r-p one steadily u -.c ;twist, L ?nton zz,>raher 225.:.'hir g P. and Africa. The Soviet repze-srntation In ?~ When unemployment began to rise dra- :.c :+ r erne-i r,tuc,tr r,tr .>.:'elu is, riot trit.F Prance Is empioyinrl 241 agents p:xsit:cPey matically during the current recession, rev- identified by the ..+peciai police forces. This end the f -,ecnta'crtr enues went down of course. Men and women what is known today about the 1-Luri,an in =' > of the U 3 s l::it,b,.x:y, but Ur sf, tY,e- who are not working don't pay taxes, %x- telligence set-up in our country: zr pl=,ve ~a of the enctnec fed a irvlc F .e,rlt ens peadi'ttires for unemployment insurance and Two Iran gates protect Its mystery. Sun!- +" {on mate Grx,s al 114'=s:) welfare went up in direct proportion--so that lar to the doors of a gigantic safe, they bear r filch :r ,tubers Ia me tubers, military the deficit grew. The cost to the federal gov- access to mysterious quarters in this haste lttisio, ; 13t sue tie Lon:;champl with its eminent for every one percent of unetnploy- ' quadrangle of concrete, built in "coloa,t,ai" -' f111Ploye~'? the Commercial .alasion i39 ment is estimated to be about `g13 billion in style, which iv the new Soviet teaibasr;y in de Ia r^atsanderes)-9S sst-c>n{, the Con- tax receipts not collected and about $5 bil- Paris, on Boulevard Lannes, beiw-en Porte ;,elate In Wa.rsetlle who*;,) ecu r~.,rtarv Ntsal lion in. Spending for unemployment and Dauphine and Porte d'Auteuil. In reality, ,tprt ~3 P1 pecrpte, the T_tSrt .t,;envy with welfare. while we have there an embassy, at the .sass i 's :i ;o,trnaltitS sad not count,-,t; the So- Or we can think about this problem an- time it is also a fortress protecting some of fDrinShan Orcw iRile de 11: ?,v), pro, other way. If we had had an unemployment the most up-to-date spying.techniques. Spy- lee; Ors ;-.n exchange programms, :soviet rate of three percent in the years since 1970 log in the James bond style "made in the =te nts? .and ntherx The French ot.`:ec a have: Instead of the rate we did have, we would USSR.", it is provided with an inrorceotion noticed that the naz,ber of these exchange have had a surplus instead of is deficit In center for the purpose of catching both local Prole sores, vt`dcors or occesionr,l oiticial,; has every year except 1975-and the deficit that emissions as well as hertzian radio waves. In recently tncr+~wd oeelder,sb4y..Lppltcatior e year would have been, much less than it was. the reception rooms a secret device permits for vis,a.3 for :soviet nxtiot ales number into The reel answer to our economic problems photographing of the visitors as well as the ruuurrris for perkada of staff which vary con- in government and in the private economy Is taping of their conversation even when it i:4 sldrrabte_ Asa n?ttpzl of fact, Soviet dinto- . the same: jobs. That is why I believe that in a low voice. smite and O iict,i5!a en their peat of duty we must continue to- support job programs abroad er,o n?uxi ~'e a~, they please. They and career education programs. We must find D.S. a time when the police of rather. vanish without lr_?rri a,e anyonest ow vsl'out- the right way to put people, to work at a tonal T. Supervision) id 1s u uncovering or or Terri- dirt- ate They cross ow, , border at it, date whri?h decent wage. That will mean, as it always is at great varisjtoe with the real date of mantling every day or almost every day net- has in the past, that our whole economic their derpalture Azad the r?Rcl:xl anrn,urie_ works of spies or terrorist supportzr,.s, one, is picture is healthy. Within is. jobs, no amount ement tempted to behevr~ that this simile of a coo-- .` hsch IX, tnadea by #aeir superiors, vt'ert lie of economic tinkering, and no amount of n very, i ',anal uay? ittu,zlly tile rhetoric from the Administration is going crete fortress, the e, will Tmbassy well wo c- ,M S: r 31:. is ; suer;rocs ttte rem ,ir-r' t r-- to work. err .? r,,, pe lp,. of the Maginot line, will become the top :tc- r ti4R is aria des }c%aN) of rat and mysterious general haudquazterr, 02 a tT,e r r; :tc r u. ... When we put people t e work, they produce fortnidab'e islte' llvence eatabiishment. 'S7ie flog only a Irer,- 'c ,a r: er the o-urt.,trc. the things we need, they can afford to cares heads of the ms. nt-i y of these: tier.wor;t:, 4till ~)r? conversely, tea seine f:mbaa, r for their families, and they can afford to pay carefully t1t a nientior:re. lion, do for all of us. Modern espionage can be compared to ea e.iuclin-, all control, since it I x r;art,ert that. Once that happens, I believe we will stop screen with a multitude of, folda, behina no has departed. The inipoet:.:u c: of this hearing the accusations of overspending by which there is always someonao who, po les all of .etuso :,h -old be lat:t !re l,ropr-r l,c*-? the Congress---and we will be back on the the string-. a foreic;ii power P,-uX-e, a;sxt It t" r,~+ti:,- is our telz. ,:, -,t t:.c: xacsc+ road to a common sense approach to our organize Intelligence gathering by individ- t umto.:rr:d over +t+) L?t 1~??;c,,.r:ct r1 ra?.~.z: representative government, I hope that will uals, teams or interposed networks. 7.7,s lee ,,,at 1075 xlon . begin to happen this year. good war-making. This practice has a tradi- ire .hest car:, ctio r, the qu; .t,iore. tion since our world began--since Philip "the tie, a-. sd _wl,v not Lns1w.,,a cu :ill Fair", Richelieu, Metternich or T?alleyrend. s ?ns teasing; the French rri r, ,Ire cs ,.-- TUE KGB L''1 PARIS Today, however, Intelligence gathering has n 5tiou tr, surrender their zesid , e pr .ri's a become more than a handicraft for diplomats ;, the point of crcx~etnct our It s: